Whedon definitively says 'We'll never make Firefly again'

UPDATED: Saturday, January 28, 2006 22:28
VIEWED: 11347
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:47 PM


Whedon rules out 'Firefly' revival
Tuesday, January 3 2006, 12:03 GMT -- by Neil Wilkes

Firefly / FOX
Firefly creator Joss Whedon has quashed rumours of the show's revival but has assured fans that the universe has far from ended.

The cult sci-fi series was axed by FOX after just twelve episodes in 2002 but hopes of a return were recently ignited by the success of the show's DVD release and a spinoff movie, Serenity.

"We'll never make Firefly again, because that was a thing that existed and is now gone," Whedon told USA Today. "And Serenity isn't Firefly, and whatever comes next won't be, either. But I would love to tell more stories of this universe and to hang out with these people on and off for the rest of my career."

Now he hopes the DVD release of Serenity will make the case for further films in the franchise. "The best-case scenario is that the DVD is such a spectacular, monster hit that we get to make another movie. Then we get to make another movie. After three movies, we're all very tired," he added, joking: "After Serenity: Revolutions, we feel like we've played it out. And then we make another series."


That seems pretty cut and dry to me. The creator says that movies are a possibility but the return of the TV series is not. In no uncertain terms he says in order for a Serenity sequel to be made that the Serenity DVD has to sell a lot of copies. So you can post on this forum and send postcards all you want, but in the real world if you want to see Serenity: Reloaded, I suggest going out and buying more copies of Serenity.

Give them to friends and family. Donate some to local high schools as a Grad Night prize. Resell them on EBay at a slight loss. Get creative, figure something out. I'm talking about dollar votes here. The dollar votes that didn't get made at the box office now must be made, since this is our last chance while it is still relevant.

Notice I'm talking about buying the Serenity DVD, and not the Firefly DVD. I suggest letting friends borrow your Firefly DVD set and then encouraging them to buy the Serenity DVD themselves. Every time a Firefly DVD set is sold Fox makes a few more dollars that they A) Didn't expect B) Don't deserve. They undermined and sabotaged a great show. And for this we reward them.

We all love Firefly but the TV series is in the past. You could buy 2+ copies of Serenity for the price of 1 copy of Firefly, and reward the company that believed in Whedon and the fan base when there was plenty of evidence to the contrary. Universal is the future, if you want to see a sequel, give them your business, encourage others to do the same, and get creative, make dollar votes.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:58 PM


I refuse, I will bitch-slap Joss Whedon until Firefly is back on the air if I have to.

and what do you mean "don't buy Firefly"? what if you don't have it yet? and if you show your friend serenity he/she's gonna get firefly anyway. Who cares about Fox mistreating it and us giving them money for it, I don't care, I would gladly pay double the price for it if I had to, because it's worth it.

Who's for sending Joss Whedon threatening e-mails?


Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:13 AM


Hmm. It's not so much that I think people shouldn't buy Firefly, they should, I did. But sales of Firefly puts more undeserved money in the pockets of Fox, and when you consider their infinite stupidity and the infinite bad blood between Fox and Whedon, no amount of sales is going to get the show back on Fox, and the DVD sales will actually increase Fox's asking price for the television rights. Right now Fox has a monopoly on the Firefly Series DVD. If they sell the television rights, then subsequent seasons of the Firefly Series DVD would actually be competition to Fox's first season.

So since the chances of a revived TV series are slim at best and according to Whedon non-existent, our focus as fans should be to reserve future flights of Serenity, and the suggested medium is the big screen. To that end the sales of the Serenity DVD is the key. I realize that the Firefly DVD and Serenity DVD sales go hand in hand, but I'm just trying to emphasize that it is the sales of the movie that will actually determine the future of the franchise.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:21 AM


I much prefer Bitch-Slapping Whedon until he takes it back. And then Bitch-Slapping fox (lower case) until they bring the show back.

But hey, that's just me.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:39 AM


Its a funny thing about human beings and I'm pretty sure that Josh is a human, that one morning we wake up and look at the sunrise and feel "Wow what a beautiful day" then another we wake up look at the Sunrise and feel "Damn that sun is in my eyes."

