Aha! I knew it and my boobs knew it!

UPDATED: Monday, June 29, 2015 00:14
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011 5:38 PM


I just read this today. I cannot drink dark colored sodas(and I don't care if this is TMI or not) because they make my boobs hurt. Until I figured this out I had massive stabbing pains the day after I drank them that were soo bad I went and got a mammogram at 24...And my family is prone to deadly cancers in the extreme...Was this helping causing it???


Thursday, February 17, 2011 5:07 AM


Well, probably not unless you actually developed cancer that was detected in the mammogram. If so, :( glad you're okay now. But cancer isn't an either or thing, if you have cancer pain, it's because you already have cancer and tumours and they're pressing on pain receptors and nerves. Also, you have to take into consideration carcinogenic toxicity and dose - most cancers aren't from an acute exposure, like from drinking a can of soda and feeling a pain the next day that eventually goes away, they're from chronic exposure.

If it was just one breast, my guess would be a delayed release acid reflux. But it could be both breasts if it was a referred pain, either from acid reflux or some kind of sensitivity to the cola manifesting as localized pain. For example, a late phase response to an allergen can produce a reaction up to 24 hours from ingestion of a substance.

However, since you are aware of your cancer history, it's true you might be particularly susceptible to carcinogenic transformation of cells. And as for cola, it is very likely there are a number of substances in cola that are bad for you either through processing, chemical, or caloric considerations (looking at High Fructose Corn Syrup here) or because they are carcinogens.


Thursday, February 17, 2011 5:20 AM


I didn't know boobs had magical powers. You know other than hypnosis abilities. What else can they do?


Thursday, February 17, 2011 5:38 AM


Wow whats your cup size


Thursday, February 17, 2011 8:11 AM


The old board glitches out sometimes, not sure why. Try going here to respond:


Thursday, February 17, 2011 8:28 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Well, probably not unless you actually developed cancer that was detected in the mammogram. If so, :( glad you're okay now. But cancer isn't an either or thing, if you have cancer pain, it's because you already have cancer and tumours and they're pressing on pain receptors and nerves. Also, you have to take into consideration carcinogenic toxicity and dose - most cancers aren't from an acute exposure, like from drinking a can of soda and feeling a pain the next day that eventually goes away, they're from chronic exposure.

If it was just one breast, my guess would be a delayed release acid reflux. But it could be both breasts if it was a referred pain, either from acid reflux or some kind of sensitivity to the cola manifesting as localized pain. For example, a late phase response to an allergen can produce a reaction up to 24 hours from ingestion of a substance.

Sorry if that sent you 3 notifications, I didn't realize anyone else had that problem. I keep thinking If I just re-send it I'll get lucky and not have to spend a half an hour re-organizing my thoughts *sigh*

Anyway to the point.... No, I'm not saying I've had cancer or that a few cokes caused anything like that (but they do know that just a couple cigs can cause cancer in some). My dad, who is terminal and has been unlucky enought to make it for the last two years, was part of a familial study and they were clear that my brother and I and(any children we may produce, he with his wife, and I with my husband!!! that work better for you?? rolls eyes...) our children are screwed...

All I'm saying is that I haven't had a single problem in the seven years since I stopped drinking darks (though GOD do I miss root beer) and I know how bad cokes are for you anyway, but I doubt most people would put them in the category of carcinogenic...I didn't know how dark food coloring is derived and I'm really surprised that its legal. They make billions in profit and can't figure out a more natural way???

FYI, it was both the girls, I almost never have acid reflux, and I'm not entirely ruling out an allergy, but I will never let my kid have a dark soda again...It's just not worth it...


Thursday, February 17, 2011 8:32 AM



Originally posted by waffenmac:
Wow whats your cup size

You tell me yours, and I'll tell you mine


Thursday, February 17, 2011 8:59 AM



Sorry if that sent you 3 notifications, I didn't realize anyone else had that problem. I keep thinking If I just re-send it I'll get lucky and not have to spend a half an hour re-organizing my thoughts *sigh*

No problem.


was part of a familial study and they were clear that my brother and I and our children are screwed...

I think one of the words in this sentence may be off, but either way, I'm going to withhold tangential comment.

