A couple of things in Our Mrs. Reynolds

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:34
VIEWED: 2731
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Monday, February 13, 2006 10:15 PM


Don't know how many times I've watched this episode but a couple of things occured to me while viewing it this past weekend.

1. Why was Saffron at the Triumph settlement? Was she just waiting for some dupes to come along and take advantage of them? Was she somehow involved in those robberies causing the townspeople to call for outside help, which in turn lures a ship to the planet.

2. Does Mal really think Inara kissed Saffron? I don't buy it because he knows how quickly "the good night kiss" actually takes effect. He can't possibly believe that Inara kissed her, made it to his quarters, then managed to climb down the ladder only to pass out on his floor.

I realize this may be old territory but I couldn't find anything in the archives. By the way there is some pure gold in them old threads.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Monday, February 13, 2006 10:40 PM


Well, we must assume that Serenity had other business on Triumph before the crew decides to help out the settlers. They are not the army and they live hand to mouth, I cann't imagine Mal burning valuable fuel to go help anyone.

So the question becomes, what was their paying job on Triumph and how regular is it that people go there? If they get regular supplies then Saffron would know she had a good place to look for marks.

My theory though is a little darker. Back in the 1700's there were coastal communities that made their money as wreckers. They would lure unsuspecting ships onto rocks by providing false lights, then they would salvage the goods from the smashed wreck.

We know that Safron has pulled this before a number of times and the net itself seems static. you would need to lure a ship into the right area before Saf could do her thing. My thought is this. The settlers make it known they need item X and will pay well to get it. A trader such as Mal comes along and fills the need. Then during celibrations Saffron is "married" to one of the unsuspecting crew. She says most men don't resist, so probably the guy discovers he's wed and thinks it's his lucky day. That gets Saffron onto the ship and able to do her thing. After the ship is picked clean the Triumph colonists either get a cut of the take or the money they paid the traders back (ie they get the cargo they ordered for free.) Saffron then rejoins the settlement and waits a new mark.


Monday, February 13, 2006 11:01 PM


My guess is that some kind of misfortune landed her at the settlement. Ran out of fuel on her way to elsewhere, had to make a quick getaway from a more suspicious crew...

Who knows? Maybe she gets found out more often than she let on with her "I've been waiting for a long time for a man who can take me down" line?

And I totally think Mal does NOT know Inara kissed him. *g*

His reaction to that would simply be different. He's too flippant about something that would mean more to him than a joke. I mean, check his utter cluelessness about Inara's feelings in "Heart Of Gold" or the way Mal tends to get flustered whenever Inara invades his space or the way he practically salivates at the thought of her kissing Saffron.

I just don't think he'd create a sexually charged mood with his little "How's about we don't play" line, that could so easily lead to actual kissing, and then blow it like that. This is a man who wants to kiss Inara, after all. Her feelings aren't one-sided.

It seems to me that the idea of Inara kissing him seems so unlikely to Mal that it doesn't even enter his mind as an option.

The whole situation is so hilarious, as it is, anyway. Mal thinks he's making Inara look foolish, and really he's actually twice the fool, hehehe.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:09 AM


My wife and I watched Our Mrs. Reynolds last night and had this same conversations.

Here's my .02 alliance credits: I have to go with the idea that at least some of the settlers were in on it.

After all, what if Mal just turned around and just booted YoSafBridge from the ship? If Mal had landed and confronted the town leader with her, how could her story hold up? I know he couldn't due to an Alliance cruiser in-bound. The only way that she would know that is if she somehow faked the message that the Alliance was coming. As she didn't seem to have any communications stuff on her (unless they were hidden in her cleavage, a real possibility) she must have had at least one accomplice in the town.

She also conducted the ceremony in a very public fashion amidst an entire town of people who would have recognized what she was doing. If you saw a newbie to your community getting married to a hero-of-the-day right in front of you I think you'd notice. Mal was the center of attention and she does stand out a bit. And no one at the party seemed to fnd her presence or her actions at all unusual.

After I hit submit I had one further thought. Well, 2 really. 1. The net was very close to that planet, seeing as she took the ship the first night she was there. Since the net doesn't look too easy to move I would think they operate there regularly. They also had remote spotting equipment to check out the ship; again saying the area was theirs and implying to me that they have a whole network of people. 2. I was recently in a thread about water recycling on the ship where someone stated that there were no showers on-board and everyone could only take sponge baths. There is one in Mal's cabin, so there.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:36 AM


Oh yeah, while we're at it, does it bother anyone else that no one questions the validity of a marriage ceremony like that? Where no one has to be sober enough to give informed consent and such? And especially since it is Saffron who initiates the ceremony!

It's not like they post the rules at the town square. How was Mal supposed to know that all this flower/wine stuff meant marriage?

If it had been Kaylee conned into marrying a man, they'd have been all up in arms about it.

I mean, seriously.

I guess this just shows how well Saffron manipulated them. Playing the clueless victim at just the right times, maligning the Thriumph Settlers as woman-hating brutes, etc. She just kept them too distracted to step back and think.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:41 PM


Re. The Ceremony-Book was able to borrow Simon's Encyclopaedia and Look up the "Marriage ritual of the Triumph Settlers"-Saffron Literally did it by the book!

I agree She did a great Job of bluffing the Crew-Inara remarked Saffron had Companion training,so psychological awareness and manipulation were tools She used to sucker them.

If Book was in Intelligence before finding God,does that make Him a Shepherd Spy?


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:49 AM


Oh yeah, that was interesting. But you know, people get drunk and married in Las Vegas all the time. So the drunk part isn't a worry, the worrisome part is that he didn't even know it was a marriage ceremony. I think a custom like that would only matter to those who follow those customs, not outsiders.

But perhaps in the firefly universe all forms of marriage are honored throughout space. That would be ridiculous though. Anyhow, he should've been able to get out of it just from the fact it wasn't consentual.

I bet the reason the crew took it so lightly was the fact that Mal is a guy, a single one at that. Guys seem to be joked on more, and receive less sympathy during situations like this. Plus it is Mal. They'd laugh the same if it were Jayne, but then Jayne would probably be all over the poor girl.

I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch me soar.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:20 PM


From the online shooting script:

Only a few places that shuttle could
make it to from where you left.
Happy to find it intact. You always
work for Elder Gommen?

I work with lots of folk. He's
thrown me a few choice fish. What'll
become of the dear Elder?


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:34 PM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:
Oh yeah, while we're at it, does it bother anyone else that no one questions the validity of a marriage ceremony like that? Where no one has to be sober enough to give informed consent and such?

Sounds like Vegas. :p






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