who should be new pilot of serenity?

UPDATED: Monday, June 25, 2007 19:46
VIEWED: 40743
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006 11:43 PM


I know... I have a feeling that he's coming back... or else there would this big gaping hole where Zoe's heart should be... But I guess it would still be Firefly... minus half the humor... Besides... who else could tell mal no with such respect?

Mal: put it right
Wash: No
Wash: No, sir...



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:46 AM



Originally posted by prophetess89:
I know... I have a feeling that he's coming back...

Well Joss has said that allcharacters could return for a sequel. How that's supposed to be possible he is a tad vague about though he does say magic wouldn't be involved.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 12:53 PM


I would hope not... that would kind of offset the whole science fiction thing... I haven't been able to find any news about sequels or anything. Is there going to be another movie?



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 2:46 PM



Originally posted by prophetess89:
I would hope not... that would kind of offset the whole science fiction thing... I haven't been able to find any news about sequels or anything. Is there going to be another movie?

At the moment that is unknown. I take it as an article of faith that a sequel will be made but there are no official plans for one at the moment. Joss has said he would like to do more as have most (if not all) of the cast so it's down to convincing the studio execs.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:21 PM


Then my prayers are with them... I can't believe another network hasnt picked up the show. Cant they see this huge fan following?! But more importantly, I can't believe they took shows like firefly off the air only to make room for shows about weed selling soccer moms... It makes me angry. I really hope there is a sequal!



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 7:09 PM


Um, this probably has nothing to do with it. but I like Weeds. It's actually a pretty funny show.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 8:29 PM


Personally, I find the subject matter offensive and if I had the choice between firefly and weeds... I would choose firefly


Monday, August 14, 2006 6:07 AM


Why not have a nice shiny robot for a pilot?

I reckon this model should be up to the task.


Friday, October 6, 2006 10:18 AM


I think the reason Mal can't be the pilot is because he's the Captain and leaves the ship a lot to take care of business planet-side. Sure, there's people who know how to move the ship from point A to point B (Mal, River, probably Inara) but the pilot's job is more like a getaway driver than just an average pilot. You need someone to sit at the wheel in case things go bad to get in the air the first second it's possible to.

Ancient Gunslinger Wisdom goes here.


Saturday, October 7, 2006 8:39 PM


It takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round. Unfortunately, some are pedaling in the wrong direction...

That was funny! Ironic, since Stanley Tudyk did Sonny's voicework...

Everyone seems to be leaning toward another funny character. That's understandable since Wash was so hysterical, but how about leaning the other way? Perhaps an ultra-serious foil to play off of Mal's humor and Jayne's ignorance. If he/she were to be funny, it would be in a scathing way that might not win them any friends, however his/her piloting skill would make them indispensable. I'm thinking a male or female Janine Garafalo-type character.

Just a thought.

"Not as deceivin' as a low down dirty... deceiver."

Rob O.


Sunday, October 8, 2006 6:41 AM



Originally posted by HeWhoKicksAlot:
That was funny! Ironic, since Stanley Tudyk did Sonny's voicework...

Erm, Alan Tudyk... not just the voice, but the whole "Serkis" thing. Pretty much my gist...


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:03 PM



Originally posted by daveshayne:
But at the end of the BDM River is a little more predictable and a little less violent. She's dealt with the nightmares - at least the really grisly ones featuring reavers, "I'm OK. I'm OK." and thereby achieved a sense of peace she never had before and gained conscious control of her fighting reflexes, "My turn." She is no longer just a weapon that can be triggered.


I feel the same. I think River is getting a grip on her condition and learning to control it more and more. I have a feeling that the Alliance is going to be very sorry that they ever messed with little River Tam's brain.

If its not River as pilot though, I vote for Bruce Campbell. He and Nathan would be a riot!

"I'll be in my bunk"


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:34 PM



Originally posted by jerryt:
If its not River as pilot though, I vote for Bruce Campbell. He and Nathan would be a riot!

