Inara's Secret

UPDATED: Monday, August 2, 2004 16:41
VIEWED: 18113
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004 2:28 PM


Inara obviously has a secret past, something she's running to or from? I've been watching the commentaries on the DVD, and in "Serenity" and "Out of Gas", Joss Whedon and Tim Minear respectively point out where there are clues as to what her secret is. Joss points out the syringe she gets out when she thinks the Reavers are coming, and how it works as thinking it is a suicide attempt, but it was actually a nod to bringing up the secret in the future. Tim says that there is a clue somewhere in the conversation between Simon and Inara in "Out of Gas". Could that be the line Inara says - "I don't really need a medical description right now".

Here's my thoughts. Perhaps she doesn't need a medical description not because she's feeling worried and disgusted about it, but because she already knows what's going to happen. Perhaps she has some sort of medical background? That might explain the syringe.

Why she would have a medical background I don't know. Perhaps she has some connection with the Hands of Blue? Why she would get a syringe out in preparation of Reavers coming on board I don't know. Any ideas?


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 2:50 PM


I always thought that the clue line in OOG was Inara's reply to Simon when he says that he doesn't want to die on Serenity. She says "I don't want to die at all". Seems that she is running from something or someone.


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 2:52 PM


Oh, that might also make sense. I want to know! Damn Tim Minear for saying there is a clue and not saying what it is.


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 3:11 PM


I think she's dying. Evidence:

- "I guess we're all running from something"
- "I don't want to die at all"
- Syringe could be medicine that slows the progress of her disease/ the script to the Message, she receives a small package and hides it before anyone else sees it -- possibly another dose of her medication
- Annual companion exam might also have included a visit to her doctor regarding her condition
- When River reads Inara's mind, Inara says "I'm a big girl, just tell me." I believe this is something she said in the her doctor who was hesitating about telling her how bad her condition is.
- Would be a big reason she's afraid to get too close to Mal

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Wednesday, May 19, 2004 3:20 PM


That's a really convincing idea, actually. I'm impressed :-)


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 3:58 PM



Originally posted by Shiny:
I think she's dying. Evidence:

- "I guess we're all running from something"
- "I don't want to die at all"
- Syringe could be medicine that slows the progress of her disease/ the script to the Message, she receives a small package and hides it before anyone else sees it -- possibly another dose of her medication
- Annual companion exam might also have included a visit to her doctor regarding her condition
- When River reads Inara's mind, Inara says "I'm a big girl, just tell me." I believe this is something she said in the her doctor who was hesitating about telling her how bad her condition is.
- Would be a big reason she's afraid to get too close to Mal

Now that you mention it, all that stuff makes sense... Though personally, I hope she's not dying of some disease. Not only would that be sad, it's kind of cliche. Still, you could be right.

Another clue, I think, though perhaps leading in a different direction, is in "Heart of Gold" when Nandi tells Mal all about how she remembered Inara as smart and ambitious, and likely to take charge of the Guild...she wonders aloud what Inara is doing roaming the black.

Personally, I just always thought that Inara was looking for independence and self-determination--just like the others on Serenity. My sense is that after the events of the unaired episodes, she's finally begun to understand how working as a Companion has given her a sense of freedom (not to mention "respectability") which is more illusory than real. (There've been clues to that as well, methinks).

Or maybe it's just me...


edited to add: It also occurred to me that she might have a substance abuse problem (hence the syringe)--perhaps one she's trying to get under control (hence the running from her previous life and associates). The syringe may be her "failsafe" dose, that she needs to look at every once and awhile to remind herself she's strong enough to *not* use it.


Monday, May 24, 2004 4:28 PM



Originally posted by flugufrelsarinn:
Oh, that might also make sense. I want to know! Damn Tim Minear for saying there is a clue and not saying what it is.

Here is another clue. There is a scene in "The Message" where Mal and Zoe have opened the cryo-coffin with Tracy in it. Inara blurts out "Are they sending us a warning?" I don't know anyone who thinks that a dead body is an appropriate-type warning. She has seriously ticked off someone powerful. I am still convinced that she is running.


Monday, May 24, 2004 5:08 PM


Why should Joss and Tim be telling the truth? As creators of stories they know the power of dramatic tension in a narrative, even if it later proves to be a false trail

My take on Inara's secret is that one of her clients on Sinon was leader of the True Alliance opposition to Blue Sun, and was terminated by them. While Inara was not then directly involved with the True Alliance, a rival to her career aim of House Mistress has threatened her with guilt by association; she's running, but not actively pursued. She has become commited to the True Alliance cause and uses her peripatetic lifestyle to maintain communication between True Alliance cells on the border planets.

I think that "I'm a big girl ..." is a forward-quote of a conversation with River about their experiences with Blue Sun. Inara and Book are instrumental in getting River into a Witness Program on Sinon in the case against Blue Sun; the rest of the crew just have to get her there ...

But I'm european, so what do I know?


