E-online Kristen's Breaking Firefly Scoop!

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 13:43
VIEWED: 25850
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006 4:51 PM


Check it out here!!! Any thoughts????

"Good night. Don't let the spacebugs bite!"
- Kaylee


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 5:00 PM


I wouldn't think much of it. Anyways, Paramount doesn't have a cut in this yet. Unless Paramount has somehow come away with the rights then for all we know they could have been in there for completely different reasons.

On top of that, this is something where a friend heard it from a friend thing so you can't take much stock in these kind of things.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 5:07 PM


Yes, I love my friends, hope does too and it puts all manner of ideas in their heads.

If you play check out the region Firefly.


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 5:12 PM


Well at least Paramount can recognize when something can turn into a HUGE franchise, if given the right treatment... Maybe they need something new now that there is no Trek.


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 5:25 PM


About as big a non-news item as you can get. You have to fill in so many holes on this one just to even get it close to being interesting that it's not worth it. If something's in the works, we'll know about it.

"You are on the Global Frequency."


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 5:52 PM


an interesting possability, ubt i wouldnt get overly hopeful just yet


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:02 PM


This might also just be a viral marketing thing, see if we get all worked up over the possability of Firefly returning. But that is also good.

Also, point of intrest, depending on the way their contracts are worded it might neccesary for the network to pay off their contracts in order to do another show in the firefly verse.

guess that is still good news to. Kinda...

Oklahoma Browncoat- Spreading the signal in the vast empty nothingness


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:28 PM


no nO NO!

*curls into a teeny little ball*

I will not get my hopes up too much.
I will NOT get my hopes up too much.
I will not get my hopes up too much.

I think I will be crushed if this leads nowhere. I think I'll just ignore this and go on my merry way believing that it WILL happen when I see it.

Excuse me while I pull a River.

"They took Christmas away... Came downstairs for the shiny presents. They took the tree and the stockings. Nothing left but coal... Don't look in the closet, either. It's greedy. It's not in the spirit of the holiday."

Dear Buddha, I would like my Firefly back please?

(pronounced 'kale', not like kaylee)
AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:52 PM


Naturally one does want to get one's hopes up, but unless this friend was hallucinating, it seems likely that with the three of them together, the subject of "Firefly" would come up at some point. Granted, there is no reason to get overly excited given this sighting, but no reason to shrug it off either. Consider me guardedly hopeful.


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7:01 PM


Paramount is simply where the broadcast network offices are. The old UPN offices.


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7:26 PM


does paramount own sci-fi?? or is it nbc universal. but maybe paramount is buying the rights to a serenity tv show? hmmm i would look at this as a slightly good sign. this is like seeing shanter, nemoy, and kelly coming out of a paramount office together, before the motion picture. (i know kelly is dead, but work with me people) i think someone is looking at the firefly/serenity franchise. maybe joss was still in the building or had his meeting the another day.

but then again they could be staring in a movie together and serenity is not even on the horizon.

i still feel good about this. how creditable is kristin??

Keep Flying!


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7:34 PM


zactly what you said. Always on guard, yet always hopeful.

"Kaylee, find me that kid takin' a dirt nap with baby Jesus; we need a hood ornament"


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7:50 PM


Ah, Kristin. I do love her little announcements. Her site is the only one I ever use for anything Hollywood-like.

It truly is a "my friend said" situation, but... Hmmm.


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:15 PM



Originally posted by tlacook:
Paramount is simply where the broadcast network offices are. The old UPN offices.

That's sort of the point of the rumor Kristin is trying to plant with the item. Meaning: Why would those three in particular be in there together?

(Not saying Kristin's post means anything. Just that what you said is the entire point of what Kristin said.)


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:32 PM


Could be an entirely different project. Gina and Jewel have been doing bit stuff for a long time, and Nathan is getting better known all the time.

It could be anything. could be... a glimmer of hope?


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:39 PM


I don't just Kristin to be right about anything except for Lost spoilers. Joss has said again and again that Firefly the TV show is over. There may be books, maybe another comiv, another movie I wish, but not a show revival. I doubt that has changed. Hate to spoil the fun, but I would not get hopeful at all.

"Objects in Space"
River: It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think...


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:45 PM


Yeah im not getting my hopes up about this (well maybe a smidge) because this a friend of a friend rumor. Also would the new CW network have the money to take on a show that cost this much?