I could see Bruce playing a recuring character; perhaps tied to lighter episodes - maybe captain of a rival scavenger crew in a Mad Mad Mad Mad 'Verse kind of situation - but as a regular I think he might be just a bit too big. Firefly is about more or less regular people trying to eke out their existence in the void while Campbell is more of a mythological being type of presence.

Plus I suspect that if him, Nathan, and Sean ever share the same screen there is a definite possibility of their chins collapsing into a black hole to our collective doom.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at


Sunday, October 15, 2006 4:30 AM


It takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round. Unfortunately, some are pedaling in the wrong direction...

See, that's why I shouldn't try replying to threads after midnight. Can't... sentence...properly. Things get fuzzy, ya know.

Rob O.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 12:30 AM


I dont beleive you can replace wash, he was and still is the best suited to the role.
He should never have been killed off in the movie, it was not needed.
But if he does need to be replaced-



Wednesday, October 18, 2006 2:58 AM


IF there is some form of sequel (movie or series)I think that Joss will outsmart us all in this respect. But its fun to discuss nevertheless.

So heres my thoughts on this subject. (It was a awhile since I saw the movie so please bear with me if I get things wrong.)

First of all, I would not like to see a prequel as it wouldnt not move the story forward and give some bigger answers as what happened after the Reaver/Miranda broadcast.
What I think/hope a new production will deal with is the impact of the Reaver/Miranda broadcast to the people in the verse. Perhaps in the form of an uprising where Mal gets to deal with some of his "ghosts" from Serenity valley and the war. This combined with the Reaver threat could give some interesting development of the story. Perhaps in the lines of The Alliance and the new forming Browncoats going at each other again but in the end need to cooperate to meet the Reaver threat?

As to the pilot question I think it should go in the lines of "theres no given pilot" The problem of losing Wash is that they dont have a pilot to take his place wich gives some twists to the operations the crew embark on. (Read problems) Example: in the middle of a job River starts seeing the pursuing ships as butterflies or Mal taking the helm and the rest of the crew rushes to strap in giving each other funny looks

One thing that has been bubbling in my mind is Wash coming back as a Reaver. We pretty much dont know that much how new Reavers are formed. The only thing we know is the Miranda information and the guy turning Reaver in "Bushwacked".

So guys and girls the possibilites are endless. And if theres a new move/series Joss will outsmart us all. That we can be sure of!


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 6:43 AM



Originally posted by PipewrenchDale:
Example: in the middle of a job River starts seeing the pursuing ships as butterflies

But very unlucky butterflies.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:32 AM


just as a lot of people already said, I'd say it's River. we know that "everything comes as naturally to her as breathing comes to us". she demonstrates that at the end of serenity. moreover, River closely identifies with the ship, even becomes the ship in Objects in Space. strengthening that bond with the ship by flying it makes a lot of sense, it could actually work as a kind of therapy for River.


Thursday, October 19, 2006 1:20 AM


I like River as a pilot. But I actually like her more as an additional fighter with Mal/Jayne/Zoe.

I can just see the look on the faces of the poor poor disreputable men when the little girl in the floral dress brought along by Mal to a secret roundeszous goes crazy-nuts on the henchmen when they try the inevitable double cross.

I think a new pilot would be the most likely scenario. I think back to the Buffy and Angel verse where beloved characters were killed off and new ones took their place, also to become quite popular after a while. I also suspect that we have difficulty with the new pilot idea because we've lived with the same characters and 14 episodes for much longer than would be normal if the series had the chance to develop. Now it seems unthinkable.

Burn the land and boil the sea...


Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:32 PM


I think ryan reynolds is an excellent choice. He definitely can bring some comedy just like the departed wash. it's kind of interesting to see a captain not piloting the ship. Those types of details really make this show unique oh and of course river would be the obvious choice.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 5:30 AM


First of all, while I like Alan Tudyk and loved Wash, I think of all the characters that could have been sacrificed, he was the best choice, simply because he didn’t seem to have much in the way of secretive back-story to be resolved and of the other choices in that category, Zoe, Kaylee, was probably the least likely to cause a riot.

