Never has something consumed me so quickly, and fully...

UPDATED: Sunday, February 26, 2006 15:02
VIEWED: 6486
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:14 PM


Serenity took me by surprize a couple weeks ago, I watched it a couple times, then bought the movie, and series. I wasn't prepared to get sucked in so fast, funny, moving, heroic, and so sexy.

Only two moments let me down, I was sad that there wasn't a "Operative" chasing them in the series, secondly when Mal slept with that whore, what a betrayal, I wish he would have just comforted her, and give the impression he made love to her. It was heart breaking to watch "Inara" crying her lil eyes out.

I also can't believe how each episode gets better, the more times you watch it, how is that even possible?

I don't understand how a bonefied hit can sit under the radar, while all the idiots from each network broadcast loser, after loser of shows.

That makes "Girly" very angry.


Tee Hee


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:23 PM


Well agirlyman, you are gonna find lots of Browncoats to commiserate with here!

We all feel exactly the way you do and are just as outraged that the show isn't still on.

anyway... you will even find threads in which to vent your anger, but that is another thread...

*hands agirlyman a new Browncoat*

Welcome home!

There will likely be someone along to offer you food and drink and askin' you to stay a spell.
You'll find this a shiny place.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:49 PM


*tries on his new Browncoat"

It's a lil bit snug, but I'll break it in, glad to be here!


Tee Hee


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:56 PM



Originally posted by agirlyman:
Only two moments let me down, I was sad that there wasn't a "Operative" chasing them in the series, secondly when Mal slept with that whore, what a betrayal, I wish he would have just comforted her, and give the impression he made love to her. It was heart breaking to watch "Inara" crying her lil eyes out.

1) There were the Blue Hands group. Not quite the same but not totally different either.

2) That's the story of Mal and Inara in a nutshell. Two people so desperate for intimacy and too afraid of the possibility of rejection that they wind up dancing around each other and hiding how miserable they are about not being together.


I also can't believe how each episode gets better, the more times you watch it, how is that even possible?

There's just so much going on in each episode. Multiple layers of meaning. Depths of character that reveal themselves slowly because you just can't catch it all in one viewing.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:50 PM


I know what you mean about getting sucked in. I only saw a few episodes back when it originally aired so I didn't get too involved with it at the time. When I finally watched the DVD set last year it felt like I was pulled into a black hole. I can't even remember how many times I went through the entire series during that first month. Amazingly enough it never gets old. Been busy going through some other DVDs lately and I haven't watched Firefly or the BDM in some time. After reading your post I feel their siren song calling to me again.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:41 PM



Originally posted by agirlyman:
Serenity took me by surprize a couple weeks ago, I watched it a couple times, then bought the movie, and series.

Firefly took me by surprize last month. Similar
"what the hell just happened to my brain" experience.
Hard to believe that was only a few weeks ago. I'm
kind of glad I wasn't a fan when the series was on
TV and then got cancelled, because that was a really bad time for me and I couldn't have stood
losing another piece of home just then. That's what
Firefly feels like to me, part of home. When I got to
Objects in Space the first time and realized there
weren't going to be any more visits to this place
I just about freaked out. It's like the bad ol'
network threw a hurricane at my home town and wiped it out. In fact I'd say that's almost
exactly what it felt like. This week I'm writing
letters to networks - it's not much but it makes
me feel better. (There's another thread around
here somewhere with addresses for some of the


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:44 PM


...BTW if anyone knows how to tame this text editor
and make it stop with the creative line length, I'd
appreciate a clue.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:00 PM


Welcome to the world of browncoats.

I know what you mean about getting sucked in. I bought the series in july after having seen 3/4 of one episode on scifi (the pilot, serenity), thinking it would be more fun to watch at school with friends than Battlestar Galactica. And boy, was I right!

Mal sleeping with Nandi... it hurt Inara, yes, but on the other hand I really like Nandi. They were good together... for the evening. Any longer than that and I would have been liable to shoot Nandi myself. I am an M/I shipper all the way (what power this show has over me! I've never called myself a shipper before...)

They sort of had an operative. The Hands of Blue were coming after River, and they were scary as hell. I'm sure if they series hadn't been canceled then we would have discovered that they were operatives, or at least operative-like.