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:59 PM


I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but a small part of me is just aching to believe so bad, though I've tried to tell myself to be happy with the precious hours of Firefly and Serenity that I have... *sigh*



Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:07 AM


ooh... I almost hate hearing about stuff like this. :P

I'm just going to try to forget I ever came across it. 'Cause you just never know...

Still, I'd take a bullet (well, maybe in the leg or something, a graze perhaps) to get the series going again. Even if it's just a rumour, it's still sending that idea out into the cosmos at large...


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:28 AM


Take this news for what it is...hope.

It seems different this time. It seems real.

Keep the line.

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:46 AM


We'll know in due time what is what. Until then I do what I've been doing ever since I fell in love with the 'verse. I recruit, spread the love ( cuz people need to know) and I wait here amongst my family. Joss or Nathan will tell us when something happens. And such a shout will go up in the ranks of the Browncoats... I can hear it now. I'm realistic, I'm not going to get my hopes up falsely, but I'm not gonna not hope either.

So here I am.....following my Cap'n's orders....

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 5:30 AM



Originally posted by erellevent:
Yeah im not getting my hopes up about this (well maybe a smidge) because this a friend of a friend rumor. Also would the new CW network have the money to take on a show that cost this much?

Well, there are now two less cast members whose salaries have to be paid. And maybe they could find ways to cut corners when needed. The reason Firefly was as expensive as it was is because that's the budget Fox allocated to the show. I'm sure Joss could work with a slightly smaller budget if need be.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 5:53 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Is it news? Not so much. At best this is rumor.

Don't get me wrong, no one here, or anywhere else for that matter, wants to see Serenity fly again, but I don't want to get my hopes up.If Nathan, Summer & Gina were in the studio it could be for a number of reasons.

I think we should wait to see if there is any confirmation of this sighting & what they might have been doing there.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:00 AM


Obviously this isn't cause for people to start singing in the streets or anything, but if it is legitimate, I'd say a glimmer of hope is in order.

As to budget, this isn't really a new network forming per se, it's two networks merging. The WB was able to do some pretty impressive visuals with Smallville, and I expect they're going to need a new big slam-bang flagship show given how utterly Smallville has jumped the shark.

Still not near enough to declare victory, but I still say it's promising, if true. My attitude is if it's the real-deal, we can all remember where we were when we first heard rumors of rumors, and if it's not, then it'll just be another well intentioned bit that didn't amount to much.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:10 AM


I just can't see this meaning much without Joss or Tim there. They could be there for any number of reasons other than Firefly though. That's what I would bet on sadly.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 7:21 AM



Originally posted by Arcadia:
I don't just Kristin to be right about anything except for Lost spoilers. Joss has said again and again that Firefly the TV show is over. There may be books, maybe another comiv, another movie I wish, but not a show revival. I doubt that has changed. Hate to spoil the fun, but I would not get hopeful at all.

The validity of the rumors aside, I am tiring of people citing Joss's statements about Firefly being over as confirmation that these characters, creators, and 'verse will never return to TV.

Firefly was a creative endeavor. What distinguishes it from Serenity movies, comics, books, whatever, is not simply it's television format. Each project has its own thematic purpose, its own crafting, its own 'mission statement' of what it's about and what it needs to accomplish. Listen to Joss's comments on the DVD set; he accomplished his goal for Firefly from the very first shot.

Firefly was not just Mal & Co. on TV, and the end of Firefly is not the end of Mal & Co. on TV. Firefly's loss will always be mourned, regardless of what may come in the future. What we need to take from Joss's words is not that there is no hope for a future on TV, but rather that we should simply not expect any future incarnations to be Firefly.


As for the rumor in question... Any individual rumor is meaningless - it is the weight of many credible ones over time that present a picture with some clarity. I personally hope this one adds to the pile of more-of-this-'verse-on-TV.

The future will tell...

Ain't. We. Just.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 7:23 AM


I was trying to clarify (obviously not very well) that there is a difference between the new CW (old UPN) offices for the broadcast network and Paramount Studios which is an entirely separate entity.

If Firefly/Serenity was to be brought back to life I am sure it would be produced by either 20th or Universal and possibly sold to CW for broadcast. Paramount is not in the picture here (at least in the rumor mill of my mind).


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:06 AM



Originally posted by Tholo:
this is like seeing shanter, nemoy, and kelly coming out of a paramount office together, before the motion picture. (i know kelly is dead, but work with me people)

Which would be a sign to stock up on water, MREs, shotgun shells, and a chainsaw, and head to your secret fortress and/or abandoned oil rig, pronto! It's zombie hunting time!!!

