Doctor Who series 3

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 00:32
VIEWED: 5951
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Saturday, March 31, 2007 10:50 AM


So, the new series started tonight.

What did everyone think?

I personally like Martha. She's very different to Rose; which is good.




Saturday, March 31, 2007 10:53 AM


I thought it was friggin' awesome! Some real laugh out loud moments, good plot line. Plus, Martha's nice to look at, too Next week's episode looks badass!




Saturday, March 31, 2007 11:05 AM


Yeah, next week's episode looks great.

I can't wait.

ooh look, poetry.




Saturday, March 31, 2007 1:00 PM


good opening to the series, and martha looks and acts pretty good, so cant wait for next week or the rest of the series



Saturday, March 31, 2007 7:44 PM


Just finished watching it. Really good season premiere. I like how they managed to repeat some of the same themes and moments of "Rose" but in a new way so as to introduce Martha.

My favorite reveal was when the space rhinos looked like they were about to slaughter them but then ended up marking them with an x and cataloged them.

And then the ending that payed off that weird bit at the beginning when The Doctor stepped in front of her, said "Told you", took off his tie and walked off.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Saturday, March 31, 2007 9:44 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
My favorite reveal was when the space rhinos looked like they were about to slaughter them but then ended up marking them with an x and cataloged them.

lol, that made me laugh.




Saturday, March 31, 2007 10:05 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
that weird bit at the beginning when The Doctor stepped in front of her, said "Told you", took off his tie and walked off.

Hahaha, that was the most randomly funny thing I've seen in a while! Had my laughing quite hard when I saw that! It was like "WTF!?!?"




Sunday, April 1, 2007 1:23 AM


(About the guys in the motorbike courier outfits)
"Are they from the planet Zovirax?"


Sunday, April 1, 2007 1:36 AM



Originally posted by Cruithne3753:
(About the guys in the motorbike courier outfits)
"Are they from the planet Zovirax?"

That advert was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that first one. Ah, classic!




Sunday, April 1, 2007 2:00 AM



Cruithne3753 wrote:

(About the guys in the motorbike courier outfits)
"Are they from the planet Zovirax?"

That was a great line. There were a few great jokes in the opening ep.

Select to view spoiler:

I always enjoy the eps written by Russel T Davis. They're wonderfully camp, dramatic and action packed.

The space Rhinos (the Judoon) reminded me of 'The Fifth Element.' There was a definite vibe throughout..

I loved the fact that the plasmavore sucked the blood out of the head doctor named Stoker. It was a funny and obvious nod to the horror genre. The straw was a silly but also kinda creepy touch. I swear that there was even a nod to Hannibal Lector, when Florence did that thing with her mouth before she killed Stoker.

The only niggle that I had was with the group of hysterical people in the hospital. Its true that they were stranded on the moon and the Judoon were invading. Although, I could just imagine Jayne storming in, and telling them that they were gonna use up all the air..

There was one line from Tennant that made me lol. I think it was the part where Maya asked: "what else have you got? Laser spammer?" The Doc's reply that it had been nicked had me in stitches.

Also, I loved it when the sonic screwdriver disintegrated. The fact that he mourned its death in a sulky manner, and was completely oblivious to the danger around them was hilarious.

This series is definitely more epic than the previous two. The Beeb have put more money into it. The animatronic Rhino head was really impressive. The sfx were really polished too. I'm so glad that Who is back!


[IMG] [/IMG]

Abby Sciouto: "Are either of you guys Libras?"
Tony Dinozzo & Kate Todd: "No."
Abby Sciouto: "Good thing 'cause they are so screwed this week!"

- 'The Good Samaritan', NCIS.


Sunday, April 1, 2007 9:45 AM


never before has an old woman and a straw been so ominous.




Sunday, April 1, 2007 10:55 AM


LOVED IT! Looks like another great season. David was in top form, definitely settling into the role.
I really like the character of Martha...Rose who?

"Jayne is a girl's name" - River


Sunday, April 1, 2007 11:27 AM


Definitly set the standard for the rest of the series.
Did anyone else notice the reference to this series arc word?

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Mr Saxon.

The idea of space rhinos made me laugh so hard.

I may wear brown but theres a little purple mixed in there as well.


Monday, April 2, 2007 6:20 AM


You guys are making me soooo jealous! I don't think Season 2 is even out on DVD yet in the USA.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Monday, April 2, 2007 3:27 PM


Despite loving it overall, I will say there are some logicistal problems...which are also reasons I have disliked the previous Doctor Who stories written by Russell T. Davies.

I also question everyone who thinks the Doctor should still be mourning for Rose and not taking on a new female companion so quickly. WHY? She isn't dead! Companions have come and gone in the Doctor's life since the series began in 1963. They dealt with that reality very well in "School Reunion" with Sarah Jane Smith.

