Hmmm ... Anime?

UPDATED: Thursday, October 14, 2004 09:26
VIEWED: 13609
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Sunday, September 5, 2004 3:25 AM


Would this be the right forum for anime discussions? (Assuming a few of you watch it)



Sunday, September 5, 2004 3:44 AM


Probably so -- I'll be happy to contribute.

But you can't have my .sig (from Irresponsible Captain Tylor).

Kotoba yori tashika na koto michizure ni shite.


Monday, September 6, 2004 10:41 AM


I'd be happy to discuss anime too. What Anime do you watch/have you seen?

I've seen:

Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Gundam Wing
Weiss Kreuz
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor (except the last 3 eps)
Wedding Peach
and a few others that I can't remember the titles of.

Hey Michizure, what's the translation of your sig?

Edited to add:

Rurouni Kenshin


Monday, September 6, 2004 12:24 PM


I'll add:
Cowboy Bebop
Bubblegun Crisis
All Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli


Monday, September 6, 2004 12:39 PM


in my opinon animie sticks. i hate it. its the worse.


Monday, September 6, 2004 1:35 PM



My fav animes are:
Cardcaptor Sakura
Wolf's Rain
Rurouni Kenshin
Oh My Goddess
Jubei-chan: Secret of the Lovley Eyepatch

I love mangas too! My fav mangas are:
Fruits Basket
Tsubasa: Resouvior Chronicles
Cardcaptor Sakura

Plus many others! Lets talk about anime and manga! Less listing, more talking and disscusing!


"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW! I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." ~Joss


Monday, September 6, 2004 1:57 PM


i have seen:

princess mononoke
venus wars
akira - live action remake is rumored to be in the works
neon genesis evangelion
vampire hunter D (did not see bloodlust, though - anyone else seen it?)

and of course, the american studio anime:
final fantasy
titan ae (written by joss whedon)

love the genre. it is always a fun watch.

"i can't comprehend the ways that i miss you, they come to light in my mistakes."
-neko case


Monday, September 6, 2004 2:20 PM


My first anime was Eskaflowne. I fell in love pretty fast. Then came Berserk and Evangelion. Plus of course Akira and Princess Mononoke. And lots of other ones. Anime is really really cool. Berserk in my opinion is the best anime and manga ever created. Anybody else think so too? I cannot get enough of Berserk.


Monday, September 6, 2004 4:52 PM


"Record of Lodoss War" (13-episode OVA) is the best anime I've seen yet. "Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight" was good, but it wasn't AS good as the 13-ep series. Other than that, I really haven't seen anything to match that. I'm sure that there's something out there that's as good, though.


Monday, September 6, 2004 4:58 PM


I saw Record of Lodoss War and really liked both the series and the OVAs.

**How do you watch the anime: in Japanese w/subtitles, in Japanese no subtitles, or dubbed?

I watch all anime in Japanese with subtitles. I don't know, all dub actors (to me) butcher the tone of the show.


Monday, September 6, 2004 5:04 PM


"Boogiepop Phantom" is a great one, very creepy and atmospheric.
"Sailormoon", the original Japanese version, is cute and has some terrific characters.
I've seen the first few episodes of "Escaflowne" and I'm very interested in finishing it someday.
Right now I'm watching "The Big O", which looks pretty damn good after only 3 eppys.

Oh, and avoid "Real Bout High School" like the plague. I got the whole boxset of it (most anime you can't rent before you buy around here) and it started out well but the ending blows.

-Sig Rebel-


Monday, September 6, 2004 7:04 PM


Anyone seen Outlaw Star -- or similar name.
I'm fairly new on the anime front, although I'd seen all the feature films named above. Just got into Cowboy Bebop. Someone said if I like this then I'd like Outlaw Star. Anyone?


Monday, September 6, 2004 8:30 PM


My anime story starts many years back, at a birthday party of mine with a few of my best friends over. My dad went to a video rental store and picked up a few different movies. We ended up watching Princess Mononoke, and it was good.

