Cave Paintings From a Species Before Humans

UPDATED: Friday, September 6, 2024 17:49
VIEWED: 9994
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Sunday, February 25, 2018 3:19 PM


Anybody else heard of this discovery? The cave paintings have apparently been known, but new dating of the paint shows that it is from before the time our species arose.

I don't recall prior news or revelation that a Species Before us developed Art.

I'll try to find a news link.


Sunday, February 25, 2018 3:21 PM



Sunday, February 25, 2018 4:39 PM


Here's a link JSF. The paintings are believed to have been done by Neanderthals.

ETA: My link doesn't work. But you can see in the title of the story who the scientists believe the artists were.


Sunday, February 25, 2018 11:28 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The first modern humans pushed back to 300,000 years ago, based on fossils from Morocco.

How about the possibility that Homo sapiens traveled between Morocco and Spain between 300,000 and 65,000 years ago? It’s only hundreds of miles between the cave paintings in Spain and the human fossils in Morocco. That gives ‘em almost a quarter million years to figure out how to sail across the Strait of Gibraltar.


Monday, February 26, 2018 2:11 AM



Originally posted by second:
The first modern humans pushed back to 300,000 years ago, based on fossils from Morocco.

How about the possibility that Homo sapiens traveled between Morocco and Spain between 300,000 and 65,000 years ago? It’s only hundreds of miles between the cave paintings in Spain and the human fossils in Morocco. That gives ‘em almost a quarter million years to figure out how to sail across the Strait of Gibraltar.

Strait of Gibraltar is 9 miles across, right?
Assuming humans wanted to leave the lush forests of the Morocco to venture among the sharks with their minimal population, why would they feel the need to return home and not leave fossils in Spain?

So it was assumed humans were in Iberia 45,000 years ago. But these are from 64,000 years ago.

If Atlantians were saturating the Med from 14,000 years ago to 40,000 years ago, their predecessors may have been around 66,000 years ago to 92,000 years ago. Perhaps the region was not habitable from 40,000 to 65,000 years ago.


Monday, February 26, 2018 5:56 AM


America loves a winner!



Monday, February 26, 2018 9:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Those 300,000 year old humans buried in Morocco had a grandson. Their grandson in Morocco can see Spain when standing on a beach in Africa. Does he stay on the beach for 235,000 years? Or does he cross over to Spain just because the mystery land is always waiting for him and he leaves his mark on a cave that says "I was here"?

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:
The first modern humans pushed back to 300,000 years ago, based on fossils from Morocco.

How about the possibility that Homo sapiens traveled between Morocco and Spain between 300,000 and 65,000 years ago? It’s only hundreds of miles between the cave paintings in Spain and the human fossils in Morocco. That gives ‘em almost a quarter million years to figure out how to sail across the Strait of Gibraltar.

Strait of Gibraltar is 9 miles across, right?
Assuming humans wanted to leave the lush forests of the Morocco to venture among the sharks with their minimal population, why would they feel the need to return home and not leave fossils in Spain?

So it was assumed humans were in Iberia 45,000 years ago. But these are from 64,000 years ago.

If Atlantians were not in the Med from 14,000 years ago to 40,000 years ago, their predecessors may have been around 66,000 years ago to 92,000 years ago.


Monday, February 26, 2018 5:38 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:
The first modern humans pushed back to 300,000 years ago, based on fossils from Morocco.

How about the possibility that Homo sapiens traveled between Morocco and Spain between 300,000 and 65,000 years ago? It’s only hundreds of miles between the cave paintings in Spain and the human fossils in Morocco. That gives ‘em almost a quarter million years to figure out how to sail across the Strait of Gibraltar.

Strait of Gibraltar is 9 miles across, right?
Assuming humans wanted to leave the lush forests of the Morocco to venture among the sharks with their minimal population, why would they feel the need to return home and not leave fossils in Spain?

So it was assumed humans were in Iberia 45,000 years ago. But these are from 64,000 years ago.

If Atlantians were not in the Med from 14,000 years ago to 40,000 years ago, their predecessors may have been around 66,000 years ago to 92,000 years ago.

Those 300,000 year old humans buried in Morocco had a grandson. Their grandson in Morocco can see Spain when standing on a beach in Africa. Does he stay on the beach for 235,000 years? Or does he cross over to Spain just because the mystery land is always waiting for him and he leaves his mark on a cave that says "I was here"?

The Alboran Sea is about 90 miles across, from Morocco to Spain, right?
The minimal width of Lake Michigan is 91 miles, right?
About the same for Lake Superior, from Wisconsin to Canada, right?
And isn't Cuba about 90 miles from Florida?
From the lakeshore bluffs of East Wisconsin, I don't recall being able to see Michigan - it's just endless water view. At Beach level I can't imagine it would be visible.
Same thing from the taller bluffs of northern Wisconsin lakeshore, other than islands in the lake - which are not visible from the beach.
Can Floridians see Cuba from the beach? Or Vice versa?
If your eyes are 6ft above water, you may be able to see the wet sand of a beach 3 miles away.
A 6 ft person's hair, about 6 miles away.
Tip of a 25 ft tall boat, about 9 miles away - the span of the Strait of Gibraltar.
The top of a 100 ft tall tree, about 15 miles away.
Top of a 400 ft tall tree, about 27 miles away.
Top of a 1,600 ft tall tree, about 51 miles away.
Peak of a 4,900 ft tall hill, about 87 miles away. Is there such a seashore hill along Spain's Med coast?
Peak of a 6,400 ft tall hill, about 99 miles away, or 9 miles inland Spain. Denver is a mile above sea level, but a long way from a coastline.
Peak of a 10,000 ft tall hill, about 123 miles away, or 33 miles inland.

