Dear James Gunn

UPDATED: Monday, August 13, 2018 10:50
VIEWED: 6122
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Tuesday, July 31, 2018 2:11 PM


I read some of your past tweets today.

"Just tweets" "I've changed" and "just trying to be edgy" don't work for me.

If I had known, I would NOT have seen the other two GotG.

ANYONE who would let those words go past lips, let alone put them down for the world to see has severe mental problems. 10 yrs ago may as well have been yesterday. It's not like you were a dumb teenager, you were in your FORTIES.

Maybe you've never had the misfortune to read an article or twelve where a child is raped to death, literally dying from injuries of being raped. Maybe you were molested yourself? Maybe in some way, making light of it makes light of your own issues? Maybe I'm trying too hard to find some way to redeem you.... You certainly seem to be trying to squirm your way out of it without any real repercussions...

Either way, I had not actually seen your face before now, and your face makes me nauseous today.

I rarely side with Conservatives these days...but if Rosanne Nutty Bar should be taken down a peg for her unhinged ramblings, SO SHOULD YOU.

I know he's a friend of Nathan's, but damn.... I could never find it in me to justify having a friend like that. If you have a conscience, you have to draw a line somewhere. A decade of pedo and rape jokes? Yep, that's past the line.

Gunn directs the next GotG, count ME out. I know that won't matter much to Hollyweird, but it matters to me.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018 5:41 PM


Gunn will be back, he was fired from Disney not the industry. He'll get the pass Roseanne will never get.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:29 PM


There's a good video Colbert did this week called "Accountability is meaningless, unless it's for EVERYBODY" and it's the perfect phrase here.

This isn't about left or right, it's about right and wrong. You shouldn't be able to just gloss over a decade of horrid shit with an "Ooops, my bad."

Everyone signing a petition to reinstate Gunn comes off as sanctimonious and two-faced. None of us know Gunn personally, but if it's possible to know a person by their words, I damn sure don't want to. If Gunn was a person I knew I would've hunted him down to tell him he was a piece of shit to his face for ANY ONE of those comments.... not sucked up to him for a job...WHAT.THE.HELL.IS.WRONG.WITH.PEOPLE???


Wednesday, August 1, 2018 2:27 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I read some of your past tweets today.

"Just tweets" "I've changed" and "just trying to be edgy" don't work for me.

If I had known, I would NOT have seen the other two GotG.

ANYONE who would let those words go past lips, let alone put them down for the world to see has severe mental problems. 10 yrs ago may as well have been yesterday. It's not like you were a dumb teenager, you were in your FORTIES.

Maybe you've never had the misfortune to read an article or twelve where a child is raped to death, literally dying from injuries of being raped. Maybe you were molested yourself? Maybe in some way, making light of it makes light of your own issues? Maybe I'm trying too hard to find some way to redeem you.... You certainly seem to be trying to squirm your way out of it without any real repercussions...

Either way, I had not actually seen your face before now, and your face makes me nauseous today.

I rarely side with Conservatives these days...but if Rosanne Nutty Bar should be taken down a peg for her unhinged ramblings, SO SHOULD YOU.

I know he's a friend of Nathan's, but damn.... I could never find it in me to justify having a friend like that. If you have a conscience, you have to draw a line somewhere. A decade of pedo and rape jokes? Yep, that's past the line.

Gunn directs the next GotG, count ME out. I know that won't matter much to Hollyweird, but it matters to me.

Oh, this kerfuffle was just about baby rape jokes? I think I've forgotten most of the set I knew. Does this mean the series of jokes about a baby with one foot nailed to the floor are also taboo now, or maybe more taboo?

Sometimes people are having their sense of humor missing.

IIRC, of the top 3 or so jokes I've known, one was about Battered Women. Another about PMS. And a couple kick off with the premise of women being stupid - and those are a serious razor-edged divider of women. Either women don't get them, or find them uproariously hilarious.
Almost certain each of them would qualify as offensive. One of them even requires an offensive delivery.

I didn't even realize until now that jokes in the past are another reason I could not run for Public Office.

I cannot say that I am shocked, just shocked that Wishi adheres to the "Free Speech for Me, and not for thee" mantra.

