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Thursday, December 22, 2011 3:36 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Free speech does not mean garbage has to be allowed here. It just means the govt can't censor speech, and keeping the bs that PN posts to a reasonable level is NOT a violation of free speech. Dude has his own gig to get his views out. I for one could care less

So you do care.

But why the necropost?

I necroposted a thread and addressed it to you because you sent me a PM in response to that thread which I didn't get until the other day. One of two responses I'm waiting for from you.

One is on your analysis of freedom of information and self determination on Iran vis a vis nuclear tech

And the other is on foreign and international companies waging campaigns of attrition against the united states in the name of industry but which may be devoid of actual industrial value and perhaps represent a form of stealth terrorism.

I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts on both these matters.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, December 23, 2011 4:41 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

"Don't tell me what to fuckin goddamn do...MY ship!"
-Capt Malcolm Reynolds, Serenity DVD


Friday, December 23, 2011 6:45 AM


The reason I stopped going to the Real World section is because some people were changing the titles to my brilliant threads, if PN gets tossed from this site beacuse of some petition (I don't agree him all the time either) I'm gone too. I know I won't be missed but Browncoats stick together.


Friday, December 23, 2011 7:10 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by whozit:
The reason I stopped going to the Real World section is because some people were changing the titles to my brilliant threads, if PN gets tossed from this site beacuse of some petition (I don't agree him all the time either) I'm gone too. I know I won't be missed but Browncoats stick together.

Well, the thread title changes have been stopped, but I actually agree with you about the PN part. He's crazy. He's plumb out of his mind bat-shit crazy. But he's OUR kinda crazy.

I believe it was Frem who put it so succinctly: PN is the price we pay for freedom of speech. And that's a very small price to pay, you ask me.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, December 23, 2011 8:40 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by whozit:
The reason I stopped going to the Real World section is because some people were changing the titles to my brilliant threads, if PN gets tossed from this site beacuse of some petition (I don't agree him all the time either) I'm gone too. I know I won't be missed but Browncoats stick together.

Well, the thread title changes have been stopped, but I actually agree with you about the PN part. He's crazy. He's plumb out of his mind bat-shit crazy. But he's OUR kinda crazy.

I believe it was Frem who put it so succinctly: PN is the price we pay for freedom of speech. And that's a very small price to pay, you ask me.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill

I'm feeling the love here, you feeling it too?


Friday, December 23, 2011 9:43 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Hey, man, like I said about PN - you might be annoying and a zit, Zit, but you're OUR Zit, and nobody better mess with one of our zits!


Friday, December 23, 2011 12:35 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Hey, man, like I said about PN - you might be annoying and a zit, Zit, but your OUR Zit, and nobody better mess with one of our zits![/QUOTE



Saturday, December 24, 2011 1:28 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

If there's anything that's killing this forum, it's probably down to the fact that it's a forum dedicated to a half-season show that was cancelled nearly a decade ago.


One, you seem to forget this half-season show, also spawned a motion picture and several top selling graphic novels/comics.

Two, there are other forums similar to this in size and activity that are dedicated to movies or movie franchises that have far fewer hours of entertainment than a half-season of television and a movie do!

Three, this forum clearly goes well beyond just covering Firefly! Many fans here seem to follow any show or movie that has members of the Firefly cast in them. Nathan in Drive and Castle. Adam in Chuck. Jewell in Stargate: Atlantis. Morena in V and Homeland! Summer in Terminator: TSSC, The Unit, Dollhouse, and The Cape. Even the badly panned Playboy Club got attention here, just because Sean Maher was in it!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Sunday, December 25, 2011 9:27 PM


In reply to the original (completely legitimate question of a ) post, I will try not ramble on too much about freedom of speech, because it looks like it's already been covered.

Sure, I could say that it's clear that at no point in his life did PN read How to Win Friends and Influence People, but would I be if I made a 100% sure remark that this was the truth when using the book to make a point?

A BIG H-to-the-Y-to-the-P-ocrite, that's what.

I may be wrong about this since I've been out of the scene for a very long time, but whenever I was hanging in the dark annals of the RWED on a regular basis back in the day it seemed that none of PN's responses to any replies to his original posts were any more inflammatory than his original posts. That is to say, although his blanket stereotypical comments still persisted in the replies, he never sunk to levels that many of us (myself definitely included) have done.

