Firefly Conversion Stories

UPDATED: Sunday, February 5, 2006 13:39
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Friday, September 16, 2005 12:52 PM


hey travelers,

i am sooooo happy. I have just had my first taste of converting a person to Firefly. I told my friend about the show and Serenity. She seemed interested, so I told her I would bring in the first two DVDs the next day for her to take home and watch. She said that would be great, but that she would have to keep them for a while since she had soooooo much homework and wouldn't be able to watch them for some time. I told her to keep them as long as she needed to and brought the disks in. The next day, she sees me and hands the disks back to me. I am really confused at this point and stand there gaping with my mouth open. For a second, i thought that she didn't like the show (how can anyone not like Firefly??!!!) but then, seeing the bewildered look on my face, she said, " i finished them last night."

"you finished both disks last night?!!" i replied.
(she nods)
"but that's, like, eight hours"
"i had less homework than i thought," she said.
all I could say is "... Wow ..."

It was great. The only bad part is that (sigh) I can't give her the next couple disks for a while, because her parents found out that she stayed up until .. get this .. ONE IN THE MORNING to watch all of those episodes and now she can't watch tv for a while!!! (sniff) -she doesn't know how long- I don't know what you think, but i'm pretty sure she REALLY liked the series!!! Hopefully, she will be able to watch the rest of the series soon and will get to go see the movie, but i'm not sure how long she'll be "TV/movie grounded."

Travelers, if you have a conversion story or any special techniques you use to introduce Firefly to the world, share them!!! The rest of your crew wants to know!!!

Listen to THE SIGNAL - the only podcast devoted to Firefly and promoting the movie Serenity. Look at the thread "THE SIGNAL" on And keep flying!!!

River: "There's too much snow on top. It's going to cave in. His brain is in grave danger."
Zoe: "River, honey. He's putting the hair away now."
River: "It doesn't matter it'll still be there."


Friday, September 16, 2005 2:07 PM


Sounds a bit like how I converted my sister (she was 23 at the time, she's 10 years older than me). I got out of school early, and I was watching the Buffy episode 'The Body' that day. She walked into the room and found the show to be too depressing, so I offered her Firefly, giving a brief description and all. She's a sci-fi fan, plus she's incredibly fond of smart TV/movies, so I put in Disk 1. Note this was roughly around 1:30 PM.

Now, fast forward to about 13 hours later. Sprawled out on the couch, I wake up to the sound and light of the tv. Prying my eyes open, I stare at the screen for a few moments until I glance at my sister and realize she was watching Objects in Space. My jaw dropped and I didn't even bother to ask her how she liked it...she'd just raced through the entire set! She loved the show, and the moment she proclaimed this at the end of OiS, I realized I had made my first convert in shiny fashion. She'll also be seeing the movie with me hopefully opening weekend...we've been waiting together for it to open, and while she couldn't attend the two pre-screenings I went to, she's just as excited as the rest of us! Woo!

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Saturday, September 17, 2005 9:42 AM


I found the series earlier this year and watched it over one weekend.

One or two episodes in, I started trying to tantalize my fiance into watching it, mostly by telling him about Inara and Kaylee (hell, he's a red blooded man, you throw the lure where it'll do most good). He kinda dithered about it for a while.

Then he walked in kinda at the start of Out of Gas, I began the episode again. He was hooked. After it ended, all I had to say was "wanna watch it from the start?" and he was Joss' bitch, all over again.

I then converted my mother, simply by saying "You have to watch this, *Joss* did it!" and she sceptically agreed... and I put 'Serenity' on and by the time River came out of the box, she was hooked.

Same as my best friend. Made her watch an episode or two, I think she was just humouring me for the first few episodes, but then by the end of the series, she was also a fan.

I'm currently working on converting my sister and her husband. They're being a little more stubborn, they've seen 'Serenity' (the episode) and have agreed to watch more. I think I may wait two weeks and just hook them with the movie.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Saturday, September 17, 2005 4:06 PM


That is soooooooo awesome!!! Jaqui, the fact that you have just found Firefly this year and have already converted 3 people to it, just goes to show how amazing Firefly is and how much of a genius Joss is. Perididdle, It is great that you got your sister into Firefly and i hope that she will become as obsessed with it as i am!!! Good job to both of you!!!

Jaqui - my advice for converting your sister and her husband is to intriegue them with the line "it's like a western in space" - that has worked for me (giving my friends an appitizer and finding that they like the taste and want more detail). After that I usually go into how great the cast works together - what a wonderful family they are and make on the screen, telling my audience about the amazing chemistry between these people.

In my opinion, Jaqui, it's better to see the series before the movie because if you do that you will understand the characters and what is going on soooo much better. BUT if the people you are trying to convert are just plain stubborn about watching the tv show, and have already agreed to go to Serenity with you, I agree that it's better to hook and reel them in with the movie and then get them them to watch the tv show telling them that it was where the movie originated from.

speaking of the movie, what have both of you done to show it to people and get them to watch it? i need more ideas!!! so far i'm going to make posters with a description of the movie on them and hang them up around my school. I'm also lending out my copies of Firefly disks to anyone who would like to see the series and mentioning the movie to them. I'm thinking of standing around the movie theater and handing out some tickets to Serenity or getting people to want to see it.

listen to THE SIGNAL - the only podcast devoted to promoting and discussing Firefly and Serenity - the movie. Then look at the thread, THE SIGNAL, on

River: There's too much snow on top. It's going to cave in. His brain is in grave danger.
Zoe: River, honey. He's putting the hair away.
River: It doesn't matter. It'll still be there. Waiting.


