Decoding River's letters from 'Safe.'

UPDATED: Thursday, March 5, 2009 23:21
VIEWED: 8595
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Friday, March 3, 2006 7:13 AM


Okay, today real life stuff demanded my absolute attention. So, I took a fine-tooth comb, and... went hairsplitting over River's letters in "Safe." :) LOL.

Okay, waxing serious now. River talks about events that never happened, like a vacation at the lake, last summer. That itself is, obviously, part of the "code" Simon refers to. But I think I may perhaps also have stumbled on some of the more specific "code" River is to have used. First, I recall a line from Objects in Space:

"They didn't want her here, but she couldn't make herself leave, so she melted. Melted away."

I tried to decode one of River's letters Simon holds up. I'm terrible at deciphering handwriting (especially from an awkward angle off a video still, lol); but this part of the relevant portion I could make out (words in curly brackets I was uncertain about):

"... my thoughts often {wander to} the {grand} time we had last summer at the lake. I {miss} you and {daddy} and the lake. The deep BLUE, crystal {clear} waters just made those summer days melt away."

It seems River, using analogous OiS language, is either indicating she wants to leave the Academy (e.g. wants to "melt away"), or is saying the BLUE Hands (Sun?) are destroying her (by first fabricating an illusion, representing the promises made to her about the Academy; which illusion she then says the BLUE Hands (Sun?) are melting away). I lean towards the latter, actually.

Anyway, I thought this was cute. If none of this is true, or has already been dispelled earlier, then that's perfectly fine, because I still spent my entire day doing exactly what I wanted: thinking, dreaming, and obsessing about River. :)

Stay shiny!


Here is the letter, btw:

(more below)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Friday, March 3, 2006 2:16 PM


WOW. That's pretty cool. I never even thought about trying to read that letter from River, even though I've seen that episode a zillion times (slight exaggeration), I'm so ashamed.
'Safe' is one of my favorite episodes (River's in it the most) I'll have to check out that letter, another good excuse to watch that episode, not that I need one. Thanks for sharing.

"I hear crickets"


Saturday, March 4, 2006 12:20 AM


You could be on to something... But who (besides you that is) would take the time to do what you did? Do you think the letters from River might actually have something important on them (which would mean Joss wrote them with purpose, thinking someone as crazy as you would come along and try to read them), or are they just meaningless props that needed some writing on them.

We do tend to like to explore every new detail in every new way, just so we can have something new to think about. Not that that's bad, it’s all we have... for now.

Personally, I think you could be on to something. But that could just be because I'd like to have something new about River to think about...

Also... I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 3:10 AM



Originally posted by Gorbishun:

You could be on to something... But who (besides you that is) would take the time to do what you did? Do you think the letters from River might actually have something important on them (which would mean Joss wrote them with purpose, thinking someone as crazy as you would come along and try to read them), or are they just meaningless props that needed some writing on them.

Yeah, I ain't quite right. :) It's the popular theory.

Conversely, though, who else but Joss would actually use a real letter? In any other series, this would have been just a useless prop ("Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think."). And it would probably not even contain real text; or just jibberish. But not with Joss.

And, in case you wondered, the text in River's letter is not just some unrelated prop text, either. Because those few lines I already deciphered (still working on the rest), talking about last summer at the lake, while that material isn't in the aired episode, it WAS, however, in the shooting script:

She talks about last summer at the lake.


We weren't at the lake, we were in the mountains.

So, this letter really WAS written for the original episode! In the actuallly aired episode, Simon says:

Did you have a good time at the Darbanvilles' ball this year? River thought it was duller than last year's. But since we don't know anybody named Darbanville, I'm having trouble judging. Did you even read these?

To answer his question, lol, yes, I did. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, March 4, 2006 3:56 AM


This is what I got from the letters... the ellipses are the words I couldn't decipher.


Dearest Mother and Father.