Fastforward a few years. My best friend, Paul, had enjoyed Mononoke enough to start checking out more anime. By now he is a huge anime fan. I showed him Firefly, meanwhile, he introduced me to anime with Cowboy Bebop. We both loved the other show, and thought that the similarities (both space westerns) were amazing.

From there he showed me several other series and movies, most of which I loved.

Since the listing seems to be popular, I'll list all the ones on the top of my head that I've seen and enjoyed:

Princess Mononoke
Cowboy Bebop
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Spirited Away
Serial Experiments Lain
Ghost in the shell
12 Kingdoms
Haibane Renmei
Crest of the Stars (and it's sequel Banner of the Stars)

...and some others I can't think of right now. Wow, I just realized that I've seen quite a bit!

So basically my best friend hooked me on several good animes. I got him hooked on Firefly and Babylon 5, in turn. Everything is shiny! :)

Keep flying


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 3:39 AM



Originally posted by fireflywildcard1:
Hey Michizure, what's the translation of your sig?

"Make me your fellow traveller, one that you trust more than words."

I suspect that Firefly fans might well enjoy Irresponsible Captain Tylor, even if it is more comedy than action or drama. I recommend, however, ignoring the ages given for Tylor and his intel officer, LtCmdr Star (20 and 19, respectively) -- they make much more sense at double that (40 and 38), which were their ages in the novels upon which the anime is based.

fireflywildcard1: You need to see the last three eps, and the OVA's. Get cracking.


Originally posted by fireflywildcard1:
I watch all anime in Japanese with subtitles. I don't know, all dub actors (to me) butcher the tone of the show.

There are some really well-done dubs, but I agree that they are the exception. The cowboy bebop dub is often quoted as a prime example (though personally, I can't give up Hayashibara Megumi as Faye Valentine). I was also impressed with the Sakura Wars 2 OVA, and with (of all silly things) Angel Tales.

Voice actor Mike Brady claimed (in a panel at DragonCon this weekend) that the producers of the You're Under Arrest! TV series took the dub soundtrack from the OVA's and told their Japanese cast, "Do it like this!"

So it is possible to produce a decent dub. It just depends on how much time and effort the studio is willing to invest, and whether they can resist the temptation to "kiddie-fy" the result. Remember, too, that dubbing a completed series is a very different process than recording the original soundtrack.

My recollection is that the dubs for the series mentioned below are mostly pretty decent, so it shouldn't pose an obstacle for anyone who doesn't want to bother with subtitles.


Originally posted by makerofpaths:
Just got into Cowboy Bebop. Someone said if I like this then I'd like Outlaw Star. Anyone?

Outlaw Star is very similar to bebop (or Firefly, for that matter) in many respects: chance-met crew of a small starship becomes a surrogate family while struggling to scrape by. The original "girl in a box" scene appears in the first episode, too.

The main difference is that, while the crew of Firefly or bebop are mostly mature, established professionals, Outlaw Star is more of a coming-of-age story. The space opera and comedy aspects are also played more broadly (but not as much as, say, Lost Universe). Stay away from its spinoff series, Angel Links, though, unless you really want to see a sf-themed magical girl show.

If you can find it, I highly recommend Sol Bianca and its sequels, as a fair Firefly substitute. The crew there are pirates (and all female), but they follow their own ethical code. No obvious aliens. The artwork is gorgeous, though showing its age.

Crest/Banner of the Stars has an entirely different feel -- mostly serious and epic, and focused at the top of the social strata -- but you might like that as well. No aliens in that one, either, just human variants.

Martian Successor Nadesico and Vandread are fun little space opera comedies, with some action and drama thrown in. They aren't in the same class as the others I've mentioned, but they're worth checking out if you just want something undemanding and fun. Nadesico also has the peculiar distinction of the most carefully explained real science background of any sf show I know, live action included -- but you have to really pay attention to what's being said in the subtext to get a lot of it.

