Ten things I learned from watching Firefly

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Friday, April 8, 2005 4:36 AM


Pez! It's just like the good old days!

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Friday, April 8, 2005 6:56 AM


The rest of my Ten Things. (Thought of 'em when I couldn't go to sleep. Figures.)


1. Never go a tradin' without your bullet-proof vest on.

2. Easy-peasy is better than humped.

3. A great doc will stick out his neck & save someone when a bad doc screws up.

4. Just because a girl is always wearing overalls and smudged with engine grease doesn't mean she wouldn't like to get dressed up and go to a big party.

5. Just because a girl smiles a lot and makes goofy comments doesn't mean she can't hold her own in a conversation.

6. Some rules are the same whether you're on a space ship or in a house:
a. Last one up makes sure all the lights are off.
b. A stranger in your house after bedtime is bad news.
c. The dishes still have to be done.
d. Some types of laundry really do need to hang dry.

7. Shuttles dock a lot faster than you'd think.

8. Wackos are, indeed, universal.

9. Everyone needs a red button.

10. Now matter how hard they try (and they ain't), FOX is still huh choo-sheng tza-jiao duh tzang-huo luh-suh.

(Thanks HAPLO721 and JASONZZZ for the Mandarine.)


Friday, April 8, 2005 7:23 AM


Pheww. I finished reading the thread. And also gorrammit, this site keeps logging me off!!

Here's my contribution:

The colour of your coat makes a statement,

The colour of your belly too, for that matter.

Elephants can fly! Just the purple ones though.

You need a 54R sniper rifle, laser sights, to shoot a rabbit,

Coins ought to be carefully cleaned,

"I'm not leaving Serenity"

It's fun to make a poster when you've got all that browncoat support with you, see here:

Once you start highjacking threads, you can never stop


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:10 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Bump...I want to post here again, and I don't want to lose the thread...more later...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:28 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching "Safe":

1. If you're ever in a firefight, and you're not sure where the bullets are flying, look to the man of God. Pretty much a magnet.

2. If your crazy sister is feeling especially honest with the town patron, try to find a way to shut her up. The town patron has a mean bitchslap.

3. Stopping to watch your sister cut a rug is no reason to get yourself snatched.

4. Apparently the words "Talent for alienating folk is damn near miraculous" is an inaudible phrase.

5. Damn it, Doctor! Do you not hear the hot mechanic? Holes! POSTS! Schmuck.

6. Town Teacher=Tattle Tale. Remember that later on, and you might not find yourself getting burned at the stake.

7. If your brother is being led through the woods by three strange and dirty men, it is not an invitation to play "Hide and Seek".

8. Takes a long time to polish up a pile of money.

9. If you're on the crew, no matter how much the Captain don't like you, he'll probably come get you. Don't push it though.

10. God's will? Shit, even though he's a hundred feet in the air, and its a shotgun, its got a laser sight mounted on it! Now that makes Jayne scary!

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:19 AM


Important people don't do field work.

The Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching "Ariel":

1. Be he a drug dealer, or a doctor, Simon knows the street value of the drugs at his disposal.

2. "We applied the cortical electrodes, but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient." See! How hard was that?

3. When Jayne swears something, hand to God, you better check his other hand to make sure his fingers aren't crossed.

4. When you don't have a keel to haul traitors from, you make due with what you got.

5. Do you want to tell me why you're giving a vaso-constrictor to this patient? Do ya? Thought not...punk!

6. Smiling and going the wrong direction in a core hospital is like to get you fired.

7. The Captain's lockpicking skills are not really up to snuff. If you hear him on the other side of a locked door, you might want to move.

8. When your psychic sister is terrified and says "They're here", get moving! The Blue Hands don't leave witnesses. Might not want to talk to River Tam if your a hospital guard either.

9. When you've just unsuccessfully tried to screw over your Captain, and he asks for your help in stowing the stolen goods, check to see if he has a wrench in his hand!

10. If you've just admitted to the Captain that you tried to sell out some of his crew, and he allows you to live, you should probably look forward to spending the night in the airlock.

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:45 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching "The Message":

1. If you start an autopsy on a man who's alive, you might end up having to endure the sight of your Captain straddling a butt nekkid dude.

2. Stealth? Malcolm Reynolds has no need for stealth.

3. See Kaylee? When you turn your attention from the Doctor, the guy who you turn your attention to might just use you for a human shield and get blood in your hair.

