Joss posted this here thing for you...

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 14:13
VIEWED: 33069
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Monday, January 26, 2004 6:35 AM



Originally posted by AllysonGurl:
Joss posts at Buffistas. He was having a difficult time posting here, so he posted at Buffistas and asked that it get posted here.

Thanks for the reply. Nobody ever mentioned that it came from Buffistas. I'm skeptical by nature and I always need to see things for myself. Thanks for being a wee fan.



Monday, January 26, 2004 6:45 AM


Keep flying JW, your loyal Browncoats are behind you 100%. We believe in the story, in the cast and crew, and most of all we believe in you. Keep fighting the good fight.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Monday, January 26, 2004 7:37 AM


*sobs* *squeals*
I love that man more than should legally be allowed.

And you can interpret that statement every way you want to.


Monday, January 26, 2004 8:03 AM


I very rarely become addicted to TV shows. I am Married to a Jossaholic, who spouts many Buffyisms making me laugh on a regular basis. I was never completely hooked on Buffy or Angel (though I have watched every's a requirement in my home). When Kate (my wife) asked for Firefly "The Complete First Season" for Christmas this year..I bought it for her. Christmas day, she asked me to watch the DVD's with her in marathon fashion. It blew me away. We almost left the last episode..unwatched, because the knowledge that there wouldn't ever be another episode was a little bit heart rending. At any rate..we finished the series. You have found a JW convert.

One of my favorite lines in Firefly is:

"Keep walking Preacher Man" -River Tam

The hilarity of the simple statements got me hook, line and Sinker.

We look forward to the Movie and believe if anyone can get it done, Joss can.


Mal- "Ya all gonna be here when I wake up?"

Yes..Yes..we will be

We have now watched the complete first season 3 times. Thank you Joss, the set has taken its rightfull place, next to my Godfather Collection.


Monday, January 26, 2004 8:14 AM



Originally posted by AllysonGurl:
joss - Jan 25, 2004 11:56:02 am PST #4374 of 4375 Mark
"What's the rumpus?"

Hey guys. Sorry to go wildly off-topic (and bring up Firefly), but I need a favor. I tried to post something on discussion about "Fireflygasms" (no, it's not as shippery as it sounds.) Anyhoo, I can't seem to log in, 'cause I work the computer like I'm wearing Strongbad's gloves and I really wanted to post something there. So I'm gonna write it out here and hope 'n' pray (to the meaningless void) that one of y'all will be kind enough to kick it over to that thread. Okay then:


Dear fan type postguys --

Checking in to say: Rough @%&$#ing week. Trying to work the movie deal, juggling so many balls and dropping them all, basically ending the week going, "I'm done. I'm tapped. Last man down, I don't even think I can do this." Then I hap on this thread, hear all those kick moments and all y'all cooing over them, and I remember why I'm fighting so hard. So when you here dorky sounding things like "The fans' support kept us going", know that on occasion it is not only literally but very specifically true. As in, today. Thanks already.

And, more importantly:

-- Inara on the bed in Mal's room saying "I just hit my head is all". Deep funny.

-- River on the railing. Batgirl!

-- "Little man Loooved fire."

-- "They were little geisha dolls with big heads that wobbled!" "People LOVE those!" Kai made me rewind that four times.

-- "Dear Diary. Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."

-- "Have you ever been with a warrior woman?"

-- "She ain't moving." When you think Kaylee's talking about Zoe and realize she means Serenity. And every time the lights first flicker in that show I've forgotten what ep I'm in and I get very worried.

-- The part where the crew finds out about River's REAL... oh wait. That's the movie. Never mind.

Or mind in a while.

Thanks again.


It's cool to know that the Joss-man posts here. A lot of people are taking his words as a possible warning sign that he's going to give up on getting Firefly back on the air (or in theaters as a movie), but I don't see them that way. His comments about feeling like he's 'down for the count' strike me as him venting/voicing his frustration and being honest about the fact that he IS frustrated. I can somewhat imagine what Joss is going through because I faced a similar problem in keeping a BtVS fanfic project that I started afloat (I was getting worried that we were never going to finish it and was ready to abandon it until one of my co-writers changed my mind), although I doubt very much that my problem was/is anything compared to his. It's also good to know that Fireflygasms (hee) can have such a buoying effect on him (it shows just how much the show means to him).

