More Subtle yet interesting show observations - post yours

UPDATED: Friday, December 19, 2008 07:29
VIEWED: 28485
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007 11:45 PM


At 400 replies, that other thread was about to crash my computer.

The other thread is t=17221

About the BDM opening sequence of scenes. Joss needed us to be surprised that The Operative stops, backtracks, and then walks through the 3D playback of the escape. Joss wanted us to be engaged in the moment, engorssed as if it was the actual scene/time of the escape, and not just a playback. If handled differently, many browncoats would watch it and say, oh, this is just a playback/recording of the actual event. So, how did Joss do this?
By starting off with the classroom scene of River's childhood, which then seems to be a memory of River's when the Teacher stabs her in the forehead and the reality shifts to Dr Mathias sticking his forehead probe in her and Simon is there to rescue her. This makes the viewer think that the scene is currently occurring, not a playback. River's thoughts would not be included in the security tape of the escape, so that is why we are surprised when the Operative talks and walks through the 3d playback image.
Sneaky, that Whedon guy.


Saturday, December 8, 2007 12:24 PM


Yes, please, let's start using this thread. :D

Anyone notice that Early's ship looks a bit like Boba Fett's Slave I from Star Wars?

At the beginning of OiS, when we're in River's POV, Kaylee is the only one who doesn't say anything. (Except Zoe and Wash of course) She just looks kinda angry but when we flash back to her and Simon's conversation, she's laughing.

I also just noticed that there are what appear to be oxygen masks in various locations onboard Serenity. One to the side of the engine room door, on the right side of the cockpit in Inara's shuttle, one at the foot of Kaylee's bed and hanging from the back wall of the main bridge. I wonder what they're for.


Monday, December 10, 2007 12:19 AM


The oxygen masks would be safety equipment, required in case of rapid air loss. Each working space and crew space should have enough for the people berthed there, plus a bunch in common areas like the lounge or dinning area.

I also noticed while watching the BDM again that at the end, when the blasdt doors get stuck p[artly closed and KayLee says she can close them if she gets outside, the next camera shot is of River, not saying anything, and a bit before she does "My Turn". I think the gist of it was that River read KayLee's mind about everything KayuLee had done or was planning for that switch, panel, and door mechanism. Plus, although seh was the youngest, she was getting all of the full situational awareness from all of those present, and how dire their circumstances were. They were likely thinking they would all 6 die, and she could realize the "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one" equation (or, she may have known she could just whip azz).
Repeatedly, I am always dissappointed at how feq reaver bodies there are when thre blast doors open to River's hero pose. There should be bodies stacked on the floor, piled up, no floor surface open, plus body parts from the grenade.


Monday, December 10, 2007 4:05 AM


In "Objects in Space" when Jubal Early asks Kaylee if she had ever been raped, she doesn't answer him. Instead, she says that the captain is just down the hall. Why didn't she answer the question? Had she been raped in the past and was afraid to admit it? One of the big theories about the show is that everyone on Serenity was running from something. Is this what she was running from?


Monday, December 10, 2007 6:53 AM



Originally posted by PhyreLight:
In "Objects in Space" when Jubal Early asks Kaylee if she had ever been raped, she doesn't answer him. Instead, she says that the captain is just down the hall. Why didn't she answer the question? Had she been raped in the past and was afraid to admit it? One of the big theories about the show is that everyone on Serenity was running from something. Is this what she was running from?

Hmm... interesting thought. :-[ Considering what little we know of where Kaylee grew up, that might indeed have been something she had to deal with.

Here's mine, another one about the River psychic flashes from 'Objects in Space' - Book's. (At least I hope that this is subtle.) Take the words that he said and disconnect them from River herself for just a second. "I don't give a flying hump if you're innocent or not. So where does that leave you?"

Seems a little bit like the sort of thing a corrupt cop might say to a 'suspect' in a nasty interrogation, like that organ hunter guy in 'The Message.' Is that supposed to be a hint about Book's past?


Monday, December 10, 2007 7:02 AM


Oh, yeah! Especially since we now know that Book was a dirty cop. Although, it still makes you wonder if there was some point in his past were he saw the light and realized how dirty a dirty, dirty cop he was then became a not so dirty shepherd... dirty... okay I'll stop!


