Subtle yet interesting show observations -- post yours

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4:08 PM


This may sound strange, but to me one of the points of the show that made it so realistic, was the repitition of clothing. So many shows never wear the same thing twice, but in the 13 episodes of Firefly we saw pretty much all of their wardrobes, even Inara's. Since they were supposed to be on the ragged edge, the idea that they don't have a lot to wear seems reasonable. I think Mal only has about four shirts and two pairs of pants. Kaylee has three jumpsuits and one dress. I just think that element of realism is keen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Customizeable handmade baby gifts personalized by my wife! Check them out at All proceeds go towards international adoption.

Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre


Friday, March 31, 2006 11:29 AM


Everytime I see Malcolm jump through the doors in the pilot, after the have thrown off Dobson. I have to laugh. I didn't notice it the first few times.

Seems they closed the doors a might early.


Friday, March 31, 2006 12:17 PM



Originally posted by OnlyMe:
Everytime I see Malcolm jump through the doors in the pilot, after the have thrown off Dobson. I have to laugh. I didn't notice it the first few times.

Seems they closed the doors a might early.

Yes they did. Nathan mentions it in the commentary for that ep.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Monday, April 10, 2006 2:30 AM


Just watched Objects in Space again, and realized something.

Simon, the so called weakling doctor, does BETTER in his fight with Early than Mal, the practiced combat master, does.

I thought that was a nice touch because it shows just how strong Simon can be when his sister is on the line. He gives the seasoned bounty hunter a bit of a challenge (not MUCH of one, but at least he doesn't get knocked out like our fair captain )

"This must be what going mad feels like."


Monday, April 10, 2006 5:42 PM


I've sparred with doctors before, and I, a black-belt, got my butt uncharacteristically whooped because the doctor kept hitting me in my weak spots. Annoying as all hell while it happens. This is probably why Simon didn't have as hard a time as the Captain, whose background isn't so medical and educated. Also, yes, Simon will fight to defend the ones he loves. ((Like in the BDM, where he is the only one apart from Jayne and Zoe to fire more than once.))

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 12:00 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well, I am amazed no one has mentioned these yet. Unless I'm repeating something that's such common knowledge that no one talks about it, but I'm gonna say it anyway:
River hates Blue Sun. A lot. For instance, when she slashes Jayne across the chest, he it wearing a Blue Sun shirt. First time I saw it I thought she was responding to him insulting her brother, but a few viewings in I noticed the logo on the shirt. The "You owe me a shirt" comment helped a little, too. She was after the logo, not Jayne. And, if you zoom in on the box of food she starts tearing up in Shindig, you'll see a Blue Sun logo on the box of crackers and she's saying things like "They're the ones who take you" etc. The extra behind the scenes stuff talks about Blue Sun being both corporate and government, which makes me think they must have been involved in the "Academy" River was in and so she hates them. Pity we never got the full story of that.


Originally posted by DesktopHippie:

Something that's not my observation but that comes from the Shindig commentary. The costume designer mentioned that the leather string Zoe always wears around her neck is a symbol of her marraige bond to Wash. Such a subtle touch, and somehow much deeper than if she'd worn a ring - which in the rougher places she always ends up would be a target for thieves.

See, the problem with that statement is that Zoe is wearing that leather necklace in the flashback scene in Out of Gas where she meets Wash. Maybe it was designed by said costume designer to symbolize her bond to Wash, but the fact that she's wearing it when she meets him ruins that a little bit.

That's all I can remember right now. I know there are other little things, though. Guess I'll have to watch it all again and come back

Bible's broken. Doesn't make sense.

Zhu fu ni, mei-mei


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 12:56 PM


Badger's Pink Flamingoes! Just remembered that. Shawna Trpic try's to get those in wherever she can.

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:03 PM


Actually, if you listen to one of the commentaries, someone says the Zoe is wearing the necklace in the flashback by accident. Gina Torres just forgot to take it off. I wonder if she kept it after the series ended. I would have.

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing."


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:10 PM


Recent thoughts on Out of Gas, about Jayne joining the crew:

When I first saw the episode, I got the impression that Mal sweet-talked Jayne into joining just in order to get out of the hostage situation, i.e. to turn Jayne against his fellows and end up on top. In which case, the only reason Jayne is with the crew would be because Mal and Zoe needed to escape.