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 5:25 PM



Originally posted by Sioux:
Here is another clue. There is a scene in "The Message" where Mal and Zoe have opened the cryo-coffin with Tracy in it. Inara blurts out "Are they sending us a warning?" I don't know anyone who thinks that a dead body is an appropriate-type warning. She has seriously ticked off someone powerful. I am still convinced that she is running.

That quote's not quite right... The line is:
INARA: Is this a warning of some kind?
Which has a completely different tone to it. Gotta keep in mind the time frame for The Message, which is after War Stories and Trash, and in both episodes, Mal & his crew didn't make a whole lotta friends. With that, I assumed Inara's question was directed at Mal's shenanigans. (Sorry, I just like that word.)

I've been reading and re-reading all the transcripts and shooting scripts - which, I'm sure you know, have cut lines and deleted scenes - and have finally developed my own theory...kinda. Someone mentioned the same thing I'm gonna say a while ago on a different thread, and I quietly dismissed it as too soap-opera-ish. Now I'm startin' to come around... I'm not just not certain I can explain it all in a way that makes sense to anyone reading it.

I guess I'll start with the background bits. First, we know the life of a registered Companion is somewhat demanding, with respect to all the training and education they go through. Very structured kinda thing, yeah? And that can wear on a girl (i.e., Nandi in Heart of Gold). Second, we know 'nara was quickly heading towards becoming House Priestess in House Madrassa, but she left Sihnon damn quick without (known) explanation. Third, we know that Companion rules about "dating" are "complicated" (Ariel) and that Companions are not allowed to have lovers (War Stories deleted scene).

Now I'll move on to Mr. Whedon... he seems to love the big emotion thing. Grand, sweeping, real human kind of emotion. That's what we're supposed to be getting from the relationship - or lack thereof - between Mal and Inara. That scene in Heart of Gold where Inara's crying her eyes out all alone? I've cried like that (shhh, don't repeat that). That tugs at the real life heart strings.

And the one last Out of Gas, where y'all've been saying Mr. M fed you a line about a clue to Inara's whatever...I don't recall that, but I'll take your word for it. I think the most revealing line from 'nara in that is "I love this ship. I have from the first moment I saw it." I always assumed she wasn't talking about Serenity, but rather, she was talking about Mal.

So, for those of you who're still awake, here's my "theory," of sorts:

Inara spent the first majority of her life in a demanding, rigid, professional...profession. (god, sometimes I feel like Jayne...duh.) It's a good life, what with all the benefits and whatnot, and we know she enjoys most of it. But, spending your whole life doing one thing, ya start to wonder, what else is out there? You can see in Shindig that she's not entirely a part of that world anymore. Maybe she wants some of those things that a Companion isn't allowed to have, and one of those things is, potentially, a love of her life: Mal. Maybe a family.

But, for someone trained in reading body language, she still can't quite seem to figure out Mal. If I were in her position, I sure as hell wouldn't give up the life I have if I'm not 100% (...or...maybe 90%...) sure about the guy for whom I'm giving it up. I'd definitely walk soft. If Mal doesn't have capacity for what Inara needs, she's wasting her time.

Now the needle-box-thing. If I have to let go of the "suicide kit" theory, I'm gonna slide on over to what I mentioned above as someone else's idea: Inara's in "a family way," as River so eloquently put it. I'd not really considered that until I watched Objects In Space again. What stuck out is Early's statements about some of the crew, which are - more or less - true in some way. The statement that seemingly comes outta nowhere is this:
EARLY (to Inara): Man is stronger by far than woman. But only woman can create a child. That seem right to you?
Maybe he's referring to 'nara. It's probably obvious to point out the the Guild would definitely disapprove of a knocked-up Companion. So I'm thinkin' she hides it...or delays it...with whatever's in the needle, if she's really getting periodic doses of it. And she wouldn't be looking to stop the needle-dose-thing until such time as she has a commitment and a bit of stability.

Kind of a stretch, but maybe not so much in the Whedon'verse.

I can't remember if I've hit all the points I wanted to in explaining this. I would like to also point out that I am not a romantic...this is all very clinical and logical. To me. Anyway. Remember way back when I was just a lurker, not filling the boards with this kind of fei4hua4? Boy, those were the days... (I'm sorry if this is too long a post for this board, but I just don't know any better. If it's a nuissance, I'll edit it and erase a bunch.)


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 6:04 PM


Has anyone considered that maybe one of the reasons Inara and Mal tend to distance themselves from one another is that they have had "relations" before. I just wonder how the two met.

Love is the gift at the end of a long journey of self exploration and inner peace.


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 8:34 AM



I guess I'll start with the background bits. First, we know the life of a registered Companion is somewhat demanding, with respect to all the training and education they go through. Very structured kinda thing, yeah? And that can wear on a girl (i.e., Nandi in Heart of Gold). Second, we know 'nara was quickly heading towards becoming House Priestess in House Madrassa, but she left Sihnon damn quick without (known) explanation. Third, we know that Companion rules about "dating" are "complicated" (Ariel) and that Companions are not allowed to have lovers (War Stories deleted scene).

