Twists that made us go, 'hmmm'

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 14:57
VIEWED: 9026
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Monday, April 10, 2006 2:47 PM


Oh lordy, there's just an acre of my threads, aren't there? (so sorry, I'm new to the fandom by two months and am all eager to talk!)

What plot twists in the episodes and movies really made you stop, sit up, and reevaluate the entire story? Even if it turned out your former assumptions were correct, were there any red herrings or revelations that suddenly made you go HUH?!? and took you off guard?

For me, I remember being very shocked in Trash, when Yolanda's husband comes in and hugs her before it goes to black. Of course, it ends up coming out that he is just yet another sap, but at that moment, I wondered if YoSaffBrig had actually been trying to get back to this guy all along. I dunno, it just had that soft tender quality, made you wonder if this meeting was what Yolanda had had in mind all along. I was all O_O and beginning to wonder if I had pegged her wrong, until I saw her expression in the next section and realized this was not part of the plan and that this was just another Saffron-the-Universe's-Wife moment.

A very close second has to be, "She's on my SHIP!!" in Objects in Space. I laughed like a mad thing at that, as I hadn't dreamed she would do that (I had assumed she was in that hiding spot in the cargo bay, as Early didn't check there).

"This must be what going mad feels like."


Monday, April 10, 2006 3:43 PM


River shooting in war stories. River's arse-kicking at the maidenhead would have been, were it not spoiled in every peace of promotional material.

-Stay Shiny
"The people who made the show, and the people who saw the show, which is roughly the same number of people, fell in love with it, a little bit too much to let it go, too much to lay down arms when when the battle looked pretty much lost. In Hollywood, people like that are called unrealistic, quixotic, obsessive... In my world, they're called Browncoats."
-Joss Whedon


Monday, April 10, 2006 3:57 PM


"I'm leaving".

Although that didn't make me go "hmmm" so much as "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Also "Night, honey" with that pure-evil smile that YoSaffBridge does so well.


Monday, April 10, 2006 7:24 PM



Originally posted by sab39:
"I'm leaving".

Although that didn't make me go "hmmm" so much as "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

That one killed me. I didn't even want to talk after that episode (and it was the last episode on the DVDs that I hadn't already seen). I was so not expecting it, and I was so upset by it. (Later, I came to appreciate it, but at the time, I was not happy.)

Had that same kind of experience with the BDM. You know, that thing with the giant spike...

Ain't. We. Just.


Monday, April 10, 2006 8:15 PM


actually there were a coupe o' things making me think about...

like in the 1. aired ep, the trainjob, jayne pointing out cargo ships dont even have guns, i was going like "what the??? spaceship??? no guns??? how does that supposed to work out"

or just same ep, little earlier, before the brawl, where mal tells the guy to share that to his face... it really kicked me of my chair what he said "Nothing! just wanted you to face me so she can get behind you!"... or again the same ep.. where crow starts his "you can run but you cant hide, im gonna get you jabber jabber" and mal just kick him into the engine... well i certainly didnt expect that to happen....


Monday, April 10, 2006 8:19 PM


In the same vein as the above, when Mal, Jayne, and Zoe came back from the gunfight with patience, Mal just shot Dobson, no questions asked.

Simon getting up even after being shot by Early. Not to say Simon's a coward, it's just I'm told getting shot hurts a whole hell'uv'a'lot.

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?


Monday, April 10, 2006 9:01 PM


Well now...plot twists that made me go "hmmm" huh? Well...I would have to say:

1. Inara's "I'm leaving" from Heart of Gold - this was a just a major kick below the belt. You honestly expect Mal to either rage like mad or just go all broken right in front of our eyes.

2. Mal shooting Dobson as he marches up the loading ramp in Serenity (the pilot episode) - oh so Han/Indy a crazy standoff? Just shoot the ass causing it quick like. No emotions or hesitation...just a quick draw and trigger squeeze;)

3. River's introduction in the cryo-case from Serenity (pilot) - who here wasn't thrown by Mal kicking open the container and getting a good look at River just laying there, seeimngly peaceful like. Honestly, I was like "WTF?!? This is just nuts!"