But the second time I saw the episode, I noticed some very nice and subtle nuances in the performance that suggest it's more than that. When Jayne says that he was able to track down Mal well enough, Mal gets this look on his face, almost as if he's impressed and it's got him thinking. It's like he's thinking, "Hey yeah, he's right... he did track us down. He must be pretty good if he can do that... hey... I could use someone like that on board, I wonder if I can get him on my side?"

I love this little nuance. It shows that Mal really does have respect for what Jayne does, if not Jayne himself, and that he does have a role on board (rather than being just hired on to get them out of a tough spot).

"This must be what going mad feels like."


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:21 PM


This observation is in fact not mine but one I culled from IMDb a while back. It appears to have disappeared.

There is apparently a Chinese proverb that states "a poorly sculpted swan appears as a duck, a badly painted tiger can look like a dog," or something similar.

The meaning of this seems to be that it is better to leave something undone than to do it and have it... well, look like a duck.

Some people juggle geese.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:55 PM



Originally posted by lexieroseme:
This observation is in fact not mine but one I culled from IMDb a while back. It appears to have disappeared.

There is apparently a Chinese proverb that states "a poorly sculpted swan appears as a duck, a badly painted tiger can look like a dog," or something similar.

The meaning of this seems to be that it is better to leave something undone than to do it and have it... well, look like a duck.

Some people juggle geese.

Kinda harks back to Inara and Kaylee in Safe, looking at the swan/duck figure in the town store, neh?


Check out my artwork:


Friday, April 14, 2006 7:26 AM


I'm not sure if anyone has said this already, and if it has, I apologize in advance. In Objects in Space, when Early is looking at the wanted poster for Simon and River, the camera pans over his control board. On the control board there is a old picture of an old black woman and a golden retriever. This is possibly what River sees to get her started talking with Early about the dog and his mother. Not to discount her physcic powers, as she learns about Early killing the dog through those, but just an observation, which I only picked up after watching the episode for the fourth time.

No power in the verse can stop me


Friday, April 14, 2006 7:44 AM



Originally posted by lexieroseme:
There is apparently a Chinese proverb that states "a poorly sculpted swan appears as a duck, a badly painted tiger can look like a dog," or something similar.

I never knew there was that much meaning behind that scene, pretty cool.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:41 PM



Originally posted by Strand:
I'm not sure if anyone has said this already, and if it has, I apologize in advance. In Objects in Space, when Early is looking at the wanted poster for Simon and River, the camera pans over his control board. On the control board there is a old picture of an old black woman and a golden retriever. This is possibly what River sees to get her started talking with Early about the dog and his mother. Not to discount her physcic powers, as she learns about Early killing the dog through those, but just an observation, which I only picked up after watching the episode for the fourth time.

No power in the verse can stop me

I noticed the picture too. You know, there's a type of ESP called Psychometry, and basically it means that a Psychic could read all the history of an object, what it means, what it is/was, and this might have been how she knew about his tendancies.

Tangientially, I know that Jayne tends to touch stuff, but has anyone noticed River doing this as well? This may be in part what the Academy people did to her.

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?


Sunday, April 16, 2006 9:23 PM


This was mentioned in the commentary, but no one's posted it, so:

In The Message, after they've 'escaped' from the Alliance, and are being buried in the snow (or somewhere around there) if you look closely at Wash, he's got his hands out as though he's holding the controls, but there's nothing in his hands.

Apparently they had to move him back for the shot. I thought it was pretty funny.


Monday, April 17, 2006 5:47 PM



Originally posted by BrowncoatSandinista:

I noticed the picture too. You know, there's a type of ESP called Psychometry, and basically it means that a Psychic could read all the history of an object, what it means, what it is/was, and this might have been how she knew about his tendancies.

Tangientially, I know that Jayne tends to touch stuff, but has anyone noticed River doing this as well? This may be in part what the Academy people did to her.

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?

I'v noticed in some episodes that River seems to like to run her hands over things, or just to lie on them. For example, in the Message, she lies down on Tracy's coffin, while Book and Jayne look on. You also see River lying on the catwalk in the cargo bay in several episodes. In Bushwhacked, when River enters the reaved ship, I believe (not quite sure, would have to watch the episode again to be confident) that she runs her hand along the side of the passageway. She also runs her hands along the inside of Serenity. An instance I can think of is in Objects in Space. I think that theory has some merit behind it. Good idea Sandinista

River Tam Sessions


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 4:47 AM


From "The Message" when we learn that Jayne has a sick brother named Matty .... brothers who both share feminine sounding names. I thought that great and also loved the entire new insight the "letter from mom" gave. Jayne's constant want to get paid and dislike of rich doctor types stems from the driving need to send money home to help a sick brother.



