What are the odds that Joss would allow a Double Dip?

UPDATED: Friday, May 25, 2007 05:58
VIEWED: 10859
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Monday, March 12, 2007 4:55 PM


There are people here and on the other site that know more about Joss Whedon and the BDS than I do and I have a question for you all.

It is obvious that Joss Whedon has heard from Universal regarding the Special Edition release of Serenity. What are the odds that Joss Whedon would allow Universal to Double Dip the property that he cares so much about without something in return?

I mean Universal calls Joss and says, "Hey Joss, we would like to take your devoted fanbase and your beloved property and use it to simply line our pockets, okay"?

What are the odds that he would go for that?

Or maybe Universal called and said more like.

"Hey Joss, we like what has been going on with the Serenity DVD sales and are thinking about doing something more with the property, but we would like to see if your base and the new viewers are still as viable as they once were, how about we produce a Special Edition and if all goes well, we'll do something a bit bigger"

For those of you who have spoken to Joss and the Stars, I ask you, what are the odds that Joss would go for the first scenario? or would he request something in return?

How about a little help folks


Monday, March 12, 2007 5:12 PM


I imagine it went more like this.

Universal (to self): We own the movie rights so we're just going to put out a SE to make more money b/c the DVD sales are quite good.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, March 12, 2007 5:36 PM


Joss seems really jazzed about it though, and I don't think he would be just if it was a money-grab. Worst case scenario, its a money-grab to see if we're all still here kinda thing. Better scenario, its a we-need-just-a-fistful-of-dollars-more-to-justify-another kinda thing. Best ((in my not so humble opinion)) scenario would be that its a drum-up-some-more-interest-to-announce-the-BigDamnSequel kinda thing.

But truthfully, who here wont buy it regardless the situation.

"I'm not going to say Serenity is the greatest SciFi movie ever; oh wait yes I am." - Orson Scott Card


Monday, March 12, 2007 5:41 PM



Originally posted by DevonNite:

How about a little help folks

I don't know Joss or anyone at Universal but I would imagine unfortunately that the above two posts are right.

Universal owns Serenity and can do with it or not as it pleases. I'm just really happy that for whatever reason they're "double dipping". I don't mind, and I'm happy to spend the money.

I'd hate to say that this means they might be watching the sales to determine whether or not to do a sequel. I asked TheOneTrueBix on a thread recently what he thought and I got no answer... I took that as a negative.

We're left where we were I suppose. With new shiny stuff, a deep yearning for more and our friends right here at "home".


Monday, March 12, 2007 5:45 PM



Originally posted by BrowncoatSandanista:
But truthfully, who here won't buy it regardless the situation.

I will.. no hesitation.


Monday, March 12, 2007 5:53 PM


Gotta say. I've been asking for a special edition ever since the DVD came out. Everybody else in the world got 2 discs why shouldn't we. ANd hey they already double dipped me with the HD-DVD so this will be a triple dip.

Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on!


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at


Monday, March 12, 2007 5:57 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by BrowncoatSandanista:
But truthfully, who here won't buy it regardless the situation.

I will.. no hesitation.

Same here, if for no other reason than to see it get the cover art it deserves.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, Grammar Police


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 6:32 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
I imagine it went more like this.

Universal (to self): We own the movie rights so we're just going to put out a SE to make more money b/c the DVD sales are quite good.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

This is very possible, but on Joss's post, he did say that what WE are aiming for... implying that he was involved, also he did say that the commentary would depend on how many of the actors WE can get into one room.

Don't take me wrong here. I am not attacking Joss Whedon and I am not trying to start rumors. I am looking for input from people who possibly have more information on this matter than I do.

Thanks for answering my questions.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 6:44 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by DevonNite:

How about a little help folks

I don't know Joss or anyone at Universal but I would imagine unfortunately that the above two posts are right.

Universal owns Serenity and can do with it or not as it pleases. I'm just really happy that for whatever reason they're "double dipping". I don't mind, and I'm happy to spend the money.

I'd hate to say that this means they might be watching the sales to determine whether or not to do a sequel. I asked TheOneTrueBix on a thread recently what he thought and I got no answer... I took that as a negative.

We're left where we were I suppose. With new shiny stuff, a deep yearning for more and our friends right here at "home".