Monday, December 10, 2007 8:23 PM



Originally posted by PhyreLight:
Oh, yeah! Especially since we now know that Book was a dirty cop. Although, it still makes you wonder if there was some point in his past were he saw the light and realized how dirty a dirty, dirty cop he was then became a not so dirty shepherd... dirty... okay I'll stop!

....A Special Hell....


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 5:18 AM


Oh, I'm already headed there. Yup, it's true, I talked at the theatre once!

"I've got a theory: it could be bunnies."
-Anya, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Once More with Feeling"


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 9:38 AM


There's a plant in Mal's bunk but no windows. Where does it get it's sunlight from? There wasn't a UV lamp either.

In Bushwhacked, when the Feds are searching the ship, one of the things dumped on Zoe and Wash's bed is a Godzilla toy.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 10:06 AM


I also wonder, in Bushwacked when the Feds are searching the ship, why they look under the placemats? Is it possible that in addition to the academy manipulating River's psychic abilities they also gave her the ability to shrink and become flat?

Also, from Ariel, Mal smiles too much. He not only smiles at the doctor which makes the doctor suspicious but then, as he and Zoe search for River, Simon, & Jayne, he smiles again! Sometimes the man really is thick.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 4:26 PM


The theme song begins with the line, "Take my love..." Does this mean Mal's compasion or did he have a girlfreind (or something more serious with someone)? If a girlfriend, wouldn't that be oh-so-intersting when Mal and Inara got serious and the old flame shows up?!

"I've got a theory: it could be bunnies."
-Anya, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Once More with Feeling"


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 6:53 PM


I always liked in War Stories when Inara shows her client out, Jayne says "I'll be in my bunk" and Zoe comes out with "Jayne, grab your weapon". However, the script makes it clear this is to be obvious (to everybody but Jayne), so we can't really call it subtle.

Also, int the pilot, I've been mostly puzzled when at the end, Mal says to Simon that, among other things, he ain't weak, and that ain't nothing - I didn't see how he would be referring to Simon's physical strength, or strong doctoring skills, or strong fighting ability, but I didn't conjure a whole lot about it. Now it dawns on me that Mal was probably referring to Simon's rescuing River, defying the Alliance, saving an innocent - that is what Mal sees as strength, and that perhaps Simon is human enough, despite his upbringing and social status, that he and Mal can work out the sharing of mutual space for a while.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 8:50 PM


Yeah, I don't really get it when people characterize Simon as a weak whiny person. I think he's one of the strongest on the show. Hell, I dunno if I could become an fugitive and run to the ass end of just this globe to save one of my siblings let alone an entire galaxy/system/'verse!

Also, not exactly subtle but pretty much all the bamboo you see in Jaynestown is dead.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007 5:21 AM


I think "Y'ain't weak" is Mal-nese for "Hey, I'm sorry I knocked you ass over teakettle twice just on the first day we met." (And I would not be surprised at ALL if Mal has a plant made out of space!polyester in his bunk.)

Also, I think that looking under the placemats makes sense in case, f'rex, that's where they keep the lever that opens up the Sekrit Fugitive Hiding Room, or the key to the same, or a note that says, "Dear Wash: Hang a left, we have to drop off the fugitives on Boros, signed, Mal."


Wednesday, December 12, 2007 5:38 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Also, int the pilot, I've been mostly puzzled when at the end, Mal says to Simon that, among other things, he ain't weak, and that ain't nothing - I didn't see how he would be referring to Simon's physical strength, or strong doctoring skills, or strong fighting ability, but I didn't conjure a whole lot about it.

Well, Mal did credit Simon for Kaylee's speedy recovery. I think he really meant that, overall, Simon wasn't entirely useless, unlike River (at the time).

"I've got a theory: it could be bunnies."
-Anya, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Once More with Feeling"


Wednesday, December 12, 2007 10:27 AM



Originally posted by PhyreLight:


Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:

Also, int the pilot, I've been mostly puzzled when at the end, Mal says to Simon that, among other things, he ain't weak, and that ain't nothing - I didn't see how he would be referring to Simon's physical strength, or strong doctoring skills, or strong fighting ability, but I didn't conjure a whole lot about it.

