Boss Joss speaks on Official Firefly Website

UPDATED: Saturday, August 3, 2002 10:44
VIEWED: 5925
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Wednesday, June 19, 2002 4:50 PM


Boss Joss has finally spoken to the masses on the Official Firefly Website. Not much info that most of the fans don’t already know. The one exception being the words “Blue Sun,” which may be an important clue as to who may be doing the theme for Firefly.

You gotta remember Darling Violetta’s Blue Sun from Buffy.

Go and listen to what else Joss had to say about Firefly.

The URL is:


Wednesday, June 19, 2002 5:23 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Anyone want to spend some time and write a transcript of what Joss said so that people with a slow connection or no Quicktime can at least have the transcript to read?


Wednesday, June 19, 2002 6:24 PM


I'm thinking "blue sun" in the more literal sense... but I do love that song...

So, anyway... what Joss said seems very cool. I especially like the part about the special effects being a part of the storytelling... which is new for sci-fi.

It's always refreshing to hear a Joss interview (and I liked how he was looking directly at the camera... something about the seemed more intimate than the traditional "look at the interviewer, not the camera" interviews.)

Me like.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Thursday, June 20, 2002 5:54 AM


With me, the interviews kept stopping a lot on Quicktime. I have the standard 56k modem, so that is probably why. It's frustrating, but I managed to get through the interviews anyway, even though it took *forever*!



Thursday, June 20, 2002 7:43 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

The words, Blue Sun, also appears in this image:

Maybe it's a new club...err...saloon, like The Bronze.


Thursday, June 20, 2002 10:57 AM


For all of you have have slow connections or low level of patience, here are my transcripts of 3 of the four interview bits.


Action and a Whore

Starts with babblings between Joss and guy running video tape recorder.

Hi, welcome to the interweb.

Firefly. A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons! Everbody knew that. It's a science fiction-western-drama-action-comedy-hybrid, much like all of the shows I do. It's something I haven't seen on tv for a awhile. I'm not sure if I've ever seen all of the elments in place. It's got a great deal of action and a great deal, obviously, of cool space ships, and all of the things that I love in science fiction. But actually it's just really Stagecoach. It's using a nice compelling setting, a journey. In this case, hopefully a very loooong journey. To learn about people, and see thier interactions, to see what makes them tick, and learn about society, and life and what it all means, but with action and a whore!

Two Words

There are certain things that we are going to be threading throught out the show to keep the world alive and insert in the background. So the two words I have to say to you right now are "Blue" "Sun".

Boring Pontification

You know, I remember now what I was going to say before too, about the show, is that you're going to see something that you really haven't seen before. The special effects that are so seamlessly introduced in the show that they don't feel at all like CGI effects. They feel like the same kind of of thing. You'll really feel like you are there, in those (CGI shots). So it's not one of those things where suddenly you cut out and everything is stately and boring and kind of very clean and digitial, then you cut back in and it's all different.

We have the best effects house, Radium, going, and they are so interested in just being part of the story telling. Everybody who is working on the show is part of the same thing. Hopefully that is the same thing you are going to get from the site, that apparently I am talking thru right now. You know we don't want to be be the same regular old network site. We're interested in finding new things to do and new things for you guys to see. I'll be appearing occasionly and pontificating in boring fashion like I am right now. And just trying to find new ways to use the internet to hight light what the show feels like, and the experience of it so that this can all become part of the same story because hopefully when you see the show the story will start to expand beyond the borders of your telivision set and into your daily lives and into your dreams, and control your mind...

I mean, umm, did you like it?

(off screen voice) Here's your twenty bucks

laughter :)

btw, it was very easy to listen to Joss for 3 hours, he has a very sexy voice.

Once you've been in Serenity, you never leave. You just learn to live there. --Firefly script


Thursday, June 20, 2002 11:29 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by Tieka:
btw, it was very easy to listen to Joss for 3 hours, he has a very sexy voice.

Whoa...three hours? You rock! It would be a shame to waste all that hardwork if no one saw the transcript. I'll post it in the feature section so that those of us who don't have Quicktime and broadband will be able to see it. Here's one for you.


Thursday, June 20, 2002 2:54 PM



Originally posted by Haken:
The words, Blue Sun, also appears in this image:

Maybe it's a new club...err...saloon, like The Bronze.

