What moment first made you fall in love with the show?

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 19:33
VIEWED: 64729
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Friday, April 20, 2007 1:18 PM


Hi and welcome, Skeadugenga! Er,... may I call you Skee?

We're glad you found this shiny but somewhat wacky boat. You'll find a whole lot of folk around these parts who feel just like you do.

There's a good chance that some of those folk will be around to invite you to question the buffet or try your hand at solving the problem of an ice planet. Be sure to keep an eye out for FollowMal, as she has the keys to the storage locker where the official browncoats are kept. If she doesn't find you, I can usually find a used one to patch up and brush off.

Feel free to wander around, and post lots. We love stories. Like, how did you come across the Big Damn Movie?

I'm pointin' right at it!


Friday, April 20, 2007 4:52 PM


What moment first made you fall in love with the show?

That beautiful moment I first looked into Saffron's bottomless eyes.

Second would probably be when Book said the quote I have in my sig.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, April 20, 2007 7:40 PM


The first time Wash spoke....I couldn't stop watching after that. In fact, I watched the first three DVDs back-to-back and watched the fourth the next day. I think I watched the movie that week and I've been in love ever since.

"Give me religion and a lobotomy."
Beulah Land-Tori Amos


Saturday, April 21, 2007 1:44 AM


This is a bit off but hey, i missed the series all the way up to when the ads for serenity were shown on the tv, anyway i watch a movie review of serenity and i was pretty much hooked from the clips of the movie they showed. I needed to see this movie and the show that goes with it, which i can't believe i could of missed being a Joss Whedon fan.

So when i watched the series at the moment Mal looks over serenity valley and is so crushed by what he sees that he doesn't notice that Bendez dies, i was completely taken in. I thought, this guys is so overwhelmed. How will he go on? So i tuned in every week and saw the movie to see how his man carries on.

That was when i found out my pants were on fire, and that's my Courageous story.

- Jimmy the Blindoutlaw


Saturday, April 21, 2007 2:36 PM


The year is 2006, never heard of Firefly or Serenity, but Buffy and Angel fan. Goes to the lokal videorent place. Browses. Peter Jackson's King Kong no decision really, Lotr fan long time. Then I see a cover, hmm, young girl herostance, written by the buffydude, well no decision either really. I go home and watch King Kong, god I was bored, 3 hours bored.
Serenity goes into the dvdplayer, opening sekvens ,I like, title screen, zoom out to Serenity, I go oh it is a spaceship, because I didnt know. 7 min and I loved the movie already. The defineing moment was when River steps down from the boxes, Mal says "You know your role in this, little one?" , River retorts "Do you?" fell in love especially in River and the 'verse.
Then in dvd-extras I learned about Firefly. Bought it, love it.
And hope so much, that Serenity will break atmo again soon, keep fighting everyone.

Vote for BDM/FF at
Never kiss'em on the mouth.


Monday, April 23, 2007 11:27 PM


For me I can't say a specific moment. All I need to know is that I am in love and will be for the rest of my life.

Hey! The Ballad of Serenity as funeral music...thats an interesting idea...

The Bible can be pretty racy when it comes to plows


Friday, April 27, 2007 8:59 AM


I was introduced when I visited my best friend over Christmas and her family was in the middle of the series. I was intrigued with "Ariel" but what got me was "Jaynestown"- I giggled when Kaylee said "everywhere I go, his eyes keep following me"; literally rolled on the floor when the Hero of Canton was sung; but the line that sealed it was "We gotta go the crappy town where I'm a hero!" I LOVE/LOVED WASH from the get-go.

What made me obsessed is the cinematography of the "Kaylee's dead" sequence- slowmotion Simon running down the stairs and the music, then Simon realizing how "psychotic" Mal is.



Saturday, April 28, 2007 11:49 AM


Hey Doncoat, thanks for the welcome and the pointers. Don't worry about the Skeadugenga thing (long story), I'm Kate, will look out for FollowMal and already loving the fiction.

How did I come across the Big Damn Movie? Advance publicity, the story about the fans who wouldn't let the show die, and I saw the trailers and thought "that looks like my kind of story.." And I've been a fan of another show called "Green Wing" for a long time and all my fellow fans there know Joss Whedon is god - so when I found it was one of his, the omens were good that I'd like it:-)

So glad to see that there are more new fans joining, maybe if there are enough of us and we keep it going then one day we might get more...we can dream...



