What is your favorite episode?

UPDATED: Sunday, May 23, 2004 11:25
VIEWED: 16649
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Thursday, January 1, 2004 4:37 AM


Hey, I would just like to know what episodes other people like. If you can, type in the episode title and then a reason why you like it. Feel free to list as many episodes as you like on here. I'll list mine:

Safe ~ I loved the way Simon wanted to give his life for River's and I just loved the interaction between River and Simon. I also loved how Simon and River seemed to finally be accepted into the crew of Serenity. I thought it was so funny when Jayne was reading Simon's diary and what Mal was saying when he went to save the Tams. "Yeah but she's our witch *cocks gun* so cut her the hell down."

Jaynestown ~ just plain funny!!! I loved the song: The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne! I also loved what Simon said: "This must be what going mad feels like." Just a really funny episode!

Ariel ~ it foucused on Simon and River and they are my favorite characters so this would be a favorite episode with no doubt.

Objects in Space ~ I thought it was so cool how this episode made us think that River really did become the ship... well it made me think that anyway. I also loved how it showed that River was fianlly being really accepted into the crew.

Please respond! I want to know what other episodes are other people's favorites... Please!



Thursday, January 1, 2004 10:39 AM


#1 Fave: Out Of Gas. Like how it shows how Mal reacts in a desperate situation. Shows the "real" Mal for all to see. Good dialogue like "everyone dies alone" and scene where Mal body slams Wash against wall! Classic and ground-breaking stuff! SECOND BEST: Shindig. Mal being irksome when Inara is brought up in scene in front of dress shop, his sophisticated gentility on arrival to society ball with Kaylee, also his standing up for Inara's honor when Atherton is about to disgrace and humiliate her. Really liked the dynamics displayed in Mal's character!



Thursday, January 1, 2004 12:50 PM


Out of Gas would have to be at the top of my list. It is just such a mooving episode and gives us so much more info on how a lot of the crew came to be on Serenity.

“It's a real burn, being right so often.”


Thursday, January 1, 2004 12:50 PM


Definitely Out of Gas. Very dramatic, lots of history on the characters. The emotion and sense of loss is profound. The way Mal touches the ship as he is telling everyone they are doomed and they'll all have to leave. The "Everybody dies alone" dialogue chokes me up everytime. And the look Mal gives Serenity the first time he sees her at the end of the episode.

"Well, we're still flyin'."
"That's not much."
"It's enough." Malcolm Reynolds and Simon Tam - Serenity


Thursday, January 1, 2004 12:57 PM


While I think and know other episodes are better(namely Out of Gas), I think my favorite is War Stories. Them going to war is just cool to me, especially when they ignore the stereotypical things such as choosing, and shooting the guy attacking mal in the back many many times :)


Thursday, January 1, 2004 1:57 PM


I love them all, but my top ones are Ariel and Objecys in Space.

Ariel because the way Jayne is pinched by the Feds, and then tells Mal not to tell them what I did.

Objects in Space because Early is such an interesting character, and I like the whole ship thing.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Thursday, January 1, 2004 4:06 PM


it's tough to choose just one but i'd say heart of gold. Great action scenes, tons of drama, character interactions, funny as hell, and a huge cliffhanger ending. What more could you ask for.


Thursday, January 1, 2004 4:32 PM



Originally posted by NightTrain:
it's tough to choose just one but i'd say heart of gold. Great action scenes, tons of drama, character interactions, funny as hell, and a huge cliffhanger ending. What more could you ask for.

Heart of Gold has got to be my least favourite episode.

Out of gas and Ariel are my favourites.


Sunday, January 4, 2004 4:02 PM


Shindig is my favorite, but then I'm totally loyal to Jane Espenson. People ask me what my fav Buffy eps are and I say, "Everything Espenson wrote." I love the funny ones so...

Jaynestown is #2 for me.

Our Mrs. Reynolds is #3


Sunday, January 4, 2004 4:58 PM


I love Our Mrs Reynolds - very tense.

Serenity is great.

I've always loved Alien, so Bushwacked holds a special place in my heart.

Ariel is an action packed ride.


