If you could add an extra scene...

UPDATED: Sunday, March 11, 2007 05:10
VIEWED: 9285
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Monday, January 8, 2007 4:49 AM


What episode would you add it in?

I was watching Out of Gas last night and thought it would have been great to see the crew on each of the excape shuttles. I can just imagine the interaction between Jayne and Innara trying to determing why her ship "smelled funny".

Any other ideas?

Thank Universal for airing Firefly in HD at


Monday, January 8, 2007 4:57 AM


In War Stories, I would have liked to see Niska escaping in a shuttle, and pushing the wrong button- and exploding.
That's the only thing I can think of; the rest is perfect as-is to me.

I don't wanna explode Chrisisall


Monday, January 8, 2007 5:19 AM



Originally posted by JLin:
What episode would you add it in?

What I really would like to see added to the ‘Firefly’ series, is a second season...

However, it would really have been funny to see how they managed (or didn’t manage) to carry the drugged Jayne down to the Cargo Bay in 'The Train Job'.

Anytime I see something screech across a room and latch onto someone's neck, and the guy screams and tries to get it off, I have to laugh, because what IS that thing?!


Monday, January 8, 2007 5:42 AM


Just one extra scene?

Hmmm. Not sure which episode it would be in, but I've always felt that Simon & Kaylee at the beginning of "Objects in Space" doesn't quite fit with the overall flow of their relationship. I want to know what happened to get them to that place. "Here's how it might have been..."


Monday, January 8, 2007 5:49 AM


I wanna know how they finally managed to get River out of the hole in Jaynestown.



Monday, January 8, 2007 5:52 AM


I know the scene was already made, but I'd like them to keep the cut scene from Our Mrs Reynolds where River wants to marry Simon . After all, it just gives more hints to River's psychic capabilities...

No power in the 'verse can stop me!


Monday, January 8, 2007 7:16 AM


I love all these ideas. I'm imagining them hauling Jayne down the stairs right now.

I was also thinking, in the Train Job, I would like to see what happened to Niska henchman who took Mal's deal after he pushed the first one into the engine. Do you think he actually returned to Niska with the bad news or was too afraid and took of on his own???

Thank Universal for airing Firefly in HD at


Monday, January 8, 2007 8:23 AM


After Mal gets shot in Out Of Gas, he gets the draw on those scumbags.

I wish he had held them hostage while he ordered one of them to install the part ...then I would have loved to see him shoot that prick.



Monday, January 8, 2007 8:52 AM


The scenes mentioned sound great. For me, though, I'd like scenes that address plot holes.

For example, in OMR, how a Triumph marriage ceremony could be held in the middle of a very public dance and nobody says anything. I know that the original script had the bearded elder in on it, but that doesn't explain why everybody else ignored what was going on.

Have Saffron or the net guys give a little detail on how the settlers were in on the con or had been duped into thinking Saffron was doing something less deadly than what she actually was.


Monday, January 8, 2007 9:36 AM


For that matter, how was Saffron managing to pass herself off as a villager in the first place?

Probably some (not all) the villagers were in on it, and introduced her as "my cousin Saffron who's visiting from (mumble)"... but that's just a guess.


Monday, January 8, 2007 9:52 AM


OK, I know what I'm going to suggest is probably too much of a give away for the first season, but since we never find out....

I would like to see Innara's doctor's visit in Ariel. Maybe with just a few clues as to what her story is about.

Thank Universal for airing Firefly in HD at


Monday, January 8, 2007 10:39 AM



Originally posted by JLin:
I love all these ideas. I'm imagining them hauling Jayne down the stairs right now.

I was also thinking, in the Train Job, I would like to see what happened to Niska henchman who took Mal's deal after he pushed the first one into the engine. Do you think he actually returned to Niska with the bad news or was too afraid and took of on his own???

Probably the reason Wash and Mal got abducted in War Stories. Niska never got his money back cause that guy turned tail and ran.

I would have like to have seen Kaylee's reaction to Mal giving her the dress and telling her she gets to go to the party with him in Shindig.

Or Jayne's reaction and resulting argument in having to go back for Simon and River in Safe.


Monday, January 8, 2007 10:39 AM


OH so many to choose from

I'd like Jayne to get a scene with Kaylee after she's shot

Mal kissing Inara

Zoe realizing she's pregnant in Heart of Gold

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Monday, January 8, 2007 10:58 AM


It takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round. Unfortunately, some are pedaling in the wrong direction...

Not to beat a dead horse, but in my screenplay endeavor, I touched a bit on River's training at the Academy. I always wanted to see how she learned her amazing martial arts ability.

Also, to see the discussion between Zoe and Mal when she tells him Wash proposed. (or did she propose to Wash? She is a tough woman...)

"Not everybody gets me and Zoe at first glance."

Rob O.


