Babylon 5

UPDATED: Saturday, October 19, 2024 19:35
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Saturday, May 25, 2002 12:03 PM


Since this section is about sci-fi shows, just wondering if anyone here watches (watched) Babylon 5. Plus I'm curious if anyone has seen the Showtime series "Jeremiah." Being in Canada I have no way of seeing it but I've heard it's great.

"How will this end?"
"In fire."
--Babylon 5, 'The Coming of Shadows'


Saturday, May 25, 2002 4:30 PM


Yes, B5 is my favorite, & I watch Jeremiah. Hopefully, they will syndicate it like they have for Stargate SG1 so you can see it in Canada.



Tuesday, May 28, 2002 6:59 AM


Do you know when the Stargate or Farscape DVD is coming out?? The new season starts on June 7th on the SCI-FI Channel


Thursday, May 30, 2002 11:59 AM


Originally posted by tlsmith1963:
Yes, B5 is my favorite, & I watch Jeremiah. Hopefully, they will syndicate it like they have for Stargate SG1 so you can see it in Canada.


I've heard Jeremiah is supposed to be quite dark. Is it? I remember reading about a line that was cut from the episode (or the line was put in but the network didn't like it) about a character telling God to F-off and Showtime had a hissy fit over it. Gotta love JMS, he doesn't pull a lot of punches.

"How will this end?"
"In fire."
--Babylon 5, 'The Coming of Shadows'


Thursday, May 30, 2002 3:00 PM


That line *did* air--I remember it. And Jeremiah is pretty good. I'm now wondering if there will be a second season.



Tuesday, August 27, 2002 5:28 AM


i think b5 kicks ass!


Sunday, September 8, 2002 12:42 PM


The thing that I loved so much about B-5 was that it was a high concpet show. Unlike virtually every other show I have ever heard about, B5 was a fully formed story before the pilot was even filmed. This resulted in a level of complexity that most shows lack. After you've seen all the eps, you can go back and watch the earlier eps and--well there are just some scenes that send chills down my spine. Ex: S1, Londo explaing how the Sentauri (sp?) believe that they all forsee their own death, and that he had dreamed of G'Kar with his hands around his neck, squeezing. Creepy!

Other shows, that opt for the fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants approach, end up jumping the shark, because they try to reach B% complexity without THINKING THROUGH THEIR PLOTS. Take the X-Files. Am I the only one that thinks that whole government-alien conspiracy MAKES NO SENSE?!

Anyway, in conclusion, B5 = cool.

"There is a hole in your mind...."


Sunday, September 8, 2002 1:02 PM



The thing that I loved so much about B-5 was that it was a high concpet show. Unlike virtually every other show I have ever heard about, B5 was a fully formed story before the pilot was even filmed.
Hot flash -- that "fully formed story" was abandoned at the end of the first season.

OK, I can't really prove this, but it seems pretty obvious from the crude way the "new comander" story line was grafted on. Plus the lame explanation for the time-loop dialog ("not the one!") during the second appearance of Babylon 4. They obviously didn't mean to bring back B4 until the end of the series, with Garibaldi doing a Alamo-style last stand in order to buy time for whatever. That's why they had that silly bit in the final season where they blew up the station as a "hazard to navigation". Hello! Cloud of debris!

It seems obvious to me that the suits in Fox Studios intervened, saying the show was too dark (sound familiar), that they had to recast with a big-name star, and they had to give him a love interest. Of course, JMS will never admit that he abandoned his High Concept. But then, that's all there is to the man. I mean, it's not as though he knows how to write or direct or anything!

Ooh, have I offended all you die-hard B5 fans. So sorry!


Sunday, September 8, 2002 2:29 PM



Of course, JMS will never admit that he abandoned his High Concept. But then, that's all there is to the man. I mean, it's not as though he knows how to write or direct or anything!

Ooh, have I offended all you die-hard B5 fans. So sorry!

Zic, if B5 was such a piece of shit, then why is it concidered a sci-fi classic?

Grr. Arg.