Monday, January 5, 2004 3:51 AM


I don't think I can choose just one but, if I had to, I guess I'd go for Out Of Gas. Everything is right with that episode - the direction, the writing, the all comes together so well.

But I also especially love Shindig, War Stories, Our Mrs Reynolds and Jaynestown.

Book: “A duel?”
Wash: “With swords?”
Simon: “The Captain's a good fighter, he must know how to handle a sword?”
Zoe: “I think he knows which end to hold.”


Monday, January 5, 2004 4:29 AM


Every single one is shiny, however, if I had to choose (nevermind, I can't):

Out of Gas grows on me everytime I watch it...Don't make faces.

Funniest: Our Mrs. Reynolds...Some people juggle geese!

Ariel: Very cool feel to it, and I loved the depth you see in Jayne in that episode.

Finally,I love the pilot, Senerity. I can't believe Fox didn't think it had enough action. More importantly, the beginning is amazing. The sense of loss you see on Mal's face...even had they opened with this episode (as they should have), without knowing him you would have seen that that was the moment when he lost everything - most importantly, his faith. It hurts everytime I watch it.



Monday, January 5, 2004 4:55 AM


Hmmm...every episode has something that I love about it. I suppose my 2 favorites (for now, anyway. Heh.) are "Out Of Gas" (loved seeing how everyone came on board, and I agree...Mal's expression while looking at Serenity is classic. Wish my husband would look at me that way. LOL.) and "Trash" (this hasn't been mentioned by a lot of folks, but seeing Mal revel in his nakedness just cracks me up).

For the record, I applaud Nathan for his work in "Serenity". When Mal sees all of the Alliance ships's like you can almost hear everything he believes in being ripped away from him. Priceless.

"I love my Captain."


Wednesday, January 7, 2004 1:12 PM


3) "Jaynestown"

"Safe" almost beat it out, but the allure of "Jaynestown" lies in the fact that the entire episode is one big tribute to the series' off-beat comedy. Except for the ending, pretty much every last scene is light-hearted. Usually, I feel sorry for Kaylee when Simon makes his wounding comments; but in this case, I just had to laugh.

2) "Objects in Space"

I love Richard Brooks' performance as Early--he's a chilling hybrid of Confucius and Hitler, and it creeps the living luh-suh out of me. OiS takes you to the edge of... well, everything. Early's use of philosophy as a threat is arguably a malignant microcosm of the entire episode, which is more or less River's story. It's thrilling and thoughtful throughout the whole episode.

1) "The Message"

There's so much I can say about this episode: the shock, the suspense, the humor. I absolutely love the series' flashbacks to the War, and to have an entire episode that deals in one is such a treat. The ending comes so close to crossing into melodrama, but it somehow manages to stay within reason. Add to the fact that it was the very last episode filmed, and you can see why The Message is one of the most emotional episodes in the series.

"You know what the chain of command is? It's a chain I go get and beat you with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here."


Wednesday, January 7, 2004 3:17 PM


So far I am inspired by Janestown. I just saw it for the second time last night as was floored by the coherence of the episode. The episode is an exploration of faith and christianity. Janes stigmata hands, his ex-partiner's judas, River's "I took these from your symbol and they turned into paper" etc. So much more. No scene without it's meaning all done with a sense of irony at every turn that makes it classic/ funny. yeee ha!


Thursday, January 8, 2004 12:59 AM


So far, Our Mrs. Reynolds stands at the top. Excellent plot twist towards the end! And Mal proves himself to be a very honourable man in his dealing with Saffron, quite undeserving of the "special hell."


Thursday, January 8, 2004 5:31 AM


Train Job made an instant fan out of me, and is still my favorite. I cry every time Mal says, "I don't believe he does." That one line got to the heart of Mal.

Out of Gas would have to be second in line. Again, I love how it reveals Mal's soul.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Thursday, January 8, 2004 6:45 AM


My top three:
1. War Stories
2. Heart of Gold
3. Shindig


Thursday, January 8, 2004 7:12 AM


Man, it's hard to choose just a few. Here's my stab at it.

3. Shindig: Kaylee and Inara just shine in this one.

2. Out of Gas: Seeing how the group first met in juxtaposition to them dealing with their imminent deaths is great stuff. Everyone else is taken with "Everyone dies alone." I also really liked Simon's plaintive, "It's my birthday."

