One question/problem about ariel

UPDATED: Sunday, February 29, 2004 18:48
VIEWED: 9773
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Sunday, November 17, 2002 5:24 AM


While I was rewatching Ariel last night it occured to me that since the blue hands already knew that river and simon were on a firefly class ship that when serenity took off minutes after simon, river, and jayne escaped that the blue hands would now know exactly which firefly they were on. Or even if not exactly they can probably narrow it down a lot. Maybe this was intended, or maybe i am just bieng dumb. (btw that is a high-larious emoticon)



Sunday, November 17, 2002 8:13 AM


There were other problems too.

I thought it improbable that they could buy four uniforms/security passes for "a couple of bills" as I think was stated. Uniforms maybe, but not four security passes. These are not simple fake IDs so you can go drinking. These are supposed to open doors in a high security facility. I would think they would be expensive to procure. Someone will likely point out that they didn't actually open the doors they were supposed to, but Zoe said "they must have been demagnetized." Or maybe the seller simply ripped Mal & co. off. So that's why they were inexpensive.

More unbelievable to me was that Wash and Kaylee were able to slap together a working med vehicle out of junk parts so quickly. Not that they weren't capable of building it, but that they were able to do it seemingly in just a few hours, at most.

And most junk yard want money for their junk. Particularly the big, useful pieces of junk. Simon specifically said it was a "shopping expedition". Yet in the beginning they talk about needing a job because they hadn't had one in a while- implying that they're short of cash?

Having said all that, I'm very willing to overlook stuff like this for an amazing story. And this was an amazing episode. (And as improbable as these particular scenes may have been, they were still fun to watch.) As I've said repeatedly, this show is about the characters. Not the technical stuff.


Sunday, November 17, 2002 8:19 AM



Originally posted by kef:

More unbelievable to me was that Wash and Kaylee were able to slap together a working med vehicle out of junk parts so quickly. Not that they weren't capable of building it, but that they were able to do it seemingly in just a few hours, at most.

From planning to finish the job took two days. Wash and Kaylee had spare parts and what looked like the entire frame of the ship to work with. I also got the impression the ship was the last thing finished. So they had almost that entire two days to build it.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Sunday, November 17, 2002 8:25 AM



Originally posted by JaynesGirlfriend:
From planning to finish the job took two days. Wash and Kaylee had spare parts and what looked like the entire frame of the ship to work with. I also got the impression the ship was the last thing finished. So they had almost that entire two days to build it.

Go Kaylee and Wash! I stand corrected.


Sunday, November 17, 2002 8:27 AM



Originally posted by Docebo:
While I was rewatching Ariel last night it occured to me that since the blue hands already knew that river and simon were on a firefly class ship

They don't necessarily know.


"But ... not boring, like she made it sound. " Wash, in ARIEL


Sunday, November 17, 2002 8:41 AM


Yeah. At best all the Blue Hands knew about them was that Simon and River's accomplices were disguised as med techs and they were using a fake med vehicle.


Sunday, November 17, 2002 9:03 AM


Wait, just reread the original question. Agree with EVANS- the Blue Hands didn't necessarily know River and Simon were on a Firefly beforehand. And with all the traffic we saw on Ariel when Serenity landed, they probably still didn't afterward.


Sunday, November 17, 2002 9:34 AM


The Hands of Blue were interested in the cruiser's commander's contact with a Firefly and its crew at the end of Bushwacked, and showed him a picture of River. Whether it was supposed to be shown later or not, it wasn't, so this is what we have.

However, we don't know how far away Serenity was from the hospital; the ambulance might have already been well out of sight from there before it landed in Serenity's bay again.


Sunday, November 17, 2002 9:40 AM


Good point. Oh well.


Sunday, November 17, 2002 11:17 AM


From the picture joss has painted i think we can assume that in order to land or take off they would have to ask for permision, this would leave a record of how many fireflies on are the planet at any given time. and in bushwacked the alliance crusier says that there is a tag on a firefly. Now given all that, we don't know how much time has elapsed since then so maybe the blue hands are no longer assuming that they are on a firefly.