So what it might come down to is, Universal Calls and says "Hey Joss we are going to make this Special Edition, now you can help us out and make it the best it can be, or you can let us handle it, but either way we are going to do this"

You all might be correct, but hopefully this will generate more interest and enough money to inspire Universal into another investment.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 6:45 AM



Originally posted by Causal:
Same here, if for no other reason than to see it get the cover art it deserves.

You mean the KEW RAT YEN?


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 6:55 AM



Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, Grammar Police


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 6:57 AM


If Josh & the cast are going to do movie commentaries it's ONLY for the love of the show & the fans! ... not for money, not for Universal.s ya think it'll be just one mass group commentary, or could there be small groups or individuals doing commentaries, therefore giving the fans a wider choice of options?


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:08 AM



Originally posted by DevonNite:
So what it might come down to is, Universal Calls and says "Hey Joss we are going to make this Special Edition, now you can help us out and make it the best it can be, or you can let us handle it, but either way we are going to do this"

You all might be correct, but hopefully this will generate more interest and enough money to inspire Universal into another investment.

Well, heck, man look where we are. Firefly, a cancelled TV show with only 14 episodes that's been in release for over 3 years is currently #76 on Amazon's top sellers list. Serenity, a film that just barely broke even at the box office is #184 (still a pretty respectable showing, considering that Flightplan, which kept Serenity out the the #1 spot in the theaters, is currently #5,676). The decision by Universal to release a special edition means at least this much: they think that Serenity is a property they can make money on. Now, obviously this does not mean that they've green-lit a sequel (nor does it even mean they're thinking about it). But at the very least, they recognize that they have a profitable product on their hands. Will that translate into more movies? Well, heck, there's just no way to know, really. But I have to think that if Serenity (and now the SE) continue to be profitable for them, they may start thinking about whether round two would be worth a go. With all the conversions that have happened as a result of the series and the movie, the fanbase is much, much larger than it was pre-BDM. Maybe if they realize that Serenity's poor box-office performance was the result of bad marketing on their part they'll be more apt to give us what we've been longing for.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, Grammar Police


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:56 AM



Originally posted by ShinyEd: ya think it'll be just one mass group commentary, or could there be small groups or individuals doing commentaries, therefore giving the fans a wider choice of options?

I am hoping for a variation of all of it.

Nathan said yesterday in his public blog:


I did a special edition commentary with some dear friends for a movie we did, and I'm looking forward to seeing it come out again.

He doesn't state how many took part with him, but I'm holding out for them all!


Originally posted by Causal:
The decision by Universal to release a special edition means at least this much: they think that Serenity is a property they can make money on. Now, obviously this does not mean that they've green-lit a sequel (nor does it even mean they're thinking about it). But at the very least, they recognize that they have a profitable product on their hands. Will that translate into more movies? Well, heck, there's just no way to know, really. But I have to think that if Serenity (and now the SE) continue to be profitable for them, they may start thinking about whether round two would be worth a go.

I was over on this morning and saw a thread discussing this as well. I think we're all feeling the effects of hope that the SE gives us. But actually we just won't know til we get there.

I have hope that we'll get a miniseries or a direct to DVD movie. Perhaps if sales of the SE are high, that will encourage them to do something like that.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:19 AM


So, this summer, we need to make sure we all buy a couple copies of the Special Edition. And while we're at it, get a couple copies of the Babylon 5 - The Lost Tales DVD, just to help show that a "niche Sci Fi TV show continued on DVD" has a workable business model.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:34 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
So, this summer, we need to make sure we all buy a couple copies of the Special Edition. And while we're at it, get a couple copies of the Babylon 5 - The Lost Tales DVD, just to help show that a "niche Sci Fi TV show continued on DVD" has a workable business model.

Easy as lyin'!

*quote courtesy of Asarian, who is my quote guy!*


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:25 AM


>>I have hope that we'll get a miniseries or a direct to DVD movie. Perhaps if sales of the SE are high, that will encourage them to do something like that.<<

FollowMal, I don't think that Universal can do a miniseries. I believe that they only have the movie rights. I could be completely and totally wrong about this, but I think that this is the case.

I don't care what venue they what to use to further the franchise, I am there.

The Special Edition Serenity comes out, then the Comics "Serenity:Better Days" comes out and you can best believe that I will have copies of both on the day of their release.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:50 AM


Wow, you all have a lot of faith in people you don't know intimately in the flesh, I wish I had that much faith in, well, anybody really =S

Do you like bread?


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 10:02 AM



Originally posted by DevonNite:
FollowMal, I don't think that Universal can do a miniseries. I believe that they only have the movie rights. I could be completely and totally wrong about this, but I think that this is the case.