Well, Mal did credit Simon for Kaylee's speedy recovery. I think he really meant that, overall, Simon wasn't entirely useless, unlike River (at the time).

Yes, that. Plus, I think Mal was really also referring to his physical strength (with regard to Simon's handling of Dobson, for instance). Mal, I think, just meant to say he saw in Simon an able and capable person.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, December 12, 2007 9:12 PM


In BDM I've always been bothered at the end, when KayLee finally gets some, River's hair is not visible when she's upside down in the ceiling. That always seemed goofy to me.

Also in BDM, until reading the script I never recognized Derria Book's final lines to Mal as paraphrasing Tom Hanks/Capt Miller's final lines to Matt Damon/Pvt Ryan in Saving Private Ryan, which was a film Nathan was in.


Sunday, December 16, 2007 10:00 PM


I normally am bothered by the sound problem at the opening. When the Universal logo zooms in on Earth that was, the teacher's voice is saturated or overmodulated, and I find it annoying. I never figured out if this was an intentional sound, meant as an FX, (and if so, what was it supposedd to mean?) or if it was merely a recording or editing error.
Does anybody know the answer?
My best guess on either count was that they wanted to use the pre-existing vocal recording from the series, and then blend/merge the sound from Tamara's voice for the opening classroom scene. Whether it was intentional to indicate the point of transferrance, or it was a technical difficulty in mixing, I haven't read comment about it.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 11:01 AM


Hi everyone, I'm delurking at long last to post for the first time!

I was watching 'Ariel' yesterday, and I noticed that when Jayne is waiting for their hospital uniforms to be dropped off, you see him sending a message on the Cortex. That must have been when he contacted the Feds! I'm sorry if this has been said loads of times, but it honestly didn't occur to me until yesterday.

Another thing I noticed during 'Serenity': just after Mal shoots Dobson, you see Zoe pause for a moment and look down at the body before she goes to shut the door. It made me wonder why (Zoe's my favourite character so I tend to concentrate on her the most). Maybe she didn't approve of the way Mal killed Dobson, but felt she couldn't say anything? Hmm...


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 7:12 PM



Originally posted by PhyreLight:
In "Objects in Space" when Jubal Early asks Kaylee if she had ever been raped, she doesn't answer him. Instead, she says that the captain is just down the hall. Why didn't she answer the question? Had she been raped in the past and was afraid to admit it? One of the big theories about the show is that everyone on Serenity was running from something. Is this what she was running from?

Kaylee has, in some ways, the most mysterious past... compared to the others whose story is more upfront (except Book, and they have a curious connection).
One possible hint?
I have puzzled on the introduction given to she and the captain on entering the "Shindig" - "Kaywinnet Lee Frye,and escort" kinda sounds like someone with "standing" (accompanied by someone without). Maybe running from being the misfit tom-girl of a well-to-do family?


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 7:21 PM


In BDM, why did the Rescue and Research craft crash, but Firefly didn't? I know they said the people weren't there to guide them in, but wouldn't a Rescue craft be capable of landing without assistance or guidance.
Maybe this is just an example of how retro-nimble the Firefly is, ideally suited for smuggling ans such, and the high-falutin newer ships can't really do much. But, still wierd for a rescue and research ship.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 7:51 PM



Originally posted by Shepardbookem:
Kaylee has, in some ways, the most mysterious past... compared to the others whose story is more upfront (except Book, and they have a curious connection).
One possible hint?
I have puzzled on the introduction given to she and the captain on entering the "Shindig" - "Kaywinnet Lee Frye,and escort" kinda sounds like someone with "standing" (accompanied by someone without). Maybe running from being the misfit tom-girl of a well-to-do family?

I don't think that's her past. In "Out of Gas" when she first meets Mal, she said that she worked for her father who hadn't had a lot of work recently. That, her accent, and lack of knowledge of high-class etiquette allude to a working-class family background.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 7:56 PM


End of OMR, talking about Saffron, Inara says "don't play a player". It sounds so...90's, as in 20th century.