Monday, November 18, 2002 11:31 AM



Originally posted by kef:

More unbelievable to me was that Wash and Kaylee were able to slap together a working med vehicle out of junk parts so quickly. Not that they weren't capable of building it, but that they were able to do it seemingly in just a few hours, at most. And most junk yard want money for their junk. Particularly the big, useful pieces of junk. Simon specifically said it was a "shopping expedition".

You have to remember, this is a CORRUPT inner world. The Med Vehicle was just painted over to neutralize the markings, the vehicle was replaced because it was required after a certain number of hours. The scrapyard was just that. Parts cannot be recycled because of Union Work Rules demanding new replacement parts. So they slipped the guard a fin, promised the stuff would disappear rimward and never be seen again. The scrapyard got paid on delivery, the Guard got a case of beer, the Serenity's got a fortune in stolen drugs and everybodies happy. Well, except the Alliance Marshalls and the morgue which is gonna have paperwork out the ying, and through the yang.

Who is was minor bureaucrat.


Monday, November 18, 2002 11:39 AM


On a different note, obviously the Blue Hands have no problem killing people who trust them (like the dude who double crossed Jayne) or who are already unconscious (like the guard whose neck Simon stepped on).

Can't wait to see how the Blue Hands deal with people who are actually fighting back.

Them and the Reavers seem to be cut from a similar cloth.



Monday, November 18, 2002 4:33 PM



Originally posted by TinyTimm:
You have to remember, this is a CORRUPT inner world. The Med Vehicle was just painted over to neutralize the markings, the vehicle was replaced because it was required after a certain number of hours. The scrapyard was just that. Parts cannot be recycled because of Union Work Rules demanding new replacement parts. So they slipped the guard a fin, promised the stuff would disappear rimward and never be seen again. The scrapyard got paid on delivery, the Guard got a case of beer, the Serenity's got a fortune in stolen drugs and everybodies happy. Well, except the Alliance Marshalls and the morgue which is gonna have paperwork out the ying, and through the yang.

Who is was minor bureaucrat.

LOVE this!


"But ... not boring, like she made it sound." Wash, in ARIEL


Wednesday, November 20, 2002 2:12 PM


Actually, it occured to me that the Serenity has likely already been taken off the badlist of Fireflys. Why?

Remember Bushwacked? The Alliance Commander did a fairly good search of the ship before he was attacked by the Reaver.

I can only imagine that the Commander would report that he searched the firefly Serenity and didn't find anything. This would also fit in with Safe where the Alliance didn't grab them.

However, I think they might end up doing a search on Jayne now. And if Jayne can be tagged to Serenity, they might realize their mistake.



Wednesday, November 20, 2002 2:27 PM


Good point, I hadn't thought of that.


Wednesday, November 20, 2002 2:46 PM



Originally posted by NixxIgnatius:
Actually, it occured to me that the Serenity has likely already been taken off the badlist of Fireflys. Why?

Remember Bushwacked? The Alliance Commander did a fairly good search of the ship before he was attacked by the Reaver.

I can only imagine that the Commander would report that he searched the firefly Serenity and didn't find anything. This would also fit in with Safe where the Alliance didn't grab them.

However, I think they might end up doing a search on Jayne now. And if Jayne can be tagged to Serenity, they might realize their mistake.


This definetly seems to sum it up pretty good for me. I don't think the bluehands knew anything about the fake med vehicle or anything else. If they had they would have made sure the fakes never had a chance to get away.

As for tracking Jayne how much info do they have on him being as they killed all the witnesses? He did contact the alliance twice by phone. Did he have to use a personal I.D. card to make the calls? If so I would think as much as he distrusts everyone but himself he would surely have a fake. If you noticed when he was on the vid-phone he had his face right up against it, would this possibly make it so they couldn't get a complete or good picture of him?

The med vehicle makes a lot more sense when I realized the time they had to work on it. But then again, Kaylee can do anything.(especially me)

Just some mindless ramblings. Thanks.