The episodes do get better each time. It is a mystery of science.

"Objects in Space"
River: It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think...


Thursday, February 23, 2006 2:05 AM


Those guys with the blue gloves where just agent clones to me, sterile, and unflinching. The Operative however was poetic, with so many levels of depth. If it wasn't for that great performance, I might have slept on "Firefly" the series, and that would have been criminal.


Tee Hee


Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:56 AM



Originally posted by oldfogey:
...BTW if anyone knows how to tame this text editor and make it stop with the creative line length, I'd appreciate a clue.

Are you just typing into the response box? If so just type out your text without cariage returns and it should automatically wrap properly when it displays.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Thursday, February 23, 2006 12:01 PM



Originally posted by agirlyman:
Those guys with the blue gloves where just agent clones to me, sterile, and unflinching. The Operative however was poetic, with so many levels of depth. If it wasn't for that great performance, I might have slept on "Firefly" the series, and that would have been criminal.

True the Operative was a bit more meaty. Though the Blue Hands suffer as antagonists mostly by way of not appearing enough. I suspect later episodes of the season would have amped them up a bit. Perhaps giving them more substance. BTW what did you think of Early?


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Thursday, February 23, 2006 12:53 PM


Me too. Last year a friend suggested I see the BDM which I'd never even heard of at the time. Saw it. Loved it. Bought it. Watched it, watched it, watched it.... Bought the DVDs and played those over and over and over.

(Loaned them to another friend and haven't seen them since. He's hooked on it too!)

For the first time in my life I watched commentary tracks because I had to know more. I've just been caught up in this whole fantastic 'verse and it's creative energy.

I think this site is great and ALL you Browncoats who've been keeping this 'verse flying since 2002 deserve way more than anything I can express. (Ok, so a little obsession goes a long way. That's a good thing.)


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:06 PM



Originally posted by daveshayne:
just type out your text without cariage returns

...without carriage returns. Oh.

I got a myself a Strategy figured out. I give away Firefly Disc 1. Only Disc 1. My stash of extra Discs 2, 3 and 4 is growing. Not sure what to do with those just yet.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:21 PM



Originally posted by oldfogey:

You're welcome.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Friday, February 24, 2006 2:18 PM


Talk about getting sucked in, you aren't the only one. I was home one day from college and was flipping through channels when I came across Firefly on the scifi channel. It was a marathon, and I watched EVERY episode. Though I missed certain parts of some of the episodes for obvious reasons, and a good chunk of the pilot. I fell hard for the show. A friend told me about it, so I knew to look out for it. Luckily for me scifi chose to run a marathon! When I saw it on sale, I ganked it with the quickness, and loved it even more. Then I got the movie, and am still stricken with pain over the info yet to be revealed, as well as the loss of Wash and Book.

I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch me soar.


Friday, February 24, 2006 2:26 PM


Daveshayne- I really liked Early's character. He was very interesting, as he had many strange but intriguing comments and observations. I thought he had a lot of depth for a character that was only in one episode. It's kind of a shame...he seemed to be on the edge, like he was just going through the motions most of the time. He didn't really seem too malicious. He could've killed all the characters he encountered, but he didn't. I thought this was interesting.

"I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch me soar."


Friday, February 24, 2006 2:40 PM


BlackCollarBrowncoat: I totally understand being consumed and quickly!! One of my daughter's friends (yes I am too young to have one of those) brought the series over about 6 weeks ago and we saw the pilot. I have been addicted ever since!!!


Friday, February 24, 2006 2:49 PM



Originally posted by BlackCollarBrowncoat:
Daveshayne- I really liked Early's character. He was very interesting, as he had many strange but intriguing comments and observations. I thought he had a lot of depth for a character that was only in one episode. It's kind of a shame...he seemed to be on the edge, like he was just going through the motions most of the time. He didn't really seem too malicious. He could've killed all the characters he encountered, but he didn't. I thought this was interesting.

Lots of depth. Though I think I see him in a darker light than you. He doesn't kill if he can avoid it not because he's partricularly merciful but because he likes to hurt people. You can't hurt people if they are dead.