Go Joss!!!!!! Don't give up!!! If there's ANYONE who can get Firefly ressurrected, it's you (after all, you're the man who had the creative and persuasive clout to get your BtVS concept turned into a TV series).


Monday, January 26, 2004 9:23 AM


Wow, that is so cool! And so frustrating too! Thank you Joss, for taking the time to share that with us.


Monday, January 26, 2004 9:41 AM


Is there an email address for JW?

We've been playing with 'moviemaker' over here in Afghanistan. . .capturing video of our Apaches flying. . .some cool rocket shots. . .

I'm currently working on some video of non-combative flying over this poor, used-up little country (my heart goes out to these people, it really does) and make a vid to "The Ballad of Serenity" as sort of a "Hang in there" gift to Joss. I would love to make sure he gets it.

Any suggestions?

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, January 26, 2004 11:19 AM


That's a GREAT idea, Static! I'm sure Joss would appreciate it. Maybe get all 60-some-odd of the soldiers you converted to sign a group photo or something to go along with it. The best way to get it to him is probably to send it c/o Mutant Enemy:

Joss Whedon
c/o Mutant Enemy
20th Century Fox
P.O. Box 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90213

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Monday, January 26, 2004 12:13 PM


You know I just want to say something about all this.

Firefly was art, as all good theater and movies and TV are. Art is
worth fighting for, especially your art is worth fighting for. I really
loved Firefly there is something particularly heart wrenching when you
discover something that touches you, but it's time came and went without
you being aware of it, thats how Firefly was to me. Like falling in
love with a movie star from the fifties, or a author who has passed
away from the century before, a artist that flowered unappreciated and

Brilliant but gone, a bittersweet thing that was not looked for, found
and then lost. Before you could stand up and be counted; It was gone.

Joss if you read this: I'm standing up, I want to be counted, it
mattered that you worked so hard to get it on the air, and to get it out
there, I appreciate the fact you wanted to share this story with me. I
appreciate that everyone worked so hard at getting your vision out there
and to make it their own.

Now on to the hard part:

I will say this once and clearly because it's antithetical to what I
really want: believe in your vision, if someone wants you to change
Firefly accept it if it makes sense to you, but if not? If your vision is
compromised? Let it go, find another story to tell, life is too short to
compromise art. Your vision has value, more then getting another
episode, or movie.

You will find another story to tell.

Fight for what is right and true, enjoy that you made a impact on
people, and that people truly cared, not kind of cared, there is no half
heartiness in this, people cared for you, the cast, the crew, and the

Thank you.

Dear Diary. Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy.


Monday, January 26, 2004 2:29 PM


That's so nice of Joss. And he actually knows that this site exists. How cool is that?

And he mentioned Strong Bad! I love Joss. Have I mentioned that yet?

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing." - Zoe


Monday, January 26, 2004 4:49 PM


The DVDs left me with dread.

Why dread? Anger, yes, happiness, yes, also I had to pee. But the dread stayed with me for a week.

How could it be, I asked myself, that anyone could kill this beautiful thing, could look at it and not only fail to appreciate it, but actually bumrush it off the box? I had this wierd moment where I felt myself spending the next 90 or so years (I am going to die at 125, y'all!) in that world. It was heinous! And, it made me cry, for real.

I just didn't want to believe that such a thing could die. Of course, one knows it can. And not in the read it on the internet way, in the feel it in the pit of my stomach way.

But that's why I appreciate what you all at ME are still doing, and of course what the folks who run this site, organized the ad, etc. are doing as well. The world is beautiful only if we fight to keep beautiful things in it. Have no idea what it must be like as a creator of said things to have to bang head against wall, but as consumer! and being in the world I really appreciate y'all's fight.