Saturday, May 12, 2007 9:23 PM





Sunday, May 13, 2007 12:48 AM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

I've spent the last hour reading these and it really is true: We all got on this boat for different reasons, but we're all at the same place.


Sunday, May 13, 2007 1:31 AM



Originally posted by sorcha425:
What made me obsessed is the cinematography of the "Kaylee's dead" sequence- slowmotion Simon running down the stairs and the music, then Simon realizing how "psychotic" Mal is.

Hands up who yelled a distressed NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! the first time you heard Mal utter those two words... (forgetting that she's on the DVD box cover)


Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:45 AM


Being a huge sci-fi fan I never saw firefly while it was on network tv. My first time I saw anything relating to the "verse" was in a movie previw for Serenity. When I saw the movie preview, I thought "that looks interesting" so I went out and bought the DVD's. After I saw the Pilot, I was holy *&^*&* how did I not know about this show. I believe it is one of the biggest mistakes of a canceled sci-fi show in history. One of the few truly original sci-fi shows in history.


Thursday, May 17, 2007 7:15 AM


For me, it was the BDM. I had totally missed the Firefly series on TV, remember seeing the TV commercials for 'Serenity' but didn't go see it. I know, I feel horrible!
However, I decided to rent Serenity on DVD when it first came out at Blockbuster. Watched it once and then I was hooked! I think what first made me fall in love with this show was the whitty writing and incredibly great acting. I really liked Mal's character within seconds of seeing him on screen the first time! I could just tell that this group was special.
Needless to say, I really liked the movie, all the characters, and HAD to know more about this 'verse'!
I went straight out and bought the BDM and Firefly series on DVD and was hooked forever!
So, I have to say that there was no single scene or line that made me fall in love with this 'verse', it is the 'whole' that I love and I love EVERYTHING about it!

"You wanna run this ship?"
"Well, can't"


Thursday, May 17, 2007 7:18 AM


"Was that the primary buffer panel?"

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Sunday, May 27, 2007 12:48 AM


Sadly I am a late Browncoat, because we do't get Fox tv here in SA and the movie was never officially released at the cinema. They advertised it and then it never came on T.T

But I remember working on my PC while watching TV and the BDM was the 8 pm movie. I was the first movie in a long time which I've actually watched without doing something else, it just looked so good.

The "Was that my primary buffer panel? Well, it did look like it." And I was had, then with Jayne and his grenades and after that the "Shinet, lets be bad guys!" And I was hooked!

XD Best movie EVER!

"Shiney, lets be bad guys!"


Sunday, May 27, 2007 8:22 AM


I don't remember an exact point when I fell in love. It was gradual I suppose. I read a quote from someone (Tim Minear I think) where it said It gets under your skin. That was so true for me.

One thing I have to admit to though is that Firefly is the only show that can ever make me cry from sheer love and because of it's beauty.

"Joss is Boss"


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 9:15 AM


For me definatley serenity (the pilot) Hard to pick one bit just the whole thing although the bit where the young soldier gets shot as the alliance destroy serenity valley just made me think this is so wrong I'm going to love it. Then it just kept getting better

he's lookin to shoot some folk


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 9:42 AM


This might be cheating a bit but I actually found out about the movie before I even knew there was a series.

I work at a hotel and had finished watching something on HBO... I remember hearing some girl screaming and by the time I got over to the tv the serenity logo was showing up.

The moment that got me was when Mal made his announcement about turbulence and then... exploding! I remember seeing him on tv before and that line just made me laugh and go, "I really want to watch this movie!"
I wanted to watch it so much that turned the tv off right then... I didn't want to watch part of it only to be interrupted by work. I went to Walmart later that week and bought the movie.
Then of course I started searching the net for Serenity props... I'm a huge prop builder/collector... and found out about the series. Just happened by it in target one night, I figured it would've been more expensive. One of the best purchases I have ever made!!!!
I'm only a little over halfway finished with firefly. I watched War Stories last night. I guess I'm taking my time with it because when I finish that... there may not be any more. I HOPE there is though! We're obviously causing a little stir due to the uber shiny Collector's edition comming out.
I absolutely LOVE this show! Kinda glad I didn't see Fox's butchering of it... much better to see it all in neat and tidy order.

Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down. Tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her home.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 10:16 AM


I watched the show out of order and enjoyed every episode, but the moment that sticks out in my mind is from 'War Stories' when Zoe hands over Mal's ear to the Dr and announces they are going to get the captain. Jayne's reply, looking at the ear "what are you going to do? Clone him?'



Monday, June 11, 2007 6:46 PM



Originally posted by Cruithne3753:

Originally posted by sorcha425:
What made me obsessed is the cinematography of the "Kaylee's dead" sequence- slowmotion Simon running down the stairs and the music, then Simon realizing how "psychotic" Mal is.

Hands up who yelled a distressed NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! the first time you heard Mal utter those two words... (forgetting that she's on the DVD box cover)

ME!! Everyone who watches it with me does the same thing and I have to keep from commenting. Even people who grudgingly watch it with me-- and I think "Hah, you like it! Told ya so!"



Monday, June 11, 2007 11:47 PM


Is it bad that what she said made perfect sense to me?

Mal, seeing Serenity for the first time across the spaceship lot, and I knew she was his ... and I just got lost in the moment. My DVD kinda gets blurry at that point, since I've watched it so much ...

"Is it bad that what she said made perfect sense to me?"


Tuesday, June 19, 2007 1:49 AM


What was the first moment that had me fall in love with FF?

Well since I didn’t see the series when it first aired and I didn’t see the BDM until it came out on dvd I can’t say that any of this hooked me to the show. I didn’t see the series played out of order and Serenity was good, very good in fact but if it had been all there was I could have been happy and never looked back.

It wasn’t until we rented the dvd series and watched the pilot eps. I believe it was the scene where Kaylee takes the long desiring look at the strawberry then bites it. That had to be the sexiest thing I’d seen on tv in a long time and it lead me to believe that there was truly something intelligent about the writing. My wife looked at me and said “ Must be a MAN thing and laughed. She was right…lol. Here was a show smart enough to know not to take itself to serious. I like that. After that I was becoming hooked even more.

2) When Kaylee was shot by Dobson ( Hell no they can’t kill this pretty girl off, I said)
3) When Mal tells Simon that “Kaylee’s dead” then it turns out that he was only pulling the docs leg.(hilarious)
4) When Jayne tells Mal “Pain is scary.”(classic)
and finally
5) the smooth ending

Yep, after that I could tell that all my coats in the closet were turning a brownish color.



Thursday, June 21, 2007 12:46 PM


Various moments from the pilot. I remember thinking Wash's dinosaurs were a cute touch and it struck me as typical off-the-wall Whedonesque humour I remembered from years of watching Buffy, but it was probably "Kaylee's dead!" - it was an important moment in making you warm to Mal (that'd he'd have a laugh with his crew in a serious situation, and that he'd mess with Simon's head). Also, the moment where Inara lays her hand on Book's head in sympathy at his grief over his part in Dobson's apparent death - it was a beautifully played (and subtle) character moment. From then on, the complexities of the BDHs really intrigued me and pulled me into the series.

-- Gerry Shannon


Thursday, June 21, 2007 12:59 PM


I watched them on television when they first showed. as everyone knows, they were shown out of order and The train Job was shown fist. When Mal kicked Crow through the engine, I lost it. LOL


Monday, June 25, 2007 7:54 PM


Pilot episode, shoot out with Patience. When she says, "Don't take another step!" and then Mal shoots the horse and it falls on her... I was just awed by his no-nonsense attitude and his simultaneous devotion to his "family." Not to mention all the funny jokes!

But I didn't really fall in love until a whole day after watching the pilot, when I realized I'd been thinking about it all day, and how believable the setting was, and how well-written and acted the characters were. And how epic it was for a TV show... I think I was sitting in class when I thought, "That show is gonna be my drug from now on..."

--"I know they tell ya: 'never hit a man with a closed fist,' but it is, on occasion, hilarious."--


Monday, June 25, 2007 8:05 PM



Originally posted by MalsNara:
One thing I have to admit to though is that Firefly is the only show that can ever make me cry from sheer love and because of it's beauty.

You know, it is so true for me as well... Sometimes I'll just watch fanvids on Youtube and cry and cry, thinking about how much I love the show because of what it stands for...

