who should be new pilot of serenity?

UPDATED: Monday, June 25, 2007 19:46
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:04 AM


with wash suffering from his untimely death at the end of serenity, the position of pilot is vacant onboard serenity. if joss does eventually make a new series of firefly or another serenity movie, which actor (or actress) should be the new pilot?
Try to think of suitable actors, maybe even character actors. dont be scared to come up with a radical choice.
my nomination is- RYAN REYNOLDS. he has perfect comic timing, but can also be seen as heroic if required. if you dont know him check out two guys and a girl or Blade Trinity.
of course, both mal and river fly serenity at the end of the film, so they are possible choices.
see who you can come up with



Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:06 AM


Well River is the most likely candidate. Since she clearly has an aptitude.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:11 AM


I agree River is a good choice it just depends on how stable she is now. I hope she doesn't wander off and kill the whole crew cause the wall is pretty. Anyway maybe Mal should keep flying with her for awhile just to be safe.

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:28 AM


I'd pay good money to see what Jayne would be capable of, pilot-wise.

That'd be a hoot!

I'll be in my bunk...


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:34 AM


I think River would probably be the pilot at least for a while but I think Joss may actually either have one of the current crew either learn to fly or more likely hire new crew.
I can't begin to guess who would make a good pilot. One actor that I think is usually overlooked is Ewan McGregor. I don't think he'd play a Wash-like character but something completely different. Just a thought I suppose. I would imagine though that the crew would need someone light hearted who could make the crew laugh even in worst circumstances to keep the morale up.

The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 8:48 AM


What about John Cho from "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle", to add that Asian element. The guy has shiny comedic timing. Maybe.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:26 AM


Well we know already that Inara can fly a shuttle and it just might be a good excuse for her to stay on the ship.


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:28 AM


I agree that River is the best candidate, but it's the future, can't they just clone Wash? They would have to dig him up first, or maybe use a hair from his hairbrush to clone him.

I love my captain


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:40 AM


Wouldn't it be something if the new pilot were Inara? However, I don't think she nor the captain could handle their feelings in this relationship without some major event happening between them, most likely one that tears them apart emotionally from each other. However, then the fun tension between the captain and Inara wouldn't be around...

Hell, Mark Hamil might make a good pilot, now that he looks the part ;)


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:44 AM


Can`t clone from hair I`m afaid, no DNA.

I`ll bet it costs an arm and a leg to clone people in the `verse anyway.

Now just suppose Zoe is pregnant with Wash`s child. Not entirely implausable considering they were arguing about it during the episode `Heart of Gold`.
Presumably, any sequel will take place a year or two after the events in `Serenity`.
Having a young kid in tow might make for some interesting plot twists dont you think?
Might even be a justification for Wash to appear as a flashback.


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:05 AM


On a new series or miniseries, they would probably want to add both a new pilot and a new passenger. (You could do a movie sequel differently.) One could be the comedian and one could be the reality-check mysterious Mal's-conscience do-gooder (replacing Book), but there's no reason the passenger couldn't be funny and the new pilot more like the Shepherd. Unless Inara becomes Mal's conscience, in which case the pilot could be a companion. No. Ok.

Someone Mal and Zoe served with in the war, Tracey's age, who can develop into a love interest for River. (The storylines! The severe looks from Simon!) Maybe James Badge Dale, the guy who played Chase on 24 and has been on CSI a few times.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:12 AM


i like the wash-zoe baby idea! especially if there were flashbacks... surely the baby talk was for a reason!
think river is likely to be a bit too unstable for flying all the time, but you never know. new character will probably be necessary to do the funny wash-like comments. *sniff* miss him so bad!


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:12 AM


i like the wash-zoe baby idea! especially if there were flashbacks... surely the baby talk was for a reason!
think river is likely to be a bit too unstable for flying all the time, but you never know. new character will probably be necessary to do the funny wash-like comments. *sniff* miss him so bad!


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:12 AM


i like the wash-zoe baby idea! especially if there were flashbacks... surely the baby talk was for a reason!
think river is likely to be a bit too unstable for flying all the time, but you never know. new character will probably be necessary to do the funny wash-like comments. *sniff* miss him so bad!