Saturday, November 30, 2002 7:19 AM



The Hands of Blue were interested in the cruiser's commander's contact with a Firefly and its crew at the end of Bushwacked, and showed him a picture of River. Whether it was supposed to be shown later or not, it wasn't, so this is what we have.

Actually, no -- the Bluehand Agents popped up at the end of The Train Job, not the end of Bushwhacked. So they wouldn't have known about Serenity, because nothing in the train heist provided evidence directly showing that a Firefly-class vessel was used.


Saturday, November 30, 2002 9:23 AM



Actually, no -- the Bluehand Agents popped up at the end of The Train Job, not the end of Bushwhacked. So they wouldn't have known about Serenity, because nothing in the train heist provided evidence directly showing that a Firefly-class vessel was used.

They did indeed, and all they said was that they were looking for a girl (and showed a pic of River)

However - in Bushwacked, the crew of the Alliance cruiser pulled up the following when they spotted Serenity -


"An alert issued on an unidentified vessel, Firefly flass, rumoured to be carrying two fugitives, brother and sister"

Which is why they go searching Serenity for Simon and River. So... they did know to look for a Firefly. However - I guess the chances that the pair were *still* on a Firefly would be slightly less, although the presence of a Firefly in port might suggest to them that it was likely.

I have my own question about the blue-handed guys... namely - if recapturing River is *so* important, why the did they dally to kill people while she escaped? When they disposed of the first bunch they didn't know she was gone, but they still paused to kill someone once they did know. How can it be so important to silence people who've heard her talk that they're prepared to risk her escaping to do so? (Especially someone who was incapacitated like that - they could easily have gone back for him)

I truly hope we get to find out what's going on with these guys.... and that the explanation is worth the wait.


Saturday, November 30, 2002 12:40 PM


A reminder of a crucial point already raised: They searched Serenity and didn't find them. We can safely presume they also checked the poeple's IDs, the vehicle registration, the license plate, and the VIN. So they know that ship and its people now specificly, by name, and have them on the list of Fireflies that are CLEAR. So if they figure their prey is still on a Firefly, they're not figuring it's THAT one, so Serenity would be just another one of zillions of civilian craft coming and going on private business they don't really care about.

About the Hands Of Blue: I guess River alone isn't what it's all about with them, but a little part of the picture...


Sunday, December 1, 2002 7:21 AM



Originally posted by Delvo:
A reminder of a crucial point already raised: They searched Serenity and didn't find them. We can safely presume they also checked the poeple's IDs, the vehicle registration, the license plate, and the VIN. So they know that ship and its people now specificly, by name, and have them on the list of Fireflies that are CLEAR. So if they figure their prey is still on a Firefly, they're not figuring it's THAT one, so Serenity would be just another one of zillions of civilian craft coming and going on private business they don't really care about.

Also, in "Safe" when the crew went to find an Alliance ship to get treatment for Book, the Feds would have made a record of that encounter, which certainly gave the impression that Serenity does not have its own doctor. Therefore they've got two reasons to think that Serenity isn't the Firefly-class ship harboring the missing Dr. Tam.



Sunday, December 1, 2002 5:16 PM


Delvo and Radegund -- excellent points!


Sunday, February 22, 2004 6:51 PM


This may be a stupid question, but how were they planning on getting Simon and River OUT of the hospital. They smuggled them in, were they just going to walk out?


Monday, February 23, 2004 10:15 PM



Actually, no -- the Bluehand Agents popped up at the end of The Train Job, not the end of Bushwhacked. So they wouldn't have known about Serenity, because nothing in the train heist provided evidence directly showing that a Firefly-class vessel was used.

Unless someone.......looked out the window?


Monday, February 23, 2004 11:26 PM



Originally posted by Lindley:

Actually, no -- the Bluehand Agents popped up at the end of The Train Job, not the end of Bushwhacked. So they wouldn't have known about Serenity, because nothing in the train heist provided evidence directly showing that a Firefly-class vessel was used.

Unless someone.......looked out the window?

Assuming there were windows in the roof.

I could be wrong here, but I don't recall Serenity ever dropping low enough to be alongside the train.


