Out of Gas: a masterpiece!

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 08:05
VIEWED: 19807
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Wednesday, October 30, 2002 11:42 AM



Originally posted by esme:
I don't think that recognizing the real dark dangerous power of sex and sex for a living (in any time period) is a blind spot, or intolerance.

No argument there. I was just trying to point out that there are could be a number of reasons for his attitude on this particular issue.


Wednesday, October 30, 2002 11:58 AM



Originally posted by Zencat:

Out of Gas was so good, I watched it again immediately after it was over. Wow. The way the flashbacks were interwoven with the present-time was so beautifully done, I hardly realized that there were two sets of flashbacks going on. That's damn hard to pull off. Kudos to Tim Minear.

I have to agree! I've been watching this show since it started, and this is the epi that brought me out of hiding to post here! :D
This is my favorite one yet! After watching that one, I know it'll only get better from here!


Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:37 PM



Originally posted by Poetic4U:
It should be noted that "Out of Gas" was the original pilot episode for Firefly.

Sorry, but it isn't. The real pilot will be shown to non Internet people in December.


Wednesday, October 30, 2002 5:12 PM


Who else here thought that the musical score behind the episode was really engaging and very influencial to the episode's storyline? I enjoyed it so much.

"In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."


Thursday, October 31, 2002 6:57 AM


^Rhea raises her hand

The music was wonderful. It was the first thing that struck me. Sometimes there's no music at all, sometimes it's there, but it's extremely good, as are the color differences. The main storyline in normal color, Mal's solo scenes in blue light, the flashbacks in sort of a greeny yellow. Great work by everyone.

The effects were good, too. The whole twisty look when the fire is being sucked out, and the contrast between the fire and noise inside the ship and no sound outside.

I had to watch it a few times before I appreciated some of the subtle stuff, because I was so engaged by the story the first time.

Anybody else compulsively rewatching Firefly episodes?


Thursday, October 31, 2002 5:14 PM


^Yep. I have to admit to re-watching epi's. I'm hooked! LOL!
And I love how they had the background music and then sometimes nothing. I think "the nothing" got the point across better then the music. I thought those moments were very moving.


Friday, November 1, 2002 8:23 PM



I was right!

Inara likes Mal because he respects her, not her job!


Friday, November 1, 2002 9:37 PM


^^Was anyone disputing that?


QueenTiye, Companion Academy, class of 2006


Saturday, November 2, 2002 12:15 PM


No it wasn't. So glad that was addressed last night too. It scarily paralelled the points we made in here, if that show hadn't already been taped I'd swear they were reading this thread.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Thursday, November 7, 2002 4:32 PM



Inara wasn't making googly eyes at Mal.

Inara's eyes are just normally googly. I can't look at her eyes; they are so distracting. They make me forget to pay attention to the story.



Wednesday, November 13, 2002 4:51 AM


Well as this is my fist post I just want to say that I really do enjoy this show. I haven't watched it on TV yet, as I work on Friday when it airs, however I download them quite religiously :)

I think this was a great episode. I love filling in some of the background on the characters, and this episode does an amazing job of showing how real these characters are.

The only problem I had with the show was Kaylee's scene. Now let me explain, I really don't care that she was boffing the ex-machanic. Hey she likes sex, good for her. The only think I don't like about it, was how out-of-character it seemed. Kaylee comes across as very sweet,innocent and naive, which I think is a part of her charm. Now she my have a "darker" side :) However I really haven't seen anything to show it and for the first time it appears for it to be her acting like quite the little nympho just throws me. Like I said, the sex isn't a big deal, but just how out of left field is what threw me. I think maybe it would have been better if Mal caught them in the engine room making out or even if Bester was showing her around and bragging like he was trying to get in her pants. Ah well, she is still a hottie in my book :)



Wednesday, November 13, 2002 6:05 AM



Originally posted by Thegn:

Kaylee may be very innocent and lacking in the experience and that might make her appear to be very trusting. That however has absolutely nothing to do with having sex, contrary to popular opinion. So I don't think the sexuality in that scene was the least bit out of character.

I agree completely. Kaylee is obviously very uninhibited, but that doesn't mean she isn't innocent and inexperienced.


Wednesday, November 13, 2002 10:44 AM



Originally posted by Rhea:

Originally posted by Thegn:

Kaylee may be very innocent and lacking in the experience and that might make her appear to be very trusting. That however has absolutely nothing to do with having sex, contrary to popular opinion. So I don't think the sexuality in that scene was the least bit out of character.

