Why did Inara leave Shinon?

UPDATED: Sunday, January 6, 2008 21:26
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007 4:39 PM


Ok, here's a question for all you people that have nothing to do but be online on Thanksgiving me.

Why did Inara leave Shinon and choose Serenity?

I have a half baked theory that Inara really loved being a Companion. She loved it so much and was so good at it that she made some powerful enemies.

She was obviously the toast of Shinon and the head priestess's chosen successor. That's enough to make any woman, much less another Companion jealous;jealous enough to try to kill Inara or implicate her in a scandal.

The head priestess knew Inara had a thirst for adventure so she more than suggested that Inara head out to the Border for her own safety. At least until the scandal blew over and it was safe for Inara to return.

The priestess may have even known that a House was planned for a Border moon and knew Inara would have invaluable experience to pass on to future Companions.

It fits with the vial too. The vial may have been the murder weapon. And the dialog where she says that she just wants to live.

Why she chose Serenity I'm not too sure. She may have had some kind of connection to Fireflys or it just suited her.

Come on now. Discuss.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 4:53 PM


This is where Mal went to save her from the Operative? In one of the deleted scenes it was made quite clear that Inara was disappointed in the direction of the Companion Program, but I don’t think she was ever sure about staying with Serenity until Mal told her that he didn’t go there looking for trouble and only went there to save her. A very subtle expression flashed across Inara’s face in that instant and I think it was then she decided to stay. IMHO


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 6:19 PM



Originally posted by rallem:
This is where Mal went to save her from the Operative? In one of the deleted scenes it was made quite clear that Inara was disappointed in the direction of the Companion Program...

I'm pretty sure (maybe 95% sure) that the Training House was not on Sihnon. Also, I think that Inara was comparing the border moon Companion program with the one where she was educated. I didn't see it as disappointed merely illustrating differences in the two Training House philosophies.

I love all the theories on why she did leave her home planet except the illness and the non-aging theories which don't really ring true to me.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 6:28 PM


My take, though I doubt it matches Joss's plans, (cause those were so deeply buried and the clues so indirect that who really knows?) is that there was indeed some kind of scandal. But I don't see it as coming from the House. It's surely an interesting idea! But I see Inara as so very proud of her status as a Companion that I don't see any source of badness in the Guild. Not that she knows of anyway. It's certainly possibly that she was betrayed somehow and doesn't know it...

Anyhow, instead of saying that another Companion set Inara up for a scandal, how about Inara involving herself in one? She seems to have a different character than most Companions - Joss said somewhere that Shindig's purpose was partly to show that she felt more at home on Serenity than in "her own world," which is the high society of the party. Adn I like the idea that she's not perfect, that she may have screwed up, instead of being a perfect Companion, so perfect that others were jealous...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 6:38 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
My take, though I doubt it matches Joss's plans, (cause those were so deeply buried and the clues so indirect that who really knows?) is that there was indeed some kind of scandal. But I don't see it as coming from the House. It's surely an interesting idea! But I see Inara as so very proud of her status as a Companion that I don't see any source of badness in the Guild. Not that she knows of anyway. It's certainly possibly that she was betrayed somehow and doesn't know it...

Anyhow, instead of saying that another Companion set Inara up for a scandal, how about Inara involving herself in one? She seems to have a different character than most Companions - Joss said somewhere that Shindig's purpose was partly to show that she felt more at home on Serenity than in "her own world," which is the high society of the party. Adn I like the idea that she's not perfect, that she may have screwed up, instead of being a perfect Companion, so perfect that others were jealous...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left

That's an interesting idea Mal4Prez. Inara may have screwed up royally and was exiled as punishment, more than likely involving a client or some one powerful and not another Companion?

It would make a good fic but I can't write Inara at all.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 6:45 PM


I think that the various Companion Houses were aligned politically with different factions, and when the House Madrassa's faction fell out of power, then it wasn't too healthy for the leading Companions in the House to stay around Sihnon.


Thursday, November 22, 2007 5:03 AM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
Inara may have screwed up royally and was exiled as punishment, more than likely involving a client or some one powerful and not another Companion?

Part of this is sort-of what I'm planning myself... not the exhiled and punished part, but... uh, I must say no more.