Saturday, April 22, 2006 5:38 PM


Can't claim credit for the find but no one in this awesome thread (no matter how many of these come up, I love to read them and always see that someone has found something new!) has mentioned the bottle that river kicks in the bar fight scene when she beans the bartender on the head is a blue sun bottle. they had a screen capture of it and everything- now every time i see that scene i think "blue sun!" when she does that kick.

another subtle observation in the category of "you're supposed to notice this" but i'm not sure if many do (like the inara makeup thing) was the inara scene of her face when she watches the operative coming up the stairs. Her acting is superb- all from 3/4 angle too. she changes from welcoming to alarmed while keeping her smile in place as she realizes he's much more than was probably fronted. love love love slo-mo-ing that scene.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:23 PM



Now, aside from the debate over whether Simon's procedure is medically feasible, I think Inara's reaction is relevant to her story. Up until yesterday, I believed that Inara was trying to keep herself looking younger by injecting herself with some kind of youth serum. But if she's so afraid of needles, how could that be? One little detail has made me start looking for a new conspiracy theory...


There's a debate about whether it's medically feasible? Geez, has no one seen Pulp Fiction? (completely tongue in cheek).

I don't think turning away to see someone you love getting stabbed in through the sternum with a three inch needle makes a person afraid of needles. Hell, I would have zero problem watching that done to a stranger... but my kids daughters or my mom? Yeah, I'd probably want to turn around for that. Besides, how much hard core medical training/exposure does one get at the Training House?


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:34 PM


I just noticed this, when Mal goes to pick up River, he kicks Jayne to get him up.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:35 PM



Originally posted by Strand:
In Objects in Space...On the control board there is a old picture of an old black woman and a golden retriever. This is possibly what River sees to get her started talking with Early about the dog and his mother. Not to discount her physcic powers, as she learns about Early killing the dog through those, but just an observation, which I only picked up after watching the episode for the fourth time.

No power in the verse can stop me

First let me apologize for my previous post which had statements someone already made (redundancy is so annoying repetative).

Anywho, I didn't notice the picture, but that got me thinking. Early has a picture of the dog he killed out for him to look at in the lonliness of space? That makes that line "you've got issues" all the spookier. Like pediophiles who get fliers of the kids department store catalog. Just flat out creepy that he'd want that to look on (and presumably relive in his head). Yech!


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 5:23 PM


Here's one that is probably the most likely to seroiousley be a coincidence:
In Ariel, when Simon, Jayne, and River are in the brain-scanning room, Jayne says something along the lines of: "Now hurry up, we gotta book," and just at the moment he says the word "book," River starts screaming. Couple of possibilities for this: one, that Book is evil and River just got reminded of it, two: Book WAS evil, and the fact that she is in a hospital run by the "evil" alliance just tuned her into that more, three (most likely one): River wasn't screaming about the fact that Jayne said "we gotta book," but that she knows where they're going to Book too - namely, a trap, or four: none of the above, and I'm just crazy.
Just a thought.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 5:40 PM



Originally posted by Volk564:
...three (most likely one): River wasn't screaming about the fact that Jayne said "we gotta book," but that she knows where they're going to Book too - namely, a trap, or four: none of the above, and I'm just crazy.
Just a thought.

I think it's the third option. The brain screen goes kind of crazy right before she starts screaming, which I think might indicate that it is recording her psychic powers. But, if I recall correctly, Simon isn't looking at the screen at that moment, he's looking at Jayne. (Haven't watched it in awhile, so I could be wrong). So he misses the whole thing. Of course, according to the escape in the BDM, I guess he already knows.

Hope that means you aren't crazy ;)


One day.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 5:41 PM



Originally posted by ECAmber:

I don't think turning away to see someone you love getting stabbed in through the sternum with a three inch needle makes a person afraid of needles. Hell, I would have zero problem watching that done to a stranger... but my kids daughters or my mom? Yeah, I'd probably want to turn around for that. Besides, how much hard core medical training/exposure does one get at the Training House?

Ok, so maybe I got a little too excited...

One day.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:06 AM


Dunno if this has already been posted, I really can't be bothered to read all that above me...

But during Shindig, as the camera pans down to the crew walking down the high street, A Mobquet Transport from Star Wars is landing in the background.

