Firefly nominated for a HUGO !!

UPDATED: Monday, June 9, 2003 02:43
VIEWED: 9030
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Friday, April 18, 2003 3:05 PM


Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
Enterprise, "A Night in Sickbay"
Enterprise, "Carbon Creek"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Conversations With Dead People"
Firefly, "Serenity"
Angel, "Waiting in the Wings"

And I truly believe if they'd aired more than a dozen eps, they'd have had more noms than Enterprise. :)



Friday, April 18, 2003 4:29 PM


out of those choices I'd have to vote for Coversations with Dead People... sorry Serenity...

Now, if it was Out of Gas or Objects in Space, they'd win, but not with Serenity...


Friday, April 18, 2003 7:26 PM


I'd have to say I disagree; 'Serenity' was different than your typical sci-fi television offering, and it was better-produced than most pilots tend to be. The story was a little weak (I thought Whitefall was kind of a boring place to set most of the planetside action), but the effects, performances and dialogue were top-notch. Plus, I'd love the irony if it DID win.

My vote's for 'Serenity.'

"Two by two...hands of blue..."


Saturday, April 19, 2003 4:27 AM



out of those choices I'd have to vote for Coversations with Dead People... sorry Serenity...

Although I loved "Conversations With Dead People", it was pretty much just an average episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Since I don't watch Enterprise, I'll have to go with "Waiting in the Wings," with "Serenity" as a close second.


Saturday, April 19, 2003 6:18 AM


General musing:

What happens if Serenity wins? Am I being a dope to think that Joss or whomever could take the little statuette (or whatever they get) and head on over to the Fox offices and do a little victory dance with it that stops just short of spiking it? Would the bastards even care?

We've seen several news items now about Firefly being nominated for and winning awards. What goes on in an exec's head? Obviously there's no going back but would a 2 minute apology during the commercial breaks of 24, American Idol, and The Simpsons okay? Could we get that? Could we get hand-written notes on 75% cotton decled edge paper? Personalized?

Dear Sarah,
I'm writing to apologize for being responsible for canceling your favorite show of all time, Firefly. I now see that it was indeed the best television ever in the history of the world. I have been wearing sackcloth and ashes and hope that someday I can do enough penance to be absolved of this most egregious of sins.

I know that Firefly was very important to you. I know that the reasons that you watched were both enthusiastic and ineffable. It's true that I can't bring it back. And I can't undo some of the problems you've had at your job caused by your Firefly enthusiasm. Trust me, if we could have seen these issues out front, none of this would have ever happened.

As such, please accept my sincerest apology. If we ever chance to me, it would be perfectly acceptable for you to spit on me. Not that it could ever make up for your heartache and rage, but please accept this poster sized glossy of "Wash" signed by Mr. Alan Tudyk. It is personalized to you.

Keep Flying,
Some Twit Fox Exec

Yes? No? Feel better having written it.

The show wins awards because it was good. I mean--GOOD! Better by a long damn sight than Enterprise Is it just that everybody in a position to make decisions is wearing reality-tv-goggles?


I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Thursday, April 24, 2003 7:52 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Eleri:

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
Enterprise, "A Night in Sickbay"
Enterprise, "Carbon Creek"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Conversations With Dead People"
Firefly, "Serenity"
Angel, "Waiting in the Wings"

where else but the Hugo awards could I have seen every item on the nominations list? does this happen to me with the best pictures list for the Oscars? heck no! sad, ain't it?

"I'm still flyin'...that's enough." ~ Mal


Thursday, April 24, 2003 7:58 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Sarahetc:
General musing:
Am I being a dope to think that Joss or whomever could take the little statuette (or whatever they get) and head on over to the Fox offices and do a little victory dance with it that stops just short of spiking it? Would the bastards even care?

probably not. doesn't mean we all wouldn't like to see it and find all manner of fiendish glee in such a sight.


We've seen several news items now about Firefly being nominated for and winning awards. What goes on in an exec's head?

anyone who thinks that's too scary to try to visualize, raise your hand.


Dear Sarah,
I'm writing to apologize for being responsible for canceling your favorite show of all time, Firefly...

whoa...good vent.

"I'm still flyin'...that's enough." ~ Mal


Friday, April 25, 2003 4:16 PM


As mentioned before, Firefly's pilot, "Serenity" was nominated for the Dramatic Presentation Short Subject Hugo award. ( The Hugo awards are fan based awards. This means that we, the fans, can do something to ensure that Firefly wins the Hugo.

Eligibility to vote for the Hugo award is tied to membership to this year's World Science Fiction Convention, aka Worldcon. Worldcon moves around from year to year and this year is called Torcon 3.

All of the details on how to sign up and vote are on the web site, ( but I will give you a synopsis.

There are two levels of membership. The first is an Attending membership and costs $185 US Dollars. This is a full membership for if you actually plan to attend. (Great Fun, I highly recommend it if you can afford it.) The other membership level is a supporting membership and only costs $40 US Dollars and entitles you to voting rights and publications, but not attendance.

