Random River Moment

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:53
VIEWED: 12025
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Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:03 AM


So in Jaynestown, when Book is telling Simon that he can look after River since he is a shepherd and all and its only a flock of one, it cuts to a shot of River with her hands behind her back, looking like a little kid who's done something wrong but it trying to look innocent. Almost as if she's saying "I don't do anything wrong." It's hi-larious. It's just as great as the face she makes to Zoe in the beginning of the BDM.

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing."


Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:13 AM


Ah, innocent River. Charming yet still insane.

Life is good.


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:44 AM


my favorite is still when she sees his hair and runs screaming and then hides and won't come out:) and the whole
Zoe: it's ok River he'll put the hair away
River: it'll still be there

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:47 AM


I love when Simon asks "Am I talking to Miranda now?" in the BDM and she just gives him this look. That look makes it one of my favorite scenes.


Thursday, July 13, 2006 8:14 AM


how can someone with such a sweet smile kill people with her brain?

"Listen, if you got guests I can come back later."


Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:57 AM


The look after the miranda comment is indeed my favorite River moment hands down. But while we're collecting River moments...

"Also, I can kill you with my brain."

My 14 year old quotes that line incessantly...


Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:46 PM


When she she snubs Book, who walks up to her, after the hair incident.

"Just keep walking preacher man."

Darling little girl.


Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:54 PM



Originally posted by traveler:
"Just keep walking preacher man."

I happen to be watching Jaynestown at this very moment. Just passed one of my favorite exchanges:

Book: You don't...fix the Bible.

River: It's broken. It doesn't make sense.

I love that.

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:55 PM


"i swallowed a bug"

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Friday, July 14, 2006 10:51 AM


"You are such a boob."


"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing."


Friday, July 14, 2006 10:54 AM


Mine is still "The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems..."



Friday, July 14, 2006 11:09 AM


OK I am realizing in Objects in Space I don't think River is hearing what they actually think. I think she is hearing what she is afraid they think about her. I could be bonkers, but I honestly think if you look at each statement....they are all negative, unkind, and in many cases not at all like the character. I mean " I would still be there ( unspoken if it wasn't for you)- Simon" I don't give half a hump if you're guilty" -Book "None of it means a damn thing"-Mal and then after she hears all this she says to herself it doesn't mean what you think...She's projecting her fears not their thoughts

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, July 14, 2006 11:39 AM


I don't think that's right. Simon's, yes; Book's, yes, maybe. They apply to her.

But Jayne's: I got stupid. The money was too good.
Isn't really something she'd fear. It's already been done. He already got stupid when the money was too good, and she knows that.

Inara: I'm a big girl. Just tell me.
Doesn't seem to have anything at all to do with River. River wouldn't really have any feelings about this statement, except concern for what Mal and Inara feel about their situation.

Mal: None of it means a damn thing.
This, you could probably say applied to River. As in; her recovery doesn't mean anything, he still doesn't like her; or her and Simon's contributions are meaningless, they still aren't part of his crew; or, as referenced, apply later to River's "it doesn't mean what you think." But in the context, it seems obvious that he's talking about his relationship with Inara.

DB: Doesn't exactly fit the thug in the profile alley. Wait, what?


Friday, July 14, 2006 1:37 PM


I caught the end of the marathon on SciFi today, and I noticed something in Objects In Space that I never noticed before.

In the scene where River picks up the gun, just as all the commotion breaks out and everyone is shouting at her, River's voice calls out, "Kaylee?!!" We don't really see her lips move.

I think it's fascinating that in that moment of tension, it was to Kaylee she called, rather than Simon.

I wonder if she finds Kaylee to be the most kindred spirit. Her sunny personality, openness, and lack of pretension may make her very comforting to a "reader". Kaylee has no secrets to hide, none of the jarring revelations she gets from the others (even Simon). So when River's in trouble, she turns to Kaylee for support.

The "speaking without moving her lips" thing foreshadows the escape scene in the BDM. There it's explicit: River's very much in the frame when she calls out to Simon and her mouth definitely doesn't move. In OiS, it could be coincidence; the camera is moving and her mouth is visible only at the very start of the call to Kaylee. Still, it was one of those thrilling little moments of discovery when I noticed it.

Will they never stop? Me loves Firefly...

I'm pointin' right at it!