1. Jaynestown: Jayne as a reluctant Christ figure. Beautiful.

My favorite scene is much easier to pinpoint. It's the deleted scene in Simon's quarters, in which Zoe tells him how Serenity got her name.

"Yep. That's a cow fetus."


Thursday, January 8, 2004 8:02 AM



Originally posted by example:

Heart of Gold has got to be my least favourite episode.

Out of gas and Ariel are my favourites.

It's funny, but whenever I try to rank the episodes, I have trouble deciding what will be at the bottom of my list...simply because even the "worst" episode is better than 99% of what's out there. Jaynestown, Train Job, and Heart of Gold are all near the bottom of my list, yet they are all great episodes.

Personally, my top three are 1) Objects in Space, 2) Our Mrs Reynolds, and 3) Out of Gas. I think the thing I like about them all is that they are all mostly ship-bound episodes. I absolutely LOVE Serenity (the ship), I think its an amazing design and the sets they built for it are perfect. Any episode that features the characters wandering around the ship is great by my standards.


Thursday, January 8, 2004 8:05 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

That would be the episode that solidified my affection for Firefly - "Our Mrs. Reynolds" I watch the teazer quite often just to see that expression on Mal's face when Saffron tells him, "Sir...I'm your wife."

In one blink of his eyes, Nathan Fillion managed to convey "shocked and appalled" more vividly and with equal parts drama and comedy than whole sheets of dialogue would have done. It's the simplest illustration I can think of that demonstrated JW's concerted ambition to deliver something we had never seen before.

Firefly Artwork Series


Thursday, January 8, 2004 1:12 PM


i'll play too-

in no real order:
Serenity Pts 1&2
Out of Gas
The Message
War Stories
Objects in Space

i was actually kinda surprised that more lists didn't include the Ep 'The Message' definatly towards the top of my list,everytime i see it i can't help but get choked up,the music alone is just so beautiful and so very sad,not the typical Firefly fare,but one of the greats,imho...

I'll be in my bunk.-Jayne


Thursday, January 8, 2004 1:43 PM


I am referencing myself here... so it's okay.

Why do I like Safe?
Well first off I'm from utah, so I like cows. (he he)
Ok, Ok, truth be told, I really like River. I love this ep. Let me explain why. While it seemed that River's actions in this episode confused the crew, I really feel like I got to know River a whole lot more. It felt like everything she did made perfect sense to me. I am not crazy. I am just empathetic. She was forced, during her torture, to endure needles in her eyes and questions of what she saw. She was probably being used for her abilities to see into the future, and the present. And (dammn it)Mal thinks she is just having a bad day when she throws the medicine across the room. She is trying to express that she can't take any more tests. I really felt Mal was way too harsh in the beginning of this ep, but he is redeemed at the end when he claims River as his witch. Regardless, take my love, take my land, I can't stand not singing that song.

Simon is soooo gorram dense when it comes to women. I swear, Kaylee could strip off her jumpsuit, jump into his lap and start to kiss him, and he would tell her how heavy he thought she would be on the third moon of bumblefuque, and then start worrying about his sister playing to close to a candle. UGH! Can't that boy just get it on. Anyway, I like that too because it is so frustrating. Also, Simon can't think up a good lie to tell when the superstitious nurse asks him about River. Duh.
Ok, I have to talk about River again for just a sec, her ability to adapt to almost any situation immediately is phenom. She dances, she shoots, she speaks in tongues, she *sees* with magnified eyes. She wouldn't use her skills to save herself from burning at the stake in this ep, but she did when defending the ship while trying to retrieve the captain (eyes-closed shooting --war stories.)
The whole Book scenario was intriguing, but since my photozooming techniques didn't reveal anything on the pad that the official, at the medical facilities, was using to read Book's ID card, I have no extra info on him. Only the obvious, he has a past which allows him prestige enough to deserve immediate respect frm the alliance. Whatever that may be, I am unsure.

