Dark Angel: could it REALLY be wrapped up in a final movie, and if so- would it satisfy?

UPDATED: Sunday, November 27, 2005 09:50
VIEWED: 8151
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Sunday, October 16, 2005 6:52 AM


Serenity totally satisfied my need to follow up on loose ends left in Firefly, but could it be done with Dark Angel? If it could, would we all like it?
I pose the possibility that it ended perfectly, like Angel did...leaving the final ending up to you.
I used to think I wanted a final movie, now I find I'm satisfied with the ending we got (such as it is).

Max lives on in our imaginations (and gets Logan, etc.)



Sunday, October 16, 2005 7:17 AM


Wtf is Dark Angel?


Sunday, October 16, 2005 1:29 PM


Shirley, you jest?

It was, uh...just a GREAT Fox show...

2nd only to Firefly, that's all.



Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11:03 AM


How did it end again?


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11:10 AM


But can you really tell me it was as great as Global Frequency would have been?

"You are on the Global Frequency."


Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:41 PM


I have not had the good fortune to see it yet...



Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:56 PM



Originally posted by UmSumayyah:
How did it end again?

With a smashing James Cameron-directed battle, the defeat of Ames White, and the raising of the Transgenic flag over Terminal City.
Plots left hanging: the virus in Max keeping her and Logan from touching is still active, Terminal City is still seen as a menace by many 'ordinaries', police still cordoning it off, Lydecker MIA.

But that's an ending I can live with (no, thrive on).
Nobody's gonna make a movie of it now; schedules are too varied, public interest and awareness too low, and that's just fine with me, I like my little Dark Angel just the way it is- with endless possibilities in the last episode...

I mean, sure I'd like a good ending, but only if Cameron and Eglee did it together, and right.
But I'm more than okay with the way things are.

Chrisisall, wondering how FLF and ZOOT feel...


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:22 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Plots left hanging: the virus in Max keeping her and Logan from touching is still active, Terminal City is still seen as a menace by many 'ordinaries', police still cordoning it off, Lydecker MIA.

And Ames White, though beaten and humiliated, is still alive. And probably deeply p*ssed because of it (being beaten and humiliated, that is, not being alive).

I sincerely doubt he's going to politely accept his defeat and go home.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:32 AM


Oh my little CIA, I think you may have met your match in Grounded – heehheheeee

But yes, I think DA would have been the perfect vehicle for a 2 hr wind up finale type thing – the problem would be explaining the premise neatly and succinctly first …

But on the whole – I think the resolution of the transgenic problem from the raising of the flag through whatever the hell happens next would fit pretty nattily into a film … or may be 3 ... not sure what WOULD actually happen though – can’t say am all that keen on the “not-really-a-gripping-plot-so-much-as-a-damp-squib” plot of the final DA book … soemthing to do with the commet perchance?

I bow to your greater powers of imagination, CIA …


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:06 AM


If you want to know what happened after season 2, then I suggest you read the Dark Angel books called Skin Game and After The Dark. I forget which order they come in.

The storyline in the book Before The Dawn happens before season 1.

Marc :)


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:15 AM


Those were the books I was talking about - the last one is in MHO crud ....


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:43 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
And Ames White, though beaten and humiliated, is still alive. I sincerely doubt he's going to politely accept his defeat and go home.

He was SO beaten that now he's set to react emotionally and do something stupid...I have every confidence that his next move is gonna get him killed....
But that's a story you have to make up for yourself



Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:50 AM


Preferably by Joshua. He's had it coming for a while now.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:03 AM


Funny you should say that, it works out that way in the last novel, albeit it was executed (excuse pun) in a gross and needlessly bloody fashion.

Chrisisall ewwwww


Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:37 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
I bow to your greater powers of imagination, CIA …

Okay, I polished it a little.
One last time, for any interested, my ending:

After the events in Freak Nation Ames White is taken to a mental hospital, where he breaks out with the help of a Cult assault team, convinces them that they're the top of their genetic food chain and deserve to rule the 'new world'. White and co. then kill off the leaders of the Cult and take charge.