Saturday, September 17, 2005 4:37 PM


I've converted a bunch of people through sheer... obsessive force of will.

I talked. And I talked. And I threw firefly quotes at random, and showed people pics, and talked to them about this incredibly witty show. In the end, I have a grand total of... Libby, Lee, Mags, Kail, Vix, Carolin, Matt, Nicole, Sarai, Jess, and I think a couple of other people I know who went out to buy the DVD box set just off my word alone... and those are only the people I talk to on MSN!

Everyone in my house knows what Firefly is. When I went to the Serenity convention, my dad had eight hours in the car of hearing about it.

My computing teachers grew to love Firefly after I told them about it. English teacher. Geography teacher. My friend Simon.

That's at least nineteen people I've persuaded to buy the DVD box set and got an instant conversion... and I get the feeling there's more...


Saturday, September 17, 2005 5:09 PM


that is just plain shiny!!! Nineteen people ... WOW!!! unfortunatly when i talk to my friends, i sound plain crazy ... which i am ... and totally obsessed ... which i am ... It seems though that if i get too excited, i just turn them off to the show and the movie. I managed to keep my enthusiasum down some when i explained it to some of my other friends, and got some better responses, as in wanting to hear more about the show and watch it. hopefully, my river-like quality (namely being completly insane) won't make people afraid to watch Firefly lest they will become insane as well. (They will, but don't tell them that)

listen to THE SIGNAL - the only podcast devoted to promoting and discussing Firefly and Serenity - the movie. Then look at the thread, THE SIGNAL, on

River: There's too much snow on top. It's going to cave in. His brain is in grave danger.
Zoe: River, honey. He's putting the hair away.
River: It doesn't matter. It'll still be there. Waiting.


Saturday, September 17, 2005 5:13 PM


No no no, the tactic is that you talk about absolutely NOTHING else until they finally give in and buy the show to shut you up. The first two eps they're wondering what they hell I was on about, and the mental blocks are still high. Then the mental blocks start to be beaten away until by the time Jaynestown comes around, they are well and truly in the spirit!


Saturday, September 17, 2005 5:23 PM


This is a long story, but a good one.

I saw two episodes when it ran on Fox and remembered liking it. I believe the first episode I saw was 'Bushwhacked,' and then 'Shindig.' However, the Fall Play ramped up and I missed the rest of the show. Sadly, when it was cancelled, I just sort of forgot about it (sorry).

I went to see 'Batman Begins' with what had to be twenty of my friends, they ran the trailer for 'Serenity.' I remembered the show immediately, and I loved the snappy dialogue from the trailer. Unfortunately my friends were not impressed. Undaunted, I pressed on, and went out to pick up the series that very day. I found it used for only 25 bucks.

Why anyone would let a gem like this go is beyond me.

Arriving home I started watching it, and got to the theme song, when the power went out.

I sat there, cursing the TV gods, for I knew that I had been faithful, when the power came back on. I watched another ten minutes, and then we lost power again. This continued all evening.

I finished the pilot that night. It took me three hours.

I blew through the series, and mentioned it to my dad who is a huge Stargate and Battlestar Galactica fan. He had gotten me hopelessly addicted to Galactica, so I thought I'd return the favor.

After my dad finished the entire series in a marathon three day run, and when you're a doctor, and you work 85-90 hours a week, that's impressive, he sat there in silence for awhile and then told me to get out there and find more episodes.

I then set to work on my sister. She resisted, and only paid lip service to the idea of watching it. However, my grandparents work on a farm, have no cable or internet, and needed help for a couple weeks. Grunt work mostly, mending fence, baling and stacking hay, tilling the arena, etc, thus, at night we were too tired to go out and do anything. I asked her to watch Firefly and she sort of rolled her eyes, but agreed to give it a shot.

To this day she refuses to watch the last disc because, in her words, "If I don't watch the last episodes, then it never ends for me." She's also recently finished constructing her Zoe costume for Halloween.

Unfortunately, now I can't be Wash, because, well, that'd be weird.

My brother came next, walking into the living room during the pilot when they cross paths with the reavers for the first time. He's since bought his own set, and made shirts for the premiere.

The latest victims were my roommate, and a friend here at school.

My roommate loves the show, and has even converted his girlfriend, a sorority member, and she's now converting her sisters at the house.

What is it about this show? It connects to people, lights a spark, buries itself somewhere in the subconcious.

Sorry about the length, but I did convert quite a few people.


"There are no obstacles. Only challenges."


Saturday, September 17, 2005 7:00 PM


don't be sorry for the long response, ItasianInvasion!!! I love them, especially when they're great stories, like this one!!! Man, what a wonderful conversion story. And there isn't just one conversion in there, not two, not three, but 7 or more!!! WOW. it just totally shows that Firefly reaches people in a way only Joss could make possible.

I sat there, cursing the TV gods, for I knew that I had been faithful, when the power came back on. I watched another ten minutes, and then we lost power again. This continued all evening.

we all know the TV gods can be cruel!!! They allowed FOX to take Firefly off the air.

What is it about this show? It connects to people, lights a spark, buries itself somewhere in the subconcious.

in regards to this question: it's everything -the cast, the director, the story - the connection lies in the aspect of family that eminates from this show with an amazing warmth and a dazzling light. It's Firefly - what else can you say?