I've seen only a little Trigun, so I'll leave the reviews to someone better acquainted; ditto the various Gundam series; and I'm not even going to try Macross/Robotech. I don't recommend Legends of the Galactic Heroes, however: too stodgy for my tastes.

And that's about it for ship-based sf anime, at least in my repertoire. Check these out, and let us know what you think.

Kotoba yori tashika na koto michizure ni shite.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:11 AM



Originally posted by Michizure:


And that's about it for ship-based sf anime, at least in my repertoire. Check these out, and let us know what you think.

Wow. Thanks muchly for all those reviews. I've cut-and-pasted that into a file for later ref.

"When one man chases a hare, he finds a hare. But when many men chase a hare, they find a dragon."
--Source: The Darkness That Comes Before, by R. Scott Bakker.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:25 AM


I don't have access to a lot of animé in Canada (all Canadian animé is imported from the states, so we only get less than a third of what the US gets). My favourite animé is InuYasha, because I'm a sucker for epic romance, comedy, action, intrigue, and villains that could easily carry their own show. That said, I've only seen up to ep 53 (InuYasha's "Lady Macbeth" impression after the massacre)

In a related note, YTV (the network that has given us Gundam Wing, Escaflowne, and aired InuYasha in full-hour blocks) has officially become the Coolest Network in Canada. This Friday evening, they start their new Fall schedule:

7:00: SD Gundam Force (!!)
7:30: Transformers: Energon (Meh.)
8:00: Dragonball GT (perfectly timed to let me jump to CityTV to catch Enterprise)
8:30: Dragonball Z
9:00: Justice League Unlimited (!)
9:30: Gundam Seed (!!!)
10:00: InuYasha (*hopes for new episodes*)
10:30: Witch Hunter Robin (!!!!!)

That's three new shows that I NEVER expected to air in Canada --and we get to keep InuYasha. I'm amazed the Canadian Content Nazis ("99.99999999% Canadian Content, or you'll be rounded up and executed!") are permitting this much shinyness on one network.

Pretty much the only thing YTV could do now to make me love them more is to start some late-late-night block where they could air Evangelion, but even I'm not hoping for that.


Originally posted by Michizure:
There are some really well-done dubs, but I agree that they are the exception.

My favourite dub is the Canadian Cardcaptors (Cardcaptor Sakura) dub (not the American version which was further edited after it was dubbed).

As much as I'm a fan of CLAMP's art and writing, I do tend to accuse them of writing their own slashfic. One or two yaoi/yuri pairings I can accept, but nearly every character in CCS is bi and actively pursuing at least two people.

The dub downplays the slashiness by replacing it (rather than just ignoring it). Gives the whole series a certain psychological subtlety.

The Tori/Julian yaoi is now Tori's somewhat more realistic paranoia (which kinda fits, since Julian is kinda creepy no matter how you slice it), and Li/Julian is now Li sensing something (magical) and not knowing what to make of it.
Madison (Tomoe's) crush on Sakura is now hero-worship, which makes sense. Here's Madison, who's rich, talented, a member of just about every club in school, a straight-A student, who designs clothes and makes movies in her spare time. Then here comes Sakura, who does magic. For the first time in her life, Madison is not the best at something. As happy as she is for Sakura, there's an undeniable bit of envy gnawing at her. . .

The dub only really falls apart at the end where Teletoon (the stupid, thoughtless, Fox-like Canadian equivalent to Cartoon Network) suddenly decided to cut out the Li/Sakura puppy-love (which had been established previously. Entire scenes are sliced out and rearranged (Sakura crying on his shoulder, Li's confession of love, the dozen roses that now appear inexplicably and vanish into thin air), and they actually went so far as to edit the final card, replacing "LOVE" with "HOPE," in the wrong font, and not actually aligned to the card. It looks like a really bad photoshop job.