You got some risk factors, we all do, just not necessarily for cancer, some have heart disease, some have diabetes.

Keep yourself and the kids and your husband (I'm assuming) screened. Talk to your brother and his wife about regular screening as well. And it's a good idea you've proposed, to avoid additional risk factors in diet.


though GOD do I miss root beer

Have you looked into local root beer microbrews? I can't imagine these have the same problem, I think the color may come from something else there. The colour in cola may have come from companies trying to imitate the natural colours of root beer.

However, a lot of natural root beers may have sassafras in them, which might be a concern for you here as well.

Sasparilla might be another option.


Sunday, April 3, 2011 7:32 AM


The Sasparilla and other Sasafrass beverages sholdn't have the coloring, they should be naturally dark. I can't say for sure, though.


Sunday, April 3, 2011 3:33 PM


Well, it's depressing, but I'll say it anyway...

My dad's got maybe days left, and he's sittin' there drinking Dr. Pepper still, always has, and I just can't help wondering.

Not that it matters now. What's poison to a dead man?

Cancer is a disgusting, hideous, outrageously stupid waste.


Sunday, April 3, 2011 3:51 PM


:( :(

Let him enjoy it.

My friend underwent radiation and chemo for Hodgkin's, which she's (thankfully) been in remission for for some time.
While she was going through it, her Dr flat out told her - smoke cigarettes if you want, smoke pot if you are nauseous, all the chemo's just killing it anyway.

Don't know if that was sound medical advice, but like I said, she pulled through just fine. Treatment kills everything anyway.


Sunday, April 3, 2011 4:58 PM


Yeah, I didn't say anything, but I can't help feelin' shitty when I hand him another...

Did you see that Dr Oz - Montel Williams pot show?

I've got some problems of my own I'd love to know if pot would work for, but it'll be 50 years before Indiana legalizes anything...Our docs are 20 years behind the rest of the country- from the mouth of a Doc from Johns-Hopkins!


Sunday, April 3, 2011 6:06 PM


My Dad died of cancer when I was 18, so I sympathize. Make the most of the time you have left (from what you said, it sounds serious). Enjoy your time together, let HIM enjoy the time (including his sodas :)) drill him for his memories, get his voice on tape if you want (you tend to forget what their voice sounds like, over time) and don't think too hard about the future, it only detracts from the present.

I didn't see the Dr Oz show, I just know about this stuff from the situations of friends/family. Unfortunately medical cannabis is illegal in both MD and IN, which sucks. I can't advise you to do anything illegal ;) but, you know. And most doctors will be upfront about things like that if you ask them. JH has some of the best docs in the world. I might also mention that it's legal in Michigan, if you feel like moving any time in the future :)


Monday, April 4, 2011 4:24 AM



was part of a familial study and they were clear that my brother and I and(any children we may produce, he with his wife, and I with my husband!!! that work better for you?? rolls eyes...)

I was pretty sure I knew what you meant, but once I get an idea rattling around in my tiny brain, it sometimes refuses to let go even in the face of more logical conclusions.

Sorry about your dad. I've had cancer losses in my family as well. It's rough. If you feel up to talking, or not, we'll be here.


Monday, April 4, 2011 5:47 AM


Thanks, Bunnyman, and Byte...
Not much to talk about now, I knew what was gonna come since I was little, his dad died when I was 3 his mom was 45 when she died, not even mentioning his grandparents...

Still, it's just sooo sad...Cleaned out my answering machine the other day and it had a years worth of messages (not my favorite task...) and every time he left a message his voice was less and less untill the last one was just a whisper...
Seems unreal that a few cells could do that to a person...he's 57 and he looks 87...

You really do havta live every day like this is the last decent one you're gonna get...


Monday, April 4, 2011 6:10 AM


Yeah. But you know, it sounds to me that despite everything, he's still mostly there, and able to enjoy the little things in life. Maybe that, and the memories you had, are the important thing.


Monday, April 4, 2011 8:44 AM


Just found out yesterday that my sister has been diagnosed with stage II breast cancer (not exactly sure which one though). While she was crying when she told me, she still sounded upbeat. She says the girls have failed her for the last time, and she'll finally get that breast reduction she's always wanted (she's always been in the double EE's since high school).