Tuesday, February 24, 2004 4:29 AM



This definetly seems to sum it up pretty good for me. I don't think the bluehands knew anything about the fake med vehicle or anything else. If they had they would have made sure the fakes never had a chance to get away.

What ever happened to the fake med ship?
I imagine they could sell it someplace off-world without any questions asked.


Tuesday, February 24, 2004 5:26 AM



Originally posted by Straycat:

Actually, no -- the Bluehand Agents popped up at the end of The Train Job, not the end of Bushwhacked. So they wouldn't have known about Serenity, because nothing in the train heist provided evidence directly showing that a Firefly-class vessel was used.

They did indeed, and all they said was that they were looking for a girl (and showed a pic of River)

However - in Bushwacked, the crew of the Alliance cruiser pulled up the following when they spotted Serenity -


"An alert issued on an unidentified vessel, Firefly flass, rumoured to be carrying two fugitives, brother and sister"

Which is why they go searching Serenity for Simon and River. So... they did know to look for a Firefly. However - I guess the chances that the pair were *still* on a Firefly would be slightly less, although the presence of a Firefly in port might suggest to them that it was likely.

I have my own question about the blue-handed guys... namely - if recapturing River is *so* important, why the did they dally to kill people while she escaped? When they disposed of the first bunch they didn't know she was gone, but they still paused to kill someone once they did know. How can it be so important to silence people who've heard her talk that they're prepared to risk her escaping to do so? (Especially someone who was incapacitated like that - they could easily have gone back for him)

I truly hope we get to find out what's going on with these guys.... and that the explanation is worth the wait.


I don't think they just killed the people because they spoke to River. I suspect they use the blue device to extract all the memories from the victims to ensure their secret is still safe. An unfortunate side effect seems to be death in a horribly bloody manner.

"It's about believing in something, and letting that belief be real enough to change your life"

Oh and of course,

"That's why I never kiss em on the Mouth"


Tuesday, February 24, 2004 5:32 AM



Originally posted by Docebo:
While I was rewatching Ariel last night it occured to me that since the blue hands already knew that river and simon were on a firefly class ship that when serenity took off minutes after simon, river, and jayne escaped that the blue hands would now know exactly which firefly they were on. Or even if not exactly they can probably narrow it down a lot. Maybe this was intended, or maybe i am just bieng dumb. (btw that is a high-larious emoticon)


Ok, remember that (spoiler alert for Objects in Space)

Select to view spoiler:

this is exactly how Early tracked river down

so it is an understandable question. My guess is that the Blue Hands are not in so much of a hurry to get River. It is a small 'verse and there is pleanty of time. She will resurface soon enough, and you can always count on human greed to help find her. She is important to them, but not worth exposing themselves to public scrutiny.


I have my own question about the blue-handed guys... namely - if recapturing River is *so* important, why the did they dally to kill people while she escaped? When they disposed of the first bunch they didn't know she was gone, but they still paused to kill someone once they did know. How can it be so important to silence people who've heard her talk that they're prepared to risk her escaping to do so? (Especially someone who was incapacitated like that - they could easily have gone back for him)

I kind of get the impression they are like the Men in Black, except they don't have "flashy thingies" they have brain busters. It seems much more important to them to destroy any evidence of Rivers existance in the public sphere than actually catching her.

Just my thoughts

Traveller, if you go to Sparta, tell them you have seen us lying here as the Law commands.


Tuesday, February 24, 2004 4:41 PM



However, I think they might end up doing a search on Jayne now. And if Jayne can be tagged to Serenity, they might realize their mistake.

As for tracking Jayne how much info do they have on him being as they killed all the witnesses?

That assumes that the Blue Hands know that Jayne is connected to River and Simon.
I think it's possible that they don't. I doubt that the Alliance officer kept records of his contacts with Jayne, since he was planning to double-cross him and keep the reward money for himself. He wouldn't want there to be any records floating around that might be used to cheat him out of the reward money. (After all, if they can prove that he didn't "earn" the money, then they don't have to pay it out to anyone.)
We know that Jayne was carrying a fake ID (the one he used to get into the hospital). Unless he was also carrying his real ID in, it's very likely that the name entered into the computer during "prisoner processing" was the phony name from the hospital ID. That leaves the Blue Hands with have no real information as to the identity of the man who helped River and Simon escape.


