Senerity Update from Dark Horizons

UPDATED: Sunday, September 5, 2004 01:58
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Monday, May 3, 2004 9:12 AM



"Serenity"/"Freddy" Updates
Posted: Monday May 3rd, 2004 9:30pm (Au-EST)

Author: Garth Franklin

Conventions seemed rife this weekend that C-Grade actresses must've been in short supply for talkshows. The "Starfury: Fusion" convention in Blackpool had one insider there named 'Pixel' who got a couple of minutes chat with Nathan Fillion, best known for the lead role in "Firefly" and a guest stint as an evil Preacher at the end of "Buffy". Fillion spoke a bit about the "Firefly" film spin-off "Serenity" which Universal is currently developing:

"When the set was struck, at the end of the show, nothing was kept except one door, so everything had to be built from scratch. The characters of Badger and Saffron will not be in the film, however ALL nine main cast members will appear.

Filming starts early June for ten weeks for a projected release "early next year". The budget, previously listed as $35m, is actually about $50m. The deal they have with Universal precludes another TV show - so a revival ain't gonna happen. The plan is, if the film does well enough, to have a trilogy of films".

Whoa! So, the budget is actually around 50 million... Shiny!

So, a Trilogy huh? Now, this will definitely have other potential viewers thinking that its a rip-off of "Star Wars" only to be pleasantly awed and suprised that Serenity is in a league of its own. Ahhh... I love being a fan.

Now, as much as I'd love a trilogy, I don't know if I can hold off waiting 2 years for another film. I'd really prefer a TV show.



Monday, May 3, 2004 9:38 AM


Gorrammit! I just realized that this is just an extension of the other post. Oops! Alright, please disregard this... unless a moderator deletes it.



Monday, May 3, 2004 9:39 AM


Please disregard this post.


Monday, May 3, 2004 11:34 AM


While - movie! Multiple movies! Yay! ...I really like how, in TV, you get a lot of character development, that you just can't get in a film. Am I lame, that I'm feeling awfully sad that it won't come back as a series?


Monday, May 3, 2004 11:55 AM



Nathan Fillion was quoted as saying the $50 million budgeted 'Serenity' will not return as a television series should it preforms well at the box office; rather, it'll become a trilogy of movies.

I have been hoping apon hope that a TV series revival of Firefly would occurr... doesnt seem likely now... I mean movies is good but I want regularity.


Monday, May 3, 2004 1:09 PM


I'm spoilled but I want the movies AND the television show. I love the characters too much to just have them in 1 or 3 movies. I need weekly installments!!


Monday, May 3, 2004 1:32 PM


Movies will be great but, see the thing is, now it's almost not a question of just getting back a TV show I liked. When Firefly was canceled I felt like the world had gone insane. I Still do.
I want Firefly back where it belongs, in a recurring format, building this story and these characters the way they were meant to be. And not just because it would be entertaining. To see Joss and crew pour themselves into something as good as this and have it crapped on by soulless fucks in suits is -- well it needs to be undone.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Monday, May 3, 2004 1:55 PM




Monday, May 3, 2004 2:03 PM


What I don't understand is, if Fox cancelled it and has no interest in reviving it, why don't they just sell the rights to someone else who is, or just let someone else run the show while they get some kind of royalty?

Seems like allowing Firefly to make a comeback on TV would make them more money than keeping it off.

Money! Hear that Fox? Here, foxy foxy foxy, money... nice green money...

Stupid Huh choo-shang tza-jiao duh tzang-huos.

Six shots, then drop it.


Monday, May 3, 2004 3:05 PM


What I want to know is if the movie will prequel the series, or pick up where it left off, or if we'll be forced to endure a reintroduction of all of the characters.


Trust the fuckhead.


Monday, May 3, 2004 4:23 PM


Oh, how bitter-sweet. Like being shot by an arrow with pretty feathers in the fletching so you have something pleasant to look at as you slowly bleed out.

Pardon me while I go kick my cat.


