is she serious?

UPDATED: Friday, January 7, 2005 14:11
VIEWED: 12626
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Thursday, November 11, 2004 4:10 AM



Thursday, November 11, 2004 4:19 AM


And one must note the last line:
"The Big Issue is sold by homeless people to support them in getting off the streets."

Always a beast, never a burden.


Thursday, November 11, 2004 4:24 AM


I think after 7 years of playing the same character, and after the final season where Buffy turned into a kind of whining harpy, she's entitled to her need to distance herself from the character. It's too bad she did it in such an offhanded, rude way, however. She can kiss any Joss invites to be in anything else goodbye.

That's in stark contrast to someone like James Marsters, who emphatically said on the Rove Live show (in Australia) that he would more than welcome a chance to revisit the character of Spike.

I have to think to myself, did she really hate Buffy that much?

"My office! Burgled! Plundered! Purloined! Ha ha ha...loins."

-- Phil Sebben, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law


Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:25 AM


here is what sarah said-

In the latest Big Issue, Sarah Michelle Gellar discusses why she didn't want to carry on making Buffy.

"You think about it ever year for eight years (sic): when is the right time? But all the signs pointed to the eighth year. I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I wasn't being challenged in the way that I needed any more.

"I really didn't have any [input]. Maybe I should have, 'cause then we wouldn't have got so lost. It took me a while to work up the nerve to say something.

"It didn't feel like Buffyå But it's easy to be vocal now, because Joss isn't going to be yelling at me tomorrow."

okay,now here is my interpretataion of what she said-
"blah blah blah blah buffy made me famous blah blah blah blah whine whine whine blah blah blah
i will be reduced to a b movie actress in 5 years blah blah blah blah freddie prinze jr tarnished his fathers legacy blah blah blah david caruso.

"Hamsters is nice."


Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:38 AM


Joss has said many times that he would have been leaving Buffy after 7 years even if the network had given Sarah a ton of money to stay....
He had covered the stories he had to tell on the show and was ready to end the show

Select to view spoiler:

once he had buried Sunnydale in a hole and
spread Buffy's power to thousands of previously
'potential' slayers, he had really ended an arc

So personal?
I would take Joss creating a show w/out Sarah
before I would take a show with Sarah created by someone else.... JMPO

Of course Joss has also said many times that he was not done w/Angel, and had more stories to tell
and that he has many stories for many of the characters in the Buffyverse...

but regardless I think Joss was ready for BtVS to end when it did
so I cannot blame Sarah for leaving when he was going to anyway


Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:57 AM


What opportunities for fun and games Whedon missed by not calling the Firefly/Serenity opus The Malcolm Reynolds Show

Of course, Purplebelly looks forward to the day that the good ship gets a respectable company


Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:24 AM


Does she ever stop whinning?

On another related note. I've been watching the Buffy series one per night for some time and will complete the sixth season in a few days. But, I noticed something.

All the character have evolved. Xander, Willow, etc and even the newer ones. Things happened to them and the character changed. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. That is, all but one. That one being Buffy.

If you look throughout the series things happened to Buffy, but when she came out of the end of that tunnel, she was the same character as before. Nothing really changed. The character in the first episodes is pretty much the same character in the ones I'm watching now. She is the same spoiled little brat that she's always been. But, if anything changed it's that the character, it's that she's devolved. She became more of a brat.

Quit frankly I see this as Sarah's fault. Every time I saw Joss do something to the character that would have changed her, it seemed as though Sarah wasn't able to pull it off. And from what I've seen of her in other things, this isn't far from the truth. In fact, IMHO, I would say it's dead on.

Let her whin and stomp about. People will see it for what it really is, then her career will be over and all of us will be saved from having to listen to this drivel.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:43 AM


Every time I read an interview with Sarah, it seems like she just never really appreciated what Joss did for her career.

She seems very ungrateful and rather negative about the whole experience. A lot of actors may want to move on to new things, I understand that, but she wouldn't have anything to move on to if it wasn't for Joss.