Only a few unredeeming qualities about this ep. I didn't like the aunt-jemimah-look-a-like nurse, who kept shpieling crap about making your home where ever life plops you down, and accepting everything live gives you as what you should keep on doing... blah blah bullshit. That kind of talk only keeps people from doing anything with themselves. Anyway, y'all, great ep, and it ends with a "Waltons" feel.


Thursday, January 8, 2004 1:55 PM


My favorite episode is Serenity, because it's pure. Mal is as Mal should be. The show still worked great in later episodes, when Mal was lightened a bit, or made to unfold faster, but Serenity was PURE Firefly.

Before the DVDs came, I remembered Shindig and Ariel best, and most affectionately. Now, though, my faves beyond the pilot are Out of Gas (possibly the winner, on this thread) for all the reasons said, and Our Mrs. R. When you add in the deleted scene from OMR, you get the best light-touch episode. Everyone's so funny (except Inara) and such a family in their interactions. And seeing the ever-grim Mal squirm under the teasing is great.

Was gonna name a favorite among the unaired eps, but now realize I can't say. Love the caper/Inara twist of Trash, Inara's tears in HoG, and many small moments of the Message, including Zoe's INSTANT shooting of wassissname when he takes a shot at Wash. But none of the unaired eps make my top five. Which list I'll spare y'all from ... gone on long enough ...



Thursday, January 8, 2004 2:22 PM



Originally posted by ManiacNumberOne:

Only a few unredeeming qualities about this ep. I didn't like the aunt-jemimah-look-a-like nurse, who kept shpieling crap about making your home where ever life plops you down, and accepting everything live gives you as what you should keep on doing... blah blah bullshit. That kind of talk only keeps people from doing anything with themselves. Anyway, y'all, great ep, and it ends with a "Waltons" feel.

Hi, Maniac. My thought on the little round-faced nurse, seemed to me she talked a lot like a cult member. It sounded just like a pat little programmed response to start brainwashing "involuntary" recruits who might still harbor some idea that they could get away from the community that had kidnapped them. It also seemed that in some way she was not quite in the real world, she didn't seem to really care if Simon accepted her statement or not. As though she believed that now that he was there physically, that was the end of it. In time, he would be one of them, it didn't really matter that he was there by force against his will, eventually he would accept that this was his life. As though the idea that someone would resist becoming one of the group that had kidnapped him couldn't even occur to her.

But my big question: Why was Mal so adamant that Simon take a walk into town away from the ship? I agree with Simon. That just didn't sound like a good idea at all. What motivated Mal to insist?

Loved watching River just plunge into the dance.

lunatikat - life is just a bowl of fairies


Friday, January 9, 2004 8:33 PM



Only a few unredeeming qualities about this ep. I didn't like the aunt-jemimah-look-a-like nurse, who kept shpieling crap about making your home where ever life plops you down, and accepting everything live gives you as what you should keep on doing... blah blah bullshit. That kind of talk only keeps people from doing anything with themselves. Anyway, y'all, great ep, and it ends with a "Waltons" feel.

I really hated her! I kept hoping something evil would happen to her. :)

Favorite Episodes:

Its hard to separate some of these episodes out in my head, since I just got through watching the DVDs, and many of them I watched back to back...

"The Message" (followed quickly by "Heart of Gold") probably was the most "deeply moving" of the episodes (and strangely, one after the other, whew!)

I really enjoyed "Out of Gas" for its well-written glimpses of the early history of the crew, Mal in the shipyard where he meets Serenity for the first time, etc. etc.

In terms of fun, I think "Trash" wins...the double-crossing, double-dealing throughout that show was fun. :)


Saturday, January 10, 2004 12:12 AM



Originally posted by Feaelin:
[BI really hated her! I kept hoping something evil would happen to her. :)

Something did. She stayed put.

Her life will always be governed by outside forces, because she cannot or will not take action to change things. She is hopelessly (mentally) dependent on others.

Sometimes others have other ideas of what is important and what ain't. And if you ain't important, or they are not looking out for your best interest for any reason, you suffer.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Saturday, January 10, 2004 2:57 AM


Its very hard to choose a favourite they are all so good, but I think Serenity and Out of Gas are my most favouritest. I love in Serenity when Dobson gets River at gunpoint and says "I'm not playing anymore anyone makes so much as a.." and Mal walks up ramp BOOM! shoots him dead. I just really love that scene for some reason.