Now I'll move on to Mr. Whedon... he seems to love the big emotion thing. Grand, sweeping, real human kind of emotion. That's what we're supposed to be getting from the relationship - or lack thereof - between Mal and Inara. That scene in Heart of Gold where Inara's crying her eyes out all alone? I've cried like that (shhh, don't repeat that). That tugs at the real life heart strings.

Her despair really got to me too. It was so absolute, and rather a surprise to see such an outpouring of unguarded emotion from her.


And the one last Out of Gas, where y'all've been saying Mr. M fed you a line about a clue to Inara's whatever...I don't recall that, but I'll take your word for it. I think the most revealing line from 'nara in that is "I love this ship. I have from the first moment I saw it." I always assumed she wasn't talking about Serenity, but rather, she was talking about Mal.

Interesting. I always though she was talking about Serentiy--and hence I formed the impression that she had ventured into the black in pursuit of freedom and independence.


So, for those of you who're still awake, here's my "theory," of sorts:

Inara spent the first majority of her life in a demanding, rigid, professional...profession. (god, sometimes I feel like Jayne...duh.) It's a good life, what with all the benefits and whatnot, and we know she enjoys most of it. But, spending your whole life doing one thing, ya start to wonder, what else is out there? You can see in Shindig that she's not entirely a part of that world anymore. Maybe she wants some of those things that a Companion isn't allowed to have, and one of those things is, potentially, a love of her life: Mal. Maybe a family.

But, for someone trained in reading body language, she still can't quite seem to figure out Mal. If I were in her position, I sure as hell wouldn't give up the life I have if I'm not 100% (...or...maybe 90%...) sure about the guy for whom I'm giving it up. I'd definitely walk soft. If Mal doesn't have capacity for what Inara needs, she's wasting her time.

Now the needle-box-thing. If I have to let go of the "suicide kit" theory, I'm gonna slide on over to what I mentioned above as someone else's idea: Inara's in "a family way," as River so eloquently put it. I'd not really considered that until I watched Objects In Space again. What stuck out is Early's statements about some of the crew, which are - more or less - true in some way. The statement that seemingly comes outta nowhere is this:
EARLY (to Inara): Man is stronger by far than woman. But only woman can create a child. That seem right to you?
Maybe he's referring to 'nara. It's probably obvious to point out the the Guild would definitely disapprove of a knocked-up Companion. So I'm thinkin' she hides it...or delays it...with whatever's in the needle, if she's really getting periodic doses of it. And she wouldn't be looking to stop the needle-dose-thing until such time as she has a commitment and a bit of stability.

I don't think Inara is pregnant--she would have to have conceived while living on Serenity, and I just find it hard to imagine she'd have allowed that to happen. But your post did make me wonder if the syringe might contain a contraceptive or abortifascient she's supposed to use...but maybe doesn't want to.

OR maybe Inara has a child somewhere. Seems like that could motivate much of what we've seen her do. I doubt most of the men who hire Companions are like Rance Burgess and wanting a child. Rather I'd think some super rich guy would definitely NOT want a surprise potential heir turning up. So...Inara decides to keep her baby, and leaves the house to give birth. It has to be kept secret from both the father and the Guild, so she leaves the child with someone she trusts and takes off, as she feels compelled to keep moving. She has to keep earning so she can send money for her child's upkeep. She avoids getting involved with Mal, because she doesn't want to either jeapordize her secret child by telling him, or lie to the man she loves.

Hows that?



Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:19 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Lilianna:
Has anyone considered that maybe one of the reasons Inara and Mal tend to distance themselves from one another is that they have had "relations" before. I just wonder how the two met.

I think that's pretty plainly explained in Out of Gas as a purely business-type arrangement. Mal advertised a shuttle for rent and she answered the ad. Not to mention Mal couldn't have afforded her then or likely ever, as evidenced by his admission later in the same episode that he would have to "owe" her the security deposit on the shuttle. (I've come to know that episode pretty well - it's the one I watch when my muse needs a kick in the pants.)

There's not enough tension between these two for them to have had "relations" already. Just enough to indicate they've both been thinking about it in some detail, but never really engaged the fantasies. Not to mention there's an emotional aspect involved that seems to be scaring the begeezus out of both of them.

They're a lot alike, those two. Strong, willful individuals who have had their souls burned by some evil or other. The difference is that we know what Mal's issues are (mostly) but Inara? Not so much.

Also, Inara's parting look in Trash when Mal turns away was one of obvious surprise. I'm thinking if she had seen him in the altogether before, she'd have been more companion-like about it and not had a reaction more similar to each and every one of us red-blooded females back here on Earth-That-Was...What?

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 10:19 AM


I agree with the idea that Inara is dying. I think it's something terminal, but obviously not transmittable. I think the syringe is a medicine she has to take if and when the symptoms start to show, and for the time being it keeps her malady in recession. I feel that it's the sort of thing that might let her have a decade at most, but could flare up and end her at any time. I think she was looking at the syringe when the Reavers were upon them not in a "should i use that to kill myself" sort of way, but more of a "guess i don't need to worry about whether that will work" sort of way. When River 'reads' her, I took that as Inara wanting to hear from the 'seer' if she was close to the end. I think she stayed on Serenity for a year because it was a nice enough place to live, away from the people who knew her secret. I think she decided to leave Serenity because she fell in love with Mal and didn't want to put herself or anyone else through the agony of her upcoming demise. Well, she knew she was dying, but she didn't want to have so gorram much to lose. The annual medical checks she goes to are the usual companion checks, but also an update on the status of her malady.