Seriously, I've found Kristen to be a good and well-informed source in the past (though I'm no expert).

Also, I'm not buying the theory that Nathan, Summer, and Gina were there trying out for, say, a musical version of Death of a Salesman. (Long overdue!)

On the shiny side, it's so nice to know that our BDHs walk out of buildings together, presumably laughing and chatting. So much better that way!

"It's a cow."


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:35 AM


Whew... had to come back over here after reading about this same subject over at Whedonesque...

Read some of the comments and Gossi(who runs the replacement for the Browncoat Forum) is so negative about a return of Firefly that it made me sad and I had to come back over here where at least we haven't given hope up entirely.

I'm with you, I'm glad our BDH's like each other and seem on every occasion that we hear of them to be enjoying each other's company.

And gorramnit I'm not giving up hope that Serenity will fly again.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:02 AM


I am getting a little sick of the "Browncoats" who are so bitter and negative that the only contributions they can make are, "Don't believe this!" or "This guy is a con artist! Don't fall for any of it!"

All I can say is that WE are not morons. We take each rumor with a grain of salt until it becomes fact...or is discredited.

Furthermore...don't tell me what to believe. Browncoats by definition are not fond of overbearing authority figures.

With that bit of unpleasantness aside, true or not this information makes my day. Stay shiny people!

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:03 AM


I think this is positive for Firefly/Serenity whether it's true or not.

The more talk something is getting in the community the more attention it gets for guys in suits who like stuff that gets talk, because it leads to money.

I think everyone should look at this as positive whether it is true or not and every other bit of talk that goes on about Firefly/Serenity or even semi about it.

I sure hope it's true and that they were there for Firefly/Serenity :D.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:19 AM


09 January 2006

"A sequel's unlikely," Whedon told Empire with a note of clear regret, "but it's amazing what permutations of something can happen." But if not a theatrical encore, that leaves... yes, you guessed it, a possible return to the smaller screen. "As long as I was able to service the characters with integrity and had enough money so that I wasn't hampered, then I would love to return Serenity to TV. I love that universe; it continues and those characters live on. There could be a series, there could be a miniseries, there could be all sorts of things. I'm not ruling anything out. I'll let it simmer for a while and see if anyone calls."

I think that pretty much clears up Joss's feelings on a return to TV. In the interview where he said Firefly was done and gone he was talking about the fact that even if he were to start shooting season 2 right now it wouldn't be the same. The cast are older, the ship set is different now (if using the universal set), etc etc. The character of the show itself would be different than the original.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:21 PM


I don't think it's impossible for a return, though, despite the ages of the cast going up a few years... the only one who really has changed enough to be obvious from my point of view is Ms. Summer Glau, as the years between 18 and 25 can be some of the most body and face altering next to the early teens... And they did a fine enough job of compensating in the movie. She's still very good at keeping the character, and her voice helps keep the age of the character down as well.

I'm ranting, apologies.

Honestly, the feel of the show also depends on where they start... Some would prefer they show the time between "Objects in Space" and the BDM. Others think the story should start after the BDM. I think the greatest losses as far as continuing the series were the quirkiness of Wash "the nonviolent one" and the mysteries of Shepherd Book (Why'd the Alliance want him alive so badly?)

So, it's all in Mr. Whedon's hands, but if he were determined, he could make something of it. Zoe could or could not find out she was pregnant with that baby she wanted so badly with Wash, Kaylee and Simon are the new "real couple" onboard with Mal and Inara still left a little undefined, and Inara may opt to continue her work as a registered companion for a while to keep face, because her role as a member of "society" is rather useful at times, and that could lead to more tension between my fav pair. River would have the option of helping with the ship or going on missions, and she still has the Blue Sun group after her, so she could go a bit batty with the "two by two, hands of blue" thing again...

There are many untold stories left to tell... and they could keep the cast as it was at the end of the BDM, or bring on a new character or two... I'm thinking they need a new pilot, and it might be respectful to Zoe to make it a female, and BOY would it be funny for there to be a female that just CONFOUNDS Jayne... not necessarily a romance, but she just leads him on.. It'd be a hoot!

However, then the number of females GROSSLY outweighs the number of males, and you'd need another dose of testosterone to even it out again... sure, it'll be 5/4 women to men, but before it was 5/4 the other way! Shouldn't taint much...