4. Mutated cattle fetuses, Ice Planets, goofy looking orange hats, dead guys...Some skyplexes have something for everyone.

5. Where was the pilot who calmly piloted Serenity from the Reavers on Whitefall? Cause that ain't the same guy flying the boat on St. Albans.

6. Police procedure might have changed from the time Wash was little, but Shepherd Book sure knows a lot about it.

7. When you steal a bunch of organs from people, and you leave a trail of bodies to be followed, kill a few extra folk and leave a false trail. Might help you, Mal, and the Allied Postal Service out later.

8. A dead body that might have gold stored in it might not be so dead.

9. Apparently, the casket of a recently deceased war veteran/buddy is a very comfortable place to be.

10. Strangely, a lot of umpleasantness might have been avoided if Tracey had just been told the plan. If you have a plan, tell any fidgety, armed corpses first, next time, huh?

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:50 AM


Oh, heck why not.

Thought I'd let you know the top 21 things I learned from Firefly Shirt has been changed to show the new release date as September 2005. In fact I'm in process of updating all my shirts, it's been a while & I've been busy. But since manwithpez is resurrecting this topic i feel inspired. Check out the shirt and see if one of your top "favorite" things is listed.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:07 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching "War Stories":

1. Yes...there's obeying going on right under your what?

2. What this marriage needs isn't one less husband, its one less Niska!

3. When Adelai Niska tortures you to death, you might want to think twice about putting another one of his henchmen through your engine.

4. So quick to blame River! Hey Zoe! Wash messed with the shuttle, not River. Just because she's moon brained don't make her a shuttle fiddler!

5. Speaking of fiddling, when your ear gets cut off, and the doctor who just reattached tells you not to fiddle with it...don't fiddle with it!

6. Inara in some hot girl on girl action. "I'll be in my bunk." may yet prove to be this show's greatest contribution to pop culture.

7. Hey, if I've just been tortured all day, and you see me struggling with the guy that did it, don't assume its something I have to do on my own!

8. Firefight, fire, fry cook oppurtunity...we all take the jobs we can get when we can.

9. Torture=Wife Soup. Now, I like soup, but that better be some damn great soup!

10. When your Captain has just had some strange device attached to his chest that involved blades and his heart stopping, watch where you hit him when you find free soup.

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 3:56 PM


Important people don't do field work.

Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching "Heart Of Gold":

1. If you ever want a disturbing mental image, just put Jayne next to a bunch of whores. He will mention his John Thomas, becoming his most poetical about his pecker. Ewww...

2. A dead horse is just cover...shoot the man on the horse. Unless that horse is a landspeeder with a mounted gun, and the man is carrying a laser pistol. Then its just a recipe for unpleasantness.

3. The Jayne Cobb school of gunhandling carries some "stiff" penalties for pulling the trigger instead of squeezing.

4. Pregnant hookers might have interesting people inside them waiting to get out.

5. How you gonna tell the Captain time and again that you don't service crew, and then cry when he finally gets some booty from someone else...For SHAME, space hooker!

6. While having boy-whores around might be considerate, they may not service womenfolk. They're just for the sly guys. Kinda makes you wonder what kind of cowboy town has enough gay men in it to warrant a gang of boy-whores.

7. Apparently assisting Jayne in a firefight means handing him guns. Might be a good position to be in if you need your hair brushed.

8. Being the father of a whore's kid is a mighty dangerous line of work. And, for the love of God, never, ever try to meet your son.

9. A good powder dicharge weapon vs. a light, handheld laser that overheats. Technology can only be of service as long as its taken care of well. What did we learn?

10. While hitting a man with a closed fist may be, on occasion, hilarious, its nowhere near as satisfying as hitting a man with a pistol butt!

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:05 PM


Important people don't do field work.

The Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching "Bushwhacked":

1. A bunch of dead bodies makes a horrible chandeleir. Seems a bunch of Reavers were watching "Jeepers, Creepers" just prior to hijacking this ship.

2. Come on...admit it. When Serenity docked with that ship, I wasn't the only staring at the screen when those tentacles came out, thinking "What the hell...?"

3. When its dark, and your back is turned, a little guy who thinks he's a Reaver can seem pretty big.

4. When you send Jayne in to loot a ship, seems like the only thing you're going to get is food.

5. While Simon may be a genius doctor, he don't know much about spacewalking.

6. How many times have I said Trust your Captain. He might seem like he has your worst interests at heart, but that's just the way Joss likes to tell a story. Plus, he probably thinks its funny that someone so terrified of space would have to cling to the side of a spaceship.