Monday, January 8, 2007 11:57 AM


Oooh so many great ideas! The scene I most would like to see, in the Serenity pilot episode, is what happened between Jayne and Kaylee after Jayne makes that crude joke about her and the doc and before she gets shot. You could see them entering the cargo bay together. I've always been curious about that. Did they just happen to bump into each other? Would Jayne apologize at all? that's the scene I would add...

We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm a hero.


Monday, January 8, 2007 2:09 PM



Originally posted by Redlava:
I would have like to have seen Kaylee's reaction to Mal giving her the dress and telling her she gets to go to the party with him in Shindig.

Or even just a quick shot of her scrubbing her face, desperately trying to get the engine grease off...

I'm pointin' right at it!


Monday, January 8, 2007 3:11 PM



Originally posted by HeWhoKicksAlot:
Not to beat a dead horse, but in my screenplay endeavor, I touched a bit on River's training at the Academy. I always wanted to see how she learned her amazing martial arts ability.

I was thinking the same thing just yesterday! I wanted to know how the Academy coerced her into that kind of training, or what kind of state she was in during the physical training. Can't just program flexibility, can ya?


Monday, January 8, 2007 3:13 PM


Oops! I put my thoughts in the quotey part. Teehee.

Let me repeat, then, that I'm totally curious about River's physical training. OR just see above. How embarrassing!


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:49 AM



Originally posted by JLin:

What episode would you add it in?

I'd like to voice some caution in adding deleted scenes. :)

For instance, the cut scene from Our Mrs. Reynolds, where River wants to marry Simon, it's hilarious. ;) But I can readily see why it didn't make the final episode. Because the relationship between Simon and River is brilliant: it's Love, to the utmost; but it's not sexual. In fact, that's what makes it so brilliant: it's not your typical romantic Love (it's Love, Jim, but not as we know it). I think the last thing Firefly really needed, is to sully that relationship with some half-incestuous story-interjection (however funny it was; and it was; lol). I mean, marry? That's just not something brothers and sisters do. I mean on some planets, but only pretty bad ones.

Oftentimes also the absence of the deleted scenes add subtlety. Like it's interesting to hear Zoe would kill Simon if Mal asked her (deleted scene pilot). But the loyalty Zoe has for Mal is best evinced throughout the series, instead of being bluntly told upfront. And I think they did well to leave it out.

Same deal with liking to have seen Kaylee's reaction to Mal giving her the dress and telling her she gets to go to the party with him in Shindig. I think it would have detracted from the subtlety of things. When Mal comes to the engine room to call Kaylee for a job, we are still clueless (and assume Mal is still, too). It's only when "Kaywinnit Lee Frye" is introduced in the ballroom, that we realize, heart-warmingly, what he did for her. Better this way.

As is the case with the deleted scene from OiS. Or, rather, I should say, the scene that was originally aired, but never made it to the DVD, where Inara and Mal talk in greater detail why Inara is leaving. The reason -- to my shock, I must admit, as I found out -- is actually more financial ("This is the first planet where I can find decent clientele.") I like it much better the way Joss intended it: without that scene. Because now it seems the reason Inara is leaving is directly related to the incident in HoG, where Mal slept with Nandi, and Inara rudely awakened to the fact that what was between her and Mal (or rather what they kept dancing around all the time) really wasn't there. Well, afterwards things get okay between them, of course, in the BDM. But for the Firefly sequence of things, leaving that scene out really sold the subtlety for me.

Anyways, just my two coppers.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 8:20 AM


Umm, the scene originally aired in OIS talked about why Inara was leaving? But HOG hadn't aired at all, so viewers didn't know that she had decided to go.

I think Inara talking about finding decent clientele was seen at the time as just a complaint, not as a reason for her departure, since that had never been mentioned. I should go look, I guess, but I'm pretty sure that's true.


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 9:09 AM


Trash: I would have liked a scene where Yo-Saff_Brig was rescued from the trash bin by the Feds and see her trying to seduce one of the officers.

Thank Universal for airing Firefly in HD at


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 9:19 AM



Originally posted by shambleau:

For example, in OMR, how a Triumph marriage ceremony could be held in the middle of a very public dance and nobody says anything. I know that the original script had the bearded elder in on it, but that doesn't explain why everybody else ignored what was going on.

Have Saffron or the net guys give a little detail on how the settlers were in on the con or had been duped into thinking Saffron was doing something less deadly than what she actually was.

Shambleau, thanx for mentioning that. I thought I was the only person who ever noticed. I remember hearing that somewhere there was an indication that the elder was in on it. Musta been your reference to the original script.
I keep nibbling at a character analysis of YoSafBrig-- that was going to be one of my major concerns.


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 9:27 AM



Originally posted by JLin:
Trash: I would have liked a scene where Yo-Saff_Brig was rescued from the trash bin by the Feds and see her trying to seduce one of the officers.