Saturday, January 10, 2004 7:06 AM


I love that too! It reminds me of Indiana Jones when he shoots the guy with the sword. I know they did it that way because Harrison Ford was sick during filming and couldn't do the sword fight scene they had planned, but it became the greatest part of that movie.
When Mal does it, it has the same feel. It conveys for both men that what they do isn't about ego or flash, they're doing what needs to be done to stay alive. If that doesn't sum up Mal, I don't know what does.

Oh, and while Safe isn't in my top 3, who doesn't love the end. "Big damn heroes, sir!"...I especially love that Jayne is hanging out of Serenity ready to shoot. Even though he didn't want them back on board, he was still ready to shoot for them. Of course, Jayne's usually always ready to shoot...



Sunday, January 18, 2004 3:30 AM



Originally posted by ManiacNumberOne:

Simon is soooo gorram dense when it comes to women. I swear, Kaylee could strip off her jumpsuit, jump into his lap and start to kiss him, and he would tell her how heavy he thought she would be on the third moon of bumblefuque, and then start worrying about his sister playing to close to a candle. UGH! Can't that boy just get it on.

You know what the sad thing is? I can really see him doing that... *shivers* scary and sad Stupid, but really hot, Simon!!!!
^_^ but dont worry Simon, I still love you!!!



Sunday, January 18, 2004 2:05 PM


Just because I've thought of this before, I'll give my entire list...

1) War Stories. Favorite episode by far, and the one I've watched at least twice as many times as any other episode. It's kind of hard to pinpoint exactly why it's my favorite, but it does include my favorite scene of the series (see my avatar/tagline).

2) Shindig. I agree with whoever said it before, I love everything Jane Espenson does.

3) tie: Serenity, Out of Gas. Probably the best episodes in terms of execution, and probably the two most consistently good episodes, but they're just not my favorites.

5) tie: Our Mrs. Reynolds, Trash. Sort of one story, really. Just very enjoyable to watch.

7) Ariel
8) Jaynestown
9) The Train Job
10) Objects in Space
11) The Message
12) Bushwhacked
13) Safe
14) Heart of Gold


Sunday, January 18, 2004 4:53 PM


I must say I am surprised by all the praise for War Stories. That is the only episode I really DON'T LIKE AT ALL. It is painfully difficult to watch, with the gruesome torture scenes and all. There is little humor in the episode and most of what there is falls flat. It's all very grim, and the "conflict" between Mal and Wash seems really forced to me. The only priceless moments are in the interplay between Simon and Book.

Oh, and yeah, Ron Glass as Book is awesome. He's come a long way since Barney Miller, and he adds something to almost every episode.

My favorites:

1) Jaynestown -- it's just plain funny. There isn't a slow moment either. The scenes between River and Book (fixing the Bible, the hair) are comic genius.

2) Trash -- one of those times the follow up is better than the original (Our Mrs. Reynolds). Lots of humor, lots of action, and Inara is finally in on the heist.

3) Shindig -- OK, the actual duel isn't the best, but the clash of cultures at the party is handled well. The interchange between River and Badger is priceless.

4) Serenity -- It draws you into the series and sets the stage incredibly well. What was Fox thinking not running it first?

5) Our Mrs. Reynolds -- You have Saffron and you have "Special Hell". What more could you want?

"Just keep walking, preacher man."


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:54 PM


I'll have to go for the two obvious ones at the moment - Out of Gas and Objects in Space. To that I'll add The Message.

The Message worked for me because the guest casting was so good (yes its cheesy, and I know I shouldn't have, but I choked up when Tracey asked Mal and Zoe for the final favour, and it has that fantastic final sequence - music and all).

Out of Gas caters to my need for stupid heroes. By that I mean the sort of guy or gal that doesn't know when they are beat. Goes back to growing up with Peter Parker, who month on month got pounded on but kept getting up, because he didn't know when he was beaten.

Objects in Space is just fantastic. The opening sequence is so haunting, and Summer Glau's delivery of "she understands, but doesn't comprehend" makes you want to step in and protect her. Then there's that fantastic shot of Summer standing, listening. Just so this doesn't get Summercentric, Jewel Staite's performance in the engine room with Early is so believeable. Its the tiny movements, the flaring of the nostrils and the eyes that convince you.

