Latest BSG Episode (3/18/07)

UPDATED: Monday, March 19, 2007 05:25
VIEWED: 2637
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Sunday, March 18, 2007 5:14 PM


***SPOILERS*** (of course)

Alright, first off, it's awesome to see Apollo in a suit. I'm just so used to seeing him in uniform, it's like when we first saw Kara all gussied up in the second season.

Well I'm going to be brief so I don't dominate the conversation, but I really like how Apollo had to choose between being "nice" to an old friend, Laura, and doing what in his admission, was for the good of humanity. When Laura asked him not to ask her about the drugs, I was totally caught up in it.

Also, I couldn't believe what the Admiral said to his son. When Apollo stated, "I won't serve under an officer that questions my integrity," and the Admiral replied, "I don't want to have officers who don't have any," (or something to that effect) I was shocked. The two of them were doing so well until this trial began. I don't know how they will recover from such a direct confrontation.

Of course you had the Dee-Apollo thing, Mark Sheppard was awesome, the "music" was an interesting build-up for something, and Helo's "storm's coming" line were all great. The last thing that stood out to me was Anders was wearing a uniform. The other people in the bar mentioned "nugget" but I couldn't tell if they were calling him that. It would be awesome if he joined the service, but I think his character deserves a little better explanation if that's the case.

Oh well, I left stuff out but that means there's more to discuss...GO!

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Sunday, March 18, 2007 5:29 PM


Personally I liked the scenes from nexts weeks episode more then I did this episode :)

We find out who the Cylon is!!


Sunday, March 18, 2007 5:43 PM



who the cylons ARE

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Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:33 PM


The show is definitely on an upswing starting with last week's episode and continuing with this one.

Although I felt Lee's resignation was a bit abrubt it was a great scene. I know some groundwork had been laid over several episodes but for them to utter those lines was somewhat shocking. Bill's line about Baltar not deserving a trial seems a bit damning considering he is a judge on the trial.

Lee the barricuda lawyer was a nice turn of events. When he sniffed the coffee then took note of Rosalyn and his father I knew something was up. I half expected him to bring up their "relationship" during cross examination.

We had our first basestar sighting in what, two months? About frakking time. I knew there would be some sort of engagement around the time of the trial.

I was really looking forward to the Tigh/Six confrontation, it lived up to and exceeded my expectations. At first she looked intimidated but then turned the tide and completely manipulated him. She trashed his testimony before he even entered the courtroom. Can't wait to see her take the stand.

Next week looks to be another gem.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Monday, March 19, 2007 4:52 AM


I don't get why everyone's so pissed at Lee. I mean, it's not like Baltar's trial is gonna hinge on any one person's testimony. Besides, he's putting his career and reputation on the line to stand up for his ideals (of a fair and non-biased trial), which is exactly what he's been doing through the entire series.

If anything, his dad was the one who was out of line for questioning his integrity. Apollo's integrity (in the face of everyone else's willingness to bend rules) has always been his strongest characteristic.

I also feel bad for Tigh. Never expected to, but I've really warmed to him this season. Sucks to see him falling back into the bottle. He's better than that.

Also, I'm thinking he's a cylon now. It'd gel both with D'Anna's apology to the Final Five, and thematically with Tigh's hatred for the toasters.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, March 19, 2007 5:25 AM


I gotta say, this was the first time that I disliked Admiral Adama. And relished in the fact he got the smackdown when he tried to put an end to the tribunal.

When he ended the previous tribunal, I thought he was fully justified. This time it felt like a power-trip was comming (although most would argue it was because his son was badering his girl) and it was a breath of fresh air to see the other captains put the Admiral in his place.

Just my 2 cents.






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