Secondly, while I like the idea of River as “back-up” pilot for future situations, I think if you end up leaving her on the ship, for the most part, now that she has been pulled from the closet in regards to her abilities and character, you’d be losing something vital that can be treated with.

Now, in some other threads, I have seen some individuals talking up the idea that Book is an ex-Operative and possibly even a clone. Joss is known for bringing back dead characters in other series and Book had tons of potential back-story and further intrigue.

Can anyone think of any specific younger black actors who could pass as a twenty-ish Shepard Book?

This would seem to me to have that winning combination of cheese factor and plausibility that reeks of Jossism. (Everyone genuflect. 10 Our Mal’s and 20 Mother Serenity’s)

It allows the introduction of a “new” character. The return of an “old” character, so-to-speak, when it is revealed who he is. A return to Book’s back-story, which we all know hasn’t been played out yet. A sudden affinity with the character on the part of the crew when he is revealed, which can be played on to their detriment for conflict. (I know, the evil clone has been done to death, but let’s look at the new twist, shall we?)

With it being a clone, he would have different skill-set from experiences Book didn’t have. Plus, you could do all kinds of wicked things with him.

If the Alliance actually does have access to Book clones and know he was a trusted member of the Serenity crew, then he seems the perfect “plant” and with a bit of that wonderful Alliance modification, he could even be made “River Proof”. A young, handsome, lean Book could even be a possible “first love” for River, especially if he is “River Proof” since he would have an allure that none of the other “open books” (yes, pun intended) around her have.

You could dose him with just enough of Shepard’s conscience to avoid the “black mustached” villain (interesting the Dr. chose that imagery while talking specifically to Book, hmmm?), imbuing him with character depth.

He could even be somewhat “broken” from his conditioning, like River so there could be a back and forth, while she tries to save him from himself, knowing the situation he is in, and he tries to save her from himself, etc.

He would be like a really terrifying Operative/Early mix with the added bonus of River’s affection. Talk about potential for conflict.

Of course, you lose the "humor" factor of Wash, but I think that can be amply compensated with doses of more Jayne, IMHO.

Just my take.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 5:41 AM


From the way I understood it RIVER was the perfect choice on account of her being able to 'read' into the future. This would give her an edge when it came to piloting SERENITY surely as she could naturally anticipate events.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 6:09 AM



From the way I understood it RIVER was the perfect choice on account of her being able to 'read' into the future. This would give her an edge when it came to piloting SERENITY surely as she could naturally anticipate events.

Oh yes, I would agree it would seem to make the most sense. Mal wouldn't even have to call for her, when he and crew get into trouble away from the ship, she could just "be there", knowing what was coming.

I just hope they still manage to work in some of those breathtaking "killer woman" scenes.


Friday, January 12, 2007 8:06 PM


Ah! I can't believe we are even having this conversation!!! I was SO choked up when Wash died the only thing that I could manage to speak was WHY?! Why did he have to die?! His character was the bright silver lining to all the dark despair we love in all the other characters. I mean he played with dinosaurs for gods sake! How can you not love the man?! -Now that I got that out. River is obviously the next choice for a pilot. She knows her shit and needs something to keep her busy. After proving shes not a helpless little girl she can no longer run away with it. All of the episodes had some reference to her weaknesses and we have now learned she ain't so helpless. This also eliminates the need for a new character being added to the plot which would make things a tad sticky.

Still though... WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE? Someone please tell me. I fricken loved his character.

- That nerdy hat


Friday, January 12, 2007 8:40 PM


Well, at a con in New Zealand late last year, Summer was asked if she had ideas of what would become of River had the series continued.

SHe said she used to tell Joss that she wanted to be the pilot.

And then, come the movie, she got to be.

Can't Stop The Serenity 2007

Unofficial Browncoat Cruise Newsline


Friday, January 12, 2007 8:45 PM


mark hammill is a damn good pilot. hell, he used to bullseye womprats with his T16 back home. i am


Friday, January 12, 2007 8:47 PM



Originally posted by AllianceSniper:
Wouldn't it be something if the new pilot were Inara? However, I don't think she nor the captain could handle their feelings in this relationship without some major event happening between them, most likely one that tears them apart emotionally from each other. However, then the fun tension between the captain and Inara wouldn't be around...