I am sure there is a registration deadline to be able to vote, so register soon. I recommend not voting in a category you know nothing about, but definitely vote for Firefly.



Wednesday, May 7, 2003 3:24 PM


I know this thread is dead, but...

I apologize in advance for injuring Enterprise fans -- I myself am a rabid fan of the entire pre-Bakula Trek universe -- but "A Night in Sick Bay"??? That was quite possibly the worst bucket of garbage that ever had the misfortune of being attached to the genre of science fiction. Whedon should be insulted to have something nominated for the same award as that worthless hour of television.

Whedon's grocery lists provide more stimulating writing than that episode did.


Wednesday, May 7, 2003 9:50 PM


I guess I'll put my two cents in. I don't like buffy - think it's a stupid concept. Vampires? c'mon. I have never seen Angel. So I don't have anything to say about it. But regardless, they are out. Enterprise only had a few good episodes, not enough to win anything. Serenity is, hands down, the best. Maybe I should've given only one cent instead of two.

Who's winning?
I can't really tell, they don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Wednesday, May 7, 2003 10:38 PM


My vote is definately for Serenity.

Maniac: Glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't like Buffy.

I don't mind the vamipre concept, but when I think vampires, I think Lestat / Louis / Marius (Anne Rice). So needless to say, Joss's vision and mine clash a bit. I never liked the idea that (not only in Buffy, but in other movies and shows I have seen) when they go into "vamipe mode" their faces change and they end up looking like bat-like monsters or something of that ilk. Not what I like to see.

I prefer to see tham looking the same whether they are having a simple coversation or sucking your blood. Vampires have always had a gothic/romantic feel in my minds eye, and when they "change", it just makes that romance go out the window for me.

“It's a real burn, being right so often.”


Wednesday, May 7, 2003 11:10 PM


Holy crap Joss Whedon has three out of the five
nominations. Is it me, or is Joss one of the
most interesting writer/creators out there? If
Firefly does not come back it would be a damn
shame. I think it's the most interesting yet.
Anyways, I'm John Scott and my web-site is Check it out please, and
rock on for the Sci-Fi scene, baby.
Love to all of you keeping the home
"fires" burnin'.

Spread the love.


Thursday, May 8, 2003 9:19 AM


Why does everybody seem to slam "Enterprise?" They've done something no other tv show in living memory has ever accomplished: they manage to pack all the excitement and drama of a half-hour short into an hour-long episode. And they're consistent, too.

Genius, pure genius....

- Let slip the Dogs of Art!


Thursday, May 8, 2003 9:59 AM



. . . they manage to pack all the excitement and drama of a half-hour short into an hour-long episode.

Don't forget the two hour premier.



Thursday, May 8, 2003 10:06 AM


Oh, I'm trying, Sag...I'm trying.

- Let slip the Dogs of Art!


Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:06 AM



I see your from Vancouver, are you plannin' on comming to the Seattle Shindig? If not you should.

< This Public Service Broadcast courtesy of the Seattle Browncoats. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread. >

Don't look back, som'thin' might be gainin' on ya.
Who let the pigs play poker?
Evo Shander was right!


Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:36 AM



I'm not very convinced Buffy can be called Science Fiction.

It can't Buffy is Fantasy, it is a sad thing that people don't know the difference between the two. Science Fiction is a genre which includes what can happen, according to the laws of science. The definition includes the laws of science as they are known at the time, as well as alternate interpretations of them, and other things like that.

Fantasy is what can't happen and to make up for the fact that the impossible is happening new laws are put in place, usually in the form of magic.

Once again, Science Fiction is what can happen, Fantasy is what can't happen.

I would think people would notice that they are polar opposites, and not confuse the two.

On the other hand both take place in worlds unlike our own, and many authors of the work cross over between the two. The same happens with creators of shows, like Joss.

This has been a useless bit of information from an aspiring author of urban alien free science fiction.


Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:48 AM


I love star trek, but I heard the latest one includes the Borg. That messes up the whole knowledge-of-the-borg timeline. They shouldn't have done that. What sell-outs!!
I like real vampires too Koffee. Anne Rice rules.

And I am not sure, but I think the definition of "fiction" is something that is not true. "non-fiction" is probably what you were thinking of.


Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:59 AM



Science Fiction is a genre which includes what can happen, according to the laws of science. The definition includes the laws of science as they are known at the time, as well as alternate interpretations of them, and other things like that.

This is an interesting definition, Chris, but I think you're just a trifle off-base. I think the basic difference between sci-fi and fantasy is not so much a strict adherence to the laws of science (or even interpretations thereof), but the attempt to make the machina deus look plausible to our modern-day sensibilities. As Arthur C. Clarke once said, "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," and once you start dealing with magic, you're in fantasyland. Why? Because magic is inexplicable...or at least remains unexplained by the author. FTL travel is not exactly plausible according to the tenets of modern science (even extreme interpretations thereof), but once we start talking about wormholes or hyperspace, it sounds good enough for me...and thus does the magic become technology, and fantasy become science fiction.

