
UPDATED: Friday, March 16, 2007 00:31
VIEWED: 16720
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007 4:54 AM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
Okay, here's a twist: what if the Bad Apple was Inara herself? What if she was angling to push the Guild into a political role ("I supported Unification") and got pushed out by those who were trying to maintain the Guild's original mission?

Then "I'm not running from anything" would be true. She's living on the Rim because the Guild won't let her work in the Core, to keep her out of any possible position of influence -- which it certainly seems she was originally heading for, if Nandi had it pegged right.

This theory would be contradicted by Inara's obvious lack of conflict with the Guild itself. She harbors no resentment and speaks with pride and affection about its practices.

Not to mention the fact the fact that she's just as cold and closed off to the Alliance as the others during "Bushwhacked", more so than Wash. She shows shock at the evil of Miranda but no actual surprise that the Alliance would meddle like this. Inara may have no quarrel with the Alliance, but she never gives reason to believe that she's a great fan.

Not to mention, if she was overtly political about the cause of the Alliance, she wouldn't have chosen Mal's boat nor keep quiet all the time when he keeps ranting his Independent believes. There would certainly be other rides available.

Also, Nandi would have had more of an idea why Inara had to leave, since such avid political behavior doesn't generally start all of a sudden.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007 5:50 AM


Let me know if you guys think I should start a new thread for this, but all this discussion has made me realize that Inara may be in a bad place by the end of Serenity. The operative may have already turned her in by the time he finds religion and changes his mind about the crew of Serenity. So, what if the guild found out she was aiding known fugitives for about a year? Would she be reprimanded? Would she be called back for some sort of guild trial? Would Mal get to swoop in with Serenity and come to her rescue? Or would she go willingly right after their relationship just started to bloom?


Wednesday, March 14, 2007 6:09 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
Let me know if you guys think I should start a new thread for this, but all this discussion has made me realize that Inara may be in a bad place by the end of Serenity. The operative may have already turned her in by the time he finds religion and changes his mind about the crew of Serenity. So, what if the guild found out she was aiding known fugitives for about a year? Would she be reprimanded? Would she be called back for some sort of guild trial? Would Mal get to swoop in with Serenity and come to her rescue? Or would she go willingly right after their relationship just started to bloom?

If Inara was declared an official criminal, the Guild would probably turns its back on Inara, like they would with any criminal.
But in that case, the entirety of Serenity's crew would be on the run as they all aided fugitives,, so it would change everyone's circumstances, not just hers. Up until the movie, no one officially knew that Simon and River were on Serenity, so they were all officially clear of suspicion.
Afterwards, maybe no one will care anymore. The Operative says as much.

If some kind of internal, unofficial Guild investigation into her integrity was started, she wouldn't be in any danger that needs rescuing, just in danger of expulsion, and she would probably expect those consequences, since she has quite consciously aided the crew in crime more than once.

But I don't see her leaving the Guild without being forced to. It'd be akin to giving up half of her identity for a chance of romance with someone who wouldn't have to give up anything in return. Quite unequal and big potential for resentment.

I don't think Inara could give up her job for Mal unless he demonstrated first that he could love her in spite of it.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007 7:36 AM


Ooh, Platonist, you sweet-talking breeder of plot-bunnies, you...

quote: It is 500 years in the future and it is science fiction. So I'm starting to lean in the direction of selective gene sequencing, with an out of womb gestation. Pretty scary huh?, but Josh did write Resurrection and he mentions Gattaca in the Visual Companion and Brave New World in the Serenity commentary.

Fun times! I'm having 'Metropolis' vibes, too. That would be interesting. You might only be a full citizen if you have the right 'coding'. If you discovered that you hadn't, or that someone had maybe faked your coding, that could mess with your head.

Maybe you get a better chance at becoming a colonist if your chromosomes don't fit. And I saw an idea somewhere that River was the ultimate product of genetic tinkering.

*scuttles away with the new toy*


Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:15 PM


Thanks for the imput AgentRouka. I tend to stay within the confines of the TV show and movie, so I have not been aware of the facts you shared. I should pick up that RPG book one of these days.

Inara certainly has skills beyond sexual favors. I have noticed she prefers young men. In "Jaynestown" she seemed to focus on her client's selfdoubts more than just satisfing him in bed. She was very close to becoming a mother figure. She always seems to be nurturing with her clients. I think this is part of the Companion purpose. Sex appears to be a tool rather than main objective of a Companion / Client relationship.

That may be a possible reason she travels on the Serenity. She has more opportunities to work with the nurturing aspect of her training than she did on Shinon. And if this aspect is important to her then she may not want to jeopardize it with a relationship with Mal. So I bending toward the idea that her motives are not selfish. She has a higher purpose than just being the whore that Mal calls her all the time.

Of course Mal has no understanding of this and only sees her having sex. Not all of her clients are dorks like that guy in "Shindig". I think Inara had a weak moment there and was blinded for a while by the sense of security she was offered. But she turned it down. And I think she would have even if Mal had not punched the guy.

I would have punched that myself. Then been killed in the dual as Mal nearly was.



Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:19 PM


Glad you like it SpaceAnJL! You have my permission to go with it... make it your own.

I've never been much of a fiction writer. My experience is more in expository, although I've taught both.

I do think that the Guild and Inara's "career" are a smokescreen for larger bombs that have yet to be dropped on our little spacecraft. The BDM seemed to pull the viewers away from the companion lifestyle. Joss said he felt like he was writing about something no one showed interest in. Poof, all gone, don't look back, guys. What Guild? She was a frakin teacher at a girl's finishing school (that's what my elderly parents thought when I loaned them the DVD?)

My only hope is that we see something dark like this in the sequel (we know you're holding out on us Josh!) and you promised Morena. The last scene of Serenity gives me hope though...River (a bad thing the Alliance did, in a horrible way) in the cockpit, Inara at the end of the entry corridor (a good thing the Alliance did, in a horrible way) and Malcolm in the middle. Another hurdle.


Thursday, March 15, 2007 12:03 AM


Oh, yeah, that's a nice little triangle, isn't it? 'Malcolm in the Middle'.

I have a very clear idea of what I want to do with a number of ideas. Reading over folks' thoughts here, I can see that I am not alone in my thinking. Possibly more cynical and paranoid than many, but not alone.

'Brave New World' distressed me a lot. (I was only 10 or so) I would have preferred Huxley's alternative ending to it. But I think the best sci-fi is close enough to what you know to get under your skin.


Thursday, March 15, 2007 5:28 AM


I'm almost done writing a fanfic about Inara's history. I think it's too long to post on here so what should I do?


Friday, March 16, 2007 12:31 AM


Break it into chapters and put it in the Blue Sun Room. Or go to Lots of Browncoats there, too.






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