I hope you both are well and feel fine… I am doing well in school. My teachers and professors all say that it is so… Some days I love it more than I thought I would.

My thoughts often wander to the grand time we had last summer at the lake. I… and swimming in the lake, the deep blue… made the summer days melt away.

We all had such a good time…”

"He's hurting a woman, he really *is* a bad guy... and I wouldn't call him a gentleman."
- Kyle, 9, watching 'Serenity'.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 4:59 AM


Thanks, Jacqui!

I was just scrutinizing the letter again, myself. I couldn't make out "professors" and "swimming". Thanks for filling in the gaps! Okay, here is what I have, so far:

"Dearest mother and father,
I hope you both are well and doing fine. {Things are great. I am home. .. a little} ... I am doing well in school. My teachers and professors all say that it is so. I do love {...} the {...} surroundings of home. {And} .. a lot more than I thought I would.
My thoughts often wander to the grand time we had last summer at the lake. I was {playing} and swimming in the lake, the deep blue {crystal} ... waters just made those summer days melt away.
We had ... and a good time swimming and {...} and {...}."


He, I was just thinking: trying to fill in the missing words/letters is like playing hangman, the advanced class. :) And I love hangman! And I Love River! A good combo. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, March 4, 2006 7:29 AM



"Dearest mother and father,
I hope you both are well and doing fine. {Things are great. I am home. .. a little} ... I am doing well in school. My teachers and professors all say that it is so. I do love {...} the {...} surroundings of home. {And} .. a lot more than I thought I would.
My thoughts often wander to the grand time we had last summer at the lake. I was {playing} and swimming in the lake, the deep blue {crystal} ... waters just made those summer days melt away.
We had ... and a good time swimming and {...} and {...}."

Edited: to fix quote code...

Okay my first post on the forums although I've been lurking now for a while. This item just broke down my resistance. First I'd like to say I'm impressed with what you were able to glean from the screencap of the letter. I would never had tried to tackle it if not for the head start you provided.

The first bold item in the quote above and just reading it for context I'd say it is "homesick a little" although I don't read that line quite the way you do. Things (are) just great here at the school, as I am doing well in school. Is the best read, I can make out of it. The sentence is grammatically bad but probably River intended it to be so as a clue, and hoping it would sneak past as letter-writing-shorthand-speak.

I have missed the familiar surroundings of home quite a lot more than I thought I would.

The deep blue, crystal-clear waters,

We all had such a good time swimming and boating and all ...

I'm not sure I improved the understanding of the letter or not, but there are my thoughts with only one other thing to mention...Simon did say she misspelled some words so keep that in mind as you work out the rest of the visible message.

I'd really love to see the whole content of this and the other letters to decipher the code(s). Oh well.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 8:04 AM



Originally posted by Cabot:

Okay my first post on the forums although I've been lurking now for a while. This item just broke down my resistance. First I'd like to say I'm impressed with what you were able to glean from the screencap of the letter. I would never had tried to tackle it if not for the head start you provided.


Wonderful to meet you! And what a great way to make a first post! :) Welcome!!

"homesick a little"

Yes! Excellent! Thank you!

"Things are just great here at the school, as I am doing well in school."

Lovely! I thought it had a second "school" in there; but couldn't make it out properly. :)

"I have missed the familiar surroundings of home quite a lot more than I thought I would."

Yes! Yes! :) "missed the familiar" That's what it says! :) I knew it said "surroundings" (instead of "some days"), but I missed the first part! Brilliantly done!

"The deep blue, crystal-clear waters."

Good; you see crystal "clear" too; that is what I first saw, too. :) Glad to see it corroborated!

Interesting how she uses BLUE and "crystal clear" in one breath: trying to tell Simon it's "crystal clear" what she's trying to communicate to him?

"We all had such a good time swimming and boating and all."

"boating" Very good!

