Create a Desired Upcoming Episode Blurb

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 6, 2009 08:56
VIEWED: 6243
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Thursday, November 27, 2008 5:28 PM


You know how every episode has a breif blurb that gives you an idea of what happens during the course of the episode?

Well, what would have happened if the show continued? What other jobs, schemes, adventures, or misadventures would they have encountered.

Here's an idea - post your episode blurb, one that you would have liked to see.

Such as;

"The crew is offered large bounty for an easy job, only the drop is in Serenity Valley. Mal must weigh the profit against the ghosts and memories he's fought so long to suppress."


Thursday, November 27, 2008 7:36 PM


"Simon, Kaylee and River return to Osiris to reunite with their parents. Regan's illness worsens; Gabriel hides a personal secret."

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Monday, December 15, 2008 6:20 AM


Oooooh fun!!

"Inara passionately reunites with an old lover while Simon and Jayne work together in a race against time to prevent tragedy in Jayne's hometown."


Monday, December 15, 2008 6:53 AM


Season 4: Episode 23 of 24 Title : ADRIFT

With Zoe expecting the birth of her first child - she, Wash, Inara and Kaylee make the difficult decision to remain on Persephone. Simon and River, in the meantime, take a freighter ship bound to the outer rim to further evade the far reaching grip of high-priced bounty hunters; and Book, Jayne, Saphron and Mal still remain missing after their initial search for SERENITY -which had been impounded by the Alliance - was rumoured to have ended in failure amid a reaver attack off the rings of Boreus.

Nice topic Schism


Monday, December 15, 2008 7:01 AM


Originally posted by AgentRouka:


"Inara passionately reunites with an old lover while Simon and Jayne work together in a race against time to prevent tragedy in Jayne's hometown."

Ok I'm intrigued!!!!


Monday, December 15, 2008 9:03 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Season 4: Episode 23 of 24 Title : ADRIFT

With Zoe expecting the birth of her first child - she, Wash, Inara and Kaylee make the difficult decision to remain on Persephone. Simon and River, in the meantime, take a freighter ship bound to the outer rim to further evade the far reaching grip of high-priced bounty hunters; and Book, Jayne, Saphron and Mal still remain missing after their initial search for SERENITY -which had been impounded by the Alliance - was rumoured to have ended in failure amid a reaver attack off the rings of Boreus.

Nice topic Schism

I LIKE! The crew parting ways like that, especially with the uncertainty whether River and Simon will ever make it back! Wash and Zoe fretting over the baby, Inara and Kaylee handling the crazy practicalities in awesome girl power ways while - OMG! - thinking Mal, Jayne and Book are dead! And I would so love to see a bonding moment between Saffron and Book...!


Monday, December 15, 2008 9:23 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Originally posted by AgentRouka:


"Inara passionately reunites with an old lover while Simon and Jayne work together in a race against time to prevent tragedy in Jayne's hometown."

Ok I'm intrigued!!!!


I love Jayne and Simon bonding, mastermind Simon and family!Jayne... It'd be something medical, I'm sure. Something road movie-ish where their ground transport breaks down and they hitch-hike and walk through terraformed, young woods and by ugly factories and farms and meet lots of people and are in danger all the time. Like "O Brother Where Art Thou" in Firefly-esque - to bring a certain kind of medication to the village. Medication they stole. And Simon has to communicate with the village medics via comm links and coordinate care efforts while the situation becomes more and more desperate. Or something!

As for Inara... I figure a mutual "one who got away" type relationship that abruptly ended when she chose to leave the Core. They meet again in a vague connection to one of Mal's jobs, dance around one another, pretending they're not, very profundly seduce each other and very gently break each other's hearts again knowing it couldn't work, with the lives they lead now. Inara feels oddly bereft and emotionally inspired at the same time and ends the episode talking about life paths with Mal, not knowing that he knows and is bothered by what happened.


Monday, December 15, 2008 9:31 AM


Thank you AgentRouka. :D

I was toying with the notion of Badger being the harbinger of the bad news. To the extent it itimates that it is he who is behind the crew being disbanded and without a ship. His purpose? To collect the bounty on Simon and River Tam.