The Transgenics are working on a delivery system for Max's 'genetic salvation', and are nearing completion.

Days go by as Logan finishes deciphering Max's runes- they talk about balance, blagh, blagh, basically Max was designed to counter White. Max ponders while Logan says it's just based on some old prophesy and in an emotional moment, he touches her. Logan falls to the virus and is taken to Dr. Shankir, who gives 'em the 'Nothing we can do, Joshua's blood could only save him once' speech.
Max, knowing Logan is as good as dead, decides to take it to White, and Joshua follows against her orders.

Max and Joshua find Cult HQ and do some recon. The comet passing Earth will be the signal to alert thousands of Breeding Cult operatives in key positions worldwide to take over as the virus begins to kill millions, co-ordinated by White, and plunge the Earth into the dark ages again.

At the hospital Logan's eyes open. Dr. Shankir looks puzzled.

Back at the Cult hideout Lydecker appears in front of Max and Joshua. "I've been aware of their operation for some weeks now. You'll need some help." He says. Our two heroes, already in shock, look over their shoulders to see a dozen armed commandos. " Not much, but well trained and loyal.." Lydecker adds. They all crash in and go berserk on the bad guys! Cult baddies drop left and right as they were caught off-guard. Lydecker and his men trade lives for lives. Max is horrified to see Joshua go down. Now it's just Max, Lydecker and White, all others dead or running.
White grabs a gun from a dead commando and aims at Max- Lydecker, out of ammo, jumps to take the bullet and falls, a hole squarely between his eyes. Max, in a blinding burst of speed grabs and twists the gun out of White's hand, kicking him back a few feet at the same time. She points the gun at him.
Comet approaching Earth, control panel waiting to be activated, White says "..Can't be faster than me, I was bred to-"
Max shoots him in the head. [Flashback: "...I don't do guns."] White's body hits the ground.
No sounds or movement, now. She is the only one standing. [Flashback: her and Logan kissing/ Logan dying from the virus] She sinks to her knees. "Logan...", she mutters. As if by itself the gun begins to move. She slowly points it at her own head, tears begining to flow.
"No,little fella", says a rising but very bloody Joshua. She drops it, sobbing.

Outside cars pull up. Max sees Logan step out of one. Amazed and crying, she runs to him.
"We're too late, the comet's on us!" she says. Logan explains that her genetic code was piggybacked onto a cold virus that was successfully launched into the atmosphere last week, making most immune to the comet's effects, and that Joshua's blood has mutated his genes enough to help his antibodies wipe out the virus. Comet passes Earth.
Joshua is carried out, still alive, and put in a car to go to a hospital.

Logan and Max look at eachother, and embrace as if no one else is even there.

Cut to: Space Needle with no one on it.
Fade out.

Chrisisall, with delusions of writer-hood


Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:51 PM


really really good - especially the "I don't do guns" "no one is faster than me, I was bred to" bit ...

Still not totally happy with the deus ex machina "piggybacking on cold virus" but I have no alternative to offer and otherwise its fantastic!

Now all you have to do is write it up properly!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Friday, October 21, 2005 3:22 AM


Thanks so much Zoot, for the thumbs up, and yeah, it needs to be fleshed out... Lydecker needs to be worked in earlier, lurking about...
Only, should it be in script form ( I could do that easily), or in short novel form ( That would require more time, and editing from Wifeisall, the real writer in the family)?

Either way I'd send you a copy when done, electronically, or the old-fashioned way (there's something cool about seein' stamps from another country on your mail...).

Funny, bein' a fan of so many shows for all these years, and I never even thought up, much less wrote down, a 'fan' story before.

Here's another thing, now that I've seen so much Buffy and Angel, I took a look at Exposure last night, and I actually liked it. It was on my crap list a while back, but B&A have softened me up to the weird and culty. I think the list of unwatchable 2nd series eps for me has dwindled down to:
Gill Girl
Love in Vein

With Radar Love and Boo coming in as just 'weak'.