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:12 AM


i like the wash-zoe baby idea! especially if there were flashbacks... surely the baby talk was for a reason!
think river is likely to be a bit too unstable for flying all the time, but you never know. new character will probably be necessary to do the funny wash-like comments. *sniff* miss him so bad!


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:12 AM


i like the wash-zoe baby idea! especially if there were flashbacks... surely the baby talk was for a reason!
think river is likely to be a bit too unstable for flying all the time, but you never know. new character will probably be necessary to do the funny wash-like comments. *sniff* miss him so bad!


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:12 AM


i like the wash-zoe baby idea! especially if there were flashbacks... surely the baby talk was for a reason!
think river is likely to be a bit too unstable for flying all the time, but you never know. new character will probably be necessary to do the funny wash-like comments. *sniff* miss him so bad!


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 12:40 PM



Originally posted by Rob150185:
I'd pay good money to see what Jayne would be capable of, pilot-wise.

That'd be a hoot!

Not if the Serenity walk-through on my Aussie DVD is any indication - the last second shows Jayne grabbing the controls, and it *does* become the last second!

But a pilot? What's wrong with Mal flying the ship? It is his ship, after all.



Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:45 PM


Besser becomes the new pilot of Serenity. After his failure as a mechanic, he gets the notion to become a pilot and meets up with the crew once again. Much comic hilarity ensues, including his ultimate mission to get Kaylee alone in the engine room.

"Genius, nobody's ever called me that before"


Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:30 AM



Originally posted by Stubbs:
my nomination is- RYAN REYNOLDS. he has perfect comic timing, but can also be seen as heroic if required. if you dont know him check out two guys and a girl or Blade Trinity.

lol... Nathan was on that show wasn't he? Ryan Reynolds could be 'verse-worthy. I always want to really not like that guy for some reason, but the jack-hat continues to elude my wrath. Frell, I even liked Blade Trinity ;p

Personally, I sort of wonder if Joss has pared down the crew a bit in preparation for the sequel... Easier to cram more character development into two hours with fewer characters, I'd imagine. Though if (I mean, WHEN!!! :) we get a new series...

But yeah, Mal and River seem rather capable of flying the ship. River'd be my choice of pilot in a pinch, though something tells me it could be a bit... stressful to watch her fly. Everyone has that friend that's a bit too "confident" behind the wheel of a car, where you sort of hang on for dear life and hope you make it out alive :)

She's got that whole 'savant' thing going on, so I can see her coming in too fast for a landing, cutting the corners too tight, etc. Of course always handling Serenity with perfect grace and balance, but also managing to give Mal a burning ulcer and Kaylee a stress disorder :)

My pick for a new pilot: Michael Richards (well not seriously, but it'd be funny :) or... actually... Jack Black?

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:39 AM



Originally posted by Rabbit2:
Can`t clone from hair I`m afaid, no DNA.

I`ll bet it costs an arm and a leg to clone people in the `verse anyway.

Now just suppose Zoe is pregnant with Wash`s child. Not entirely implausable considering they were arguing about it during the episode `Heart of Gold`.
Presumably, any sequel will take place a year or two after the events in `Serenity`.
Having a young kid in tow might make for some interesting plot twists dont you think?
Might even be a justification for Wash to appear as a flashback.


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?

Errm...I really can't see a child flying the ship...And I REALLY don't want a token kid in it...

I like the River love interest idea, or simply, River. If she's a reader, surely that would be useful for dodging those inevitable gorram Reaver/Alliance encounters.

She'll turn you in before you can say "Don't turn me in...lady..."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:44 AM


I'm gonna have to say River. Not only is she clearly smart enough to understand the workings of a ship - but she is psychic. That's gotta help with the reaction time. I think she might even have the same love for the ship that Wash had and Mal talks to her about at the end of the BDM. Serenity is really the only real home she's ever known and been connected to.

Just my two cents.

Keep on flyin'

"We've gotta go to the crappy town where I'm a hero."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:49 AM


river would be the best choice cause she has the aptitude and would then have a place in the crew. So yes, river will probably be pilot for a while....that is until wash comes back (and yes, he is coming back)



Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:52 AM


I don't think we'd really have to worry about the Wash absence...