I needed to be more specific I think, DevonNite.
Universal owns NBC/SciFi. They could do a miniseries on the channel. As for a direct to DVD movie...Uni itself could do that.

I agree that Uni owns the rights to Serenity. I think that the rights to Firefly are currently optioned to SciFi so that they can run the reruns.
I have no idea what that means for a miniseries of Firefly but I think that means Serenity is a possibility.

I meant to come back to the thread and add a thought I had....although genre tv is not mainstream ( say like, American Idol-bleh ) it is becoming more popular.
The hits Heroes and BSG are adding to the popularity of genre shows again. Perhaps a sea change is coming... as the way that folks watch tv ( more and more we're buying DVD's of shows we love ) and watch movies will open up new avenues for our beloved show.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 10:04 AM



Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
Wow, you all have a lot of faith in people you don't know intimately in the flesh, I wish I had that much faith in, well, anybody really =S

It's not faith Odds it's hope. Plain and simple.
Could be the kind of hope only a Browncoat could have-------but we're known for that.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 10:51 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by DevonNite:
FollowMal, I don't think that Universal can do a miniseries. I believe that they only have the movie rights. I could be completely and totally wrong about this, but I think that this is the case.

I needed to be more specific I think, DevonNite.
Universal owns NBC/SciFi. They could do a miniseries on the channel. As for a direct to DVD movie...Uni itself could do that.

I agree that Uni owns the rights to Serenity. I think that the rights to Firefly are currently optioned to SciFi so that they can run the reruns.
I have no idea what that means for a miniseries of Firefly but I think that means Serenity is a possibility.

I meant to come back to the thread and add a thought I had....although genre tv is not mainstream ( say like, American Idol-bleh ) it is becoming more popular.
The hits Heroes and BSG are adding to the popularity of genre shows again. Perhaps a sea change is coming... as the way that folks watch tv ( more and more we're buying DVD's of shows we love ) and watch movies will open up new avenues for our beloved show.

One of the provisions of Fox selling the movie rights to Universal was that Universal cannot do any TV incarnation. So a TV mini is out, regardless of the title.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 12:11 PM


Anyway, as someone else keeps saying, Universal's option on the actors allegedly expires in September. If so, I don't think a summer-released DVD is Universa testing the sales waters in order to make a decision about a sequel, because July/August/September is not enough of a timeframe in which they could make that decision.


CSTS - SN/EN - PDX - 2007

Can't Stop The Serenity 2007

Unofficial Browncoat Cruise Newsline


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:10 PM


Just tell me where to send the $$$ I will buy it.. for the extras (like a commentary me thinks) AND to support the 'verse.. whatever it takes.

AND cus I don't think JW would sell us out.. Universal maybe, but not Joss-

Chindi (or am I naive?)


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:22 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:
One of the provisions of Fox selling the movie rights to Universal was that Universal cannot do any TV incarnation. So a TV mini is out, regardless of the title.

Well, there you have it from someone way more experienced and knowledgeable than me. Looks as if I should realistically give up on a mini series.


Originally posted by TheOneTrueBix:
Anyway, as someone else keeps saying, Universal's option on the actors allegedly expires in September. If so, I don't think a summer-released DVD is Universa testing the sales waters in order to make a decision about a sequel, because July/August/September is not enough of a timeframe in which they could make that decision.

Again, words from someone way more experienced and knowledgeable than me. So I guess I will be happy that I get a SE DVD. And enjoy my friends on this board.



Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:24 PM


Like it or not, Uni gave us a comparatively skimpy DVD the first time around. They are a business, and they saw the sales, and they're doing the new version. It's pretty straightforward.

What I think is likely, whatever Uni has or hasn't said to Joss, is that Joss likely has a wishlist of what to put on the new edition, and will do however much or however little he's allowed to do to get that list of stuff onto it.

The industry is an industry. Right now all Joss can do is take advantage of having a special edition by exerting whatever influence he might hopefully have, and get it packed with stuff.

I mean, would you rather he boycotted the thing instead? Heh.


CSTS - SN/EN - PDX - 2007

Can't Stop The Serenity 2007

Unofficial Browncoat Cruise Newsline


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:40 PM


I think the reason Joss is so jazzed about this is that he does have input on what will go in the SE. Sure, Universal wants to line their pockets, but evidently they still have faith in Joss, enough that they're letting him choose (or at least, have major input in) what will go in the SE. This is a good thing, and if they find their faith to be justified (i.e., high sales numbers for the SE), then they may be a tad more "friendly" toward Joss, if you know what i mean and I think you do

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:47 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by BrowncoatSandanista:
But truthfully, who here won't buy it regardless the situation.

