cue serenity funeral them

UPDATED: Friday, October 3, 2008 17:46
VIEWED: 5667
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008 5:42 PM


what frakking rumours.

they did the same last year too.

move along - nothing to see.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008 5:45 PM


how can it be a rumor, if they asked joss?


Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:25 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by pepperg:
how can it be a rumor, if they asked joss?

Note that Joss did not say "it's never going to happen" he said there is nothing in the works right now and that no one has contacted him to do a sequel. Doesn't mean there's not hope, just nothing in the pipe right now.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:56 AM


Let us not forget Star Trek. The show was cancelled in the late 60s. But the fan base continued the build. All there was were the syndicated shows. No DVRs or DVD or bittorrent. It took a decade before Hollywood began to notice that the fan base had grown, and the first movie came out in 1979. Three decades later, they are again rebooting the franchise.


Thursday, August 14, 2008 4:22 AM



Originally posted by pepperg:
how can it be a rumor, if they asked joss?

Indeed...but I think I detected a certain yessi-ness eminating from Joss' pancreas...

EDIT: Or maybe it was emAnating...definitely the pancreas, though...or was it the spleen...?

It was like that when we got here!


Thursday, August 14, 2008 7:07 AM


This is an important piece by Gossi - please read it.


I have a story. I was in LA recently (staying near the Museum of Death - you scary, scary Hollywood people) and went and had drinks with quite a few people. Including Firefly peeps.

During that particular evening, I was talking about 'wouldn't it be nice to make a Firefly DVD project?'. Because, you know, that would be nice, wouldn't it? To my surprise, somebody turned around and said straight away "I wouldn't do that". I was blown away. I hadn't even thought about that being a problem. Sometimes, reality stinks.

Then something funny happened. We started talking about 'What if...'. We tossed around plot ideas. We mused. We thought about what could be. People threw in plot ideas. We were sat talking about Firefly, like people still in love with it. Like people who say they are at peace with it, but.. Well, aren't really. It was a great moment, as that spark was in the eyes of the people around the table. There was some fierce love for that show from the people working on it. And fierce love is, of course, the best kind. Then we all let out a sigh, and ordered another round of drinks.

The Firefly pilot was about $9m, give or take. I've no idea if more will get made - I think it's very unlikely another movie will happen, in truth. There are a few other potential options which occasionally do kick around peoples heads, but the reality is they are just ideas right now.

If Serenity turns out to be the final time we see that cast in those roles: I'm glad we got it. So very glad.

gossi | August 14, 08:17 CET

Ok, i really think we should thank Gossi for that:)

ok, then - that done i would just like to add:


Did it go like this Gossi?

During that particular evening, I was talking about 'wouldn't it be nice to make a Firefly DVD project?'. Because, you know, that would be nice, wouldn't it? To my surprise, somebody turned around and said straight away "I wouldn't do that".

"Of curse Alan," I nodded, "you're dead."
Alan looked thoughtful but Jewel grinned. "He could come back though right?"

"Yeah, I could -"
"BE A HOLOGRAM" we all chorused. Cue laughing.

"Like Obi Wan" added Joss helpfully.
"Oh yes," Alan seemed pleased. "I could be helpful and -"
"Get everything wrong" Nathan chuckled, slapping Alan on the back and winking at Joss.

"No Mal no!" Joss himself mocked, impersonating Wash easily, "Not the blue wire - the red! The red!"

"Oookay then." Said Nathan miming the cut.

"BOOM!" he added as Alan looked sheepish.

"Helluva way to end the show Boss..." He leant across the table and murmured to Joss.

The man nodded. "Yeah that could work."

"Well, hell" Jewel beamed - "let's do it!"

It was a great moment, as that spark was in the eyes of the people around the table. There was some fierce love for that show from the people working on it. And fierce love is, of course, the best kind. Then we all let out a sigh, and ordered another round of drinks.

Don't hate me for that Gossi - pretty please?


Saturday, September 27, 2008 3:37 PM


What is it that keeps those Star Trek movies coming? hmmm theories abound...what is it about trek movies that makes them more marketable than Serenity movies? Is their fan base truly bigger than ours? and another confounding issue...why is it that all my friends that see trek movies for the first time are mildly entertained, but don't go gaga over them, yet every time I give someone their first dose of Firefly/Serenity they become totally hooked? do you have to possess a certain level of perception or intelligence to get the appeal of the verse lore, or is there some kind of conspiracy going on...also consider the fact that the studios (universal and Fox) are still making money off Serenity and Firefly, every time we buy a DVD etc. so maybe they don't yet see the need to make more. stuff to ponder on.


Saturday, September 27, 2008 10:12 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Originally posted by pepperg:
how can it be a rumor, if they asked joss?

Note that Joss did not say "it's never going to happen" he said there is nothing in the works right now and that no one has contacted him to do a sequel. Doesn't mean there's not hope, just nothing in the pipe right now.