- Now I'm all manner of curious as to who Inara's ex lover is and how Mal deals with that! (oops was typing before I saw your post above)


Monday, December 15, 2008 9:39 AM


" While on an illegal salvage mission to Earth-That-Was, Jayne finds that not only has he been followed by an Alliance gun ship, but that the wormhole has closed- seemingly for good; Mal gets word aboard Serenity that Kaylee and Simon's honeymoon has been interrupted by Niska's thugs; Fanty & Mingo get arrested on Persephone for impersonating Fruity Oaty Bar Sweepstakes winners."*

*May be pre-empted by Footballisall


Monday, December 15, 2008 9:42 AM


Originally posted by AgentRouka:


I love Jayne and Simon bonding, mastermind Simon and family!Jayne... It'd be something medical, I'm sure. Something road movie-ish where their ground transport breaks down and they hitch-hike and walk through terraformed, young woods and by ugly factories and farms and meet lots of people and are in danger all the time. Like "O Brother Where Art Thou" in Firefly-esque - to bring a certain kind of medication to the village. Medication they stole. And Simon has to communicate with the village medics via comm links and coordinate care efforts while the situation becomes more and more desperate. Or something!

As for Inara... I figure a mutual "one who got away" type relationship that abruptly ended when she chose to leave the Core. They meet again in a vague connection to one of Mal's jobs, dance around one another, pretending they're not, very profundly seduce each other and very gently break each other's hearts again knowing it couldn't work, with the lives they lead now. Inara feels oddly bereft and emotionally inspired at the same time and ends the episode talking about life paths with Mal, not knowing that he knows and is bothered by what happened.

Dang AgentRouka that's good!!!

Joss d'you need a writer for Dollhouse!!!

I'm loving the Jayne/Simon road-movie notion. How much potential in that there notion?!
and poor Mal. I'd feel for him in that situation. Been there. That tricky thing about wanting to know more about someone you care for - only to find that what you learn... hurts.

What a shame this show didn't continue...

*Hangs head low*


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 4:02 AM


The crew recieves a transmission about a job on a rim world, but Book recognizes the client. The two had previously met during the Unification War when Book was an *ahem* operative.

During the job Mal learns some things about Book that are upsetting, namely that Book fought on the opposite side and is responsible for Browncoat deaths that Mal and Zoe take rather personally. The job winds up a success but the episode ends with heightened tension twixt Book and Mal/Zoe.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 4:19 AM



Originally posted by bluesuncompanyman:
The crew recieves a transmission about a job on a rim world, but Book recognizes the client. The two had previously met during the Unification War when Book was an *ahem* operative.

During the job Mal learns some things about Book that are upsetting, namely that Book fought on the opposite side and is responsible for Browncoat deaths that Mal and Zoe take rather personally. The job winds up a success but the episode ends with heightened tension twixt Book and Mal/Zoe.

I like this idea, especially if it doesn't go predictably and Book is NOT apologetic or sorry, and some things come to light that show that the Browncoats weren't all squeaky clean in their tactics, either..! :D The tensions could go all the way through the crew!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:22 AM


During a refit/refuel on Persephone, Mal, Zoe, Kaylee, Wash and Jayne return to find no Serenity. Why/where have River, Simon and Book taken the ship?


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:26 AM



Originally posted by scouseratheart:
During a refit/refuel on Persephone, Mal, Zoe, Kaylee, Wash and Jayne return to find no Serenity. Why/where have River, Simon and Book taken the ship?

To meet with Inara? Since you didn't mention her. *G*


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:32 AM


Nope. Inara was blissfully (pun intended) unaware of the situation until, later, she too returns to the docks to find no Serenity. Meanwhile, the crew is landlocked and this makes them all kinds of twitchy (in different ways).

I'll spill my whole idea later.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:43 AM


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Fanty & Mingo get arrested on Persephone for impersonating Fruity Oaty Bar Sweepstakes winners."*

*Snort* Cool


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 7:42 AM


Season 4: Episode 04 of 24 Title : Castaways

Serenity is peppered by a minor meteor shower while in space, sending her pitching out of control towards a small remote planet. Wash using his flight skills manages to land the craft but incurs severe head trauma and slips into a coma.