A rose by any other name smells just as sweet. Call it what you will, Firefly, Serenity, Space Cowboys. Faith is part of the real world and I agree with you this verse will fly again maybe not under the name "Firefly" but it will exist again because that is what I believe.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:56 AM


Those are contextual quotes from an interview done several weeks ago. Joss has since recanted in various ways. At the time I think his focus was on keeping Universal interested in a sequel. That may still be the case, but he's made other statements that indicate he'll always be ready to tell more Firefly stories in whatever format available.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Thursday, January 26, 2006 1:16 AM


bitch slapping Joss Whedon.
Talk about appreciation. The guy makes 3 FANTASTIC shows, stretching over 9 years of my life, and you wanna send him threatening emails?
Its up to him if he wants it on air or movie... Frankly, i dont care as long as the story goes on... shame they're going to have to do that without Wash and Book.
moment of silence please


Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:42 AM


Seriously...I generally try to be positive and supportive, but this is getting pretty old. Like SergeantX stated a little earlier, that particular translation has been debunked, repeatedly, and by Joss directly, no less. But seriously...can you not read with comprehension? That statement doesn't even *infer* that he won't or doesn't want to continue Firefly, and by itself directly contradicts that point. It says that he *can't*...and that no one can...and why? Because it's going to have changed and been affected by other forces. No matter what is done, for example making a movie in the same 'verse (wait, that example is actually *in the quote*), it won't be the same. Jiminy Christmas, I really can't see how this is that hard.

I hate being nasty about something like this, but this is rediculous. And it makes me mad, especially when this could have been completely avoided, along with the upsetting of people that are sensative to just the headline of this post, with thirty seconds of research. That said, it means either laziness or malicious intent, and either way, that still bothers me to no end. Grr...

Angry Amiton.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:50 AM


I agree with Amiton it has been hashed about what Joss meant by this.

Select to view spoiler:

He means that it will all be different and it has to be after the "Serenity" movie and the changing of the story.

Just to be safe and not be rude to people who have not seen the movie.

It could be the show but...something different with the same people and our same beloved cast.

Everyone is so emotional about this and I am as well but we need to just wait and see. I think that Joss would not let us down. He know how much we love the story with the people and that we all want more and there is a possiblity for more.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:51 AM


Joss never refuted the USA Today interview, it was the Entertainment Weekly one. So those quotes in this interview

are valid. No more Firefly to be told, but Serenity sequels maybe.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:55 AM


"We'll never make Firefly again, because that was a thing that existed and is now gone," Whedon told USA Today. "And Serenity isn't Firefly, and whatever comes next won't be, either. But I would love to tell more stories of this universe and to hang out with these people on and off for the rest of my career."

Y'all need to stop, sit down, take a breath and a chill pill...then READ WHAT THE MAN SAID.
"Firefly" is GONE. Which of these 3 very simple words don't you understand here?
There is no more "Firefly". It has ceased to be.
It was axed by the weasles at Fox, what, 4 years ago. This show is gone.
"Serenity" wasn't, nor was it meant to be, Firefly.
People were/are bitching and moaning about every little thing in that movie from the music, to the not-so-much-Chinese, to the end of the movie not being "Firefly".
Universal didn't hire Joss to bring a big 2 hour episode of Firefly to the big screen...and thankfully he didn't.
There's nothing in Joss's statement that says he never again wants to have anything to do with the 'verse.
He didn't "recant" anything.
He had to clarify what was mis-stated by the writers of that interview....and thus mis-understood by some fans.
Where's my coffee...?


Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:00 AM


I agree with you Tallgrrl. It’s a figurative statement not literal.

What Joss is saying is that all things change over time and he needs to adapt to the given situation at that time. In my heart I know that Joss and the people who share his vision on the creative side will return one day.

Who know what the future has in store? Who knows maybe the changes Joss and his creative team bring to the verse might make it better than it is right now?

What makes this "verse" great is its canvas. The Writers, artists and performers have so many ways to paint the picture. As a viewer it’ll keep it fresh and we'll all be better for it.

The entertainment market is changing fast and we must be open to whatever media Firefly/Serenity is presented. The delivery system is changing with video on demand and direct to DVD on the horizon.

It will come back some day soon and will have changed hopefully even better than before.

I know I be "flyin" with them!