I get especially teared up during scenes where the whole crew is together, laughing. You can imagine the love in the room so vividly.


--"I know they tell ya: 'never hit a man with a closed fist,' but it is, on occasion, hilarious."--


Tuesday, June 26, 2007 10:56 AM


When Mal kicked crow into the engine, and the response from the next guy. I was hooked. Firefly, long may she fly.


Friday, June 29, 2007 7:15 AM


Two moments which made me laugh out loud and think: Hooray, a sci-fi series with a sense of humour!

From the pilot episode:

MAL: I believe that woman's planning to shoot me again.

JAYNE: Here's a little concept I been workin' on. Why don't we shoot her first?

WASH: It is her turn.

And from The Train Job:

INARA: What did I say to you about barging into my shuttle?

MAL: That it was manly and impulsive?

INARA: Except that the exact word I used was "don't".


"I laugh in the face of danger. Then I hide till it goes away."


Monday, July 16, 2007 7:57 PM


Hi everyone! I am new here. I watched the show for the first time on DVD a few months ago. Therefore, I got to watch Serenity first as it was meant to be. The part that made be go "This is the best show ever" was when Mal shot Dobson. I've been addicted ever since.

"Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony..."


Wednesday, August 8, 2007 4:07 PM


My cartridge fell out of my gun...

Bushwacked. When Serenity gets boarded by the Alliance and Simon & River are forced to suit up and and hide on the ship's hull to evade being captured, there is this scene, when the frame zooms out from the dining area to the outside of the ship. Simon is obviously uncomfortable. At some point he glances at River for some reason, and the camera switches to her, all smiling and fascinated... And then we get to see what she's looking at.


In all it's so very infinite blackness and glory.

The music plays a key role in making this very moment a magic one, as does the low thunder-ish sound they added to it during the «space panorama» shot, which gives it a sheer sense of imensity. Wonder. No to mention beautiful acting and camera work.

Beauty. Vastitude. Magic. Firefly <3

—"You know, you're not quite right."

—*grins*"That's the popular theory."


Wednesday, August 8, 2007 4:58 PM


Although I am new to this site, I discovered firefly when it came out on DVD what really got me addicted comes at the end of the real pilot episode.

Mal: I had a good day.
Simon: You had the Alliance on you, criminals and savages. Half the people on the ship have been shot or wounded, including yourself. And you're harboring known fugitives.
Mal: Well, I'm still flying.
Simon: That's not much.
Mal: It's enough.


Friday, August 10, 2007 12:18 PM


I've commented on this elsewhere, so once more I will curb my verbosity...verboseness?....

I just spot-read this thread, because there are just so many I couldn't read every one, and I have to take a moment to say, I'm so glad I found you folks. Practically every post here is like reading something I would have written myself at one time or another, or it makes me think of something new and beautiful about the show. You've all made me a very happy Browncoat.

"When you can't do somethin' smart, do somethin' right!" -Jayne Cobb quotes Shepherd Book


Friday, August 10, 2007 3:39 PM



Originally posted by snufkin:
And from The Train Job:

INARA: What did I say to you about barging into my shuttle?

MAL: That it was manly and impulsive?

INARA: Except that the exact word I used was "don't".

Or better still, at the end of that scene when Mal goes back in and asks "could you do my hair?"


Friday, August 10, 2007 4:27 PM


The cockpit scene in the movie. I was in love from the second I realized it was FUNNY sci fi. Then I watched the bonus material and said "you mean there's MORE?!!!".

OK, not much more, but better than nothing!


Saturday, August 11, 2007 4:13 PM


Just realised that I haven't actually mentioned my moment... well it was the sights, sounds, and smells of Eavesdown Docks. The shipping containers used as makeshift housing along with the hustle and bustle really made it feel like a real place rather than a set.

It of reminded me of a couple of months previous to my introduction to Firefly, when Bristol (UK) bus station was being rebuilt. The facilities were temporarily housed in Portakabins, and kind of had a "future frontier" feel.


Monday, August 13, 2007 9:23 AM


Being a late discoverer, I was able to watch the shows in order, and I have to say that after the pilot, I was all in. In fact, I believe I watched all of Season One in one uninterrupted marathon. But what cemented it for me was Jaynestown.