Which of course means that they can't air the second movie (if Teletoon even knows about it), 'cause that card (and the romance) is a major plot-point.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:25 AM



Originally posted by Michizure:
I've seen only a little Trigun, so I'll leave the reviews to someone better acquainted; ditto the various Gundam series;

Both are on my Netflix list, but they come highly recommended.
Infinite Ryvius is an interesting one about kids alone in sapce, kinda 'Lord of the Flies' in space. I've only seen a couple of episodes but I'm liking it more as I watch.
Voices of a Distant Star is a great short that I rented from Netflix as well.

http://www.anime-forums.com is a good forum for getting info on anime.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:30 AM


Same time post; make a wish!!

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 7:13 AM



Originally posted by Beatle:

Originally posted by Michizure:
I've seen only a little Trigun, so I'll leave the reviews to someone better acquainted; ditto the various Gundam series;

Both are on my Netflix list, but they come highly recommended.

Netflix only has the first 5 discs of Gundam Wing, so you'll have to find another way to get the last 5 discs of that series if you like it. I ran into that problem myself when I rented the series from them.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 7:16 AM



Originally posted by Michizure:
fireflywildcard1: You need to see the last three eps, and the OVA's. Get cracking.

I would love to get cracking on seeing more of Tylor but my source of the tapes is no longer available and none of the rental stores in my area nor Netflix carry Tylor dvds/videos.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 9:19 AM


I just moved into a new apartment, and my roommates are really into anime. They watch it every night, and they've gotten me hooked too. We're watching Kenshin right now, but I've also seen two episodes of Inu-yasha.

What I'd really like is some recommendations for an anime with a strong female figure, or more character development in general. I don't know much about Inu-yasha, but I don't really care for the secondary characters in Kenshin, Kaoru especially. (Keep in mind, though, I've only seen about a season's worth. Maybe it gets better with the longer story archs in season 2 etc.) Princess Mononoke and Cowboy Bebop are two animes that have been recommended that I'm planning on seeing.

Oh, and I prefer Japanese with subtitles. Man, I wish anime was in Chinese so I could at least understand the occasional swear word.



Tuesday, September 7, 2004 9:39 AM


Well, there's always Sailor Moon. Nyuk nyuk nyuk. While the main female character in Inu Yasha is a school girl named Kagome, she's a very strong-willed school girl, and central to the entire series. Sango is a demon exterminator in the same series, very strong in her own right.

Gundam Wing - While Relena isn't a pilot, she's a very powerful personality in the series.

Gundam 08th MS Team - This time the main female character is a pilot, and a skilled one at that.

Outlaw Star has a few strong female characters.

Record of Lodoss War. Deedlit and Pirotess.

Princess Mononoke.

And here's a list of what I like, anime-wise:
- Inu Yasha
- The Big-O!
- Mobile Suit Gundam, Gundam Wing, Gundam 0080, Gundam 0083, Gundam 08th MS Team, G Gundam
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Dragonball, DBZ, DBGT
- Outlaw Star
- Excel Saga
- Escaflowne
- Trigun
- Cowbow Bebop
- Excel Saga
- Ah! My Goddess
- Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky
- Akira
- Sailor Moon. Shut-up, all of you. It was Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z that got me into anime. Long live Toonami. Long live Moltar.

There's a lot more, I just can't remember them all right off the top of my head.


http://www.jed-soft.com Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 9:48 AM



Originally posted by pingjing:
What I'd really like is some recommendations for an anime with a strong female figure, or more character development in general.

I guess that would depend on if you'd like to watch shoujo/magical girl stuff. You can always find plenty of that, i.e. Sailor Moon, but strong female characters are always an interesting find.

I think Escaflowne is a great anime to find strong female characters. Hitomi is a schoolgirl magically transported to another world...blah blah blah, almost all anime is like this. But in this series Hitomi is cool though, because she can read tarot cards, (among other things, like seeing into the future) and the rest of the characters come to accept her abilities. Merle is the girl/cat-thingy character, and she's good for a laugh who also comes to respect Hitomi, even though she hates her at first. The characters are extremely well developed and they are connected in interesting ways. The series has a bit of romance, mecha, sci-fi, and fantasy all put together to great effect.