"Have you looked at this scan carefully? At his face? It's love point of fact" Operative at the Institute Records Room


Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:04 AM


No, what he said was that if they can, they will make the trilogy, and that'll be all, and that's good, but most of us want more, Firefly can still be brought back, it is still possible, I just want more.

A trilogy is not enough, the show was better than the movie, what makes you think the next 2 will be any different, Joss can do best with a TV show rather than with a movie, and that's what this 'verse deserves, the best. He ain't never done nothin' better than Firefly, and it's not too likely he ever will. It's possible, but very, very unlikely. I ain't never seen anything better than Firefly, and you're askin' me to just lay down and die!?

fox said they were gonna destroy this 'verse, and we choked 'em with those words. We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty. Just a little while longer, we'll get our show back.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:43 AM


Personally, I feel that the best bet for a continuation of the Firefly/Serenity 'vers would be a miniseries on SciFi. Think of it-- more Firefly on the small screen, but with the potential for more screentime than most movies can or would have. The Battlestar mini was what? 3 to 4 hours long? Serenity was only a minute shy of two hours.

See what I mean? Two or three nights of Mal and company, in segments of an hour and a half or two hours per night... that would be perfect.

Except for the fact that I don't have cable. And my aunt would either have to tape it for me, or I'd have to wait for it on DVD.

But other than that, it would be perfect.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:54 AM


I agree that he was saying the verse has changed too much for it to go back to how it was before, not that he'll never make another. Its like after the war, sure everyone could go off and be folk once again, but they never really got over the war, and it changed them, all of them. Thats what it means. And in that spirit.....

Come gentlemen, "Lets not argue and bicker over who killed who....."

If you play check out the region Firefly.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 5:59 PM


a few things:

1. Chiwetel Ejiofor as the Operative, was he not the best possible villain one could have asked for?

2. Speaking of which I am settled on this: Book being/was a put-out-to-pasture Operative. for what thats worth..

3. I watched Objects in Space last night, and had watched the movie last week.. I seriously think the show was better,, perhaps Im nostalgic and like things like houses gift wrapped in solar blankets passing off as set design but I just think the time they were alloted for dialog was way more and made the characters resonate better.. Take Objects for instance, that was a whole show devoted primarily to Jubal Early being brilliant and insightfully walking the ship while he critiqued every crew member, plus he shot Simon which i thought needed to happen.. There was something sort of Ray Bradbury about his red space suit which i really dug too.

4. Does anyone really want that show to come back minus Wash and Book? Neg.. I think they fractured the concept enough so that it would be impossible to, I think to make the movie they realized they had to.. they answered the big questions and for me killed off the remaining by shifting the power centers, the biggie River being omnipotent and understanding it.

Half of writing history is hiding the truth.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:15 PM


Glad to have you Rend, noticed you just signed up today.

Hope to hear from you often.

" If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed. "- Mal


Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:58 PM


Ok, a few things I'd like to say...

Joss said "But, you know, we'll never make Firefly again, because that was a thing that existed and is now gone. And Serenity isn't Firefly, and whatever comes next won't be, either. But I would love to tell more stories of this universe and to hang out with these people on and off for the rest of my career."

In this passage, he uses firefly to mean the series that aired in 2002. Because if he meant the 'verse and our crew as a whole, he would not have said that "Serenity isn't Firefly", as that is a distinction. By this statement, he says that the F*X series is gone, the DVDs we know and love are no longer applicable to a series because of the movie. However, he can sure as hell make a series out of Serenity. (not necessarily in terms of licensing rights, but philosophically)

And don't you folks think we browncoats, nor our crew couldn't survive the deaths from the movie: if you know anything about Whedon TV programs, he accepts death as a constant in life, and then life goes on: thus, he could, if he was making a series again at all, most definitly make it minus the two characters. It was just bad luck that Firefly ended before Joss had a chance to kill someone, (depressing, yes, but i mean he would have eventually) I doubt it was his intention to keep the show with the same number of crewmen indefinitely.

Ok, so, to sum up: i dont think Joss meant anything but the 2002 series is 'dead', and I think that a series continuation would be fine coming on after the events of the movie.

I survived a day in Whitefall and all I got was this lousy signature!