And as a plug to the fellow historians out there (if there are any!), "Jaynestown" is an excellent first-day-of-class "what is history" bit!

Ach! And I'm sorry, but "That's why I never kiss them on the mouth" is my all-time fave; not just the line but the reactions are perfect!


Monday, January 26, 2004 5:03 PM


Thank you, BlueSunBlackSky, for saying something important and true, and sad. Better no more FF than a FF that has been compromised out of its artistic center. I am pretty confident that Joss feels the same way, but we should let him know that we would understand, if it came to that (and it may well). . .

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Monday, January 26, 2004 5:18 PM



Originally posted by Hardware:
To Joss:

Buck up Browncoat! We're doing the impossible, that makes us mighty!

Here, give me your pack. SaintJayne! Carry his rifle.

You know the old saying. When you can't run, you crawl, well, you know the rest. We've got a lot of strong backs and eager volunteers to carry you.

Keep flying. We'll keep watching.

I love this message. It says it all. And it goes without saying that if there's anything at all we can do to help...well. Here we are! Just ask.


Tuesday, January 27, 2004 8:46 AM



Thank you, BlueSunBlackSky, for saying something important and true, and sad. Better no more FF than a FF that has been compromised out of its artistic center. I am pretty confident that Joss feels the same way, but we should let him know that we would understand, if it came to that (and it may well). . .

In Joss I trust. I have faith that he will not compromise and he will tell his story.

I will not lose faith in seeing Serenity fly again until Joss tells us he is done.

I trust in Joss and I know that he makes the right decisions. I have watched Buffy and Angel from the beginning without fail. At times he went places I was not sure of but in the end was always thankful for.

Joss thank you for coming here and sharing with us your struggles and your hopes.

I really can't pick a line as my favorite because there are so many. But what comes to mind is:

Simon: Why did you come back for us?

Mal: You're part of my crew.

Also when people do things I don't understand I just think, "Some people juggle geese."

Keep flyin'



Tuesday, January 27, 2004 12:46 PM


Ok, first off, I'm not a rabid fan. I've seen most of the Buffy episodes don't own any of the DVDs. Rarely watch Angel Don't collect figures, write fan fic or any of that stuff. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just not stuff I do.

That said, I LOVE FIREFLY!!!!!... ok so I missed most of the episodes on broadcast TV cause of the lousy scheduling and the fact I didn't know it was on til I ran across it by accident but I did run out and get the DVDs as soon as they were available. The show is one of the very few shows that for me gets better with repeated viewing.

This is just a note for Mr. Josh that the lurkers, the quite ones, the no so fanatic fans are behind you too. Keep up the good fight.



Tuesday, January 27, 2004 1:09 PM


Dear Mr. Whedon,
This is the first time I have ever entered a forum like this so please forgive by naivete regarding proper decorum. I simply wanted to thank you and your staff for the wonderful production that "is" Firefly and to encourage you in your project for a movie of same or even better a further series. On this side of the pond we are "starved of technicolor" to quote the heavenly messenger when it comes to intelligent, witty, sad and thought provoking science fiction. Based on word of mouth advice from a friend I bought the region 1 DVD's from Amazon (thank heavens for region free players) and the entire family were both deligthed with the series and baffled as to why it should have been cancelled. It has brought a smile to many a face, and many a re-run of the DVD's. At the behest of family members I have been forced to follow news on progress of all things Firefly (good lord, I hope this does not mean I am a "fan") and was moved to respond to your "thread"? as it looked as though you needed cheering up. Please keep serenity flying and certainly do not let the corporations grind you down.
Yours sincerely
Sir Thopas.



Wednesday, January 28, 2004 2:59 PM


Definitely count me in on the "ohpleaseohpleaseohplease gimme more".
I'm a sucker for Westerns, a bigger sucker for quirky,humourous Westerns, and Firefly is chockful o quirk & humour, stand up and say a big ol' yeehaw for that.
I miss it!