Monday, May 3, 2004 4:27 PM


The Film is supposed to pickup six months after the series left off.

I think that a movie trilogy was inevitable. I was very skeptical of the possibility of Firefly going from being a TV series to a movie and back to a TV series in the space of a single movie. I think we may get another series one day (which could be a spin off) but it will be after at least three movies.

With the increased production values of a movie and considering that it sounds like Joss Whedon is pulling out all the stops in terms of story telling I am rather looking forward to seeing what he does on the big screen. I’ve always felt that that he is a brilliant film writer/director but has never been given the opportunity to show his abilities, until now. Watching him fit seven years worth of TV series into three movies could be very exiting to watch.

P.S. I'm a little stumped by all the negative comments. A movie trilogy is a lot better than no movie or series at all. People should appreciate what they are going to get.


Monday, May 3, 2004 4:58 PM


Right on, Outlander!

While I did initially experience a moment of Great Dismay over this report...I then had a moment of clarity.

This time last year, there was every indication that we would NEVER get another glance of Firefly, except for the unaired eps on DVD. Now we're looking at the potential for a good six hours of our beloved 'verse on the Big Screen, in full Dolby Digital, and all that swai stuff. I'd call that a win!

And, lest we foreclose prematurely on the notion of Serenity streaking silently through our living rooms some day, consider this: 'Versal Pictures cut a deal with Fox to make a movie out of Firefly..and presumably to retain those rights for a period of time, during which they could make more movies. Who's to say that, five or six years (ouch!!) down the line, a new deal could not be struck, which would enable a successful movie franchise to make the leap to the small screen? Patience (not the double-crossing leader of a little world, mind you!) may reward us in the end.

At the very least, if the BDM(s) rule(s) the box office, it may lead to a string of movies to rival the run of Star Trek.

The more I think of this, the more sanguine I get about the future of our 'verse.

Let us rejoice, fellow Browncoats! We have done the impossible! Now all we have to do is start saving for all those movie tickets!!

Keep flyin'!!

Department of Redundancy Department


Monday, May 3, 2004 5:08 PM


I agree - BDM is very, very, very much better than waiting forever for more Firefly. And Joss will likely do an astounding job with movie resources/approach rather than TV series.

But something I've always worried about any delay in a continuation of the series is this: the cast just WORKED together - from the first episode to the last. The FX were pretty darned close to perfect, too, in terms of the fit with the show. Likewise with writing (perhaps the most important part!). The question is: can these elements really survive a several-year hiatus? I guess making 3 movies will keep a lot of that together, but I just worry that Firefly as we know it was a wonderful convergeance of events that can't be replicated once enough time has passed.

Anyway, I'll be very much looking forward to the movie, don't worry!

- FW


Monday, May 3, 2004 5:16 PM


Hmmm...good point. Firefly too long delayed is Firefly denied?

Then again, do consider this... there has been a recent vogue for shooting films contiguously, even when they will be released separately. LOTR, the Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions, Kill Bill (actually, there was precedent in the last two Back to the Future films). These were all shot that who's to say that, given the sudden and inevitable success fo the BDM, the next two BDMs will not be shot similarly, thus eliminating the down-time?

The more I think about this, the more it creates a warm, fuzzy feeling in my solar plexus....mmmmm...warm fuzzy feeling....

I'll be in my bunk!

Department of Redundancy Department


Monday, May 3, 2004 5:32 PM


Kill Bill was actually meant and filmed to be one movie not two. The studio later told Tarantino to break it up into two movies because it was just to long and complicated for one sitting.

Anyways, they seem pretty positive about being able to film and cut everything by the end of this year for a 2005 release. So it might be every other year that we will see a movie. The studios have realized that they lose an audience in the course of waiting. They use to think that waiting built the audience but that is no longer true. That is why more and more sequels are being filmed back to back or being ready within a year of the last film.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Monday, May 3, 2004 7:58 PM



Originally posted by Noocyte:
. . . there has been a recent vogue for shooting films contiguously, even when they will be released separately. LOTR, the Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions, Kill Bill (actually, there was precedent in the last two Back to the Future films). These were all shot that who's to say that, given the sudden and inevitable success fo the BDM, the next two BDMs will not be shot similarly, thus eliminating the down-time?