Why anyone would let a gem like this go is beyond me.

my thoughts exactly!!!!
keep flying!!!


listen to THE SIGNAL - the only podcast devoted to promoting and discussing Firefly and Serenity - the movie. Then look at the thread, THE SIGNAL, on

River: There's too much snow on top. It's going to cave in. His brain is in grave danger.
Zoe: River, honey. He's putting the hair away.
River: It doesn't matter. It'll still be there. Waiting.


Saturday, September 17, 2005 8:17 PM


Lets see... originally, i suppose my mother converted me, because I watched some of the original eps when they aired... but then, she bought the show along with Neverwhere, and i watched the whole series in a few days... So anyhoo....

I converted 3 of my friends, who i just bugged about it until they wanted to see it: they couldnt buy their own DVDs, but they'll sure be seeing the movie. Also, i recently found that one of them, his mother is also very interested in the movie, just because she liked the show also.

My oldest sister really likes it, which is cool because she is really harsh on all things artsy.

My other older sister will probably go see it locally from her school, just to placate me, because she likes it, though the hasnt watched all the eps. She has, however, read all the scripts: she doesn't like TV as a policy, so this is a good compromise.

My mother's tiny company has enough browncoats that the manager folk are doing one of those field trips on the 30th to see Serenity. :)

And despite that my dad hates all things violent, and most things TV/movie, I'll force him to go see Serenity in a few weeks time.

So, actually, that is 7 people from extension o me it think.

I survived a day in Whitefall and all I got was this lousy signature!

Terrifying Space Monkey of Destiny


Sunday, September 18, 2005 4:52 AM


7 people ... wow. looks like i have to get crackin'. that's great!!!

My mother's tiny company has enough browncoats that the manager folk are doing one of those field trips on the 30th to see Serenity. :)

that's awesome. I've never heard of a work company going on field trips, but i would do it to go see Serenity.

I was converted by my dad. He convinced me to watch the pilot but i fell asleep halfway through it. It just wasn't interesting for me, and i was also quite tired. A while later i decided to give it another shot - it was Joss after all. i watched the second episode - the train job. and i liked it. The ep wasn't amazing, but it was okay. I decided to watch the next episode the next day. i liked it as well, and kept watching. eventually, i got to OiS and didn't want to watch it, for the same reason that i didn't want to watch the series finale in Buffy - i was a Firefly-maniac and didn't want to see it end. I decided to see it though because i just couldn't stay away!!! After the series ended, i went back to the pilot and watched it all the way through ... and i had to admit ... it was amazing and a wonderful episode (one of Joss's hands down). after that i decided that Firefly will never end because i'll just keep watching the episodes over and over and over and over and .... well you get it!!! Now, I am completely obsessed, I listen to THE SIGNAL and go crazy when anyone mentions firefly.

Keep flying!!!


listen to THE SIGNAL - the only podcast devoted to promoting and discussing Firefly and Serenity - the movie. Then look at the thread, THE SIGNAL, on

River: There's too much snow on top. It's going to cave in. His brain is in grave danger.
Zoe: River, honey. He's putting the hair away.
River: It doesn't matter. It'll still be there. Waiting.


Saturday, September 24, 2005 10:03 AM


My friend back home has been slowly winning folks over to the browncoat cause since the series first got cancelled, myself included.

It was about a year and a half ago... Before the DVD release, but after the cancellation. He had the episodes recorded on his computer, so before I had to leave and go back home he's like "Hey Kaiser, you gotta check this out." I'm reluctant 'cause I'm tired, so he says just watch the first minute or two.

I end up watching the first ten minutes of Our Mrs. Reynolds, then tell him to stop it so I can watch it all from the beginning. From then on I've been a browncoat all the way and got the DVD on the day of its release. I'm still trying to get ahold of each of the comics (all covers included) and waiting for that soundtrack release. KF

~Kaiser Farooque


Saturday, September 24, 2005 5:00 PM



I'm still trying to get ahold of each of the comics (all covers included) and waiting for that soundtrack release.

the soundtrack is actually already released out on the internet if you want to get it!!! (which i'm sure you do)

Keep flying!!!


listen to THE SIGNAL - the only podcast devoted to promoting and discussing Firefly and Serenity - the movie. Then look at the thread, THE SIGNAL, on

River: There's too much snow on top. It's going to cave in. His brain is in grave danger.
Zoe: River, honey. He's putting the hair away now.
River: It doesn't matter. It'll still be there. Waiting.


Saturday, September 24, 2005 5:10 PM


I don't have many conversion stories, alas. But I do have a couple... but the best one isn't mine.

I hooked my brother from episode 1, but he had interest in it from the start. I tried to hook my dad after Out of Gas aired, but he couldn't get into it (he doesn't like to have too many TV shows going because of his schedule).

Skip ahead to... well, geez, this last spring. After a couple of pseudo-failed attempts to get people hooked (I showed my cousin the pilot and he liked it, but didn't have time to watch the rest; ditto with one of my brother's friends), I managed to get one of my new friends from school hooked (we watched everything in two days).

When I got a chance to get tickets to one of the screenings - and knew I was going to be home - I got a ticket for myself, my brother, and my dad. My dad couldn't make it, but I brought my DVD's home anyway... and hooked him this time.

My brother FINALLY got himself a DVD set after that. Between the middle of June and the middle of August he got nearly ALL of his friends hooked on the series, including his girlfriend (which shocked me).