Later, in the episode where Mal and Wash get captured (Shame on me, I can't remember the name of it.) a second mobquet is moving accross the station as Zoe's shuttle moves in. Its actually flying backwards, the engines apparently on the "front"



Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:22 AM


In "Shindig", when Mal, Inara, and Jayne are in the bar. Mal steals the slaver's wallet, and even though Inara obviously doesn't approve, you see her tucking it into her bra. I think it shows that even though she doesn't always like Mal's line of work, she does accept it on some level.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 11:02 AM


im probably looking too much into this but in the song bit it goes
take my love
take my land
take me where i cannot stand
and it show mal and zoe and this is wot the alliance did to them.
also at the
take me to the black
it shows wash which is wot he wanted to do go into space/black
and i cant leave since i found serenity is the
book and the tams
is this too sad to notice this


Saturday, May 6, 2006 9:06 PM


I'm not quite sure whether this is done on purpose, or whether I am just watching the episodes too many times (not quite sure thats possible) but in Out of Gas, when Kaylee asks Simon to tell some funny doctor stories at the dinner people, Jayne says "Sick people are hilarious." In the Message, we find out that Jayne has a sick brother back at home. Could the sick brother at home have been the reason for Jayne's comment? Maybe it touched a personal nerve. Just my two platinum

River Tam Sessions


Sunday, May 7, 2006 1:45 AM



Originally posted by pingjing:

Originally posted by Volk564:
...three (most likely one): River wasn't screaming about the fact that Jayne said "we gotta book," but that she knows where they're going to Book too - namely, a trap, or four: none of the above, and I'm just crazy.
Just a thought.

I think it's the third option. The brain screen goes kind of crazy right before she starts screaming, which I think might indicate that it is recording her psychic powers. But, if I recall correctly, Simon isn't looking at the screen at that moment, he's looking at Jayne. (Haven't watched it in awhile, so I could be wrong). So he misses the whole thing. Of course, according to the escape in the BDM, I guess he already knows.

Hope that means you aren't crazy ;)

It is my understanding that when Jayne says they have to go (does he say they gotta book? Didn't notice that), that's when the image of River's brain starts acting up, showing all the areas of her brain that are reacting to her psychic understanding of Jayne's betrayal, reason why she then screams. And Simon is looking at Jayne, yes, so he does miss it. It is a really interesting scene because Ariel is one of those episodes where River's psychic abilities become startling real to the viewer...

Wash: This landing is gonna get pretty interesting.
Mal: Define "interesting".
Wash: [deadpan] Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die?


Monday, May 8, 2006 7:14 PM


Yeah, I actually noticed the purple brain thing just after posting that message. Go figure. :)
However, I did notice some new stuff - in the pilot episode serenity, Mal looks at one of Patience's men and after some banter, says "Nice hat," after which Jayne shoots him. The nice hat thing was a signal to Jayne, as he couldn't see who Mal was talking to - the hat gave him away though, hence the shooting. Don't know if that was obvious to the rest of all of you, but I thought it was rather nifty.
Also in the same epsiode, I noticed a goof on the filmmaker's part - once Serenity lands on Persephone's "little world" (I forget the name of the moon at the moment), we see Mal and Zoe walk off the ship, and Jayne drive the mule down the ramp, loaded with boxes (remember he almost runs over Mal?). Later in the episode, after the big shootout, the three of them ride back to Serenity on horses - where'd the mule go? You could say that maybe Jayne drove off on the mule, buried the stuff, then drove BACK to Serenity and walked to the rendezvous point, but that seems unlikely. Just thought I'd mention.
Another thing - Kaylee says the fateful line "Have faith, captian," to Mal not once, just in the BDM, but also another time in the pilot episode. Both times he responds in the negative. Wierd, no?


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:25 PM


Anyone else notice in the Train Job that a woman sitting behind Zoe is wearing a burqua? It's those full body dresses that include a veil that covers the eyes. They were made prominent in 2001/2002 as they are the only things women in Afghanistan were legally allowed to wear in public. Anyway, I thought it interesting as the backstory is that the Chinese/Americans moved to the new galaxy making Buddhism and Christianity the major religions. Apparently fundamentalist Muslims also found a niche.


Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:02 AM


In possibly my most favorite Jayne-detail, in "Our Mrs Reynolds", when Kaylee's comforting Saffron, Jayne rubs Saffron's shoulder a little.


Two details that confuse me, though, are 1) River saying "Not him" when Mal walks in after her tantrum in "Safe" and 2) River stops dancing when *Mal* sees Book is shot (and not when Book is, in fact, shot) and seconds before Simon's bagged. What's she reacting to?