It was a shock to hear. :(



Monday, April 4, 2011 9:50 AM


Sorry, steggy...
They did well to find it that early in such ample bosoms. Hope she comes out of it alright, and loving her sporty new boobs, too... Though I don't envy her, that's a rough surgery...

It's just staggering to me since this started how many people I know have had or do have a cancer...I don't even know WHAT to think about it all.


Monday, April 4, 2011 1:18 PM


Thanks, WIM. Like I said, she has a pretty optomistic attitude about it all. We can't say we were overly suprised as we've lost several family members to cancer - the most shocking was our grandmother when we were children - she was diagnosed with cancer when she died. They weren't sure exactly where it started, as she was completely riddled with it when she passed away. She never sought medical attention because the doctors kept telling her to stop smoking when she was diagnosed with emphysema.

We kinda knew one of us would likely get cancer at some time. It's always either cancer, heart attack or berry aneurysm that gets my family members. But my mom and dad are the only one's who seem to be immune to the family's curses. Almost all of the men in my dad's side usually pass between the ages of 45 and 50, while both genders on my mom's side are extremely succeptible to the aneurysm (all of my mother's siblings had/have them - my uncle is the only one to pass at 29 years of age).

Bleh. It's hard to tell what causes these things. Obviously if everyone lived and ate better it could help in prevention. And none of them are a particularly nice way to go. I feel for your family.



Tuesday, April 10, 2012 4:59 PM


rezident owtsidr

Back when I wuz going thru puberty my nipplez swoll (swelled?) up and I wuz worried that I wuz going to grow boobz. (I'm a guy, 52)

Occasionally in later yirz, it woud happen again, but not so bad.

About 15 yirz ago I figured out the culprit. Fudgesiclez!

Never had any since and it never happenz anymore.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, April 11, 2012 3:15 AM


That's interesting, do you think it's coloring or preservatives or??

I noticed that Coke and Pepsi and others willingly changed the way they color the sodas, not to have removed the carcinogenics completely, but to gov't approved levels... Wonder how long they've known- that they did that willingly? I'm sure THEY would say they did it to avoid bad press... Still, I'm glad they did it, not that I'll be guzzeling any time soon. I feel better when I don't drink 'em.

On other notes... It's been a year since dad died as of last week. I still wanna call him every Wednesday and then I remember. It's been extra quiet here this year. Damn Cancer...


Thursday, April 12, 2012 12:49 AM


rezident owtsidr

My condolensez for your dad.

My dad had a bad year last year and ended up in a nursing home. He wuz loozing ground mentally for quite a wile, then had a stroke.

It seemz odd that I never wuz affected by anything else like that, considering the common additivez are uzed in all sorts uv stuff. I didnt see anything unique in the ingredient list back then.

Now I'm thinking its possible that BHA coud be the culprit. Its main effect iz hormonal. Maybe they uze it in the fudgesiclez insted uv just the package!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, April 12, 2012 3:17 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
My condolensez for your dad.

My dad had a bad year last year and ended up in a nursing home. He wuz loozing ground mentally for quite a wile, then had a stroke.

Thanks, Jo.
Was the stroke a bad one and did he make it, and if so- does he recognize you? My great-aunt had 3 small ones two years ago, and now I can't understand more than a couple words she says

Man, I'd hate to end up in a nursing home, rooming with someone you don't know, all the wailing and the stink, eesh. Those places bother me...


Thursday, April 12, 2012 12:24 PM


rezident owtsidr

It wuz a medium bad, frum wut I hear about other casez. He reverted to Polish for a few weeks and hiz left side wuz paralyzed. He did recover about 3/4 uv the way back to where he wuz before.

He livez in Florida, so we only talk to him on the fone usually. ( I went down there twice) He speaks English again, but cant really hold a decent conversation.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, June 29, 2015 12:14 AM


Digging up things I should prolly leave alone.

Wow, dad's been gone FOUR years now.

Mom got breast cancer. And now there's a mass on her pancreas.

I figured out that the food coloring WAS the problem as I have a sulfite intolerance, and almost got added to the roll call for the dead myself.

Time marches on...






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