Not so much a scene , as an ep, or recurring character, if there had been a second season- I want more YoSafBrig.
Could the BDH worked out a peaceful co-existence?
Even her appearances in fanfic haven't been frequent


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 11:26 AM


I am going to list things for every episode, but I will keep them brief so I don't drag on

Serenity- Mal and Zoe being excused for their Independent involvment (to show how the alliance court system worked)

The Train Job- Jayne confronting Simon after the medicine wore off and telling him to watch out (setting up more for Jaynes betrayl on Ariel)

Bushwhacked- Kaylee showing Simon how to actually put his suit on right.

Shindig- Show Lord Harrow bringing the cows to Serenity and Mal being shocked

Safe- River, Simon, Mal, and Zoe walking back onto Serenity and River saying that Alliance had been there and that Jayne had stole something from them. Cut to Jayne in the infirmary emptying some medicine and gauze onto the conunter next to Book when Simon walks in and asks Jayne what he is doing and he has no explination short from a look at a Book and he walks out

Our Mrs. Reynolds- Saffron wakes up in bed to a note on the next pillow saying "Looks like we got our wedding night signed- your husband" she get out of bed only to find her clothes still on. she flips the note over "I meant the gifts" . She looks in her bag only to find the flower hat.

Jaynestown- Show the mudders burying the mudder kid next to the re-erected Jayne statue.

Out of Gas- Show Book reading his bible by Mal and Zoe says "If he wakes up and sees you doing that he you may need that bed more than him. Book looks up and says "I will take my chances"

Ariel- Jayne is sitting against the Airlock door humming the tune of the man they call Jayne when he hears Rivers voice over the walkie talkie and she starts talking her crazy talk (she is sitting against the other side of the door perfectly aligned with Jayne.

War Stories- Mal fiddling with his ear a little more after the end

Trash- Inara asking Mal what that tattoo is and Mal saying he doesn't know..."its a long story" is his other reply

The Message- Show the crew from above with all the family after the shot of Mal at the end

Heart of Gold- Mal sits in his bunk with the case of guns running his hands along the gold gun

Objects in Space- Post credits show Early again justing giving one long breath out

thanks for reading! sorry if it was too long!

"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayl!" - Wash


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 11:54 AM


A little more on how Wash was able to knock down thoes wall to Zoey's heart.

And soooooo many more :)



Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:11 PM


I would like to see a little more of what attracted Mal to a firefly.

Shoot straight, Shoot once! (Saves ammo and time)


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:27 PM


I cant think of a scene Id like to see added at the mo.however Id really like to know what was in Inara's syringe in the pilot ep. In the commentary Joss says the purpose of it wasnt to commit suicide, it had a different use, something which he was going to address later in the series.


Monday, February 12, 2007 4:34 PM


I would want to see in Safe how Mal got Jayne to agree to go back to get Simon and River...I think it must have taken some persuading on Mal's part!



Monday, February 12, 2007 5:27 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by brockSAMSON:
I cant think of a scene Id like to see added at the mo.however Id really like to know what was in Inara's syringe in the pilot ep. In the commentary Joss says the purpose of it wasnt to commit suicide, it had a different use, something which he was going to address later in the series.

Oh, I can answer that. Tim Minear revealed that it was a "rape-protection drug," if you will - they originally were going to go a little darker with the show, see, and were going to have an episode where the crew stumbled upon Inara surrounded by lots of dead reavers (if you catch my drift).

Rules and voting:


Friday, February 16, 2007 6:22 PM


mmmmh...what an interesting idea..

At the very end of 'Heart of Gold' I would have liked to see Mal (instead of just standing there watching Inara walk away and saying NOTHING like the big dope that he is) run after her and take her in his arms and say "No, don't leave.....I'm sorry for being such a idiot...." then he kisses her (in that kind of way that makes a girls knees turn to jelly...)


but then it would be uncharacteristic of Mal to express his emotions wouldn't it?

No, THIS must be what it feels like to go crazy......


Saturday, February 17, 2007 5:45 PM



Originally posted by asarian:
(it's Love, Jim, but not as we know it)

Firefly fans never cease to amaze me!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Sunday, March 11, 2007 5:10 AM


I would've added a scene or two scattered throughout of Jayne's crush on Kaylee.

I almost thought I made it up, the one scene where he was watching over Kaylee's operation that made it look like he did. Plus, the rude things he said when he realized Kaylee liked Simon. The whole way he TREATED Simon. But then Joss admitted it in the commentary that it was real, though I find it odd that Adam Baldwin had no clue and never intentionally played it that way.

I don't know, I'm not a shipper of any couple, so I'm not necessarily saying it should be reciprocated, but it was the one thing in the entire run of the series that humanized Jayne to me. That's why I think it matters. (In BUFFY, Cordelia's love for Xander is what humanized her from being "the Bitch").






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