But that's just me....

- Let slip the Dogs of Art!


Thursday, May 8, 2003 12:02 PM


Well, "Buffy" has had robots, and elemaent of science fiction, but yes, it is a fantasy, and not a sci-fi show.


Thursday, May 8, 2003 3:58 PM


Yeah, you got me. Gaebolga you are right, no one has ever managed to strictly define either genre. Then again no one has ever managed to strictly define any genre.

But what I said basicly goes, most of the time. Except I left out a little bit, which I should have never considered leaving out. Sci Fi needs to agree with the current understanding of the universe or present a diffrent set of laws to replace a few.

The way this deffintion works (I belive-It's not mine I just agree with it, it's Orson Scott Card's <-not sure where the hyphens go) is that fantasy doen't present the ones we know, or ones that could be there instead of the ones we know.

So FTL might be possible, scientificly, but it will be a long time before you can convince people that you can teleport with your mind, without breaking the laws of phsyics.

Simpler than all that, in Buffy vampires can make people vampires because it's magic thus Buffy was fantasy, and it doesn't matter if she lives on a space ship while eating soylent green and talking with robots, it's still fantasy.

To have vampires in Sci Fi you'd have to have a reason that they die in sunlight, and can turn other people into vampires, and do the other things they do. So maybe they can turn because of a retro virus present in their saliva that when put into the blood makes someone a vampire.


Thursday, May 8, 2003 6:00 PM



Firefly, "Serenity"

You know, I have spent the longest time trying to figure out, "why Serenity?". I love the show, I even enjoyed the episode very much and some of my favorite quotes and moments are from it, but I didn't think it was the best one.

I mentioned this to my dear one and he did point out something I hadn't thought of. Most of my favorite parts of the show are based on character and story line development. A Hugo is, of course, a Science Fiction award. Serenity is (in his mind and I am being converted) the best *overall* episode for the full Sci Fi experience.

It sets up the universe and introduces a lot of the main elements that appear in later episodes. It gives us the war, differences betweem the edge and the core, alliance ship vs Serenity type ship, Mal and the crew vs purple bellies. We get space suit drama and ships, reavers, two planetside scenes, Badger, a good idea of the tech level and politics, and much more. Serenity does not only what a pilot should as far as setting up the 'verse, but also tells a nice, fairly compact, Sci Fi story in the process.

Allowing for this I can see more of why it may have been picked over other episodes. I really think it's great that Firefly was recognised/nominated. I think it is very worthy, but with the short run it got I wasn't expecting it.



Thursday, May 8, 2003 6:00 PM


I've seen every Episode of "Enterprise" (some less enthusiasticly than others but I keep reminding myself how much better it is than Voyager...daming with faint praise i know) and I have to agree - no self respecting award should ever have ANIS nominated.

That's just patheticly sad. I'd nominate "Train Job" over ANIS.
There's plenty of Stargate and Farscape and other good SF to consider.

Can't imagine how the nominating process works over there.

Oh, and since I consider Serinity the best 2 hours of SF I've seen on first run telivision in decades, is clear I think it should win.


Thursday, May 8, 2003 6:34 PM



Originally posted by ManiacNumberOne:
I like real vampires too Koffee. Anne Rice rules.

I am likeing you more and more each day.

Anne does rule. Have you read her witch trilogy? PM me sometime and we can talk books. Address is in my profile.

“It's a real burn, being right so often.”


Monday, June 9, 2003 2:43 AM


As a lifelong Star Trek fan (well, up until Voyager became the only Trek on the air) I can say that Enterprise is the biggest pile of steaming horseshit I have ever had the displeasure to witness. I could write for an hour about how big an insult it is to the fans who have followed Trek for decades (ok, in my case a decade, but I'm only 22) but I don't have time right now- I have a final paper due in 5.5 hours I haven't started. But suffice it to say that the show has no regard for the continuity that made Star Trek worth watching. It takes place 100 years before the original series, yet it has technology that is just as advanced. They say they don't have shields, but they just polorize the hull plating and it does the same damn thing. They say they don't have phasers, but they have phase pistols and phase canons that do the same damn thing. And in the season finale, they got "photonic" torpedos. And then there's the fact that they're not supposed to have met the Klingons yet but they're in every other epiosde, and they're supposed to be fighting the Romulans at this point with lasers and nukes. Oh, and the ship design is blatantly ripped off of the Akira class that was designed for the First Contact movie, which takes place about 200 years after Enterprise. So there's all that, AND the writing and acting stinks.

So I vote for Serenity in this contest. Conversations with Dead People would have been much better if Dawn weren't in it, and Waiting in the Wings was good, but not as good as Serenity. I liked Firefly better than Angel.






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