Converting others- the second best entertainment

UPDATED: Thursday, April 13, 2006 09:14
VIEWED: 5873
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Monday, March 6, 2006 3:52 PM


So one day I was watching War Stories with the commentary on. My mom came in and noticed Alan Tudyk. We were at the point of 'headless Wash'. She kind of giggled and sat down to watch till Mal's "No! No I don't". My god! That woman laughed harder than I did.

So we started to watch from the beginning. Some of the best Firefly experiences have come from watching her experience them for the first time. We're only three in (cause she has far more self-control than I do), but here's the highlights:

Mom's look of horror and soft "noooo....." when Kaylee 'died' in the pilot.

Her cheer at Mal getting smacked in Train Job. (Yes I did object to that somewhat).

Best of all, her two screams, yes, terrified high-pitched SCREAMS, in Bushwhacked. One was when the body hit the ship at the beginning and two was when the crazy guy is suddenly revealed behind Jayne. The second one brought my dad sprinting into the room! Also, the "*GASP*, they're OUTSIDE the ship!" when Simon and River are revealed.

I was just wondering if any of you converters enjoyed watching other's 'virgin' reactions. What do I have to look forward to?

"I also hear that there's something called Firefly, which is either a canceled science-fiction television show or a new religion, I'm not clear on that. Either way, prayers for the resurrection are involved." – Lore Sjoberg


Monday, March 6, 2006 4:08 PM


LOL. That's hilarious. Yes, I to get a huge kick out of watching FF 'virgins' react when they first watch FF/Serenety.

I had a similar experience when I took my dad to watch Serenity for the 1st time in the theatres. He never heard of FF, so he didn't know what to expect, just another scifi movie his crazy son wanted to see, or so he thought. He was kindoff watching it in the beginning and didn't seem too into it until Wash showed up with the line "Oh God, oh god, we're all gonna die?". For some reason that line caught him off guard and he laughed the loudest out of everyone in that theatre. Laughed so hard tears came out of his eyes and he missed about two minutes after that scene. After that he was glued to the screen.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 10:28 AM


Yeah, I love showing people movies they haven't seen, so it makes it that much more special if it's Serenity or Firefly. When I showed it to my friend and her brother, he said before we started the movie that his friends would be calling and he'd probably leave 20 minutes into it. I smiled to myself...his friends DID call, and he didn't even answer his phone. And she was so pissed at me near the end because I didn't warn her that Wash was going to die.

Also, I showed it to my sister, who was hesitant at first. After each sitting, she would get up and call her boyfriend, so I didn't have any feedback as to whether she liked it or not. Then one day, I was playing my guitar and she says, "You need to learn Hero of Canton." I was so suprised, in a good way. Now comments about geese juggling and the "waah" method of intimidation are regular. I had to give in and tell her I got Firefly for her birthday...she was excited.

Showing this stuff to people is almost as good as mudder's milk...almost.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:58 PM


I was showing the pilot episode to a 'virgin' friend a few days back. About 30 minutes in, she said in an almost reverent tone, "I -love- this show!", without taking her eyes from the screen.

And then she started to shush our other friend that was present when said friend was talking during the remainder of the episode. She also had me rewind so she could hear everything she had missed.

Took me by surprise that her reaction was that quick and that striking. It completely made my week!

I've watched FF episodes with quite a few newbies. I always enjoy their reactions to things like Kaylee's apparent death and Zoe being shot in the pilot (they usually turn to look at me with an accusatory stare like I should have warned them or something ). And it's always fun to hear them react to some of my favorite scenes or dialogue.



Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:43 PM


Best part about converting my husband was listening to him laugh at all of Jayne's lines.


Thursday, March 16, 2006 2:31 PM


Though new to being a Browncoat, my friend who intrduced me to Firefly, along with his girl friend, my wife, and a mutual friend of ours have never laughed so hard and long at Mal when he uncovered the cryo-crate with River in it and exclaimed after a long pause..."Hungh!"