But listen to me jabbering on! I'm trying not to get my hopes up on the basis of a rumor, and wait until I hear something from Mr. Whedon himself hit the waves, but I like to speculate, and dream, even about shows that have been off the air many more years than our beloved Firefly. :)



Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:29 PM


>that there is a difference between the new CW (old UPN)

Actually the new CW network is a joint venture with Warner Bros and CBS (Paramount owns them). UPN and the WB network will be going away in Sept.


"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:35 PM


I'd agree that it is still a little early to make anything of it but, it would not be that surprising if a new network was at least meeeting with the actors to investigate the feasability of returning Firefly to the small screen.

The real news would be if all 3 immediately went to the bank after leaving the office.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 1:52 PM



Originally posted by Leiasky:
>that there is a difference between the new CW (old UPN)

Actually the new CW network is a joint venture with Warner Bros and CBS (Paramount owns them). UPN and the WB network will be going away in Sept.

I knew that about CW it has been pretty well documented especially if you live and work in Burbank.

However, Paramount Studios does not own CBS or UPN. All three are owned by Viacom, they are cousin companies without one owning the other (Just like Fox Broadcasting and 20th Century Fox or NBC and Universal Studios). My point above was that the new CW will operate out of the offices that UPN is currently using that just happen to be at Paramount studios.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 2:28 PM



Originally posted by GoodnightKiss:
Honestly, the feel of the show also depends on where they start... Some would prefer they show the time between "Objects in Space" and the BDM. Others think the story should start after the BDM. I think the greatest losses as far as continuing the series were the quirkiness of Wash "the nonviolent one" and the mysteries of Shepherd Book (Why'd the Alliance want him alive so badly?)

So, it's all in Mr. Whedon's hands, but if he were determined, he could make something of it. Zoe could or could not find out she was pregnant with that baby she wanted so badly with Wash, Kaylee and Simon are the new "real couple" onboard with Mal and Inara still left a little undefined, and Inara may opt to continue her work as a registered companion for a while to keep face, because her role as a member of "society" is rather useful at times, and that could lead to more tension between my fav pair. River would have the option of helping with the ship or going on missions, and she still has the Blue Sun group after her, so she could go a bit batty with the "two by two, hands of blue" thing again...

There are many untold stories left to tell... and they could keep the cast as it was at the end of the BDM, or bring on a new character or two... I'm thinking they need a new pilot, and it might be respectful to Zoe to make it a female, and BOY would it be funny for there to be a female that just CONFOUNDS Jayne... not necessarily a romance, but she just leads him on.. It'd be a hoot!

However, then the number of females GROSSLY outweighs the number of males, and you'd need another dose of testosterone to even it out again... sure, it'll be 5/4 women to men, but before it was 5/4 the other way! Shouldn't taint much...

IMO, a new series should start after the BDM. No reason to go backward, I think. Plus, I really want to see where the crew goes from the ending of the BDM. How they deal with everything that happened and what the ramifications of their big stunt are. One thing I believe, though, is that River won't go back to "Two by two, hands of blue." She's a weapon now. She's finally learning to control herself. And I think we've only seen a taste of what she can do. Maybe she really can kill people with her brain. But seriously, I think we've seen enough of River going batty and that might wear thin if she started up again. Now I wanna see her fight back against the people trying to capture her (maybe that can lead to River going off on her own for a bit in her own side story). I wanna see her character develop and grow.

Also, those are some great observations and suggestions. While I was reading your suggestion about adding a female member to the crew, the name "Saffron" popped into my head. Why? She fits the criteria of everything you stated. She would create tension between Mal and Inara cause Inara hates her and wouldn't understand why Mal would allow her to stay on (maybe because Mal is having more trouble getting jobs, given what the Operative did to the people who had helped Mal in the past, and Saffron being well-connected can get those jobs for him). She could have her own motives, leading on Jayne to try and spark him to cross Mal at just the right moments. And she's an expert in piloting and mechanics. She could pilot the ship when River's out with Mal & Co and she could annoy Kaylee every now and then with some kind of mechanical speak in the sarcastic vein of "You missed a spot." I thought Saffron worked well with them in Trash. I'd like to see her on the crew making things....not smooth.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 2:48 PM



Originally posted by SadLittleKing:

Originally posted by GoodnightKiss:

While I was reading your suggestion about adding a female member to the crew, the name "Saffron" popped into my head.