Oh, and another strong character was that girl in Cowboy Bebop that was first one of their bounties, and then becomes a member of the crew. (I can't remember her name. She's cool and feisty though).

The 2 female characters who are chasing Vash the Stampede in Trigun are cool too.

Some more anime I'd recommend (although it's not out until October in the US) is Satoshi Kon's Paranoia Agent. I watched the first 4 episodes and I really can't wait for more. It's a sort of Twilight Zone show that deals with Shonen Bat, aka Lil Slugger, a kid in golden skates who hits people with a bat. Everyone in the town is trying to figure out who the kid is. It's engaging.

I'm sure there are a few I'm not thinking of. I don't know why so many people don't consider anime worthy of watching, as someone said higher in the thread. There are such great stories that I don't understand why people wouldn't want to watch.

All of me is beautiful and valuable, even the ugly, stupid, and disgusting parts.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 9:57 AM



Oh, and another strong character was that girl in Cowboy Bebop that was first one of their bounties, and then becomes a member of the crew. (I can't remember her name. She's cool and feisty though).

Faye Valentine

Also in Serial Experiments: Lain (or just Lain)the central figure is a girl.
Neon Genesis Evangelion has several female characters that are important to the story.


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 10:11 AM


Thanks to TheGreyJedi, Rhymephile, and Beatle. I'll definitely check some of these out.



Tuesday, September 7, 2004 10:44 AM


Also, as a random anime reccomendation, if you can find it, I suggest Fullmetal Alchemist. The music and animation are great, and the story is killer.


http://www.jed-soft.com Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 4:08 PM


I discovered japanese anime about a month ago, but I really like what I've seen so far.

Samurai champloo
Samurai 7
Rurouni Kenshin (Only seen the first ep so far, gonna dowload em all next week)
Heard good stuff about Trigun , but haven't seen it yet.
Gonna check out some suggestions.........


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 3:58 AM



Originally posted by pingjing:
What I'd really like is some recommendations for an anime with a strong female figure, or more character development in general.

Crest/Banner of the Stars: at root, a very subtle and sweet love story set against a galaxy-spanning war. Probably 80% of the senior officers and leaders who actively take part in the story are female, however, and every one of them is just magnificent. Character development focuses primarily on the two protagonists, but is nicely done nonetheless.

Sol Bianca has nothing but strong female characters -- the male roles are all victims or villains. Character development is understated, mostly told in past tense through flashbacks.

Bubblegum Crisis features four women of various personalities fighting rogue mecha in custom-made battlesuits. I prefer the more recent ("2040") retelling, because to me the characters are stronger and their motivations better explored, but there are also purists who swear by the original.

Magic Knight Rayearth: Three girls from modern Tokyo are pulled into another world to be its champions. This looks light and fluffy at first, but it absolutely is not: probably the best of the "magical girl" genre in that regard.

Noir follows two female assassins as they attempt to re-discover their (mutual?) past. As the name suggests, very twisty and psychological.

For character development, you can't beat Kareshi Kanojou no Jijou (His and Her Circumstances; KareKano). Yukino isn't so much strong as unusually real. The only drawback is that the manga hadn't completed when they filmed the anime, and so the story just abruptly ends in the middle.


Originally posted by pingjing:
Oh, and I prefer Japanese with subtitles. Man, I wish anime was in Chinese so I could at least understand the occasional swear word.

Most swearing in Japanese is very mild by American standards, and epithets often consist of as little as using a common pronoun in the wrong social context. Try researching Japanese slang on the Internet.

Kotoba yori tashika na koto michizure ni shite.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 6:12 AM



Originally posted by pingjing:
What I'd really like is some recommendations for an anime with a strong female figure, or more character development in general.