Alas, most of the friends I've made here were ALREADY friends... makes it hard for me to convert :).

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."


Saturday, September 24, 2005 7:15 PM



Originally posted by engineangel:
the soundtrack is actually already released out on the internet if you want to get it!!! (which i'm sure you do)

Question, though... wouldn't I need to pay $9.99 for it? I'm not in the habit of paying twice for things I want to own. If I could download it for free, fine, since I mean to buy the CD anyhow when it's released. But otherwise, I'll have to content myself to just wait.

Maybe the essay collection will tide me over 'til then {^^}. KF

~Kaiser Farooque


Sunday, September 25, 2005 5:40 AM



Question, though... wouldn't I need to pay $9.99 for it? I'm not in the habit of paying twice for things I want to own.

yes, that's true - you would have to pay $9.99 for it. BUT the fact of the matter is that Fox does not have to or need to put out a CD. Right now, releasing the music digitally is giving them total or almost total profit. Why would they want to spend the money for the CD burn time, materials, shipping, and CD art. I don't want to say this, but they may never put out a CD. Either that or it will take them a very long time

Keep flying!!!


listen to THE SIGNAL - the only podcast devoted to promoting and discussing Firefly and Serenity - the movie. Then look at the thread, THE SIGNAL, on

River: There's too much snow on top. It's going to cave in. His brain is in grave danger.
Zoe: River, honey. He's putting the hair away now.
River: It doesn't matter. It'll still be there. Waiting.


Monday, September 26, 2005 2:31 AM



Originally posted by engineangel:
yes, that's true - you would have to pay $9.99 for it. BUT the fact of the matter is that Fox does not have to or need to put out a CD. Right now, releasing the music digitally is giving them total or almost total profit. Why would they want to spend the money for the CD burn time, materials, shipping, and CD art. I don't want to say this, but they may never put out a CD. Either that or it will take them a very long time

Hold the phone, though... What's with the physical CD soundtrack being listed on Amazon as shipping out on the 27th? It's listed on the main page under "Support". I'm planning on ordering it along with ordering the official visual companion... though I already put in an order for the RPG book {^^}. KF

~Kaiser Farooque

ZOE: Preacher, don’t the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?
BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps...


Monday, September 26, 2005 4:56 AM


Oh the conversions! Let's see I've got my mom and dad, Tyler (who converted his Battlestar Galactica watching fan group since Sci-Fi started airing them, roughly 6 ppl), Khrysten (who converted her mom and brother), Dave, Morty, Diana (who in turn converted her LoTR friends), Bob, Gene (who watched all the episodes in a 24 hr. period), Neil, and Amanda. Thanks to me I think about 15+ people have been converted through either direct conversion, or through someone I converted converting others.

My strategies:
Sheer force. Whenever someone would come over I'd say, oh there's nothing on TV< let's watch Firefly. Usually by the end of Serenity they are like, can we watch another one? That was pretty good?
Gifting: Give the gift that keeps on giving. I've probably purchased 8 DVD sets by now (4 were from our public TV auction, where Browncoats put together Serenity/Firefly gift packs, I did my duty by pushing those bids up to guarantee that we got good coverage!). At least 3 of which were gifted out. People are far more likely to watch somethign when they didn't have to pay for it.
A Borrower Be: I also have had at least 3 "borrower" copies out of the ones I have purchase. All 3 have since been sold to whoever borrowed them. I borrow the set out, and then they refuse to give it back, it's that simple.
Bribery: One of my latest conversions was to offer my friend who was training for a marathon this deal: "Okay Diana, I know you will think this is ridiculous, but remember how I said 'wonderfalls is great'and you bought it and loved it?" "Yeah" "Well I know you are training for that marathon, so here's the deal. For every episode of something made by JOss Whedon I'll give you a dollar for Arthritis Research (the race she is running is for arthritis). But you have to watch Firefly first." You know what? It worked, she watched the whole first disc and was still a little iffy on it, but she kept watching by the end of it, she wanted to know when the movie was coming out! She made money towards her marathon goal, and got to relax (she also walked on her treadmill and did sit ups while watching the show) and unwind while watching the show. I wish I had thought of this sooner.
Rant: One person I converted cos I was like, well you liked Buffy and you like Battlestar, then you'll love Firefly. I was right, he did.

On Thursday night at midnight I will be going to see Serenity with 6 people. On Friday there will be at least 4 of us. That's $100 towards the BDS (Big Damn Sequel) fund. I know that the rest of my convertees will be attending within the first week of release (cos they are good like that).

Great to hear all of the stories, keep up the work we've only got a few days left!

Inara: "Do aliens live among us?"
Kaylee: "Yes. One of them's a doctor."


Monday, September 26, 2005 5:25 AM



Originally posted by Kizyr:
Hold the phone, though... What's with the physical CD soundtrack being listed on Amazon as shipping out on the 27th? It's listed on the main page under "Support". I'm planning on ordering it along with ordering the official visual companion... though I already put in an order for the RPG book {^^}. KF

~Kaiser Farooque

ZOE: Preacher, don’t the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?
BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps...

There are two soundtracks. The one you're referring to is the CD soundtrack for the movie serenity. As far as I know the soundtrack to the Tv series is only available digitally.


Monday, September 26, 2005 5:27 AM


I've been talking up Firefly non-stop since "Ms. Jones" started here back in May.