Thursday, March 16, 2006 2:59 PM


When my dad thinks something is funny, I mean really funny, he goes on for about eight minutes, nearly passes out, and his face turns red. He has done this several times while watching firefly- the most memorable time being the part in War Stories already mentioned above at the end with Mal ("Something the captain has to do on his own...No, no I don't!") It was great:) I need to go find some more people to convert.


Thursday, March 16, 2006 3:25 PM


I took my Mom to the movie when it came out, and she had set herself to watch a scifi movie with me. She doesn't always like my kind of scifi, but she likes me, so she goes.

Not two minutes into the scenes with Mal and she leaned over and whispered ( something she NEVER does, I promise!) "I didn't know I liked suspenders so much!" Then she gave me a big grin.

She was also visibly scared for ALL of them by the end.

When she walked out of the theater she said "That is what Star Wars SHOULD have been!"

When I told her there was a show, you should have seen her face! Pure delight!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, March 17, 2006 1:42 PM


Hello, I'm a brand new Browncoat, and this is my first post. THIS post especially caught my eye, because it is so very true. I have been preaching about this show since I first saw it, about a month ago. I instantly fell in love with the series, and the characters, the stories, ..everything!!
It's like you need to spread the word to everyone. I've already converted my wife, 2 of my friends, and ironically, while typing this, my sister called me to tell me how much she loved the first disc of the box set, which I lent her. She cannot believe that this show flew under the radar, for so many people, and neither can I.
I first heard of the series from a friend, who highly recommended it to me, and I thank him constantly for doing so. I went out and bought the box set and Serenity on the same day, and went thru them like a crack fiend throughout a weekend.
The stories are what I have been searching for since the very first Star Wars film, and it's been a looooooong time comin'.
I've watched the whole shebang 2X now, and I am working my way thru the commentaries, which may I add, are awesome so far.
Thanks so much for reading, and sorry for the long winded post.
Anyway, I'll keep preaching the word, like a good Browncoat should.


Friday, March 17, 2006 2:27 PM


I just had a friend of mine over. She had already seen the movie but not all of the episodes from the series. So I knew she already liked it but sat her down and gave her free rein of the remote:) She watched about three or four episodes and I swear, I was as delighted as she was! Her facial expressions were priceless! Plus, it just gave me joy to see someone enjoying Firefly like I do. What a great day:)


Friday, March 17, 2006 3:13 PM


Well, now IndyBlues, a "good Browncoat" needs a browncoat to wear and that is something I'm qualified to do something about.

I'm this ships supply clerk and I have a browncoat in my storeroom

*rummages around and throws some stuff out of the way... Kaele and Dog13000 must have been in here....ah here it is......*

*hands IndyBlues a browncoat*

Hope it fits and we're proud to have you with us.

Welcome home.

And .... yea it is like crack isn't it -g-

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, March 17, 2006 3:41 PM


Can I have a browncoat? :)


Friday, March 17, 2006 3:47 PM


Awww, of course you can Persephone736... how did we miss you?

* goes back to storeroom and finds one that fits perfectly*

There you are!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, March 17, 2006 4:01 PM


Yay! I am happy now, thanks FollowMal!


Friday, March 17, 2006 4:15 PM


Thank you FOLLOWMAL!

*'Blues tries on (slightly)used Browncoat*

Ahh, fits like a glove...Shiny!
Glad to be aboard.



Friday, March 17, 2006 4:44 PM


Hello, also completely new - my husband and I saw Serenity before FF and he kept telling me we should pick up the tv show it was based on. I kept thinking it was a show from the 70's or something because he told me it was an 'old show'. I am completely unsettled that he thinks a few years is old because I'm nearing 30 here.

If he'd only clarified that NATHAN was in the series as well, he may have seen me buy it for us a bit earlier- not simply because I like him- but because I would have been able to find it in the store! As it was, I was looking right at it and my brain was just not firing.

Anyway- as soon as I could, I released them to my mom. my favorite conversion moment is more of an attitude: her constant disgust at it not being allowed to continue. And her quote which was "I wish I'd known they'd needed me."