Hmmmm. Just realized the vegetable jokes are probably out, too. Meaning unresponsive or coma people.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018 11:17 AM


Well the thing about accountability is what's the lesson supposed to be? Are we saying that those people are devoid of usefulness and should be executed? Are we saying that was wrong and they need to be reformed? If it's the latter than don't we have to allow people to be redeemed and allowed back into society? Roseanne's incident was immediately after her comments and she's showed little to no remorse. When she issues apologies she adds in excuses and then adds in some other insulting comments. That's not the way apologies work.

I had a teacher once who got fed up with kids being late to class and apologizing each time. So, one day he kicked the trash can across the room. He apologized, picked it up, put it back, then kicked it across the room again. He did this three more times and said "do you see how apologizing for something you continue to do is not a real apology?" Pretty awesome teacher IMO.

But by the same token if someone apologizes and never does that thing again. Then it's a real apology and should be accepted IMO. So, Gunn changed his ways and hasn't told those jokes, at least on twitter, for 10 years and he apologized. What more does he need to do to show he's changed?


Wednesday, August 1, 2018 12:21 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I cannot say that I am shocked, just shocked that Wishi adheres to the "Free Speech for Me, and not for thee" mantra.

It REALLY does not surprise me that you would defend someone who made MANY comments alluding to children touching him sexually. That's not a joke, that's not funny, and if you've done it you need to be chemically castrated with the rest of the pedos. Free speech does not cover something that heinous in a respectable persons' world. I am of course talking about RESPECTABLE people, of which you are not. Of COURSE you should not run for public office, brain damaged as you are. We need competent people.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018 12:33 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:
So, Gunn changed his ways and hasn't told those jokes, at least on twitter, for 10 years and he apologized. What more does he need to do to show he's changed?

I see no evidence he HAS changed, in fact over the weekend all he did was delete thousands of tweets, and make excuses for it. If he were truly sorry he would issue a video explaining why he felt compelled to say such disgusting things and maybe even make donations to the many organizations that help protect children from the shit he basically advocated.

How brain dead do you have to be to advocate pedophilia??? I don't think keeping him from directing one movie is much of a punishment, but it might deter other freaks from doing the same thing. It's clear from reading JSF's post that people listened to him and it had an effect. If the only good thing to come out of social media is that we can collectively take a ruler and smack a dumb adults' hand for misbehavior, we should take it and use it.

BTW....just a point. He didn't remove ANYTHING until it was pointed out. In the last 10 years he never experienced ANY shame about his posts. That tells me more than anything!


Wednesday, August 1, 2018 5:50 PM


Helmsworth and Evans have apparently unfollowed Gunn on Twitter. Way to have some gumption, boys

Daily Mail today says he will NOT be rehired. Lot of people saying Taika Waititi should get the nod. Let's hope he had a "big dummy" filter on.


Friday, August 3, 2018 10:36 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by Zeek:
So, Gunn changed his ways and hasn't told those jokes, at least on twitter, for 10 years and he apologized. What more does he need to do to show he's changed?

I see no evidence he HAS changed, in fact over the weekend all he did was delete thousands of tweets, and make excuses for it. If he were truly sorry he would issue a video explaining why he felt compelled to say such disgusting things and maybe even make donations to the many organizations that help protect children from the shit he basically advocated.

How brain dead do you have to be to advocate pedophilia??? I don't think keeping him from directing one movie is much of a punishment, but it might deter other freaks from doing the same thing. It's clear from reading JSF's post that people listened to him and it had an effect. If the only good thing to come out of social media is that we can collectively take a ruler and smack a dumb adults' hand for misbehavior, we should take it and use it.

BTW....just a point. He didn't remove ANYTHING until it was pointed out. In the last 10 years he never experienced ANY shame about his posts. That tells me more than anything!

No evidence? Apparently you missed all the people who know him personally who have come out saying those tweets don't represent who he is today. I mean Selma Blair doesn't even have any financial self interest in supporting the man and she came out with stories pretty early on in the metoo movement about things she experienced. So, her support seems rather telling to me.