I had an extra pass for the sneak preview tomorrow evening and offered it to her -- at the same time, I handed her my DVD set and said, "Watch this. You don't have to have seen the show to understand the movie, but it will help you identify and love all the characters more.

She came in this morning and said she was "I'm ****ing angry with Fox. This could have gone on for years! Does Inara leave the ship? What's up with River? What were those idiots in suits thinking?!?"

I think I've made a convert.


Monday, September 26, 2005 9:35 AM



Originally posted by Asa:
There are two soundtracks. The one you're referring to is the CD soundtrack for the movie serenity. As far as I know the soundtrack to the Tv series is only available digitally.

Oh go-se... This means I very well may have to get both. I'll wait to pick up the movie soundtrack, though, and see if it doesn't satisfy me enough. But, I really dislike having my music in multiple file formats, particularly restricted ones... Are there any tracks which are the same between the two of them? Or are they 100% different? KF

~Kaiser Farooque

ZOE: Preacher, don’t the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?
BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps...


Tuesday, September 27, 2005 3:58 AM


I was hanging out with a buddy of mine last night. I had never even mentioned Firefly or Serenity to him yet, but he trusts my judgement. So I suggested that we watch the true pilot of Firefly and see what he thinks.

It was such a neat experience to watch it with someone who was watching it and experiencing it for the first time. For instance, he had a "what the hell?" moment when he first saw Wash playing with the dinos. He laughed hysterically at the "gynecologist" line from Jayne. He was shocked at the "Kaylee's dead" line... but only for a few seconds. He was positive that Simon was a bad guy from the cinematography and music when we are first introduced to him. He guessed that River and Simon were sister and brother before Simon said it. He LOVED the Reaver chase at the end, and loved the "Dobson shot in the head" moment.

He loved it. It may take a few more episodes to make him a true browncoat, but he is willing to see the movie... and that's something...

I love evangelizing Firefly!!!

“Can I suggest something that doesn't involve violence, or is this the wrong crowd?”


Wednesday, September 28, 2005 2:42 AM


Late to the party but an enthusiastic dancer...

I was converted in late August and since then, through DVD lending and LJ evangelizing (with photos), have converted a solid 10. There's not much quality viewing out there - so when you find something like Firefly, you just gotta share it


Wednesday, September 28, 2005 4:14 AM



Originally posted by Kizyr:

Oh go-se... This means I very well may have to get both. I'll wait to pick up the movie soundtrack, though, and see if it doesn't satisfy me enough. But, I really dislike having my music in multiple file formats, particularly restricted ones... Are there any tracks which are the same between the two of them? Or are they 100% different? KF

~Kaiser Farooque

The two soundtracks are by completely different composers, so the is no overlap. You can buy a CD of the music from the movie, or you can download WMA or .mp3 files of music from the TV show. People complained by the proprietary WMA file format, but I think the .mp3 files should be easy to use. Greg Edmonson did the TV score and David Newman did the movie score.

Beware, the track listings for the movie CD contains some spoilers.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005 5:21 PM



Late to the party but an enthusiastic dancer...

it's better late than later.

great job converting 10 people. That's awesome!!! I actually have recently converted ... well ... i don't know exactly how many, but i'm hoping a lot of people ... to the Serenity movie. I know that i have because i now here people talking about the movie all the time at my school - they say "have you heard about that movie Serenity? I'm so going to see it. It is going to be awesome."

I promoted the movie by hanging up posters around my school promoting Serenity. That's not exactly allowed at my school but oh well. I am sooo obsessed that i don't care. (ok, i admit it ... i have a problem.) you can see these posters on the main page of this website: they are entitled - SERENITY POSTER/FLYER #2 and SERENITY PROMO POSTER/FLYER 1. Both are posted by AINTWEJUST.

Keep flying!!!


listen to THE SIGNAL - the only podcast devoted to promoting and discussing Firefly and Serenity - the movie. Then look at the thread, THE SIGNAL, on

River: There's too much snow on top. It's going to cave in. His brain is in grave danger.
Zoe: River, honey. He's putting the hair away now.
River: It doesn't matter. It'll still be there. Waiting.


Sunday, October 9, 2005 3:36 PM


i'm sure there are sooooooo many more convertions to be told about because of the movie. Is there anyone that was converted because of the movie?


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:58 AM


That's my cue to step out of lurkage. Hiya. Never heard of Joss Whedon before about two months ago, when I heard something or other about "Firefly" on the KotOR boards and asked a friend what it was. She explained it to me, and it sounded interesting, but I wasn't quite hooked. I mean, obviously I like the space opera sorta stuff, but the space-western idea sounded a bit strange. She told me about the movie. I was mildly interested, said I'd think about it, and promptly forgot all about it.

Well, opening night rolled around. I was free. I was browsing the movie listings...saw Serenity...called up another friend and informed her that we were going to see it.

I came out of that theater two hours later and went on a brief rampage, turning up a shiny new copy of the "Firefly" DVD set and liberating it from its owner. I watched it a grand total of three times over the weekend (sleep? who needs sleep?), and saw the movie another two times. Have officially managed to convert my roommate, the friend I went with the first time, and two online buddies since seeing Serenity for the first time. Buahahahaha!

So that's my conversion story.



Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:29 AM


welcome to the browncoats. i'm glad that you decided to watch the movie and join us on the message boards. You obviously enjoyed the movie, but what was your favorite part and those of the people that you went with? Remember to put this in spoiler quotes.

keep flyin'


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:52 AM


Er...thanks? I did enjoy the movie--will bring my mom to see it on Friday when she comes to visit. She's mildly Trekkie, so it ought to be interesting to see her reaction.

As for favorite quotes...well, the rest of this post is going to be one big ***SPOILER*** after another, so if you aren't down with that sorta thing, just keep walking.

Ahem. Well, I loved the whole opening sequence. I didn't know much about the world to start with, but I had Simon figured out before his "she always did love to dance" line and was tickled pink when I was right. Then the "experience some turbulence...and explode" line was hilarious. Not to mention the "if anything happens to her, I swear to you, I will get really choked up. Seriously, there could be tears"...I'm paraphrasing here. I haven't seen it often enough to quote verbatim from memory. But Jayne's running grenade joke, and "define 'disappeared'" and "at last, we can retire and give up this life of crime,"...

There were a lot of good quotes. But what was best about that movie was how much I was able to sympathize with the characters. I can watch horribly bloody horror and laugh my way through it, but the Reavers scared the crap out of me...because I was IN there, with the crew. I didn't want to see anything bad happen to them.

So, naturally, "I am a leaf on the wind, watch me--GGGGK" was NOT my favorite quote. Ack. Didn't see that one coming. And it wasn't much easier to watch the second and third times through. For a few very tense minutes there, I thought they were all dead meat. And then River...ha. River's awesome. They're all awesome. 'Nuff said? Never. But I'm babbling, so I'll shut up.

Except to share with you that the last time I went, I came out of the theater and realized that I was wearing a brown coat. Couldn't stop laughing.


Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:38 AM


Heh! Not only did I convert all my friends -right now working with my mum, who does not speak english, but...- but I also manage to bring 7 people to the premiere in Sitges (Spain). And none of us lived there :)


Sunday, October 16, 2005 4:54 PM


I'm trying to convert my friends but its not that easy a couple of people i have tried to get were comparing it to like farscape and star gate. But I'll get someone lol i'm trying to get my girlfriend but she not into this kind of stuf....i'll get them sooner or later


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 5:23 PM


keep converting people, travelers. We need those box office #s!!!! Has anyone brought someone to the BDM with them? What did they say about it? Are they going to watch the series now?

keep flyin'


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:29 PM


I was converted via a message board. People on it always told me how great the show was, i need to watch it, fox screwed the show. blah blah blah. it went in one ear and out the other. i figured it was no more than some people trying to pawn some half-assed sci-fi show on me.

well, i finally broke down and watched an episode. then i watched another one. and another. and so on until every spare moment i had was spent watching firefly.

needless to say i'm a rabid fan, and am converting my friends. i dragged two of my friends to Serenity, they both loved it. One of those friends was forced to sit down and watch some Firefly before we went to the theatre. He ended up watching 8 episodes (on top of the BDM) that day/night.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:46 PM


me, my fellow browncaot and 2 of our friends went to see the movie opening day and that sunday one of my friends wanted to watch the DVD's. We got though 2 episodes (he went to bed..not as deticated as some) and my other friend took the DVDs and got to and almost finshed disc 3. It was a glorious thing, he was the one thing i though i was going to have a hard time converting and he LOVED IT. My DVDs are currently making the rounds between a few friends and more fans are on the way


Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:07 PM



...(he went to bed..not as deticated as some) ...

Next time try the bamboo under the eyelids trick--that'll get 'em converted faster.

Semper Fidelis


Saturday, October 29, 2005 9:27 AM


I just found this thread and wanted to add my stories!

I myself became converted after seeing the movie trailer in the theater in July, then remembered that it was connected to Firefly which I had only heard about but hadn't seen (I was already an obsessed Joss fan through Buffy and Angel but was living out of the US when Firefly aired). I ordered the box set off of Amazon and watched it in one weekend, and it has been addictive obsession ever since!

I have gotten about 10 people to see the show through lending them my DVDs, all of which really liked it but haven't actually bought the set themselves. I did get a total of 16 people to see the movie with me on 5 different occasions, which in my book is huge since I hardly go to the movies anymore and rarely talk up movies to my friends (the last one I really talked up was Whale Rider, which is amazing btw). I have also peaked the interest of several more people who just haven't been able to get to the movie for various reasons, and who now will have to see it on DVD because it is pretty much out of the theaters locally. So I'll just have to have Serenity watching parties when it comes out!

The universal response: "Wow, this is really great! I never even knew it existed!"


Sunday, October 30, 2005 6:21 PM


I self converted this summer, mostly due to the scifi channel reruns. I've been a BTVS/Angel fan since the early years so my FF obsession was kind of inevitable. Since I've gotten the box set, I've converted both my mom and my stepdad, and just this past Friday I took my aunt to see Serenity, and she loved it. I'm still working on most of my friends, their a very resistant bunch, but I believe the combination of my whiles and the power of FF will win them over

"We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... 'This Land'."


Friday, November 18, 2005 9:45 PM


This is a lazy person's post...meaning I'm copying and pasting what I wrote on the Browncoat forum a while back....but it was so much fun I had to share:

I'm driving down the highway the other week, and I get stuck in one of those epic traffic jams. The kind where it's taking so long that you step out of your car to look down the line of traffic, and all you see are cars, with nary a glimpse of the catastrophic wreck that caused the whole mess.