Now, everything she sees on tv, she compares to FF and laments at how stupid people are. I mean... EVERY show- good shows! just not fabulous heart-captivating shows.

We bought her her own set just to show solidarity to the show. We're thinking of buying some backup sets too.

Otherwise I have a hard time trying to convert people because I love it so much, I am too emotionally attached to their responses. I.E. if they don't adore it... how can I still love them? Its safer to keep it hidden lest I end up alone and anciently old in two years.


Friday, March 17, 2006 4:58 PM



Originally posted by lynxcat:

If he'd only clarified that NATHAN was in the series as well, he may have seen me buy it for us a bit earlier- not simply because I like him- but because I would have been able to find it in the store! As it was, I was looking right at it and my brain was just not firing.

Anyway- as soon as I could, I released them to my mom. my favorite conversion moment is more of an attitude: her constant disgust at it not being allowed to continue. And her quote which was "I wish I'd known they'd needed me."

Now, everything she sees on tv, she compares to FF and laments at how stupid people are. I mean... EVERY show- good shows! just not fabulous heart-captivating shows.

We bought her her own set just to show solidarity to the show. We're thinking of buying some backup sets too.

Otherwise I have a hard time trying to convert people because I love it so much, I am too emotionally attached to their responses. I.E. if they don't adore it... how can I still love them? Its safer to keep it hidden lest I end up alone and anciently old in two years.

Well, I love your Mom's quote... I always wish that too.

And the thing about Nathan being in it....yea, that's my favorite part.

I do suggest having more than one set... I can't be without mine. I like to have a loaner set, although some of the suggestions on this board about only loaning the 1st disc and then when they are hooked suggesting that they buy their own.. well that's been tempting.

Don't like much other tv either... because nothing compares to Firefly. And I have had a few friends who didn't LOVE Firefly like me and I've had to struggle not to judge them about it.

Welcome to the joy and pain that is Firefly addiction.

Oh, since you're new, you'll be needing a browncoat... I usually hand new folks their browncoat..

*hands Lynxcat her very own browncoat*

Ok, you're all geared up.
Someone will likely come along and offer you strawberries and all kinds of goodies.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, March 17, 2006 9:54 PM


Aww thanks for the coat! I'm truly honored. In fact, I will hence forth think of my favorite brown coat as.... my browncoat.

While I let my mom borrow Serenity, my husband and I ordered it on Pay-per-view to make sure it was getting hits.

It is joy and pain isn't it? Especially because theres always that hope that there will be more... so I can't just try to come to terms with this being it.

AH but back to converting others... it can be a way to appreciate elements that didn't strike us the same way the first hundred viewings. My mom immediately loved Zoe for her absolute loyalty and complete coolness- no nonsense. Which is a lot like her. And suddenly my respect for Zoe soared. I'd always loved her but seeing her from someone else's perspective revealed a new level.

Thanks for the welcome!


Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:19 AM


My best conversion story is with my parents. My father rarely ever sits through movies because they don't hold his interest. He came 15 minutes into the pilot (serenity) and watched the rest with no comment. My mother watched them with me and I left Saturday night at 9:00 PM for an early appointment. She said she would watch maybe 1 or 2 more before going to bed, but when I called the next day she had stayed up until 3:00 AM Sunday morning to watch the rest of the 6 episodes she hadn't yet seen. It was nice to see that even with older folks it is an excellent series.

I seen you without your clothes on before. Never thought I'd see you naked.


Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:09 PM


I recently,like this past week had the oppourtunity to convert someone and I dove right in. My friend is 16 and from Pennsylvainia. She came up here to Vermont to stay with me for a week. We hung out inbetween my going to work and my classes. So one night we're sitting in my livingroom and I bring up Firefly. See I had been going on about it when I went to visit her in November. So I pop the DVD in and we watch Serenity parts one and two. I knew it was going well when she laughed at the jokes and when Kaylee was shot her gasp of horror was the genuine kind we all have when we are really into something good, you know. She was practically rolling on the floor from Wash's "This land" bit. SHe fell in love with SImon almost instantly. After that episode we let the credits roll and then I paused for a moment, waiting for her reaction. Then she turns to me with a huge grin and says "Don't stop there play the next one!" So that was that. I loved watching her reactions to the show and all the characters, it was like watching it again for the first time. It felt like this initiation into the world of the Browncoats for my dear friend. It was intersting that she really didn't like Mal at first. While in my case he was my favorite instantly. I love everyone but my favs are Mal, Kaylee and Simon. And River rules. So it is certainly an experience to convert others or even just share the 'Verse with them. After the series which we watched all of them in like two and a half days, I put in Serenity the BDM. Afterwards she walked around my apartment all the next day saying "I can't believe Wash is dead" She almost cried. She was on the edge of her seat and frantic when the crew is behind the blast doors and the Reavers are coming at them. Like her, when I first saw the movie I was sure most of them would die. Who knew how far Joss would go? So once again it is a great thing to convert and introduce the 'Verse of Firefly to the great vast numbers who are missing out on something truly Shiny.

Lady Serenity


Monday, April 10, 2006 2:37 PM


Cryx (from this board...can never remember how to spell her full user-name, though I can say it) is my favorite convert. I bugged her for weeks "You HAVE to watch Firefly." Finally...I brought the DVD's over...and they screwed up her computer. She spent the rest of the afternoon freaking out and swearing at the computer while fixing it.

Thankfully, her grandpa is, while not a browncoat per say, someone who enjoys the show. Alot. So he let us use HIS computer to watch the DVD's. We got through Jaynestown in one sitting. She has since watched the rest without me...most more then I have.

Other attempted conversions included - my mom...who hates Sci-fi of all sorts...or at least she claims to. This dosen't explane why she crawled up onto my bed with me and squeezed my hand toward the end of the BDM. (she claims it was just 'cause "it was getting tence") My friend Lisa - I had to leave the room during the "she's dead" part of the pilot eposode. I litteraly had to run to the bathroom and leave it playing so I could get through it without my face being a dead (pun not intended) give-away. Ditto on that point with my step-mom, who, intrestingly enough, is also named Lisa. She was ALMOST a successful convert, then she swore off all violent programing. grrrr...

I'm proud to say I'm more obsessed then the browncoat that introduced me to this show. ...though...she has a Jayne hat, and I don't.


Monday, April 10, 2006 3:51 PM


If all goes according to plan, by tomorrow my three firefly-related items (the series DVDs, the graphic novel and the BDM DVD) will all be on loan to three different people. Two of whom are already pretty much converts and one who's expressed interest...

(Though as with a certain other person we could all name, what I plan and what takes place ain't ever exactly been similar...)


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:25 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I had been trying to get my mom and stepdad to watch the show for a few weeks. I was watching them all the time, but they never came in to see what it was all about, though they kept telling me they would watch them sometime.
So I left the thrid disk in the player at one point, because I thought I'd watch more of it but I got up to do something and forgot. At this point I'd gone through them all three times and just wanted to revisit some favorites.
So my stepdad turned it on, I guess, and said "Hey! I'll watch this now then!" Of course it was the thrid disk, but OoG isn't a bad one to start on at all. Apparently he watched the whole disk and then went back to the beginning and watched the pilot. His only comment to me was "I shoulda watched this sooner!"
Wish I'd been awake when he first started them up...

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:14 AM


I have converted many people but my favorite has to be my boss, which is also my most recent.

I have blabbed at work about this show since i first saw it, and my boss always made fun of my obsession. Finally when the movie came out I was trying to convince him to go see it and he blew it off- saying it didn't sound interesting. Recently, he told me in passing that he had rented it and that it was "okay." Come to find out later from his wife that he had watched it at least 5 times that weekend!

The next day I loaned him the Firefly boxset.

Want Firefly/ Serenity/ BtVS/ Angel desktop wallpapers? Take a look at the ones I've created at:
Now hosting the Firefly Extended Gagreel
I have added a forum to my site and now I need some members!






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