So that's what I think. Lots of others have said pretty much the same thing, but everything I feel about it is based on her actions and reactions on the show.

Jayne: "These are stone killers, little man. They ain't cuddly like me."


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:36 AM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

What's the "True Alliance?"


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 12:53 PM



Originally posted by thoreau:
I agree with the idea that Inara is dying. I think it's something terminal, but obviously not transmittable. I think the syringe is a medicine she has to take if and when the symptoms start to show, and for the time being it keeps her malady in recession. I feel that it's the sort of thing that might let her have a decade at most, but could flare up and end her at any time. I think she was looking at the syringe when the Reavers were upon them not in a "should i use that to kill myself" sort of way, but more of a "guess i don't need to worry about whether that will work" sort of way. When River 'reads' her, I took that as Inara wanting to hear from the 'seer' if she was close to the end. I think she stayed on Serenity for a year because it was a nice enough place to live, away from the people who knew her secret. I think she decided to leave Serenity because she fell in love with Mal and didn't want to put herself or anyone else through the agony of her upcoming demise. Well, she knew she was dying, but she didn't want to have so gorram much to lose. The annual medical checks she goes to are the usual companion checks, but also an update on the status of her malady.

So that's what I think. Lots of others have said pretty much the same thing, but everything I feel about it is based on her actions and reactions on the show.

Jayne: "These are stone killers, little man. They ain't cuddly like me."

Not trying to pick at you, or anyone, but the more I think about the "Inara's dying" idea, the less it makes sense to me. I mean everyone on Serenity is in danger of dying on a regular basis--most especially Mal, Zoe, and Jayne, who are regularly putting themselves in harm's way. So for Inara to maintain all this drama because she has some disease that might kill her in 10 years or so...seems kind of pointless.



Wednesday, May 26, 2004 12:57 PM


You folks are all huge creative geniuses!

Just sayin, is all.

Please help Haken keep this site running by occasionally clicking on some of the sponsored ad links on the side of the page!


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 1:37 PM



Not trying to pick at you, or anyone, but the more I think about the "Inara's dying" idea, the less it makes sense to me. I mean everyone on Serenity is in danger of dying on a regular basis--most especially Mal, Zoe, and Jayne, who are regularly putting themselves in harm's way. So for Inara to maintain all this drama because she has some disease that might kill her in 10 years or so...seems kind of pointless.


Another consistent theme of Mutant Enemy shows is hope. Usually twisted or broken, but hope nevertheless. Everyone on board Serenity is in mortal danger pretty regularly, but knowing you're in the process of dying is a whole different animal. For Mal, River, even YoSafBridge, the chance of eventual salvation is there. For Inara, this isn't the case. No matter how much adversity she overcomes, the end is near. Regardless of how many times the crew cheat Death, Inara is his. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon. There is no sunny porch and rocking chair and glass of iced tea and watching the grandkids play in the yard in Inara's future. Because of this, every victory is tainted, every narrow escape just the inevitable prolonged.

kinda bleak, and it would temper anyone's cheery disposition.

Except maybe Kaylee...

Jayne: "These are stone killers, little man. They ain't cuddly like me."


Thursday, May 27, 2004 6:41 AM



Originally posted by thoreau:
Another consistent theme of Mutant Enemy shows is hope. Usually twisted or broken, but hope nevertheless. Everyone on board Serenity is in mortal danger pretty regularly, but knowing you're in the process of dying is a whole different animal. For Mal, River, even YoSafBridge, the chance of eventual salvation is there. For Inara, this isn't the case. No matter how much adversity she overcomes, the end is near. Regardless of how many times the crew cheat Death, Inara is his. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon. There is no sunny porch and rocking chair and glass of iced tea and watching the grandkids play in the yard in Inara's future. Because of this, every victory is tainted, every narrow escape just the inevitable prolonged.

kinda bleak, and it would temper anyone's cheery disposition.

Except maybe Kaylee...

Jayne: "These are stone killers, little man. They ain't cuddly like me."

Yes but...people with terminal diseases also have hope--or can have hope just as readily as people facing a firefight against poor odds. They can hope they'll beat the odds. They can hope a cure will be found (and become an activist to try to promote that). They can hope the diagnosis was wrong. People can and do fight back against diagnoses of breast cancer, AIDS, MS, leukemia and so on.

So what makes Inara different?



Thursday, May 27, 2004 4:38 PM



Originally posted by GraceOM:
Yes but...people with terminal diseases also have hope--or can have hope just as readily as people facing a firefight against poor odds. They can hope they'll beat the odds. They can hope a cure will be found (and become an activist to try to promote that). They can hope the diagnosis was wrong. People can and do fight back against diagnoses of breast cancer, AIDS, MS, leukemia and so on.