The more I think about this, the more it creates a warm, fuzzy feeling in my solar plexus....mmmmm...warm fuzzy feeling....

A damned fine point. It's well within the realm of possibility that Universal could push the red button on vols 2 and 3 anytime, and I think that time could come quickly. It could make its decision after seeing the first few days of shooting on Serenity Vol. 1. I can see a prior agreement that 'Versal will watch the first rushes on the promise that, if it's happy, Joss can be assured of shooting the rest of the trilogy. He'll just have to minor problem of having to write two more massive shiny movies -- if he hasn't at least outlined them already.


Monday, May 3, 2004 11:26 PM


I know we all wished Firefly would come back as a weekly series, but the real (possible) truth is Universal doesn't own the TV rights, the production studio 20th Century Fox (not the broadcast TV network) still has those rights.

Please note: I don't have confirmation on the ownership issue. I know for a fact there's a MAJOR difference between TV and feature films. There's a fine line between the rights.

For instance, Glen Larson can do a "Battlestar Galactica" feature film, but he can't produce a TV show (Universal TV division own the series rights). He gave up those rights a while back. Of course, if Larson did do a feature, chances are he couldn't call it "Battlestar Galactica." This is why he thought he could do a Battlestar Pegasus storyline.

Who knows what rights Universal has at the moment, but a least we have a movie with our favorite actors coming next year. This is a miracle in itself.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 12:25 AM


10 weeks and 50 million dollars, that seems a bit long for just one movie in the first place. Think about it a second. They are going to take 10 weeks and 50 million dollars to do what they used to be able to do in 2 weeks, for about 4 million dollars. Figure a 2 hour movie, that is essentially the equivalent of 2 episodes. I know budgets for film goes up, but this seems a bit much for just a single movie.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 12:47 AM


I have a 52" widescreen and a kickbutt surround system, and I don't watch TV any more. Maybe you can guess why.

I hate commercials. I hate pre-emptions, when I've just waited all week for that one shiny hour. (...We now join our regularly scheduled programming in progress...) I HATE cancellations of the only worthwhile show--and this could happen again. And the other thing I hate is not knowing the resolution of stories that I love, and realizing I never WILL.

IMO, a movie (preferably two or three) is the way to go, ESPECIALLY for Joss. His stories are unique to TV because they're not pablum TV--where there generally IS no story thread to continue from episode to episode. And the story is the thing. I'd LOVE to see him spread his wings.

I would dust off the TV and watch a series, because it's Firefly. Maybe the phone wouldn't ring or the power wouldn't go out or the kids wouldn't start fighting. But I'd rather see the movie(s), buy the DVD's even before they came out, and leave the gorram cable off.

Jen dao mei.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:07 AM


I'm not against a movie, don't get me wrong! I'm very, very happy that we get movies. I'm just a greedy, greedy girl and want my Firefly every week. :-)

As far as how long they'll be shoots take far longer than TV shoots. A lot of interviews with movie actors who move to TV have them mentioning that TV moves so fast compared to movies - far more scenes are shot per day. Now, I bet the gang on Firefly could do it faster, but - in Hollywood, if you finish making your movie early and come in under budget, that's a big deal and helps with your rep. (Or so I hear - IANAHP).

Now, the REALLY important thing to do is to convert the hearts and minds of everyone else out there to the Firefly cause, and prime them for the movie. I actually sent a set of disks to an expat friend in New Zealand, who has been watching them with her friends. The reaction (as you can imagine) was..."They cancelled this?" And most of them aren't even SF fans (although several are big LOTR buffs).