Thursday, November 11, 2004 9:10 AM



Originally posted by RhymePhile:
That's in stark contrast to someone like James Marsters, who emphatically said on the Rove Live show (in Australia)

Karl Rove has a talk show in Australia? Now THAT'S downright disturbin'.

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Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:30 AM


Any of you ignorant clowns ever stop to think what Joss Whedon would have done WITHOUT Sarah? Don't you realize what SHE did for him? If Buffy had flopped because of inept acting on the part of the main character, none of you would know who Joss Whedon is today.

Sarah's acting on the show was so good that it is constantly being overlooked by so-called movie editors in these forums. But if you mentally block out her character from ANY episode, you get NOTHING left. They just don't make sense without her subtle input. That is the mark of great acting. You don't notice it, but without it the show would have been a great zero.

Sarah seems to be a wonderful person who -- not even slightly whining -- declared it was time for her to move on. Why can't you all understand that, and the fact that the story has two sides?


Thursday, November 11, 2004 11:08 AM



Originally posted by Ruxton:
Any of you ignorant clowns ever stop to think what Joss Whedon would have done WITHOUT Sarah? Don't you realize what SHE did for him? If Buffy had flopped because of inept acting on the part of the main character, none of you would know who Joss Whedon is today.

Sarah's acting on the show was so good that it is constantly being overlooked by so-called movie editors in these forums. But if you mentally block out her character from ANY episode, you get NOTHING left. They just don't make sense without her subtle input. That is the mark of great acting. You don't notice it, but without it the show would have been a great zero.

Sarah seems to be a wonderful person who -- not even slightly whining -- declared it was time for her to move on. Why can't you all understand that, and the fact that the story has two sides?

"Ignorant clowns..." great way to start a post...

Found another actress? There are thousands of talented one out there, only to be discovered.

Joss has had success not only because of "Buffy". He has written many screenplays {Alien Resurrection is one}. I doubt the 'lack' of Sarah Michelle Gellar would have dampened Mr. Whedon's career.

"Subtle acting!" - is that why is her portfolio so ... spare and withered? She defiantly is NOT an 'A' list or even 'C' list actress, despite her ranking on IMDB. Every part she plays seems to be 'Buffy' - no real variation.

The excellent supporting cast of the series of 'Buffy' was the real strength. Mz. Gellar is just a character actor - lacking that true spark of a complete actress.

How do you know she is a wonderful person? Do you know her? My contacts tell me she is a true prima-donna, but that could just be because she treated them like they were beneath her while she was on set.

But hey, everybody has their own opinions and experiances!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, November 11, 2004 11:30 AM


Speaking as an ignorant clown, I would have to say that if it weren't Gellar, Whedon would have found someone else comparable -- much like he did when he recast the Willow role from the pilot presentation to the current Willow we know today.

And I'm sure he would have done the same with every other cast member, all relative unknowns before Buffy and Angel, had they not met his expectations.

"My office! Burgled! Plundered! Purloined! Ha ha ha...loins."

-- Phil Sebben, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law


Thursday, November 11, 2004 11:36 AM



Alfred Hitchcock's celebrated comment, "Actors are cattle," stirred up a great deal of protest. So the master issued a correction; "I have been misquoted. What I really said is: Actors should be treated as cattle."

I blame the fans


Thursday, November 11, 2004 12:48 PM


I have to say Buffy was always my least favourite character on Buffy.

I'm not bothered about the fact that she wanted to move on, that's understandable, but it was that dig at Joss that bothered me. If she did say that about Joss then either she's being a bit of a bitca or he was a bitca who would yell at her and so deserved what she said (would Joss do that?). But then how often do actors get quoted out of context or without the joking tone the comment was made in?