Sunday, September 8, 2002 3:06 PM



Originally posted by LivingImpaired:
Zic, if B5 was such a piece of shit, then why is it concidered a sci-fi classic?

Grr. Arg.

We all agree it's a classic. But a classic what?

It's funny how B5 keeps coming up in Firefly discussions. I guess because both shows aim to be "hard" SF. And indeed B5 usually got the science right. They did screw up once in showing a collision between a spaceship and a teddy bear...

But I digress. What can I say about B5? It just has a lot wrong with it. Had this discussion before:


Yeah, B5 has its Fans. So does Plan 9 From Outer Space.


Sunday, September 8, 2002 4:36 PM


Hey, Maybe if you weren't so busy picking nits and over anaylzing every single detail, maybe you spend more time ENJOYING THE DAMN SHOW, and less time being so... grumpy. Sometimes you just need to suspend belief.

And I realize that you can't please everybody. Ex: LOR, Fellowship of the Ring should have won best picture, but certain piece of crap won instead.

It's things like that and people like you that remind me that not everyone will like the same thing, no matter how good it is. They are still entitled to their opinion. Even though it's wrong.

Grr. Arg.


Sunday, September 8, 2002 5:06 PM


Hey guy, chill out! You like B5, I hate it. It's not like I killed your puppy or claimed Sarah Gellar was ugly!


Friday, February 28, 2003 6:28 AM


I also loved B5 the the only shows that even had a tenth the overall story arch are Blake's 7 and Deep Space Nine wich I also love. I haven't seen the new Staczynski show on Showtime but I figure they are going to sindicate it to local stations like they have done with other things.


Friday, February 28, 2003 11:35 AM


Never heard of Blake's 7, but I loved DS9 because it was a deviation from the typical Star Trek. It wasn't all scientific, it was dark and far more real that the other Star Trek's before or after(Voyager was soap opera-ish). It was probably caused by competing with B5 at the time, which was another great Space series. Note I said space not Sci-fi, the series didn't completely revolve around science to solve their problems for them. That's why Firefly is so good it's about the people not the technology.


Friday, February 28, 2003 8:13 PM



The key to Good Sci-Fi, is compelling storylines, belivable characters, and good writing.
In this the writers and the actors are very important.
Science, special effects, fancy gimmicks. These are window dressing for the first three. They will help to compliment them but without them all you have is crap.

B5 and DS9 definately had these,

and Firefly...
you can't get any better...


Friday, February 28, 2003 9:40 PM


You seen Farscape?


Sunday, March 2, 2003 6:08 PM


Farscape is great one the more original space shows out there. It's Austrialia's first sci-fi show ironically you can see Farscape in just about every country except Australia nice to know network executives are insane in other countries as well.The network people down there didn't think it was worth airing go figure.

Blake's 7 is a late 70's early 1980's science fiction show from the U.K. ran for about 3 years. It was about 7 fugitives who were fighting against a fascist interplanetary government known as the Federation.It was a good show plot wise but it had to be the single cheapest looking space show I've ever seen so if high quality sets and good special effects matter to you,you probably would be underwhelmed.

J.Micheal Straczynski the creater of B5 in interviews has said Blakes 7 was one of the biggest influences on B5.

Anyway back to Farscape it's a shame it's getting cancelled after this season.This season in my opinion has been great.The last episode where the rescue Aron from the Scarins has to be one of the coolest they've done in a while.In fact I'll probably watch it again tonight.


Monday, March 3, 2003 1:05 PM


So when I was talking about shows with story archs I should have mentioned Farscape as well.


Monday, March 3, 2003 1:45 PM


[It's Austrialia's first sci-fi show ironically you can see Farscape in just about every country except Australia nice to know network executives are insane in other countries as well.]

That's funny, well not for Australia but never the less it's funny. Boy network people must share a collective mind, wait that expains the ten bazillion reality shows out there. A sad fact is that the Sci-fi Channel is buying into reality TV too. Soon their will be no place safe for us geeks.

[Anyway back to Farscape it's a shame it's getting cancelled after this season.This season in my opinion has been great.]