4. Tracey's introduction and "resurrection" in The Message (tie) - who here was expecting either twist, let alone both? Cuz it was a double shock to find out there's a supposedly dead guy as a parcel to Mal and Zoe, then find out he's really still alive! Totally Joss-like in funkin' with our minds;)

5. River's assassin training first manifesting in War Stories - now this was a shock! Suddenly River bears a whole new danger to the crew, from merely unstable mentally to unstable and highly skilled at marksmanship....jaw drop factor of 8, IMO:P


Literature has shown us some of humanity's greatest achievements; history, some of our greatest failures -- Alun Lewis


Monday, April 10, 2006 10:52 PM


The biggest thing that made me go hmmmm was in the movie when

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Book and Wash "left"!

I started to think about what Joss would do if another series was created without them. It just wouldn't seem right.


Monday, April 10, 2006 11:19 PM


I agree with sid872 ^

I really wasn't expecting that!

"there's no power in the 'verse can stop me"


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 5:54 AM


damn right!
didn't see that coming!!!...

actually there are a lot more such situations like these... situations that make no sense but cause a laughter... situations like .... "mercy.. is the mark of a good man...." theese are situations that make this series so SPECIAL...

an other situation was in war stories, this whole zoe-mal-or-wash-descision... as the scene starts you expect it to become one of those typical cliffhanger where they would play ad inbetween to make it more tense ... but niska dont even has the time to finish the sentence...!!! just great!!!!

and ofcourse there are dialogues where i was just surprised by its rethorical quality... like the one between jubal and simon when they first meet... the whole point of the pointlessness of an empty room and jubal making the point that simon has to help him otherwise "... well it's like the room" damn that are dialogues to think about...

and ofcourse the way inara got her shuttle from OoG... NICE!!!!


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:45 AM


The biggest for me was the Pilot where Mal says that Kaylee is dead. Here is pretty much what was going through my head the first time:

This is really good. Kaylee's really cute. As long as she survives I think this will be my favourite TV show ever.

Mal: "Kaylee's Dead"

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Don't kill her she's my favourite! Hold on - Simon could still save her somehow? But wouldn't Mal be in a rush to tell Simon if there was still time - she has to be dead. It was an awesome show but now you've ruined it Joss! I'm so sad I'm going to cry. Wait a minute - wasn't she on the front of the box? They wouldn't put a guest star there - what the fuck is going on? Please don't tell me Simon's going to resucitate her after she's been so dead that Mal thought there was no hope - that would just be silly. But I want her to live!

Kaylee waves at Simon.

Oh my wha!? Thankyou she is alive! The series might still be the best ever.

Simon: "The man's psychotic."

How could you pull such a horrible trick on your viewers Joss Whedon. You evil bastard; that wasn't nice at all.

Wash (to Mal): "You're psychotic."
Everyone on the bridge is laughing.

Ha ha (laughing out loud). OK, I forgive you Joss Whedon - but don't screw with my emotions like that again 'cos I don't think I could forgive you twice.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 12:07 PM


"No, Jayne. This is something the Captain has to do for himself."
"No I don't!"
..."Oh!" ...blam blam blam blam blam

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 12:28 PM



Originally posted by niknak:
The biggest for me was the Pilot where Mal says that Kaylee is dead. Here is pretty much what was going through my head the first time:

This is really good. Kaylee's really cute. As long as she survives I think this will be my favourite TV show ever.

Mal: "Kaylee's Dead"

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Don't kill her she's my favourite! Hold on - Simon could still save her somehow? But wouldn't Mal be in a rush to tell Simon if there was still time - she has to be dead. It was an awesome show but now you've ruined it Joss! I'm so sad I'm going to cry. Wait a minute - wasn't she on the front of the box? They wouldn't put a guest star there - what the fuck is going on? Please don't tell me Simon's going to resucitate her after she's been so dead that Mal thought there was no hope - that would just be silly. But I want her to live!