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:15 AM


I have spoken to the other mercenary units out there, and they all agree: Firefly movies AND TV shows are whats needed. This merc sorely wishes for MORE Firefly, wherever it comes from!

'Course, I would PREFER a TV show to only three movies. But I'll take anything I cun git!

Jayne: "See, Vera? You get dressed up, you get taken someplace fun!"


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:48 AM



Yay! ...I really like how, in TV, you get a lot of character development, that you just can't get in a film. Am I lame, that I'm feeling awfully sad that it won't come back as a series?

Well, if it's being planned as a trilogy, that means lots of twists and character development from one to the other.

Also, if it does NOT do as well as to warrant another two films, does that mean it will come back as a tv series? or does that mean it's dead?

In any case, granted that the first movie will either set back up a tv series or a precedent for another two movies, we're bound to have non-static story telling and some fun fun Joss Whedon character deaths and changes.

Ain't. We. Just.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 3:14 AM


no saffron. that is too bad. she was a great character. if they make a movie trilogy like the other post reports, maybe she will show up. i always felt that our mrs. reynolds and trash were two very light and enjoyable episodes.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 3:17 AM


I wonder what the big deal is with trilogies. I suppose you could say it's like taking three acts and expanding those into longer episodes. Still, why three?

While the denial of a TV show is disappointing, I think several movies should give Whedon a chance to tell us the story he wants to tell. Hopefully we'll get a spectacular conclusion.

The one thing I'm going to miss is the theme song at the beginning. I'd love to see that added to the movie, fact is there's just not any place for it in the movie unless they enter a bar with a band a la Mos Eisley or something. Beginning the movie with the theme song will make it feel like television, and we need something better for our BDM.

Pleasantly surprised at the early 2005 date. Hope they don't rush it and end up with a lesser product. Let's face it, though I loved it, the BDM needs to be better than the two hour pilot if this is going to succeed. Whedon and crew have their work cut out for them.

Bigger budget is good. Having nine main characters costs a lot of money.

Do you wanna be rich?
Do you wanna be a superstar?
Well, honey, you already are.
-Sweet Water from their album "Superfriends"


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 3:32 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by TheClaps:

Yay! ...I really like how, in TV, you get a lot of character development, that you just can't get in a film. Am I lame, that I'm feeling awfully sad that it won't come back as a series?

Well, if it's being planned as a trilogy, that means lots of twists and character development from one to the other.

Also, if it does NOT do as well as to warrant another two films, does that mean it will come back as a tv series? or does that mean it's dead?

In any case, granted that the first movie will either set back up a tv series or a precedent for another two movies, we're bound to have non-static story telling and some fun fun Joss Whedon character deaths and changes.

Ain't. We. Just.

Good point.

The quote from Nathan is that if the movie does well, there will be no return to TV. So if the movie does not meet Universal's expectations, then what? Does Firefly die? Does it return to TV?

While I will have to be happy w/ the movies, it just doesn't seem right not to have Firefly back on TV. Regardless of what the real reasons might be Firefly is a story that needs to be told on TV weekly, as Joss orginially intended. Now we will get two hours of story every two years. That seem right to you?

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 3:57 AM


I think if the movie doesn't do well, it means there's no more Firefly. If no one sees it, what incentive would there be to have a new series?


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 4:42 AM


I doubt anything is set in stone and will probably be determined not only on the success of the movie but also the sales of the series on DVD. Remember Firefly has screened in very few countries at this date and there is a huge potential audience out there who have never heard of the wonderful show called Firefly.

If the movie does well (not a huge success) and all those that have not seen the TV series are inspired to buy dvds by the truck loads. The financial planners may end up in a position where a second movie may be risky but a TV series/DVDs that can be onsold to other countries may make more financial sense.

At least I can hope this happens, I don't think I could handle the stress of waiting a year between installments


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:22 AM



Originally posted by Drakon:
10 weeks and 50 million dollars, that seems a bit long for just one movie in the first place. Think about it a second. They are going to take 10 weeks and 50 million dollars to do what they used to be able to do in 2 weeks, for about 4 million dollars. Figure a 2 hour movie, that is essentially the equivalent of 2 episodes. I know budgets for film goes up, but this seems a bit much for just a single movie.