I was worried about her attitude towards the Buffy animated series in a recent interview; she didn't seem to have a lot of faith in Joss. It's always a little weird to find out that the people our fandom is based on have issues which we really ought to expect seeing as how they're people. I guess we'll never really get both sides of the story as apart from what they say in interviews it's a private thing. But inquiring minds want to know.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Thursday, November 11, 2004 1:35 PM


Quite frankly, well said Sarah.

Sums up pretty well how I felt about the series - I was a rabid fan until season 4, a serious fan until the second half of season 6, and I still haven't bothered watching the final few episodes.

And probably never will.

It wasn't Buffy anymore. Who can blame her for quitting?



Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:17 PM


she may be whiny and perhaps a tad ungrateful but she most certainly is a brillant actress. I didn't see any part of Buffy in cruel intention a bit of Cordelia though. She committed alot of time to the show her choice to move on and oh well. It is a bit of a bummer to hear her disparage the show though.


Thursday, November 11, 2004 7:07 PM


There are two sides to every story, people are misquoted, and things taken out of context. Who are we to say boo to Sarah? Did we work on the Buffy set every day and see their interaction? As we all know some people just don't get along no matter how good a person they are. Personalities clash. Stuff happens. She was young when she took the job, and it had been her life for many years. There is only so much a person take. So did we finally meet the real her in these interviews? I kind of figured something was up with her when she wouldn't be in the last season of Angel, no matter what movie she was doing at the time! And she did have her stunning acting moments on Buffy, no use in lying about it. But the way she is acting now is not professional, if the interviews are to be believed, and she is burning her bridges to some potentially awesome acting roles.

Have you ever been with a warrior woman?


Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:22 PM


I'd say that seeing Sarah in interviews and the type of person that she seems to me (or at least has become), that she's definitly a person that'd nag on an issue. I'm smart, I'm creative, listen to me because I'm me!

So, if she kept on Joss for some "creative" change or story line or whatever, it doesn't matter how patient someone is, they're going to break at some point.

And she is *no* brilliant actor. She's bearly able to reach into decent. She's *just* good enough to be noticed and get some jobs. And as soon as she gets old enough not to be, or the industry doesn't want, the "cute little blonde" anymore, she's sunk. Beyond that, not so much, nothing special.

The only thing she *had* going for her was Buffy. Now that seems to be messed up, and by her own hand none-the-less. And this is besides all the unprofessional behaviour mentioned elsewhere in this thread.

It's sad really.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Friday, November 12, 2004 12:44 AM


This might seem like a crazy thought but Sarah is entitled to her own opinion! I can't believe the amout of people jumping all over her just because she has a negative opinion of the show. If she didn't like where they took the character or the show she shouldn't have to just keep her mouth shut and praise Joss for giving her a career, she should be allowed to give honest opinions about how she felt. Especially when she's asked a question about it. It's not like she's wandering the streets, walking up to strangers and telling them Joss is a jerk. It seems that she REALLY didn't like where they took the show after season 5, a lot of people didn't, to be honest I'm suprised only one of the cast had a problem with it.

check out my WIP firefly roleplay system at www.estador.co.uk/firefly


Friday, November 12, 2004 4:40 AM


Okay, I am personally not interested in this game of he said - she said. Doesn't affect me one bit.

However, I do have to say that - in my opinion - SMG can act. I honestly haven't seen a lot of her movies, but I can use a specific Buffy example: "Who Are You?" SMG played Faith in this episode, if you'll remember. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but both SMG and Eliza Dushku did awesome jobs portraying the other actress's character. You could truly see it in their eyes, mannerisms, voices... This episode, for me, was a true indication of the potential that these women have to be wonderful actresses.

Debate all you want on what she's said, but I'd highly recommend that we not allow the conversation to degrade into petty insults, such as "Joss couldn't have done the show without her" or "She owes Joss everything". If she didn't enjoy the experience, then she didn't. Her opinion, her call. She has the right to say anything she wants, even if we don't like it.

Anyway, like I said, I personally don't care what she's said. I'm going to start ignoring threads like this - they just aren't a productive use of my time...