By the way have you listened to the commentary for that episode? Joss got really heavy with that.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Friday, February 24, 2006 3:25 PM


Early is amazing, and even though they left him kind of screwed there's still the chance that he can return. He gets compared a lot to the Operative but I think that's an oversimplification of both of their characters. The Operative is a lot more like Mal than Early.


Friday, February 24, 2006 3:35 PM



Early is amazing, and even though they left him kind of screwed there's still the chance that he can return. He gets compared a lot to the Operative but I think that's an oversimplification of both of their characters. The Operative is a lot more like Mal than Early.


Early is a unique and cool character.

The dynamic between The Operative (a believer) and Mal (a former believer) is definately there. Then there is Book (a reformed believer). In a way one of the plots if not the main plot of Firefly/Serenity is Mals evolution from a believer, with faith in god, to a man without faith, and then back again perhaps with a newfound faith in love/humanity even with its imperfections etc...

Show ... so ... addicting ... must stop thinking about it ... can't fight it... must have more...

"I just want to go my way."


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:25 PM


The dynamic between The Operative (a believer) and Mal (a former believer) is definately there. Then there is Book (a reformed believer). In a way one of the plots if not the main plot of Firefly/Serenity is Mals evolution from a believer, with faith in god, to a man without faith, and then back again perhaps with a newfound faith in love/humanity even with its imperfections etc...
by Riseagain on Feb. 24, 2006

I couldn't agree with you more. There is definitely a parallel between Book and Mal and believing. I suspect that perhaps even the Battle of Serenity played a role in both losing faith.

I think if JW wanted to continue the story, it would make a great novel series. I'd prefer the novel format to the graphic novel format simple because I'd rather make up my own pictures with my own mind's eye.

Nice to meet you all, btw. I have a similar story. Watched the movie, fell in love, got the series, loved it even more, try to convert as many as I can now.

More comments to come later.

There's no place I can be since I found serenity.


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:31 PM


I too was consumed completely. I discovered Serenity almost completely by accident. I was on vacation with a few friends, and we had some time to kill until the next scheduled activity. Being close to a theater, we looked at our options and had only 2 for the timeframe: Serenity or the Wedding Crashers.

We choose wisely! I returned from the trip and saw Serenity twice more in the next week, and ordered the Firefly series, which I watched in 2 sittings!

Now to satisfy myself in the company of more believers until the story resumes...


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:50 PM



I think if JW wanted to continue the story, it would make a great novel series. I'd prefer the novel format to the graphic novel format simple because I'd rather make up my own pictures with my own mind's eye.

Nice to meet you all, btw. I have a similar story. Watched the movie, fell in love, got the series, loved it even more, try to convert as many as I can now.

Nice to meet you, I just started posting today myself and am finding it very addicting.

Big fan of novels as well, if we can't get another season I'd like to see a novelization. ::crossing fingers for another season:: I'd love to see a D20 game based in the 'Verse as well. It is just the kind of gritty adventure filled enviorment I'd want to take a few brave characters thru.


We choose wisely! I returned from the trip and saw Serenity twice more in the next week, and ordered the Firefly series, which I watched in 2 sittings!

Now to satisfy myself in the company of more believers until the story resumes...

The more 'Verse we get the more fans we get. The more fans the better our chances of a new season.

I've worked in product development for a big company and really the exec's try to give people what they want 'cause it means more money and more growth. But they lose "touch" sometimes and they just need to be smacked with a wet fish to see what people want. If a network channel got a few thousand letters in the mail they'd be hard pressed not to take notice again and reevaluate the current fan base potential.

Please Bubba give me another season and a pony.


Friday, February 24, 2006 6:22 PM


I am very happy to have found this site.
I never got to see the show when it was aired on F*X, and I am glad I didn't, after finding out that they showed the episodes out of order.
I bought the movie on my brother's recommendation, but he told me that I should watch the series first to get a better appreciation of the movie. So I held off watching it until I bought and watched the series.
Seeing them in the order that they were meant to be seen in was AMAZING! I was captivated by it from the first moment.
I am now a devoted fan, and am on my second time through the series. I have also started to spread the word to those who have not seen it yet.
I can't get enough.

