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Weirdo Neil Gaiman... Tv show 'American Gods' going down the scifi metaphysical fantasy rabbit hole
Sunday, May 14, 2017 7:52 PM
Tuesday, June 6, 2017 5:25 PM
America loves a winner!
Quote:Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN: strange show? live a quiet life with his wife and stay out of trouble. Until he learns that she's been killed in a terrible accident, right out of a comic book. if you thought Stan Lee, JMS, Joss, Frank Miller, Alan Moore wrote funny stuff wait until you get a load of this guy
Monday, June 19, 2017 3:16 AM
Monday, June 19, 2017 4:36 PM
Monday, June 19, 2017 6:45 PM
Quote:Originally posted by AURaptor: Lord of the Rings was my experience in that. Then a bunch of Clancy movies, which were far less than the books. Sure, decent enough, but not the same.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017 6:10 PM
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: Quote:Originally posted by AURaptor: Lord of the Rings was my experience in that. Then a bunch of Clancy movies, which were far less than the books. Sure, decent enough, but not the same. If you liked Lord of the Rings, have you read The Deed of Paksennarion?
Wednesday, June 28, 2017 6:55 PM
Quote:Originally posted by AURaptor: Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: Quote:Originally posted by AURaptor: Lord of the Rings was my experience in that. Then a bunch of Clancy movies, which were far less than the books. Sure, decent enough, but not the same. If you liked Lord of the Rings, have you read The Deed of Paksennarion?Nope, never heard of it. After reading The Hobbit, and then LOTR's trilogy, long ago, I found myself wanting more similar type tales. I tried reading a few , but they all lacked Tolkien's depth and passion , not to mention his imagination. In short, I viewed them as pale imitations, more like Tolkien wanna-bees. As I look back, part of me thinks that I might have been too hasty, and that I should have given other authors more of a chance. But then as Christopher Tolkien has put more of his father's unpublished work, I've come to realize that , sword and sorcery books are fine enough , but there's no replacing Tolkien. The man created not just realms and characters, but entire languages FOR those people ! I tried reading Harry Potter, for example, and while I did enjoy the first 3-4 books, I couldn't help but notice some devices which were present in Tolkien's books as well. I became to see J.K. Rowling as more of a hack than how the rest of the world viewed her. But heck, even Tolkien used familiar devices. But with him, he was able to formulate a backstory to everything which added, more than merely took from those existing themes. Hope that answers your question.
Thursday, August 1, 2024 7:31 AM
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 4:17 PM