Sunday, May 14, 2006 8:55 AM


in Jaynestown, when Kaylee and Simon have that discussion, that starts with Kaylee going: "we get along just fine..." see if you can spot the subliminal message. Whether it was intention or accident, I dont know. Only noticed second time round with my friends. Cue sideways glances and hysterical laughter!

I love Wash! Bring back Wash!


Sunday, May 14, 2006 10:23 AM


Has any one noticed in War Stories- in the shuttle behind Wash there appears to be a white slimline wall mounted phone. Why?



Monday, May 15, 2006 1:10 PM


In the BDM, during the credit sequence, Mal pokes his head into the engine room to yell at Kaylee. Then he turns around and is brought up short by Simon, who has moved in behind him.

This moment is an echo of the earlier scene during River and Simon's escape, where Simon goes to the door to check whether the coast is clear, turns around, and finds that River has moved up right behind him.

Just noticed that last night, on my umpty-umpth viewing of Serenity.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 4:52 AM


Maybe someone said this already, but my absolute favourite moment is in 'The Message'. River and Book are both eating the dangly ice planets. I just automatically assumed that Book had bought them both, and that it was a really nice, sweet thing to do for River. Maybe its not really subtle but I think its great!


Thursday, May 25, 2006 7:24 AM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Joss did it, he got the FIRST toilet in space.

Well, not quite. Toilets actually showed up in at least one episode of Babylon 5, which led to a conversation about finishing technique in another episode. ("Fasten - zip, or zip - fasten?")


Thursday, May 25, 2006 6:00 PM


Just noticed: whenever you see Jayne exercising, he's doing pullups right below the grate, so to keep from hitting his head on the thing, he keeps having to glance up. If you've done pullups, you know it's actually harder to do pullups while looking up, so Jayne's actually giving himself a better workout by doing that. Neat, no?



Friday, May 26, 2006 2:15 PM


I don't know if anyone else has noticed this... I was watching Bushwacked today and at the part where Mal and Zoe are first checking out the attacked ship (part where they're wearing space suits still) They flash there flashlights into a corrider and you see...


Of all things on a reavered (lol is that a word?) ship. I'm not EXACTLY sure if it was a balloon i'm fairly sure it was because it was shaped like one and it was floating... Or maybe it was too dark! (it was red btw) Either this is a gag or maybe some kid from the occupants of the ship had it before the reavers attacked. I really doubt it though because later on in the episode the alliance officers were talking and saying the ship was 3 weeks late! There's no way a balloon could survive that long without well... dying... Unless it was a special futuristic balloon! Tell me if i'm wrong because it might've just been a big red ball also...


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

"They weren't cows inside. They were waiting to be but they forgot. Now they see the sky and they remember what they are."~ River


Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:05 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by theonetruebix:
What IS subtle in OiS is the fact that when Early is leading Simon through the ship, they pass the spacesuit locker... which is open.

Because at that point, although the audience doesn't know it yet, River has already left the ship to go sit inside Early's.

Doooood, I can't count how many times I've watched that ep, and never noticed this.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . .


Thursday, June 1, 2006 3:07 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by Aliss:
River stops dancing when *Mal* sees Book is shot (and not when Book is, in fact, shot) and seconds before Simon's bagged. What's she reacting to?

The first few times I watched "Safe" I thought she was reacting to Mal noticing Book had been shot (OK, first time I thought she reacted to Book getting shot, but on second viewing I noticed she didn't react 'til Mal saw him). I've since come to believe she sensed the kidnappers sneaking up to put the bag on Simon. Can't see a reason why she would be much more connected to Mal than to Book.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . .


Thursday, June 1, 2006 3:54 PM


When the crew are looking at the statue in Jaynes town Simon puts his finger up to his mouth in shock, and I believe he did it a second time in the episode. Looking at the yourtube video of Nathan kissing Sean I notice Sean's making the same gesture at one point. Makes me wonder if it was scripted or his natural reaction.

"Also, I can kill you with my brain"


Friday, June 2, 2006 5:39 PM


If you back to the top KIZAR mentions seeing Mal kissing a small crucifix before going into combat. Later when he learns Book is a shepard he does not even hide his hostility. Seems his faith is torn from him during this battle. But they never develope this subplot. I wonder if the show would have lasted longer Mal and Book would have had some sort of confrontation about this.

And what do we do with the chain of command?


