Listen Good, Sifu Joss Speaks

UPDATED: Thursday, January 9, 2003 10:09
VIEWED: 3886
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Monday, December 23, 2002 12:11 PM


I just want say that FIREFLYFANS.NET will be here for a while to fight the good fight.

Listen to Sifu Joss, he is wise.

Originally posted on


Hey, It's me. Not ME, but actual me, who started ME. It's very confusing.

Just read Tim's post. Hey, is that guy a downer or what? Love him like a brother but, hey, buddy, crack a brew once in a while! Lighten up! It's not the end of the world! It's the end of an entire GALAXY of worlds, a universe of endless narrative possiblities, the crushing end of the hearts and souls of dozens of great artists working together to create something greater than any one of themselves.

Oh. Oops. Yeah.

I wasn't there, those last few days. Only extremely important personal business could have kept me away, and it did. Besides, I didn't want to be there just being all official about THE END. Because I refuse to give up. I can't.

If and when they air the last three eps we shot for them, you will see no great closure, no final statement. Because that would have been giving up too. I want this story to continue. Or be reborn. In some -- ANY -- forum. I am, as you all know, in love.

What are our chances? Not good. Just not. That's a reality of the system. But I will use everything in my arsenal, get everyone I know to work this, find a home, find a way. If it can be done, it will. If it can't... if it can't then all the fighting, all the pain, all the geniune creative agony Tim and I (and others) suffered over the last year will still have been worth it. Just for the chance to walked that ship, lived with that crew, known those folk. Told those stories. But enough of that past tense defeatism. That's Minear Talk. (I'm gonna get so much shit for that...)

One last thing. Once the holidays are over, and I wade back in, it's probably gonna be along, protracted, difficult fight even if I DO find someone who wants the show. These things are never simple. So knowing that I have an ARMY behind me, knowing how much you guys care and are willing to do... well it helps. A great deal.

I'd be grateful if someone could post this on the sites I can't remember my passwords for, so they know i said it. You guys are the best.

(And, for the record, I'd have given up this show last april if it wasn't for Tim. So that "Minear Talk" thing, that was just cheap. I love cheap.)


You can go here to follow the entire thread:

Originally posted on


Monday, December 23, 2002 12:20 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

BTW, Sifu means 'master,' a term used by Kung Fu practitioners when referring to their teacher.


Wednesday, December 25, 2002 3:09 PM


If you want to help support Firefly and keep it on the air, go to
Write lots of letters and help keep Firefly alive!


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 11:22 PM


In Chinese, Honorifics and Titles
are placed after someone's Last Name.

So properly, that would be

Whedon SiFu.

But we are ugly, ignorant Americans,
we can bastardize anything and still
love, smile, laugh and have a good 'ol time ;-)

Traveled with a guy in Europe once,
gawd awful ugly American - he might
as well have been wearing the nasties
10 Gallon hat, big ass belt buckle,
shit kickers and spurs. I don't know
why he traveled or vacationed outside
of the USA at all (let alone the south).
He never bothered to learn anything
about where he was, everywhere he went
and whenever he had to pay for something,
he held out a handful of wadded up bills
and pocketful of change and just screamed:
"Don't know anything about your money,
just take what you need"


Originally posted by Haken:
BTW, Sifu means 'master,' a term used by Kung Fu practitioners when referring to their teacher.


Thursday, January 9, 2003 3:11 AM


Am I the only one vaguely comforted by Whedon's message?


Yes, sir, Captain Tightpants.


Thursday, January 9, 2003 6:51 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by LivingImpaired: Am I the only one vaguely comforted by Whedon's message?

No, you are not. I found comfort in the fact the Joss is going to use everything he can think of to get Firefly a home. That is all anyone can ask of him.

I wish him all the luck in the world, for him and for us.


Thursday, January 9, 2003 10:09 AM


Please, oh please, help me. I have resorted to rereading (many many many times) the fanfics to get my ff fix. Does anyone have any new news?

Oh yeah, how can we get rid of the stupid Nielson ratings idea? Only the people with the stupid NR box hooked up to their TVs actually get polled, and then they apply math to figure out how many people watch certain shows???!!!

Explain the logic in this. If we were robots or computers, then maybe, but we are humans, and math, like logic, doesn't make an accurate gauge of our preferences. Also, the only way to become a Nielson family is to be as "normal" as possible. You know, married, 2.3 kids, 1.7 pets, minivan, etc.

Who is normal anymore?






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