Regardless clearly no one is advocating pedophilia. Comedians and everyday people make jokes about things that they in no way advocate for. That doesn't mean his tweets were ok. They were in poor taste clearly. From what I've read he initially did not delete them as a way of owning his past. He was trying to have a rational discussion and not just hide things. That didn't really work because so many people didn't want to hear anything about the situation beyond the tweets. So, he since deleted the tweets.


Friday, August 3, 2018 1:52 PM


OK, I get it. You obviously like the guy.

In my world "I like when little boys touch me in my silly place"
Is not something I could ever defend. That's not even talking about the rest.

It's also no surprise that mostly men are defending him (Selma Blair not withstanding). Men HAVE to learn they HAVE to filter. And that they can't grab every round thing that's in front of them.

If the only thing that comes out of this is adults learn to rub two emaciated brain cells together before spewing something so stupid on social media then I say losing one director from one movie who made his money and had his time is just desserts. The thought that he WASN'T going to take them down and leave them up for the idiots on 4chan to fap over means to me he wasn't ashamed at all. Most rational people wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing those remarks represented them to the world.

You and I are just going to have to agree to disagree. Free speech ain't free. You pay a penalty for things you say while attention whoring, and that's what he was doing.


Friday, August 3, 2018 2:03 PM


BTW, my hubby was a coal miner for a decade...prolly heard every dirty joke out there. I showed him the list and his jaw dropped.

So yeah, spectrum of stupid comments... Gunn is a winner.


Sunday, August 5, 2018 1:32 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by Zeek:
So, Gunn changed his ways and hasn't told those jokes, at least on twitter, for 10 years and he apologized. What more does he need to do to show he's changed?

I see no evidence he HAS changed, in fact over the weekend all he did was delete thousands of tweets, and make excuses for it. If he were truly sorry he would issue a video explaining why he felt compelled to say such disgusting things and maybe even make donations to the many organizations that help protect children from the shit he basically advocated.

How brain dead do you have to be to advocate pedophilia??? I don't think keeping him from directing one movie is much of a punishment, but it might deter other freaks from doing the same thing. It's clear from reading JSF's post that people listened to him and it had an effect. If the only good thing to come out of social media is that we can collectively take a ruler and smack a dumb adults' hand for misbehavior, we should take it and use it.

BTW....just a point. He didn't remove ANYTHING until it was pointed out. In the last 10 years he never experienced ANY shame about his posts. That tells me more than anything!

No evidence? Apparently you missed all the people who know him personally who have come out saying those tweets don't represent who he is today. I mean Selma Blair doesn't even have any financial self interest in supporting the man and she came out with stories pretty early on in the metoo movement about things she experienced. So, her support seems rather telling to me.

Regardless clearly no one is advocating pedophilia. Comedians and everyday people make jokes about things that they in no way advocate for. That doesn't mean his tweets were ok. They were in poor taste clearly. From what I've read he initially did not delete them as a way of owning his past. He was trying to have a rational discussion and not just hide things. That didn't really work because so many people didn't want to hear anything about the situation beyond the tweets. So, he since deleted the tweets.

A rational and sensible post in a rant thread from BungBetty?


Thursday, August 9, 2018 1:49 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
A rational and sensible post in a rant thread from BungBetty?

Yep, I've had anal with my husband. I also have a wide range of toys and he knows how to use every one of them. Well.

Still more respectable than a freak like you.

I'll be in my bunk with a man who loves my junk and you'll just be rotting away. You couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with a fist full of $100s.

Night, JustaStinkyFucker

I have better people ta do now. Buh-bye!


Friday, August 10, 2018 5:57 PM


Disney and Marvel (Marvel has all the power) are in secret talks to get Gunn to return to direct GOTG 3, so sez


Saturday, August 11, 2018 1:33 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
Disney and Marvel (Marvel has all the power) are in secret talks to get Gunn to return to direct GOTG 3, so sez

Maybe they can pay him more money. The original contract would have been a bargain.


Monday, August 13, 2018 10:50 AM


More evidence against him. This again sounds pretty bad. However, we don't know how long ago this was and whether he has reformed.






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