So what makes Inara different?


That depends entirely on the disease. This isn't star trek, where a disase can make someone age rapidly until they look like they're 80 years old and the doctor just gives em a shot and they're all better, fit and 25 again. Depending on the malaise, there probably is some glimmer of hope, but not always. As Kaylee said, sometimes a thing's broke and can't be fixed.

Even if there is hope for a cure, I can't consider there to be any similarity between a person who is fit and healthy and leads a dangerous life and a person who is actively dying but hopes for a cure.


Jayne: "These are stone killers, little man. They ain't cuddly like me."


Thursday, June 24, 2004 4:31 AM


I'm sorry, but the "Inara is dying" idea is too soap-operaish and cliche for me. Just my personal opinion. And considering how innovative and creative this show has been (not to mention Joss's other shows), I would hope he's come up with something more original.
I do have a theory of my own, too:
Say River is the best success Blue Sun has had. Say Blue Sun realizes that, on a backwater planet outside the Alliance's control and/or with sufficient help, Simon & River might never be caught. Say they decide to send someone out in search of River by more devious means than the warrant for arrest. And say the Guild is connected in some way with Blue Sun (could be financial, could be something else).
So - Blue Sun goes to someone ambitious, sympathetic to the Alliance, intelligent, and a "player" (Inara re: Saffron: "Never play a player".) Her mission: to go out to planets on the rim and search for River. When she finds her, Inara is to drug her with something they give her that won't negatively interact with the mods they've made on River. Then Inara is to turn River back over to Blue Sun. A Companion is the perfect cover, since she can go anywhere, and talk to anyone, and no one will stop or question her. A ship like Serenity is the perfect place because it is a smuggling vessel, but, even if River never ends up there herself, it's other cargoes - legit and not - takes the ship to many ports - legit and not, thereby providing the largest possible numbers of places Inara can search.
However, Blue Sun didn't tell Inara anything, so when she found River - and found out what had been done to her, Inara found she couldn't go thru with turning River in. So she's decided to abandon her search. Perhaps she'll tell her superiors that she's discovered River is dead or maybe she knows she'll end up dead, but in any event, she can't do it, so she's leaving Serenity.
Corollary possibility: That, in order to ensure her loyalty, Blue Sun poisoned her, and she must have a counter-agent at regular intervals. The counter-agent was in the package she received, and also in the syringe in the Pilot.
Theory about the Syringe in the Pilot: A. A drug for River - "If I give this to River, she'll feel nothing." B. A counter-agent for poison - if the Reavers get her, that renders the whole situation moot.
Also, Inara's annual check-up could also be to check in with her superiors and make sure the poison and counter-agent are working as expected.
By the way, at least two other fanfic writers that I've read also believe that Blue Sun is somehow connected to the Companion's Guild.
This theory would also be in keeping with Joss's tendency to "wheels within wheels" mechanizations.
Plus, I just like the idea of the "nefarious scheme" better than the tired melodrama of "the beautiful heroine is tragically dying" anyway.


Thursday, June 24, 2004 4:45 AM


interesting ideas, but we are told that inara has been with the crew for about 8 months at the point where the show picks up, so inara would have been on serenity before river was taken from the institute/lab thingy - the way that simon talks about the make-em-look-dead drug makes me think that she may have been out for a week or so, but certainly not on the scale of months. in a more general sense though, there may be a possibility that she has some nefarious evil going on but with more of a broad remit than get river. maybe just an infiltrate some important browncoats and gather information thing.

i didn't like the whiole inara is dying concept when i first read about it, but watching the dvds through again it does seem possible, but again that might be a bit of subtl misdirection from the jossmeister. still, come the BDM or at least BDM 2 or 3 we should have a better answer to the whole inara thing.

eviltobz - that's lowercase gorram it!


Thursday, June 24, 2004 4:24 PM



Originally posted by eviltobz:
interesting ideas, but we are told that inara has been with the crew for about 8 months at the point where the show picks up, so inara would have been on serenity before river was taken from the institute/lab thingy - the way that simon talks about the make-em-look-dead drug makes me think that she may have been out for a week or so, but certainly not on the scale of months.

Hmmm...You're right, I'd forgotten about the timing. Ok, so maybe it's not River specifically that Inara was after; maybe she's supposed to find any/all of the escapees, or, even better, those behind them - the ones who are getting the "students" out of The Academy. In fact, that's probably even more important to Blue Sun at this point - to find out & probably eliminate whoever is behind the escapes.


Saturday, June 26, 2004 1:40 PM


Inara isn't really hiding from anyone, she arranges to have clients on prominant worlds. She is still part of the Guild. I don't think she is on the run, but perhaps did tick off someone powerful, and they suggested she leave her snug little House, give up chance of being the house Priestess, and go off-world as a punishment. Perhaps she chose that, rather than kill a client with that syringe. Perhaps looking at the syringe was her way of reflecting how different her life would have been if she had not have made her previous decision.