7. When someone you've just rescued from a Reaver gutted ship starts talking about mercy and livestock...he's up to no good.

8. The enemy of my enemy is my friend...or not. That guy sure killed a lot of purplebellies, though.

9. Being argumentative, stating the favorite part of your wife, pointing out what's wrong with Alliance technology, saying nothing...we all choose to answer certain questions our own way.

10. Save the commanding officer's life, you don't get to profit. Wouldn't be civilized. Would it have been more civilized to let that guy eat that purplebelly?

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, April 22, 2005 8:42 PM


"When you can't run you crawl and when you can't do that you find someone to carry you."
~The Message
This is the Best Lesson of All!!!:)
(besides the killing ppl one! lol)

"When you can't run you crawl...and when you can't do that you find someone to carry you"


Monday, April 25, 2005 3:24 PM



Originally posted by manwithpez:

1. A bunch of dead bodies makes a horrible chandeleir.

(ringing of the telephone...)

"Hello? Home Depot? This is Mal-Licious. Yeah, I need to cancel an order..."


I think I will add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Monday, May 2, 2005 12:15 PM


Important people don't do field work.

Finally! The last Firefly Top Ten! I'm not done yet, but this is the last one that will deal with the TV show itself!

So, because its the longest, and I wanted to save it for a longer list here is:

The Top TWENTY Things I Learned From Watching Serenity:

1. Bendis might have a chiseled jaw, and be too pretty to die, but there's a hail of Alliance gunfire that says otherwise.

2. Let's moon em'? I know Jayne meant this figuratively, but mooning may have taken on a whole new meaning in the spaceship capable future.

3. If you have sex for money, you really can't expect much in the way of kindness from your clientele. Not after you have to kick him out of your shuttle, that is.

4. Last I checked, you didn't have to ever be married to be a grandfather.

5. Something look a little funny about the guy who's a little too overdressed to be riding on a boat like Serenity? Besides the red John Lennon shades, that is? (Bwahahaha! Those things crack me up)

6. Wash! Simon asked you to be careful with that box! God only knows what's in there.

7. Strawberries...strawberries, strawberries...I'll be in my bunk.

8. If you're a hot ship's mechanic, be careful of what's going on in the cargohold. A fed who likes to shoot at girls when he's nervous might be in there.

9. Pain ain't all that scary...Jayne, now that's scary!

10. If you want to dramatically kick the top off a box to see what a guy like Simon would kill for, you better be prepared to see his frozen, nekkid sister. And the box don't make her look fat!

11. Lawrence Dobson not knowing how to lie is damn disappointing. Jayne is an ear man.

12. Do not mention urine in any form when a business man with roots in the community and a very fine hat mentions the word "fluid".

13. Hey, Dr. Tam! When Reavers are outside the ship, and the Captain has called Zoe to the bridge...that's not the best time to say "I don't understand."

14. Telling a doctor that his patient is dead and that you're going to throw him off your spaceship is really, really funny! And psychotic.

15. You know, it wouldn't hurt Patience to try and at least lie about trying to shoot Mal again.

16. Alliance Supplement meal bars are great for a family just starting long as they don't have kids.

17. Jayne hates tophats!

18. I don't care how goofy they looked on the horses...It was still friggin' cool!

19. What is it Wash does on the ship again? OH! That's everyone's ass!

20. Having a good day can include several of the following: Killing a cop, getting paid, shooting a horse so it lands on someone you don't like, lying to a doctor, escaping Reavers, keeping Jayne in check, seeing your first mate get her armor dented, stealing horses, punching a doctor, threatening a doctor, embarassing a Shepherd, embarassing a space hooker, getting shot, and Keeping Serenity Flying!!! Might not be much, but its enough!

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, May 6, 2005 3:58 PM


~*If you drink sake, you will most certainly end up naked on top of a statue of Hippocrates, sure, there won't be any feds...until you start to sing that is.

~*When you become a priest, they don't cut it off

~*Having soup rubbed in your hair is a hoot, and you don't end up dying from it.

~*Only go with Jayne if it's some place with candlelight

~*Whenever you think something sounds like it's from science fiction...remember you live on a space ship

~*You can't keep track of River even when she's not incorporeally possessing a space ship.