Gotta blaze

Keepin' the DA obsession alive, even in the face of the illustrious BDM Chrisisall


Friday, October 21, 2005 5:38 AM


Gotta go with Love in Vein as the worst of the WORST!!!

And as for Exposure – it’s passable, I just don’t think it really gets us anywhere ….

I always think that novel form for TV series are a bit clunky – I think script form would be ace as you can really get the characters over through their speech – which is something you don’t always get in novels …

I must say I’d never conceived of writing fanfic until I watched Firefly and have tried to keep my as accurate to the characters and their ways of speaking as possible … I still feel funny about fanfic which is why no one who knows me gets told what my hook is on this site!!!

Oh, and getting a script through the post would be superb and so exciting I just might scream!! So get writing!!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Friday, October 21, 2005 9:39 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Thanks so much Zoot, for the thumbs up, and yeah, it needs to be fleshed out... Lydecker needs to be worked in earlier, lurking about...
Only, should it be in script form ( I could do that easily), or in short novel form ( That would require more time, and editing from Wifeisall, the real writer in the family)?

Either way I'd send you a copy when done, electronically, or the old-fashioned way (there's something cool about seein' stamps from another country on your mail...).

Funny, bein' a fan of so many shows for all these years, and I never even thought up, much less wrote down, a 'fan' story before.

Here's another thing, now that I've seen so much Buffy and Angel, I took a look at Exposure last night, and I actually liked it. It was on my crap list a while back, but B&A have softened me up to the weird and culty. I think the list of unwatchable 2nd series eps for me has dwindled down to:
Gill Girl
Love in Vein

With Radar Love and Boo coming in as just 'weak'.

Gotta blaze

Keepin' the DA obsession alive, even in the face of the illustrious BDM Chrisisall

How can you diss Two?! Max's face when Alec walks into Jam Pony... PRICELESS! And Alec's confrontation with the Steelheads... PRICELESS! And Alec and Max's argument over the ball... PRICELESS!

Yeah, safe to say, though it was a Joshua ep... Alec OWNED Two. I tend to just ignore the Joshua stuff.


Friday, October 21, 2005 10:19 AM


OMG! I can't believe I missed this -I haven't been on in a while though - but this! Chrisisall -I love your idea to write a fanfic - it's a pretty good way of ending it, although I'm not sure I agree about the script/book. I just love reading books -but I understand where Zoot's coming from - it would be a little clunky if it wasn't done well. Basically I think you should do whatever you find easier, because it will end up being written better -which is what I want out of it really (if you wouldn't mind e-mailing me a copy). I can't wait! Probably take ages though. Damn the writing process. I'm a little too impatient for that kind of thing. I'm amazed I managed to hang on for Serenity.

Patience, patience - WHO NEEDS PATIENCE? - Rambling now FLF.


Friday, October 21, 2005 2:49 PM



Originally posted by Phoebe:

How can you diss Two?! Max's face when Alec walks into Jam Pony... PRICELESS! And Alec's confrontation with the Steelheads... PRICELESS! And Alec and Max's argument over the ball... PRICELESS!

Fair enough, I'll give it another shot- who knows, I might like it better now.

Not-as-judgemental Chrisisall


Friday, October 21, 2005 3:05 PM



Originally posted by Zoot:
– I think script form would be ace as you can really get the characters over through their speech – which is something you don’t always get in novels …

I read the FF script here, and loved it. I guess I'll do it that way- it'll be faster and better. I always like reading scripts anyway.

Gettin' to work Chrisisall


Friday, October 21, 2005 3:08 PM



Originally posted by fantasticlaughingfairy:
I understand where Zoot's coming from - it would be a little clunky if it wasn't done well.

Thanks for the encouragement, FLF!Yeah, I think I could do the story justice better in script form.
When I'm done, you want one in the mail, or electronically?

