Joss & us know the feeling....

UPDATED: Monday, April 28, 2003 15:47
VIEWED: 2546
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Thursday, April 24, 2003 5:03 AM



'Just Shoot Me' Pulled; Producer Pistol-Hot

After a disastrous ratings performance earlier this week, NBC informed the producers Wednesday that it was immediately pulling the sitcom from the schedule and shelving 13 unaired episodes.

The move drew an outraged response from "Just Shoot Me" executive producer Steve Levitan, who accused NBC entertainment president Jeff Zucker of breaking his word about the show's future and killing it this season through poor scheduling and a lack of promotion.

Levitan said that at the final season taping last month, "Jeff Zucker came and assured our cast, promised our cast, that (NBC) would not pull us and they would be airing these episodes. Now it's clear to me his word meant nothing.

"It's a real slap in the face to the show and the crew for NBC to treat the show the way they've treated it."

Levitan -- whose public criticism echoed David E. Kelley's attacks on ABC earlier this season over a scheduling switch for "The Practice" -- emphasized that he was speaking out because he felt NBC's handling of the show was representative of a larger trend in the business, with network executives growing increasingly enamored of reality shows and impatient with scripted fare.

"If they're going to toss you aside for 'Game Show Moments,' where's the integrity and dignity in this business?" said Levitan, who also is an executive producer of Fox's comedy "Oliver Beene."

Levitan said that after he expressed his anger over the show's removal, Zucker told Levitan's agent, Jay Sures of United Talent Agency, that his client would not be working for NBC again. Sures declined comment.

Also listen to this:


O.J. Simpson could become the star of a new reality television show that would be centered on snippets of his appearances at hip-hop concerts.

Think fox has anything to do with the O.J. show? See, all the networks are getting to be morons. Maybe the same fool running fox gave nbc the idea.


"No tyranny has ever really lasted. No government based on violence has endured. Sooner or later, they all fall. We're here to build a new life for ourselves, a home among the stars. Would you build a home on a foundation you knew would not last?"


Thursday, April 24, 2003 6:00 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I think that many producers, directors, writers, casts, etc, will find themselves in this same exact situation for a while to come.

With the current fascination by networks and viewers for reality shows, the trend will be for more reality shows to fill prime viewing times and scripted shows cancelled, placed on hiatus, or moved to time slots where they have little chance of catching viewers.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, April 28, 2003 12:50 PM


I can just see all the disenfranchised show creators/production companies banding together to found a new net where only intelligent, ground-breaking shows are aired and reality shows are banned.

Early: You ever been raped, Kaylee?
Kaylee: You know, it's funny you should mention that... ever heard of the Fox network?


Monday, April 28, 2003 1:10 PM


I like this line:
"If they're going to toss you aside for 'Game Show Moments,' where's the integrity and dignity in this business?"


Monday, April 28, 2003 3:47 PM


This is from USA Today. It just keeps getting better, doesn't it?

Larry Namer, who co-founded E! Entertainment (originally as Movietime Channel), and Blake Mycoskie, a contestant from The Amazing Race, plan to launch Reality Central, a round-the-clock cable network focusing on the genre. Investors include winners of CBS' Amazing Race and Survivor.

Namer disagrees with critics who say the reality genre could be a passing fancy.

"There's a huge base of passionate fans. (And) the main audience is 18-to-34," the young adults sought by advertisers, he says. "They grew up on The Real World on MTV. To them, reality TV is television. It's not a fad for them."

Hey, I'm in that age group, maybe I'm just not hip? Or don't the kids nowadays use hip? Come on, this is getting bad. Is this Namer guy saying that 18-34 year olds are all morons? As for all reality tv don't we already have fox?


"A man who won't stand up for his own principles is not really a man at all."






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