I'm watching Jaynestown and thinking, this is the funniest tv episode I've ever seen. But then at the end, after they leave Canton, we get brief vignettes of the characters that are not funny, but acutely, poignantly HUMAN. Finally, the last bit with Jayne and Mal in the cargo hold--"Just don't make no sense..."--killed me.

One aside here, because of the character's personality, I don't think Baldwin gets enough credit for his vulnerable moments on the show, where he absolutely shines.



Monday, August 13, 2007 11:16 AM


The first time I saw the show on fux (train job, stupid b@stards at fux... *grumbles*) anyway... The bit between Mal, Zoe, and Jayen, playing chinese checkers... and then that whole, "You know... your coats kinda a... brownish color..." and then the bar fight... all these little moments got me thinking, "HERES something you don't see everyday... friendly, comedic banter between friends switching almost instantly to angst over a lsot war, into anger and a big ol' brawl..." and who could forget Jaynes line, once he finally enters the fight, and the malcontent in the bar draws his sidearm... "Hey now... them's ain't cosherized rules..." All in all, I fell in love within the first few minutes, but what really REALLY got me was them actually returning the medicine and the "Crow through engine bit" I was all... did I REALLY just see one of our "heros" put a man through an interspace engine!? My dad, being as cool as he is, started watching the series with me after he got the boxed set for me for christmas a few years back... and I got him into Firefly through the Pilot... Mal and Bendis' speach... the "this land bit" and my dad was hooked!


Monday, August 13, 2007 6:44 PM


I hate to admit it, but I never caught the show on Fox. I, probably like many others, was introduced to the series by seeing "Serenity". It didn't take long for me to get sucked into the movie, and when it was over, I wanted more. So, I bought the DVD series. 'Nuff said.
By the way, first of many posts here.


Monday, August 13, 2007 6:44 PM


*nothing to see here...just deleting a double post*


Tuesday, August 14, 2007 12:09 AM


Mal introducing Inara to Shepard just to see what he'd do was great. Inara later connecting with Shepard was great too. But overall, Mal absolutely rocks in the pilot. He makes you laugh, he makes you care and most of all he makes you love him and therefore you automatically love what he loves, ie, the ship and the crew.

Special mention for Kaylee and the strawberry.

They Can't Take The Sky From US!!


Tuesday, August 14, 2007 1:41 PM


"That's Chinese for petty"

The first episode I ever saw was Trash, which was not ideal, as it opens with naked Mal (okay for some folk, but not my cup of tea), followed by the scene with Mal, Yo-Saff-Bridge, and Monty, which is quite mistifying if you don't know the backstory.

But it soon got to that fantastic bit of dialog between Mal and Inara in her shuttle - what great chemistry. And the above line was the absolute clincher. I was hooked.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007 1:55 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

"Kaylee's dead."

- slo-mo Simon drama -

"I'm a bad man."

I like this character...I like this ship.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, August 27, 2007 12:18 PM



Originally posted by Channain:
Mine is far less obvious than some, like kicking someone into an engine, or shooting them cold in the cargo bay... although those were good too.

"Our Mrs. Reynolds"
In the teaser (that's the first five minutes) when Saffron tells Mal.

"Sir, I'm your wife."

And Nathan Fillion gapes at her, then *blinks* like that will just make it go away.

Oh, my god yes!

The first thing I saw that wasn't a commercial for it was The Train Job when SciFi began airing the series to promote the BDM. And I thought, hey, this is pretty amusing, I think I'll keep watching. I missed it for a couple weeks, coming in at the end of Shindig I think, but I didn't really get to see much of the ending. But then I watched the next week, caught the whole episode from the beginning for a change and... you said, "Sir, I'm your wife"

Nathan's expression is just utterly priceless in that scene.