Friday, July 14, 2006 6:32 PM


I think it's interesting that she called to Kaylee, too. The reason I always gave was that Kaylee was probably the most scared of her. Mal wouldn't be too scared, because he knows he can deal with her. Inara wouldn't be too scared, either, because she's way up above them, and the gun isn't even pointed in her direction. Simon, I would imagine, would be more scared for River. If you go with the movie theory, this would be because he knows that she can handle herself with a weapon, and she was trained well. It could also just be because in most situations, he's more scared for River than he is of her. But Kaylee has seen her using a weapon to kill, and she's understandably scared of River. Kaylee is the only one who's seen her hold a weapon. And now she's seeing it again, and I think River's trying to explain. The way she says Kaylee's name, it's with desperation, and it's definitely a question. It's the way you'd start a sentence like, "Kaylee? No, don't. No, Kaylee, I didn't... it was a branch and... I just got confused."

Anyway, it's just my theory. Yours is also very good. I would think that Kaylee would be the nicest person to read. Like earlier, when River was hearing things. Kaylee had nothing to say. She gave a pretty scary look, but she didn't say anything to River, least of all anything mean or hurtful.

About not seeing River's lips move, I think that's not right. Like you said, it's a quick cut and I don't think it's enough to be sure.


The "speaking without moving her lips" thing foreshadows the escape scene in the BDM.

When is this? I asked someone else before, but I didn't get an answer. Is it during the escape from the Academy, or from the Reaver attack?

Edit: Do you mean in the beginning, at about 4:02? Simon is over at the door and he takes off his jacket and River says, "Simon. They know you've come"? I do see what you mean, but I don't know what I think about it. If River had that power, to implant thoughts and whatnot, that's pretty important. I don't know why it wouldn't have been mentioned in the movie, or by Joss or whoever. Maybe if it was a plot for the BDS, but I wouldn't think that they would be counting on that so much.

DB: Doesn't exactly fit the thug in the profile alley. Wait, what?


Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:09 PM


Yes, that's the moment.

I'm not sure if I accept the "writing" (as opposed to "reading") notion either. I think it's more likely to be a bit of cinematic trickery, something that most first-time viewers don't quite catch consciously but that's intended to make you a little edgy and confused.

Of course, once we addicts watch our DVDs a hundred times and tear the movie apart down to the last frame, we start doing some reading of our own -- namely, reading things into the scene that were never intended to be taken literally.

Or, I could be wrong and River can project thoughts into people, at least during moments of intense stress. Time will tell (I hope).


Originally posted by ormaybemidgets:
About not seeing River's lips move, I think that's not right. Like you said, it's a quick cut and I don't think it's enough to be sure.

Agreed. Her mouth does seem to move, just a tiny bit. And "Kaylee" is a word that doesn't require much lip movement. As I said, it could well be coincidence.

Along the lines of your original idea, maybe River has picked up that the incident will lead Kaylee to tell the others about the War Stories incident. Maybe "Kaylee?" is a plea to keep her secret.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:41 PM



Along the lines of your original idea, maybe River has picked up that the incident will lead Kaylee to tell the others about the War Stories incident. Maybe "Kaylee?" is a plea to keep her secret.

Ooh, good idea. Especially considering how bad it got for River after they all knew about the War Stories incident. Well, not bad situation-wise, but they did say some things about her, which she heard.

Only semi-related: the scene with River in Early's ship, "Dangerous, like you..." kills me every time. It's heartbreaking.

DB: Doesn't exactly fit the thug in the profile alley. Wait, what?


Monday, July 17, 2006 3:58 PM


I loved the scene where book is washing his face... and River is looking for him to apologise for ripping apart his bible.

Book head pops out from his quarters his hair pointing in all sorts of directions.

Space... It's so wonderful!


Monday, July 17, 2006 4:08 PM



Originally posted by silence:
how can someone with such a sweet smile kill people with her brain?

Hate to say, but this issue is not closed for me. Psychic River may be; lethal with hands, feet and sundry weapons, yes. But that line was more a scare tactic than an accurate statement of capability.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Monday, July 17, 2006 4:26 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
In the scene where River picks up the gun, just as all the commotion breaks out and everyone is shouting at her, River's voice calls out, "Kaylee?!!" We don't really see her lips move.

The shooting script* was written like this:

River looks confused at the sudden cacophony. Looks down in her hand -- and there is a BIG DAMN GUN in it. Pointed at Simon and Kaylee, the latter of whom looks shit-scared.