In addition to TGJ's comments about Kagome, I'd add my first impression of her: She's kidnapped by a centipede-demon, thrown into the past, finds a corpse hanging on a tree, gets kidnapped by townsfolk, nearly exorcised as a demon, attacked by the centipede-demon again, is brutally stabbed, watches the centipede get ripped into bloody little chunks, and then gets nearly mauled by another demon. At no point in any of this does she freak out.

I'd also recommend Read or Die (the OVA; can't talk about the series) for a fairly strong (and incredibly cute --as in she beats Kaylee by a pair of glasses) female lead.

There's also Witch Hunter Robin, that I'm recommending sight-unseen. Ask me again in a few weeks (thank you YTV ).

And Cardcaptors/Cardcaptor Sakura has a variety of female characters, some more strong-willed than others, though they're all ten-year-olds

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, September 10, 2004 5:50 PM


I just started watching Saiyuki on DVD. The first 2 eps are pretty good, lots of good action and plenty of comedy.

Anybody else seen this one? If so, what did you think of it?


Sunday, September 12, 2004 8:52 AM


Random Anime thoughts:

* Giant Robo is coming to R1 DVD! It's an odd mix of retro-style, hyper-action, and high drama. The amazing thing is how well everything fits together. I usually describe it as 'Johnny Socko meets the X-Men' or 'a cross between UltraMan and Gotterdammerung'.

* Disney is supposed to be releasing a couple more Miyazaki films on R1 DVD soon: Porco Rosso, and Nausicaa. I've heard that the release date has been pushed back to coincide with the release of the next Miyazaki movie, Howl's Moving Castle. It would be nice, though unexpected, for Disney to decide to have theatrical releases for both Nausicaa and Porco. If you can't wait for the Disney releases, there are two R-zero, export collections of studio Ghibli releases. Between the two of them, they include all of Miyazaki's movies up through Mononoke.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 2:02 PM


Anime I've Seen:

Akira: Who hasn't? I hear the live action movie planned has been canceled.
Metropolis: Didn't really like it.
Ghost in the Shell(Movie): A classic. The new movie comes out soon. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0347246/
Perfect Blue: Interesting horror flik.
Record of Lodoss War (13 ep version): Love this one. Pirotess rocks.
Cowboy Bebop: By far my favorite anime of all. Oh, how I wish they would make more. Anyone else agree with me?
Trigun: Saw a few eps, didn't really care for it.
Princess Mononoke: Quite decent.
Excel Saga: Funniest anime ever. Hi-larious. A must see.
Puni Puni Poemi: Very demented. But funny.
Inuyasha: Saw one ep. Hated it from then on.
Rurouni Kenshin: Seen a few eps, plan on seeing more.

Side note: I hear there are plans in the works for a Neon Genesis: Evangelion Movie.

So here's a question I want to put up for discussion. What anime would you most want to see made into a live action movie, and who would you cast as the charaters?

For me, it would be Cowboy Bebop. Of course it would have to take place sometime after the last movie but before the ending of the series. As a cast....not really sure who I'd put as who. But I do think casting a good Ed would be next to impossible.

anyone else?

Conquering the galaxy with terrifying space monkeys, one ship at a time...


Sunday, September 12, 2004 4:55 PM


The live Evangelion movie has been in the works(on and off) for years. It looks like they are finally getting started on it for real but there are so many rumors flying around I have not heard anything reliable. Trivialbeing keeps up on it the most.

I'd like to see Lain made into a live movie. That would be the freakiest movie ever made.

I've added 'Full Metal Panic' to my Netfix. Anyone seen it?


Sunday, September 12, 2004 5:22 PM


Well, I really like Big-O, I'd love to see that live action.

