Jayne's military background?

UPDATED: Friday, May 26, 2006 20:13
VIEWED: 5022
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:01 AM


I am a tad confused about how exactly Jayne got his fighting skills and how he occupied his time during the Unification war.

At the beginning of "The Train Job" it's revealed that Jayne didn't fight in it.

However there's plenty to indicate in several episodes and the BDM that he's obviously got some serious military skills, far above and beyond what one would expect from being just a violent criminal.

Besides, the Unification War must've been the biggest thing going for quite a long time. I can't see how someone like Jayne, even while not fighting for one side or the other, would have stayed out of it entirely.

Wars are opportunities to some.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:11 AM


He's just a mercenary...

You know how jocks are with playing sports, well, maybe killing folk was Jayne's way of doing this.

"Someone Ever Tries to Kill You, You Try and Kill Em' Right Back"
Very Shiny:


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:43 AM



Originally posted by VTbrowncoat:
I am a tad confused about how exactly Jayne got his fighting skills

Perhaps he plays a lot of Medal of Honor on the cortex.


and how he occupied his time during the Unification war.

At the beginning of "The Train Job" it's revealed that Jayne didn't fight in it.

Perhaps he was in prison, perhaps he faked heart disease when the draft board came calling, or perhaps Jayne lied to Mal and Zoe about his involvment in the war. Why would Jayne lie about this? Perhaps he fought for the Alliance. Cold hearted Jayne out for the most profit for himself might well have made the decision to fight for the side that was most likely to win.


Wars are opportunities to some.

Usually for those who can avoid actually having to fight in them. Daddy Warbucks didn't earn his fortune in the trenches.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:20 PM


Hmm, maybe he's just a country boy with lots of relatives that are GI? Start stalking and hunting around six, like a hillbilly with a bunch of cousins, uncles and such that are former combat vets; ex rangers and recons. That, plus a big dose of anti-authorty raising, seasoned with a bit of training with high tech crooks. You can pick up a fair amount of information that way.

"In dog years, I'm dead"


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:43 PM



Originally posted by VTbrowncoat:

I am a tad confused about how exactly Jayne got his fighting skills and how he occupied his time during the Unification war.

At the beginning of "The Train Job" it's revealed that Jayne didn't fight in it.

However there's plenty to indicate in several episodes and the BDM that he's obviously got some serious military skills, far above and beyond what one would expect from being just a violent criminal.

I wouldn't necessarily call Jayne a criminal; he actually has a pretty decent heart, in a way (if I'm willing to overlook what he did to River, for a moment).

Jayne is a mercenary; and I do not see any "serious military skills". In fact, in Ariel, you just see what Jayne's strength is ... his strength! :) He just used brute force; he just kept slamming into those guards, full weight; and they just gave, eventually. Was actually a pretty hilarious scene. :)

When it comes to battle, Jayne just knows one thing best: pain is scary. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:55 PM


I imagine, since in Ariel he mentioned that he didn't go to school, that he grew up on the streets having to pretty much fend for himself.

That tends to create a tough individual that if not really good at doing violence, will not live to Jayne's age.

So, I gather he just picked it up along the way as he'd be doing it since he was able to walk and talk.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:11 PM


Well, he did perform several military-like procedures. I'm thinking of "War Stories" with him and Zoe (and Wash kinda by default) storming Niska's Skyplex. They used hand gestures and extremely tight coordination, leap-frogging their coverage to move up yard by yard.

Sure, that's partly Zoe's military training, but Jayne joined in without a question.

Of course, what kind of "soldier for hire" -- as goes the old definition of a mercenary -- would Jayne be if he didn't know his job? Remember all the precision sniping and his tracking skills?

Not saying he actually has military training, though. If he says he didn't fight in "no war", I believe him. He's never been particularly cagey about his past -- just close-mouthed.

I vote for him being a military brat -- father in the service well before the war, family moving from outpost to outpost until Dad was killed in service (leaving poor Mom and little Maddie with the damp-lung poor enough to appreciate the credits Jayne forwards home), giving Jayne just enough distaste for the service that, despite his talent for military tactics and strategy, he refused to join up and instead became a mercenary.