Or should say, expressions, because he actually reacts a second time on top of the first and that's the one that had me laughing. By the end of the episode, I was delighted with the thing (am I the only person who on the first viewing did not realize Saffron was a total fraud until she gave Mal the Goodnight Kiss? Took me by surprise! And to follow that with the scene with Inara was just awesomeness "You're good!" "So are you!" "Who ARE you?" "Malcolm Reynolds' widow!" *punch!*), and so of course I was like "OK. I am SO buying this on DVD", and did. Our Mrs. Reynolds holds a special place in my heart because of that. :D And then of course this was compounded by the statue scene in Jaynestown (with them all looking in perplexed amusement and confusion at it), which was maybe the next or second-next episode I saw, I could almost swear it. I was a haphazzard watcher at first. :P

Oh and of course, I fell back in love all over again (or is it just deeper, I wonder?) after seeing the BDM for the first time in theaters, having gone into it completely unspoiled and having seen all or most the series by then (and thus, attached to the characters quite a bit). Killing you know who off was just such a ballsy, genius move - the way it tricked my mind into completely forgetting I was watching a movie (thus scaring the bejezus out of me, because I honestly forgot to remember certain characters "obviously" couldn't die, because, well, who expected him to!?)... well, it still has me in mild awe to this day, because the whole thing was just heightened by it so MUCH. I came out just with this feeling of having one of the most incredible experiences of my entire movie-goig life. LOVE, baby. It's called love.

...but the first moment, definitely Our Mrs. Reynolds.


Monday, August 27, 2007 1:50 PM


i saw the BDM before i had even heard of the series, so my moment was:

Operative "...freeze frame."
:::and his eyes walk through Rivers:::

I must have been holding my breath through that ENTIRE escape scene. I knew it was a Joss Whedon...(LOVE Buffy and Angel) but it still didnt prepare me for the power of that opening sequence. I could not believe what i had just seen.

I was standing (or sitting on my couch actually) before some of the greatest storytelling EVER.

i watched it 2 more times that day and found out it was a series from the special features...and well, the rest is history. was immediate. fell real hard.


"noah's ark is a problem..."


Monday, August 27, 2007 3:36 PM


I came to the BDM first as well, and didn't actually fall in love with the movie, though certainly found it interesting enough to watch the series. Oddly, the moment that grabbed me was when Mal opens River's box in the Serenity pilot. I already knew quite a bit about the characters from the movie and knew that she was in there, but that scene where she's upset and Simon is comforting her, and then his explanation, gripped me and wouldn't let go.


Monday, August 27, 2007 3:36 PM


I came to the BDM first as well, and didn't actually fall in love with the movie, though certainly found it interesting enough to watch the series. Oddly, the moment that grabbed me was when Mal opens River's box in the Serenity pilot. I already knew quite a bit about the characters from the movie and knew that she was in there, but that scene where she's upset and Simon is comforting her, and then his explanation, gripped me and wouldn't let go.


Monday, August 27, 2007 3:36 PM


I came to the BDM first as well, and didn't actually fall in love with the movie, though certainly found it interesting enough to watch the series. Oddly, the moment that grabbed me was when Mal opens River's box in the Serenity pilot. I already knew quite a bit about the characters from the movie and knew that she was in there, but that scene where she's upset and Simon is comforting her, and then his explanation, gripped me and wouldn't let go.


Monday, August 27, 2007 3:38 PM


I came to the BDM first as well, and didn't actually fall in love with the movie, though certainly found it interesting enough to watch the series. Oddly, the moment that grabbed me was when Mal opens River's box in the Serenity pilot. I already knew quite a bit about the characters from the movie and knew that she was in there, but that scene where she's upset and Simon is comforting her, and then his explanation, gripped me and wouldn't let go.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007 8:28 AM



DonCoat wrote:
Sunday, January 07, 2007 12:11

Originally posted by KevinGrey:
I remember reading a review by someone, critical of the movie, after I had already seen it the first time, and their chief complaint was that they were lost in the -exposition to dream to escape to hologram- portion of the movie. I.E. Right from the start. I remember wondering how a moron could become a film critic so easily.

I don't find this surprising at all. Most movies are made for morons anyway, so what could be a better qualification for a reviewer?