Although, after reading this thread I am really liking the idea of the Guild with factions and such. I never saw it that way, but I like. There's all kind of room for fun in that. Who's gonna write it, hmmm? My hands are too full already...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Thursday, November 22, 2007 6:04 AM


Considering there doesn't seem to be much fluctuation of power within the Alliance, and the general concept of the Guild as one big organisational structure, I don't think any kind of serious rivalry between the houses, let alone a dangerous or political kind, is very likely. After all, mere geography already necessitates the existence of more than one Companion House. They could all be run in the exact same and identical way.

The Guild seems to have a strongly spiritual basis, so I doubt they run their Houses like money-making machines, causing them to compete. Considering the overall Guild structure has the final say in all matters, as opposed to the single Houses, I don't see much diverse political affiliation going on, either. Single Companions may have different political views, but I don't think they are fixed to Houses.

As for Inara's reason.... I can see a scandal. I can see a personal tragedy unrelated to the Guild or society. I can see a case of the walls of her set-in-stone future closing in on her and needing to run away (like she always does *pets*).

I can't see Inara running away from the Guild itself, or involved in serious crime or espionage or anything else overtly political. Her reactions on the show don't mesh with that sort of thing.


Thursday, November 22, 2007 6:19 AM


I don't see anything overtly political either but maybe involving a client with a lot of political power.

Also, the Guild is the keeper of lots of secrets, political, financial and personal. Who know what is spilled between the sheets. That would give the Guild as a whole a lot of power and if the Guild or a Companion were to misuse the information (not necessarily Inara)just imagine the damage that could be done to a person, business or even the political structure.


Thursday, November 22, 2007 6:39 AM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
Also, the Guild is the keeper of lots of secrets, political, financial and personal. Who know what is spilled between the sheets. That would give the Guild as a whole a lot of power and if the Guild or a Companion were to misuse the information (not necessarily Inara)just imagine the damage that could be done to a person, business or even the political structure.

Which is probably why Inara keeps emphasizing confidentiality over and over and over again.

Stressing that bond of silence and trust is probably the only way to do their work in the social spheres that the Guild inhabits. Sort of, holding themselves up to a standard like medical confidentiality, only not regulated by law but by internal rules.

Hell, it might be regulated by the same laws that govern confidentiality between psychologist and patient or that of religious confession.


Thursday, November 22, 2007 7:29 AM


I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that Inara has a history of getting caught up in scandal. Nothing ever goes right for her.

She leaves Shinon, runs into Mal, helps harbor the Tams (fugitives), her best friend dies after she shows up to help, she leaves Serenity (her home) and runs into the Operative, Mal comes, a mess ensues, she is on the ship that exposes a mega size scandal. Not to mention all the enemies she racked-up on her year long stay on Serenity. Anyone else see a pattern?

And, how does she deal with adversity? She RUNS, just like Mal, until Miranda.

She may not cause the mayhem, but she always seems to have an unwilling part in it.

Companion or not, she is a misfit, in her own world, just like everyone else on Serenity.

Who needs illness or age theories when you have all this? So, I don't buy into any of those either.


Thursday, November 22, 2007 7:40 AM



Originally posted by Platonist:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that Inara has a history of getting caught up in scandal. Nothing ever goes right for her.

She leaves Shinon, runs into Mal, helps harbor the Tams (fugitives), her best friend dies after she shows up to help, she leaves Serenity (her home) and runs into the Operative, Mal comes, a mess ensues, she is on the ship that exposes a mega size scandal. Not to mention all the enemies she racked-up on her year long stay on Serenity. Anyone else see a pattern?

And, how does she deal with adversity? She RUNS, just like Mal, until Miranda.

She may not cause the mayhem, but she always seems to have an unwilling part in it.

Companion or not, she is a misfit, in her own world, just like everyone else on Serenity.

Who needs illness or age theories when you have all this? So, I don't buy into any of those either.

Very good point.

And I can't help but adore how frazzled it makes Inara appear. Catastrophes keeps following her. No wonder she loves meditation, quiet, tea and enjoys her sense of control.

"Things are crumbling. Again. But I. Am. A. Peace. Exit and Ommmmmmmmmmmmm. Ommm! I said OMMMMM!"



Thursday, November 22, 2007 7:55 AM


A scandal? Could be that's true, but from everything we know Inara is on good terms with The House. For instance, in Heart of Gold Nandi says: "The House would tell you not to come. I know they ordered you to shun me when I left," which suggests, to me at least, that Inara herself is no persona non grata over there. Also, personally I think Inara's a mite too sophisticated to make the kinda boo-boo that causes scandals.