I know, E, right? It's faster...

Where's my typewriter Chrisisall


Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:37 AM


Don't be ridiculous - typewriters are too slow. You need to catch up with technology. It's called a COMPUTER. ahem. Anyway - yeah -I think it could be really good - and maybe it'll stop me feeling that the story is so - unfinished. There's always gonna be more to tell, but if you can give me an ending all the better! Good luck Chrisisall!

Have fun! FLF


Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:21 AM


I loved Dark Angel and think that Jessica Alba is in line to be the next Liz Taylor/Michelle Pfiefer actress. So the script would have to be really good and really tight. The writing at the end pretty much wandered lost. At least that's my memory of it. The one liners were always good, Josh is very good at those, but overall the story arc was lost.
A good, focused plot and story would be great and I'd like to see a bit more on how the X5's+6's would get a place in the world of the post pulse. The resolution of the virus in Max's blood is a must.
A really weird idea: Serenity goes through a wormhole and lands somewhere near where Max is. She gets caught up with River and winds up on board with the rest of the crew. Simon with the help of John Critchon and Ehren Sung (brought together by the same wormhole???) transporting another physician cure the virus. Max gets put back with some neat goodies to use and has to work things out with her boyfriend. Through Drusilla and Willow in as stalking horses. chuckle.
A real flight of fancy eh? I think they could do it, but be very character focused and on the basic plot that brought DarkAngel out in the first place, Max and her quest to find herself, family and place in the world.

Zoe, "Once you've found Serenity, how can you ever leave?"


Sunday, October 23, 2005 10:40 AM



Originally posted by Phoebe:
How can you diss Two?! Max's face when Alec walks into Jam Pony... PRICELESS! And Alec's confrontation with the Steelheads... PRICELESS! And Alec and Max's argument over the ball... PRICELESS!

Watched it again, not so bad- liked it...off my crap list.

But Love In Vein and Gill Girl SUCKED!!!
Never changing on those two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Sunday, October 23, 2005 11:09 AM


I was pretty fond of the way Dark Angel ended. I thought except for Logan and Max never "gettin busy" the Dark Angel chapter was essentially as closed as it could get.

It could be sweet to see a movie based on Humans VS Trans-Genics but I'm pretty sure it's been done to some capacity.


Sunday, October 23, 2005 11:09 AM



And yeah, I don't particularly like either of those. Particularly Gill Girl... the only part of that ep that I like is Max getting caught in the bar with Alec by Sketch and Normal. Which is, oh, one minute of the ep.


Sunday, October 23, 2005 11:14 AM


My original 2nd season to-watch list was only 6 episodes long, NOW I'm only listing TWO that I won't watch....guess I'm just DA desperate!



Sunday, October 23, 2005 12:02 PM


Unfortunatly a movie would not satisfy me. I liked where they left off, also the tension is gone, now that Jessica and Micheal were married and Divorced.


Sunday, October 23, 2005 12:37 PM


Did you read the finale that I wrote above in capsule form? I'm fleshing it out in script form, just to give myself an ending (and for Zoot & Fantasticlaughingfairy). Anything you'd add, or change?
I agree that a real ending on film is out of the question; where it ended was cool. I don't think they could re-capture that 'feel' again.

Dark Angel: The Next Generation (I hope not) Chrisisall


Sunday, October 23, 2005 12:51 PM


Nope, Don't change a thing! I liked both the Series Finale and Your ending about the same. Good endings to a good show.


Sunday, October 23, 2005 1:06 PM


Whoah, I'm truly honoured.



Sunday, October 23, 2005 3:23 PM


Soooo..... Dark Angel. Loved the show, was super pissed when it was cancelled in lew of firefly. There is an awesome virtual season of it kicking around somewhere, I have it all printed out. But I think the books were crap.