River lowers the gun, looking grouchily confused, as Simon comes to take it from her. She looks over at Kaylee, who fades out to the passenger dorm, unable to deal.


What were you thinking? Where did
you get ahold of this?

Sorta makes it seem like River notices Kaylee is "unable to deal" and is responding to her leaving.



Monday, July 17, 2006 4:35 PM


WOW! I have never noticed any of that before. It just goes to show how much I pay attention. Thank the heavens for this site because I wouldn't have noticed anything. I'm such a boob.

Shepard used to tell me...can't do something smart, do something right.
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 10:37 AM



Originally posted by MettaSutra:
The shooting script* was written like this:

River looks confused at the sudden cacophony. Looks down in her hand -- and there is a BIG DAMN GUN in it. Pointed at Simon and Kaylee, the latter of whom looks shit-scared.

River lowers the gun, looking grouchily confused, as Simon comes to take it from her. She looks over at Kaylee, who fades out to the passenger dorm, unable to deal.


What were you thinking? Where did
you get ahold of this?

Pretty interesting (as Wash would say).

Clearly the action was tightened up a bit, either in shooting or editing. Your suggestion makes sense for the as-written scene, and could still apply to the as-shot. But the latter is more ambiguous and gives us lots of room for this sort of fun discussion.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:19 AM


Has to be Rivers face when Simon says

"Am I talking to miranda now?" ... Classic ...


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:33 AM


OK and that cute little giggle after she says"permission to come aboard captain" is just so unRiver and yet so her. A child-like and sweet moment for both of them

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:37 AM


[River has a gun trained on Mal as Mal tries to talk her down.]

Mal: The government's man, he says you're a danger to us. Not worth helping. Is he right? Are you anything but a weapon? I staked my crew's life on the theory [that] you're a person, actual and whole. And if I'm wrong, you best shoot me now.

[River cocks the gun.]

Mal: Or we could talk more.

love that bit in the movie. River doesn't say ANYTHING! yet she controls EVERYTHING!

Nothing in the 'verse can stop me

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 12:30 PM



Originally posted by msg:
OK I am realizing in Objects in Space I don't think River is hearing what they actually think. I think she is hearing what she is afraid they think about her. I could be bonkers, but I honestly think if you look at each statement....they are all negative, unkind, and in many cases not at all like the character. I mean " I would still be there ( unspoken if it wasn't for you)- Simon" I don't give half a hump if you're guilty" -Book "None of it means a damn thing"-Mal and then after she hears all this she says to herself it doesn't mean what you think...She's projecting her fears not their thoughts

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2

I always though it was just River picking up on surface thoughts. But she doesn't necesarily know what the thoughts are in refrence to and may not have the ability to understand their meanings anyway. "She understands, but she doesn't comprehend."

When Book 'thinks' "I don't give half a hump if you're guilty", it could be he's thinking it about/towords Jayne and not her.

Jayne, being a more direct/simple thinker automaticaly thinks about his guilt whenever he sees River or Simon so that's what she picks up on.

When she sees Zoe and Wash on the bridge, she doesn't get any specific messages, just 'sees' more than 'hears' a warm, happy 'glow' coming from the bridge where they are.

I think Inarras thought is that she wishes Mal would just tell her how he really feels about her so they can get everything out in the open. She will NOT make the first move and want's him to before she commits herself to anything - even something so small as a few words directly to him. I kind of think that Inarras 'secret' reason for leaving home to join the crew was that she had her heart broken in the past and is extreamly carefull about forming strong attachments of any kind with anyone. She does feel for Mal, even though she won't admit it as can be seen in Heart of Gold when she cries after she finds out Mal was with Nandi. That is when she realises that she has become too close and must either leave the ship to protect her fragile heart or truly allow Mal into her heart. She isn't ready for the 2nd option so decides to run.

Mals thought of "None of it means a damn thing" could be that he thinks what he feels doesn't matter as, given the situation, he beleives (disparingly - he says the line like hes fighting tears / husky voiced and also says it facing Inarra, not River) that he believes he can never actualy have her love so none of what he feels could ever really mean a damn thing between them. When she told him she was leaving, he has took that as a personal rejection of him, not the overall situation and, of course, he would have no knowledge of my conjectured previous heartbrake of Inarra.