~*Every well-bred petty crook knows...the small concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.

~*If you're pretty, and Wash was unwed he would take you in a manly fashion

Early: I only hurt people because they keep getting in the way of me finding you. Tell her.
Simon: What am I? Your advocate?
Early: You are starting now.
Simon: He's really very...gentle...and fuzzy. We're becoming fast friends.
Early: You folks are all insane.
Simon: Well, my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Saturday, May 7, 2005 10:50 AM


River can kill you with her mind!

Never take Kaylee'a apple! (unless you like running away from her)

The Doctors always right!

The Captin likes it when you call him SIR!

thants all i can think of at the mo!



Sunday, May 8, 2005 2:02 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by Booksword:
3)- If shepard Book had bought bannans instead of strawberries in the pilot. They would have showed the pilot first.

And not @8pm, neither.
Best of all, they might have shown it on HBO. Can HBO afford US$2Million per ep?

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) Blueground Undergrass, "African Hillbilly", from "Live @Variety Playhouse"


Sunday, May 8, 2005 2:24 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by manwithpez:
6. While having boy-whores around might be considerate, they may not service womenfolk. They're just for the sly guys. Kinda makes you wonder what kind of cowboy town has enough gay men in it to warrant a gang of boy-whores.

Do you know what the term "cowpoke" means? Let's just say havin' boy whores is reeeeeaal considerate. Of the cows.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) Five for Fighting, "It's Not Easy", from "America Town"


Thursday, May 19, 2005 6:26 AM


don't kiss an unconcious person on the lips

...also, i can kill you with my brain


Friday, May 20, 2005 8:18 AM


It doesn't matter what you wear to a ball as long you know how to talk shop.

I am programmed to understand humans!


Friday, June 10, 2005 5:54 PM


Ten things I learned from the firefly dvd commentaries:

1. If you want to get an idea for the best tv show ever,it helps to get really stoned.
2. Not blinking: apparently quite difficult.
3. Adam Baldwin brings 'big' to the party.
4. 'Essence' could well be the root word of 'essential'. And 'gun-battley" is spelt with a hyphen.
5. There's a lot to be said for the phenomenon of CGI beauty.
5. While acting in 'The Message', Jonathan Woodward was really drunk - on the cheapest red wine. In later scenes he'd actually spilled it down the front of his top.
6. Everybody loves Kaylee.
7. There's something up with that preacher.
8. If you're not completely certain of the continuity of some of the wardrobe elements, best not to bring them up in your commentary.
9. The Doc and his sister were really close.
10. It's not easy to shoot a gun and look cool at the same time.


Sunday, June 19, 2005 5:07 PM


I love this thread!



For all information on the NC Firefly group please go here:


Sunday, August 21, 2005 10:31 PM


Hi! First post in this messageboard.

From Out Of Gas :

If you want to marry that beautiful, sexy Amazon who kills men with her pinky, just wear a Hawaiian shirt...

Oh and remember to shave off your moustache


Monday, August 22, 2005 4:03 PM


Some people juggle geese and Wife Soup? Not easy to come by.


Sunday, September 4, 2005 7:57 AM


*falls off chair* oh my gods, those are so frakkin funny (yes i've seen way too much BSG)

watchin' firefly and then goin' to bed after leads to some very interestin dreams involvin the Captain.

being a writer can lead to your plot bunnies wanting to try your hand at writin a fic

FOX is evil for cancelin the show, but on the upside... YEY scifi is showin it.


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:22 PM


Rhonis's Ten.

10. Ship's only worth what it can do and whose in charge; and Serenity's a priceless one at that.

9. Underestimatin' leads to bein' dead.

8. Listen to what ain't said, and sleep with an eye open. Two, if you've got a Jayne Cobb around.

7. Treat folk the way you want 'em to treat you, even if you've gotten shot by 'em before. And if they try and shoot'cha again, knock their horse out from under'em. Politely.

6. Not every job's worth the coin.

5. If a woman's smilin' your way for no good reason, usually ain't a good one. That's when you duck.

4. Waitin' has its place. So does runnin'. But when the wait's all gone and the wall's too close, you better have your gun.

3. Reason and faith don't always gotta be tossin' each other. Usually. Jus' not always.

2. Never tell 'em everythin' you got.



Friday, October 7, 2005 5:12 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Since we've got so many new people around...I just wanted to say


Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 5:56 PM


Apologies for any repeats.

