Out of Gas = Hardest Episode so far

UPDATED: Friday, November 17, 2006 06:56
VIEWED: 17336
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Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:06 PM


Out of Gas just gets me so teary-eyed every time. Someone mentioned the music that plays when Mal is sealing up the ship behind him and wrapping the blanket around himself; that is my favourite piece of music from the show and it gets me so emotional every time I hear it!

The episode is so beautiful, especially the end.

And, you know, Jayne's flashback is just hilarious.

"My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Saturday, August 5, 2006 3:49 PM


Tasia, Indigo, and FMF,

Thank you for your comments! Warms my heart knowing you got a good feeling from my little effort. Maybe the plot bunny will visit me again some day.

Tasia, just wondering: is that "TAY-zha", as in Fantasia? (Fan Tasia... cute!)

And FMF, I never did send you my best wishes in the "support" thread, so here they are...

............. *whap*

I'm pointin' right at it!


Friday, September 29, 2006 8:32 PM


IMHO Out of Gas is THE BEST Firefly ep. It's got every element of drama, angst, pathos, suffering, loss, comedy (the Mal - Wash cockpit argument scene is brilliant), the beautifully evocative music, seeing how the people came to be on Serenity (except for Book -- cuz he showed up in the Pilot -- but would've been neat to see why he really left the Abbey...) and the last shot really shows you what the focus of the ep truly is -- Serenity herself. She's the povit point round which all the others move. Tim Minear is a helluva writer -- and ironic that he wrote what I and many others consider the least favorite ep, Bushwhacked.

But if I had a potential Browncoat and could only show him/her one episode, it would definitely be Out of Gas. Always thought the title didn't quite fut the scenario -- the ship never actually runs out of fuel.

Jonathan M.A.Ghaffar - Your Firefly/Serenity MP3 Ringtone Smuggler!
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Friday, September 29, 2006 9:00 PM


Well, I can't be the only one that loves Zoe's sacrifice in this ep. I mean, she's unconcious for most the it, but when she pushes Kayless out of the way of that fireball, I got a little choked up. It made me start thinking of the relationships that Zoe has the the crew, and the way that Mal interacts with people. Either Zoe or Mal would have done that for Kaylee, but I notice that Mal and Kaylee have a more touchy feely relationship, and she interacts with him much more. While at the same time, she doesn't really interact with Zoe that much, and while Zoe doesn't really open up that much with anybody, or at leasthave moments (that we see) with everybody, she still has this close relationship that gives her the motivation to do something like that. It's just one of that many things that I love about the Zoster. Oh, and her legs, and that part just above her legs, that whole region. lol, I'm not really into that, but I just love quoting Wash.

--totally against the point, but I was talking to my friend the other day and we were talking about how she might die from the weight of all her studies (or something like that) and quoting Wash almost exactly, I gave the speech about how beautiful she was, but less so now that she was all corpsefied and gross.... Killed the room! THey thought I was the funniest person ever. And so now we've just got to supplement the diet with some Firefly, and they'll appreciate it all the more.


Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:50 PM


to me out of gas was the most touching and teary episode, but they still made it funny. i was remembering when book was reading the bible and river walks by and ask if he was afraid and that he was worrying of running out of air and die gasping. then says that we are not that that was not going to happen you see book's expression of hope rise and completely falls when she says we are going to freeze to death. in that moment of sadness my sides were ripping with laughter.


Saturday, October 21, 2006 10:44 PM



Originally posted by SpassJunge:

Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
Fictional weeping - "Look, Raist, bunnies..."

Sturm's death gets me every time...


You ain't kidding...

"Browncoats always have family in my corner of the 'Verse.."

"...let's not ruin an otherwise pleasant day with unnecessary bloodshed..."


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 1:28 PM


I'm known (especially where I work) for being rather icy and often less than pleasant to customers (long story, but it's appropriate), yet I have no trouble in admitting that I bawl during Nandi's funeral when one of her ladies sings Amazing Grace, but not because of the story. I cry because of some rather deep-seated pain associated with that song.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 1:58 PM


There has not been a showin a long time that makes me experience emotion the way firefly does...its rather remarkable..

Knitter of Cunning Jayne Hats


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 5:28 AM


that episode was hard to get through, definatly when mal got shot, so sad!!!!!!!