I can't say enough about the character of Jubal Early, and the way he is played gives him an odd, detached logic. Clearly, in his mind, he is the hero (as the often say, you play the villan as the hero in his story), until River gets into his head. Finally, the "I'll be your bounty Jubal Early" line feels like a pivotal point in the season, that after this episode the baseline would have been set for the show to progress (had they shown the episodes in order).

Objects in Space is one of those TV episodes I can watch over and over and see something new. It ranks up there with West Wing's Two Cathedrals, Babylon 5's best episodes, and the best of Buffy and Angel. Its such a risky episode, in that it clearly goes above the head of the big explosions in space crowd (who probably make their own "boom" sounds when the sound effects don't oblige), and really makes you think. I'm glad Joss' commentary doesn't give away too many of the layers, merely suggests points to take a third or fifth look at.

"I threw up on your bed"


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 2:02 PM


I know what did this...

Mal actually says " It's a real burden, being right so often"

But 'Out of Gas' definitely the best, shows what a great Cap'n Mal really is...

“It's a real burn, being right so often.”

Yeah, but she's OUR cut her the hell down...


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 2:06 PM


I know what did this...

Mal walks up ramp BOOM! shoots him dead. I just really love that scene for some reason.

I could watch it everyday...and do.

Smells like crotch...


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 2:09 PM


I know what did this...

Even in the old Star Trek and ST:Next Generation, I, too, always loved the shipbound episodes...just more intense, for some reason...

He looked bigger when I couldn't see'im


Thursday, January 29, 2004 12:39 PM


I don't know why by out of all the eps, I just can't stand to watch Our Mrs. Reynolds. Something about Saffron just bugs the snot outta me. but oh well. Here's my list of favs:

1) Out of Gas - love the sequences of flashbacks and how Mal can push himself so hard when bleeding to death. The only problem I had with this ep was that as he bled, his pants (cream colored) never got stained with blood.

2) Serenity - loved the opening sequence. I also love the part where Mal takes out the Fed (Dobson, I think?).

3) War Stories - I think the humor was actually very good in this ep. It was black humor, so if that isn't your type of humor I can see how it would fall flat. Also the torture scenes, while admittedly gruesome, were realistic and showed how strong Mal really is. I loved the scene where Zoe and the others shoot the torturor.

4) The Message - the music was excellent throughout the ep, but especially during the last scene. The other most poignant part was right after Mal shoots Tracey. You can see the tears going down Mal's face and Mal's voice breaks as he says "I just carried the bullet for a while." I also loved Jayne's hat.

5) Objects in Space - loved the last scene between Mal and River. It was funny. I also loved how graceful River moved about.

6) Bushwhacked - The scenes with the other ship and how the crew handled everything throughout the whole ep was great. The fav line from this ep belongs to Jayne: "He looked bigger when I couldn't see him."

7) Ariel

8) Jaynestown

9) The Train Job

10) Heart of Gold


12) Safe

13) Shindig

14) Our Mrs. Reynolds


Thursday, January 29, 2004 1:06 PM


Okay. . .here we go for me. . .

Like the rest of you, I cannot pick a single episode. . .and if the series is brought back, I doubt I will ever have a favorite episode. Here's why.

Serenity: There's not much that sums it up more for me than the 'we're still flying' line. As a pilot, I can tell you that there's nothing like it.

Safe: In my work with kids, I've had the opportunity to work with kids who remind me alot of River. . .seeing the joy break through the constant confusion when she is dancing brings a tear to my eye. But I swear, if Simon grabs her wrists one more time, I'm going to punch him.

Also in Safe: Mal is the kind of leader I hope to be. "Why did you come back?" "Because you're part of my crew." "Yeah, but you don't even like me. . .so why did you come back?" "You're on my crew. Why are we still talking about this?"

Ariel: Maybe this is just my imagination, but it looks to me as if when Jayne is with Simon and River in the diagnostic ward, and Simon explains what they did to River. . .it looks like it's finally 'dawning' on Jayne that River isn't just some random loon and he's immediately guilty for even thinking of selling her out. . .but he feels as if he really has no choice but to follow through now. I think that's why he asked Mal not to tell everyone the truth, and also why he bought the crate of apples, etc. etc.