The Moroccans may have needed to travel West before even seeing land across the sea. For a new species, being attacked by other species and carnivores roaming the jungle, such ventures away from the clan or tribe seem foolish. Better to eat, reproduce, protect and propagate the species rather than explore treacherous environs. Man had not yet outgrown the available landmass, like later generations.
Or are you regurgitating your Libtard Flat Earth claims again? I hear Kylie Jenner is breathing new life into your beliefs.

Your link does not state that the species Homo Sapiens was fossilized in Morocco 300,000 years ago.
I find mention of the Jebel Irhoud site in Morocco, where hominin fossils from 300,000 years ago were found. It mentions that this species was an early origin of the line which they think eventually became Homo Sapiens. Of all the species within subfamily homonin, the only known current day surviving species is Homo Sapiens. Are you saying that you are a surviving member of the non-Homo Sapien species which was thought extinct, the same species found at Jebel Irhoud, a species believed to be a precursor to Homo Sapien? For you to proclaim that you are not Homo Sapien, but rather a species not benefiting from the advancements to Homo Sapiens, explains a lot.
So, other than your species, the earliest fossil evidence of the rest of us (Homo Sapien) is still around 45,000 years ago, right?
And so the discovery of Art from 64,000 years ago can present a dilemma of the Human timeline.
Did Neanderthals create the art?
Or was there a gap of 19,000 years indicating absence from the region, for Homo Sapiens? I would feel better if that gap was closer to a 26,000 year figure, but no need to quibble.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018 12:47 AM


Wrong thread.


Monday, June 11, 2018 4:05 AM


I just heard of 3 things I never heard of before, 2 of them not really related to discussion in this thread.

1. Baghdad Battery. Some ancient energy generator. Apparently used with some ancient light bulb, which has been dubbed "Lotus Flower"

2. Parapsychology has been proven to exist.

3. Earth has a wobble with a cycle of about 26,000 years. AKA Axial Precession. One reference said 26,500 years, another had 25,772 years. I've been aware since the 90s of the geological evidence record showing approximately 26,000 year cycle, with now in the 12-14,000 year place in the cycle. But had not heard of the wobble. Now it seems that the Axial Star will be Vega in 13,000 years.

I had already referenced the 26,000 year cycle in this thread.

Reportedly this wobble will cause some deserts to convert to jungles, and then back again.
And shows that the Pyramids of Giza would have been astronomically aligned either 10,500 BC or 10,500 years ago.

I have not checked into this, or looked at how this info correlates and reconciles with the other historical and geological evidence.
I was under the impression that this cycle also had an alignment within our Solar System, which is external to Terra - but this wobble is more Terracentric.

I saw a reference that this was known 10 years ago, but I only heard of it now.

I really wish somebody would map out all of the Sunken Harbors of the world. Port Cities 200 feet below Sea Level could help us map Earth's topographical history.

For those not paying attention: Yes, this means the poles will move. And also the Ice Caps on the Poles. That much ballyhooed "Ice Age" was all pure hocum. The Great Lakes and Hudson Bay will again host the North Pole Ice Cap, and upon melting will carve out more of the Grand Canyon. Siberia will have elephants roaming yet again. And the Northern portion of Atlantis will again host whichever species is the smartest or most enduring.

Wow. MSM has done a bang-up job of hiding this news. Is it taught in schools? Hard to believe Department of Educamation would willingly give up their Ice Age nonsense and Global Warming mantra in exchange for science. Or could they teach the 3-headed theory: Ice Age, Polar Shift, and Religion - and ignore any logical conflicts?


Monday, October 22, 2018 8:30 PM


Here is an interesting linky. It is clickbait, which I usually avoid, But I misunderstood the reference for it to mean something else.
However, numerous unexplained items in here.
#23. The Piri Reis Map. Extremely hard to unearth this subject unless you have the exact name beforehand, and even then not so easy. Made in 1513.

#36. Stepped Pyramid at the bottom of Sea of Galilee.

#1 Lava Spheres.

See how many others you can logically fit into your worldview.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018 5:05 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Here is an interesting linky. It is clickbait, which I usually avoid, But I misunderstood the reference for it to mean something else.
However, numerous unexplained items in here.
#23. The Piri Reis Map. Extremely hard to unearth this subject unless you have the exact name beforehand, and even then not so easy. Made in 1513.

#36. Stepped Pyramid at the bottom of Sea of Galilee.

#1 Lava Spheres.

See how many others you can logically fit into your worldview.

Actually, this does include the Baghdad Battery, but discounts it. This item was already mentioned in the prior post.