Friday, November 12, 2004 4:41 AM


Yeah, she's entitled to an opinion and yeah, I kinda agree with her that Buffy was going downhill towards the end (though it was still great telly, it just wasn't as great as it had been). But there's a line between saying 'I had some problems with what we did' and 'it went to shit and I wash my hands of it'.

At the end of the day, Buffy is the only reason she has a career, and she's spitting on it in every interview I see. That's just not cool.

But, despite that, she is a good actress. Very good. Her work on Buffy was superb. Part of the reason I think her character went through very little change was the weekly-syndrome. Something in the show needs to be constant in order to give it a core and something that the fans will come back to no matter what else happens. And since day one it's been Buffy who's been the core. That doesn't make Gellar a bad actress. Look at Angel, how much change has he been through? Not a lot. He's basically the same guy he was in Season Two Buffy.

Anyway, the point was that Gellar is being incredibly ungrateful considering what Buffy did for her. If Joss isn't very hurt by what she's saying, I'd be very surprised.



Friday, November 12, 2004 5:34 AM


OK, I have to take issue with the "...she wouldn't have had a career without Buffy..." thought. BEFORE Buffy, she had already won an Emmy for her work on All My Children. Note that she was 15 at the time and was portraying a 23 year old woman on the show. I think she would have had a great career without Buffy - it just would have been different. In fact, it might have been better for her in the long run. She now seems to be stuck in horror (The Grudge) or horror-comedy (Sccoby-Doo) type films. That probably wouldn't have happened if she had gone on to something other than Buffy after All My Children. I can definitely understand why, career wise, she wants to distance herself from the show.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Friday, November 12, 2004 1:19 PM


If she didn't like where the show was going after the 5th season then she should've left. IMO, if someone doesn't like something, but still stays on, they have no right to bitch about what a horrible time it was. They had the choice to leave and didn't exercise that right. There problem not anyone elses. Perhaps she should take some responsibility for her actions.

And yes, after they defeated Glory they should've ended the series. It was the perfect ending. The slayer died saving the world in a grand last battle. But, then they had to ruin it with the pathetic ending of every potential slayer becoming one etc. Damn disappointment if you ask me.

SMG cannot act anything beyond decent. During the episode that you cite as an example of her grand acting, she dropped out of character at a number of points along the way. Since a great actor is someone who doesn't do this, I'd say that she isn't one.

I believe that it shows that she started in soaps. And not in a good way. That is that great acting and soaps don't exactly go hand in hand.

So what, she was one of the better actors among the soap opera actors. Woopie. Isn't exactly saying much.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Friday, November 12, 2004 2:19 PM



Originally posted by CapnRahn:
Mz. Gellar is just a character actor - lacking that true spark of a complete actress.

Please don't call her a character actor. A good character actor is so much a part of the character that you never see who they are. Ben Kingsley and Anthony Hopkins are great character actors. When you see them act you forget who they are - you never quite get this with Sarah.


Friday, November 12, 2004 2:49 PM


ElliQuinn: Matter of definition - I don't consider Kingsley or Hopkins as character actors - as they have enacted different characters -- not just variants of a single character they have become known for.

Royal Dano {numerous westerns, "Spaced Invaders" and so forth} is a prime example of an excellent Character Actor.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, November 12, 2004 4:55 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

And yes, after they defeated Glory they should've ended the series. It was the perfect ending. The slayer died saving the world in a grand last battle. But, then they had to ruin it with the pathetic ending of every potential slayer becoming one etc. Damn disappointment if you ask me.

But then we'd never have had the musical episode!

I didn't love the last episode as much as I could have but I loved the way they ended it.

Select to view spoiler:

What better way for Buffy to go out than the way it started with girlpower? Also the whole cookie dough -potentially being with Angel - that was an issue that needed to be resolved. Plus the hell mouth collapsing in.