Farscape has had a great run I only hope they end it spectacularly and not crapy. Anyway the only problem I had with this season of Farscape was the Consellation of Doubt episode it could have been solved in 30 min. It needed something more. And I was hesitant about Raylee Hill joining the cast as Sikozu but her alliance with Scorpy was cool. I also liked the return of Harvy, Crihton shouldn't have trusted Scorpious.


Tuesday, June 17, 2003 11:08 AM


I have to point out that you are obviously not very knowledgable about Babylon 5, as you have made several errors in your argument, no disrespect intended.
First, FOX had absolutely nothing to do with the decision to hire Bruce Boxleitner (Capt. Sheridan) and fire Michael O'Hare (Comm. Sinclair) as FOX did not make Babylon 5, and had nothing to do with Babylon 5. Babylon 5 was syndicated through the PTEN network (Kinda like Tribune is now), and some local FOX affiliates (as well as ABC, CBS, NBC and Independents) carried it in off hours times. Babylon 5 was made by Warner Brothers, and it did not air on WB because WB did not exist yet.
Secondly, JMS has stated several times that the Sheridan character was always in his plans, but he had to move those plans up because O'Hare wanted to return to theatre work (which he did). WB apparently had nothing to do with this decision, it was O'Hare on his own. JMS has stated that 95% of the story he wanted to tell was told...
The Shadow War
The Earth Civil War
The Minbari Civil War
The Drakh subterfuge of Centauri Prime
The resolution to the Babylon 4 cycle (which was unchanged, just moved up by about a year)
The Psi Corps build up to the war

Some things had to be rearranged, some had to be changed, but his over all story remained intact. The only try hickup in that play was the early part of Season 5, as he felt there would be no season 5 he put several of his plot resolutions into season 4's last several episodes (Earth Civil War, Intersteller Alliance founding, etc.), leaving the early part of Season 5 with little to do. He had to expand the telepath plot ALOT to get through the first 7 episodes or so, and thus the problem. The original Season 4 finale was supposed to be Intersections In Real Time (perhaps the best psychological interogation scene I have ever seen on TV, and my wife the Psychiatrist agrees.)
And on your "cloud of debris" point. 1) That was the perfect ending to a show like Babylon 5, which had a cynical streak in it a mile wide. It was poetic irony at it's finest. 2) The debris (much smaller than the full station and no longer generating a gravity field through rotation) would fall into the atmosphere of Epsilon 3 (the planet B5 was orbiting) and burn up, thus no hazard to navigation.
So I choose to look at this like a scientist. In science it is impossible to truly prove anything (Black Swan anyone?). You set forth a hypothesis and try to disprove it. As you pointed out, you cannot prove your hypothesis, but I have just easily disproven it.
And lastly, I am more willing to believe JMS (winner of 2 HUGO awards, launcher and/or showrunner of several successful series {Babylon 5, Murder She Wrote, Walker Texas Ranger, Jeremiah}, etc) who created the show and knows what happened, and has had every post he has ever made on usenet cataloqued on www.jmsnews.com since 1990, over someone who has probably never written a single hour of television, and who did not even know who MADE the show he was complaining about.

"Everyone does not have a right to their opinion, they have a right to their INFORMED opinion."
Harlan Ellison

Your opinion, in that context, was obviously not informed. I respect your right to not like something (personally, I think Voyager and Enterprise are the worst TV shows I have ever seen, where Babylon 5, Farscape, The Prisoner, etc are the best), I respect you made that decision, but just don't try to justify your opinion with facts you do not know, or even make up. If you don't like it, great, more power to you. Just try to know at least a little of your facts next time, it will save me considerable typing.

PS your post was very reminiscent of Troll behavior (posting on a thread BECAUSE they are hostile to the threads topic), but I will give you the benefit of the doubt.


Tuesday, June 17, 2003 11:29 AM


Well said.


Tuesday, June 17, 2003 6:13 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
Well said.