To further elaborate, I know on more than one occasion while posting in the RWED I would let an argument get so heated and personal in here that I would resort to personal attacks (however blatant or passive aggressive they may have been varied, based on nothing more than my own personal shit I was dealing with that day and just how big it made my bark and/or bite).

Seems to me that PN never did that. He believes in something with all of his heart, no matter how wrong or misguided anybody else believes his thoughts to be. When, oftentimes understandably, confronted with emotional responses, he just replied with a rephrasing of his original offensive post or a rehashing of an old offensive post or a "new" idea which was a sort of "Frankenstein Monster" hodgepodge of many of his old offensive original posts.

As for the readers of his posts.... Whether the posts are in Troll County or not, the "Troll" rule always applies.


That's not to say I think PN is a troll personally, but if you do and you reply to him then you're just feeding into his intentions and validating his own existence here in his own mind and any of the truly like-minded folk.

Personally, I view PN's posts (and incidentally how you may choose to handle your own response to them in the future) like this.......

There was a day where I "loved" rap music. Though I may have enjoyed it a bit because of everything awesome going on in my life otherwise while being an 20-something making a good buck more than most of my friends, I didn't really love it. But.... I had the big boom boom speakers in my trunk like a lot of my friends did and listened to it while we all got high and drunk and partied with a bunch of girls with low self esteem that had just about as much ambition to get out of our hole as we did.

One day, thankfully, I "woke up"..... Many of my old friends today are either dead or in jail, and most of those in jail will just go back in when they get out again. There are only a few of us who have done more than survive that downward spiral over the years that I even choose to communicate with today. I don't blame rap music at all for that behavior on all of our parts, but, just like any guy wearing a baseball cap backwards (or especially to the side) after he's 16 years old, the rap music about pimping ho's and dealing drugs has no place in the life of a 32 year old white male who actually has things to look forward to in his own life.

Long story long.....

107.9 on my radio dial ain't going anywhere. It's always there if I want to go back to it and listen to it one night just in the hopes to see if there is anything worthwhile that's new in the Pop Rap Scene, but I know that those chances are very slim and I rarely, if ever, even waste my time.

And just like quite a few of Tupac's and NWA's and Tribe's jams still reside on my iPod knockoff for the occasional listen, I do believe that there are some worthwhile things that PN says if you have the patience, free time, and even the slightest desire to sift through all of the ignorant and offensive BS.

There was a time that I really believed in some of the things that he had to talk about, but I too was just turned off completely about the "Jew" talk. I don't even argue that the people in control of the media, and therefore the emotions and actions of the people in this country are largely swayed by people who happen to be Jewish. I don't even think that if you had some way to strong-arm a Jewish Fat-Cat in Hollywood that he'd even deny that it's been happening for a long time.

The problem though, which I believe works to their benefit in such an insidious way is that almost everyone of us is a friend with a Jew/Jews or is related to a Jew/Jews. And..... this is important....


To think or believe otherwise would be completely idiotic. It would be like saying that every German in 1942 wanted all Jews dead for their "crimes". If that was the case, what was Anne Frank's diary about? Was the movie Schindler's List as much fiction as Inglorious Basterds?

My favorite Uncle is Jewish. Not that it matters f-all, but one of his kids is Catholic. I don't know the other one, but I love them both. My favorite cousins. Both of them are going into politics. My Aunt, who was one of the coolest people to me growing up was the mother of that family. My Mother's Sister. The woman for whom many years I wish was my own mother.

I have an inkling that PN might try to tell me that were just "plants" injected into my life to weaken my will, but I cringe when I see the word "Jew" thrown about deragatoritively given my relationship with them and I know that for the most part it's not true.

It makes my skin crawl, to tell you the truth, even though a part of me knows that what some of he is saying is true.

In any case....

Maybe you can point out some posts where PN has actually said that Jews should burn or die or some direct threats. If he was doing any of that, I will back off completely with this post and let the wolves have him.

In the mean time, I really don't think he's doing anything wrong according to my moral compass. His posts may not be PC and we may not agree with much of what he says, but nobody is holding a gun to our heads making us read anything he has to say. Any new post by PN the last 5 or more years has been on my personal mind-filter. The only reason I ever open up a new one on a rare occasion is if I'm in need of a chuckle or some self reassurance that the proper label for myself is "Asocial" and not "Antisocial", as I've argued with my brother in the past.