Mal has said "we're in space, it's always dark" and the theme refers to space as "the black". However, in fact, this is a solar system with these dozen planets and hundreds of moons, all getting night and day from their sun. So the ONLY time you're in the black/dark is when you land on the shadow side of a world. When out of atmo, yo're always in the deathly, blindingly, bright sunlight which you need heavy-duty filters/shields to keep you from getting crispy. Unless you always fly in the shadow of some body between you and the sun, which would be difficult and cumbersome. Likewise, when the script says "day" it does not refer to a calendar/time component, it only refers to which side of the planet you landed on when you entered fro space - the shadow side or the lit side.
I do like the theme and it's implications, but realistically "the black" doesn't make sense for being in space.


Sunday, December 30, 2007 2:26 PM


Hmm, I wonder, did Badger serve in the War? Thing of it is, namely, in War Stories we see Badger eat an apple... with a knife! Just like Mal and Zoe do. Something to do with pressure grenades, and all. So, that makes me wonder whether maybe Badger was in the war too.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, December 31, 2007 10:58 AM



Monday, December 31, 2007 10:59 AM



Originally posted by Muggi:

Originally posted by asarian:

Hmm, I wonder, did Badger serve in the War? Thing of it is, namely, in War Stories we see Badger eat an apple... with a knife! Just like Mal and Zoe do. Something to do with pressure grenades, and all. So, that makes me wonder whether maybe Badger was in the war too.

HEY nice catch! Never noticed that one before.


Monday, December 31, 2007 11:43 AM



Originally posted by shinyseven2:

Also, I think that looking under the placemats makes sense in case, f'rex, that's where they keep the lever that opens up the Sekrit Fugitive Hiding Room, or the key to the same, or a note that says, "Dear Wash: Hang a left, we have to drop off the fugitives on Boros, signed, Mal."

Reading this thread late, but had to say that's funny! :)

This 'distress' wouldn't be takin' place in someone's pants, would it?


Wednesday, January 2, 2008 3:47 PM



Originally posted by Sugarfaerie:

Another thing I noticed during 'Serenity': just after Mal shoots Dobson, you see Zoe pause for a moment and look down at the body before she goes to shut the door. It made me wonder why (Zoe's my favourite character so I tend to concentrate on her the most). Maybe she didn't approve of the way Mal killed Dobson, but felt she couldn't say anything? Hmm...

I think you were just witnessing Joss' astounding attention to detail. :) Zoe is a professional soldier: routinely, she just checks the body to make sure he's really dead (read: no longer a threat).

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, January 2, 2008 7:48 PM


Zoe had debated through the episode about the repercussions of dealing with a Fed in every way. I think she was just throwing out all the threads of options which no longer applied. plus she had to have a reason to delay so that Mal and Jayne would have time to come over to the body, pick it up, and haul it over the ramp, returning just before the doors close on Mal and Jayne. The script says Mal hauled Dobson out on his own - not sure who they had envisioned casting as Mal back then.

Another observation so subtle that I didn't recall that it wasn't even in the show, was in The Train Job, before the scene where Mal awkwardly bows to Inara, where Simon introduces River to Mal. Mal tells her to just call him Mal, and then River & Simon end up explaining to Mal how to bow as a gentleman. This scene is deleted, so when Inara sarcastically implies Mal might be a gentleman and then he awkwardly bows, we have no idea what that was all about. This was the "instructional" scene to set-up the latter, which was a practice widely used in Out of Gas.


Thursday, January 3, 2008 5:11 AM



Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by Sugarfaerie:

Another thing I noticed during 'Serenity': just after Mal shoots Dobson, you see Zoe pause for a moment and look down at the body before she goes to shut the door. It made me wonder why (Zoe's my favourite character so I tend to concentrate on her the most). Maybe she didn't approve of the way Mal killed Dobson, but felt she couldn't say anything? Hmm...

I think you were just witnessing Joss' astounding attention to detail. :) Zoe is a professional soldier: routinely, she just checks the body to make sure he's really dead (read: no longer a threat).

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

Agreed. But she did say something earlier to Jayne, I believe, that killing a fed would be a really stupid idea. So it could potentially go either way.