The Train Job: Mal saying "I don't think he does."

Trash: Simon has every motivation and method to get serious revenge on Jayne, but simply tells him, "You know what? I'm not playing this game anymore."

Out of Gas: Once again. . .Mal shows me that if I ever command a unit, I want to be the type of leader that he is. "You would have done the same." "I think we can already see that I wouldn't"

Objects in Space: After the 'dinner table conference' and everyone goes to bed, you see Mal sitting at the table and anyone who's ever had to lead a group recognizes that look of agony. He doesn't even want to THINK about having to deal with this. I think River will easily become a 'surrogate daughter' figure for Mal. When she is floating down from Early's ship, you truly expect Mal to wrap his arms around her. His grin suggests that if they weren't in suits, she would have gotten a kiss on the forehead.

The Message: This tears my heart out, because I've been there once or twice when some poor kid has passed on after a nasty encounter with the bad guys out here in Afghanistan.

This is just SOME of it. I could spend all day waxing poetical on my favorite parts of each episode, but I won't bore you.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Thursday, January 29, 2004 1:06 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
Train Job made an instant fan out of me, and is still my favorite. I cry every time Mal says, "I don't believe he does." That one line got to the heart of Mal.

I guess you should be a little glad for some of the network's "notes", because in the commentary, Joss and Tim indicated that the original concept of Mal was much darker and morally ambiguous, and that they probably would not have returned the cargo...

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 3:15 PM


I think a better way to think about it, is this is where Mal was GOING to be, maybe in a year, maybe two, maybe more.

The network notes just made them push that up, so rather than see him become, effectively, a hero, he starts as one.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 6:05 PM



Originally posted by SlowSmurf:
I think a better way to think about it, is this is where Mal was GOING to be, maybe in a year, maybe two, maybe more.

The network notes just made them push that up, so rather than see him become, effectively, a hero, he starts as one.

I have to agree with Slowsmurf on this. I remember Joss saying that this was the direction Mal's character was moving in. However, they wanted to give the character an even deeper development then can be seen through him starting out as a hero.


Friday, January 30, 2004 4:16 AM


Even if Mal didn't return the cargo, who would blame him? This experience would probably have helped him grow as a character, to start picking his jobs more carefully.

I choose to believe that his heroism is in his soul, even if he manages to suppress it for a while.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Friday, January 30, 2004 6:14 AM


America loves a winner!

Just when I think I've come to a 'favorite' episode, I remember a scene or a story plot from another episode that I really liked.

The chase scene at the end of 'Heart of Gold' could have been edited a bit better. Mal on a horse catching that guy on a 'landspeeder' ? Unlikely

Jayestown: Despite the far fetched concept, it is rather funny.

OK, except for those 2 episodes, I can't decide which of the remaining ones I liked more than the next. Sorry, I wussed out here.


Monday, February 2, 2004 6:57 PM


The episodes are all great, but my faves are...

Out of Gas
Objects in Space
War Stories
The Train Job
Our Mrs. Reynolds
The Message
Heart of Gold

... Oh wait, that's all of them, isn't it? I guess that "all great" sort of covers it, huh?

You're gonna come with us...


Monday, February 2, 2004 6:57 PM


The episodes are all great, but my faves are...

Out of Gas
Objects in Space
War Stories
The Train Job
Our Mrs. Reynolds
The Message
Heart of Gold

... Oh wait, that's all of them, isn't it? I guess that "all great" sort of covers it, huh?

You're gonna come with us...


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:54 PM


Well, I loved them all except "Heart of Gold" which I thought was weaker than the rest of the shows.

But for my favorites:

Humor: Jaynestown

villian: Our Mrs. Reynolds (I love good reoccurring characters like this)

Dramatic: Out of Gas

Best of Best: Objects in Space


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:36 AM


Yeah, I thought Heart of Gold had some good moments, but just wasn't up to par with the rest. But one out of 14 is DA** fine work, if you ask me!

