Watched Jaynestown (again) last night...

UPDATED: Sunday, August 6, 2006 19:28
VIEWED: 3094
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Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:34 AM


This is one of those episodes that didn't much strike me the first time, but which has definitely grown on me. It's positively Shakespearean in its deft intermingling of comedy and tragedy, and it's the first episode which really starts to show Jayne as a fundamentally decent, three-dimensional character.

I realized while watching it that it is also the first time that Mal shows that he thinks of Jayne as crew. In all the previous episodes, we see Mal saying cutting things to Jayne, and Jayne being insubordinate, and both of them fully expecting that Jayne would betray Mal if the pay was good enough.

In this episode, though, Mal moves to back Jayne up (even if Stitch does forestall it real quick), and he has... well, he has kind of a concerned father's face for Jayne.

It's like when a teenager messes up, and is feeling guilty and overwhelmed by what it would take to make up for it, and all a loving father can do is be there (it's not like when a kid messes up and an adult can make it better) and give comfort through his presence. Mal does that for Jayne, both at the showdown with Stitch and later, back on Serenity.

It's a lovely handling of that relationship, and goes some way to explaining why Mal was so angry with Jayne in "Ariel" -- he wasn't just angry at the fact of the betrayal, he was disappointed in Jayne.

P.S. I also saw "Out of Gas" again last night. Definitely holds up on multiple viewings.

Indigo S.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:44 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


P.S. I also saw "Out of Gas" again last night. Definitely holds up on multiple viewings.

If I might take this moment to review all the episodes.

Part of what makes Firefly/Serenity great is that the more you watch it, the better it gets. You spot nuances you hadn't seen. You focus on a different aspect of the show (or movie) - music, acting, stage, costuming - and it enriches the whole experience.


Forgive me, for I am new.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:46 AM


Ahh, Jayne.

I am obsessed (which my husband is very understanding about.) A peep into the Blue Sun Room will of course confirm this.

Yeah, the fact that Jayne has that whole arc in 'Jaynestown' and then goes and does something like 'Ariel'...big dumb lunk. I think he still doesn't quite see Simon and River as 'crew' then, (and there is the complication of Simon and Kaylee.) There is a good man in there, under the bluster and swagger. It's just going to take a deal of time to dig deep enough. (which Fox did not give us!!)

Mind you, this is why we are here. Writing the 'Verse as it should have been.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:34 PM


Another thread about Jayne. I think Jayne really does try. Even in Ariel I beleave he was doing it for the money but I don't think he realized how it would effect the crew, Once Mal pointed this fact out to him I really got the feeling Jayne was sorry. Maybe not for what he did to Simon and River but that he hurt Mal's feelings. Sometimes you have to trap Jayne in a airlock about to become a vacuum to get through his thick skull.

Did you notice in "Out of Gas, just before they leave on the shuttles, Jayne tells Mal he has prepped a suit. Mal never asks or mentions the idea. Jayne did this on his own. Mal seems to notice this Jayne goodness. Like Mal's behavior toward Jayne in "Jaynetown" mentioned in the first post by Idigostarblaster. Even though Mal is taken aback by Jayne's trade of Vera for Saffron, it is sincere. I just got done discussing Jayne in another thread so I'll stop here before I start repeating myself.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:54 PM


Jaynes a good character, not just because he's interesting on many levels. well, actually yes, because of that. he's a big hook for the series. you first seem him one dimensionally, the gun-toting badass, not the smartest but still bad to the bone guy. you watch more of firefly, and the episodes which focus on him, and you see more, you like more, and you watch and pay more. he tries to be badass, and he succedess, but even blatantely subtle things tell you he's not really so bad at the core. like when he got the stupid had from his mom, he still wore it. I mean, it was from his mother! but he does have some issues with himself and the crew, which just makes him a more dynamic character.



Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:15 PM


I just finished rewatching that episode again also. I agree with everything posted above. The Way Simon's character sort of loosens up with kaylee is very sweet. Jayne has a little more to him then all bluster. And I love when Wash says "I want to go to the Crappy town where I'm the hero" He always seems to have the best lines. I definitely think that Jayne was supposed to evolve over time into a better, more responsible part of the crew. Ariel definitely was the turning point episode for all of that. But Jayne is always loyal to Mal. From not (probably) betraying himk to Lawrence Dobbs, to prepping a suit for him in Out Of Gas, to helping to get him in War Stories, Jayne is always loyal to Mal. He doesn't think his betraying Mal by turning the Tams in on Ariel. The Captain has to divest him of that erroneous way of thinking by putting him in the airlock. And yes, what a crime it is Fox robbed us of all this wonderful character progression.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:28 PM


with Simon and Kaylee.... I thought Simon messed up, yeah, but then he was REALLY a dumbass by not explaining.

when they wake up and he fumbles with something along the lines of "oh no, I would never, not with her" I don't think he really means that. he's just trying to cover up, not be embarassed, and turns out the captain could care less. well, not really, but from his reaction you know what I mean. "you messed up. too bad"

if Simon had only said to her "I only said that because I was trying to not be embarrased" or something to just explain that. and of course I think kaylee was way over-reacting. I mean, just by the way and position in which they were sleeping together! he couldn't actually mean what is said!

and the swearing is funny... "I only curse on special occasions" *intro jayne statue* "sonuva BITCH!"






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