I'm continually amazed that the network didn't like the Pilot. It was brilliant, thought-provoking, emotional, intelligent, everything that you need to hook an audience into watching your show. For instance, (since we're talking about Zoe), after Kaylee has been shot, and Simon is threatening to let her die, there were a number of things she could have said. She could have been specifically threatening, like "She dies, and Mal and I will blow you out the airlock ourselves." Instead, she says "If she dies, you'll never make it to the Feds." Which basically implies, what we'll do to you will be far worse than what the Alliance ever could or would. It's such a powerful line, and fantastically delivered.

"We live in a spaceship, dear." ~Zoe


Thursday, January 3, 2008 6:05 AM


What the heck was Wash wearing in the BDM? Some sort of laconic flight school suit? What happenned to his trademark Hawaii shirt? I think non-series viewers would have really liked and appreciated Wash's personality in those Hawaii shirts.


Friday, January 4, 2008 12:21 AM


Jaynestown starts with the whole swearing thingy, and that the whole point of swearing is that it ain't appropriate. And even though Kaylee offers him an open door ("Now see, this'd be the perfect time for a swear-word,") Simon remains the gentleman, even after Jayne ransacked his infirmary. It's only after Simon sees the statue of Jayne that he belches out a very audible "Son of a bitch!" :)

Now, apart from the fact that this is the first time I noticed it, I find it rather subtle, because you'd think, as Kaylee suggested, that someone messing up your infirmary really WOULD be the perfect occassion for a swear-word. Yet instead Simon only swears about something that really matters to him: his 'rivalry' with Jayne; not that he considers Jayne his intellectual match or anything, but I'm referring to the whole "I re-attached a girl's leg. Her whole leg. She named her hamster after me. I got a hamster. He drops a box of money, he gets a town." thingy. It's really seeing a statue in Jayne's honor that is his perfect time for a swear-word. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:15 PM


Check it out - just after Wash (with the help of Kaylee, Book and Jayne) pulls the 'Crazy Ivan" on the reavers, in the next scene on the bridge, right after the Cap'n says "I knew there was a reason I hired you"... look closely, the camera shows Wash, his arms extended as he's still piloting, but there's nothing in his hands - no controls. My guess is that he wasn't expecting his hands to be in the frame, and after they filmed it was a good take... why re-do it?


Monday, January 14, 2008 8:21 PM


I think they actually explain why this was in the visual companion. If I remember correctly, it had to do with moving the pilot's seat so that they could fit everyone into the frame.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:33 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
End of OMR, talking about Saffron, Inara says "don't play a player". It sounds so...90's, as in 20th century.

Mal has said "we're in space, it's always dark" and the theme refers to space as "the black". However, in fact, this is a solar system with these dozen planets and hundreds of moons, all getting night and day from their sun. So the ONLY time you're in the black/dark is when you land on the shadow side of a world. When out of atmo, yo're always in the deathly, blindingly, bright sunlight which you need heavy-duty filters/shields to keep you from getting crispy. Unless you always fly in the shadow of some body between you and the sun, which would be difficult and cumbersome. Likewise, when the script says "day" it does not refer to a calendar/time component, it only refers to which side of the planet you landed on when you entered fro space - the shadow side or the lit side.
I do like the theme and it's implications, but realistically "the black" doesn't make sense for being in space.

I think what you're saying is part of why space IS "black." That single star would be unbearably bright, but its light isn't hitting anything, isn't reflecting off of anything except, Also, while in that light, it would tend to drown out the starlight, I think. So, no starlight, no reflected light, just this one colossal fusion-bomb of a star and anywhere else you look...nothing. Not the filtered, diffuse glow of sunlight coming through the atmosphere and bouncing off a million things until the whole landscape kind of shines. Wherever you look, just the Black of empty space.

Also, one of my favorite bits is the end of the Pilot, with Book in Inara's shuttle. I won't quote the dialogue, since I'm sure we all know it. It has always interested me that we don't know for sure WHY he chose to go to her with his burden, but we can be sure he didn't just wind up in her shuttle by chance. He lays his fears, his doubts, his guilt of not feeling pity for the lawman, all bare before Inara as he kneels before her. And she stands before him, and tells him maybe he's where he needs to be: i.e. You did the right thing. And then the camera pans back, we see Inara, with her hand on Book's head in a gesture of blessing that is at least as old as human history itself. And there it is: The priest seeking absolution from the whore.