10. Always be polite. Even when shooting nosy tourists.

9. Apologies are normally not accepted when you put someone's lackey through an engine.

8. Nothin' buys bygones better'n' cash.

7. Never be wanted for other crimes when turning in another fugitive. Things tend to end in daring escapes.

6. Don't piss off the crazy-government-created-psychic. They can kill you with their brain.

5. "'cause." is a sufficient reason that nobody would be able to find the hidden compartments.

4. Don't talk about sex on the bridge. It distracts the people who are fixing the muck-ups done by beautiful grifters.

3. Many companions are trained in the washing of feet. Some even make it their specialty.

2. The small concealable weapons always go to the left side of the place setting.

1. After winning a duel, it is acceptable to stab the loser repeatedly for amusement.

"Ha ha ha. Mine is an evil laugh." -- Wash

"For evil to triumph, good men must do nothing." -- some important british guy

"Thank God for Tango Romeo Echo's." -- me


Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:58 AM



"Ha ha ha. Mine is an evil laugh." -- Wash

"For evil to triumph, good men must do nothing." -- some important british guy

"Thank God for Tango Romeo Echo's." -- me


Thursday, October 27, 2005 7:58 PM


10. What the chain of command really is.
9. Prairie harpies make fantastic mechanics.
8. Reavers ain't men.
7. Wash is the funny one.
6. T-rexes can't be trusted.
5. There's an airflow to soft cotton dresses.
4. You don't fix faith, it fixes you.
3. Space monkies can really do a number on an engine room.
2. Ears can be given as a gift with purchase.
1. When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't do that, well you know the rest.

"We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... 'This Land'."


Friday, December 2, 2005 6:20 AM



Originally posted by Krystle:
Never take Kaylee'a apple! (unless you like running away from her)


Something that I learned:

When Kaylee says, "No power in the 'verse' can stop me!" it's cute.

When River says, "No power in the 'verse' can stop me!" it's scary!



Friday, December 2, 2005 12:16 PM


Been lurking for a few weeks, first time poster. Seemed like a fun thread to contribute to:

01. If someone as cheerful as Kaylee says "I love my captain", he's probably a decent guy.

02. The word "palaver" is pronounced pa-LAV-er. (Jane Espenson commentary)

03. Reckless ranting can hurt a good-hearted girl's feelings.

4a. 7% is a bit low to pay your crew.
4b. If your crew consists of a trigger happy mercenary, give him is own bunk.
4c. Private bunk for said mercenary can especially come handy when he sees two women folk starting to get touchy.

05. When you're about to pass out after kissing someone, your last words must be "Son of a..."

06. A man's just a boy who's old enough to ask "Am I supposed to be a 'man' now?"

07. Combining the painkiller "Alprazaline" with "Droxine" is just like administering a vasoconstrictor, but I'm going to forget that right after I type it.

08. Unless you're okay with being naked yourself, don't remind enemies that you've seen them naked.

09. Don't be so afraid of losing something as to not have it.

10. Be honest to your siblings. If you need your sister to come out because "the nice man wants to kidnap you", go ahead and voice it.


Friday, December 2, 2005 1:01 PM



Prairie harpies make fantastic mechanics.

Kaylee is many things, but "harpy" ain't one of them!



Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:15 AM


Important people don't do field work.

Feel the flow...its circular, like the ball that just wants to go home. Either way, here's ten more per episode, courtesy of manwithpez, the world's most passive agressive Browncoat.

The top ten things I learned from watching "The Train Job":

1. Malcolm Reynolds = Big Baby. Inara slaps him across the face once, and he bitches about it the rest of the episode. He didn't complain this much when Niska had his ear cut off. Big baby...

2. Lurking in doorways to say boo speaks to a lack of upbringing. Further evidence that Crow is an impolite ruffian: Knife throwing and death threats.

3. Exposition in a 45 minute episode to make up for the 88 minute one the network wouldn't show? Doesn't necessarily add up to a bad episode.

4. All it takes to change a good day into a bad one is one Alliance soldier who desperately feels a need to walk into the cargo car.

5. Apparently, the only form of entertainment on planet Georgia is a parade when the medicine to treat a debilitating disease shows up on the train.

6. Let's see...Sherriff can intuit where the Captain is going to start on foot taking the medicine back? Whatever they pay that isn't enough.