I will.. no hesitation.

Damned straight!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:50 PM


If anyone is double dipping here, it's Universal. From what I know of Joss, he loves Firefly a slight more'n most of us. So, I doubt that he would use us like that- Universal, definitely. Joss... I just can't picture it, ya?
Still... I just forgot what I wanted to say, gorram it!


Our Idols lay in Ruins,
We'd have saved them if we Could,
But we still chose to Worship,
The Places where our Idols STOOD!!!



Tuesday, March 13, 2007 5:47 PM



Originally posted by theonetruebix:
Like it or not, Uni gave us a comparatively skimpy DVD the first time around. They are a business, and they saw the sales, and they're doing the new version. It's pretty straightforward.

What I think is likely, whatever Uni has or hasn't said to Joss, is that Joss likely has a wishlist of what to put on the new edition, and will do however much or however little he's allowed to do to get that list of stuff onto it.

The industry is an industry. Right now all Joss can do is take advantage of having a special edition by exerting whatever influence he might hopefully have, and get it packed with stuff.

I mean, would you rather he boycotted the thing instead? Heh.


CSTS - SN/EN - PDX - 2007

Can't Stop The Serenity 2007

Unofficial Browncoat Cruise Newsline

Hey BIX, I asked for input from those with much more info than I and I am glad you answered, however I think that you and some of the others have the wrong idea. I was not and would not complain about Joss Whedon. I was not complaining about the SE Serenity. As FollowMal has said I was looking for hope, as ill fated as it was, as misguided as it seems.

You might be right. This whole Special Edition thing may have nothing to do with any further products from Universal, but you can't blame a guy for having a little hope. So in my own way I think I will hold.

Thanks again for responding to my thread.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:43 PM


<< Maybe if they realize that Serenity's poor box-office performance was the result of bad marketing on their part they'll be more apt to give us what we've been longing for. >>

See that right there is the crux of the matter. WE know the reason it failed was bad marketing.

I do not care that for a $39 million dollar movie they spent the right amount on marketing. They fd-up with how that money was spent. Why was the cast not introduced on the talk show circuit? Why didn't they introduce them via billboards with a slow build up. Make folks curious about the crew.

They could have asked us and we would have told them how to market this movie.

Pride however kept them from asking and from making the right choices. They don't understand that marketing was why the movie "failed" at the box office. Aside from them pulling it after a month, of course.

Still upset I never got my Serenity Billboard to see as I drove to work each day.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:53 PM



My prediction if Universal drops the ball and decides not to pursue the Trilogy and the contracts expire:

Fox will pick up the ball.

Firefly is selling waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Serenity. Everyone, I think its safe to say, loves Firefly just a little more than Serenity.

Fox gave a license recently for the Multi Media Online Game for Firefly. So they are looking to make some money off of this 'verse as well. If Universal drops the ball the Fox can step in and reap the opportunity.

We are just to pretty to die. This September marks our 5th anniversary. We are still here and there are more arriving every day.

I am proud to be a Browncoat.


Saturday, March 17, 2007 6:00 PM


The Great thing about Contracts is that they don't preclude any future work. The problem with Fox picking it up is that Joss wont work with them anymore. And as much as we all love Firefly and our BDHs, it's a Joss Wedon piece. Without Joss, it's not Firefly. And I think the Actors feel that way too. Also, Fox, though they may not seem to want to now, may eventually allow someone ((Universal)) to buy the rights in full. Then it will be entirely up to them to give us what we want.

"I'm not going to say Serenity is the greatest SciFi movie ever; oh wait yes I am." - Orson Scott Card


Saturday, March 17, 2007 6:30 PM


Just my opinion, but I think Universal and Joss already have plans on a sequel. I've heard that he'd like the sequel to take place when the crew is older, and I'm pretty sure if I heard about it, then pretty much everybody else in here already has, because I'm not a fan of Joss myself and I don't follow any of his work. Don't get me wrong, Firefly is the shit, but aside from Hunter S Thompson, my idols are the founding fathers. Just never really got the whole celeb crazy fan thing myself, but more power to you if you got bit by that bug yourself.