I also think, and have no evidence for this, that she cannot have a child. Therefore feels she cannot have a family, so she stays in the business. She said when she had her physical that it was the same as last year. I think after knowing Simon, and seeing what a loyal, stand-up guy he was, if she were dying, she would have consulted him. Of course, they may not have had time to do this.


Saturday, June 26, 2004 2:44 PM


Hey, it's obvious that Inara was born male,and is a male-to-female transexual. That explains the problems with the formal organization of Companions, why she left suddenly, why she sees a doctor regularly. The syringe contains the hormones that make/keep her a woman.

And, if someone is trying to kill her, finding out that the luscious babe you paid a fortune to spend the day with is, in fact, a MAN, why that will push all kinds of buttons for some people. Probably a big cheese for Blue Sun, right?

THAT will keep Jayne out of his bunk for a while...

Did I mention that most of us appear to need to add a few more layers to our tin-foil beanies? Twisted WAY TOO TIGHT, guys...

...they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing - and if we're
very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order.


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 4:01 PM


I don't think that her secret is that she has a medical background. I that she was just scared in 'Out of Gas' and she didn't want to hear how they were going to die.

"Jayne's a girl's name."-River


Saturday, July 10, 2004 9:24 PM


I just finished watching the commentaries on the DVDs (that talk about clues), and I have to say that my theory is that Inara is taking something to keep her from aging. She makes lots of references to "running from something" and "not wanting to die at all" and even Nandi says that Inara "still looks the same" etc. I think instead of her dying, which on the surface all those quotes explain, she could very easily be talking about staying young and NEVER dying. I honestly don't think she's a junkie either because they joke on the commentary and say "she's a JUNKIE!!" and then they laugh. I still think there has to be more to it though then just stopping herself from aging, cause it's way too one-dimensional for a Whedon show. :)

"Oh I'm going to the special hell."-Mal


Monday, July 12, 2004 9:43 AM


I was under the impression that the reason Inara left was becuase she fell in love with a client and being the strong willed and very independent person that she is, she left not wanting any restrictions on her life... which is becoming a problem again with Mal. (How could you not love that man?!?)
If there are going to be any 'nefarious' schemes, I think Book will be involved- not Inara.
The not aging thing is intriguing, but her line of not wanting to die at all isn't much to go on. I mean, who wants to die?

Edit: I spelled something wrong.

"We have done the impossible. That makes us mighty."


Monday, July 12, 2004 11:50 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
and that Companions are not allowed to have lovers (War Stories deleted scene).

War Stories deleted scenes? Where? Where? *whines pitifully*

Ahem. In response to the thread in general, I doubt very much that Inara is dying, although I do find the idea somewhat appealing.

I don't know about the rest of you, but if my life depended on regular injections of medication, I'd go with something a little more practical than that syringe she had. Disposable syringes would be good, or at least having several of them, so they can be sterilized in batches rather than needing to sterilize the damn thing after every use.

Then there's the matter of the medication. She'd need a regular supply from a dependable source, and she'd need enough to last awhile, in case of emergency.

She vial. Maybe she had some more stashed somewhere, but...that package she got in the mail couldn't have been it. Tracy's crate was sitting at the post office for a week before it was picked up, and the only reason it wasn't longer was because the guy sent Mal a wave. Inara's package could have arrived the previous day...or the previous month. Mail service is clearly not very predictable, so it's not suited for the transportation of vital medicine. I wouldn't trust them which my medication, anyway.

I haven't a clue what the syringe is for, but I'm pretty sure it's not medicine.

She has had congress with the beast.


Friday, July 16, 2004 12:06 PM



Originally posted by Shiny:
I think she's dying. Evidence:

- "I guess we're all running from something"
- "I don't want to die at all"
- Syringe could be medicine that slows the progress of her disease/ the script to the Message, she receives a small package and hides it before anyone else sees it -- possibly another dose of her medication
- Annual companion exam might also have included a visit to her doctor regarding her condition
- When River reads Inara's mind, Inara says "I'm a big girl, just tell me." I believe this is something she said in the her doctor who was hesitating about telling her how bad her condition is.
- Would be a big reason she's afraid to get too close to Mal

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Sorry. Not seeing this. Even if she were dying, why would she leave the best medical facilities to live on a rundown freighter full of shady characters?

The River reading her mind and the whole "I'm a big girl now", I took to be along the lines of "We're not kids, if you want me to stay, ask. Tell me why you want me to stay." It was a battle of pride between Inara and Mal.

I can only get that she is doing something that the Companions would not approve of and that she could not hide if she stayed. She still maintains the form and contacts with her profession unlike her friend in Heart of Gold.

Has she ever said anything positive about the way the companions are run? She says a bit about the form and the training, but she is very reticient about the organization itself. Odd that, considering that she is still on good terms with organization, although she left what appears to have been a good position.


Friday, July 16, 2004 12:09 PM



Originally posted by rijrunner:
Sorry. Not seeing this. Even if she were dying, why would she leave the best medical facilities to live on a rundown freighter full of shady characters?

It's terminal and untreatable. Would you rather sit in a sterile hospital for the rest of your life, or run around on the border with Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin, and Jewel Staite?

