TSCC Rules

UPDATED: Saturday, May 2, 2009 03:37
VIEWED: 9918
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009 1:05 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by Zeek:

I've never been a fan of the show since the start. I like the idea of Summer moving on. Hopefully to bigger and better things. Sorry to those of you who liked it.

But there are comments on that article that say it is not true, at least not yet. One person said they know someone who just got a job with the production company, and another said that one of the writers stated on Twitter that the rumor is false.


Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:14 AM


Couple of quick points.
• Remember when Derek said to Jessie “you’re not my Jessie”? This was not the Derek who was killed in the past. This one never heard of John Connor. Different time line. Therefore, his knowing Allison would have no effect on the other Derek.
• This past season absolutely killed T3 for me. The John Conner who “taught us to fight back”, the leader of mankind in the war against the machines, would never have been just bumming around or as the future Mrs. Connor said, “You’re a mess”. Someone as dynamic as John Connor would have done something with his life even if he thought that judgment day was no longer viable. He would have went into the military, or got his MBA, or been an entrepreneur. Something.
• I have to think that if Terminator Salvation opens to $100M and has a domestic gross above $300M, then someone will have to take a chance on a 3rd season, even Fox.
• Why does Fox keep doing SF/Fantasy if they will not support it (Fringe better get some unknown acceptable numbers next year of it too will get killed)? If Fox had Heroes, it would have been cancelled 3 episodes into the 2nd season (which may not have been a bad thing). Jeez Fox, why don’t you just do a Fall American Idol and stop ripping out our hearts.



Saturday, May 2, 2009 3:37 AM


(Belated - we're a few weeks behind in the UK).

Couple of points:

1. Note the way that John Henry started repeating Weaver's words, and by the end of it was lip-syncing with her. Implication: Weaver is a copy or descendant of John Henry.

2. Cameron's chip: John Henry was hard wired to a bank of computers and couldn't leave the room. So he must have taken Cameron's chip and downloaded himself onto it, so he could escape... but (a) does that mean that Cameron has been "wiped" and (b) how the hell did he make the chip exchange without help?

3. Cameron's body (chassis?) disappeared. Was this because her metal was exposed (but then, how do the liquid metal ones survive) or because she didn't have a chip (so the important factor is consciousness) ? Ah, the complications of a plot device invented to stop Kyle coming back with a big fracking futuristic gun and icing Arnie in the first reel...

4. Looks like the rebellion got going without John. How's he going to feel about that?


My guess is that Weaver and John Henry would help John Connor re-program future Terminators

Let's see. Weaver clearly comes from a point in the timeline after future Cameron's attempt to make an alliance with the second machine faction ("will you join us"). The resistance already had reprogrammed Terminators at that point. Or should that be "will have been going to already had"...? Except Weaver seems to be a descendant of John Henry - who she helped create, so she couldn't exist without time travel and AARRGGGGHHHH! MY HEAD HURTS!






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