Be warned there are major spoilers...do NOT complain about me posting spoilers if you read this because I am telling you now they big ones if you haven't seen the episode:

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When the old woman sucks the Doctor's blood and he registers dead on the scanners, why doesn't he regenerate?
When Martha tries to revive him why does she use CPR? She knows his death is caused by the lack of blood in his body, so what good will CPR do?
Finally...an MRI machine that can be supped up to create a blast that would kill people on Earth all the way from the moon???

Select to view spoiler:

"Jayne is a girl's name" - River


Tuesday, April 3, 2007 3:52 AM


Lesather, all I have to say is the very logistical problems you have with the show is the very reason I love it so much! It allows me to completely suspend disbelief and enjoy a perfectly nutty story with a whole lot of SciFi crammed into it.

I really enjoyed this episode. I think that Martha is a wonderful addition to the show. Not to mention a bit more striking than her predecessor IMHO. Don't get me wrong, I think that Billie Piper is incredibly gorgeous (meh, I'm an American. What do I know), it's just that Freema Agyeman is just a bit moreso.

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My only concern with it was that they really made Rose look kinda dumb. When Rose first met The Doctor, she reacted like I think most people would (applying human logic to everything) but when we meet The Doctor's new companion, she's more a "woman of the universe" for lack of a better phrase.

Her comment about being arrested for having tresspassed on the moon had me rolling! lol

I dunno. Maybe by comparison Rose was a bit daft, but I didn't feel I needed it rubbed in my face. Unless, of course, it's Billie being rubbed in my face!

Anywho, loved it! Can't wait until it airs here in the US. (as is evident since I d/l'ed it...lol)


Sunday, April 8, 2007 6:12 AM


Just saw "The Shakespeare Code"...another great episode. A couple nice references to the seventh Harry Potter book (the Doctor says he cried). Incredible special effects and an interesting story. I really liked the ending with

Select to view spoiler:

Queen Elizabeth I

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"Jayne is a girl's name" - River


Sunday, April 8, 2007 6:50 AM



Originally posted by lesather: I really liked the ending

Yeah I wonder what the doctor does to

Select to view spoiler:

hack her off so much she wants him beheaded

I put that in spoilers in case anyone hasn't seen it. I hope it works.




Sunday, April 8, 2007 7:03 AM


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The second that I saw Christina Cole who played the lead 'witch', I was kinda distracted. She played a witch in the short lived UK supernatural drama Hex. I hate it when actors get typecast.

Athough, I was really impressed with this ep! The show is much more epic than the last two series. There was A LOT of witty, laugh out lines throughout. I can't list them all.

The sfx were fantastic, and the witches were wickedly camp! David Tennant is on top form and I'm starting to like Freema Agyeman too.

I also liked the twist at the end of this episode. WHAT did the Doctor do to piss off Queen Elizabeth I?

It's great to have Who back on the Beeb every Saturday night!

[IMG] [/IMG]

Abby Sciouto: "Are either of you guys Libras?"
Tony Dinozzo & Kate Todd: "No."
Abby Sciouto: "Good thing 'cause they are so screwed this week!"

- 'The Good Samaritan', NCIS.


Sunday, April 8, 2007 8:43 AM


I liked this episode a lot too. I particularly enjoyed the characterization of Shakespeare and how he was hitting on Martha Jones, his erratic behavior influenced by the witches and how the Doctor kept feeding him references to his future work.

I thought the opening scene was an homage to the opening of the first episode of BUFFY. Some guy serenading a girl, hoping to get laid and then she turns into a witch and he gets eaten.

And I liked how the Shakespearian monologue ends with Rexel 4 and coordinates and they don't think it's odd, since it's coming from Shakespeare.

And in the insane asylum when Martha yells "Let us out!!!", The Doctor just replies "That's not gonna work, the whole building's shouting that."

I noticed that overall, this season is repeating the same way that the first season played. Second ep this season was in the past, and the third will be in the future. First seasons second episode was in the future, and then they went into the past where The Doctor and his companion battle supposedly supernatural beings alongside a famous writer. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem derivative. It seems natural that The Doctor would repeat the same adventure with a new companion in order to get something new out of it. It continues that theme in time travel lit that history is constantly repeating itself.

And on a side note, who's in love with the theme song and title credits? I always loved this new version of the Doctor Who theme in that it has a strong base line to it, and that it blends an orchestral and electronic theme perfectly. It really gets your pulse going more than the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA theme which only really picks up at the end and is just a repeating phrase. And while some of you guys love "The Ballad of Serenity", personally I never really liked it. The instrumental version is fine, but the lyrics always just struck me as off in a way.

But let's not turn this into an arguement. I just love the Doctor Who theme.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Sunday, April 8, 2007 10:32 PM


A Saturday evening just isn't a proper Saturday evening without Doctor Who (lets face it Robin Hood was a big pile of go-se), and it is the only thing worth watching at the time of night.
I remember the earlier Doctors when the show was on about 5 o'clock.