Although at this point I am violently irritated because I am y'all-in' it up like there's no tomorrow. Oh, laugh all ya want, but I live in Oklahoma! I've been studiously NOT saying "y'all" for yeeeeeears! I was on the receiving end of a savage taunting by my friend the other day for saying "y'all"!
I suspect I'll live.

As for Fireflygasms -- whoever said there are too many is right. But my sig is one of them.

And some of my favourites aren't really funny taken out of context, it's the delivery that makes the line. Example: Jaynestown. Jayne says his whole name for some reason, and Mal says, "I know your name, jackass!" I just laughed my head off -- ok, I'm laughing right now.

Did I already say that I really really really really want more?

Here's a plan -- I've already converted one more person on the strength of the pilot, so maybe we should stand on street corners and hand out pamphlets to raise awareness.
"Got Firefly?"

I really really really want more.


"She was naked! And all...articulate![/i}


Wednesday, January 28, 2004 4:12 PM


Awesome! I for one have watched the DVD over and over. I need to stop because I get pissed everytime I think about the show being gone. Looks like you have some details to work out before the movie gets done. Good Luck! Don't let the bastards keep you down.


Thursday, January 29, 2004 9:16 PM


I missed Firefly when it was on Fox, and so had my friends and family. My family bought the DVD, and I decided to watch it one evening out of boredom.

Let's just say I was floored. I was shocked. Where had this show been? Only 14 episodes? It's been canceled?! What?!

I watched the entire series, and after the last episode, I was crying. I have NEVER cried at a TV show being canceled. TV sucks, and even shows I've liked, like The Next Generation have gone off the air, and it was fine by me. The show was good, but it was just TV. It was just a story, and there will always be other good stories that will come along.

The difference is that Firefly wasn't completely told. Hell, they'll probably still make another TNG movie (despite billing Nemesis as the last one).

Another difference is that the riveting story and the chemistry between the characters that ST:TNG took seasons to build was in Firefly by the end of the first episode--better, even!

After I realized the show was genius, I understood my purpose in the grand scheme of Firefly. I had to let (read as: force) all of my friends to watch my copy, and take turns borrowing it.

I have shown Firefly to upwards of a dozen people, and none of them have disliked it. Those people in turn have shown more people. It snowballs. I haven't shown it to my girlfriend yet, but she'll probably like it too (even though she says she isn't interested, she doesn't realize yet that she really is interested). Sometime this week I will be writing my letter to Universal (as mentioned in another thread I don't feel like linking to, I'm sure everyone can find it).

I'm doing everything I can to keep the show alive, as well. I am showing Firefly to everyone I know. I have yet to encounter a person who knows what the hell it is. No one heard about Firefly. When I describe the premise of the show, people are always skeptical. They have to be dragged to the TV. After watching the first episode, however, you'd have to drag them away.

I'll be honest with everyone. I like science fiction, but I like it serious, with a direct, planned approach to describing the futuristic universe. For example, Star Trek. Oh, and I hate westerns. Can't stand em.

My favorite show is a Sci-fi Western that has a roundabout way of detailing its universe. My favorite show is Firefly.


Friday, January 30, 2004 3:57 PM


Dear Joss,

I don't want to repeat what all the others afore me have said, I wholeheartedly agree with them anyway. I just wanted to point out that Firefly does not only have a US or Canadian fanbase but is loved in Germany just as well. I taped it when it run and sent it to my friends in Germany and the first thing they wanted when I asked them what to bring for Christmas was - guess what - Firefly DVDs!

Please please please, you have to keep flying - for the whole world! Firefly is special. It is real. Please don't give up.

I'm going to a Firefly-weekend-session tomorrow, as we likely will be snowed in anyway - what better can you do?


Friday, January 30, 2004 4:47 PM


is it bad that reading that from Joss almost made me cry?

Huge heaps of love and support to Joss for being him, and giving us all so much... he can never really know just what he means to all of us.

Besides - it might scare him a little, if he ever did :P


Friday, January 30, 2004 4:55 PM


I know what did this...