Your reply sounds somewhat similar to this:

“There’s been no movement,” he said. “Those rumors are just rumors, and I don’t think they’re going to stop, no matter how many times I say, ‘No, it’s not happening.’ Because somebody will say, ‘He said yes. His eyes said yes. His nose said yes. There was a yes-iness about him.’ Because people want it.”

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, September 27, 2008 10:30 PM



Originally posted by boris:

What is it that keeps those Star Trek movies coming?

A history of profitable movies that continues to be so.


Originally posted by boris:

hmmm theories abound...what is it about trek movies that makes them more marketable than Serenity movies?

People know about it and know what it is. That last part is very very important. You see, they don't have to explain what it is, only tease what will happen, or the scenario, or whatever. With FF/S, everything has to be explained. And that does not take a trivial amount of time. FF/S is a deep complicated 'Verse that is character based and the vast majority hate deep complicated things that don't go boom.


Originally posted by boris:

Is their fan base truly bigger than ours?

How many more decades do the Star Trek people have on the FF/S people again? How many more conventions? How many more... You do the math.


Originally posted by boris:

and another confounding issue...why is it that all my friends that see trek movies for the first time are mildly entertained, but don't go gaga over them, yet every time I give someone their first dose of Firefly/Serenity they become totally hooked?

Birds of a feather, flock together. In other words, don't be surprised that your friends go gaga over the same or similar stuff that you do. Also, don't be so arrogant as to think that everyone is like you and will respond the same way.


Originally posted by boris:

do you have to possess a certain level of perception or intelligence to get the appeal of the verse lore, or is there some kind of conspiracy going on

The "conspiracy" is human stupidity and laziness. As in, when the vast majority of people get home, they want to eat, plant there fat ass firmly in there ass groove in there couch, turn off there brains and watch something mind numbing. That something is certainly not going to be something deep and complicated. It's going to be more like, "you make me mad, you bad" Survivor, or American Idol, or something like that.


Originally posted by boris:

...also consider the fact that the studios (universal and Fox) are still making money off Serenity and Firefly, every time we buy a DVD etc. so maybe they don't yet see the need to make more. stuff to ponder on.

We actually don't know that they have made money overall. It's really easy to fall in that trap when we see that the movie made over $40 mil. and it cost (what) $38/39 mil. to make. But, what about distribution, what about advertising, what about any other number of things that will add to the cost. It all adds up and it's all very expensive.

And even if they have made money, it's not just about making money. It's really about making ass-loads of money. FF/S, at most, promises a slight profit. And that's not even close to what's needed for them to take another stab at it.

You want more FF/S, then come up with a business plan that pretty much guarantees 10% return on investment. THAT is something a studio will get on board with. But, with the meagre offerings of this community, it just isn't worth it for them to take the risk.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Sunday, September 28, 2008 9:26 PM


Thanks for the Informative response Sigmanunki.I'm intrigued that I came across as arrogant. I sincerely wanted answers to my questions as I'm not very marketing savvy. Also re my friends and Firefly/Serenity: I'm fortunate that most of my friends and I have quite dissimilar interests,
in terms of movies we like and literature we read, food we eat etc. It makes for more variety in our friendships.I don't always like what they are into but attempt to give it a go to broaden my tastes. The only thing we have in common is our life philosophy: Be respectful, be curteous, be openminded, be yourself, don't be judgemental etc I am always pleased when my friends fall in love with Firefly and Serenity. Possibly because it portrays the life and struggles of people like us. Even my parents who are militantly opposed to Sci Fi have admitted they like FF/S. thanks again for your reply I am better informed.


Monday, September 29, 2008 8:24 PM


i would tend to agree that this franchise is a little too offbeat/complicated/whatever for the casual "i expect to see a big budget action movie with _______ comic book hero, some generic hollywood superstar, and tons of cgi and explosions" viewer. whedon specializes in hardcore geek, niche material. god bless him for it!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 6:37 PM


Geekiness is a gift not afforded to just anyone. We are trully blessed that Joss feeds us...too bad it means we don't get fed as often as everyone else, but at least our meals are permanently satisfying.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 2:47 PM


I think the one thing that most people don't realize is that Serenity's budget was $39 mil and the total theater gross was somewhere about $38 mil.

I know that Universal continues to make money from DVD sales but unless the fan base grows just a tad more, I would imagine the profit margin wouldn't be enough to justify a sequel.

On the upside, you can clearly see that most websites which rate movies based on user input does place Serenity (and the Firefly series) pretty high in the ratings. Will it be enough to generate interest in a sequel? Only time will tell. Until then, I'm happy to enjoy the stuff that is already out there (to hold me until such time that Universal or Fox execs grow a brain).

Joss, you created a group of characters and a world that I have fallen in love with. Thanks!


Friday, October 3, 2008 5:46 PM


I guess it's hard to take that studios won't make a Serenity sequel, when they are forever churning out sequels of much crappier films. I guess it's a reflection of how dumbed down society has become. I mean there were 3 Dumb and Dumber movies for Chrisakes! And what about "high school vomit fest"...I mean musical?hmmmm how to get more teens interested in Firefly. That would do it






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