7. One of the many fun games on Serenity: How's About You Shut That Crazy Mouth! From Mattel!!!

8. Should Simon not be comfortable with you in charge of the ship, the consequences can be dire...and funny!

9. Unconscious Jayne = Great Ottoman! A pilot with Wash's skills should have somewhere to put his feet up.

10. Object lessons such as shoving Crow through a moving engine work great with Niska's henchmen. Best thing for everybody, really.

See you all in the Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching Bushwhacked (coming soon!)

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:40 AM


Important people don't do field work.

The Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching "Bushwhacked":
(And, yes, I'm aware of the irony of posting a ton of new material to a thread entitled Top Ten...its not lost on me...or is it )

1. Given some of Wash's comments about hairy women in the outtakes, did anyone else think that the title might have referred to something else?

2. Reason #1,246,731 that Firefly should not have been cancelled: The best looking cast to ever appear on TV getting sweaty in some kind of sporting event! Damn you to Hades, Fox!

3. Of all the occupations you can have 500 years in the future..."Human Space Speed Bump", not my favorite.

4. Jayne's idea of compassion and mercy in dealing with a derelict ship ie "Say a prayer as we slip on by" is kinda nice...What's that? There might be a salvage over there? Shit! We better get over there and look for survivors...People might be hurt, for God's sake!

5. So, Shepherd look pretty happy that there was a survivor and Serenity helped save him...Not so fast, Bible Boy!

6. You know...for an Alliance Cruiser to be so ruttin' big, they sure can be sneaky sometimes!

7. According to Alliance brass, a tourguide with his hands cuffed in front of him is perfectly able to defend himself. Even against Pseudo Reavers! Damn shame that armed Alliance guards can't do the same.

8. "Let's do it again!" "Maybe later" Damn, just got the patented "I said maybe, but I really mean no" shutdown! Apparently, it applies to spacewalks too.

9. Where do I get my "I ate an entire Alliance Soldier, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt and a face full of metal" T-Shirt?

10. Alright, all you geeks out there...Who got hot when Kaylee was doing her "Gurstlers...crammed" technobabble speech? Yeah...okay...I was the only one...riiiiight...

See you all for Shindig! Coming sooner, rather than later...I hope...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:54 AM


10. Alright, all you geeks out there...Who got hot when Kaylee was doing her "Gurstlers...crammed" technobabble speech? Yeah...okay...I was the only one...riiiiight...

I did! And you'll find out who else in "Shindig!"



Sunday, March 12, 2006 5:04 PM


Important people don't do field work.

The Next Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching "Shindig":

1. Interrogating a buffet table that looks like a Persephonean Lord might make you sick.

2. A Dozen slaves a dozen days and the space of a school boy's wink? Daaaaamn...That old guy just housed that beyotch! You go, old guy! Show that chick that it doesn't pay to mess with the mechanic.

3. Good time management is important. I wonder if Atherton went on and got that haircut after the duel?

4. Just because you're carrying something heavy...No excuse to say something mean. All the women will just dislike you for that.

5. Sit down vs. Piss off? Hmmmm...I'm going to have to go with the latter.

6. There has to be a better way of saying "I'm sorry that I didn't go through with our prior deal" than serving wood alcohol to your guests. There just has to be.

7. Stuck for a vocabulary word...I don't know...something like...say "Pretentious". Then I'd like to introduce Jayne: The See n Say of the mercenary set!

8. Line dancing is still around 500 years in the future? Damn it!

9. I say problem. You say whore, and I'm going to clean your clock. And, those are the only rules I'm sticking with!

10. Turns out, I'm just an alright man. Now, go and get yourself stitched up! Courtesy of a merciful alright man!

More to come!

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:04 AM


Important people don't do field work.

The Next Top Ten Things I Learned From Watching "Safe":

1. Interfere in the captain's business, and horrible, horrible things are going to happen. Simon smarts off about cunningly concealed cows, Book just HAS to offer his opinion, and neither of them fared too well, as I recall.

2. Best shot in the land? Jayne you say? I beg to differ...Just how far away was Zoe when the shooting started?

3. Jiangyin Prairie Paradise? Seems like a perfectably serviceable gift to me. Sometimes we should pause before we speak...right Simon?

4. Almost everytime Mal listens to what Inara has to say, it leads to trouble in some form. Here, they end up on an Alliance cruiser...Maybe she should just sit down and be pretty. Or not. Either way works for me.