You certainly improved the understanding of the letter!! And since I Love River very much, you now have my undying gratitude for your valuable contribution! :)

So, let me just gather, in one space, what WE (no longer I) have so far:

"Dearest mother and father,
I hope you both are well and doing fine. Things are just great here at the school, as I am doing well in school. My teachers and professors all say that it is so. I have missed the familiar surroundings of home quite a lot more than I thought I would.
My thoughts often wander to the grand time we had last summer at the lake. I was {playing} and swimming in the lake, the deep blue, crystal-clear waters just made those summer days melt away.
We all had such a good time swimming and boating and all."

Thank you!

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, March 4, 2006 9:04 AM


Very interesting stuff. Good on you guys for going through the trouble of trying to decode that. Also find it interesting that they're referencing the letter directly in the shooting script, so I'd imagine that it's something they went to some manner of trouble to actually write out at least the page you see in the episode.

(And then I always wonder what made them change it in the aired version... maybe a better fit for the Tam's talking about a fancy party?)

Joss and all the writers have always seemed to be committed to going that extra mile with all the little details, that's part of what keeps me re-watching the episodes over and over. ;p

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 10:09 AM


I might be a little silly and not reading the posts how they are meant to be, be you folks are decoding the letters from the series. Right? Well, in Serenity, the book for the movie, it shows has Simon decoding them, how he is decodes them, and what they say. But, if you folks are trying to do something entirely different, I am sorry.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 12:34 PM



Originally posted by Simylee:

I might be a little silly and not reading the posts how they are meant to be, be you folks are decoding the letters from the series. Right? Well, in Serenity, the book for the movie, it shows has Simon decoding them, how he is decodes them, and what they say. But, if you folks are trying to do something entirely different, I am sorry.

Hey Simylee,

Pardon my daftness, but I'm lost here; "the book for the movie", what do you mean by that? You mean to say you actually possess a piece of work that has River's letters, and you know what they say?? I'd be very interested in learning what book that is!

And yes, the letter we tried to decipher here, is the one we actually get to see, from the episode "Safe." Simon is holding a stash. But the one I saw, as far as I know, is the only time we get a half-way visible angle on them.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, March 4, 2006 1:27 PM


I believe SIMYLEE is referring to the novelization of the movie by Keith DeCandido. It has a bit about Simon cracking River's "code" in the letters (mainly the scene from Safe, but a bit of further exposition about how he found the code). It doesn't really add any information about the content of the letters. And, you have to be a bit careful about the novel. It is not canon, meaning that Joss has said that he didn't contribute to it nor did he approve it. But it's a pretty good read and it has a nice little theory about how Wash knows Mr. Universe.

I know I've seen discussions of people attempting to read these letters before, you might try searching old messages here, or looking in the archives from the official Serenity site that should be over at Gossi's site now.
Hope that helps!

RE: your interpretation of River's letter, where she writes "the deep blue, crystal-clear waters just made those summer days melt away" could it be that she's saying that the "deep blue, crystal-clear waters" of Blue Sun have essentially melted away her childhood (i.e. destroyed it essentially)?? Just a thought I had.



Saturday, March 4, 2006 1:58 PM



Originally posted by squish:

I believe SIMYLEE is referring to the novelization of the movie by Keith DeCandido. It has a bit about Simon cracking River's "code" in the letters (mainly the scene from Safe, but a bit of further exposition about how he found the code). It doesn't really add any information about the content of the letters. And, you have to be a bit careful about the novel. It is not canon, meaning that Joss has said that he didn't contribute to it nor did he approve it.

RE: your interpretation of River's letter, where she writes "the deep blue, crystal-clear waters just made those summer days melt away" could it be that she's saying that the "deep blue, crystal-clear waters" of Blue Sun have essentially melted away her childhood (i.e. destroyed it essentially)?? Just a thought I had.


Hey squish! ("Don't say that. Not ever." Sorry, couldn't resist).

Thanks for the book info. I, myself, am really only interested in canon (I mean, if I wanna make something up, I can do that myself, I reckon). But I appreciate the source info nonetheless.