Book researches the planet and comes to understand that they are on an Alliance Classified planet of the highest order and that it is only mid-way through terraforming; meaning that not only are they subject to the impurities in the atmosphere that could lead to long term damage, but also that an Alliance recon ship is most assuredly on it's way to investigate.

With time at a premium it's a desperate struggle to repair the ship before they fall victim from the impure air and also, to run from the alliance - a task made all the harder with their ace pilot still in a coma. However a revelation suggests that an unusual member of the crew is also able to pilot Serenity to safety....

Later while the crew rejoice in their success and Wash's recovery, Mal and Book discuss the ramifications of a classified planet and Book proposes to Mal that their escape was too easy.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 7:50 AM


"Fanty & Mingo break out of an Alliance holding cell by confusing the guard into thinking they are a holograph, Mal makes a deal with them to get them and their holdings to a moon where they can set up shop again after their operation was destroyed by Niska and the New Operative, River teaches Mingo how to behave differently from his brother. (Pilot for the spin-off series; Fanty N' Mingo regular episodes begin next week in this time slot)"

The Oaty Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:28 AM



Originally posted by scouseratheart:
Nope. Inara was blissfully (pun intended) unaware of the situation until, later, she too returns to the docks to find no Serenity. Meanwhile, the crew is landlocked and this makes them all kinds of twitchy (in different ways).

I'll spill my whole idea later.

Oh, I see! And please do. :) I love the idea of the less than entirely experienced crew members taking off with Serenity and Mal turning blue with panic! :D


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:32 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Season 4: Episode 04 of 24 Title : Castaways

This one sounds amazing!! I love the plotty set-up for later episodes and the crew development (River??) weaved together! Plus, the contaminated air aspect would create some nice moments of irrational claustrophia... they're surrounded by space every day but poisenous air? Ooooh! Brilliant!

Also, since you post with episode numbers and all... plllleeeeeeaaase, tell me you have three extra seasons worth of episode blurbs! :D


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 11:13 AM


AgentRouka Wrote:


This one sounds amazing!! I love the plotty set-up for later episodes and the crew development (River??) weaved together!

He, He. Yes it's River....


Plus, the contaminated air aspect would create some nice moments of irrational claustrophia... they're surrounded by space every day but poisenous air? Ooooh! Brilliant!

Also, since you post with episode numbers and all... plllleeeeeeaaase, tell me you have three extra seasons worth of episode blurbs! :D

Yes. Seasons Two and Three will be mainly comprised of self-contained episodes but this season, season four has an arc (Kinda :D)

and the poor air quality will come to have further significance at a later stage :)

Thanks for the kind words.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 11:20 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Yes. Seasons Two and Three will be mainly comprised of self-contained episodes but this season, season four has an arc (Kinda :D)

...!!! So are you going to share?? :D Must I bribe you?


and the poor air quality will come to have further significance at a later stage :)

Uh oh. I'm torn between it being PAX-related, and it being related to either River's brain or someone's unborn child. Or maybe they just all get a bad cough and need to take a special vacation episode? Argh! *handflap*

Share something from Season 3! :D


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:06 PM


Earth That Was left so many unexplored story opportunities.

One question can a dead Wash father a child?


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 2:08 AM


Wasn't really considering the Film at this stage. I'm focusing between Episode 16 and SERENITY. (Or I suppose there's even scope to go in between the firefly episodes too....)


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 2:20 AM


Originally posted by AgentRouka:


...!!! So are you going to share?? :D Must I bribe you?

Bribes are good! Back handers, brown envelopes, a duffel bag left beside your foot at the airport terminal... All's good :D Even jelly beans have been known to work. :P


Uh oh. I'm torn between it being PAX-related, and it being related to either River's brain or someone's unborn child. Or maybe they just all get a bad cough and need to take a special vacation episode? Argh! *handflap*

Dang it! I gave it to you too soon.