I see your point. I also thought 10 weeks quite a long time. It only took Joss 30 days to shoot the 2hr pilot and he said he wouldn't know what to do with all that time -- some days he sent everyone home early.


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:40 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Another thing to bear in mind; the original budget was set at $35 million, but according to reports, the new budget is $50 million. What has changed to increase the budge $15 million and how will that effect expectations for the movie? What ticket sales figure will now be accepted by Universal as successful?

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 7:37 AM



Originally posted by Poetic4U:
"When the set was struck, at the end of the show, nothing was kept except one door, so everything had to be built from scratch."

I thought they made a point of saving the set at the end of the show, because of plans to come back. Did this change?


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 8:13 AM


Any plan, executed carefully enough, can be a successful one. Let's just hope Mr. Whedon knows what he's doing.

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 8:29 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by pforhan:

Originally posted by Poetic4U:
"When the set was struck, at the end of the show, nothing was kept except one door, so everything had to be built from scratch."

I thought they made a point of saving the set at the end of the show, because of plans to come back. Did this change?

According to a post from Nathan Fillion over at the OB, he saw all of the sets dimantled and in dumpsters over on Fox's lot back in the spring of '03. I think Fox sat on them for awhile, but when it was apparent no network was going to p/u the show, they destroyed the sets.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, May 4, 2004 11:04 AM


Well, I'm all right. - Mal


They are going to take 10 weeks and 50 million dollars to do what they used to be able to do in 2 weeks, for about 4 million dollars. Figure a 2 hour movie, that is essentially the equivalent of 2 episodes.

I'll be okay with 4 hours of "deleted scenes" on the Serenity DVD.

I am Jack's username
Support our serial killers.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 1:12 PM


See, I think the question we SHOULD be asking is who do we start sending letters to?

I do agree that a trilogy of movies is better than nothing, but I would dearly love to see it back on my TV screen.


Thursday, May 6, 2004 2:37 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Originally posted by TheClaps:

Yay! ...I really like how, in TV, you get a lot of character development, that you just can't get in a film. Am I lame, that I'm feeling awfully sad that it won't come back as a series?

No, you're not lame, cause I feel the same way -- and heaven knows I'm never lame.

One of the things I dearly,dearly love about Joss Whedon's shows is the almost geologic character development, and you can't do that in one movie, or three movies. The most obvious example is Willow, but the one that impresses me the most is Cordelia. I hated Cordelia through the first two seasons of Buffy, was indifferent about her during season three, and only started to even half-way like her during season one of Angel. And that's entirely because her character development was so gradual that one day I looked around and went, "Hey. I like Cordelia. Who'da thunk it?"

Sure, I'll take three movies with a yee-haw, but with movies, it's harder to do sneaky character development that creeps on you like that. That's what I'd miss the most, I think. Other than the being able to watch it weekly, obviously.

"We're just happy to be doin' good works."


Saturday, May 8, 2004 11:09 PM


I see where they're coming from.

1) They make a series, it gets axed.

2) They make a movie that endures in the box office for as long as any other.

3) They get offered the chance to revive the TV series.

4) Five eps in, it gets axed again.

Who wants that?! NOT ME, THAT'S FOR GORRAM SURE!!
Movies are safer investments, at least until Fox is willing to either COMMIT itself, or step aside for someone else to commit.


Thursday, May 13, 2004 12:08 PM


Hey - just signed up to this thing, and I have slightly jolier news for you guys than seems to have been indicated on here so far.
I was at Starfury:Fusion in Blackpool a couple of weeks ago, and what Nathan Fillion actually said about the deal between Fox and Universal was that they would be unable to produce a tv series FOR A PARTICULAR TIME PERIOD. The hint that he (and Summer Glau and Jewel Staite) seemed to be giving was that a trilogy of films could take them up to the end of this time period. Assuming the films had been succesful, a series could then be produced.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 6:52 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Another thing to bear in mind; the original budget was set at $35 million, but according to reports, the new budget is $50 million. What has changed to increase the budge $15 million and how will that effect expectations for the movie? What ticket sales figure will now be accepted by Universal as successful?