I agree with your idea that the "deep blue, crystal-clear waters" of Blue Sun have essentially melted away her childhood. Or, in the broader sense, I agree that this line is pivotal, and that River means to communicate that Blue Sun is taking away something from her (or has taken away). It was this line that essentially piqued my interest in examining this letter.

It's a credit to Joss' attention to detail, that we can even talk about this. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, March 4, 2006 2:17 PM


I do mean the novelization for the movie written by that guy with the crazy name :) It is a fun read and I liked the whole Wash and Mr Universe thing, it was fun.

I think I see what you're trying to do now though, but I felt I would come out of my shell and lend a piece of info.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 2:23 PM



Originally posted by Simylee:

I think I see what you're trying to do now though, but I felt I would come out of my shell and lend a piece of info.

Hey Simylee,

It warms the heart that people are coming out of their shell (or out of lurk) for our precious River! :) Yes, she has that effect on people!

Anyway, I'm happy that you did. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, March 11, 2006 6:12 AM


Hey Asarian, just listened to the latest Firefly Talk PodCast (

Congrats on getting on the "air" so to speak. I believe this thread was pretty much the entirety of the Forum Recap for this week. ;p

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Saturday, March 11, 2006 9:30 AM


Wow, pretty cool, everyone in this thread got mentioned...well everyone but one.


Anyway, a good lesson to remember...careful what you say, who knows who might be listening.

River: Midbulk transport. Standard radion accelerator core class-code 03-K64. Firefly.


Saturday, March 11, 2006 1:58 PM



Originally posted by nuclearday:

Hey Asarian, just listened to the latest Firefly Talk PodCast (

Congrats on getting on the "air" so to speak. I believe this thread was pretty much the entirety of the Forum Recap for this week. ;p

Hey nuclearday,

Thanks for pointing me to this! :)

This is so totally cool! YAY! :) I heard people talk about podcasts, but never actually heard one before. So you can imagine that this was quite a lovely surprise! :)

And, OMG, I came off sounding like a complete Rivernut! Oh wait, I say it like it's a bad thing! :) lol. And I heard myself saying: "I still spent my entire day doing exactly what I wanted: thinking, dreaming, and obsessing about River." And you know, as a staunch and utter River devotee (adoree, rather, if that's a real word), I'm totally honored and proud to have said that on the podcast air!


"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, March 11, 2006 4:20 PM


Ooh, this is fun! I read old handwriting when researching family history. Who knew I'd apply those skills to Firefly!?! Anyway, here's my take on the letter in question. I screen capped it from my disc, so got a few more words than are shown on your cap, but nothing major. The ellipses indicate where Simon's thumb is, or the letter disappears off screen. Also, I kept the line beginnings and misspellings.


Dearest Mother and Father

I hope you are both well and doing fine.
Things are okay here at the school as
I am doing well in school. My teachers and
proffessors all say it is so. I have
missed the familiar surroundings of love.
But a lot more than I thought I would.

My thoughts often wander to the
grand time we had last summer at
the lake. I/It was warm and sunny
and the lake, the deep blue, cristal clear
waters just made those/them summer days
melt away.

We all had such a good tyme
swimming and boting and all under...
and sleeping the old(?) caben. I...
did not want it to...

I know some of the lines don't make a lot of sense, but then they weren't supposed to, were they? *g*

Thanks for giving my brain a workout!

"I love my captain."


Sunday, March 12, 2006 5:03 AM



Originally posted by Lvs2read:

Ooh, this is fun! I read old handwriting when researching family history. Who knew I'd apply those skills to Firefly!?! Anyway, here's my take on the letter in question. I screen capped it from my disc, so got a few more words than are shown on your cap, but nothing major. The ellipses indicate where Simon's thumb is, or the letter disappears off screen. Also, I kept the line beginnings and misspellings.