"I left my heart in Seren-ity Val-ley..." <-- the farthest I've ever gotten in writing filk. ;)


Friday, July 16, 2004 6:09 PM



Originally posted by Shiny4004:
I just finished watching the commentaries on the DVDs (that talk about clues), and I have to say that my theory is that Inara is taking something to keep her from aging. She makes lots of references to "running from something" and "not wanting to die at all" and even Nandi says that Inara "still looks the same" etc. I think instead of her dying, which on the surface all those quotes explain, she could very easily be talking about staying young and NEVER dying. I honestly don't think she's a junkie either because they joke on the commentary and say "she's a JUNKIE!!" and then they laugh. I still think there has to be more to it though then just stopping herself from aging, cause it's way too one-dimensional for a Whedon show. :)

"Oh I'm going to the special hell."-Mal

I also thought she was tying to prevent aging. I mean just examine the character. She acts very mature but looks eighteen. She's very vain, she always wears makeup and wears beautiful expensive clothing despite her surroundings. Why would she not also try to look young forever. This could also be something that the companions guild does not approve of and that's why she had to leave before people started suspecting something. And the glance at the needle during the reavers encounter could be a look of "well this has been all for nothing".

Some other things I noticed

1)In addition to Nandi's comments, in HoG, Nandi looks quite a bit older than Inara despite attending companion school together.
2)In "Serenity" pilot commentary Joss mentions that Morena was "the perfect combination of youth and age" and she "seems older than her years". (possibly a subtle hint)
3)In OOG Inara flashback Inara says in describing serenity "I prefer something with a few miles on it". One might think she could be talking about Mal, but she had just met him. I thought of this as how an older person might enjoy an older automobile as it reminds them of the "good old days".

Maybe I'm reading alot into this, but this was what I thought the secret was.

BTW I found by doing a google search on "Inara's secret" cuz I was so interested in reading what other people thought the secret might be. And I must admit the dying/medical attention ideas are just as plausible if not better than my own. My own hope is that no one is right and Joss has once again defied all stereotypes and will give us a great and original sub plotline.

I have spent many hours pouring over this site and the message boards and it's great to find Sooo many people who love this series as much as I do.


Monday, July 19, 2004 8:52 PM


Why couldn't being part of a companion require a permanent version of pregnancy. Something to keep anything else from happening and give a woman that permanent pregnant glow.

And the one scene where we see her open the box with the needle and look at it. Perhaps it is the shot that ends her permanent condition as being in the physical shape she is in. And lets her lead a normal life. Basically resetting her system. It is how an companion offically quits.


Monday, July 26, 2004 2:02 PM


After reading the entire thread, I have but one question...

There's a deleted scene from War Stories?


Monday, July 26, 2004 4:32 PM



Originally posted by Barclay:
There's a deleted scene from War Stories?

Yes. There are actually many scenes - in all of the episodes - that never made it to the final cut.


Monday, July 26, 2004 4:33 PM


I was not going to jump into this one but...
The syrnge was pulled out at a point when the Reavers might have attacked. Everyone was preping for the absolute worse possibility. Inara surely was taking out poison, for herself, so that in the event that the ship was boarded the Reavers would find her dead. Jayne was getting his guns to either make quick work of himself or go down fighting. etc.
Inara's secret has more to do with something going on emotionally. Either she realized that the life she had at the guild was hollow and that she needed to get away from it (and her budding relationship with Mal is another step in that direction), or she discovered something about the guild's higher workings that she dislikes to the point that she left.
That is my take...

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Monday, July 26, 2004 4:57 PM


Any idea where to get a hold of these deleted scenes?


Monday, July 26, 2004 5:41 PM



Originally posted by dewshine:

The syrnge was pulled out at a point when the Reavers might have attacked. Everyone was preping for the absolute worse possibility. Inara surely was taking out poison, for herself, so that in the event that the ship was boarded the Reavers would find her dead.

And if all we had was the episode itself, most people would come to that conclusion. However, if you listen to Joss's commentary on the DVD, he says that is NOT what the syringe was for, and that its true purpose was tied in with Inara's secret. That's the reason there's so much speculation about it.



Monday, July 26, 2004 5:49 PM


I've listened to that, but i still can't shake the feeling that it was for protection. I'm sure my impression is wrong as so many others have different ideas but...
Inara dieing? Don't see it
Expecting? unlikely
it being regular medicine for another reason? why in the old special syringe?
So what is it for?

Check out the improved
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Monday, July 26, 2004 8:48 PM



Originally posted by Cardie:
And if all we had was the episode itself, most people would come to that conclusion. However, if you listen to Joss's commentary on the DVD, he says that is NOT what the syringe was for, and that its true purpose was tied in with Inara's secret. That's the reason there's so much speculation about it.

And doesn't Whedon, and Minear, just love to pull the chain? Authors plagued by spoiler mongers and over possessive fans sometimes take retribution


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 4:22 AM


From Our Mrs Reynolds

Yes. Great. I wish you hundreds of fat children.