I still get excited by the theme tune, the latest version is my favourite. When this new series began I couldn't wait to hear that shriek, the bass etc.
Excellent stuff.

I also recognized Christina Cole from Hex and made the witch connection. Seen her in some other stuff and she is a good actress so hopefully this will lead to other roles.

The ending to The Shakespeare Code was fantastic (especially as he said he hadn't done anything to her yet). Will we see it in a later episode or will it always be one of those mysteries that never get explained.

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That's two Queens of England that he's got after him, and Elizabeth was a good few centuries before Victoria.

Loving every minute so far. And I do like Martha, she's no Rose, and I really hope they don't go down a romantic route, but she's great.


"If I hear voices and someone is really there, does that mean I'm going REALLY crazy?"


Monday, April 9, 2007 12:44 AM


The news that Dr Who has started in the UK means that we should only be a month or two away from seeing it here in Australia. As they did last year, they've held off the Christmas eppie until the week before they screen the new series (they also haven't screened Torchwood yet, probably because they've got no idea what timeslot to put it in, or which audience to target with it).

Having seen The Runaway Bride, I'm kinda disappointed that Catherine Tate's character turned down the offer to travel with the Doctor, mainly because she'd be good for puncturing his ego every now and again.

Anyway, looking forward to the upcoming seasons of Doctor Who and Torchwood (especially resolving the end of season 1).



Monday, April 9, 2007 6:01 AM


Actually, I liked the fact that at the end of "The Runaway Bride", that she said no. Given all the people who have joined The Doctor in his journeys across space and time, it's unlikely that The Doctor would never meet someone who actually doesn't want to journey with him in the TARDIS. That they like their life on Earth and that one journey is often enough. Also makes The Doctor less pompous. That not everyone will be impressed with him and his way of life.

Another small thing I noticed. When Elizabeth the First was angry at The Doctor, and the Doctor said "What?" over and over again, it was like at the very end of the season 2 finale. After he almost says good bye to Rose across the boundaries of universes and the most heart wrenching moment in the series, it's interrupted by some woman in a wedding dress popping up out of the blue with both of them at a loss as to how she got there.

To go from sad to funny is nothing new. To go from heartbreakingly awful to surreally busting a gut is just priceless.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Monday, April 9, 2007 6:04 AM


OK sure rub it in...all of you have seen season 3 and we're still stuck here waiting...SIGH!!! Sounds great though and I'm glad.

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Monday, April 9, 2007 6:06 AM


Hey, I'm in Canada. We only just finished showing season 2 and have no idea when Season 3 will start showing on CBC, despite it being a co-production with us.

But it's BitTorrents that has helped me catch up with the series. I suggest you get BitTorrents on your computer. Poor man's TiVo. Never have to miss a show again.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Monday, April 9, 2007 6:16 AM


In regards to Lesather about his or her complaints about the pilot, I'm willing to give this a pass.

If this was a show that prided itself in it's scientific accuracy (like FIREFLY, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, THE X-FILES and to a degree STAR TREK), then something like the MRI would be a problem.

But DOCTOR WHO is more fantasy than sci-fi. It has never once aimed for scientific accuracy. It's a show about a two hearted being as old as the universe who can regenerate 12 times in the ultimate traveling vehicle that on the outside looks like a police box, and whose weapons are a vast intellect and a sonic screwdriver. If you're willing to buy that, then I think anything else the show gives you should be able to go down easy.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Monday, April 9, 2007 7:25 AM


The new series is looking like its going to be awsome i cant wait for saturdays episode looks like its going to be one of the best. I just cant believe they have changed the time slot instead of it being 7 its going to be 7:45 i think which means im going to miss it and have to watch the repeat when its on it aint fair

"Love. You can do all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don't love, she'll shake you off sure as a turnin' of worlds. Love keeps her in
the air when she oughtta fall down. Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens.
Makes her a home." Mal


Monday, April 9, 2007 7:29 AM



Originally posted by Whoops:
The new series is looking like its going to be awsome i cant wait for saturdays episode looks like its going to be one of the best. I just cant believe they have changed the time slot instead of it being 7 its going to be 7:45 i think which means im going to miss it and have to watch the repeat when its on it aint fair

Yes, but everything on TV has to stop for football.

I hate football




Monday, April 9, 2007 2:31 PM


Yes, but everything on TV has to stop for football.

I hate football

Well thats true but i love me football but i dont know at least they repeat Dr.Who so i can catch the repeat i guess

"Love. You can do all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don't love, she'll shake you off sure as a turnin' of worlds. Love keeps her in
the air when she oughtta fall down. Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens.
Makes her a home." Mal


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:32 AM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
But DOCTOR WHO is more fantasy than sci-fi. It has never once aimed for scientific accuracy.

Actually, when it started in 1963 (!) it was intended as an educational show to teach kids about history and science. Well known factoid.

That's pretty much gone by the wayside, but I don't think its any worse than Star Trek et. al.






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