Terrifying Space Monkey of Destiny


Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:04 PM


The Firefly brand is dead. I mean, after all, all of the new stuff coming out is labeled "Serenity." The comics, the RPG, the model, everything. I wish it weren't so, but it is. Firefly might not go on, but the 'verse will. In short, I agree with most everything the esteemed browncoats above me said.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:03 PM


Well, the DVD was #1 on for a while. And now it's #7, after having been out for, what, over a month now? That ain't nothin', you know.

I got a lot of hope left for the series, whatever name it's called. Truth be told, I actually like the name Serenity more. Mind you, merely a shade more, but more nonetheless. KF


Lord, I'm walking your way. Let me in, for my feet are sore, my clothes are ragged.
Look in my eyes, Lord, and my sins will play out on them as on a screen. Read them all.
Forgive what you can and send me on my path. I will walk on until you bid me rest.

~Haven Prayer


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:16 PM


Joss announced on Jan. 9th that he's looking to make the TV show again:

"A sequel's unlikely," Whedon told Empire with a note of clear regret, "but it's amazing what permutations of something can happen." But if not a theatrical encore, that leaves... yes, you guessed it, a possible return to the smaller screen. "As long as I was able to service the characters with integrity and had enough money so that I wasn't hampered, then I would love to return Serenity to TV. I love that universe; it continues and those characters live on. There could be a series, there could be a miniseries, there could be all sorts of things. I'm not ruling anything out. I'll let it simmer for a while and see if anyone calls."


Hope is far from lost. I'd prefer to see a series and hope that it happens. The DVDs are selling far too well to ignore.



Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:38 PM



Thanks for this note, I had missed that article. Damn Whedon sure does a sudden about face in 6 days. First he's saying the TV series is gone never to return, hoping for a sequel. Then he says the sequel is unlikely and hopes to return to TV? Is this guy toying with our emotions?

If and when the Verse returns, in whatever format, they will probably need to bring in a new character...perhaps a little bit of ethnic diversity? With Book dead and The Operative out of the picture, Zoe is the only character that isn't cracker white (I am cracker white, for the record). Mal, Jayne, and Kaylee bring some comic relief to compensate for the death of Wash, but maybe a hotshot pilot of undisclosed race could add a little spice to the mix.

This is key to selling the show to an audience that might not otherwise tune in, and the bigger the audience the greater the likelyhood of the Verse continuing. Matrix had Lawrence Fishburne. Star Wars had Samuel L Jackson. Serenity needs some soul - Taye Diggs, Larenz Tate, Mekhi Phifer, Cuba Gooding, Omar Epps, think along those lines, a little name recognition is not a bad thing, if you can coax them onto the ship that is.

Originally posted by Shavenyak:
Joss announced on Jan. 9th that he's looking to make the TV show again:

"A sequel's unlikely," Whedon told Empire with a note of clear regret, "but it's amazing what permutations of something can happen." But if not a theatrical encore, that leaves... yes, you guessed it, a possible return to the smaller screen. "As long as I was able to service the characters with integrity and had enough money so that I wasn't hampered, then I would love to return Serenity to TV. I love that universe; it continues and those characters live on. There could be a series, there could be a miniseries, there could be all sorts of things. I'm not ruling anything out. I'll let it simmer for a while and see if anyone calls."


Hope is far from lost. I'd prefer to see a series and hope that it happens. The DVDs are selling far too well to ignore.



Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:52 PM


Well put!!!!


Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:55 PM


The absolutely maddening part of this is that nothing Joss has ever actually said (rather than what other people have said about what he has said) has ever said anything other than some variation on, "I'll tell these stories in whatever form I'm allowed to do so."

What he told Entertainment Weekly was a version or outgrowth of that, what he told USA Today was a version or outgrowth of that, and what he told everybody else has been a version or outgrowth of that.

Time after time after time, Joss has said one thing: That he will tell these stories in whatever forms are made available to him, when the time is right to do so.

Everything else is a combination of non-journalism, rumor-mongering, and a stunning lack of reading comprehension.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:33 PM


Who says the 'verse (if put back on TV) has to continue from where Serenity (BDM) left off? The new show could easily be called "Serenity: the Early Years" or something in which it would pick up where Firefly ended but before the movie took place. There's still a good chunk of space in between those two timeline events. Hell, the movie showed us an event before the original series, of how Simon freed River, then basically jumped right to where Simon wanted off the ship. By having the new show stay in that middle timespace where the crew is still flying around day-to-day, all of the cast can return without any problems. This is the most logical thing to do: pick up where the original show left off. Having the new show pickup where the movie left off just wouldnt be as interesting. I'd say leave that territory for the sequal, if that happens.