>>Hell, Mark Hamil might make a good pilot, now that he looks the part ;)

>>mark hammill is a damn good pilot. hell, he used to bullseye womprats with his T16 back home.

also, sorry for the double-reply. its late here. i am


Saturday, January 13, 2007 2:51 PM


I dislike the idea of new cast, that basically makes it a new show. I like what it is now and changes would upset me. Lets not move on! Why are we always told to move on? I say things should be basically the same, sure Wash is gone but they can continue...Right?


Saturday, January 13, 2007 5:18 PM


Is nobody going to argue in favor of bringing back the man himself?

Wash should fly Serenity. Nobody else.

Wouldn't be hard.


Saturday, January 13, 2007 5:25 PM


but hes dead. its not like hes injured and can recover. how do you bring him back from the dead and fill a 10 inch hole thru his body without going to the feds?

Wash> but thats like science fiction
Zoe> you live on a spaceship, dear


Saturday, January 13, 2007 5:28 PM



Originally posted by OrangeHat:
Still though... WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE? Someone please tell me. I fricken loved his character.

I hate to say this, but dramatically speaking, it was the perfect thing to do right then. Gave some stakes to the final battle.

For a continuation of the series, though, I would honestly want our original nine crewmembers back. All of them.

Like I said, 'tain't hard. Even if you rule out magic amulets.


Saturday, January 13, 2007 5:38 PM



Originally posted by SpacemanSpiff76:
but hes dead. its not like hes injured and can recover. how do you bring him back from the dead and fill a 10 inch hole thru his body without going to the feds?

Given the level of tech available, bringing back Wash and/or somebody who looks like Wash really isn't hard.

The hard thing, the thing that limits your options, is if you (like me) want *the* one, *the* only, *the* original Wash.

Hard's not impossible, though. Don't the fans of this show know that already? ;-)

If *I* can do it, it isn't hard.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007 3:02 PM



Originally posted by copilot:
I agree River is a good choice it just depends on how stable she is now...

Anyway maybe Mal should keep flying with her for awhile just to be safe.

River should keep flyin' !

Mal has to do Captain-y things , so I'll
' Fly shotgun ' !

We've gotta get Wash back in some capacity...

Still Flyin' ! Wash--Still . Flyin' .


Sunday, April 15, 2007 5:53 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

We've gotta get Wash back in some capacity...

Still Flyin' ! Wash--Still . Flyin' .

To be honest, I think that dead characters should stay that way.

If she is stable, River can fly the ship. And probably do every other job too.

Problem is that if the Alliance are still after the Tams, they can hardly stay on Serenity. And if the Alliance is no longer after them, they no longer need to stay on Serenity.


Sunday, April 15, 2007 6:28 AM



Originally posted by Cavalier:

Originally posted by out2theblack:

We've gotta get Wash back in some capacity...

Still Flyin' ! Wash--Still . Flyin' .

To be honest, I think that dead characters should stay that way.

If she is stable, River can fly the ship. And probably do every other job too.

I was kidding about the Wash thing...You only half-quoted me...

Still Flyin' ! Wash--Still . Flyin' . See , this
is the 'joke' line...

Wash--Still . Flyin' .

But , he could be " Spry for a Dead Guy ". That
would be just like Wash...and just like Whedon to
write him that way...

Remember when Wash seemed to be zoning , and he
had his hand posed as if gripping the yoke , but
his fist was empty ?

Maybe we get the ' ghost ' of Wash , but only Zoe and River can see him , and he believes he's
' Still Flying ' , but of course he's not...

He just provides the voice of reason , and some comic relief...


" When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

--Leonardo da Vinci


Sunday, April 15, 2007 10:25 AM


Possibly my sense of humour needs some work.