Anyway, so much for my insane/innane ramblings.



Tuesday, July 18, 2006 2:37 PM



Clearly the action was tightened up a bit, either in shooting or editing. Your suggestion makes sense for the as-written scene, and could still apply to the as-shot. But the latter is more ambiguous and gives us lots of room for this sort of fun discussion.

Good point. I've heard that said about films, that they're actually "made" three times: written, shot, edited.

Yes, big fun! I'm new and enjoying the place. Like a drawn-out kinda MST3K, to hear what everybody has to say. When there's no more (yet) to be seen, least there's plenty to discuss!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 4:14 PM



Originally posted by msg:
OK and that cute little giggle after she says"permission to come aboard captain" is just so unRiver and yet so her. A child-like and sweet moment for both of them

It seemed a defining moment for those two. Mal even smiled at River's joke about Simon being difficult because he nearly ruined her plan to take care of Early. I was left with the impression that Mal had gained some trust for River. That she wouldn't hurt them. Of course this is before the movie, Miranda and the bar fight. Even in the movie Mal trusted River to help with the robbery.

It was like at the end of the movie where Mal and River are sitting at the controls. Mal says something to the effect that she already knows what he is going to say but she wants him to say it anyway. Yes I can read your mind but what you have to say is important. Mal will never replace Simon but that makes his trust in her even more important. Just as he told Simon "You're part of the crew" in "Safe" I think Mal tries to acknowledge to River you're part of the crew. And to Mal that is family. It is the only family he has. River doesn't just read peoples thoughts. See knew Mal needed to talk about loving Serenity. So she told him she wanted to here what he had to say. She understands peoples feelings. This may not even be from the experiments. She may have had this ability to know others feelings before they experimented on her. Well I'm babbling now. But that's my theory. "Permission to come aboard captain".


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:04 PM



Originally posted by dc4bs:
Mals thought of "None of it means a damn thing" could be that he thinks what he feels doesn't matter as, given the situation, he beleives (disparingly - he says the line like hes fighting tears / husky voiced and also says it facing Inarra, not River) that he believes he can never actualy have her love so none of what he feels could ever really mean a damn thing between them. When she told him she was leaving, he has took that as a personal rejection of him, not the overall situation and, of course, he would have no knowledge of my conjectured previous heartbrake of Inarra.


I disagree about this. I don't think there's any particular flaw in your logic, I just interpreted it differently. I see the statement that "none of it means a damn thing" as a general summary of his outlook on life. Also, he's actually not looking at Inara when he says it, he's looking at nothing (a foot or two behind her), which adds to that impression for me.


Friday, July 28, 2006 6:44 AM



Originally posted by ormaybemidgets:

Inara: I'm a big girl. Just tell me.

Doesn't seem to have anything at all to do with River.

Agreed. Actually, I think this supports the theory that Inara is dying. Or has a terrible illness. It's the sort of thing she would say to her doctor, when he, or she, is hesitating to give her the bad news: "I'm a big girl. Just tell me."


Mal: None of it means a damn thing.

This, you could probably say applied to River. As in; her recovery doesn't mean anything, he still doesn't like her.

I'd have to disagree here, strongly. :) Mal is quite fond of River. Even in OiS he voices that quite clearly: "Ain't a question of whether we like her. Some of us have grown attached to River. (...) I find River pleasant enough myself."

Personally, I believe "None of it means a damn thing." refers to a reflection of Mal himself, right after they lost the Batlle of Serenity Valley, feeling hopelessly lost and confused. The literal quote may well refer to the moment he lost his faith (he was still a believer still in the War: he kisses his crucifix in the pilot). All speculation on my end, of course.

But there's plenty of evidence, at least, that Mal really likes River, and goes out of his way to protect her. Jayne (BDM): "the way you look to River. (...) So, where's it writ that we got to lay down our lives for her? Which is what you've steered us toward."

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, July 30, 2006 2:58 PM



I'd have to disagree here, strongly. :) Mal is quite fond of River.

Yes, I definitely agree with you. I think Mal is very friendly towards River, and he protects her when he can. Best example: when he picks her up and brings her back to Serenity in the BDM, even when she's a threat, even when he could just have easily have left her. My comment was in response to:


I think she is hearing what she is afraid they think about her.

All I was saying was that, were someone to argue the above point, they could use Mal's quote as an example.