One of those where people start passing messages from the back of the line: "What happened? How long are we going to be here?" and by the time the telephone-game style message gets back to you it sounds something like "the road caved in on top of a shopping mall - we won't be moving for at least 3 hours!" At that point you learn not to ask questions like "since when did they build a shopping mall under the highway?" You just surrender to apathy and lateness.

I carry a portable DVD player (not one of the fancy built-in ones, but the kind you plug into the cigarette lighter) around in my car for passing time in occasions such as this. I also had my inseperable companions, my Firefly DVDs. So, naturally, once I had given up my once hopeful dreams of actually getting to my destination, I hauled out the DVD player.

What with the frustrated little pack of motorists prowling up and down the line, this move attracted some attention, followed by more than a little envy. You don't want to cross drivers on the hunt, I know this much. So, charitable individual that I am, I invited them to gather 'round and watch with me. Of course, you, my fellow browncoats, have already cottoned to my big and evil plan. My open-armed kindness came at a price. They were going to have to watch Firefly! Mine is an evil laugh!

I opened my door and propped up the DVD player, and about 5 people gathered around to watch as I started playing Out of Gas. Now, we all know what happens when a crowd of people gather during a roadside crisis......they develop a powerful magnetic field that draws in every person within shouting distance. Before I knew it, at least 15 people were gathered around my car, straining to watch my little 8" screen!

Did I mention I live in Oregon? About halfway through the episode, it starts to rain. Hard. Before I know it, I have 5 complete strangers and 3 children packed into my very compact car, and heads sticking into literally every window. I'm not sure it's possible to comprehend what a comical sight this was without being there. Not a one of them contemplated actually stopping watching and returning to their own vehicles for shelter.

We watched the whole episode, and then the comments started. "How could this possibly have been cancelled?" "That Captain is an awesome actor" "What's the name of that guy in charge of the ship? I need to see everything he's done." "The Companion is hot!" "What do you mean there wasn't even a full season?" "There's a movie out on this? I'm watching it tonight!" "Where did you buy your DVDs? I need them!" "Are they starting the show again?" "What an incredible story, that should have won an Oscar."

After the main group had trickled back to their cars, I admit to participating in a "drooling over Nathan Fillion" session with a few of the other women. If traffic handn't started moving agin, I am relatively certain we would have watched Trash on the spot.

Heeheehee.........a whole pack of accidental converts. An enjoyable and damp time was had by all. What's the craziest way you've ever introduced anyone to Firefly/Serenity?

"Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you when she's hurting 'fore she keens. Makes her a home." .......We love you, captain

"Now, if I'm not back in an hour, I want you to take this ship, take off... and you come and you rescue me!"

"This is the captain. We may experience some slight turbulence and then.....explode"

Zoe necklace replica and other jewelry at , Firefly/Serenity images at>


Saturday, November 19, 2005 4:55 PM


I've made at least one solid conversion, but I don't really have an interesting story to it. When we were planning our Serenity Appreciation Party (which was basically the three of us that had already seen Serenity going again and taking two new people with us), I decided to have Whitley over and make her watch a few episodes to give her a foundation for the movie. She was in love before the end of the pilot, naturally. ^_^ Oh, and she loves Jayne- he's her favorite. I tease her about it sometimes.

Me: "You do realize that this will never be a monogomous relationship in the strictest sense. The man is married to his guns."
Whitley: "Yeah... I've resigned myself to that."


Thursday, February 2, 2006 1:54 AM



Friday, February 3, 2006 12:11 PM



Originally posted by engineangel:

Travelers, if you have a conversion story or any special techniques you use to introduce Firefly to the world, share them!!! The rest of your crew wants to know!!!

I have a friend that I chat with on AIM a lot, and I keep posting the Joss Whedon quotes from these pages to her--she's a sci-fi fan and I know she'd love this series! Anyway, I keep talking about how great the series is and last night she asked if Hollywood/Blockbuster might have them for rent! She lives too far away to borrow my disks, so we'll see what happens.

We're gonna explode? I don't wanna explode!


Friday, February 3, 2006 9:20 PM


Update! I'm chatting with my friend on AIM right now and she and her husband are watching Serenity!!! Woohoo! Now to hear what she thinks of it!

We're gonna explode? I don't wanna explode!


Friday, February 3, 2006 9:48 PM


I am quite the Browncoat n00b.

Back in October, I got a call from a good friend of mine who wanted me to come see this random movie with her. We both like Star Wars and a few other sci-fi 'verses, but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. My friend just kept pestering me: "I think you'll really like this movie, just come see it!" I had never heard of it. I was pretty loaded with classwork at the time, and I rarely had time to watch TV, much less go see a movie. But obviously, I did give in and go see it with her.

Now, I'm not too big on your run-of-the-mill sci-fi. I'm very into Star Wars, had a fling with the newer Star Treks, but I rarely ventured out into other sci-fi, mostly 'cuz they...well, they just suck. Overdone plots, bad acting, poor budgets, etc etc etc... So when I say that Serenity blew me away, rendered me speechless, made me nearly forget about Star Wars altogether, and drove me into a new maddening obsession...'I want you to understand my full meaning.'

I bought the series. And I watched the series. And I got the DVD for Christmas. And I have since converted two members of my family into fellow Browncoats.

And here I am. I eat up all the amazing walls you creative and very talented people post. I envy you Veteran Browncoats; I'm always on the tail end of a fan bandwagon, but what a unique bunch to fall in with.

This 'verse gorram rocks !