I think if there is gonna be another series, it will be before Serenity, in order to show how exactly River was captured again, and to continue the Blue Sun storyline.

She'll turn you in before you can say "Don't turn me in...lady..."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 8:10 AM


In the unlikely event we ever see the Firefly 'verse on screen again, I seriously doubt Joss would add any new characters. Nine people is a lot to juggle (even though he did a great job at it) he'd probably appreciate keeping the number low!

As for the pilot, it would definitely be River. The movie pretty clearly set her up for it, and with a bit of supervision, she'd be great. Plus, now that she's not being chased by the Alliance any more, she needs a purpose in the narrative.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:43 AM


Blasphemy! Never see the 'verse again...for shame.

Anyways, I think River will most likely pick up the slack, with some help from Mal.

However, no one knows if River's being chased by the alliance anymore. The Op simply said that he didn't know. Regardless, it would help the crew if the pilot knew ahead of time that an alliance ship was bearing down on them. I doubt we'll see anyone added to the cast.

In addition, I like the theory that Wash will return at some point as a 'ghost' that only River can see/sense. Joss has said many times that Alan's character may be dead, but that doesn't mean he's fininshed with FF/Serenity for good and he will return in one way or another.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:08 AM


I've two directions I'd prefer the sequel going. The first is, of course, a prequel. So we can have the original cast back, maybe something with Book's storyline and why he left, a transport of some amazing swiped cargo into the hands of a new separatist group? I dunno. I don't write fer 'em. But a prequel, yes.

The other idea is set several years after the movie when the Alliance rebellion fever is sweeping the galaxy again, since everyone would be in an uproar over what was revealed...With Zoe settled down for the time on some backwater planet raising Wash Junior, River piloting, since her quick reflexes and instincts would be well suited...with Mal standing over, taking the helm to perform the amazing tricks he learned from Wash, Crazy Ivans and basket-weaving and the like. I don't think any permanent people should be added to Serenity's crew. Maybe some old war buddies who go their own way in the end.

Dear Diary... Today, we were kidnapped by hill folk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:39 AM


I've been mulling this over, and have come up with this, a character of my own creation:

A young man with the extremely unlikely name of Diamonds Coinspinner will someone join the crew through helping them with a job on Persephone. He is a gambler and kleptomaniac, and is played by Jake Gyllenhall, or some other twenty-something actor. He will become River's love interest.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:26 AM


I can't imagine this topic hasn't been covered somewhere already, but speaking of a love interest for River, I wonder if it would be a positive or a negative to be involved with a psychic. On the one hand she'd never once misunderstand you when you accidentally say something stupid you didn't mean. But on the other hand... she could read your mind.

"SWM seeks recently enslaved and tortured reader, preferably to live and work in close quarters with. Big brother always looking over shoulder a plus. Should enjoy reading, drawing, (re)writing and kung fu killing machine activities. When responding, please estimate price on head."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:23 PM



Originally posted by Shiny1:
I agree that River is the best candidate, but it's the future, can't they just clone Wash? They would have to dig him up first, or maybe use a hair from his hairbrush to clone him.

I love my captain

Thank you for bringing that up cause i have a very good idea for new episodes i was thinking that the alliance to get to Mal, offer a greef stricken Zoe a chance to see her husband by cloning him but by selling out Mal to them to do so, we all know from Niscas space station that she will give up Mal for Wash i a hart beat.. and I have a question on one thing i have been reading in the room, Rivers love interest, why cant it be Jayne? now befor every one gets cray over this think about it, River can hear what everyone is thinking and im sure she hates that but from what i have been seeing Jayne always speaks the truth exsept of course when he is trying to double cross the crew and he knows not to try that again we all know!I am sure she would fall for him because she dosent have to read his mind to find out what he is thinking cause he will just blirt it out any way. So why cant they hook up of corse there is a huge age diffence but come on its Jayne! and we know he dont care and we also know that he wouldent give a rats ass what Simon thought of all this so why can't it happen? even if I am dead wronge on this ya got to admit that whould make a great twist in the series

"What a Whiner"


Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:02 PM



Originally posted by GreatBlackthorn:
I think if there is gonna be another series, it will be before Serenity, in order to show how exactly River was captured again, and to continue the Blue Sun storyline.