Sunday, February 29, 2004 8:18 AM


I've been considering whether Jayne's identity/existence was "made" on Arial in association with the Tams. From his actions, upto and after the incident it is pretty clear that *Jayne* doesn't consider himself in danger or doesn't care, a la his sarcastic "I've never been in trouble with the law before...". Jayne could be wrong, though.

Consider that Jayne did something that induced six men, the best of whom was armed with the finest weapon made--surely an expensive item--to try to kill him.
A) spontaneously 6 men unbeknownst to each other decided to kill Jayne at roughly the same time and place.
B) a posse got to together to hunt Jayne down and kill him.
C) someone hired 6 men to hunt Jayne down and kill him.
Let us concede that A) is unlikely and move to B). B) implies a mix of professionals and amateurs if this occurred on one of the border planets or further out--the likely location. Would your standard sheriff/lawman own Vera? I think not: so, Vera would, in this scenario, likely have belonged to a talented and relatively wealthy amateur. Even if Jayne kills the entire posse, someone back in town/on the ranch, etc. (pick your settlement) will recall that Jayne is wanted (dead or alive) for something pretty heinous as well as the killing of 6 men and will have reported this. Did the incident occur during or before the war? If yes, has the information survived the war and been integrated into the Federation databases? (Jayne may not be troubled with the possibility of this coming back to haunt him if the info was lost.) If the incident occurred post-war, then the information would be more likely to still be extant and the same reasons that Mal gave Simon as to why staying on Serenity was a good idea for the fugitive Tams applies equally to Jayne.
C) implies a "private" person or group wants Jayne dead. Private persons or groups that can afford to hire killers/bounty hunters by the half dozen tend to have a lot of money and/or resources. So, we have 1) wealthy individual, 2) corporation (Blue Sun?), 3) organized crime, 4) military, and 5) secret government organization a la Men in Black or The Initiative (the part of The Initiative in Firefly is being played tonight by the Hands of Blue). 1) wealthy individual--not yet seen or implied in the stories so far; so a complete cypher. 2) and 5) could almost be grouped together and would be too neat except that the characters have not put 2 and 2 together as to what triggers some of River's whacked out behavior--possible but is it likely as a story arc? 3) organized crime--could explain why Jayne doesn't seem to be unduly worried about dealing with the feds in order to get the reward. Alright, then, was Jayne an enforcer a la Crow? Does he owe some loan shark a lot of money--explaining his overriding focus on getting paid? He seems very intimidated by Niska's demonstration of the truth behind his reputation and is very anxious not to cross him. Possible, possible. 4) the military--Jayne says he didn't fight in the war but he does seem to be highly trained in several military-based skills. Is he a deserter? (there would be records--did they survive the war and are they integrated into the Federation databases?)

I think that being hard to find by staying on the move aboard Serenity is an unexpressed reason for much of Jayne's behavior. Note that he will argue with the rest of the crew but won't cross Mal and makes efforts to placate/mollify him when they do disagree. Jayne definitely does not want to be left planetside without a lot of money in his pocket.

I also think that it would be perfectly hilarious if the next wanted poster issued for Simon and River included Jayne as a known associate. Imagine his chagrin!

Just a few thoughts.


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)


Sunday, February 29, 2004 8:41 AM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


ljosalf wrote:
Sunday, February 29, 2004 08:18
I've been considering whether Jayne's identity/existence was "made" on Arial in association with the Tams. From his actions, upto and after the incident it is pretty clear that *Jayne* doesn't consider himself in danger or doesn't care, a la his sarcastic "I've never been in trouble with the law before...". Jayne could be wrong, though.

He could be lying. It's pretty obvious that Jayne has been making a precarious living as a cutthroat for some time now. In Our Mrs. Reynolds he says, "Once they sent six men after me..." To me that makes it sound there were other times when people were sent after him, and in Jaynestown he had run with Stitch for 6 months before the "Hero" incident occurred and that was several years back, maybe during or just after the war.