AIM sn: OUBrowncoat


Friday, February 3, 2006 9:51 PM


sorry, double post


Friday, February 3, 2006 10:32 PM


I saw Firefly when I accidently recorded it on SciFi. I watched the episode "Shindig" twice that night and immediately got it on Netflix. When the dvds arrived I only had three of the four. I watched them all in one night and not being able to wait for the next dvd, went out and bought the series. My best friend laughed at me for becoming "obsessed" and told me he would never watch the show. Well, a week before the movie came out he saw the first three shows on SciFi and called me up because I was driving out to his house that weekend for a visit. He wanted me to bring up the dvds of Firefly and completely repented on his former statement. We watched them and went to the movie that Monday night (my weekends start on Sunday). Now I have him coming to FlanII, and we both swore we would never go to conventions. I convereted my sister with the Fruity Oaty Bar commercial during Christmas. She now is watching them through Netflix and is totally digging it(she loves Simon). She emails me during her lunch break to chat about it! Yeah, so I have almost converted my whole family (got my Mom too!).


Saturday, February 4, 2006 8:55 AM


oh shiny shiny shiny!!! This thread is starting up again. wow. Welcome Leighkohl, RavanRedgrave, and Luthien1121.

Leighkohl, that is so cool that that you converted your mom, sister, and friend. keep 'em coming! we need more people! and really??? you converted your sis just by showing the fruity oaty bar commercial?? maybe there really is a hidden message in it..... hmmmm

Luthien1121, interesting way of sharing firefly with your friend (the quoting joss thing) and what happened? did your friend and her husband like it?? *hopes they did*

RavanRedgrave, glad you did go and see that "random movie."

So when I say that Serenity blew me away, rendered me speechless, made me nearly forget about Star Wars altogether, and drove me into a new maddening obsession...'I want you to understand my full meaning.'

and same with me re: "run-of-the-mill" sci-fi. i liked star trek enterprise and star wars (not so much the latest ones but the originals) but that was about it. needless to say, firefly and serenity are not "run-of-the-mill," nothing Joss does is, so yay! and LOL@ usage of firefly quote! nice. and good job converting two members of your family!

This 'verse gorram rocks !

YES! it sooo does.

keep flyin'


Saturday, February 4, 2006 8:59 AM


okay, here's an update. the friend i mentioned in my first post doesn't want to see the rest of the series for some reason, i think the whole being grounded thing turned her off to it. i have however converted:
1) My friend in History class
2) That friend's mother
3) Another friend at school
4) A science teacher at my school
4 1/2) A partially converted friend (she has seen the movie and a few of the eps, still not totally convinced)
5) A partially converted teacher (has seen the movie, loved it, and wants to see more but hasn't the time at the moment)
6) Another friend outside of school
7) That friend's brother
8) That friend's mom
9) That friend's dad
10+) (hopefully) numurous amounts of people at my school, many of which i probably don't know. (my dad made and then i hung up lots and lots of serenity posters all over my school before it came out. probably was against the rules, but "I Aim to Misbehave!" :P)

These posters actually prompted someone to put on The Announcments at my school that there was going to be a group of people having a "shindig" (yes they used the word shindig :P ) on opening day at the movie theatre. i saw lots of people show up from my school, but i don't know how many of them were converted :P hopefully lots :D

the posters can be found here:

Keep flyin'


Sunday, February 5, 2006 3:25 AM


My lords, ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses to one of the 'verse's latest Browncoats... my little brother.

It's his seventeenth birthday today. I sent him the Firefly DVDs. He was on the phone to me when he opened them at about 10.30am. He just rang me again (1pm), having watched the pilot and The Train Job so far and only having stopped for the minor necessity of having lunch. Very, very, very happy boy. (And he has the hots for Kaylee - I foresaw it, she's totally his type...)


Creative Writing


Sunday, February 5, 2006 9:05 AM


lol! way to go!! glad he liked 'em. *raises her glass high into the air*


Sunday, February 5, 2006 1:39 PM


I have tried many times (without a lot of success) to convert family and friends to Buffy and Angel. (I managed to "force" my mom to watch Angel while she was staying with me after I had surgery. We almost made it through the first season but if I don't sit down and watch it with her at my house, she won't watch it. She is like that with any movie or TV series. The woman can't sit down for anything! LOL I gave her the first season boxset to watch at home but then took it back when she still hadn't watched it after two months!) Anyways, when I started getting into Firefly, I sort of gave up on converting anyone to it. I just assumed that none of my family or friends would ever get any of Joss' shows. Then, during the Christmas holidays, I took the boxset over to my mom's. I knew that it would be just my mom, myself and my step-father that would be celebrating Christmas day other words, no distractions for my mother. I broke out the first DVD and we all watched the pilot. When it was finished, I asked if they wanted to watch another episode. We ended up watching the first 7/8 episodes together. I decided to leave the entire boxset with them as an experiment to see if they would watch it on their own. I was so excited to find out that my step-father stayed up all night to watch the rest of the series by himself. Then I was doubly excited to find out that my mother had watched the rest of the series...on her own....all in one night! (now mind you, these people are not young folks....not the typical age of most browncoats. My mom is 65!)

To make a long story not so long....we have all planned to go out for a steak dinner and then they are bringing over a mutual friend to my house and we are all gonna watch the BDM together!

"Kaylee, find that kid who's takin' a dirt nap with baby Jesus. We need a hood ornament."






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