Of course, that's the writer in me filling in blanks that may not be there. I just like the sound of it.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:21 PM



Originally posted by GutterBall:
Of course, that's the writer in me filling in blanks that may not be there. I just like the sound of it.

Filling in blanks is pretty much all we any of the rest of us are doing in this thread. No reason to feel self concious about it.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:58 PM


I always imagine Jayne fighting for some border planet militia because it seems like he definetly has some military skills but not as refined as the Alliance or even the Browncoats

"Shake your head boy, your eyes are stuck"


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 8:28 PM


It's true that he has displayed military knowledge. But, then again, how long has he been running with Mal and Zoe? He would have to pick some stuff up if he didn't know it before, because that's how they would've communicated. Gotta be able to do the work.

Also, I know a lot of military stuff and all I've seen is tv shows, movies, etc. And I my career path has been computer programmer (dot bomb victum) and now I'm getting into mathematics/physics (almost got my undergrad).

So, I don't think that being able to execute a mission military style is proof of military service, or being related to someone in military service.

That's my take on it anyway

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Friday, May 26, 2006 7:02 PM


I know this thread has kind of died off, but I stumbled upon it and have some info to add:

In the shooting script of The Message, the letter from Jayne's mother reads like this:

"Thank you for the credits you
forwarded, they have helped as Matty
is still sick with the Damplung. He
waves hello, and so does your father.
He is in good spirits and there was
layoffs but the foreman said no one
can weld like a Cobb so he has
employment still. I made you the
enclosed" --
(Jayne digs out the cunning hat)
-- " the enclosed to keep you warm on
your travels. Hope to hear from you
soon, love, mother."

From all I've read in the shooting scripts, the RPG, the SERENITY novel, etc., I get the impression that Jayne grew up on a border planet and/or on a ranch, sort of like Mal. He knows how to herd cattle and ride a horse, and he's got the "frontier" world way of speaking.

I've read in other threads the suggestion that he was abused - someone here mentioned growing up on the streets. I would guess the opposite - that he grew up in a tight conservative family in a rural area. His folks were strict, but you don't send credits home to and get a nifty knitted hat from a family that abuses you, or if you grew up on the streets.

We know Mal comes from Shadow, River and Simon are from Osiris, Zoe grew up on a spaceship, Inara is from Sihnon, and Wash is from Beaumonde. But I haven't found for certain where Jayne is from. If I had to guess, I'd say Boros/Ares, as this planet/moon combo feature both prairie ranchlands and a primary military shipyard (where maybe his family works?).

As to his military background, I can tell you that it's fairly easy for a person so inclined to pick up a lot of military-type experience without being in the military. My first husband was a lot like Jayne - even had a "Vera" (AK-47), lots of knives, weapons, etc. He was never in the military or law enforcement, but had lots of associates who were, and who taught him all manner of things, from explosives to hand-to-hand combat to swat team tactics.

Everyone has a "knack" at something - I think Jayne's just got a knack for combat.

He's also older than Mal and Zoe. I've seen FIREFLY timelines where he's estimated to be about 8 years older (and, of course, Adam Baldwin is older). If Zoe and Mal were in their 20s during the war, Jayne was already into his 30s, and probably already well down the path of thieving and such. I don't think he fought in the war on any side but his own.

~ Flame ~

SERENITY on the big screen in Raleigh, NC, June 22!!


Friday, May 26, 2006 7:46 PM


I see Jayne as having left home early to go make money to send home. Being not that bright, his best bet was always the general hunting and self-defense skills frontier brats learn young. He may have started off doing legal work, but I'm sure he soon learned he could make a lot more money working on the shady side of the law. I'd guess he knocked around a lot at first, taking contract jobs with bigger gangs and Tongs when he could - and when he couldn't, I'd bet the friends he made were able to give him the basics of B&E and grand theft--, er, shuttle. And he could learn all about military-style operations from the bigger gangs on the bigger jobs. I'd bet there's been more than one space station invaded military-style for more profit than the Serenity crew got.

Hobbes: How come we play war and not peace?
Calvin: Too few role models.


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:13 PM


Jayne is a BAD PEE-GOO. That's All.







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