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 6:00 AM


It is a very hard episode to watch, and at the same time more than any other makes me feel closer to the other characters. then at the end when everyone is together and you can rejoice, the problem comes that after that you have to switch off the tv and come into work where you have to smile politely and suck up to customers who have no respect for you and feel that having a payment taken a day late is the end of the world!!

That's the problem, once you escape to a much better place you then have to come back, most people are not like the crew and life has no adventures!


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 8:00 AM


Wow...that's exactly how I feel when I finish any Firefly ep. I get a little tear jerked because...I'm not isn't real...there is no capt. mel...there is no shiny Kaylee...there is no wise least...none in my life...

Isn't that the double edged knife of being a fan...the joy the show gives us...the sorrow of its absense.


Originally posted by EvilBungle:
It is a very hard episode to watch, and at the same time more than any other makes me feel closer to the other characters. then at the end when everyone is together and you can rejoice, the problem comes that after that you have to switch off the tv and come into work where you have to smile politely and suck up to customers who have no respect for you and feel that having a payment taken a day late is the end of the world!!

That's the problem, once you escape to a much better place you then have to come back, most people are not like the crew and life has no adventures!


Saturday, November 11, 2006 5:48 PM


Out of Gas and Ariel are, and have always been, my favourite episodes (not easy to say, its like having to choose your favourite out of your kids).

I'm glad eveyone else got choked up watching OoG as well. Its the only one I don't lke watching in front of company as I always feel the emotion more than any other episode

I could get naked?


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 7:31 AM



Originally posted by akredhead:

I wish you knew how much finding this fandom means to me right now...

I'm visiting my hometown for over a month and it has been a really unhappy experience...I don't know anyone here anymore...I'm mom is a drunk...

I miss my home...I miss my kitty...and just for s&g (sh!ts & giggles) I bought firefly...and then to see this was like..."YES THAT'S WHAT I WANT IN MY LIFE!!!"

Firefly, in its magical way, disconnects you from he Matrix. It tears off the layer of superficiality and material satisfaction that's been covering the world for so long. And it shows you what you've always known, deep down: that the human soul was meant to love; and that everything else is secondary. And so, when you're first confronted with Firefly, you cry: because you know it to be true; and because you know it to be missing in this world.

For some people, what they've always known, deep down, remains deep down, even after seeing Firefly. But the soul knows. So they are confused. Heavily. For Firefly touches them deeply, but they cannot identify the cause yet. But they've been brushed by the Firefly love nonetheless.

At its most profound level, Firefly shows you a world without sin. And you want to be a part of it. Badly. And from the depths you call: "Yes! This is what I want!!" And there's no turning back: once you've been in Serenity you never leave.

Then there's the groggy come-back to the Matrix. Customers are rude again; people don't do for each other and are always looking for the advantage.

I believe the most powerful aspect of Firefly is, that it's not really fiction. The story's made up alright, but you realize that the love is truly within our reach, and in fact more real than the Matrix which has been pulled over our eyes. Effectively you realize that what we call 'reality' is actually the fiction.

I love our 'verse! And I welcome you in it! :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 8:59 AM


That was a wonderful synopsis of the essence of Firefly. While I loved Serenity (the movie) and saw it before I found the series, I didn't feel it gave me the depth that the series was able to portray.

It truly is a picture of humanity at its best or at least greatest potential. Joss has an incredible talent for putting all the pieces together. I was a Buffy buff before coming to Firefly and there was the same ability to name, explore and challenge those issues of "right" and "wrong", "good" and "evil." What it means to be human, superhuman and non-human (in Buffy). In Firefly we see a group of people struggling to get by on the fringes of society, depending on themselves and one another at the mercy of the beautify and terrifying cosmic universe.

Watching Firefly immediately triggered something deep within me - as you so aptly put it - beyong the facade of the Mattrix. Because of the work I do everyday, I don't often find fantasy as much an escape. I don't cry easily because I deal with people's pain and often depravity.

Firefly is a gift - Serenity is a solace for many of us here.

"Love keeps her flying."



Friday, November 17, 2006 6:56 AM


I lOve that piece of music too, when Mal is closing Serenity up and wraps himself in a blanket on the bridge. It makes me all choked up. I play those pieces on my soundtrack over and over. You can find them titled : Captain and Ship and Dying Ship. I love that Mal loves Serenity so that he can't leave her after all the captain goes down with the ship. Out of Gas is one of my very favorite episodes.

I love my Captain.

Once you've been in Serenity you never leave. You find a way to live in it.






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