Kaylee waves at Simon.

Oh my wha!? Thankyou she is alive! The series might still be the best ever.

Simon: "The man's psychotic."

How could you pull such a horrible trick on your viewers Joss Whedon. You evil bastard; that wasn't nice at all.

Wash (to Mal): "You're psychotic."
Everyone on the bridge is laughing.

Ha ha (laughing out loud). OK, I forgive you Joss Whedon - but don't screw with my emotions like that again 'cos I don't think I could forgive you twice.

Amen Brother.

De-lurking to stir stuff up


Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:04 AM


The FIrst twist that made me go 'wow' and then laugh was of course 'Kaylee is dead' in the Pilot.

The second twist that made me go 'wow' was Yo,Saff,Bridge turning from a sweet little bunny rabbit into a Femme Fatale in the blink of a kiss, in 'Mrs Reynolds'


Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:16 AM


I had downloaded the episodes first so when I saw Kaylee die after seeing her in the opening sequence was alright with me cause I knew it wasa pilot, but when it snaps to the crew laughing I burst out laughing too.

I jumped out my seat and cheered when Mal shoots the cop in the face and just before then when he shoots Patience's horse - it was so unexpected and undeniably cool.

Other moments were YoSaffBridge changing 'personalities' and the moment where Jayne contacts the cops in Ariel - I sorta cursed him for it but I still loved the character from the past episodes.

The moment when Early realises she's on his ship made me laugh too, it was the first thing that popped into my head for the best place to hide but at the same time I had no idea how far they'd take the 'sci-fi' element - I kinda blushed after hehehe.

So many other moments too but none cropping to mind, I bet they do as soon as I hit Post My Response though :P


Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:59 AM


Since I had been a fan of the "Magnificent Bastard" for several years, I arrogantly thought I was immune to his ways of surprising viewers.

He still got me a few times:

Ariel -
When Mal hits Jayne from behind and threatens to put him out the airlock. Didn't he make a big point in the pilot about, "You'll be armed and facing me..." Makes me think he just wanted to teach Jayne a lesson and not really kill him.

War Stories -
Mildly surprised that Wash is jealous of Mal since Zoe has so obviously chosen Wash for life (before Niska "forces" the choice)
Very surprised to find out that Zoe and Mal had not had sex/romance previously - I just figured they had gone down that road (maybe just a one night stand?) and decided that was not going to work.

Our Mrs. Reynolds -
Guessed Saffron was not what she presented but not the extent of her evil genius.
Wash's apparent technical know-how when assessing damage with Kaylee.
Very surprised by Mal's incorrect assessment of Inara, "I knew you kissed her." at the end of the episode. (made me laugh hard)

Out of Gas -
There was a different mechanic at one time?! And how could Mal have been such a bad judge of character with that one - "Captain Dummy" with engines, I guess...

The Messenger -
My least favorite espisode because of the surprising and disappointing twist that no one told Tracy "We have a plan."

Objects in Space -
Great episode! River's awareness and cleverness, Mal's fatherly approach, Simon's crazy protectiveness (and humor).

Events in the movie didn't surprise me too much but I was impressed by the..."power" is the only word I can think of ... or maybe "impact". Good stuff!

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:45 PM


In Our Mrs. Reynolds:
"I'm your wife." Then a sudden fade to black, I think that mini-twist (?) was just shot and executed really well. Also in that same episode, where Jayne looks all threatening (well, moreso than usual, what with the big gun and all) and you think he's gonna shoot Mal, then it just turns out to be another of Whedon's clever ploys.
Also, this is isn't in the show, but in the comic - I think Book punching Mal in the face was a great twist as well.


Sunday, May 7, 2006 8:19 AM


I gotta go with the scene from "Trash" when Saffron is looking to the gun and Inara shows up holding it. I didnt see that coming.


Sunday, May 7, 2006 9:00 AM


The best thing about this show is all the "Huh?!" moments.