Share something from Season 3! :D

Well I was going to concentrate on Book in Season three. The core element being that there is a high priced 'Hit' out on the good Shepherd. It's a curious build up at first but as the season goes on more and more of these hits take place and eventually Book has to leave Serenity to try and put an end to it. How he does it and just whom is issuing these hits is the mystery. I'll see if I can do a couple tonight.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 3:37 AM


What a fun thread this is. Kinda like the old days of (Like I would know. I'm coming up on my 3-year birthday.)

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 6:41 AM


"After a job he sets up for the BDH goes wrong, Badger winds up married to Yo-Saff-Brig."

The beginning of a whole story arc...


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 8:50 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Bribes are good! Back handers, brown envelopes, a duffel bag left beside your foot at the airport terminal... All's good :D Even jelly beans have been known to work. :P

Any color jelly beans?


Dang it! I gave it to you too soon.

*grabby hands* No way....


Well I was going to concentrate on Book in Season three. The core element being that there is a high priced 'Hit' out on the good Shepherd. It's a curious build up at first but as the season goes on more and more of these hits take place and eventually Book has to leave Serenity to try and put an end to it. How he does it and just whom is issuing these hits is the mystery. I'll see if I can do a couple tonight.

I do not htink I've seen this approach taken to a Book plot before! Especially if the mystery is not resolved at all but rather even heightened!

Also, I would be most delighted!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 8:51 AM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:
"After a job he sets up for the BDH goes wrong, Badger winds up married to Yo-Saff-Brig."

The beginning of a whole story arc...

Made for each other!! *G*


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11:21 AM


I've worked on this one awhile, the specifics aren't there, but the structure of the story skeleton is worked out in my mind.

Season 2 episode 18 "We Were Soldiers"

In an opening sequence, we are gifted with a new sequence from the war. Mal is between battles and eating with Browncoat solders in a trench. The sequence ends with him staring into a cup of water in his hand. Transition: we are now shown Mal, sitting alone in the dinning room in Serenity, with a cup on the table and he's lost in thought. He gets up to join the crew to see whats going on, since they just left a world and are flying into the black from port and Kaylee is calling everyone into the cargo hold to show/tell them something. I don't know what Kaylee wants to show the crew...It could be an object she aquired, or wants to talk about someone she met on planet, or any number of different things. But whatever it is, Mal reacts BADLY to it. As in he turns into a total A-hole and makes Kaylee cry thus upseting Inara who scolds him. Everyone else has a vocal opinion about Mal's bad behavior (including River who says something cryptic) except for one person: Zoe. There needs to be a camera angle on her in the scene showing her looking at Mal, wordlessly. It should be subtle, like an easter egg for fans to find later, as they will come to understand that Zoe knows exactly why Mal is upset.

The remainder of the episode consists of various flashbacks to the War, where we learn the truth of Mal's bad reaction to Kaylee. The episode finishes with Mal back in the dinning area, again with his cup, sitting in silence. The final scene ends with a camera angle of his face in frame looking away towards his cup in thought, and we watch as a single tear leaks from an eye. It is the first time we have ever seen such emotion from him. A mournful rim world fiddle plays over this scene and holds a final note as we read "Executive Producer, Joss Whedon"

Many of the best Buffy episodes hold sound into that 1st credit for dramitic effect.

I've had this episode in my mind for 3 years. I don't know the specifics, just the framework. I'd leave it to Joss to Wow us.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:11 PM


Originally posted by AgentRouka:


Any color jelly beans?

Anything but liquorice - I hate liquorice.... Favourites would be; Pear Sundae and Caribbean coconut :P


*grabby hands* No way....

Yup.. Way


I do not htink I've seen this approach taken to a Book plot before! Especially if the mystery is not resolved at all but rather even heightened!

Also, I would be most delighted!

Well I like to think that Book pissed off alot of people in his past. Perhaps through doing good just as much as through doing something questionable.... Anyway as 'Bugs' likes to say " On with the bugs bunny show..."

Season 3. Episode 7 : In evil hour.