Now that my friend is one damn fine idea. Brilliant.




Wednesday, February 8, 2006 3:43 PM



Originally posted by Leiasky:
>that there is a difference between the new CW (old UPN)

Actually the new CW network is a joint venture with Warner Bros and CBS (Paramount owns them). UPN and the WB network will be going away in Sept.


"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."

Actually the WB is owned by Time Warner not Viacom. And CW will in the least be partly owned by Time Warner. I'm not sure how they are splitting it. I work for Time Warner but they don't give us lowly employees much details on these things.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 3:50 PM


The way I see it, the CW thing is really the best bet we have for more. Sci-fi Channel is a nice second option, but I think if we want a series and not just a TV movie/miniseries (either of which would be shiny by me, however), then our most promising option is the CW network.

As for the "Firefly is dead," in a way it is. It's a lot like when Buffy made the jump to UPN. Don't get me wrong, there were some damn fine stories in those years (hearing Buffy ask Dawn if she was in Hell after her resurrection still gives me the shudders), but the show was never quite the same. The overall tone seemed to shift. I'd expect more of that if a new series was greenlit. Much like how the BDM was different than the show but still easily recognizable, I imagine a new series would be equally changed and yet the same.

My two cents.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 3:50 PM


>Actually the WB is owned by Time Warner not Viacom.

Yes, I know:)

> And CW will in the least be partly owned by Time Warner. I'm not sure how they are splitting it. I work for Time Warner but they don't give us lowly employees much details on these things.

So do I:)

I don't care on what network a new series airs, as long as it does! :)

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 3:58 PM



Originally posted by Leiasky:
>Actually the WB is owned by Time Warner not Viacom.

Yes, I know:)

> And CW will in the least be partly owned by Time Warner. I'm not sure how they are splitting it. I work for Time Warner but they don't give us lowly employees much details on these things.

So do I:)

I don't care on what network a new series airs, as long as it does! :)

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."

Cool, someone else that works for Time Warner. Anyways, I thought you were saying that Viacom owned the WB. I was misreading what you were saying. Sorry.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:00 PM


>Anyways, I thought you were saying that Viacom owned the WB. I was misreading what you were saying. Sorry.

Naw, I wasn't clear in what I meant :)

Hope we have some news soon. Though Joss is busy working on two projects right now, I believe. Hopefully, he'll have time to put into Firefly when he's done with those.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:26 PM



Originally posted by SadLittleKing:
Also, those are some great observations and suggestions. While I was reading your suggestion about adding a female member to the crew, the name "Saffron" popped into my head. Why? She fits the criteria of everything you stated. She would create tension between Mal and Inara cause Inara hates her and wouldn't understand why Mal would allow her to stay on (maybe because Mal is having more trouble getting jobs, given what the Operative did to the people who had helped Mal in the past, and Saffron being well-connected can get those jobs for him). She could have her own motives, leading on Jayne to try and spark him to cross Mal at just the right moments. And she's an expert in piloting and mechanics. She could pilot the ship when River's out with Mal & Co and she could annoy Kaylee every now and then with some kind of mechanical speak in the sarcastic vein of "You missed a spot." I thought Saffron worked well with them in Trash. I'd like to see her on the crew making things....not smooth.

Oohh... Interesting. Not exactly what I was thinking, but it could be interesting. My only jive with Saffron is that we've already established she's always in it for herself and herself alone, which might make Mal a bit hard-pressed to bring her on again, considering her mad skills... though it could be neat to have River there to guide things..

Honestly, I'd love a character who could tell us more about the Alliance and its inner workings... like someone who was the child of a member of the Senate, then faked their death... and that'd be cool to have to find out why... River could read the person and know what had happened, but choose not to put it out there... and that could lead to interesting power struggles on the ship, too...

My mind is too full of ideas... I just LOVE this series, and I wish it could come back!



Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:36 PM



Originally posted by GoodnightKiss:
Honestly, I'd love a character who could tell us more about the Alliance and its inner workings... like someone who was the child of a member of the Senate, then faked their death... and that'd be cool to have to find out why... River could read the person and know what had happened, but choose not to put it out there... and that could lead to interesting power struggles on the ship, too...

That sounds cool. I like the idea of River sort of becoming an inconspicuous guardian of the crew.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:47 PM


My only fear is that Joss made River a little too powerful. I hope he doesn't kill her off.