Let's put it this way: If I was an exec at Universal and I already knew that there was a greenlight for Firefly and it wasn't going to happen for another 5 years, and I was also aware of a rabid fanbase that has openley stated that for the love of the show and the movie that they are more than willing to be exploited and would even buy 10 different versions of the same thing..... well let's just say that I'd try to push it and see if ya'all would buy 20 different versions of the same thing.

I'm not implying that Joss would be behind this at all. In fact, his little statement about he'd like to see the cast older might have been a little hint or his way of saying "keep flying guys", while his lips are legally bound to be sealed. If it went down this way, I'm sure his contract wouldn't allow him to tell all of you that the sequel was going to be made until they give him permission. Though that's not to say that he's not getting a fat paycheck himself everytime a new version comes out and it sells more than the previous version.

If I'm wrong, more power to you for trying to do anything to bring this great show back, but they're not getting any more of my money until a new show or movie comes out.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, March 19, 2007 5:26 AM



Originally posted by BrowncoatSandinista:
Without Joss, it's not Firefly.

"I'm not going to say Serenity is the greatest SciFi movie ever; oh wait yes I am." - Orson Scott Card

Agreed. However I believe Joss love Firefly much more than he dislikes Fox. Plus the folks that betrayed him have been gone for a while. Firefly is Joss' baby. He fell in love and he has all those stories just itching to get out. That is why we have the comics coming out.

Joss will tell his story anyway he can.

My point is that the contracts with Universal expiring does not mean there won't be more of the 'verse someday. I am not expecting more now. But I am expecting more someday. That's why we are still flyin'.



Monday, March 19, 2007 5:35 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Just my opinion, but I think Universal and Joss already have plans on a sequel. I've heard that he'd like the sequel to take place when the crew is older, and I'm pretty sure if I heard about it, then pretty much everybody else in here already has, because I'm not a fan of Joss myself and I don't follow any of his work.

I haven't heard anything about a sequel except rumors and speculations about what it should be. Some want a prequel so Wash and Book are in it. Some want Inara's story told.

Folks have plenty of ideas.

I just have faith there will be more because there is money to be had here. They pulled that movie after only a month in the theatres. That was just wrong. They didn't introduce the cast to anyone and they didn't keep those ads on tv past the first week. Grrrr Aaaarrrrrggggghhh.

I love Joss' work because it is rich, smart and funny as heck. I like Joss Whedon the man because he is down to earth when dealing with folks. I was one of those lucky enough to be an extra on Serenity. Joss is a hard worker and has a great sense of humor. He doesn't take himself too seriously but he does take his work seriously. He puts a lot into every aspect.

This isn't just a fan/celeb thing. Its a respect the man thing.



Thursday, May 3, 2007 9:47 AM


They pulled it after a month? My local theatre, notorious for its being really bad, had it for three and a half months, because they were making quite a pretty penny off of it. I asked the manager and he said that it was their best draw all year.

You're the luckiest person I know Rosie. Not only did you get work on screen ((Being an extra counts)) but you were on screen in Serenity!!! Did you make the final cut? If so which Scene((s))? That would've been so cool.

"I'm not going to say Serenity is the greatest SciFi movie ever; oh wait yes I am." - Orson Scott Card


Thursday, May 3, 2007 10:51 AM


Most theaters pulled Serenity after about a month. Onnly two cities in the country held it for five months straight, combined first-run and second-run: Santa Barbara CA and Portland OR.


In the Portland of Oregon, Birthplace of the Global Charity Screenings Movement
PDX Browncoats, Film Action Oregon, and The Portland Mercury
Can't Stop The Serenity - Portland OR USA
June 22 & 23 @ the Hollywood Theatre
To Benefit Equality Now and the Women's Film Initiative


Thursday, May 3, 2007 12:22 PM


Rosie - After Jayne's Let's be bad guys line - Pause and do a frame by frame as Mal and Zoe enter.

Also as Zoe shoots the security cam, I'm behind her. Then when Jayne pounds the guy the angle reverses and you see Jayne and Zoe I am kneeling between them. When River enters, she walks in past a my hand.

The following is my report for the Browncoats on the OB. Rosie on the Set

I am lucky I know.


Thursday, May 3, 2007 12:51 PM


Thank you, Rosie. I still get all caught up in your report from the set and it's like time stands still and I'm there.

I'm so happy for you that you got to be a BDE!

As for being lucky... I've read enough of your posts to know you deserved it. You're always sweet and kind to folks and everyone appreciates you.