I am probably one of the few people who liked season two better than one. I love joshua, I think that relationship with him and max is awesome, and Alec is awesome too=) and I liked gill girl if just for the scene where she is on alecs lap.

As for jessica alba being a big star, I don't really think so at least she will never be for me. She's hot no doubt, but in interviews and on the audio commentary she is annoying and I don't like her at all.

Side note on the crossovers my first fanfic was a Buffy dark Angel piece with Faith being Max's real mom=)


Monday, October 24, 2005 6:20 AM


I agree - Chrisisall - your plan for an ending was great. One thing I would say, although I know you weren't happy with how you did it - you HAVE to bring Lydecker back. In the show he just disappears too quickly and without enough explanation as to what actually happened to him (apart from -'There's no way he could have survived' and 'No, we never found the body,' etc.). But that was one of the main things that annoyed me about the series - how they dropped Lydecker - could you work that one out for me Chrisisall?

Lydecker-starved FLF


Monday, October 24, 2005 8:18 AM


Yeah, Lydecker needs more 'screen time', I plan to expand his role signifigantly from the cameo he has in my thumbnail sketch above.
I think it's somehow fitting that he (in part) created her (DNA-wise), and ends up giving his life for her's. The last caring act he performs.

You could see the trouble he had telling his men to shoot the escaping kids in the pilot...

Man, he was a GREAT villain.



Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:00 AM


I liked season two better than one although it felt like the last two episodes were really what the third season would have been if it hadn't been cancelled.


Sunday, November 20, 2005 3:01 PM


Glad to see that Dark Angel lives on in more than just my heart... interesting ending for the series Chrisisall, you've obviously given it a lot of thought! But I wouldn't (personally) be entirely happy with your ending, and I know a lot of others who wouldn't either, 'cause you forgot ALEC!! :) I wouldn't consider Max and Joshua to be the heroes at the expense of Alec... he was always around to help as well.. IMO he saved the second season from being a complete waste of time (sorry that was a bit harsh, but he the only two characters I liked in that show were Alec and Ames White. The rest were just dull).

Sorry if this post is a bit harsh I don't mean to be horrid or anything, I just wanted to have my 2 cents. I would LOVE a Dark Angel movie although considering everyone has their own individual thoughts on how it should have ended and it would be impossible to keep everyone happy... I don't really have a problem with Max and Logan ending up together, don't get me wrong, I just think you've overlooked Alec in your story!! Do you have a plan for him?

Although my own "ending" is still a rather vague concept working around the idea of an apocalypse (Max is supposedly the "Chosen One" so I'd be looking at that from a theological perspective)...

Feedback welcome!!


Sunday, November 20, 2005 4:02 PM


You are so right, Alec needs to be a big part of any continuation. My main idea didn't include him (or Lydecker very much), but I'd correct that in an actual script, which I'm formulating at this time. Asha will also have a part, too.
And Mole.

And the apocalypse thing, would you have it hit, and start killing huge numbers of people before Max could stop it? Would you tie Max into a Christ-like scenerio (like Neo in Matrix Revulsions, er, Revolutions)?
Just curious...

Chrisisall 524


Sunday, November 20, 2005 4:33 PM


No, fox completely ruined the show in season 2 by forcing the writers to drop the whole post apocalyptic theme.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Sunday, November 20, 2005 4:46 PM


They didn't really drop it; it just took kind of a back seat to other elements...

I would have liked them to explore it more, though.

Chrisisall, Maxfan no matter


Monday, November 21, 2005 4:46 PM


Glad to hear Alec isn't missing out :) Sorry if I was a bit abrasive but he was the best character on the show (IMHO). I liked how he lived in the grey area, while Max was all self-righteous all the time and it just drove me nuts. And Logan seemed to think that Max was always right even though he sometimes treated her like a child, explaining things clearly for her (and the audience). Aren't X5s supposed to be super smart? I don't think neither Max or Alec were particularly intelligent. Max was supposed to be the brawn and Logan the brains, which was a nice subversion of the usual cliches. Giving Logan the ability to walk just wrecked that, IMO, and the scene in Freak Nation where Logan saves Alec makes my blood boil.