Just an FYI, River wasn't captured again, the scene was a new view of the 'original' escape from the academy.

As for the pilot - definately River. It would be just like 'unpredictable' Mal to have a crazy psychic flying the boat. It's not logical, not entirely rational, but then neither was naming the ship "Serenity".

Mal knows people; he knows how to motivate people. He would know that River as pilot would not only fill a practical vacancy, but an emotional one as well - helping her to be that whole person, not just a weapon; helping the crew to carry through their ordeal by maintaining what remains of their 'family', moving foward together, without any outside intrusion. Sure, there'd be a certain amount of risk involved (and likely a bit of indigestion), but that's already the life they are living.

Plus, think of the hi-larity that could ensue.

Ain't. We. Just.


Friday, March 24, 2006 5:09 AM


You sir, are incorrect, for the following reasons:

Simon didn't capture River himself, he used money and an underground movement to capture her.

They escape on Serenity, (you can see it fly off from the top of the hatch, with exactly the same method used in "The Train Job") yet they first got on Serenity in Persephone, when River was in her cryo-chamber. Therefore, they were already crew members, so River must have been recaptured.

So there is no reason why any future Firefly projects can't be before the BDM, and can't include Wash and Book.

She'll turn you in before you can say "Don't turn me in...lady..."


Friday, March 24, 2006 5:12 AM


Seems pretty obvious that River is intended to be the new pilot. And it makes sense, considering that she didn't much of a have a role in the crew until that point. Aside from being a crazy killer-woman, of course.

If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak.


Friday, March 24, 2006 10:06 AM


Me! I should be the new pilot! *zoom*

Okay, River can be the pilot. ("A big chunk of ship is about to fall off." "No it's not!" *kachunk* "Told you so.")


i like the wash-zoe baby idea! especially if there were flashbacks... surely the baby talk was for a reason!

Y'know, I was thinkin' that meself. They have the doctor aboard, and the crew's something like a big, weird family, and wouldn't River make a great nanny? ("The baby's hungry." "No she's not." *babycries* "Told you so.")
Really, it would be an interesting arc for bad-ass Zoe. I think we'd see a lot of her hidden, complicated layers if she were to find out that she got pregnant the last time she was with Wash. ("I can do this! It's my job!" "Zoe, you're 8 months pregnant." "So what? Here, hold my laser gun while I use the bathroom.")


Friday, March 24, 2006 10:13 AM



Originally posted by GreatBlackthorn:
You sir, are incorrect, for the following reasons:

Simon didn't capture River himself, he used money and an underground movement to capture her.

They escape on Serenity, (you can see it fly off from the top of the hatch, with exactly the same method used in "The Train Job") yet they first got on Serenity in Persephone, when River was in her cryo-chamber. Therefore, they were already crew members, so River must have been recaptured.

So there is no reason why any future Firefly projects can't be before the BDM, and can't include Wash and Book.


Well, there is not much point in arguing what is fact, but you're new here (Welcome, BTW!), and your interpretation is not unreasonable or uncommon (edit: though it is wrong).

From an Aussie Q&A session:

Question: Hi Joss. I was just wondering, a bit of a discrepency I might have noticed in the series and in the film. In the series, it is implied that River was smuggled *to* Simon in that chyrogenic box, yet in this movie we've seen him rescuing her. Is that just something you had to put in the plot to make it make sense to people who have never seen the series or did I just--

JOSS: -- Man, I haven't even noticed that (laughs). It is the one place where I broke cannon, because I started to write the movie with people we have never met, breaking the material out, and I thought "My God, this is uninvolving" and realised I had to switch it for the movie to make it Simon himself who broke her out. So. My fan wank goes out as follows, he was lying about when he said other people broke her out, and I haven't gotten why yet... Im working on it.

source link:

But I totally agree that there's no reason (beyond Joss's own preferences) that future projects cannot take place prior to the BDM. In fact, the next comic book run is supposedly to be set during that period.

Ain't. We. Just.


Friday, March 24, 2006 10:19 AM


I thought it was pretty clear from the BDM that River was the new pilot.