Dearest Mother and Father

I hope you are both well and doing fine.
Things are okay here at the school as
I am doing well in school. My teachers and
proffessors all say it is so. I have
missed the familiar surroundings of love.
But a lot more than I thought I would.

My thoughts often wander to the
grand time we had last summer at
the lake. I/It was warm and sunny
and the lake, the deep blue, cristal clear
waters just made those/them summer days
melt away.

We all had such a good tyme
swimming and boting and all under...
and sleeping the old(?) caben. I...
did not want it to...

I know some of the lines don't make a lot of sense, but then they weren't supposed to, were they? *g*

Thanks for giving my brain a workout!

Thank you, Lvs2read, for that workout you gave your brain! :)

It's interesting that you read: "surroundings of LOVE," because I thought that word read as "Love" too, although "home", as later suggested by Cabot, seemed to make more sense. But, like you said, she's not necessarily trying to make sense; in fact, one could argue River is deliberately trying to make not sense. :)

Alo, very cute how she misspelled "proffessors" (with double f). Good catch! I didn't even see that.

Seems like you added some valuable info. :) Especially the typos, and this line: "I... did not want it to..." To what? "end"? Seems likely. In combination with her earlier statement, that "the deep blue, cristal clear waters just made those/them summer days melt away," we basically find her saying two things now: a very good time she had, that she did not want to see ended, and an indication of an accelerated ending process by the BLUE waters. So, thank you very much! Your skills paid off. :)

I'm at my parents' now; but soon as I get home, I'll take a renewed screen-cap (mine I also took from the DVD, but I guess I took it at a wrong spot).

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, March 12, 2006 5:29 AM


No problem, Asarian! Like I said, it was fun. *g*

"I love my captain."


Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:55 AM


Ok, now I just feel stupid for asking what am I missing here? I knew that she was writing to Simon in a type of code, somehow in the way she worded her messages and the obvious bad grammar thrown in somehow, but what to make of it other then what Simon figured out?

Remember, Remember the fifth of November


Sunday, March 12, 2006 1:27 PM



Originally posted by V:

Ok, now I just feel stupid for asking what am I missing here? I knew that she was writing to Simon in a type of code, somehow in the way she worded her messages and the obvious bad grammar thrown in somehow, but what to make of it other then what Simon figured out?

Well, that's just it. :) Instead of just Simon telling us about the code, we get a glimpse at the actual code; and instead of just hearing about the way she worded her letters, we now really got to read part of one.

To see corroborated what Simon has been saying, from a still off a vid-cap of one of her letters, is, to me, quite a thrill. Just like little errors in a film tend to take away from the experience, so little details, like this, that really match the story, really add to the River experience.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, March 2, 2009 11:42 PM


With the advent of Firefly on Blu-Ray, I thought I'd repay River's letters a quick revisit. This is what I can put together so far (the stuff in bold is new; the earlier paragraphs are a compilation of what I, and others, already found earlier): Spelling error are observed "as is".

Dearest Mother and Father,

I hope you both are well and doing fine. Things are okay here at the school, and I am doing well in school. My teachers and proffessors all say it is so. I have missed the familier surroundings of home quite a bit more than I thought I would.
My thoughts often wander to the grand time we had last summer at the lake. It was warm and sunny, and the lake, the deep blue, cristal clear waters just made those summer days melt away. We all had such a good tyme swimming and boting, and all cooking and sleeping at the caben.

I find (?) did not want it to end. Having the whole family there really meant a lot {to} me, Simon, and I would gather (...) the daytime for that, evenings {are} for cooking and keeping warm.
I am reluctant to wr...
much, cause it all...

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, March 5, 2009 11:21 PM


Mei-mei writes in cursive.

Therefore, cursive survives into the twenty-sixth century.

My sixth-grade english teacher was victorious.

anybody want to analyze her handwriting? I doubt they were that thorough, however. :D

Going for a ride.

Another Sky






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