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season 2 rumors?
Thursday, September 28, 2006 11:59 AM
Tuesday, October 3, 2006 4:09 PM
Thursday, October 5, 2006 4:38 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Arbas: I think part of the problem with getting another series/film or whatever is money, the moneymen see the series as a failure and the movie didn't do well enough at the box office to set their cash alarms ringing. Now we know that DVD sales of both the series and the movie have been very good and we also know that other genre channels are going to show Firefly (hopefully in the correct order and in widescreen - waiting on a confirmation from SciFi UK on that) what we need is to expand the audience from the existing fanbase, so it's little use posting in existing Browncoat forums or Science Fiction boards (but hit them too) we need to hit as many non genre sites as possible, expect rejection and scorn when you do but don't rise to it - point the people to the many sites that host extracts and trailers from the series, whet their appetites with quotes and story lines, find the similaritys between the series and classic TV/Movies - I'd suggest fly posting adverts if that wasn't illegal, just get non-fans attention and after the shows have aired hit the websites and feedback the pleasure you had seeing the episode, hit the websites of the advertisers and thank them for supporting the show, assure them that you'll buy their product, ask them if they produce Firefly merchandise, if they don't ask them why not - ANYTHING THAT SETS OFF THE CASH ALARMS. Remember these people aren't fans of anything execpt money - hit publishers websites asking if they have any Firefly productions in the pipeline - if not why not. You all get the picture and it costs us nothing but time and typing. Hit the chat show websites and ask them if they plan to interview the cast (don't specify them as Firefly cast members, just say you saw them on a website video - links to convention appearences will help, and they were incredibly entertaining) ANYTHING THAT GETS A COMPANY RESEARCHER WONDERING WHAT THIS FIREFLY THING IS ALL ABOUT IS GOOD.