For those of us who are optimistic in this 'verse, which I'm sure is most, you can replace the "if"s with "when"s.

I'll be in my bunk.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:34 PM


I agree with Bix's comment. A lot of phoney "journalism" has been written that quote's Joss out of context. Truth is, it's not his decision how or when the 'Verse will return. I'm sure if you gave him the chance he'd want it all TV for the luxury of long stories and great character development, movies for punchy plot and specticle and comics to tell those stories too ambitious to film.

Unfortunately he doesn't get that choice, the money guys have to decide what they want to make. If it is the Dark Horse comics money guys it will be a comic book, the Fox TV guys may want a TV movie or a miniseries, Universals guys may want a movie or something for SciFi.

Joss will take whatever is available as long as it lets him tell his stories his way. We have to be patient and keep converting the masses to our cause.


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:53 AM



Originally posted by BookOfVerse:
This is key to selling the show to an audience that might not otherwise tune in, and the bigger the audience the greater the likelyhood of the Verse continuing. Matrix had Lawrence Fishburne. Star Wars had Samuel L Jackson. Serenity needs some soul - Taye Diggs, Larenz Tate, Mekhi Phifer, Cuba Gooding, Omar Epps, think along those lines, a little name recognition is not a bad thing, if you can coax them onto the ship that is.

You have to be kidding me... Taye Diggs (just to pick one)as a pilot in Firefly? Firstly, the pilot role has been filled :-P If you want to add some ethnic diversity, add an asian actor. Asia did, after all, "co-found" the new solar system. The verse speaks chinese as a co-first language, everything has chineses (& asian) tones to it, so um, where are the chinese actors/crew members? I'd rather see a fresh new asian face brought in to the mix; a face we may not have seen before. Have him/her speak mostly chinese & only curse in english (mildly)... I really can't see Cuba doing a series like Firefly after a career like his.

You can't take the sky from me


Friday, January 27, 2006 5:05 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

That's why I made my own Little Damn Movie, or at least a FF music video. Serenity shall rise again!

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV


Friday, January 27, 2006 5:18 AM


Oh, for pity's sake! Is this same out-of-context quote still floating about, causing panic?

Of course Firefly is gone; that show's major plot line (the search for River) is done with; any new movies or series will have to be different, with a new core plot.

So what? Joss isnt disowning the setting or the characters -- it just won't be a show called Firefly. It'll be something new, maybe something better.

I can live with that.

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Friday, January 27, 2006 6:04 AM


Tallgrrl, I think you’re on the right line of thinking. I think everyone should sit back for a moment and take some time to read a few of Joss’s interviews over the last year. He’s not a robot, it’s no secret that he is emotionally vested in the “Firefly / Serenity” verse. So yeah, I think he’d probably love to do something with the verse again, but here’s the caveat. He not willing to do something again in a format that sets his baby up for failure.

Can’t you hear, he has a VERY bad taste in his mouth from his TV experiences, and the “what have you done for me lately” attitude that is so pervasive in the TV Executive end of business. How can you do a show where there is very little in the way of front office support, and very real fear of getting the plug pulled each week. I don’t think he wants to put his cast and crew through that again either.

BUT having said all that, if a way was available for Joss to do it “on his terms,” I pretty sure he’d be very open to doing it. Every one just be patient and see what develops over the next few months. In my mind even more important than just buying even more DVD’s is to actively expand our fan base. That is what really has the greatest chance of breathing life back into the verse. And of course, keep the faith!

Mal: Jayne, just how many weapons you plan on taking? You only got the two arms.
Jayne: I just get excitable as to choice. Like to keep my options open.
Mal: I don’t plan on any shooting taking place during this job.
Jayne: Yeah, well what you plan and what takes place ain’t ever exactly been similar.
Mal: No grenades.