Though, if the 'verse continues, I would imagine we'll meet a new crew member, I just don't think they'll be pilot. Bringing in a new character opens up a lot of opprotunities for new plots, relationships and character interactions. Just bringing in a "new Wash" (either a clone or a simmilar character) would serve little purpose.

And on another note, I can't believe there are still people who think River was re-captured, or that Serenity was the ship in the opening escape. Jeez folks, Joss shot that one down quite a while ago. It's a flashback. Yes, is contradicts things said in the pilot to a degree, but those inconsistencies can be justified pretty easily. That was River's original, and only escape from the Alliance. Deal and move on.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, March 24, 2006 10:55 AM


Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but.... I can see a scenerio like this:

River still holds a lot of secrets that the alliance does not want out. Also, as long as she's on the loose, she's a danger to them, if for no other reason than she is a witness/product of what they have done.

So, the Alliance goes to Miranda, finds Wash's body, and clones him. But, they, being the purplebelly scum that they are, tamper with him, programing him as a spy. So, when he rejoins our heroes, he is actually an alliance spy, probably without even knowing it. This can lead to all sorts of adventures, including one where they finally realize what is going on, fix his brain, and we have our favorite pilot back



Friday, March 24, 2006 11:05 AM


'Cept clones don't get the memories of the original.

Joss has written one clone story so far (Alien 4), and had to stretch for a way to explain Ripley's clone having memories - which was tied to Alien DNA, and the chemical/ancestral memory sometimes found in insects. And even then, she had only spotty memories.

And given how that one turned out, I don't expect Joss is in a hurry to write another clone story.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, March 24, 2006 12:14 PM


NoSadSeven said:

They escape on Serenity, (you can see it fly off from the top of the hatch, with exactly the same method used in "The Train Job") yet they first got on Serenity in Persephone, when River was in her cryo-chamber. Therefore, they were already crew members, so River must have been recaptured.

Nope- that wasn't Serenity. (I did assume it was, too, but I hadn't seen Firefly yet!) I know I read an article somewhere that had Joss stating that it was definitely not Serenity. After I got the backstory, I assumed that the ship belonged to the "underground" that helped Simon break River out. If Joss said that Simon lied about the underground, then so be it, but he still had to pay someone to fly that ship!

But it's still plausible that the ship belonged to the underground resistance, and that Simon stuck River in the box so she wouldn't be seen until they were far away from the academy. (Or, to confuse anyone who was looking for a fugitive brother and sister, Simon went to whatever planet that was on his own, and the underground shipped River to him... but that's needlessly complicated.) That's my fan wank!


Friday, March 24, 2006 12:15 PM


Art is liable to interpretation, and my interpreation makes me happy...So...Yeah...>_>

She'll turn you in before you can say "Don't turn me in...lady..."


Friday, March 24, 2006 7:12 PM



Originally posted by WhoMe:
NoSadSeven said:

Actually, GreatBlackthorn said. I was just quoting (and refuting).

If Joss said that Simon lied about the underground, then so be it, but he still had to pay someone to fly that ship!
I believe the implication was that he lied (by omission) about the extent of his personal involvement, not the underground entirely, so...yeah. Exactly right. I subscribe to the same fanwank you do.

Ain't. We. Just.


Friday, March 24, 2006 7:34 PM


Oughta be a man, methinks. And the first guy who comes to mind is Chris Gorham (Jake 2.0).


Friday, March 24, 2006 7:52 PM


I agree about River. She has the aptitude and with her learning curve was probably better at flying than Mal or Zoe within a week of the end scene.

But I also think we need another character, if not another BDH. With both Book and Wash gone, we've lost Mal's outside conscience. Both of those characters were used at one time or another to provide a check on his more vengeful instincts. Book was great at it. I thought Wash was a little more uncomfortable in that role in the movie. Too much "But Mal", not enough "fry cook opportunity".

Plus we need somebody who can take Zoe's place for off-ship adventures cuz no way they're going to leave River alone in charge of the ship. Even with Kaylee and Simon on board - definitely not enough "holding the fort" in their psyches. So how about another former Browncoat comrade of Mal's? Maybe not in the same unit but also a survivor of Serenity Valley? Someone who was changed opposite to Mal - became more certain of a God rather than less. And who is reliable enuf to either take with or leave back, but who has his own agenda nowadays. Someone similar to a younger JT Walsh. Or maybe Luke Wilson, who can be serious or comic as the need arises.