As I understand it, a movie needs to earn back double or triple its budget to "break even". So...$150 million and Serenity would likely be seen as at least a moderate hit. $200 mill and I can almost guarantee another movie.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:41 AM


Absolutely. I think we need to find out exactly who owns what and where we can start campaigning (although it may be better timed to wait til a bit later in the scheme of the BDM) for a return to television as the ultimate goal. Browncoats need to be heard!


Sunday, May 16, 2004 1:39 PM


I have faith in Joss that he can fit all the great stuff in Firefly into a movie

But like so many have said, a series is best because it allows for more msytory romance, character devilment, and climax

We just got to have a little faith

"Faith Manages"

"Why ya'll order a dead guy for?"

"You can't take the sky from me..well really you can...but..."


Monday, May 17, 2004 2:22 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Shutty24:
Hey - just signed up to this thing, and I have slightly jolier news for you guys than seems to have been indicated on here so far.
I was at Starfury:Fusion in Blackpool a couple of weeks ago, and what Nathan Fillion actually said about the deal between Fox and Universal was that they would be unable to produce a tv series FOR A PARTICULAR TIME PERIOD. The hint that he (and Summer Glau and Jewel Staite) seemed to be giving was that a trilogy of films could take them up to the end of this time period. Assuming the films had been succesful, a series could then be produced.

First off, welcome to the board Shutty24. Glad to have you w/ us.

I am compelled to agree w/ what you say Shutty. Nathan had mentioned that it would not return to tv for "some time" but was not specific about how long. I am sure it has something to do w/ some sort of time limitation clause in the contract w/ Fox.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, May 17, 2004 2:25 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by GreggAllinson:

Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Another thing to bear in mind; the original budget was set at $35 million, but according to reports, the new budget is $50 million. What has changed to increase the budge $15 million and how will that effect expectations for the movie? What ticket sales figure will now be accepted by Universal as successful?

As I understand it, a movie needs to earn back double or triple its budget to "break even". So...$150 million and Serenity would likely be seen as at least a moderate hit. $200 mill and I can almost guarantee another movie.

$150-200 million is a pretty tall order. I know the fanbase is growing, and most of us will see the movie many times, but the number still seems pretty high.

I hope that Universal & Joss use a good chunk of that $50 million budget to promote the movie and get enough interest generated to hit that goal.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, May 17, 2004 1:40 PM


Reavers. Definitely Reavers... you know, for mass appeal.

Well, even if we already knew that, here's a good read:

"The greatest irony possible here would be for Serenity, the Firefly movie, to open larger than X-Files: Fight for the Future did. There would be no more satisfying success than for the Joss Whedon film to outperform the Chris Carter franchise that it was expected to replace on Fox, but never truly given the opportunity."

BTW, according to IMDB, the X-Files movie budget was $66 million. It made $30mil on the opening weekend , and a total of $83mil during its run in the US.

I'm guessing Serenity will not make $30mil on its opening weekend, but like the series will do better as time goes by through word-of-mouth. Will it make double its cost, earning $100 million during its run? That would do. Triple would be better!


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:43 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Great article. Thanks for the link Wydraz.

I think we are going to be hard pressed to hit the $100 million mark, but it is not unattainable. It will mean each & everyone of us needs to go see it, taking as many people as we can, and going as many times as we can afford. It also means stepping up our efforts to convert people. We still have a year and with the DVD available, it is easier to convert people than ever before.

The success of the movie relies in a large part on us, the fanbase. We need to get the word out about the movie, the show, the DVD set, and convert everyone we can in the time we have before the movie's release.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 2:47 AM


All nine original cast members! YAY! That rocks. Also a 50million budget is better than the 35million one...Offcourse...