Indeed . . . Now, coming on here and beating the dead horse . . .
I dare say the "B5 hater" saw only a few trees and missed the forest. From front to back over five years, JMS created an extraordinary body of work in B5, including some truly amazing scenes, episodes, characters, conspiracies (real and imagined, within the context of the show's drama), fearsome acts, mythic races, well, it goes on and on.

I offer that one good way of judging a work of art's effect is the degree to which one remembers the detail and emotion it creates. I doubt that I will ever forget most of what I saw and felt watching B5. Yes, I'll forget a detail or two, but I'll remember the awesome forest.

be seein' you


Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:02 PM


Ooh, I know I'm gonna get a whoopin' for this but...

I loved B5. I loved it from the pilot (and was really disappointed they replaced Stewart Copeland's score with Christopher Franke's when it re-aired. Like I'd say to George Lucas: if it ain't broke, don't fix it) and right around the middle of the series when all hell broke loose there was nothing else like it.

But... (here it comes) I was badly disappointed by the way the culmination of the major story arcs were crammed into the fourth season in a quick and unsatisfying conclusion. Yes, I know JMS thought they were getting cancelled and did the best he could. Not his fault and he rolled as best he could but the show was, to me, badly damaged and never fully recovered.

Now, I don't know what JMS did or did not intend from the beginning. I know he had to make some running changes, because a novel-for-television involves living people and forces beyond the creators control. He did great; it's an exceptional show that should go down in TV history. But... It's not all it coulda been.

History repeats the old conceits


Wednesday, June 18, 2003 2:32 AM


If a show was all it coulda been, well it would probably be the best show out there, ever. Even Firefly, which we all love, had quite a few continuity errors. Now that we know the correct order it’s undeniable, so it’s not all it could have been even in the episodes we have. That came from changing the order between script and (some later point, I’m not actually sure when they changed the correct order.) A show staying on for as long as B-5 did while trying to deal with people coming and going not to mention the threat of cancellation really has no chance of being all it could have been.

I’m happy with what I got, though I do wish the telepath war hadn’t been skipped between B-5 and Crusade (now there’s a show that completely failed to meet it’s potential.) And I’d like to know the stuff G’Kar did between the end of B-5 and Legend of the Rangers, while we’re at it what he did between then and his death, the conclusion of what started with legend of the rangers, and so forth. Just a lot of stuff we haven’t seen.


Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:30 AM


I don't think there is anything wrong with what you said. The problems with early season 5 were definently there, but I agree that JMS cannot be blamed for them.
On Crusade (I don't remember who said it, sorry)
I think if TNT hadn't interfered then Crusade would have been great, and I still contend that the 13 eps of Crusade were far and away better than the first 13 of Babylon 5, even with said interference. The 5 "original" episodes (Racing the Night, Visitors from Down the Street, The Needs of Earth, Each Night I Dream of Home and The Memory of War) all had alot of merit, and showed a definate indicator of where the show should have been, but thanks to TNT the damned "black uniform" episodes happened, and the order was scrapped. I suggest those who can to read the three unproduced crusade scripts (Value Judgments by Fiona Avery which guest stars BESTER, ep 15 or so, To The Ends Of The Earth and The End of the Line both by JMS, the last 2 eps of season one). They were utterly fantastic, and you realize (just as in Babylon 5 and more than likely in Rangers) the show was not REALLY about what he said was about at all.
In Crusade the story was more about Earth and their continued use of Shadow Technology (the ship that blasted the Cerberus), and how they started creating Shadow/Human hybrids. The show would have been so good, but TNT in their infinate idiocy screwed it. OOO, dont get me started on them.



Tuesday, July 29, 2003 7:33 AM


Just a minor point...B5 was in fact cancelled after season 4, a fact that the shows creators who had been "guaranteed" a 5 yr run found out after filming had started on season 4. So they REALLY had no choice but to try to cram in some sort of ending with season 4. It was only after it was all done, that USA network picked it up with all rights. Only after the final episode of season 4 aired on broadcast tv was work begun on season 5. And one must also remember, if the entire series had been made by a network such as USA or HBO, Showtime etc...it would have most assuredly been different. The normal broadcast networks are so afraid of the censors that to this day, they still can not say fart on broadcast TV. More intense scenes often ended up being re-shot and toned down to quiet the morons in the offices. The same type of idiots who cancelled the original Star Trek after 6 episodes...need I say more?