Monday, April 16, 2007 8:16 PM


HMMM....Wash-I never saw a body. Saw a nasty ass puncture wound. No body. No funeral service besides the little tribute hologram thingy. And, wasnt there one episode with a person carrying around a whole replacement set of organs? Sounds like they are pretty good at replacing/cloning. I just think that with some creative writing, Wash could live. Wouldnt be easy, might stretch plausability, but what the hey!


Sunday, May 6, 2007 5:43 PM



Originally posted by mskvforester:
HMMM....Wash-I never saw a body. Saw a nasty ass puncture wound. No body. No funeral service besides the little tribute hologram thingy. And, wasnt there one episode with a person carrying around a whole replacement set of organs? Sounds like they are pretty good at replacing/cloning. I just think that with some creative writing, Wash could live. Wouldnt be easy, might stretch plausability, but what the hey!


I loooooovvvvvveeeeeee that idea..... my faith that Wash can be resurected has been restored!!!!

How on earth could I have forgotten that they can clone organs????? Scoop out the old ones and replace the new ones! Plus they have a kick ass trauma surgeon on their crew who could probably do it without the alliance finding out! wheehw!

WASH could live again!!!! Long live WASH!


Take my love, take my land, take me where I can not stand...... You can't take the sky from me!


Saturday, May 12, 2007 9:19 PM





Sunday, May 13, 2007 3:06 PM


The new pilot should be a sarcastic, wise cracking, smarty pants, ex-companion guy named "Zeek Fleemings" that the Firefly crew picks up during an adventure they are having on the moon called "White Fall." And of course he's gay. He's a male version companion that went wrong, and decided that the companion life was not for him and he went out and explored the 'verse and got stuck on White Fall.



Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:50 AM


I think Jayne’s little brother (if he has one, can’t remember but this whole post relies on the fact he does) would make the perfect new pilot for a number of reasons.

• He’d pretty much be the opposite to Jayne – He is quite smart (He went to school, got into flight school etc).
• He would be the younger smartarse brother who can wind Jayne up in flash.
• He & Jayne never really got along but spending time together on Serenity could see that change (or not, whatever helps the story)
• This could lead to the more noble aspect of Jayne appear if his little brother was ever in serious trouble etc
• He could flirt with Kaylee, winding Simon up (endearing himself to Jayne)
• He could flirt with River, winding Simon up (endearing himself to Jayne)
• He could try to flirt with Inara, getting shot down like Mal used to pushing Mal to finally tell Inara how he feels to stop this new kid from trying his luck (Inara could use this to make Mal jealous but I think we’re beyond that stage with these two)
• Zoë would immediately dislike him for trying to replace wash, causing tension between them (good for a few episodes. E.g. where they get stuck and have to work together to get out of it)
• Mal may see some of Tracy or even himself in him, which may want Mal to keep him around

The more I think about it the more I think it works. There are more reasons for it coming to me but that will do for now.

What does everyone think?



Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:52 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
The new pilot should be a sarcastic, wise cracking, smarty pants, ex-companion guy named "Zeek Fleemings" that the Firefly crew picks up during an adventure they are having on the moon called "White Fall." And of course he's gay. He's a male version companion that went wrong, and decided that the companion life was not for him and he went out and explored the 'verse and got stuck on White Fall.


I like this idea. *G* He and Inara would get on fabulously.


Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:06 AM


I think we are all forgeting that this is really up to Mal, not Joss
What would Mal do in terms of determining the need for a new pilot of Serenity? The ending of the BDM pretty much sets up the stage for this. His dialogue with River is the 'passing of the torch', there can be no question about that. We all know that River has the aptitude and physical skills to be a great pilot, perhaps even better than Wash, with her psychic abilities. We also know that she demonstrates the 'love' for Serenity that Mal says is so important, based on her actions and dialogue in 'Objects in Space'. She 'becomes' Serenity for crying out loud!
Mal is very straight forward, without much sentiment, and will do what is best for 'his' ship in order to get the job done and 'keep flying'. I honestly do not feel that he will hold any prolonged sorrow for the missing Wash and will expect that Zoe will eventually need to 'get over it'. "Will she hold together?" "She's tore up plenty, but she'll fly true." "Could be bumpy." "Always is." I take this exchange to mean that Zoe is of course still feeling hurt but that she will get past the loss of Wash and continue her job on Serenity and her devotion to her captain. I also take it to mean that Mal expects her too. Zoe can go on without Wash. If Zoe can go on without Wash, so can Serenity.
Of course, 'coin' will have a major part to play as well in Mal's eyes in determining the need for a new pilot.
Mal will not hire a new pilot to replace Wash, once its determined that River can fly the ship with amazing 'aptitude'. A new pilot would be an expense that Mal would not consider. Why split the profits one more way when its not needed?
Now that River's mental and physical abilities are exposed, she will obviously need to be more than just the pilot of Serenity to fulfill her full potential as a character. If River is needed for any particular job or 'killer woman/reader' mission, Inara can be the one to bring Serenity to and fro when pick up is needed. That's no brainer flying. If quick, superfandango escape/evasive flying is needed, River simply kicks Inara out of the seat and takes over. My guess is that even Zoe will learn how to pilot the ship for simple manuevers and her ocassional sitting in 'Wash's' seat can provide for powerful 'rememberances' (even if they are simply portrayed in the look on Zoe's face) and possible flashback scenes, like those in 'Out of Gas'.
As much as I would love to see Wash back, I think crazy incarnations such as clones or ghosts, would only serve to hurt Firefly/Serenity more than help it.
Now my take on any future 'Firefly' TV will center on 'pre' Serenity adventures. I think Joss has mentioned this before? This will allow the entire crew to come back on board and address all the storylines Joss originally had the intention of exploring in more depth, ie Blue Sun, Book's past, ect..
If there is a Serenity movie 'sequel', I think we'll see that 'two hands of blue/Blue Sun', the true entity behind River's 'project', will still be trying to get to River for reasons we still yet don't know. We know the Alliance was after River for her potential knowledge of "covert and military operations" which is why they sent the Operative, but do we really know why the "two hands of blue" guys were after her?
Maybe in this sequel the crew will come across another child like River that manages to escape the project and pleas for help in rescuing the other children being tested/experimented on. This would be a 'cause' Mal would find worthy of risking his ship and crew on. Of course River would desperately want to help and perhaps get a bit of revenge/pay back as well. It would be the final act that would allow his ship and crew, River included, to go about their lives without looking over their shoulders.
I can foresee a major plan on the crew's part to infiltrate Blue Sun and expose them. This will give us a chance to see the true genius of Simon and River, the tenacity of Mal, the devotion of Zoe, the mechanical genius of Kailey, and of course give Jayne a chance to shoot someone, or lots of someones :). I liken it to the episodes 'Trash' and 'Ariel' but on a bigger scale and rather than stealing, the crew is exposing or sabotaging Blue Sun and/or even better rescuing others like River and getting them back home. This would be very 'rewarding'.
You know, Mal is a 'good guy' after all !

"You wanna run this ship?"
"Well, can't"


Monday, June 11, 2007 10:37 AM


I think both River and Mal would pilot Serenity.

I can imagine it being the futuristic equivalent to calling "Shotgun" when getting into a car.

Plus it would make for some great Lethal Weapon inspired arguements on who gets to drive.

River: I'm flying!

Mal: I'm flying!

River: I can kill you with my mind!

Mal: You're flying!

Shun-SHENG duh gao-WAHN


Monday, June 25, 2007 7:46 PM


My thought is that they'd probably get some new characters. Probably a new pilot, maybe a cook or something? I doubt that the new pilot would be "the funny one" to replace Wash... it would just be too predictable. Plus, for plot purposes, it would create some great tension if the new pilot was totally different, because Zoe might be resentful. Who knows?

Also, I think in the event of the continuance of the series, they really should incorporate more Asian actors, as was already mentioned above... I mean... there's so much emphasis on Chinese culture and hardly any appearance of Chinese people at all. Seems strange, is all.

--"I know they tell ya: 'never hit a man with a closed fist,' but it is, on occasion, hilarious."--






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