And the apocalypse thing, would you have it hit, and start killing huge numbers of people before Max could stop it? Would you tie Max into a Christ-like scenerio (like Neo in Matrix Revulsions, er, Revolutions)?

Hmm I haven't really decided... Gotta say, the later Matrix movies are a blur to me. They both sucked and I had no idea what was going on. Vaguely remember a scene with lots of CGI at the end there though...

Yeah my ideas are very non specific and keep changing. I figure if Max has to be the Chosen One then she should at least be a martyr and die for her people. ;) I guess I would bring in elements of Christianity (even though myself I'm an atheist) but I like the plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7) so these are:
1. Rivers and other water turned to blood for seven days
2. A plague of frogs
3. Handfuls of dust turned into a plague of lice
4. Flies
5. Pestilence killing off the livestock
6. Boils unhealable by medical priests
7. Hail and fire destroying crops
8. Locusts consuming all remaining crops
9. Three days of darkness
10. Death of the firstborn sons

All very morbid and creepifying. :)

Also I had a plan for Logan that involved him becoming addicted to transgenic blood transfusions, kind of like what happened to Riley in Buffy near the end... he would be addicted first to ensure he could keep walking without the stupid pants, and then as a way of keeping himself alive when the plague is killing everyone. I didn't like Logan so would be happy to kill him off too although if I was going to kill off Max I would probably keep Logan alive and miserable, sitting in the corner in his wheelchair, waiting out the apocalypse, dying slowly as opposed to those normal humans who didn't force transgenics to give them blood transfusions. Did I not mention that this was not done voluntarily by transgenics? I had this whole story around this X6 girl who was on a field mission when Manticore went down and was liviing with a foster family of sorts, and she killed them, and Logan found out, but he said he wouldn't tell anyone she was a murderer (and not hand her over to the cops) if she gave him blood transfusions to keep him strong. And then Alec finds out and stops the transfusions and Max is all torn between loyalty to her people/mutants and to Logan, and there's this whole grey area behind it, cause Alec defends the X6 by saying that she was forced to do bad things by Manticore, but then it turns out that she was on the run from manticore because she was NOT supposed to kill these people... and so on. Like I said, I don't have the details worked out yet. My main problem with writing DA fic is that I don't really like many of the show's characters (except Alec and White) so I made up a bunch of my own, which is amusing for me but not so much for other fans of the show.

Okay rant over, I should probably get back to work, which is what I'm supposed to be doing :)


Monday, November 21, 2005 5:14 PM


I'm afraid I'm a traditionalist; I work w/the characters as is. White is great, but he's no Lydecker. And Alec is comic relief, unless you watch Berrisford Agenda.

Gotta bounce



Tuesday, November 22, 2005 12:02 PM


The series might be resolved if the movie has a $300 million budget and is written and directed by James Cameron but since James Cameron is busy making Battle Angel Alita and is in talks to make True Lies 2 and Terminator 4, a Dark Angel movie probably won't happen.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 2:05 PM



The series might be resolved if the movie has a $300 million budget and is written and directed by James Cameron

This assumes that James Cameron has a master plan for the series over and above coming up with the show's basic premise. Call me a cynic but I don't believe that. The writers totally lost the plot in this show, just look at the continuity problems between seasons, heck even between episodes... (That said I hold nothing against Jose Molina who has done some great work on Firefly and must have found it refreshing to work with people who cared about continuity and having plausible characters and storylines.) I don't have much faith in JC, sorry but it's true. I think his pacing stinks. But I've already said that so I will move along.


And Alec is comic relief, unless you watch Berrisford Agenda.