Hobbes: How come we play war and not peace?
Calvin: Too few role models.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 12:20 AM



Originally posted by Rob150185:
I'd pay good money to see what Jayne would be capable of, pilot-wise.

That'd be a hoot!

LOL. too many buttons for Jayne


Saturday, March 25, 2006 7:01 AM


the ship that rescued simon and river isn't the serenity, it lacks the 2 side engines and it's too small.

i thought it was the serenity too until i started watching firefly.


Monday, March 27, 2006 6:17 AM


Back to the original topic...

How about Saffron as the new pilot? She's got the skills and has, er, worked with the crew before.

Having her aboard would certainly add a whole new level of complications for Mal and Co. If you thought Jayne was a loose cannon, well, he'd be Mr. Reliable compared to Our Mrs. Reynolds.

Then there would be all the 'ship possibilities. Inara would pretty much have to stay on just to make sure Mal didn't fall under Saff's spell again. Or, how about Jayne/Saff? He was willing to trade Vera for her...

Of course, Christina wouldn't be too hard on the eyes. And her character could add a certain kind of humor. Not the same as Wash, of course, but edgier and more sardonic. "'Night, sweetie!"

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Monday, March 27, 2006 6:28 AM


I agree that Ryan Reynolds would be a good choice. He's got similar comic swangango as Wash did.. but with opposite personality ( wash was more reserved... Ryan cant help but be as was stated in "Waiting" the "Cool Guy" ) I could see Ryan and Mal going head to head a bit. It could be funny...

Now, for the sake of being nestagic... I liked how River and Mal were piloting at the end of the movie... Perhaps River would be a good pilot.. if we can get her meds straight that is! LOL


Monday, March 27, 2006 6:39 PM


Ah, yes, Saffron. I was also going to suggest her, also. She obviously knew the ship well. But, and this is a big but, she can't be trusted. Besides, I think she works better as a continuing thorn is Mal's saddle, turning up again and again to cause him and the crew more than a little grief, beating Mal & Co. to the prizes (the same way Indiana Jones work was frequently foiled). The last we saw of her was in the dumpster, so she could have come back in many more episodes. I sure wouldn't mind seeing more of her .... a lot more, actually....

"I'm in."


Monday, March 27, 2006 7:17 PM


First of all since the job is open Joss could write in any number of people that he wanted to fill in the duty.

Since the question was put to the fan forum its one I can't resist. I was going to say Tom Cruise would make a good pilot since he did such a great job flying F-15s in that movie he did some time back about fighter aces. But then I remembered that Wash had a sense of humor and if Tom is lacking in this department Wash's toy dinosaurs may just end up out the window.

Its funny but it makes perfect sense what Kinrocdarkstone posted. John Cho would likely get my vote for the job too. After all with the morfing of US and china societies where are all the asian folk?

Although Captain Mal could pilot Serenity,that wouldn't leave much room to command. River would be and excellent driver 75% of the time. What about the other 25% when shes crazy. You know a blind guy would be a pretty good driver on a strait road. It's the curved ones that would kill ya.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9:04 AM


Okay, this is getting a little disenheartening. How many of are actually film-goers who know and appreciate good cinema? And how many of you [sound like/are] are 13-15 yr old girls with a hollywood crush on some 'cute' actor. Or are guys basing your assumptions on a character or two that a certain actor has played. You're all talking about somewhat well known, film actors. Look at who is in the show and the movie. The only big-ish name is Ron Glass. And we're talking low-budget film-making here (which is part of the reason its so good). Oh, and the character development..gee, what a novel idea.

Sorry to be blunt, but if this is what the browncoat world is turning in to? And how many of you have actually watched the movie with commentary? Joss says there that its the first (and only) escape.

Note: This isn't directed at all of you. Some of you have had great, well thought-out ideas. But there's only so much from these boards that I can endure. Especially as of recent.

Prequel = decent idea
Jake Gyllenhal (or however the eff you spell his name) = BAD idea

If George Lucas got ahold of know what the sequel would be? Serenity II: The Legend if Book's Gold.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:02 AM



The only big-ish name is Ron Glass.