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 8:04 PM


More news. Of a paintings dated 11,800 - 12,600 years ago.

This really helps bracket the time frame of the Biblical floods, Ice Age, global tectonic upheaval.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022 4:04 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:
The first modern humans pushed back to 300,000 years ago, based on fossils from Morocco.

How about the possibility that Homo sapiens traveled between Morocco and Spain between 300,000 and 65,000 years ago? It’s only hundreds of miles between the cave paintings in Spain and the human fossils in Morocco. That gives ‘em almost a quarter million years to figure out how to sail across the Strait of Gibraltar.

Strait of Gibraltar is 9 miles across, right?
Assuming humans wanted to leave the lush forests of the Morocco to venture among the sharks with their minimal population, why would they feel the need to return home and not leave fossils in Spain?

So it was assumed humans were in Iberia 45,000 years ago. But these are from 64,000 years ago.

If Atlantians were not in the Med from 14,000 years ago to 40,000 years ago, their predecessors may have been around 66,000 years ago to 92,000 years ago.

Those 300,000 year old humans buried in Morocco had a grandson. Their grandson in Morocco can see Spain when standing on a beach in Africa. Does he stay on the beach for 235,000 years? Or does he cross over to Spain just because the mystery land is always waiting for him and he leaves his mark on a cave that says "I was here"?

The Alboran Sea is about 90 miles across, from Morocco to Spain, right?
The minimal width of Lake Michigan is 91 miles, right?
About the same for Lake Superior, from Wisconsin to Canada, right?
And isn't Cuba about 90 miles from Florida?
From the lakeshore bluffs of East Wisconsin, I don't recall being able to see Michigan - it's just endless water view. At Beach level I can't imagine it would be visible.
Same thing from the taller bluffs of northern Wisconsin lakeshore, other than islands in the lake - which are not visible from the beach.
Can Floridians see Cuba from the beach? Or Vice versa?
If your eyes are 6ft above water, you may be able to see the wet sand of a beach 3 miles away.
A 6 ft person's hair, about 6 miles away.
Tip of a 25 ft tall boat, about 9 miles away - the span of the Strait of Gibraltar.
The top of a 100 ft tall tree, about 15 miles away.
Top of a 400 ft tall tree, about 27 miles away.
Top of a 1,600 ft tall tree, about 51 miles away.
Peak of a 4,900 ft tall hill, about 87 miles away. Is there such a seashore hill along Spain's Med coast?
Peak of a 6,400 ft tall hill, about 99 miles away, or 9 miles inland Spain. Denver is a mile above sea level, but a long way from a coastline.
Peak of a 10,000 ft tall hill, about 123 miles away, or 33 miles inland.

The Moroccans may have needed to travel West before even seeing land across the sea. For a new species, being attacked by other species and carnivores roaming the jungle, such ventures away from the clan or tribe seem foolish. Better to eat, reproduce, protect and propagate the species rather than explore treacherous environs. Man had not yet outgrown the available landmass, like later generations.
Or are you regurgitating your Libtard Flat Earth claims again? I hear Kylie Jenner is breathing new life into your beliefs.

Your link does not state that the species Homo Sapiens was fossilized in Morocco 300,000 years ago.
I find mention of the Jebel Irhoud site in Morocco, where hominin fossils from 300,000 years ago were found. It mentions that this species was an early origin of the line which they think eventually became Homo Sapiens. Of all the species within subfamily homonin, the only known current day surviving species is Homo Sapiens. Are you saying that you are a surviving member of the non-Homo Sapien species which was thought extinct, the same species found at Jebel Irhoud, a species believed to be a precursor to Homo Sapien? For you to proclaim that you are not Homo Sapien, but rather a species not benefiting from the advancements to Homo Sapiens, explains a lot.
So, other than your species, the earliest fossil evidence of the rest of us (Homo Sapien) is still around 45,000 years ago, right?
And so the discovery of Art from 64,000 years ago can present a dilemma of the Human timeline.
Did Neanderthals create the art?
Or was there a gap of 19,000 years indicating absence from the region, for Homo Sapiens? I would feel better if that gap was closer to a 26,000 year figure, but no need to quibble.

Recent reports about Sea Levels brings about a Wonder of Strait of Gibraltar.

Depth of the Strait is between 980 and 2,950 feet. About 21,000 years ago Sea Levels are believed to have been 430 feet lower than current.
This wAs not enough to have shortened the width of the Strait.

The Alboran Sea has a depth of 1,460 to 4,900 feet.


Monday, October 9, 2023 2:27 PM


Interesting, although not exactly Art. It seems scientists are fast and loose with the terminology
of "humans" as a species.

Anyhow, location is border of Zambia and Tanzania, about 6 miles up the Kalambo River
from Lake Tanganyika, near Kalambo Falls.
Dated to 476,000 years ago.
Homo heidelbergensis was the species, around from about 700,000 to 200,000 years ago.
Dating method was luminescence dating.


Tuesday, February 13, 2024 2:21 PM



Friday, September 6, 2024 5:49 PM


This is not the best thread for this, but I couldn't find the appropriate thread in time.






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