Friday, January 27, 2006 10:53 AM


What they need is some sexual diversity.imagine the show where Mal and Jayne where delivering cattle and the Doc got kidnapped.
( here go's) Maybe they should of done this instead. Mal and Jayne have some sort of tryst and Inora leaves the back of Firefly crying because of what she just seen. then come along
Heath Ledger and Jake Gylynnhall from that Gay cowboyfilm:Broke my back getting butt fucked in the Mountains,I'm sorry Broke back mountain. Come strolling up to the back of serenity asking if Mal could move some horses or something. Now that,That would of got us ratings.


Friday, January 27, 2006 9:04 PM


I agree with you completely. This guy has made fantastic stuff. There's no need to even suggest to bitch slap him.

For me, I just want to watch more of the verse in Whedon's mind. It's a bloody fantastic world and that's good enough for me to see more of it.


Friday, January 27, 2006 10:32 PM


uh.. maybe it's just me... but this gives me more hope... you'll note that the date for this article is a few days after the aforementioned one...


Saturday, January 28, 2006 7:55 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

He say's "Firefly" is gone - as in THAT show, those 14 episodes that aired (or didn't) on Fox Network, are gone. Done. History. As in, he's not going to remake those episodes again. He says, and has said REPEATEDLY, that he looks forward to working in this 'verse with this cast on future projects. And then he said - right there in the interview you "definitively" quote as your "reason" why a TV series is not a possibility - the following:


"The best-case scenario is that the DVD is such a spectacular, monster hit that we get to make another movie. Then we get to make another movie. After three movies, we're all very tired," he added, joking: "After Serenity: Revolutions, we feel like we've played it out. And then we make another series."

Note the emphasis I added on "And then we make another series." I take that to be his half-joking-half-hoping inference that he'd love to do a couple movies, grow the 'verse into a legitimate franchise, and then do another series with it. That series wouldn't be Firefly, but it wouldn't be terribly different from it, either.

Comparing Firefly to Serenity is, to me, a bit like trying to compare Buffy the movie to Buffy the series. How much time was spent exploring the depth of the characters in the movie? Exactly: next to none; that's because that's not what two-hour movies are for, unless they're Merchant/Ivory productions (heavens forbid!). Serenity was very much a different creature than Firefly, but very much in the same vein as the show. More shoot-em-up-blow-em-up, but still with the same core values we loved about the show...just...y'know... less time to actually delve into them, because it's a two-hour movie.


Damn Whedon sure does a sudden about face in 6 days. First he's saying the TV series is gone never to return, hoping for a sequel. Then he says the sequel is unlikely and hopes to return to TV? Is this guy toying with our emotions?

Not intentionally, I'm sure. I think it's more like HIS emotions are toying with him. Watch Joss talk about Firefly, Serenity, and the fans sometime; he's not just SAYING that he's touched and moved by them - he really IS touched and moved by them! To have those feelings about your creations and the people who love them, and to constantly be in a state of limbo as to whether you'll be *allowed* to keep telling your stories about them, it just has to be a mind-rending experience. Now go through it every day for a few years, and oh, yeah - do a few dozen interviews a month while you're busy being tormented, and don't forget to smile. Ya get what I'm trying to say here? I don't think Joss is deliberately misleading anyone or trying to do an about-face to cover his ass; I just think sometimes he honestly has no freaking idea what his next move is going to be, or his next job, and maybe sometimes he can't quite hide his feelings about that.

Anyway, I don't think that anything Joss ever said in any interview is any kind of "definitive" proof that he'll never write another TV series set in the Firefly 'verse. It might not be his *first* choice as a venue for his storytelling talents, but if it's the only choice open to him, my bet is he'll take it and do a damn good job at it.


PS: Rabbit26: Wow. Just... wow. I feel 27% less intelligent just having read your post. And it's "should have" and "would have", not "should of" and "would of".

"Kaylee, find that kid that's taking a dirt nap with baby Jesus; we need a hood ornament."


Saturday, January 28, 2006 10:28 PM


i think it's like joss said in that inteview for the Empire that i noted above; we, like joss himself, are going to have to "let it simmer for a while and see if anyone calls"

that's pretty much all we can do.

...oh, and buy more copies and spread the shiny. :D






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WSJ: In the Philippines, Judge Consults Three Wee Friends
Tue, November 29, 2022 08:20 - 2 posts