We're here, Joss, behind you all the way !!!
Let us know what you need....

MAL:"Haven't you killed me enough for one day ?"


Friday, January 30, 2004 5:56 PM


OK this is the first time ive posted on this weblog
Joss if your readint this, i just wached your series and i thought it was the greatest think since (Space Above and Beyond)SAAB also a FOX murder victim. i just wanted to know if youve talked to sci fi channel about bringing your show back on. what you have made is verry rare in the world of entertainment. the second i realized ( wow hes not using sound in space ) i was hooked. your use of foreign language for swaring is brilliant. please if there is anything that i can do to help breath life back into your show just ask. they way you develop your charactors is also brilliant.
the story of giligans islad comes to mind ( your story is nothing like that) but it was killed due to idiacy and yet it made more money than any other program aired by that company. maybe you can remind sci fi about that. FOX and their incompetence are to blame for your show going off the air. please let us know how we can help find a new home for your show. because whoever takes it up will bee verry happy about the results.


Saturday, January 31, 2004 8:05 AM


Okay I just posted on some other thread I happened across in my state of wild abandon, searching for something, ANYTHING to cling to with regards to Firefly.

I bought the DVD set on Thursday, and I just finished Objects in Space, and I want more!

I've emailed Fox, Paramount, etc, and I have letters going into the post on Monday.

How is it even possible that shows like DS9 and "My 90th Attempt at a reality series about marriage" make it over and over; and yet Firefly is gone already!

This show has something for everyone. The only gifts I'm giving people for birthdays and such, are going to be boxes of this show.


Executives are dumb.


Saturday, January 31, 2004 3:40 PM



Originally posted by rklenseth:
Well, I'm sure the 500+ reviews on has helped. Is there anything else on that has 500+ reviews and still rates a full five stars? I'm hard pressed to find one.

What a great idea! Everyone should go to Amazon and write a review for the DVD set. Pass the word along. Possibly the execs at Universal will notice, and hopefully we'll get more recruits.


Saturday, January 31, 2004 6:07 PM



Originally posted by liposuction:
Okay I just posted on some other thread I happened across in my state of wild abandon, searching for something, ANYTHING to cling to with regards to Firefly.

I bought the DVD set on Thursday, and I just finished Objects in Space, and I want more!

I've emailed Fox, Paramount, etc, and I have letters going into the post on Monday.

How is it even possible that shows like DS9 and "My 90th Attempt at a reality series about marriage" make it over and over; and yet Firefly is gone already!

This show has something for everyone. The only gifts I'm giving people for birthdays and such, are going to be boxes of this show.


Executives are dumb.

Hey, don't you dare group DS9 with all the reality crap on TV now. Besides the 3 Joss Whedon series', DS9 was the best written drama that I'd ever seen, and they were even able to pull off the drama/comedy mix fairly well most of the time.


Saturday, January 31, 2004 6:53 PM


Wow. Joss and others at Mutant Enemy actually read these things? That's so awesome that they take time out of their schedules to do that!

I saw Firefly when it first aired but wasn't able to catch most of it on TV cuz of Fox's screwy scheduling. I'm so glad that the DVDs came out and that they included the three unaired eps! I do hope that the movie comes through.

Joss -

Keep at it! We are all behind you! I love this series and hope to see the movie. I hope that you can get through all the frustration and stress that is involved with the process of writing and promoting a movie. Also I hope you know that the fans will understand if the movie doesn't happen (although we all hope that the movie does happen). Thanks for creating this lovely series! And thanks for fighting so hard to get it aired!



Saturday, January 31, 2004 9:13 PM


If perchance you ever happen upon this far down on the thread, we your loyal fans will do what we can to help. Besides simply writing letters, we will be happy to play gopher so you can farm out some of the MILLION things you have to get done. Don't know what I can do about your drycleaning from Jacksonville but hey, it the thought that counts right . Even with my 70 hour a week job, I'm more than willing, just like everyone else here, to help when you need us. With Firefly you have given us something that we cherish, and it's time for us to give back.