Aw, could you imagine that? Me with a whole
passel of critters underfoot? Hell, ten
years time I could --

Could you leave me alone for five minutes,

I always wondered whether Inara had had an abortion whilst working at the House, and that's why she left, because of the painful memories. It could also explain why she never wants to be examined, and said that her med exam on Ariel was 'the same as last year', maybe she was made infertile by a botched operation. She really snaps at Mal in the above passage.

She certainly seems very protective over Petaline in Heart Of Gold. ..I don't think the syringe really has anything to do with the 'secret'. She describes it as a 'standard companion med kit', so if she was going to hand it over to Simon and it was something specific, he would know what was wrong with her, and if she doesn't want anyone to know about a mystery illness, she wouldn't have handed it over.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 9:45 AM


Maybe I'm niave, but I never thought Inara's secret (as it relates to her past)was so secret. I think she's running from herslef...her way of life.

As she has plainly said, she's a companion by birth not choice. I believe her joining Mal's crew was her first step toward independence and a more honorable way of life.

You need to remember that this is a future where Chinese and American virtues have intertwined. Honor would be a huge thing.

In HoG she is quick to tell Mal the virtues of being raised without puritanical beliefs as it relates to sex, yet crys her eyes out over Mal's choice to have sex with someone other than her. Leading straight back to Inara's understanding Mal's code of honor and their underlying love for one another.

I don't think she wants to be a companion. She is a companion because that is what she was born into but not who she eventually wants to become.

I also think fear is a driving force for Inara. Her 'I'm a big girl' statement in OiS, to me, shows her underlying fear that Mal doesn't care about her. When we see through his 'doesn't mean anything' statement that he does care for her, but it doesn't matter, because she is going to do as she pleases anyway.

Her biggest fear is that Mal is right. She has wasted time being something she dislikes and moreover something Mal pitties. She is quick to point out that what she does is legal but also quick to be offended when Mal points out that legal or not it is dishonorable.

As far as the syringe being something more mysterious is concerned I think we'll just have to wait for the BDM to find out. Clearly Joss doesn't want us to know yet.


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:19 AM



As she has plainly said, she's a companion by birth not choice.

When did she say that?


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:32 AM


*snaps* for using peripatetic in a sentence. It is one of my favorite words :)


Originally posted by PurpleBelly:
... uses her peripatetic lifestyle ...

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:35 AM


I think the syringe was for her own use. In the event the Reavers had actually managed to catch Serenity she would have probably killed herself.



Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:37 AM



Originally posted by flugufrelsarinn:
When did she say that?

You seen those shows where the characters live in parallel universes? Welcome to Firefly, where the audience lives in parallel universes.


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 11:15 AM


I sorta thought it was like a "poison pill" like in shady dealings. She shoots herself up of that stuff and any reevers that take advantage of her, as Zoe said they do, would die. Maybe she has done this before and was never proven guilty of it. The guild may have sent her away anyway even if it couldn't have been proven. So she's really running from a murder she commited in the past by injecting herself with some sort of sexually transmitted poison. That's my best guess to explain Serenity. The Out of Gas hint doesn't really fit though.


Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:41 AM



Originally posted by flugufrelsarinn:

As she has plainly said, she's a companion by birth not choice.

When did she say that?]

I believe it's either in Ariel or Shindig (I've lent my DVDs to someone else so I can't be positive about the ep.). It's when she's talking to Kaylee about living on a core planet and being a companion. She says "I was born there."

Edited ** Did a little research. It's in Serenity.

Sihnon isn't that different from this
planet. More crowded, obviously, and
I guess more complicated. The great
city itself is... pictures can't
capture it. It's like an ocean of

Is that where you studied? To be a

I was born there

Quote courtesy of


Thursday, July 29, 2004 6:08 AM



Originally posted by mrgeef:

Originally posted by flugufrelsarinn:

As she has plainly said, she's a companion by birth not choice.

When did she say that?

I believe it's either in Ariel or Shindig (I've lent my DVDs to someone else so I can't be positive about the ep.). It's when she's talking to Kaylee about living on a core planet and being a companion. She says "I was born there."

Nope. It's in the pilot, Serenity, and she's talking about being born on Sihnon:

Sihnon isn't that different from this
planet. More crowded, obviously, and
I guess more complicated. The great
city itself is... pictures can't
capture it. It's like an ocean of

Is that where you studied? To be a

I was born there.

I can't imagine ever leaving.

There is but half truth in her reply, and a hint of weariness.

Well, I wanted to see the universe.

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:12 AM


But is the whole planet populated with companions (like the Guild owns that world)? I mean... just because she's born on Sihnon doesn't mean she was born into Companioning. (can i use that as a verb? ) my guess is that they recruit at a young age and maybe her parents/ guardians pushed her towards becoming a Companion, but i don't think we have any concrete evidence that the guild owns her or that she was born into the job.

Feel free to prove me wrong

Sorry if this sounds smarmy... it's been a stressful week and i mean no harm.


Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:26 AM



Originally posted by liz:
... it's been a stressful week and i mean no harm.

Oh I get it. I'm good. Best for everyone, I'm right there with you.






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