What do you consider to be canon?

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 14:30
VIEWED: 3801
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Sunday, October 14, 2007 10:35 AM


Although we don't have as much material as some fanbases, we have several different types of media, and hence, several different preferences. So I ask the question, what do you consider to be canon (aka, "part of the story")?

Myself, I consider anything Joss has direct involvement with to be canon (the series, the BDM, the "Those Left Behind" and upcoming "Better Days" comics, the R. Tam sessions, and the official companion books. But there are also other media such as the BDM novelization, the BDM RPG, and even fan fiction such as the virtual seasons scripts and "Into the Black" fan films.)

Now, were this a Star Wars fansite, I would stray away from asking such a question. (Just try asking about canon on ANY SW message board, and you'll see what I mean.)


Sunday, October 14, 2007 10:56 AM


Personally, I am with you on your definition of canon - the tv series and movie and comic books, and the visual companions.

The novelisation is tricky - it's based on the shooting script, and is, in theory at least, signed off by Joss.

I wouldn't consider the RPG as canon necessarily, as there is a fair bit of interpretation that goes on. On the other hand, they do put a lot of effort into researching their background, so it can still be a useful resource into canon.

The Virtual Firefly seasons I wouldn't regard as canon, but gorramit they're good ;)


"Carpe Aptenodytes"


Sunday, October 14, 2007 11:00 AM


yeah, i think you two pretty much summed it up. i tend to think of the novelization as non-cannon, but given what mrben said, i'm not sure i could rationalize that- it just doesn't seem like it to me.

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Sunday, October 14, 2007 9:30 PM


To me, the direct pieces of the show are canon:

series, comic, movie.

The comic is not something everyone has, so it's often ignored, though.

Visual Companions and novelizations I do not count as canon. Research resources, yes, but not canon. Deleted scenes and unfilmed script pieces, neither.

In particular, novelizations, because they are Evil. They try to convey the plot of a film but without allowing for the manifold interpretations that pictures grant because everything has to be fixed in words, and to compensate, the author keeps things vague and bland, and still some personal interpretations make it in.
Certain ways the series events are described in the movie novelization I do not agree with, and I do not feel obligated to take for granted the opinion of a writer not Joss.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007 10:44 PM



Originally posted by Adamwankenobi:
Although we don't have as much material as some fanbases, we have several different types of media, and hence, several different preferences. So I ask the question, what do you consider to be canon (aka, "part of the story")?

as a writer...
i think you take the tools you need to get the job done - and if you do the job well, then ok. if it sucks it sucks.

as a viewer/reader - canon... just aint that interesting an issue... any show builds up frictional discontinuities over time - aint no biggy.

AgentRouka - see my post on tie-in lit etc for my general view... but the serenity novel is as interesting as it is horrible (and sometimes it really is, horrible.) - and it ties itself to virtually every episode. Joss says he just whistles and walks away. I just take it as another episode that can be bettered by the next - and so on.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007 2:24 AM


To me, canon is the TV series + BDM + River Tam Sessions. I know Joss himself once said we should feel free to consider the comic "Those Left Behind" canon, too, but I got a nagging suspicion that, should there ever be more aired 'Verse, some story line or direction in the comic will have to be let go of. So I go with only officially aired stuff.

Visual Companions I certainly do not consider canon. Especially since I cannot get past several instances of misquoted text (most notably, they messed up Mal's Love speech in the BDM). Novelizations are, indeed, Evil (/me hands a few brownie points to AgentRouka). And fanfic? The odd exception notwithstanding (jetflair and others) are generally nothing more than substantially lesser gods writing out their (pervy) sexual fantasies. Great if that's your bag; but canon it ain't.

"Into the Black" fan films are not canon, either; nor, last time I checked, do they stake such a claim. Would be kinda hard too, what with an entirely different crew and all. :) I found it rather brilliant, though, in its own right. But Firefly canon? nah.

No, the Hero of Canon, to me, remains the TV series. Even the BDM strayed a bit; but we've forgiven Joss, right? Because we love the guy. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, October 21, 2007 4:17 AM


I think canon is the series, the BDM, and some of the bloopers. For example; TRAP!


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Sunday, October 21, 2007 5:36 AM


As a viewer, I consider the BDS, Better Days, the R. Tam Sessions, and the BDM to be canon. Also anything in the 3 visual companions that can be directly attributed to Joss himself.

The novelization expands on things in a way that runs counter to Joss's tale at times, and the RPG writers stated that they had access to no little or no special information, so it's basically authorized fan fic that MIGHT be canon, but might not (like WEG's Star Wars RPG and Marvel's Star Wars comic run). It's also worth considering The Kitchen Sink, which expands a bit (and sometimes conflicts with) the BDM and the BDN.

Speaking as head writer for Virtual Firefly (one of the virtual seasons), we use ONLY the BDS as canoon... And--by the way--I think it's awesome that some people might consider us anywhere close to canon! Thanks so much to those of you who think it's even a question (and also those who know we're canon, but think we're cool enough that it's a shame we're not!). :) "Here's how it might have been..."


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 2:30 PM


I consider TLB, the show, and the movie canon, but sometimes have trouble distinguishing between canon and fanon (and events that happened in ff).

--Well…my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.






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