Losts of people have said "Kaylee's dead," and I agree with that.

When Inara says, "I'm leaving," I was upset, not surprised. What really surprised me was the shot of her hiding in a corner of her shuttle, sobbing. It was such a change--she's usually calm and composed, and that scene really made me furious at Mal.

And everything about Saffrom surprises me...

When you can't walk, you crawl...

Argh! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

To Jayne: the box-dropping, man-ape gone wrong thing.


Monday, May 8, 2006 7:58 AM



Originally posted by sid872:
The biggest thing that made me go hmmmm was in the movie when

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Book and Wash "left"!

Well, for me, that was more of a noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! *crazed sobbing* moment rather than hmmmm!

Moment that made me gasp was in War Stories when Wash is saying that Zoe obey Mal without question, then Mal:Theres plenty of my orders she doesnt obey!
Wash:Name one!
MalL: She married you!

cue huge intake of breath! but then niska walks in so you dont find out what Wash thinks of that!

I love Wash! Bring back Wash!


Monday, May 8, 2006 8:25 AM



Originally posted by sid872:
The biggest thing that made me go hmmmm was in the movie when

Select to view spoiler:

Book and Wash "left"!

I started to think about what Joss would do if another series was created without them. It just wouldn't seem right.

I don't know why but after Serenity landed impossibly even with wash at the controls I just knew somthing random and painfull was going to happen,

I can't believe anyone hasn't mentioned jaynestown, "Jaynes a hero! since when!, how?, what?, is this the same Jayne?!!"

from me


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 10:16 PM



Originally posted by sid872:
The biggest thing that made me go hmmmm was in the movie when

Select to view spoiler:

Book and Wash "left"!

I started to think about what Joss would do if another series was created without them. It just wouldn't seem right.

I wasn't so much expecting Book to die, but in movies that are classified in that genre, I would expect someone to die...and of everyone, I thought it would be him (as much as I didn't want that).

Now Wash, that was completely out of left field! I just didn't expect that one at all.

As for other ones that stuck out...

Of course the look into River's past stuck out. I was so not expecting her to stab Jayne.

I always wondered why Niska wasn't broached after War Stories. I mean he doesn't strike me as the kind of man to give up so esaily, even mroe so over the fact that they managed to save Mal. I guess it would have been something that they would have apprached had the show not been canceled.

In Shindig, I never pictured Mal being challenged to a duel. I mean he was protecting Inara's honor and all, but for me, it seemed to come out of no where. There were some moments between the couple (I'm not an avid fan so I didn't see it like others), but to me that was a question mark.

Okay, so they aren't 'twists' so much as questions, but they still raised the 'hmmm' out of me.

May the feas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who has ruined your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch~Anonymous


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:50 PM


Don't think it's been said yet...But one thing that made my jaw drop was in Shindig when River starts "reading" Badger and adopts his accent--I was just as shocked as the crew!

And Jaynestown, oh boy, heh! Nothing's better than seeing it for the first time, seeing the Jayne statue and going, "Huh??". Laughed so hard

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Friday, May 12, 2006 9:37 PM


Yup, definetley Trash. Like the whole episode.

Do you got time to do my hair?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:03 PM


Kaylee's dead.

Without doubt, the first, the original and the best!


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 2:57 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by usagivindaloo:
What plot twists in the episodes and movies really made you stop, sit up, and reevaluate the entire story?

Simon springing River from the Academy
Serenity having a much larger mule that expends fuel to keep it off the ground, rather than tires
Simon ignoring Jayne, who has been harpooned, to comfort River, who swallowed a bug

...skipping ahead...

Buffy, ooops River, busting up a bar with ballet
Book dying talking to Mal, rather than Jayne
Big Space Battle
Serenity banking through turns in the BSB (more a thematic point than a plot point, but the theme is Star Wars)
Buffy wiping out a bunch of guys in latex, who are nowhere near as scary as the Reavers I'd imagined
The crew of Serenity making history, rather than, as Joss previously claimed, being the ones history stepped on.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . .






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