The Hero of Canton, the man they call Meeeeeeee!


Sunday, February 1, 2004 11:11 AM


yeah, when I first tuned in, I completely expected not to like it, and for it to be lousy. Even though it was the Train Job, not the pilot Serenity, I was hooked almost from the minute that wagon comes splashing through the curving river with that incredible asian/western/world music, but when Mal says "they wouldn't mind a corpse of you", I was done in. By the time Jayne says "time for some thrilling heroics" descending from a space ship onto a mag-lev train in the middle of dusty desert horseback country, it seemed like this was the only possible future.

lunatikat - not just for breakfast any more


Sunday, February 1, 2004 11:29 AM


I myself have been Dishwasher Emeritus at Mists of Avalon U. and dog wrangler to the stars. If Mr. Whedon needs dogs or dishes washed, I AM your man (wo-man, actually)and though not in LA, am in CA so could be in LA in a few hours.

lunatikat - you've been soaking in it


Monday, February 2, 2004 4:30 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I said it in the Fireflygasms thread, and I will say it here:

It is really cool that Joss reads our site, and I think it is great that he was able to take heart in our discussion and enthusiasm for the show.

Keep fighting Joss. Every Browncoat here is behind you all the way!

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, February 13, 2004 5:43 PM


Joss said,

"Trying to work the movie deal, juggling so many balls and dropping them all, basically ending the week going, "I'm done. I'm tapped. Last man down, I don't even think I can do this."

I wonder if one of the balls that got dropped that week was Angel? Perhaps, in the midst of trying to make the movie, he is battling with WB and the stress is overwhelming.


Friday, February 13, 2004 9:04 PM


Why oh why did I have to watch Finding Nemo today? My poor, sleep-deprived brain keeps seeing Dory saying to Joss, "Just keep flying, just keep flying. Flying, flying..."

"You didn't have to wound that man."
"Yeah, I know. It was just funny."


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 1:03 AM


I have been a science fiction fan for about 30 years now, so I have had a lot of opportunities to see really bad stuff. The really good stuff is unfortunately exquisitely rare. Firefly most definitely is the good stuff.

Using Chinese was a wonderful touch, and educational. Ideas of loyalty, friendship and what is family is also evident. That is what draws me to stories, not exactly what is happening, but how the people involved react to what is going on around them. I find that so-called science fiction has a lot more real people in it than fiction does. People are allowed to be flawed, to have friendships be important, and when they rise above all that holds them back they become real to the audience. Having such a great cast certainly helped, each person was just so perfect in their role. In Firefly each character is a real person, not some cardboard cutout to make executives happy we have the vixen, hero, villain all checked off.

I hope,no matter what comes, that you will at least write books regarding Firefly, because that too keeps the dream alive. I miss the characters, and am happy to have the fan fiction here. I miss seeing them evolve, especially River and Simon, who were adjusting to the most changes. I love their brother-sister devotion. While we saw what Simon was willing to do for River, I think towards the end of the season we were finally getting a together River who could give back to Simon in equal measure.

Be it a movie, a series (yippee!!) or books, I will be there with bells on.


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 1:45 PM



Originally posted by dtt:
Why oh why did I have to watch Finding Nemo today? My poor, sleep-deprived brain keeps seeing Dory saying to Joss, "Just keep flying, just keep flying. Flying, flying..."

Did you happen to catch my contribution to the Blue Sun Room a while back:

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Wednesday, March 17, 2004 2:13 PM


Just to let you know, lots of Firefly fans here in Australia. And getting more and more of our friends hooked on it every time we watch the DVD's.

Has somebody taken the Fox exec who canned the show and explained that they're too stupid to be permitted to live, that they are not earning their oxygen on a daily basis, and had them shot?

Makes you wonder how they make their decisions.

Is it mindless crap? Well it'll do great then!
Is it sci-fi? Does it have great plot, dialogue and characters? Oh well we can't have any of that.








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