DB: Doesn't exactly fit the thug in the profile alley. Wait, what?


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:09 PM


I'm new here and this is my first post. Anyway, my favorite River moment is when she picks up a twig in her mind which turns out to be a gun in real life. I forgot which episode it was in.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 3:39 PM


I absolutely LOOOOOVE River's lucid moments. The moments where she just acts like a normal teenager with no special powers, and no crazy side, and not even that nice of a personality. I mean, those are the most awesome, because she's just normal. Like the 'am i talking to miranda' moment as well as the 'he needs so much looking after'. Even when she was playing with Kaylee I didn't get the sense as much as when she's talking back to the crew or Simon. I just love that about her.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 5:00 PM


I liked the scene when River and Simon in their space suits, clinging to the outside of the hull of Serenity, and Simon looking absolutely terrified while River was just enjoying the view immensely.

Other than Book's hair, I never got the impression that River was afraid of anything.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8:14 PM


I always get a thrill from the scene in the BDM where River tells Simon "You always take care of turn!" Then she hurls herself through the airlock doors, throws Simon's medical bag back inside,and opens up a 55 gallon drum of whoop ass on the Reavers.

"You know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed."


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:59 AM


At the very end of BDM when they're fixing the ship and Kaylee and Simon are in the engine room and River pokes her head down to watch. Kind of creepy since it's her brother, but she'd probably "read" them anyways.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:30 PM


Crazy characters are always my favorites. Who doesn't love the sheer insanity that is Callisto:Warrior Queen? That lady was beyond bonkers. I think the 'soup in our hair' conversation between Zoe and Wash describes her best. Her randomness is at times endearing, and at times dangerous. But (imho) so gorram awesome!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:37 AM


Hands down, my favourite River moment is near the end of Serenity when Mal asks "River?" and the door opens for the HERO SHOT: River, posed like a warrior out of mythology, surrounded by a whole lot of dead Reavers with hardly a scratch on her. I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it. Joss said (in the commentary) that this was the shot he made the movie for and I totally agree!! Electrifying!!! SHE'S SO GORRAMN COOL!!!

I want to have ur babies River!!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:53 AM


"... my food is problematic."

"Warn your warmth to turn away... here it's December, every day..."


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:32 AM



Originally posted by farfly:
Other than Book's hair, I never got the impression that River was afraid of anything.

Err... Hands of Blue?

As for my moment - currently it's River in HoG, fascinated with a baby being born. I love them all in that scene: Simon, Inara, River. You could tell they're all in awe. After all that everyday killing going on it's kinda nice to see the opposite.

Oh, and another one: the way she says "You've got issues" to Early cracks me up all the time.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:41 AM


It takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round. Unfortunately, some are pedaling in the wrong direction...

War Stories:

"Don't look,don't look!"

River's stands, head turned away.

Blam! Blam! Blam!

Defining moment of just how capable River is, revealed only to Kaylee. Then comes the smile followed by, "No power in the 'verse can stop me."


"Live with a man for forty years. Share his house, his meals and speak on every subject. Then tie him up and hold him over the volcano's edge. On that day, you will meet the man."

Rob O.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:10 PM


I disagree. I think she is hearing what they are thinking. I know they all care about River, and would never say those things outloud. But, they're human, and we all have those little "pitty party" moments. It isn't necessarily what they are thinking at the moment, but I think she's reading those "dark thoughts" that we all have from time to time. I know Simon would never hesistate to save River, or to be there to take care of her, but I don't believe for a moment that he doesn't have thoughts of where he could be and what he has given up for her. It's normal. We all have our dark and selfish moments, and I think she's picking up on those thoughts. (And if Book was an operative, I can easily see him having those thoughts)

Just my 2 cents



Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:51 AM



Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:53 AM



Originally posted by HeWhoKicksAlot:
Defining moment of just how capable River is, revealed only to Kaylee. Then comes the smile followed by, "No power in the 'verse can stop me."


I feel so much sympathy for River about that moment. She has been so helpless until then. She knows that she has brought so much danger and disaster down upon people she cares for. She has finally made a contribution. She has saved not just Kaylee, but the rest of the crew, who would have been killed if Serenity had been lost.

It must have been her first moment of happiness and pride since she entered the Academy.

She turns to share the moment with her best friend…

… and see how the friend responds.






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