Sunday, June 4, 2006 10:38 AM


I'm always surprised by the attention to detail by the special effects guys.

Little things like when Serenity is coming into land at Eavesdown Docks (in the BDS pilot), it pivots to starboard and the engines vector appropriately to do so. (I'd love to know how much of the ships physics is truely simulated and correlated with it's mechanical control elements.)

And miniscule things like when Dobson tries and fails to connect to the cortex with his handheld device after escaping, he throws it to the floor and they add tiny a little flash to imply something has fried.

Keep Flyin' and have good sex (preferably not at the same time)


"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get 'n beat you with 'til you learn who's in ruttin' command here."


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:25 AM


Some OiS observations.

When Kaylee is fixing the engine before Early comes to her, she hears his footsteps and says: "River?" couple of times, and then reaches for some heavy instrument. She is spooked that River is going to come and get her... She couldn't be more wrong, of course.

Also when Kaylee finishes her speech about River shooting 3 guys, River listens from below, and hears Kaylee's 'Don't be mad at me" spoken louder and in a different tone. Could it be the moment when River is mindreading Kaylee, just like she mindread others before? And of course Kaylee repeats this phrase to Simon later.

And one more thing: we learn from River that Early is wearing armour. Kinda puts Simon's fight with him in a new light: a guy who's barefoot and in pajamas attacking a guy in armour and super-heavy space boots... that really gets you.


Monday, June 5, 2006 12:02 PM


I suppose this observation is a tie in with the BDM as well. In the series in Out of Gas Kaylee is with Mal seeing Zoe in the infirmary she says; "She ain't movin'... Serenity ain't movin'

The comparison with Zoe and Serenity is also alluded to in the movie by Zoe herself also when speaking to Mal:

"She's tore up plenty but she'll fly true"

Just interesting that Zoe and Serenity are mentioned like this more than once. Sorry if this repeats someone's idea already.

"Once you've been in Serenity you never leave. You find a way to live in it."


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:30 PM



Originally posted by gfunk:

When Kaylee takes Saffron into her arms, telling her that the Cap is a monster. Jayne strokes Saffrons shoulder.
Looks hilarious.

YES! That, to me, is one of the funniest moments in the entire show. I absolutely love it.

~ Flame ~

SERENITY on the big screen in Raleigh, NC, June 22, 2006!!


Friday, June 9, 2006 2:30 AM



Originally posted by AnimalM0ther:
... Objects in Space. When the show starts we see Serenity flying by a red/white/green planet then the camera goes through the ship to River. At the very end of the episode, when River and Kaylee are playing jacks, River says "I can do this" and drops a rubber ball that looks pretty much the same as the planet they passed by at the beginning of the show.

That's actually specified in the shooting script.

"CLOSE ON the ball, as she contemplates it. The solidity of the thing. We might notice it has a similar coloring to the moon we saw at the beginning of the show."

~ Flame ~

SERENITY on the big screen in Raleigh, NC, June 22, 2006!!


Friday, June 9, 2006 9:13 AM


Great catch on that, ladyserenity. I thought that Kaylee had more of a rapport with Serenity than any of the other crew members but if you recall, in that episode, after the explosion happens, Kaylee says something along the lines of "she usually tells me when something's wrong".

Maybe the ship switches who she's most relating to?

Side note: I've only left one comment before on this site so I'm still a noob. Hi :)


Friday, June 9, 2006 9:57 AM


In the BDM, I never noticed it until after the shooting script that Book is actually smoking a cigar on Haven. I can't believe it passed over me everytime.

Or how in The Message, Jayne pretty much wears that hat the entire episode except for some scenes. It's not really subtle, but I thought it was cute.

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.






I have lost all faith in the Oscars!
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Other actors on Firefly.
Mon, April 29, 2024 21:50 - 92 posts
Zoic studios best work on Firefly
Wed, February 14, 2024 07:12 - 1 posts
Firefly Honest Trailer
Tue, June 27, 2023 16:58 - 8 posts
Chronological Order of Episodes.
Sat, November 26, 2022 16:47 - 39 posts
The Unmade Episodes
Sun, June 12, 2022 14:39 - 1 posts
Episode sequence?
Wed, February 16, 2022 00:58 - 9 posts
Questions about Sound in Space
Mon, November 29, 2021 20:47 - 41 posts
Itinerary for Serenity during the 9 months of Firefly/Serenity.
Thu, June 20, 2019 20:39 - 21 posts
The Savant Crew
Wed, May 15, 2019 13:47 - 32 posts