Hmmmmm.... how very interesting... I love "Blue Sun" as the name of a saloon/club/bar/whatever!

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Nice guys can only get so mad." Fillion on Mal


Friday, August 2, 2002 12:10 AM



Originally posted by Haken:
The words, Blue Sun, also appears in this image:

Maybe it's a new club...err...saloon, like The Bronze.

I'm glad you guys picked up on the whole 'Blue Sun' thing I'm still at a loss as to what it all means.... I was thinking corporation?

The logo in that picture looks like it is on the side of a cargo container so I'd guess it was something the crew were haulling.....

Still I'm only speculating since the whole thing is driving me crazy!

I want to see I want to know!

I'll give Joss the credit of being able to write a show and then not be so excieted that he tells us all about it before it airs..... but I wish he would tell just a little more!

"We few, we happy few, we band of buggered" -Spike


Friday, August 2, 2002 12:21 AM


Of course, even though it's a frontier kinda of style, there must be some remnants of the consumer world. After all, it's only 400 yrs in the future.

BTW, I'm really drunk right now. Woohoo! Vodakka rule@>

--- Joe


Friday, August 2, 2002 6:29 AM



Originally posted by Guantes:

I'm glad you guys picked up on the whole 'Blue Sun' thing I'm still at a loss as to what it all means.... I was thinking corporation?

The logo in that picture looks like it is on the side of a cargo container so I'd guess it was something the crew were haulling.....

I'm betting that "Blue Sun" simply refers to the fact that all the planets orbit a sun that puts out a lot of blue light. So everybody would call it "the Blue Sun system." But there'd also be a lot of entities that used "Blue Sun" in their names: "Blue Sun Evil Monopoly", "Blue Sun Boy Scouts", "Blue Sun Bar and Grill," etc.

The frustrating thing here is the absence of official explanation. Perhaps the Mutant Enemies are too busy to write up all the technical details -- or maybe they just think all those Trekkie pseudo-technical handbooks are just plain lame. In any case, there's a lot of vague second hand information, that hasn't been officially confirmed.

For example, all the news stories (mostly written by people with a limited interest in "hard" SF) seem to say that there will be no interstellar travel on this show. Everything will take place in a single solar system with several planets that were terraformed and colonized some unspecified time in the past.

At least that's the picture I'm getting. But if there's any "cannonical" version, I've missed it.

But while I crave technical specifics, I do not crave spoilers! So if you've been to an advanced screening and feel compeled to provide details therefrom, please put them between [ spoiler ] tags.


Friday, August 2, 2002 7:17 AM


I agree with Zicsoft. If there is no interstellar travel, I'm inclined to believe that the sun of the system may be a blue star. However, when Joss mentions Blue Sun, he says: "There are certain things that we are going to be threading throughout the show to keep the world alive and insert in the background. So the two words I have to say to you right now are "Blue" "Sun"." This, to me, implies something more important to the plot and background of the series... but who's to say? I still think a literal blue sun is the most likely.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

The Ultimate Buffy-Angel Quote Generator™
Buffy: Well, I'm not exactly quaking in my stylish, yet affordable boots, but there's definitely something unnatural going on here. And that doesn't usually lead to hugs and puppies.


Friday, August 2, 2002 9:21 AM


Knowing Joss Whedon, it just means that his outdoor shots look really cool. That was his main explanation for the air cars in "Fray"!

But he may also feel smug because he's managed to score one against the less imaginative TV shows that came before. Everything would look different on a planet with a blue sun. If JW's managed to make that effect work, it'll be the first U.S.-produced space opera in which all the alien planets didn't resemble southern California!


Friday, August 2, 2002 2:56 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
it'll be the first U.S.-produced space opera in which all the alien planets didn't resemble southern California!

Wow... my world has just been thrown asunder.

However, there have been press release shots of outdoor scenes from Serenity... and the previews indicate a traditional western yellow sun look. Maybe the effect hasn't yet been applied? OR... maybe it's a dual star system. That would be kind of cool.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

The Ultimate Buffy-Angel Quote Generator™
Tara: "Yeah, you learn her source, and we'll introduce her to her insect reflection. (everyone stops & stares at her) Th-that was funny if you, um, studied taglarin mythic rites... and are a complete dork."
Riley: "Then how come Xander didn't laugh?"
Xander: "I don't know that taglarin stuff."
Riley: "Oh."