I agree completely. Kaylee is obviously very uninhibited, but that doesn't mean she isn't innocent and inexperienced.

She figured out how to make the run. While boinking a good-looking guy. Inexperienced? No. Just young

Sweet is love when all is sane
Sweet is death to end the pain
Cruel is death when all is well
Cruel is love when all is hell <-fixed it!


Thursday, November 14, 2002 12:47 PM



Originally posted by Undeadlord:
The only problem I had with the show was Kaylee's scene. ... The only think I don't like about it, was how out-of-character it seemed. Kaylee comes across as very sweet,innocent and naive, which I think is a part of her charm.

Just goes to show you that looks can be deceiving. It also depends on your society.

Who survived the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's, and is not too fond of his society.


Thursday, November 14, 2002 2:38 PM


Ok, now firstly I've only read *most* of the posts in this thread. There's just soooo many... But I think I need to say why, loving 'Out of Gas' as I do, I disagree with most peoples opinions on two items.

Kaylee in the engine room... I don't think that this detracts from her innocence in any real way at all... If you look at the old-west that this is based upon, there was a lot of innocent sexual playing around going on between young men and women of the period. Often referred to as 'Rolling around in Haystacks' with a bit of a grope and lots of hormones... It was VERY common way back when between small town farmers daughters and the son of the blacksmith or whatever. That's all Kaylee was up to. Think of her as the youngest child meeting a bit of a cuties and going for a quick knee-trembler behind the barn. After all, sexual attitudes have changed a lot over the years. And as for her leaving in Serenity, it's just like Huckleberry Finn going out into the world to earn his fortune. If Huck was female and cute and in his late teens (I still have trouble with the fact that Jewel Staite is only 20!!! She seems older and is AMAZING! Anyone know how old Summer Glau is?)

My second point is Inarra... I don't think she's a whore. Yes, she has sex for money... But it's more than that. She's had extensive training, and I'm willing to bet that 99% of that training concentrated on things other than sex... She's like Counsellor Troi and a Hooker and... Someone motherly and big-sisterly and Wifely all at once. You don't go to Companions just for sex... As Saffron indicated in 'Our Mrs. Reynolds' there are regular Scarlet Women plying a trade of sex for money, but Companions are just that. A companion. You get a listening ear, a pretty smile, someone to listen to your troubles and perhaps offer a little advice... You get a Wife and Mother for a night... or more. To give you a little TLC that is probably sadly missing out on the frontier. Every little boy needs his mother-substitute, and there are lots of little boys in the old west.

Inarra is about as far from being a Whore as it is possible to be. She's more like a Shrink who sleeps with her clients as part of the healing process. I wouldn't be surprised if some men DON'T, in fact, sleep with her but just enjoy the sympathetic ear.

Twelve spheres of unendurable brightness spalled the velvety blackness of space.
The silence on Lester Tourville's flag bridge was absolute
And then the spell was broken as Shannon Foraker looked up from her console from where she had just sent a seemingly innocent command to the main computers of State Security's finest Superdreadnoughts.
"Oops." She said.


Friday, November 15, 2002 10:55 AM


"Mal's already got the most in-demand engineer around, and he just happens to catch that guy screwing the only person who's BETTER? Come on. That's just hopelessly contrived."

Where do you get that from??? Bester was clearly an idiot from the moment he first walked on camera. And Mal knew it, but (it seems implied) hired him anyway because Bester was the best he could come up with. When Mal referred to Bester as "our genius engineer" he was being sarcastic. And to underscore the point, Bester overhears this and says, "Genius? (snicker) Wow, no one's ever called me a genius before!" (duh-huh)

And why are people calling Kaylee "innocent"? She's young, she's sweet, she's tomboyish and she's "boy crazy" (Jewel Staite's own words.) But she's certainly not innocent. If anyone finds finds her sex scene with Bester incongruous, you're clearly not picking up on what Joss Whedon is trying to do with this show in terms of depicting complex, messy, multi-dimensional characters.


Friday, November 15, 2002 12:18 PM



Where do you get that from??? Bester was clearly an idiot from the moment he first walked on camera. And Mal knew it, but (it seems implied) hired him anyway because Bester was the best he could come up with.
OK, you got me on that detail, but the problem still remains: Just happening to pick up an outstanding engineer because she's screwing aboard the ship with the present one is still obviously just put in there for the sake of throwing in some meaningless sex. So it's still a cheap, lazy, sensationalist, preachy way to fill in a scene by falling back to the tired old you-can-put-it-anywhere-in-the-story default. Sex is the duct tape and caulk of TV; it's used to cobble together and patch over something that wasn't built right in the first place.


