Inara's Secret

UPDATED: Monday, August 2, 2004 16:41
VIEWED: 17652
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Monday, August 2, 2004 1:33 PM


Duplicate post to the below.


Monday, August 2, 2004 1:37 PM


( for the fans of the sick and dying idea.. you would not garb a syringe of medicine if you were about to die by an attack of reavers)
The idea of a drug that kills through having sex... interesting concept but that would not save her or the rest of the crew.
Sooooo, OK I will add 2 cents on this and I will keep a few things in mind. It is stated in the commentary that the syringe is NOT a suicide drug and that it is tied to Inara's secret. Also keep in mind Joss is a sneaky creative fellow that does NOT play by the rules. Examples of no rules is, you do not shoot horses, you do not kick bad guys to their death. Joss DOES leave clues but never where you are looking and will do things to mess up your head. ( Kaylee dead - not really dead, Mal dead and really dead but brought back to life. ) Even Book has a secret past.. knowledge of weapons, shooting skills, knowledge of the not so nice side of the Verse. He appears to be running from something within himself ( different thread ).
Now things to work with, Nandi ( Heart of Gold ) has no clue why Inari left the Acadamy " It was a shock, her leaving, she was special " " she would have been house priestess in a few years time." This means there was no events of note surrounding her departure.
As stated many times, companions go through a great deal of training, this includes weapons as shown in her skill and knowedge of sword play, and her handling of weapons when Mal is cleaning weapons at the table in the start of Heart of Gold.
Inara was on the side of Unifacation ( Out of Gas ) "The Alliance has no quarrel with me. I supported Unification " This CAN mean she supported it directly by working for them... the secret is .. what was that work?
SUPPOSE for a time she worked for the Unifacation as a spy with her skills ( Shades of Mata Hari )
She grabbed the syringe when there was a possibility they would have to defend themselves from reavers, Jayne grabs his weapons, Mal is thinking fast about escape.. and Inara grabs the syringe.. that would happen for only 2 reasons, 1 suicide . but she is not the type to give up and also commentary says it is not so.. that leaves #2 a weapon.
What kind of weapon could it be that would work against reavers and not against the crew?
SUPPOSE it is something like a beserker drug.. gives the person extra strength, feel no pain, and heightens all skills and training to kill the enemy. Many stories were written about beserkers during the time Joss grew up..
The Conversation mentioned in the commentary..
all the 'conversations' in Rivers walk, are from the past.. things that have had a major impact on their lives. "Just Tell me, I am a big girl" Could be talking to the Unifacation, to tell her the truth about the drug and what it does.. or perhaps already did. She learns of what it did on an assignment or what it will do and it becomes a major impact.

The Journey is the worthier part.


Monday, August 2, 2004 4:41 PM


wow that's a really interesting theory.

I like it.

I never thought to connect Inara with the Unification in such a manner, but you are right all the clues are there.....

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