Saturday, August 3, 2002 2:48 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
The frustrating thing here is the absence of official explanation. Perhaps the Mutant Enemies are too busy to write up all the technical details -- or maybe they just think all those Trekkie pseudo-technical handbooks are just plain lame. In any case, there's a lot of vague second hand information, that hasn't been officially confirmed.

Or maybe - they are waiting until the show's been on the air. Although I find it frustrating too - I'm happy that they're not giving too much away up front - spoils the fun of seeing it on the show.


For example, all the news stories (mostly written by people with a limited interest in "hard" SF) seem to say that there will be no interstellar travel on this show. Everything will take place in a single solar system with several planets that were terraformed and colonized some unspecified time in the past.

This is weird. How many planets can you plausibly have in a single system that are capable of supporting life? Even accounting for terraforming - aren't you restricted to a fairly tight range - distance from the sun?

So let's say we're talking about 7 or 8 worlds - that's a pretty small Alliance. Which is fine but we've been told that Serenity keeps to the fringes of the Alliance - so I guess we're talking fringes in terms of countries not fringe worlds.

Which I guess could work - it's just not what I thought at first.

Also if there's no FTL does this mean they had it and lost it or was the initial colonization via 'slowboat' with cryo-sleep etc.


But while I crave technical specifics, I do not crave spoilers!

Exactly! Please remember spoiler tags folks!



Saturday, August 3, 2002 7:16 AM



Originally posted by Shuggie:

This is weird. How many planets can you plausibly have in a single system that are capable of supporting life? Even accounting for terraforming - aren't you restricted to a fairly tight range - distance from the sun?

I'm confused by this too... but now I'm thinking, what if there are moons that are capable of being terraformed? There may be countless habitable moons in this star system. Then there's the possibility of a dual star system, which would have stronger gravitational pull and thus, more planets. And, since a blue/white star is hotter than a yellow star, habitable planets may be possible further away from the sun (that is, if the blue sun comment is a literal thing).

Maybe I'm just trying to rationalize comments? Probably

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

The Ultimate Buffy-Angel Quote Generator™
Dawn: It was ironic when all those cute inner-city kids taught their coach a valuable lesson.


Saturday, August 3, 2002 10:44 AM



This is weird. How many planets can you plausibly have in a single system that are capable of supporting life? Even accounting for terraforming - aren't you restricted to a fairly tight range - distance from the sun?
It gets worse. Aside from needing just the right amount of energy from the sun (maybe you could get around this with orbital mirrors or artificial energy sources) you can't have a planet or moon that's too big, too small, or too gaseous. In our own solar system, that leaves Earth itself, Mars, maybe Earth's moon (is it big enough?), maybe Venus (that thick atmosphere would be a real bitch to terraform), maybe some of Jupiter's moons (Jupiter is almost a sun, and pumps out a fair amount of energy).

Still, planets are big places. If you have a few hundred million people on three or four planets, you don't have three or four places to visit, you've got hundreds, even thousands. Every city, town, or village will have its own distinct character, and will be characterised by varying degrees of submission to the Alliance. Serenity will presumably spend a lot of visiting small isolated settlements, which might not be properly served even by surface transport. So they might do some business hauling (or smuggling) cargos between two points on a single planet.

Also if there's no FTL does this mean they had it and lost it or was the initial colonization via 'slowboat' with cryo-sleep etc.

Given JW's expressed desire to do "hard" SF, he'd stay away from FTL drives. Most writers in this sub-genre avoid FTL drives when they can -- it's too much like magic. Usually they can't, since there's only so many stories you can tell without assuming easy travel between solar systems.

We probably won't hear much about the colonization of these worlds. It'll parallel our own time. Nowadays people study the Mayflower in school and then basically forget about the colonization of North American, except when they go to see Last of the Mohicans or some such watered-down historical movie. The Blue Sunners would have exactly the same attitude. If made to think about, they might recite some half-remembered school lessons about massive colony ships with thousands of hibernating passengers. But mostly they won't think about it.






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