Not true. Nathan Fillion was already well known to people who watched One Life to Live!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:57 AM



Originally posted by FlipDog:
Sorry to be blunt, but if this is what the browncoat world is turning in to? And how many of you have actually watched the movie with commentary? Joss says there that its the first (and only) escape.

Note: This isn't directed at all of you. Some of you have had great, well thought-out ideas. But there's only so much from these boards that I can endure. Especially as of recent.

To this escape ship question again: Besides the whole before-they-even-met-Mal issue - Not Serenity! The closest you can get is maybe it's a similar shuttle to Serenity's but it's nowhere near big enuf to be a Firefly. My thought was that it was just a generic small planetary craft.

And no, this isn't what the browncoat world is turning into. Most long-time browncoats hang out on specific boards or even in specific forums, if not specific threads, cuz that's where their friends hang out. I've gotten the impression that not that many bother with stuff like this because it's been discussed ad nauseum previously. Search doesn't find everything - and some of the newer people are enthusiastic enuf to not bother checking what's come before.

Enthusiasm is not a bad thing. In fact, it's what keeps the browncoat 'verse going. So please try to make allowances for the newbs - cuz hopefully there will always be some around!

Hobbes: How come we play war and not peace?
Calvin: Too few role models.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 6:00 PM


hey guys .Just felt the need to post another round on the ongoing actor/pilot questions.

First,I'm not a movie buff but if I see one that I like and am able to get my paws on the dvd I "can" say that I watch it more than twice.

Joss W. has been in show buisness long enough to know what he wants and what hes looking for. If Wash is replaced with another driver, then its a pretty sure bet JW has gotten a very good replacement.

Now just from my own experience,I'd enjoyed playing the game Tomb Raider when it first came out. When I heard they were making a movie staring Angelina Jolie I said "No way. Shes not right for the part." Well she did a good job and the box office proved me wrong. She brought in some big bucks.

Now Serenity has become s favorite of mine and I wouldn't change a thing about it, but "what if" Brad Pitt had played the operative instead of Chiwetel Ejiofor(who did a fantastic job by the way) What would the box office have been?

I do understand JW choices and Serenity is the 10 character and all but to get Firefly going again it may take a big name to jumpstart Serenity2 the Movie. Adding 100 new fans per movie won't do it. Several thousand would be better. I'm not saying put a big name in the pilots seat. Heck, make him(or her) one of the Blue Hands. This is just an opinion and something to think about and discuss. It can be debated and the ball tossed back and forth, in a civilized manner. Any and all can post their points and I respect that. Its the way it should be and really does it matter what actors come in and shift to the open spots as long as we get another Movie or tv deal out of it, its Ok by me.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:38 AM



And no, this isn't what the browncoat world is turning into. Most long-time browncoats hang out on specific boards or even in specific forums, if not specific threads, cuz that's where their friends hang out. I've gotten the impression that not that many bother with stuff like this because it's been discussed ad nauseum previously. Search doesn't find everything - and some of the newer people are enthusiastic enuf to not bother checking what's come before.

Enthusiasm is not a bad thing. In fact, it's what keeps the browncoat 'verse going. So please try to make allowances for the newbs - cuz hopefully there will always be some around!

Hobbes: How come we play war and not peace?
Calvin: Too few role models.

Well met!

YES SIR! Captain Tightpants!


Friday, March 31, 2006 7:19 AM


New pilot... Hmmmm. I think Joss may do his crazy ass fabulous thing and bring Wash back as a disembodied ghost voice / died-and-got-better-but-came-back-wrong type thing

Or, he could have River make a Genius-Built Sex-and-Flying-but-Not-at-The-Same-Time Wash Robot, a la Buffy.

Or hows about this...

Wash loved that ship. I reckon part of him will always be in that ship. Now, River can hear stuff that isnt always heard. So, who better to guide her if she were the new pilot? I'm not meaning like a Ben Kenobi type scenario, that would be bad, but just - it would be nice if she 'felt' Wash around her sometimes.

I mean that in the least dirty way possible, of course.

I'll be in Wash's bunk.
Correction. I'll be UNDER Wash's bunk, making sure Zoe doesnt see me.






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