Good GOD yes. I am starting to think 80% or so of current film critics should just retire and write books about the "good old days" when entertainment wasn't filled with such pesky things as narrative complexity or foreign influence or unusual camera angles. So that kids fresh out of Journalism or Film school, who are the real targets for this stuff and grew UP on complex entertainment anyway, can write reviews instead. (If you don't believe me that my generation grew up with "more complex" entertainment, I heartily suggest reading Everything Bad Is Good For You by Stephen Johnson, where he points out that the number of "complex" films that expect you to be mentally adept - he doesn't name Serenity, but it would definitely be one of them - and the number of things in other entertainment such as TV and games which require more mental exercise, and hell, the complexity even of children's entertainment like Finding Nemo, have all increased dramatically and consistently over the past half-century or so. And argues it beautifully, I might add). There is a local film critic whose review of that new Satoshi Kon anime film (Paprika) I read recently. The moron actually claimed that the fact that the film was subtitled from the original Japanese was a negative aspect of, basically, the film. Nevermind that this is a decision of the company that's translating and distributing it and of the one local theatre that was showing it, and not the filmmaker who was merely working in his own native language, or that subs are usually the closest you'll get to watching a foreign-language film as originaly intended without learning the language it's in; what kind of idiot film critic is so uneducated that subtitles are a negative thing? I should note this idiot also gave the third Mission:Impossible movie a four out of five stars review. The only positive thing I can say about him is that with domestic animation or many live-action films, he's more open-minded, and his review of Serenity was reasonably balanced (he did say the lingo was a little overenthusiastically future-Western-slangy or whatever, but basically his review of it boiled down to "it's a fun, good little SF movie based on a cult hit TV series ala Star Trek, but grittier and earthier than Trek which is sorta refreshing, it's well made and better than most SF flicks are these days with characters almost improbably witty as most Joss Whedon characters are, but it's still a whole lot better if you're already a fan of the show it's based on" - as I recall, anyway, but that's definitely a huge, huge paraphrase there. Aside from the language complaint though, it was suprisingly fair, since it's definitely much better if you've gotten into the show first... which makes me think that he's probably seen the TV series and enjoyed it, whether or not he's a full-fledged Browncoat).

All of which is horribly convoluted and says about 16 different things at once, but yeah. IMO, sometimes the criteria for being a movie reviewer or "film critic" as some publications laughably call them, seems to basically be "can write a somewhat coherent English sentence, can complain really loud in text without resorting to caps locks of rage, and knows how to use spellcheck". It's rather telling that almost all of the places I actually read reviews and take them into consideration, are all websites or movie blogs, I suppose. Have you seen the new Pixar flick, Ratatuille(sp?)? The food critic in that basically says it all with his little bit about how it's "easy" and "fun" to complain and mock and tear something apart... and this is right after he's been humbled by being proven wrong, basically, so I think you can guess at what the sentiment is. Sometimes now I sort of stop and think about that, and wonder a little at how true it is, because I've hung out on so many places where it was basically common practice to snark, snark, snark, but sometimes, things that got snarked about really weren't all that bad, but of course, it was always easy and fun to find things to pick apart in even just average stuff. Eventually, though, I found my own brain subverting me - I would laugh with all the others at how awful some piece of fic was, only to stop and think "I could see how that could be improved, actually" - and then I'd end up going to the author's page and giving them perfectly polite criticism, and damned if it didn't usually give me more pleasure to see an average writer improving with my suggestions, than it did to tear their writing apart on some other site!

I think if certain ones of these film critics got their heads out of their butts, they'd realize they're being silly and bitchy and sometimes outright stupid over nothing.

Not always, not all of them, but certain ones...


Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:52 PM


Also, a REALLY big factor for me is the score.

I have never experienced a movie, much a less TV series, that paid so much attention to the music cues.

BTW - I found it funny that a lot of consumer reviews of the Serenity soundtrack complained that the "songs" were incomplete, or full of loud banging sound effects and they were screaming at the producers "dont you understand that we want to hear all the music."

BUT - that is ALL the music. Every single note on that soundtrack has a home in the movie.

Anyway...I really really appreciate the attention to every minute detail in the use of the score to heighten (already great) storytelling.

...from the "achingly beautiful, but broken" piano of River's theme in our BDM... the arrogant but sexy guitar solo for any of our BDH's sudden entrances...

...the moaning strings in Out Of Gas that cut out when Mal falls through the frame...

...and that violin that so gently lifts right when River says, "I will be your bounty, Jubal Early".

So many many many more moments and each one more moving than the other...

it just makes my heart stop - i cant imagine the series or the movie without any of it.

If the ship is the 10th character and River's feet are the 11th...then the music must be the 12th.

Fell hard in love pretty quickly in the beginning of my experience...but so many things (music being a big one) that send me gasping...and wanting more...


"noah's ark is a problem..."






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