Here, There And Everywhere...


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 3:15 AM


More than likely the increase from $35m to $50m is the advertising budget. Hopefully Joss was able to talk the suits into putting some more money into actually promoting the show. Likely through increased visibilty in sci-fi venues. Remember if the movie does well, box set sales will likely increase.

In order for another movie to be made, Serenity will likely have to at least double its $50m budget. Why? Because the studio will likely want to at least break even on two movies. Meaning the first would hopefully make enough to cover the costs of both 1 and 2. This would allow the movie studio to see pure profit from the likely increased popularity in a second movie.

Word of mouth advertising is the only way we will be fortunate enough to get all 3 made. The suits are going to have to see that the TV Series box sets sales have increased from Serenity as well an increase in fan base. Once there they can work on merchandising - where Joss and the studio will make the most profit.

It isnt as simple as ticket sales etc, but the success of Serenity will determine if 2 and 3 are made.



Wednesday, May 19, 2004 5:05 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
The success of the movie relies in a large part on us, the fanbase. We need to get the word out about the movie, the show, the DVD set, and convert everyone we can in the time we have before the movie's release.

That's true, BC1. I keep thinking about how we can increase the recruiting momentum...what do you all think about some kind of system where you can 'register' who you recruited (or who recruited you) on one of the websites (maybe and with the promise of some vague future prizes (weekly, monthly, lifetime) for those who convert/recruit the most? Of course you would have to have some system of e-mail responding with the word in an image or something to prevent cheating/automated registrations, but I think it would be doable and it might help motivate some folks who have already converted their really close family and friends, but may not have taken it to the next circle of more casual friends, co-workers, etc.

What do you think?

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Wednesday, May 19, 2004 5:30 AM



Hey - just signed up to this thing, and I have slightly jolier news for you guys than seems to have been indicated on here so far.
I was at Starfury:Fusion in Blackpool a couple of weeks ago, and what Nathan Fillion actually said about the deal between Fox and Universal was that they would be unable to produce a tv series FOR A PARTICULAR TIME PERIOD. The hint that he (and Summer Glau and Jewel Staite) seemed to be giving was that a trilogy of films could take them up to the end of this time period. Assuming the films had been succesful, a series could then be produced.

Welcome aboard!

That is some SHINY soundin' news there, Shutty24. If you are reading that right, we could be in for a long wait til the series comes back (if- I am sad that I must include this- ever). Still, I'm patient...kinda. I'll wait for the movies and everything.

Jayne: "See, Vera? You get dressed up, you get taken someplace fun!"


Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:08 AM



Originally posted by Shiny:

Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
The success of the movie relies in a large part on us, the fanbase. We need to get the word out about the movie, the show, the DVD set, and convert everyone we can in the time we have before the movie's release.

That's true, BC1. I keep thinking about how we can increase the recruiting momentum...what do you all think about some kind of system where you can 'register' who you recruited (or who recruited you) on one of the websites (maybe and with the promise of some vague future prizes (weekly, monthly, lifetime) for those who convert/recruit the most? Of course you would have to have some system of e-mail responding with the word in an image or something to prevent cheating/automated registrations, but I think it would be doable and it might help motivate some folks who have already converted their really close family and friends, but may not have taken it to the next circle of more casual friends, co-workers, etc.

What do you think?

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Well that hole converting thing sounds just a bit religious...Don't you think? I personally am gonna convert people by showing them the DVD. I will just have to order it from the internet first, cause it isn't actually on sale here in Finland. Atleast not yet. I think it would come at the same time with the movie or something, but I'm not gonna wait that long.

By the way, FF started showing here in Finland just recently...a few months back and it's still on. The episode yesterday was "Serenity", part2. I dunno know why they showed it in the midle cause there's still coming atlaest two episodes of FF the following weeks.

You can't take the sky from me...






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