Twas shiny.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Friday, November 12, 2004 5:28 PM


One of the many problems with the ending that I have, is the

Select to view spoiler:

turning all the potential slayers into slayers. Not to mention that Willow although as powerful as she is, IMO, could never have been as powerful as those ancients (note the plural form here) that actually understood that power. Those that created the slayer.

I mean if bringing Buffy back created the reprocussions we saw, what would do that do?

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Friday, November 12, 2004 6:00 PM


Select to view spoiler:

They were just men, is what Buffy said in the finale. They didn't create the Slayer, they harnessed power already there, from Yahweh, Vishnu, Abe Begota, doesn't matter, into the Slayer.

Willow tapped into the same power the did and there's not reason to believe she's less powerful than all three of them

I wouldn't have wanted it to end without season 6, the ending, with the villain revealed, was the best end game since Season 2, because of the possible tragedy inherent. That and the musical was brilliant.



Friday, November 12, 2004 8:55 PM



Originally posted by witlesschum:

Select to view spoiler:

They were just men, is what Buffy said in the finale. They didn't create the Slayer, they harnessed power already there, from Yahweh, Vishnu, Abe Begota, doesn't matter, into the Slayer.

Yes, and Buffy was the great and wise one among them. All I remember her basically saying is, "How do I kill it?" So, what makes me thing that she could possibly know anything of this sort? Nothing.

Select to view spoiler:

Quite frankly, if we remember back when she did that little quest to get the true essence of the slayer and the old ones wanted to basically put a demon in her.

That is where the power of the slayer comes from, darkness. It uses the power of dark to fight the dark because the slayer must walk in the world of what it fights.

This is something that Joss may have brought up to make Buffy sound more than what she is. But in the end, this last statment contradicts already established cannon, clearly.


Originally posted by witlesschum:

Select to view spoiler:

Willow tapped into the same power the did and there's not reason to believe she's less powerful than all three of them

Indeed there is. Willow was only one person who, IMO, couldn't have had a real understanding of what magic is, if only because she lived in todays day and age.

All the things that are lost today, these people knew. These people had knowledge of forces that Willow, nor anyone else in this time period could possibly know. She may know some stuff, but not nearly as much as they could have.

You still haven't touched on my reprocussions comment either. Wouldn't Willow have thought about this, being as you think she is? Or don't you think there would be any?


Originally posted by witlesschum:

I wouldn't have wanted it to end without season 6, the ending, with the villain revealed, was the best end game since Season 2, because of the possible tragedy inherent. That and the musical was brilliant.

What villain revealed?

Select to view spoiler:

Willow tried to end the world. Xander stopped it with the power of love. <- That isn't anything resembling cool.

There are a couple episodes that are in season 6 that I wouldn't be happy about loosing. But that fact remains that the ending of season 5 was the perfect place to end (I've stated my reasons above).

Select to view spoiler:

For instance, Willow getting addicted to magic was an entirely pathetic endevour. Not to mention that most of the story lines could have gotten along without it.

Spike getting his soul back at the end? Come on.

There were many good things about season 6, but also many bad ones as well.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Saturday, November 13, 2004 8:37 AM



Originally posted by straybat:
Quite frankly, well said Sarah.

Sums up pretty well how I felt about the series - I was a rabid fan until season 4, a serious fan until the second half of season 6, and I still haven't bothered watching the final few episodes.

And probably never will.

It wasn't Buffy anymore. Who can blame her for quitting?


But my friends, it's all in there... Both Buffy - and SMG - just came back "wrong" ;)


Saturday, November 13, 2004 3:41 PM


my 2cents. Possible spoilers below.
I fell in love with Buffy the vampire slayer with the opening episode. I met a lot of people that didn't like how dark season 6 was. I enjoyed it. Buffy was pulled back to the land of the living after being in heaven. It had to be dark. The magic addiction thing didn't really care for, but it wasn't terrble. I don't think Mz. Gellar is a bad actress. I didn't agree with the way she did it. I respect her wishes. If she felt it was time to go it was. Its not always what you do it's how you do it.