In truth, I look forward to a world where we can all talk shit about each other and it never resorts to violence. I'm sure it would never happen, but that would be my ideal world.

Right now, the way I see it, is that anybody who is not white can say or do whatever they want to and it's cool. If a white man were to reciprocate any of that he would risk a hate crime even though he was just talking.

When I first saw the hilariously awesome Sarah Silverman doing standup I thought "While at least a cute white woman can say things and not be incarsarated for it", but then I found out she was Jewish. (Of course.... "Silver"man.... "Gold"burg....)......

I'm just feeling pretty lousy here because I'm a man (strike one), I'm a 5th Generation American-European Mutt that doesn't include Jewish heritage (Italian, English, Irish, Polish, German, Norwegian, Dutch) (Strike two), and I also happen to be the stereotypical White Male in America that can't dance and has a small penis. (Strike three)

I guess all I'm saying is that many stereotypes are there for a reason. There are many truths behind them, but if you believe in one unconditionally than you're just an idiot.

Not all White Men can't dance and have small penises.

Not all Black Men are drug dealers, raised by drug dealers, love watermelon, or have anything larger than a 5" glans.

Not all Asian Men love math and have a computer generated girlfriend and are hung like a fruit fly.

But it sure is funny to joke about it.

If you argue PN's right to spew his bullshit, than you might as well shut down any comedian of any color who ever said anything inflammatory about any color he wasn't and make sure that nobody ever precedes him or her. They've already done it to the white male, and the non-"Jew" white female.

Don't look at me crosseyed....

Martin Lawrence, Tim Meadows and Tracy Lawrence are three of my favorite comedians. I just think it's totally amazing how the media has given all women the perception that their dicks must be 12" because they're black.


Jokes on them when they're in bed. Hopefully their wives don't care that those stereotypes aren't anymore true than "Reefer Madness" of 1939 telling white folk that the Jazz band black guys were going to turn their white daughters into mindless, moraless, black-loving sex fiends if they smoked the reefer..

I don't even give a shit at this point if a bunch of black guy celebrities showed sex videos to prove it. Independence Day was made back in the late 1990's for millions of dollars of special effects and I was in High School back then. Today, I'd bet that your average film buff at a good college could put a realistic-but-fake-15"-package on a hot stripper for a five minute short and not spend more than a down payment on a new Chevy Caviler to make it look real.


If you don't like it, don't watch/listen/read it....

Thanks Haken, for being the mod, for many years, on any site I've ever partaken in who suffers from the most "bitch-less-ness"

I just hope that Haken is a real name and not a government code name. I'm under no illusion that "H.A.K.E.N" is just an acronym for something insidious.

If it is, whatever.... I'm so f'ing boring in real life for the most part that you'll all get caught before me. I don't have to run faster than the monster. I just have to trip you or run faster than you and I'm all good.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Monday, December 26, 2011 5:08 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Four months later PN's posts continue to disgust me and make me sad in turns, depending on their content and how its worded. Poor creature. If I knew how much of it was his brain malfunctioning and how much was him being mean and nasty for sport it would help me know how to procede, but since I don't know which portion is greater or which portion is playing the greater role in each post its hard to know what to do except to respond when he posts something that pertains to me and ignore the rest, like I would with any poster, when I say ignore I mean not respond.

But yeah, his posts are the price we pay to be free here on the boards and I guess I'm willing to pay it if it means we can all say whatever we want and be free.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, December 27, 2011 9:26 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I for one could care less

So... you DO care?
I'm confused. Did you mean that you couldn't care less? That would mean that you care so little (like, not at all) that you could not possibly care less than you do now. If you say you COULD care less, it means you care to SOME degree, because it's possible for you to care less than you presently do.

Just an FYI.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 27, 2011 3:13 PM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
Four months later PN's posts continue to disgust me and make me sad in turns, depending on their content and how its worded. Poor creature. If I knew how much of it was his brain malfunctioning and how much was him being mean and nasty for sport it would help me know how to procede, but since I don't know which portion is greater or which portion is playing the greater role in each post its hard to know what to do except to respond when he posts something that pertains to me and ignore the rest, like I would with any poster, when I say ignore I mean not respond.

But yeah, his posts are the price we pay to be free here on the boards and I guess I'm willing to pay it if it means we can all say whatever we want and be free.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

Yep RionaEire... that last thought about sums it up.