"You all got on this boat for different reasons, but you all come to the same place. So now I'm asking more of you than I have before. Maybe all. 'Cause as sure as I know anything, I know this: they will try again. ...they'll swing back to the belief that they can make people... better. And I do not hold to that. So no more running. I aim to misbehave." - Mal


Friday, February 24, 2006 7:21 PM


Welcome, welcome, welcome to all of the new arrivals. We always like to hear the stories, and relive the experience!

Originally posted by Riseagain:
I'd love to see a D20 game based in the 'Verse as well. It is just the kind of gritty adventure filled enviorment I'd want to take a few brave characters thru.

I take it you haven't seen the Serenity RPG? I know it's not D20 (I think it has its own system - though I'm not terribly familiar with RPGs in general, so I could be wrong). The front page of this site (on the left side) has a link to it on Amazon.

Ain't. We. Just.


Friday, February 24, 2006 10:00 PM


About Early, you can't tell me that he didn't have a remote for his ship, he didn't die in space, he's on another hunt, wondering if everthing seems right to us.


Tee Hee


Saturday, February 25, 2006 5:40 AM


We really didn't get much proof that Early liked to hurt people. Besides him saying he enjoyed it. To me, it seemed as if he said some of that for effect, to make his targets complient. In that same situation, I can see myself saying even worse things, if it helped me get my job done. He could've really hurt Simon on more than one occassion for pulling the tactics that he did. Besides, hurting people isn't worse than killing, so he ain't all that bad of a fella Unless he likes to torture people, but we already have Niska, so that would be repetitive. But he really could be psycho, and I'm just partial to him I just happen to think some of the more twisted characters in series are very cool (I'm writing a story and my fabe character is my warrior/serial killer). So there may be some bias in my points. Oh well.

The operative reminds me of a religious extremist, killing for his beliefs, but seemed to have the intelligence that the fundamentalists lack. The operative is another guy who easily could've killed his targets had he really wanted to. I think he really wanted to get his points across and be heard.

I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch me soar.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 10:45 AM



Originally posted by BlackCollarBrowncoat:
We really didn't get much proof that Early liked to hurt people. Besides him saying he enjoyed it.

Actually, we do. River herself says that he likes to hurt people. When Early tries to deny it, saying it's part of the job, River says "it's why you took the job".

Since River, being psychic, knows at least as much about Early as he does himself, I think we can take this as gospel.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 12:52 PM


I know this, but River says many things. A lot of which are non-sensical, but I concede that he does like hurting people. But that ain't so bad. After all Jayne likes hurting folks too.

I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch me soar.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 12:58 PM


I know this. River says a lot of things, many of which are non-sensical, but I concede the point. But hurting folks isn't all that bad, Jayne enjoys it too

I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch me soar.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 3:30 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:

Originally posted by BlackCollarBrowncoat:
We really didn't get much proof that Early liked to hurt people. Besides him saying he enjoyed it.

Actually, we do. River herself says that he likes to hurt people. When Early tries to deny it, saying it's part of the job, River says "it's why you took the job".

Since River, being psychic, knows at least as much about Early as he does himself, I think we can take this as gospel.

Yeah, and lets not forget about the poor dog...

Ain't. We. Just.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 4:38 PM


Actually nothing River has said is really non-sensical. She has a slight of hand, only with words instead. She'll make you think she's saying one thing when she means another.

The only time she ever "explains" herself is in the movie when she says "It isn't safe... for them." because the "for them" explains the sentence when in every other instance the explanation, if you will, is left out to be conjured by the viewer.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 5:25 PM


Mayhaps it's just interpretation then Non-sensical was the wrong term to use. She never speaks jibberish or anything. To me, some of the stuff she said doesn't make sense. That usually seemed to be when she would have one of her "episodes".

I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch me soar.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:02 AM


Hi, I'm new here, watched the whole series over Xmas, and then Serenity.

Amazing - completely agree with AGirlyMan at the top.

Random Chat Forum -


Sunday, February 26, 2006 3:02 PM


after watching the series for the 6th time, i'm just sad, and depressed. Hopefully I can direct this back to the anger I felt before, one post really hit home to me. Somebody wrote you know the series would be in the 5 season by now, that really pissed me off. I feel like somebody ripped me off, and owes me.


Tee Hee






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