5. Sure Simon stuck his foot in his mouth with Kaylee...Again...So what? Inara can't provide some wingman action. She could see he was trying to play pretty. Vindictive, vindictive Kaylee...tsk

6. Captain Harbotken? 500 years in the future, and the making of aliases still doesn't seem to be coming along...What's wrong with Captain Ben Dover?

7. Let's see...Shepherd Book has an ID Card that gets him free health care, no questions asked. I knew he was Canadian!

8. I love my siblings. Very much. Not so much that I'm going to end ManWithPez-Kabob, though.

9. It's very easy to punctuate your statements to make them more important when you're skinning a rabbit.

10. I have two children. If one of them comes to me and says that the other one is in trouble after going away to school two years prior...I'm going to look into it. Not curse at my son for causing trouble. What the hell is up with Gabriel Tam, anyways?

See you for more, later...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:19 AM


What a wonderful, old (but timeless) thread.

My favorite of all those posted above:


Wash and Zoe are very private people. Except for Wash.


They couldn't take the sky from them.
Our Big Damn Heroes made a film!

... C'mon Universal, and greenlight a sequel...


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:44 AM


1.never trust people that misteriusly apear on your spaceship when your already in space might they claim to be your wife named Saphron or a random deff bounty hunter named Early
2. never mess with Simon or some how River will kill you or trick you into being kicked by Mal into space where you will die of suffication or cold
3. Never Talk to a Doctor expecting a normal response
4. Crazy people arent Crazy just unique or gifted
5. Boxes with suposably dead people in them are a comfortable place to take a nap
6. Know how to sword fight before you chalenge someone to a sword fight
7.Nathan Fillion looks good in a Dress/kilt
8. how to eat a strawberry the right way
9. Reavers have a philosaphy
10. If someone tells you not to bring granades bring the damn granades (serenity)

The court of this obsession, is abstracted from possession which when the worlds of outside in fall.


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:48 AM


These have probably been posted before but I don't care. In no particular order.

1. 7% is not standard

2. 10% is. Plus you get your own room and full run of the kitchen.

3. Juggling geese can be fun.

4. Don't mess with an old gangster with an eastern european accent, who has a torture fetish.

5. Always send money to your mother so she can knit you a cunning hat.

6. It's illegal to ship a dead body via the postal service. You should try Fed-Ex instead.

7. If you see a sign saying "Good Dogs" and cages full of dogs, you best keep walking.

8. If the whore house looks like a frozen dinner pack, then you'd better hope the whores look a whole lot better.

9. Any food that's tied to a stick with string will most likely be problematic.

10. Never get in a fight at an Alliance friendly bar on U-Day, it never goes well.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:50 AM


Well this is one that I'm just gonna have to join in on:

1. Doesn't matter if you're on the winning side, save you were on the right side.

2. Even the littlest part can cause the biggest disaster.

3. ALWAYS know who you're kissing.

4. Uppance will come to those who talk in the theater.

5. The chain of command does exist, and Jayne would much like to use it.

I'm sure I could think of more, but, unfortunately, I have an awards ceremony to attend.

"Come a day there won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all." - Malcolm Reynolds


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:11 PM


Ten things I learned from watching Firefly:

1) Don't wear a blue sun shirt in the kitchen, there are too many knives around.

2) Learn to use a sword before you decide to punch someone at the ball.

3) Don't call someone who just got out of a cage, sir, you tend to get beat up for that.

4) Midgets can be by far the most troublesome cargo, and they like fire.

5) Governments are meant to get in a man's way.

6) Beware of a girl with a gun who has her eyes closed.

7) When someone says "fire", it's not the birthday candles you need to worry about.

8) When hiring mercs, make sure they have their own room, unless you want to get shot in the leg.

9) That's no shephard.

10)Those who do the impossible are mighty.

Thanks to all who never stopped fighting, I love my BDM.


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 9:54 AM


a random bump, for a random reason
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 1:38 PM


I can't think of many but here goes nothing...

1) Missionaries can secretly be trained fighters.
2) You do not want to 'do' your best friend's sister.
3) People who play with toys can get some.
4) Waking up to check up on your guns in the middle of the night is alright.
5) Leaves can soar into space.
6) In the future, a girl who seems innocent is one who knows how to fix spaceship engines better than you.
7) It is alright to get stuck in a valley and live there.
8) Eastern Europeans in the future are still crazy.
9) If you think al-Qaeda is cruel, wait until you meet Reavers.
10) Partially transparent latex gloves have been replaced with blue latex gloves in the future.