Thursday, May 3, 2007 4:55 PM


Aaaawww thank you.

Bringing folks into the moment is what I am trying to achieve.

Thinking about that experience still feels surreal. I feel like wishing made it so. It was my mantra, I want to be on set doing whatever. Then it became real.


Thursday, May 3, 2007 5:45 PM


FFP, what a buzz you must have got knowing you'd be in the scene. Now I have another excuse to watch the BDM

Note to Joss,
If you film the sequel in Sydney, I'll volunteer to be an extra, unpaid if you're strapped for cash

Browncoats, are you content to see Firefly in 2nd place or would you rather see it at #1. It won't happen unless you vote.


Thursday, May 3, 2007 8:20 PM


I just love that picture of you!

Always enjoy reading your experience as a BDE

Thanks again for sharing


Friday, May 4, 2007 6:15 AM


If Universal is trying to make more money from the Firefly/Serenity movie and series, that is definitely a good thing. Back in 1978 when Roddenberry was given the go ahead for a full length Star Trek motion picture, no one knew it would prove to be the impetus for all the other movies, as well as several new ST series. But the movie made so much money, the studio execs were thrilled, and happily signed on for more.

So, if studio execs are happy with the amount of money they are seeing from the sale of the movie and/or the series, it means we may see more. Never a guarantee, but at least some hope. Which is why I bought Season 1 on iTunes today.

Doing my part to help bring on the next movie, or even bring back the series.


Sunday, May 13, 2007 10:18 AM


Balancing hope and pragmatism...the fact that Joss has a continuing, productive relationship with Universal is a shiny thing. The fact that Universal is on some level monitoring Serenity sales is another. I remember reading an article several years ago -- I think it was in "Premiere" -- about cult films. The journalist called up an exec at 20th Century Fox to ask about the success of Office Space as a cult film. The guy was looking up data while he was on the phone with the journalist saying..."'s in our top 500...wait a minute, in our top 100...wait a minute...[amazed]'s in our top 20 best-selling DVDs?!?" He then went on to ask the *journalist* if he could ask Mike Judge when he talks to him if he wanted to make a sequel! Not long after, the Office Space Special Edition came out...a good 6 years after the movie's release. I know the studios are looking more closely at DVD sales now, and that can only be good for us and Joss, whether it means more new products or [wishful sigh] a return to old favorites. All I know is I converted another friend visiting from out of town...he was scanning my DVD shelves and pulled Firefly out from about 500 others and said, "I've been wanting to see this...I loved the movie." He and his wife watched 5 hours of it between Saturday afternoon and Sunday night! :-)


Sunday, May 13, 2007 3:17 PM


It makes me wish that Fox, rather than cancelling the series, would have been willing to try syndicating it instead. I really do think the show would have done well that way.

Networks are so skittish these days. They seem to be seeking instant hits and just are not willing to give shows a chance to build an audience.

If someone tried to launch "Seinfeld" in this climate, they would most certainly not see a second season. And then we would have lost years of some of the best TV ever made.



Thursday, May 24, 2007 12:06 PM



Originally posted by daveshayne:
Gotta say. I've been asking for a special edition ever since the DVD came out. Everybody else in the world got 2 discs why shouldn't we. ANd hey they already double dipped me with the HD-DVD so this will be a triple dip.

Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on!


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at

Recently addicted, hoping for more too. I just bought the R4 SE version. I had the 2nd disc in a few nights ago and kinda nodded off, but woke up when Joss had a Q&A session with decent sized audience. He talked (rather teased) of a sequal maybe being in the think tank. Wouldn't absolutely commit, but sure got my hopes up. It's definately on his mind. Funny thing is though, I bought Serenity by mistake, thinking it was something else. Liked it so much I bought the box set, then the SE version.


Friday, May 25, 2007 5:58 AM



Originally posted by vbrad511:
Recently addicted, hoping for more too. I just bought the R4 SE version. I had the 2nd disc in a few nights ago and kinda nodded off, but woke up when Joss had a Q&A session with decent sized audience. He talked (rather teased) of a sequal maybe being in the think tank. Wouldn't absolutely commit, but sure got my hopes up. It's definately on his mind.

Joss certainly has ideas for sequels. The only problem is getting the money people to take a shot on it again. Special edition sales figures could help there.


Funny thing is though, I bought Serenity by mistake, thinking it was something else.

Oh that's great. See Universal even people who don't know what Serenifly is about when they get it like it.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at






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