Saturday, August 2, 2003 4:41 AM


Just some minor corrections from someone who has read every post by JMS ( and interview because I am a very strange person) concerning B5. First, it was never promised or guaranteed 5 seasons, he planned for 5 seasons to tell a true arc story. He only received renewals one season at a time (and it was almost cancelled every time). The only season the ratings did not almost get it cancelled was season 5, when it was offered a season 6. jms refused, since he stated he set out to tell a 5 year story and that is what he did. Also, it was TNT, not USA, that picked up B5 for 2 TV movies (In the Beginning and Thirdspace). They filmed Thirdspace first (a homage to HP Lovecraft) and while they were filming In The Beginning the announcement was made that Season 5 would happen. Oh, and lastly, a network did not do Babylon 5, it was syndicated and distributed by Warner Brothers through the Prime Time Entertainment Network (PTEN), which is essentially like Tribune is now. PTEN went under at the end of season 4 (B5 was the only show of their to make it that long), and that is what really caused the "no season 5" problem. TNT hamstrung jms writing (see the butchery they did with crusade as an example), not the syndicators or WB. Overall, though, your statement is correct.


Saturday, August 2, 2003 7:12 AM



Originally posted by Dekion:
I suggest those who can to read the three unproduced crusade scripts (Value Judgments by Fiona Avery which guest stars BESTER, ep 15 or so, To The Ends Of The Earth and The End of the Line both by JMS, the last 2 eps of season one). They were utterly fantastic, and you realize (just as in Babylon 5 and more than likely in Rangers) the show was not REALLY about what he said was about at all.

Hey, can you point me in the direction of where I can find these scripts? Please.


Saturday, August 2, 2003 1:16 PM


Good news and bad news. The scripts originally appeared on bookface.com (now defunct) and it was free to read them. Now that bookface is gone, and they were the only ones that paid the copyrights to display them, there is no other "legal" place to get them. The website www.b5tv.com has many fans (including myself) who have the original .doc files, and they used to be swapped regularly (which is illegal, a violation of copyright), but now that site will not allow it on their bboard any longer. I do have the files, on a different PC, and have hard copies (in folders to read when I am feeling blue).

The good news. email me when you get a chance at tcurran@mybluelight.com or adelrond@hotmail.com and I might be able to give you some possibilities.


Friday, October 27, 2006 6:30 AM


'Babylon 5: The Lost Tales' Greenlit



Friday, October 27, 2006 6:47 AM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:
'Babylon 5: The Lost Tales' Greenlit



Damn shame about G'Kar too, it was a sad day when he left us. His character was IMHO the best on the show. They took him from being an evil SOB to the most Noble of them all and he played it like no other.

Hmmm, might have to put away the FF for a week ot two and rewatch the whole thing. 5 years worth..... gonna need a LOT of pizza to make it through those again.

THANKS for the heads up on this JaynezTown!


An Original Browncoat - Member since September 20, 2002

Wearables • Writeables • Stickables
Fancible shiny goods made by a Browncoat for Browncoats


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 11:26 PM


I watch B-5 religiously (at work... In fact... it's on right now). I own seasons 1-4, and soon will own 5, plus Crusade(R?). The onyl sucky thing about the show was the death of marcus (and Kosh I will admit.. I love the only good Vorlon).

Susan Ivanova: No "boom" today. "Boom" tomorrow. There's always a "boom" tomorrow. What? Somebody's gotta have some damn perseptive around here. Sooner or later... "Boom". BOOM!

<3 GeekyGal


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 9:11 AM



Originally posted by GeekyGal21:
Susan Ivanova: No "boom" today. "Boom" tomorrow. There's always a "boom" tomorrow. What? Somebody's gotta have some damn perseptive around here. Sooner or later... "Boom". BOOM!

Yes, she did have some good lines. I don't remember exactly how she said it but when Marcus died she made reference to how she should have "tossed him a bone".