I told you they would suck...


Sunday, July 9, 2006 6:27 PM



Originally posted by manwithpez:

2. Come on...admit it. When Serenity docked with that ship, I wasn't the only staring at the screen when those tentacles came out, thinking "What the hell...?"

no, you weren't
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:37 PM


*Chases llamas through thread*
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Thursday, July 27, 2006 2:54 AM


I think, Firefly really was a highly educational program (almost as much, as Sesamestreet), so this is what I learned from it:

1. Offering to kill somebody might not work as well as an incentive, as one might think. (point of interest).
2. When being tortured, dying might seem the thing to do. (might not help an awful lot, though)
3. No-one pays you to get your hair plaid at (which is a real shame!)
4. If you pay your workers near to nothing, you can pass on the savings to your customers (now wait - seems, my boss is a browncoat after all!)
5. Meditating beats just sittin'. (well… it is just sitting!)
6. Everyone has the right to live and try to kill people (… I mean… you know… dumb planet!)
7. Sonic rifles are just Shee-niou high tech crap, when it comes to open a door with them. (still wish I had one, though)
8. You might not get a neural reaction from a patient, even if you apply the cortical electrodes. (now can I be a doctor?)
9. If you are been given the shortest end of a stick ever offered a human soul in this crap-heel 'verse... well... take it! (at least, that's something!)
10. Everybody dies alone. (especially FOX Execs!)
11. A ruthless bounty-hunter can still be a philosopher (That seem right to you?)
12. If you're floating in space all alone, your chances are one in about... a very big number. (well… here I am)
13. You never know, who is in a pregnant woman. (Sometimes it's Jonah, though)
14. Even a leaf in the wind can be speared. (sob!)
15. The reg couple don't really serve much of a purpose. Just tends to gum up the works when it gets tacked. Better to just plug your g-line straight into the port-pin-lock (I have to go and see, whether I have one of these in my car …)
16. One of the virtues of not being puritanical about sex is not being embarrassed afterwards. (buuuhuuuuhuuuuuuuu!)
17. Space trash kinda latches onto the first big somethin' stops long enough. (Hey -- now that'd be a bit like Simon and his sister, wouldn't it?)
18. Transport ships have no guns (might come in handy, if you ever plan to attack one!)
19. Companions don't kiss and tell (but there is kissin'!)
20. There are witches in congress. (and also a beast, it seems)
21. In some situations, being proper might be everything that is left. (Now this is really one to take home!)
22. If you have done well, you'll get wife-soup (if you have the right wife!).
23. If you start an autopsy, make sure, the person is dead! (or at least has some cloth on…)
24. Rubbing soup in your hair is always a hoot (and get's no-one killed).
25. Geese juggling is very relaxing (you really should try it!)
26. If the snow on the roof is too heavy, the ceiling will cave in (and your brains are in terrible danger!)
27. We are all lost in the woods (but then again, it's the only place, where one can see a clear path.)
28. "Mal" means "bad" in the Latin (oh, and did you know, that "Zoe" means "Life" in Greek? And that "Simon" means "God has listened" in Hebrew? And that "River" means "big stream" in English? - Oh, never mind!)
29. People tend to look bigger, when you can't see them.
30. And finally: there's a lot to learn about planning:
• If you end up naked in a desert, doesn't necessarily mean, that your plan went wrong.
• If your son finally became a man, doesn't necessarily mean, that your plan went right.
• But if your plan went wrong (and you e.g. did loose her), be gracious.

Whow, now I'm educated!


Saturday, September 23, 2006 10:16 PM


I learned from Firefy that if Captain Mal and crew are stealing from people shooting people or participating in a punch-up in a bar that that they aren't bad as it first may seem.


Thursday, January 4, 2007 11:26 PM


1. Avoid going to the "Special Hell."

2. Some food could be problematic.

3. How to be the hero of my own crappy town.

4. Speaking Mandarin Chinese in the place of bad words gets rid of that annoying beep.

5. The Alliance "don't like it when you shoot at them."

6. Never wear a Blue Sun T-Shirt.

7. When trying to find the friend that spent a few years in government custody, try looking up.

8. Don't kiss 'em on the lips.

9. Next time a friend comes up to you that needs to tell you he wants to be taken seriously, just walk away.

10. When testing a pair off transmitters, it's most affective being tested more that 10 feet apart.






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