Forget Book's and Inara's dark pasts, and all the subtext that scene might now have for those of us who have watched these few episodes, these gems, obsessively, and go back to the first time you saw it. I always try to do that each time that scene appears because all the discussion and debate about past sins distracts me from the beauty of that moment, which is truly sublime all on its own.

"When you can't do somethin' smart, do somethin' right!" -Jayne Cobb quotes Shepherd Book


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:56 PM



Originally posted by whitesilence:
If I remember correctly, it had to do with moving the pilot's seat so that they could fit everyone into the frame.

Pretty much, they just hoped that no one would notice.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 7:54 AM


In the bar at the beginning of Train Job, Mal sets his cup down on the bar with a sound like a glass makes but his cup is actually the bottom portion of a generic plastic water bottle.


Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:40 AM


I have puzzled on the introduction given to she and the captain on entering the "Shindig" - "Kaywinnet Lee Frye,and escort" kinda sounds like someone with "standing" (accompanied by someone without). Maybe running from being the misfit tom-girl of a well-to-do family?

I think Mal was being a gentleman and stepping out of the limelight to let Kaylee have her moment. If you notice she enters all alone and he walks behind her, then steps down and takes her hand. I thought it was one of the sweetest moments in the whole series. From the time he realized his big mistake when he hurt her feelings, to telling her he had a job for her, to the dance scene. All very sweet and to me, so Mal. He does have a very caring side, but it comes out one on one.
Also, I don't think Mal wanted his name broadcast around the room. He is a petty thief, you know. HaHa Remember when he chastised Jayne for always calling his name in a heist? He likes to be more incognito.


Thursday, January 24, 2008 1:30 PM


I think you're "right as rain" (to quote another favorite sci-fi!)... in a way the upfront sub-text (is there such a thing?) of that ep. was Mal trying trying to make right what he clearly realizes is his bumbling way with people (women specifically) whom he cares for and loves. He's like the schoolyard tough kid who's not all bad, has a sense of honor beneath the swagger, and his sublimated heart makes everyone like him, in spite of - you name it!!

'course, Kaylee really got him back by giving him the un-shakable nickname "Cap'n tight-pants"!!


Saturday, February 2, 2008 5:33 PM



In "The Train Job," I have an interesting observation on the train itself: it's a magnetic levitation (maglev) train, but in the typical mash-up culture of Firefly, it looks more like a train from the late 1800s to early 1900s.

The interesting thing is that maglev trains are real, right now, on this Earth-That-Is, and any model of maglev train you look at, including decades'-old German Transrapid technology, looks downright futuristic compared to the train in "The Train Job," like the Earth-That-Is maglevs are from sci-fi, and not the other way around.

(website under serious reconstruction, if not life-saving surgery)


Saturday, February 2, 2008 10:27 PM


We all know Kaylee's famous "Ooooo, synchronizers!" line, right? (Ariel, where she holds that synchronizer in front of her). What I didn't notice until today is that she actually uses that synchronizer for the ambulance! Makes sense that she would, of course; it's just that I only noticed it now. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, February 2, 2008 10:52 PM


Also, not sure if it's subtle, it's more of a debunk.

In Ariel, in the one scene we see Jayne getting cuffed, and in the other, right thereafter, as he tries to escape and is shot with one of them gorram high-tech Alliance crap shock-guns, all of his sudden his hands are free! I've seen this mentioned before as a minor continuity error. But if you look and listen closely, you'll hear only the sound of one cuff closing (around his left wrist, which we also see getting cuffed); and a still-frame viewer shows that, in fact, the cuffs are still dangling on his left wrist when he falls to the ground!