Roger - Ewan McGegor
Angel - Charlize Theron
Dorothy - Claire Danes
Norman - Ian McKellan
Scwarzvald - Brad Pitt

I think the largest issue when casting for an anime is that 90% of the characters are in their teens. Not a large list of actors to fill the shoes.


http://www.jed-soft.com Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices


Sunday, September 12, 2004 8:18 PM


big anime fan here (sometimes a little too big when I look at my bank balance statements)

So A short list of my current faves
The ones that got me hooked onta anime
cowboy bebop

then in some kinda order
One Piece (my current obsession)
Ghost in the Shell SAC
Wolf's Rain
His and her circumstances
Witch Hunter Robin

The question I'm throwing up is what is some of the most Obscure Anime out there?

and to the person looking for anime with strong female figures I only saw the first Ep but you might want to check out Kaleido Star. I think thats a show that will be moving up to my other list once i get the first disc


Monday, September 13, 2004 9:43 AM



Originally posted by ShinyObject:
The question I'm throwing up is what is some of the most Obscure Anime out there?

Depends on what you mean. The anime which makes it to North America or Europe -- even as fansubs -- is only maybe 10-20% of the total. There is also a strong selection effect: anything too weird or parochial for non-Japanese audiences is unlikely to make it.

So if you're asking, "What's the most obscure anime currently available outside Japan?" I vote for Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (alias Quiet Country Cafe).

Kotoba yori tashika na koto michizure ni shite.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 8:57 PM


Sorry I'll norrow the scope a bit.

Let's go for released outside of japan. while it would more then likely make a great discussion to discuss those truly unique titles that stay on japan's shore, getting even the more popular stuff like One piece and Naruto is something of a pain.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 3:05 PM



Originally posted by Beatle:
I've added 'Full Metal Panic' to my Netfix. Anyone seen it?

I just saw the first 4 episodes of Full Metal Panic. It's kind of strange but kinda good at the same time. If that makes sense. There isn't alot of background info introduced but the story is still interesting.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 3:30 PM


No one has seen this I'm sure. But I really want to support my favorite anime "Berserk". You have got to check this one out. The anime is very good, good animation. It's very dark, and don't look for a lot of humor, look for a lot of action. But it's not just a blood fest, this is very character based. It's set in the past with swords and arrows and all those good things. Unfortunatly the anime only covers so much of the manga.

The manga started in the 80's and they're still making new ones. So the anime is just the tip of the iceburge for the story. Check "Berserk" out.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 3:56 PM


Berserk is a pretty popular one. I've seen a lot of talk about it so I'm sure it's worth checking out.


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 6:49 AM


I recommend to anybody that likes anime, they should watch Wolf's Rain. It is an awesome series and very well done. It is done by the same people (except director) that did Cowboy BeBop.


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 8:12 AM



Originally posted by ShinyObject:

cowboy bebop

I completely endorse this post.

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 9:53 AM


well, it's American and not Japanese...

But I HIGHLY recommend "The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers."

Some take the high road. Some take the low road.
And some just go screaming down the highway, dropping flaming bits of wreckage.


Thursday, October 14, 2004 8:16 AM


So I just this second finished the Cowboy BeBop series that I rented from Netflix. I watched the eps up until 22 and then watched the movie, then finished the series, like you're supposed to. Here's what I think:

Select to view spoiler:

AHHHHHHH! I can't believe they killed off Spike!!! Holy cow. I totally didn't expect the ending to be as powerful as that...I expected him to walk away from the duel with Vicious. And the last drawn scene with him after the credits and the tagline "You're gonna carry that weight"?? WAAAAHHHHHH!! And the episode when Ed left??? Gah, I was crying through that whole ending scene! *sniff*

I need to go buy this series now, or sooner.

"My office! Burgled! Plundered! Purloined! Ha ha ha...loins."

-- Phil Sebben, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law


Thursday, October 14, 2004 9:26 AM


There used to be a fabulous disscusion on the IMDB forum that told a theory, with some well thought out examples, that the Bebop movie was all a dream. It's been removed for some reason but it was really fascinating.






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