Think about it:

She can make the crew pretty much redundant.

She can kick Jayne's butt, outshoot him, etc.

There could be no funny business when Mal is getting paid or working a job if she is with him since she can tell when anyone is lying or going to doublecross him.

She can pilot the ship and most likely pick up any other skills the crew have.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 7:18 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

The long and short of it is, we don't know what they were all doing there at the same time. IF the rumor is even accurate, that is.

They could have all been there doing promo work for a "special edition" DVD release of the BDM (even if we haven't heard about it yet). They could have been there lobbying TPTB at Paramount and/or the CW to pick up the show, and trying to convince the suits how gorram GOOD it is. They could have been there for separate reasons completely unrelated to each other, merely in the same place at the same time by sheer coincidence. For example, maybe the execs called each of them in for meetings about upcoming show ideas they want the actors for.

Hell, maybe they were just picking up checks for work they've done, or some such mundanery...

Or, as mentioned on Whedonesque by some smartass, maybe the CW's planning on remaking "Two Guys, A Girl, and a Pizza Place" ;)

Still, though, if those three were really there together, it's hard NOT to get one's hopes up!

Do I think a resurrected Firefly will be flying this Fall on the CW? Nope. But I DO hope that it will be flying somewhere, sometime. A sighting like this, if credible, does nothing to diminish that hope.

A lot is being made of how busy Joss is on his other projects (Goners, Wonder Woman, X-Men, etc. I'd just like to point out that IF the green light were given for a Joss series, miniseries, or movie of the week for the CW, it doesn't necessarily mean that we'd have to wait until all his other projects were finished. We all realize that Joss himself didn't write and direct every single episode of all of his shows. And the man DOES love to multitask, too; he was able to run Buffy and Angel simultaneously for a few years, with no loss of quality in either show. I have no doubt that he could assemble a top-tier team to "run" a new show while he wraps a few things up, with him being the final arbiter of what gets put on the air, and him generally overseeing things to make sure the show meets his (and his fans') expectations. He seems pretty good at giving his crews and cast the bones of what he wants to have on screen, and then letting them flesh it out as they see fit, so long as it fits his overall vision for the show.

So... where does that leave me? Well, my first reaction to seeing that EOnline article was to exclaim, "Shiny!" If it means a possibility of - or even the merest hint of a future hope for - a new show for our crew and our 'verse, then I'm all for it. I'm not setting anything in stone, and I haven't been promised anything, so I'm not setting my TiVO yet, but I'm hoping. What's the harm in hoping?


"Kaylee, find that kid that's taking a dirt nap with baby Jesus; we need a hood ornament."


Thursday, February 9, 2006 10:24 AM


This is how I choose to read the rumor:

They were in the office finalizing the return of Firefly to the small screen this fall, complete with the return of Wash and Book which they will manage to do without any sort of waking up from a bad dream foolishness and the show is planned to run until 2050.

I take this as a certainty for two reasons:

1-We just god a gorram movie people, nothing is impossible now.
2-I like to irritate the cynics and skeptics whose sole goal in life is to dash people's hopes. If we're disappointed, fine, we'll get over it. If we're not, ha ha, you'll be left trailing in the rear.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Thursday, February 9, 2006 11:07 AM


Let me just make something clear, I want Firefly/Serenity back as much as you guys. But you guys are fooling yourself with rumors that could have been simply made up and have no way of proving. Back before the movie started we had heard rumors that Universal might be buying the movie rights. Through people like Adam Baldwin and Chris Buchanan we were able to confirm that these rumors had merit. As of yet, I don't think anyone that would be involved in such a project has come out and said anything to give these rumors merit.

I'll personally wait for such confirmation from a trusted source rather than a rumor mill. Anyways, that doesn't change the fact that a lot has to happen first before this even becomes an option first and foremosts Universal has pass on another movie and allow for a TV series to be made. Then 20th Century Fox would have to want to make more Firefly or sell the rights to another production company. Those two major events would have to happen first before the CW could even think about picking up any Firefly/Serenity show.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Thursday, February 9, 2006 11:13 AM


Fine. You sit and wait for your "evidence" and I'll enjoy my unbridled optimism in this area. Makes the time go by faster.

Just teasing you rklenseth, I don't blame you one bit. I suppose it's just nice to hear that something is happening. One can only email and write letters to silent monolithic networks for so long before any ray of hope looks like a good one.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes






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