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, February 3, 2008 12:25 PM


Jaynestown makes a strong statement about faith and believing in something. On the one side, Book and River fight over the bible while on the other side the mudders put all their hopes in Jayne. The interesting thing here is that Jayne is somewhat of a symbol for the bible. You put your trust in him alone, you get disappointed cause he won't save you. But if you treasure him and his qualities, he is helpful and will get you out of trouble. Just don't misread him and his intentions, or nothing good will come from it. (like the bible)

Signatures are for wusses


Sunday, February 3, 2008 6:49 PM



Originally posted by WhoringStories:
Jaynestown makes a strong statement about faith and believing in something. On the one side, Book and River fight over the bible while on the other side the mudders put all their hopes in Jayne. The interesting thing here is that Jayne is somewhat of a symbol for the bible. You put your trust in him alone, you get disappointed cause he won't save you. But if you treasure him and his qualities, he is helpful and will get you out of trouble. Just don't misread him and his intentions, or nothing good will come from it. (like the bible)

Signatures are for wusses

Daaaaaaannnng. I missed that.
This must be why the "Jesus Christ" character is Jayne Cobb, being the only BDH with the initials J.C. Gotta think on that a bit.


Sunday, February 3, 2008 10:16 PM



Daaaaaaannnng. I missed that.
This must be why the "Jesus Christ" character is Jayne Cobb, being the only BDH with the initials J.C. Gotta think on that a bit.

Good thinking! Maybe there's more to him than just witty remarks...

Signatures are for wusses


Wednesday, February 6, 2008 1:04 PM



Originally posted by asarian:
We all know Kaylee's famous "Ooooo, synchronizers!" line, right? (Ariel, where she holds that synchronizer in front of her). What I didn't notice until today is that she actually uses that synchronizer for the ambulance!

I noticed this the first time, and every time I see it again I am a little disappointed. Not in the show, by any means, but disappointed for the characters. When I first saw it, I assumed it was just some random part she was getting excited about, that it didn't pertain to the current mission, but would be a back-up part she could use on Serenity, which we all know they desperately need. Later, when she uses it on the ambulance, I felt bad that Kaylee didn't get to find anything fun or useful for Serenity on her outing (at least not that we got to see).

"When you can't do somethin' smart, do somethin' right!" -Jayne Cobb quotes Shepherd Book


Wednesday, February 6, 2008 8:46 PM


I had always assumed that most of what they got for the ambulance craft would then be transferred for use on Serenity - they didn't keep the ambulance, they would have likely stripped it (maybe sold back to the junk yard). Never thought they would just waste it on one use.


Thursday, February 7, 2008 12:49 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
I had always assumed that most of what they got for the ambulance craft would then be transferred for use on Serenity - they didn't keep the ambulance, they would have likely stripped it (maybe sold back to the junk yard). Never thought they would just waste it on one use.

Yeah, I guess it never dawned on me that they actually got away with the ambulance. I was always so amazed they made it back alive, and then transitioning to the scene with Mal and Jayne, I never gave it much thought.

"When you can't do somethin' smart, do somethin' right!" -Jayne Cobb quotes Shepherd Book


Thursday, February 7, 2008 12:58 PM



Originally posted by SchoolboysWink:


Originally posted by asarian:

We all know Kaylee's famous "Ooooo, synchronizers!" line, right? (Ariel, where she holds that synchronizer in front of her). What I didn't notice until today is that she actually uses that synchronizer for the ambulance!

I noticed this the first time, and every time I see it again I am a little disappointed. Not in the show, by any means, but disappointed for the characters. When I first saw it, I assumed it was just some random part she was getting excited about, that it didn't pertain to the current mission, but would be a back-up part she could use on Serenity, which we all know they desperately need. Later, when she uses it on the ambulance, I felt bad that Kaylee didn't get to find anything fun or useful for Serenity on her outing (at least not that we got to see).

Point of interest, it's Wash who actually finds what looks suspiciously like a catalyzer! (the part he gleefully tosses at that other piece of luh-suh craft). Now, that's a part Serenity would REALLY come to need.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, February 7, 2008 9:37 PM



Originally posted by asarian:

Point of interest, it's Wash who actually finds what looks suspiciously like a catalyzer! (the part he gleefully tosses at that other piece of luh-suh craft). Now, that's a part Serenity would REALLY come to need.
"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

No. Wash found that in Ariel.
The catalyzer was needed in Out of Gas, a few episodes before. Of course, Wash didn't know what it was.






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