...not picking up on what Joss Whedon is trying to do with this show in terms of depicting complex, messy, multi-dimensional characters.
Either that, or we're tired of being preached at that throwing sex all over everything equals multidimensional, complex, deep, philosophical character development.


Friday, November 15, 2002 3:43 PM



Originally posted by Delvo:

Where do you get that from??? Bester was clearly an idiot from the moment he first walked on camera. And Mal knew it, but (it seems implied) hired him anyway because Bester was the best he could come up with.
OK, you got me on that detail, but the problem still remains: Just happening to pick up an outstanding engineer because she's screwing aboard the ship with the present one is still obviously just put in there for the sake of throwing in some meaningless sex. So it's still a cheap, lazy, sensationalist, preachy way to fill in a scene by falling back to the tired old you-can-put-it-anywhere-in-the-story default. Sex is the duct tape and caulk of TV; it's used to cobble together and patch over something that wasn't built right in the first place.


...not picking up on what Joss Whedon is trying to do with this show in terms of depicting complex, messy, multi-dimensional characters.
Either that, or we're tired of being preached at that throwing sex all over everything equals multidimensional, complex, deep, philosophical character development.

While I WILL agree with you that sex is way overused in general on TV, I have to disagree about this particular instance. For me it was an amusing and unexpected way of introducing Kaylee's character. I would also point out that it's the only sex scene we've seen out of eight episodes, which I don't think is that bad. Particularly considering that one of the main characters is a prostitute.

We'll just have to agree to disagree!


Friday, November 15, 2002 4:36 PM



Originally posted by Delvo:
Sex is the duct tape and caulk of TV; it's used to cobble together and patch over something that wasn't built right in the first place.

Either that, or we're tired of being preached at that throwing sex all over everything equals multidimensional, complex, deep, philosophical character development.

BTW- I think for most TV shows, sex is simply a cheap ploy to draw in more viewers, nothing more.

That being the case, I say for the sake of Firefly let'm all start having a whole lotta sex there on Serenity.


Friday, November 15, 2002 4:50 PM



Originally posted by kef:

While I WILL agree with you that sex is way overused in general on TV, I have to disagree about this particular instance. For me it was an amusing and unexpected way of introducing Kaylee's character. I would also point out that it's the only sex scene we've seen out of eight episodes, which I don't think is that bad. Particularly considering that one of the main characters is a prostitute.

We'll just have to agree to disagree!

Well, there was the time with Inara, and Zoe&Wash, and, umm...the other time that I can't seem to remember, but you get the point.

Sweet is love when all is sane
Sweet is death to end the pain
Cruel is death when all is well
Cruel is love when all is hell


Friday, November 15, 2002 8:28 PM



Originally posted by Sensou:

Well, there was the time with Inara, and Zoe&Wash, and, umm...the other time that I can't seem to remember, but you get the point.

D'oh! Zoe and Wash, yep. I stand corrected. Although since they're married it's not quite so gratuitous to show them in bed together.
I don't remember a scene with Inara that showed any actual sex, but I didn't tape all the eps and obviously my memory is not to be trusted.


Friday, November 29, 2002 8:05 AM


one more thing about Kaylee (I know the discussion is old but I just read all of it):

when I saw "Out Of Gas" and the sex scene with Kaylee and Bester I suddenly understood all the better, what Kaylee was saying to Simon just at the end of "Jaynestown". she asked him why he's so stiff and proper and implied here that she couldn't understand why he wouldn't want to sleep with her. I think that fits perfectly. normally she's used to guys like Bester who really don't play hard to get. and now there comes this cute little boy and she'd like to have im in her bed and he seems to "like her well enough" (that's a quote) and then he "goes all stiff" and avoids the issue. she can't understand it and is troubled by it.

and I predict as time goes by she'll learn to appreciate it. I think he really 'likes her well enough'. but he's not that kind of guy, he wouldn't just have sex with her. he's offering more by keeping his 'proper' distance and showing respect. there will come the EP where she understands this and he will know it and offer her his heart.

unless all the fans out there are true about Simon being gay. I really hope not, he's too cute to be 'lost' to the boys. but that's just a girl with a little crush on him speaking.

so you see, you can have your Jayne and you can have your Mal, I'll gladly take Simon.



Wednesday, January 29, 2003 7:09 AM


Does anyone know where I can download all of the Firefly episodes from?


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 8:05 AM


They can be found on Kazaa or at






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