Marcus was great also. The scene with him and G'kar while they were looking for Garabaldi and he accused G'kar of "Pikel envy". Too funny!!

Or, G'kar asking Patricia Tallman's character if she had a "pleasure threshold".


An Original Browncoat - Member since September 20, 2002

Wearables • Writeables • Stickables
Fancible shiny goods made by a Browncoat for Browncoats


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 9:46 AM


Marcus, BTW, isn't dead. The original script of the episode mentioned that he was put in suspended animation until they could find a way to save him.

JMS wrote a story for Amazing Stories a few years ago where Marcus was thawed out (post-series), and gave him a "happily ever after," with a cloned-and-memory-imprinted Ivanova.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 11:01 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
and gave him a "happily ever after," with a cloned-and-memory-imprinted Ivanova.

YUM! How can I get one of those?


An Original Browncoat - Member since September 20, 2002

Wearables • Writeables • Stickables
Fancible shiny goods made by a Browncoat for Browncoats


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 12:20 PM



dyairvatree wrote:
Sunday, March 02, 2003 18:08
Farscape is great one the more original space shows out there. It's Austrialia's first sci-fi show

Farscape is an Australian show? I thought that most of it was filmed over here in Australia because it was cheaper to make here but that it was still officially a product of foreign(American?/Canadian?) studio corporations.

I could be wrong, it happened once before.


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 2:04 PM



Originally posted by bluemoonstuff:
Yes, she did have some good lines. I don't remember exactly how she said it but when Marcus died she made reference to how she should have "tossed him a bone".

Did you just say "boffed"?


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 3:06 PM



Originally posted by bluemoonstuff:

Originally posted by GeekyGal21:
Susan Ivanova: No "boom" today. "Boom" tomorrow. There's always a "boom" tomorrow. What? Somebody's gotta have some damn perseptive around here. Sooner or later... "Boom". BOOM!

Yes, she did have some good lines. I don't remember exactly how she said it but when Marcus died she made reference to how she should have "tossed him a bone".

"I should've at least boffed him. Not liek I was doing anything else."

Zoe: Take me, sir. Take me hard.

<3 GeekyGal


Thursday, November 2, 2006 3:01 AM



Originally posted by GeekyGal21:

"I should've at least boffed him. Not liek I was doing anything else."

BOFFED! That's it. What a great word for, uhm.... a great thing,

Boffed. Yup.


An Original Browncoat - Member since September 20, 2002

Wearables • Writeables • Stickables
Fancible shiny goods made by a Browncoat for Browncoats


Wednesday, November 8, 2006 5:22 AM



Originally posted by Dekion:
...Intersections In Real Time (perhaps the best psychological interogation scene I have ever seen on TV, and my wife the Psychiatrist agrees.)

Couldn't agree more!


I've got hundreds of B5 WAVs & MP3s on my iPod, and when I want to "convert" somebody, I'll let 'em hear the Interrogator (or G'Kar's final message to T'Lon).

Down Below Sound Archive for Babylon 5

Babylonsounds - Music from the last of the Babylon stations


Wednesday, November 8, 2006 5:45 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

dyairvatree wrote:
Sunday, March 02, 2003 18:08
Farscape is great one the more original space shows out there. It's Austrialia's first sci-fi show

Farscape is an Australian show? I thought that most of it was filmed over here in Australia because it was cheaper to make here but that it was still officially a product of foreign(American?/Canadian?) studio corporations.

I could be wrong, it happened once before.

You got it right. It was filmed in Australia, but it was produced by Henson studios, Hallmark, and the SciFi channel, so it was more of a US/England co-production.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Saturday, May 13, 2023 9:15 AM


What We Know About The New Babylon 5 Animated Film + Theories

I think he was shadow banned for a while. There is also a channel with his stuff




Friday, June 16, 2023 4:19 AM


They are still making B-5 content

and because F*CK u tube....

Even In Tha Future, MSM Will Never Tell Tha Truth Babylon5 2min



Saturday, October 19, 2024 7:35 PM


How did they do it?






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