Jaynestown is great from start to finish. Everyone has a moment in it. Kaylee and Simon and their little tete a tete. Book and River and "fixing" the Bible... and the HAIR thing! LOL Zoe gets in on that too a bit. Mal and Wash's reaction to the whole folk-hero-of-a-crappy-town thing. Inara's reaction when she finds out it's Jayne her client is talking about when he's describing the "Hero of Canton". The whole song....! "Let's say we move away from this eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our increasingly eerie-ass day." Yep, it's a keeper!

For villains though, while I like Saffron/Bridget/Yolanda... whatever, I think singularly Niska has more menace. So it's The Train Job/War Stories for him. If we are going for a multi thing, though, it's gotta be the Blue Sun Duo. They are WAY past morbid and creepifying. And for them, it's Ariel.

Drama it's a toss-up between Serenity, Out of Gas and The Message for the ending.

And for best of the best, I agree with you. Objects in Space.

You're gonna come with us...


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:36 AM


Yeah, I thought Heart of Gold had some good moments, but just wasn't up to par with the rest. But one out of 14 is DA** fine work, if you ask me!

Jaynestown is great from start to finish. Everyone has a moment in it. Kaylee and Simon and their little tete a tete. Book and River and "fixing" the Bible... and the HAIR thing! LOL Zoe gets in on that too a bit. Mal and Wash's reaction to the whole folk-hero-of-a-crappy-town thing. Inara's reaction when she finds out it's Jayne her client is talking about when he's describing the "Hero of Canton". The whole song....! "Let's say we move away from this eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our increasingly eerie-ass day." Yep, it's a keeper!

For villains though, while I like Saffron/Bridget/Yolanda... whatever, I think singularly Niska has more menace. So it's The Train Job/War Stories for him. If we are going for a multi thing, though, it's gotta be the Blue Sun Duo. They are WAY past morbid and creepifying. And for them, it's Ariel.

Drama it's a toss-up between Serenity, Out of Gas and The Message for the ending.

And for best of the best, I agree with you. Objects in Space.

You're gonna come with us...


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 9:48 AM


I toggle between "Out of Gas" and "War Stories." The former is definitely moving with its dramatic opening shots and slow, sad strings. I love the transitions between the flashbacks, and the chance to see how all the crew came on board is really cool. It does a really good job of juggling three storylines and even manages to have a little bit of a twist ending.

I like "War Stories" because it's so intense and you get to see Wash cowboy up (which is a typically rare occurrence.) Also, the Captain's display of raw aggression after he takes out Niska's henchman is very telling (and a bit frightnening.) I think it really demonstrates how much you don't want to be on Mal's hitlist. Zoe's quick decision to bring Wash home was classic. Personally, I'm of the opinion that the only thing that kept Mal going was his firm belief that his crew would come for him, and his confidence in their ability to succeed.

Those are my two favorite episodes.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 1:35 PM


Definatly Out of gas. And Serenity part 2. Ariel, I'm just naming EVERY episode....


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 6:27 PM


Though draw between heart of gold, and our mrs. reynolds.

Heart of Gold openes so many doors, Wash and Zoe talking about having a baby, and of course Inara crying after she found out that Mal had sex with um, that lady. It's just really really good.

Our Mrs. Reynolds is just funny! She's all sweet and innocent, and then POW. It's just great! Whoever the actress is that plays Safferon, is really good.

I love Trash too, mostly because Sa-Bride-Yo is back and I just LOVE that charchter, not entirly evil.

"Go back inside or i will blow another crater in this tiny moon"


Monday, February 9, 2004 5:29 PM


i have enjoyed very very much reading all the posts in this thread, and i agree with most of them. so in order not to be boring on and on, i just want to delineate WHY the whole series is so great to me..... ITS THE HUMOR!

And what is SO great about Joss and his product, is that you never, ever know where it will appear. In the midst of heroism, he puts in humor (OUT OF GAS), in the midst of emotion, it pops up again (THE MESSAGE), action-packed, but always room for a bit(or more) here and there (ARIEL,TRASH).

I keep coming back cause it all just as funny today after seeing them over and over as the very first time.

my favs in order:

out of gas
mrs reynolds/trash (cant separate these 2)
the message






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