Serenity pulls into 'Bacchus Docks' to settle some business and rendezvous with Inara - who had flown ahead earlier for her business, when upon their approach the dock port explodes! The Bacchus port is shaken to the core and there is mass panic as ships take flight to avoid further explosions.

Later a wave from Inara informs Mal and the crew that the Bacchus complex is under alert and that no-one is allowed in or out indefinitely, as the feds suspect the incident deliberate - and she doesn't know when she can make it back to Serenity. Surmising Serenity was the intended target Mal and the crew try and work out just who this powerful Mal may have pissed off, to warrant such a display. With boyish petulance Mal objects but then Zoe reminds him of Commissar Lars Forrester.

Mal reluctant to enlighten the rest of the crew on the subject looks to Shepherd Book for some kind of guidance - who curiously urges Mal to 'Rabbit' leaving Inara behind. Serenity hits glow and vanishes out of sight of the Bacchus Port. Inara accepting her predicament turns and heads to her quarters...

To Inara's surprise Mal is already there! (playful and cool about the whole thing as you can imagine Mal being) Incredulous Inara asks how and Mal explains he drifted in wearing the space suit and that they really don't have time for this as they must hurry and flee in her shuttle and rendezvous with Serenity. There are a few tense moments avoiding the feds but they make it to the shuttle and manage to rendezvous with Serenity.

On reflection Mal is unconvinced that it was the work of the Commissar but accepts that they must be extra careful with whom they deal with from now on. Shepherd Book gives Mal a quizzical knowing look.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:28 PM


Originally posted by bluesuncompanyman:

Season 2 episode 18 "We Were Soldiers"

Awesome title! Very powerful!


In an opening sequence, we are gifted with a new sequence from the war. Mal is between battles and eating with Browncoat solders in a trench. The sequence ends with him staring into a cup of water in his hand. Transition: we are now shown Mal, sitting alone in the dinning room in Serenity, with a cup on the table and he's lost in thought.

Beautiful imagery. Something like this is all about the actor and maybe the music in the background. Nice stuff.

Could Kaylee maybe be talking frivously about a liason she had with an army man, and she says something like :
" Y'know how ripped those guys are..."
and Mal takes offence to it because he once was such a man - before he was bitter and broken...



Wednesday, December 17, 2008 6:43 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

Could Kaylee maybe be talking frivously about a liason she had with an army man, and she says something like :
" Y'know how ripped those guys are..."
and Mal takes offence to it because he once was such a man - before he was bitter and broken...

I'm not certain in my minds eye what Mal would be mad about, that's the problem. I have the story skeleton, but not the meat of it. I wanted whatever it was to be something important to Kaylee, something that people on the crew would think awsome. That way when Mal becomes an A-hole nobody understands. Mental war scars are like that. A good friend of my father will not watch fireworks during july 4 because they remind him of Vietnam, when the VC would shoot up flares while looking for americans and the sounds remind him of airburst shelling.

My point is, there is only one person who understands the "thing" and that's Zoe. I also thought of a scene where Wash could walk away with Zoe and once out of range make a sideways comment only to be tersely rebuked by Zoe who, even after seemingly defending Mal, refuses to explain why.

I wanted to put a human face on Mal's pain, and start to peel back the layers of hurt a man feels when he watches his land burn and his sea boil.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 8:55 PM



Originally posted by bluesuncompanyman:
I also thought of a scene where Wash could walk away with Zoe and once out of range make a sideways comment only to be tersely rebuked by Zoe who, even after seemingly defending Mal, refuses to explain why.

This could also be a great set-up to further explore Wash and Zoe's marital problems, the way they drift apart because Zoe refuses to really communicate with Wash and deal with the way the war affected her!

Would be a nice mirror to the defeated image of Mal you close the episode with. :)


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 9:03 PM


TS, you really know how to reel them in! The Commissar Lars Forrester, now?? What's the story behind that?

I like how sneaky Book is about all this, absolutely refusing to give anything away, even knowing it must chip away at Mal's trust and patience...

Bacchus port is some kind of space station, I take it, for Mal to be able to float in with a space suit? :) Gah, he and his pranks.



Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:49 AM


Originally posted by AgentRouka:

TS, you really know how to reel them in! The Commissar Lars Forrester, now?? What's the story behind that?

Thank you. Ahh yes Forrester... Someone Mal stole from? An old war time nemesis? Or perhaps an angry husband...? Who knows at this stage....


I like how sneaky Book is about all this, absolutely refusing to give anything away, even knowing it must chip away at Mal's trust and patience...

Yes I wonedered about that during the Message. Book looked very confident towards the end but at first he took time to assess the situation. As though calculating something....


Bacchus port is some kind of space station, I take it, for Mal to be able to float in with a space suit? :) Gah, he and his pranks.

Yup. It is. I should probably have elaborated, only I am trying to keep these brief. It's tricky after a while.



Will do, but I'm wondering. Should I maybe do this elsewhere?


Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:38 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Thank you. Ahh yes Forrester... Someone Mal stole from? An old war time nemesis? Or perhaps an angry husband...? Who knows at this stage....

Saffron-related..?? :D


Will do, but I'm wondering. Should I maybe do this elsewhere?

Possibly a good idea... a separate thread?


Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:06 AM


Tune in to see :

Mal goes for a haircut, recognizes the barber as a former Alliance brute, so he slits his throat with a number 3 clipper, and steals his tip jar.

Badger has a duel to the death with the Geico gekko to determine who will be able to continue using that cockney dialect.

Saffron returns to Triumph and kicks the Elder in the nuts, just 'cause she wants to.

Wash's clone, now 2 years old, grabs babysitter Inara's boob and says oooh, good boob.

President Obama guest stars as Jubal Early's brother Hymie, out to avenge his death, or at least to register the crew as Democrats.

Hands of Blue guys accidentally fall into a boiling vat of red dye #5, and perish in a brownish-colored haze.

River and Jayne, having been happily married for a year, announce the birth of their daughter Fred.

Tune in next week, same gorram time, same ruttin' network.


Friday, December 19, 2008 6:15 PM



Originally posted by bluesuncompanyman:
I've worked on this one awhile, the specifics aren't there, but the structure of the story skeleton is worked out in my mind.

Season 2 episode 18 "We Were Soldiers"

In an opening sequence, we are gifted with a new sequence from the war. Mal is between battles and eating with Browncoat solders in a trench. The sequence ends with him staring into a cup of water in his hand. Transition: we are now shown Mal, sitting alone in the dinning room in Serenity, with a cup on the table and he's lost in thought. He gets up to join the crew to see whats going on, since they just left a world and are flying into the black from port and Kaylee is calling everyone into the cargo hold to show/tell them something. I don't know what Kaylee wants to show the crew...It could be an object she aquired, or wants to talk about someone she met on planet, or any number of different things. But whatever it is, Mal reacts BADLY to it. As in he turns into a total A-hole and makes Kaylee cry thus upseting Inara who scolds him. Everyone else has a vocal opinion about Mal's bad behavior (including River who says something cryptic) except for one person: Zoe. There needs to be a camera angle on her in the scene showing her looking at Mal, wordlessly. It should be subtle, like an easter egg for fans to find later, as they will come to understand that Zoe knows exactly why Mal is upset.

The remainder of the episode consists of various flashbacks to the War, where we learn the truth of Mal's bad reaction to Kaylee. The episode finishes with Mal back in the dinning area, again with his cup, sitting in silence. The final scene ends with a camera angle of his face in frame looking away towards his cup in thought, and we watch as a single tear leaks from an eye. It is the first time we have ever seen such emotion from him. A mournful rim world fiddle plays over this scene and holds a final note as we read "Executive Producer, Joss Whedon"

Many of the best Buffy episodes hold sound into that 1st credit for dramitic effect.

I've had this episode in my mind for 3 years. I don't know the specifics, just the framework. I'd leave it to Joss to Wow us.