Um... really? Then what is Joshua if not an attempt at comic relief that doesn't really work? Alec has more depth than Joshua. He may have been used as comic relief from time to time, but only because Max and Logan and all the other characters are unable to provide any so it all gets dumped on Alec, and Ackles is just so darn good at it, he's got the great comedic timing, so they threw more and more at him. But there is a lot more to that character than mere comic relief. The writers kept ignoring him and trying to just have him around to bug Max but despite that and even if you leave aside the Berrisford Agenda, Alec came through as one of (if not the) best character on that show. (And I'm not just saying this becuase Jensen Ackles definitively "moves my furniture" ... phwoar..) But moving on, what about Hello, Goodbye when he finds out about Ben, or Bag 'em when he tries to sell out the other transgenics but can't bring himself to kill an X5? Or Love Among the Runes when he is hanging out with the other X5 Biggs, who is later killed and Alec and Joshua are the ones who go out and avenge his death while Max mopes around complaining about the virus and her weird rune tattoos...

As for White and Lydecker: Deck had a more interesting backstory and better connection to the characters and plot, but White had more charisma. IMO.

I guess that's why I'm no good at writing fanfic. If I dont' like the characters I get bored of them and make up my own :) and if I do, I find them even harder to write for because I consider them real people and don't like putting words into their mouths. It's a catch 22 so mostly, I keep my fanfic to myself. Maybe I should go back to doing that :)

I hope at the end of the day though, we can all agree that DA was a great show that failed to live up to its potential and ended far too soon.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005 6:53 AM



Originally posted by cheekyhobbit:

I find them even harder to write for because I consider them real people and don't like putting words into their mouths.

I hope at the end of the day though, we can all agree that DA was a great show that failed to live up to its potential and ended far too soon.

I know what you mean, it's like reading isn't real, you have to SEE them say something, or it somehow ain't completely right.

I was hard on Alec, your points are all valid. That's why they figgured out a way to have him in the 2nd season, he was so good as Ben.

Lastly, I think it just touched it's potential in Freak Nation, a third season would have rocked!

Weepy transgenic Chrisisall


Wednesday, November 23, 2005 7:25 AM



Originally posted by cheekyhobbit:

The series might be resolved if the movie has a $300 million budget and is written and directed by James Cameron

This assumes that James Cameron has a master plan for the series over and above coming up with the show's basic premise. Call me a cynic but I don't believe that. The writers totally lost the plot in this show, just look at the continuity problems between seasons, heck even between episodes... (That said I hold nothing against Jose Molina who has done some great work on Firefly and must have found it refreshing to work with people who cared about continuity and having plausible characters and storylines.) I don't have much faith in JC, sorry but it's true. I think his pacing stinks. But I've already said that so I will move along.

How dare you doubt James Cameron, the great lord and master of all sci-fi action movies? Nary was there a plan for an Alien sequel yet a mighty sequel did James Cameron wrought. The Terminator was meant to stand as one but the penultimate action movie T2 was hailed. Never blaspheme against James Cameron again lest ye wish to be struck down by the wrath of time traveling cyborgs, xenomorphs, terrorists, and legions of teenage girls.

"I swallowed a bug." -River Tam


Sunday, November 27, 2005 9:50 AM


Heh :) What can I say? Sorry. Although I stand by my opinion but that's just mine.

I am still a little dubious as to what a 3rd season would have been like, but if they'd made one, I'd defiantely have watched it! :)






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Thu, March 6, 2025 07:45 - 7 posts
Marvel / DC / Comic Thread
Wed, March 5, 2025 18:02 - 58 posts
Resident Alien; Tudyk is on Sy-fy this summer
Mon, March 3, 2025 06:24 - 8 posts
Star Wars Is The Absolute Worst
Sat, March 1, 2025 07:10 - 54 posts
What is the most beautiful sci-fi movie you have on DVD?
Sat, March 1, 2025 06:50 - 106 posts
Video Games to movie and tv series and other Cartoon / video game adaptions
Fri, February 28, 2025 11:07 - 110 posts
Spin-off Worthy?
Wed, February 26, 2025 05:32 - 10 posts