However, I think they might end up doing a search on Jayne now. And if Jayne can be tagged to Serenity, they might realize their mistake.

The bluehands people may not know how the Feds captured River and Simon. They might have just been contacted with a simple message, "We are holding your fugitives." Remember when the Officer doublecrossed Jayne he said, "You mean my reward."


Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:09 AM


Another thought about the "blue hands" making the connection between Serenity and the Tams:
From the comments of the pirates behind the "chop shop" in "Our Mrs.Reynolds":
"Taken as a bunch of pieces, it's junk. All together, it's a Firefly, and will run forever with a half-way decent mechanic."
I started thinking of the Firefly model as the 25th century equivalent of the Volkswagon Beetle, cheap, functional, and essentially indestructable. Given that, wouldn't there be a LOT of Fireflys around? There might be hundreds of them bopping in and out of orbit on Ariel at a given time, and tens of thousands of them in existance alltogether. That would make it hard to be particularly suspicious of any one, particularly if it had been cleared by the Alliance already (in Bushwhacked)


Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:45 AM



Originally posted by Veteran:

ljosalf wrote:
Sunday, February 29, 2004 08:18
I've been considering whether Jayne's identity/existence was "made" on Arial in association with the Tams. From his actions, upto and after the incident it is pretty clear that *Jayne* doesn't consider himself in danger or doesn't care, a la his sarcastic "I've never been in trouble with the law before...". Jayne could be wrong, though.

He could be lying. It's pretty obvious that Jayne has been making a precarious living as a cutthroat for some time now. In Our Mrs. Reynolds he says, "Once they sent six men after me..." To me that makes it sound there were other times when people were sent after him, and in Jaynestown he had run with Stitch for 6 months before the "Hero" incident occurred and that was several years back, maybe during or just after the war.

Uh..., in his converstation with Dobson in Serenity, Jayne by saying sarcastically that he had never been in trouble with the law was in fact saying that tangling with the law was a common and undaunting occurence for him. Perhaps I didn't make it clear in my original post that I understood that.

The incident for which six men were sent after him is probably the one for which he is most wanted and for which his notoriety is most likely to have reached Federation ears. I was exploring who might want him badly enough to send 6 men--not a cheap undertaking--at least one of whom was carrying a very expensive weapon, and, thus, how likely it was that Jayne would be identified on Ariel.

I do see, though, that I leapt to a conclusion which I have not til now re-examined, to wit that Jayne killed the men sent after him.




However, I think they might end up doing a search on Jayne now. And if Jayne can be tagged to Serenity, they might realize their mistake.

The bluehands people may not know how the Feds captured River and Simon. They might have just been contacted with a simple message, "We are holding your fugitives." Remember when the Officer doublecrossed Jayne he said, "You mean my reward."

But the prisoners were "processed". False papers would just result in (another) AKA for Jayne if he was ID'd later by his features. The Hands of Blue could make off with or destroy data stored locally (say in loop format) from possible monitoring cameras in the hospital or station, which gives the HoB Jayne's likeness and, if sound recording is included, a partial name to work with. Would the arrest records remain local to the station after processing or go to a central database on Ariel? Do the Feds have the same likeness to work with? Fingerprints? Could the HoB have stripped the records fast enough and quietly enough? Interesting possibilities....

Personally, I think the expression on Jayne's face would be priceless if he ended up listed as Simon's henchman. Ah, the cruel irony of it!


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)


Sunday, February 29, 2004 5:39 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


ljosalf wrote:

I think the expression on Jayne's face would be priceless if he ended up listed as Simon's henchman. Ah, the cruel irony of it!

Without a doubt.

You're also right that Jayne was processed. I just rewatched the episode, and the Fed did say he was charging Jayne with aiding the fugitives, and made some reference to the capture of three fugitives.

I take it that the HoB people also have to deal with the underground that helped the Tams in the first place. They still may not know the identities Jayne or the rest of Serenity's crew.


Sunday, February 29, 2004 6:48 PM


Ah, but it is a short step from Canton to Serenity if Jayne is identified with the Tams....


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)






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