Perhaps what that thing is is a reminder of his home planet Shadow. Maybe a symbol the Malcom's had to show this was their ranch (ranches have symbols, icons on their gates), and Mal had a smaller one he made into a pendant or charm, the only thing he had left of his world and his mother. Might be at one point during the war, maybe on a reconnaicence (SP?) or rescue mission they went into an Alliance camp and the head officer had the large ranch symbol hanging over his tent (token of the mans first command?) and of course Mal goes ballistic and jeopardizes the whole mission (and ends up killing the officer?) and this get's him demoted (that may not be important) But the symbol's lost until years later Kaylee sees it, thinks it's pretty, and not knowing it was from Mal's own ranch buys it, not knowing the reprecussions (and bad memories it brings, which of course was leading Mal into the war. Maybe this is the crux (him seeing his Ma's symbol above the enemies door) that makes him into what he becomes. The turning point. From there he just runs blindly on faith because he has nothing else.

Oh, and the final scene could be him holding and rubbing the smaller symbol that once held memories of mom, home, freedom, and life.

Just spitballing here, but something personal may be one of the ways to go. Fun thread. Oh what might have been. :)

{{{*~A footer is the closing of an article, not a kinky sex move~*}}}


Tuesday, January 6, 2009 4:47 AM


I'm sad to see this thread dying out, so here is another blurb I've been mulling over in my head.

A friend of mine first noted that the actress Sarah Chalke from the TV show Scrubs looks very much like Jewel Staite. Almost like a sister...

Then I had an idea. How about a fun little episode about Kaylee where the crew is required to set down on the very planet/moon where Kaylee first came aboard with Bester. The reason they're here is that Kaylee's sister (played by Sarah Chalke) has sent her a wave on the Cortex for (insert reason). Once aboard, (perhaps she needs a free ride somewhere and is freerolling on sis? This would annoy profit motivated Mal) we find out that she has a history of trying to steal Kaylee's boyfriends and immediately starts hitting on Simon who has NO CLUE how to handle it. In the end, hilarity ensues and Kaylee's sis is eventually dumped off at her destination. By episodes end the process of meeting her actually strengthens Simon and Kaylee's relationship. In the final scene we'd be gifted with a 1st kiss. This of course flys in the face of their relationship in the movie, but I'm thinking "what-if" had the show continued in a proper fashon.

I like this episode because it serves as a comedy in my mind, something needed after an episodic Drama like my idea above for "We Were Soldiers"


Tuesday, January 6, 2009 8:56 AM



Originally posted by bluesuncompanyman:
How about a fun little episode about Kaylee where the crew is required to set down on the very planet/moon where Kaylee first came aboard with Bester. The reason they're here is that Kaylee's sister (played by Sarah Chalke) has sent her a wave on the Cortex for (insert reason). Once aboard, (perhaps she needs a free ride somewhere and is freerolling on sis? This would annoy profit motivated Mal) we find out that she has a history of trying to steal Kaylee's boyfriends and immediately starts hitting on Simon who has NO CLUE how to handle it. In the end, hilarity ensues and Kaylee's sis is eventually dumped off at her destination. By episodes end the process of meeting her actually strengthens Simon and Kaylee's relationship. In the final scene we'd be gifted with a 1st kiss.

Oh, I like that. All of that. write it, somebody.






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Sat, June 15, 2024 15:12 - 35 posts
Map of the Verse discussion
Mon, April 29, 2024 22:33 - 171 posts
Other actors on Firefly.
Mon, April 29, 2024 21:50 - 92 posts
Zoic studios best work on Firefly
Wed, February 14, 2024 07:12 - 1 posts
Firefly Honest Trailer
Tue, June 27, 2023 16:58 - 8 posts
Chronological Order of Episodes.
Sat, November 26, 2022 16:47 - 39 posts
The Unmade Episodes
Sun, June 12, 2022 14:39 - 1 posts
Episode sequence?
Wed, February 16, 2022 00:58 - 9 posts
Questions about Sound in Space
Mon, November 29, 2021 20:47 - 41 posts
Itinerary for Serenity during the 9 months of Firefly/Serenity.
Thu, June 20, 2019 20:39 - 21 posts
The Savant Crew
Wed, May 15, 2019 13:47 - 32 posts