So, why did she leave Sihnon then? You tell me! :) Could be the she-was-dying theory. There's a few indications for that. The "I'm a big girl. Just tell me." leaps to mind; as also the fact that she's acting all weird when Simon wants to examine her. And there be the matter of her vial, of course. But none of it is strong enough to be certain. I'm afraid, save more 'Verse, her reason for leaving will remain a mystery -- like woman.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, November 22, 2007 7:58 AM


heh, I thought I would be all original and suggest exile. I'll still suggest it, but it lacks originality as everyone else seems to be on the same boat. (That is somehow disconcerting...)

There are loads of question here. For instance, why did she choose Serenity? a boat where the owner did not think much of her job and even insulted her while showing her the shuttle?

Was that desperation, or had he been recommended? in either case, why? also "by whom?" for the latter.

In not filmed scenes from The Message, she was supposed to have received a small box, which she was very worried over opening. (this was probably dropped because Firefly was over - no point leaving another loose end - so it is not in any filmed versions, just the shooting script.) Is that linked to her supposed exile?

(I wouldn't exactly agree with Platonist about her being a misfit on all her worlds though there is a lot of evidence backing up that stance... and another point - On Miranda she had no choice. If she did have a choice, would she have run? I think so.)


Thursday, November 22, 2007 8:01 AM


Oh, you and me both, I love frazzled Inara, all that meditation and tea, she relies on to calm herself and her clients.

Her serving tea and sex, what a load of go se. I've never known a man that wants tea, including my husband, who is extremely educated and refined... Jack Daniels, maybe, but not fracking tea.

What? I offered you tea! It's hilarious. The writers must have been cracking-up.


Thursday, November 22, 2007 8:09 AM



Originally posted by Platonist:
Oh, you and me both, I love frazzled Inara, all that meditation and tea, she relies on to calm herself and her clients.

Her serving tea and sex, what a load of go se. I've never known a man that wants tea, including my husband, who is extremely educated and refined... Jack Daniels, maybe, but not fracking tea.

What? I offered you tea! It's hilarious. The writers must have been cracking-up.

Well, I do know a couple who enjoy tea, so.... *g* And they're not even all that refined, either. Hmm. Must be what you grow up with, hehehe.

I actually think her job is the only thing she isn't frazzled about. Her job and her values (Freedom, justice and the Am-- er, being unchained to anything!). Everything else is up in the air. Making her twitchy.

But yes, that scene is hilarious! Mal: *She's nice to me? She is never nice to me! Something is a-foot! Time to freak out!" And the really hilarous thing it, that he is right. AND it's his own fault! *G*


Thursday, November 22, 2007 8:11 AM



Originally posted by nbz:
and another point - On Miranda she had no choice. If she did have a choice, would she have run? I think so.)

I actually think this is more akin to the scene in the pilot eppy, when she threatens to leave if Mal throws out Simon and River.

She stands up for what she believes in.

She chose Miranda as much as the others did.

It's the things outside of ethics that trouble her.


Thursday, November 22, 2007 8:15 AM



Originally posted by nbz:

In not filmed scenes from The Message, she was supposed to have received a small box, which she was very worried over opening. (this was probably dropped because Firefly was over - no point leaving another loose end - so it is not in any filmed versions, just the shooting script.) Is that linked to her supposed exile?

Or to her alleged medical condition? :) Glad you brought it up, though, I had forgotten that!

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, November 22, 2007 10:48 AM


Tea and Biscuits, Tea Party, Iced Tea, Tea Time, but "Tea and Sex"...ummm...not sure, maybe I'll try that next time, just to get a new reaction...LOL


Thursday, November 22, 2007 2:28 PM


What interests me with Inara leaving Sihnon is not just that she left but that she actually chose Serenity. Being that she was in line to be the next House Mistress of House Madrassa there had to be a big gorram reason for her to do this and I don't think she fell foul of the Guild or ran away. I suspect she was acting under orders, some kind of covert operation. If she was running away because she had blotted her Guild encrusted copybook then why keep taking clients and adhering to the Companion rules from that same Guild? Surely she would have been barred or restricted in her ability to carry on working as usual. The fact that she does carry on as usual, but from a less than Guild-approved place (ie Serenity) suggests some other motive. Is she a spy or looking for something/someone? I think there is more of a mystery to her leaving Sihnon and it is a shame we will never know the definitive reason Joss had in mind. But boy, does it leave the way open for that to be explored in fanfic.

Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, November 22, 2007 3:06 PM


That's why I keep thinking that there was a scandal but Inara could have been an "innocent" party but the powers that be realized that having her on Shinon would either be a danger to Inara or the Guild.

I hate it too that we'll never know. That is unless in Serenity 2 Joss decides to give us a reason.


Thursday, November 22, 2007 3:48 PM



Originally posted by nbz:

There are loads of question here. For instance, why did she choose Serenity? a boat where the owner did not think much of her job and even insulted her while showing her the shuttle?

Was that desperation, or had he been recommended? in either case, why? also "by whom?" for the latter.

Yes, questions. :) Good ones. Because the question is not just why she left Sihnon, but indeed also why she chose Mal's boat. Tired of Companioning? Take a cruise! Serenity don't seem like a likely choice for Inara. Maybe she too wanted to fly under the radar for a while. But why? I'm not buying into the whole: "I rent the shuttle from Captain Reynolds, which allows me to expand my client base, and the Captain finds that having a Companion on board opens certain doors that might otherwise be closed to him." Well, I'll buy the latter, but what's in it for Inara? Expand her clientele with folks on the rim? It don't make no sense. She's on good terms with The House and The Guild, but even if she wanted some off-time, why not stay on Sihnon, in her lap of luxury?

Plenty of room for even the wildest speculation. But it could just be as simple as Inara instinctively wanting out--wanting more for herself--with her going on a quest to seek and find it. Dunno; that don't exactly sound like Inara, now does it? Sigh. Point remains, really, that all have a good/obvious reason to be on Mal's boat, 'cept Inara.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, December 31, 2007 9:57 PM


In case it wasn't seen, I'll inject the possibility of records forgery in this thread.
In Tthe Train Job, she tells Book she's been aboard 8 months.
In Bushwhacked, the Commander says she shipped out with serenity a year ago. This creates a timeline conflict.
Perhaps she needed her records to show she was not at Madrassa House in the last few months when she was, and therefore needed to find a disreputable ship and crew who would not snub their noses at fudging the paperwork. Therefore the Offical Records show she was aboard Serenity a year, when she may have only been 8 or 9 months.
This may have also been around the time her Companion Exam was due - coincidence or cause?


Saturday, January 5, 2008 6:05 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
In case it wasn't seen, I'll inject the possibility of records forgery in this thread.
In Tthe Train Job, she tells Book she's been aboard 8 months.
In Bushwhacked, the Commander says she shipped out with serenity a year ago. This creates a timeline conflict.
Perhaps she needed her records to show she was not at Madrassa House in the last few months when she was, and therefore needed to find a disreputable ship and crew who would not snub their noses at fudging the paperwork. Therefore the Offical Records show she was aboard Serenity a year, when she may have only been 8 or 9 months.
This may have also been around the time her Companion Exam was due - coincidence or cause?

I like it, JSF. I read your timeline thread (and you were a post-er after my own heart on that one, in terms of the amount of ink used for the thing ), and this fits nicely. It is also important to remember, I think, her line to Simon in Bushwhacked: "We're all running from something." She did not exclude herself in this statement, and it answers, I think, the first critical question to her leaving Sihnon, which is "Running FROM or running TO?" From. I don't necessarily think she meant this as some deep commentary on her own situation, but the fact that she would say this at all reflects her attitude toward the purpose of Serenity in her life. She is running from something, not under orders, and she isn't on bad terms with the guild because she remains a member, officially. And I, too, dislike the illness and youth serum theories. Both are based on single lines which I think are given too much consideration out of context, and also they are too "Star Trek" (or at best "Babylon 5" or "StarGate"), not Firefly.

"When you can't do somethin' smart, do somethin' right!" -Jayne Cobb quotes Shepherd Book


Sunday, January 6, 2008 9:26 PM


I guess I should have mentioned the other references of Inara's time on Serenity.

In The Train Job Inara did tell Book she'd been aboard 8 months.
In Objects in Space Inara told Jubal she'd been aboard "a year."
In deleted scenes from BDM (and in script) Sheydra recalls Inara was aboard "a year" in context implying at least a year - but not "a year and a half" which would have also fit in context, if it were the case.

These are not in conflict with each other.

The "few weeks less than a year" statement(s) in Bushwhacked does conflict, however.






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