I've never posted on another board anywhere that gave you the freedom to post almost damn near anything that was on your mind short of child pornography or a home made recipe for Crystal Meth.

The second you see the top poster of an thread and it's PN, you could just click that back button. Even if you're not quick on the trigger I think by now it should be easy to spot a PN post a mile away just from the title. Assuming he doesn't go by any other name, it seems to me to be quite easy to avoid any of his topics of conversation just by ignoring the posts altogether. I'm sure he posts his replies in threads that aren't his own, but you could just ignore them too.

Love it or hate it, I rate PN's freedom to post here just as much as I put the American business owners freedom to allow or disallow smoking in their establishments. In a perfect world, there would be no federal/state/county/city laws against smoking in restaurants or bars. That decision would be left up to the owner, and supply and demand would even it all out.

Surely, by now, what with the fact that only 25% of us smoke in this country, there could be tons of money to be made in states that still allow smoking if you were to open up a new bar and make it a non-smoking bar right next to a log established bar that allowed smoking.

Hell.... given the fact that I'm a hard core smoker and an advocate of the benefits (not being drugged up on man-made pharmaceuticals for life to cope with the world's BS being one of them), I've thought heavily about the idea of opening up a non-smoking bar in my town. Until the day that my state banned smoking in bars out-right, that gimmick alone could net me 10 times what I paid to open the joint and operating costs.

With the smoking/non-smoking stats we're told, if there were no laws to outright ban smoking, given time, 1 out of every 4 bars and restaurants in America would be non-smoking bars and the people who "are forced" to work as a bartender or waitress because of a lack of any marketable skill would have plenty of places to work if they were terrified of getting cancer from second hand smoke.

On that issue, (and many others) I really don't see what the problem is, and why it has to be an all or nothing thing like it seems to be.

I say, let PN talk his allegedly corrupted little brain out here. At the very least, it gives him a much needed way of venting out his frustrations with the way the world is going today. He'd probably be a lot scarier of a person if he didn't have or PrisonPlanet to speak his piece on.

His posting here is like a small gas leak on a defective main that would blow up if it didn't have place to steadily decompress. So long as there is no fire in the vicinity (In this case, people who will blow up at his insanity and feed the fire), then no-harm no-foul.

I'd much rather see somebody like-minded with PN posting inflammatory stuff here than I would like reading about a serial killer in the news that was taking out all of the Hollywood Jews in order of Adam Sandler's Hanuka songs.

Be the bigger man/woman... and if you don't like his posts than just turn a deaf ear....

If it helps you sleep better at night that you didn't get emotionally involved and lose sleep over the fact that you needed to counter point against somebody who will never change their mind, realize that anyone he's "recruiting" in the mean time was more than likely "un-savable" in the first place. Sleep well at night having not read his posts and just be happy that you don't exist in his reality where everyone is out to ruin you, exploit you, kill you, or all of the above.

On the off chance he's right about everything, you can also sleep well because you're in the "healthy" majority who doesn't believe anything he says because of his ill bedside manner. If everyone else but PN is wrong, than the amount of people who are going to drown when the shit hits the fan will make the Titanic look like a blip on the radar.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Sunday, January 14, 2018 1:57 AM


Anyone see this guy? He ran a radio or blog? Used to post all kinds of 911, Reptile UFO stuff? I think he would maybe post on other blogs, alex jones website or ... probably a redneck White guy, TN, maybe ex militray liked to ride bikes?

Every once in a while I think he's back online but I have not seen him in yrs

His last posts were like, KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE -- Pirate News WINS in court, back on TV! CTV Board of Knox County puts Pirate News back on TV, illegal CTV producer contracts will be re-written to comply with the constitutions and law. Full video will be posted. PNTV producer John Lee represented himself pro se, after ACLU turned down the case. Pirate News TV had been "banned forever" for broadcasting Obama Coronation, with included Episode 1 of NeoCons Gone Wild. Revealed for the first time is CTV's $850,000 tax-free annual grant from the taxslaves of Knox County... where does all that money go?

Banned at PrisonPlanet forum ?

was he banned from writing or did he go to jail?

National radio host Jack Blood was fired by GCN network for merely taking advertising from NeoCons Gone Wild.

Reporters Committee on Freedom of the Press reports on the ban of Pirate News TV

Pirate News TV

I notice he gave Jill Stein lots of coverage






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