Saturday, November 13, 2004 8:29 PM


"Gellar's 'Grudge' Against Buffy"

Here's a recent article on SyFy Portal about this very topic: http://www.syfyportal.com/article.php?id=1583

The author compares Gellar to Leonard Nimoy, who "played out a similar feud with his celebrated “Star Trek” character, going as far as penning an autobiography to renounce the relationship with his alter ego, titled I Am Not Spock.”

In 1977, Nimoy wrote, I AM NOT SPOCK

In 1995, Nimoy wrote, I AM SPOCK

Gellar will yearn for Buffy when she finds herself out of work.

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Saturday, November 13, 2004 9:03 PM


This is what Spock did to forget...

Quick Time - 4 MB


"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Sunday, November 14, 2004 8:58 AM


I was just ticked because she was complaining about having little to no input into the character and the show - but why should she have had any? Any small, cute blond chick with any athletic ability and decent acting skills could have been Buffy, because that's how Joss created the character.

That's the big point here - Joss made Buffy, just like he made Angel and Spike and Mal and all the other characters everyone on this board fawns over. Are the actors playing these characters talented people who bring something unique to each character? In most cases, yes. Not, however, to the point that their ideas should carry as much or more weight than Mr. Whedon's.

One of two things will happen - SMG will grow up, realize she isn't Sliced Bread #2 and stop acting a fool, or we'll be seeing her naked body spread across several pages of Penthouse in an attempt to regain some form of notoriety and a little bit of cash.


Sunday, November 14, 2004 9:41 AM


Wow. No wonder actors try to distance themselves from popular characters. The fans won't let go and tend to "eat them alive" if they dare say anything critical of the show.

Here's my take:

Joss Whedon: Genius writer, director. Love all of his shows so far. Firefly is the best scifi series ever in my opinion.

Sarah Michelle Gellar: Did a great job with the Buffy character for 7 years. I can't imagine anyone else as Buffy. She wants to do other things now. Hooray for her.

They made a great combination and we all got excellent television out of the deal.


Tuesday, November 16, 2004 1:32 AM


"Yes, and Buffy was the great and wise one among them. All I remember her basically saying is, "How do I kill it?" So, what makes me thing that she could possibly know anything of this sort? Nothing."

She figured it out? Been a long time since I saw it, but that was what I got from the episode where she goes there and gets tied up. She's more powerful (resurrected and all) and beats them.

"Indeed there is. Willow was only one person who, IMO, couldn't have had a real understanding of what magic is, if only because she lived in todays day and age.

All the things that are lost today, these people knew. These people had knowledge of forces that Willow, nor anyone else in this time period could possibly know. She may know some stuff, but not nearly as much as they could have."

Ah, but she could use the power of the internet.

"You still haven't touched on my reprocussions comment either. Wouldn't Willow have thought about this, being as you think she is? Or don't you think there would be any?"

Your best point, there should have been some repercussions. I nominate Spike to get chopped up with that axe thing to appease the powers.

Select to view spoiler:

Willow tried to end the world. Xander stopped it with the power of love. <- That isn't anything resembling cool.

Agree to disagree? And the flaying was undisputedley cool.



Tuesday, November 16, 2004 3:40 AM


Sometimes things just come to an end. Doesn't mean there is a side to be choosing...

If SMG felt she couldn't do anymore then that's her perogative.
If JM feels he'll do whatever Joss asks of him then that's his point of view. Doesn't necesarily mean theres a right side and a wrong side to it.

To be honest I got a little tired of the Buffy character after Season three. Once four came into play it was back to Buffy looking like a little lost lamb again.... Unable to fit in, boyfriend trouble, woes of being a Slayer etc, all covered before.

So from a point of view of an actress coming in to work everyday and having to redo all that must have been difficult for her...

I can see that.

Now as to what she's saying about Joss, I dunno. I suspect they have a bond that goes beyond any media headlines - so what she's prepared to say in tabloids is maybe nothing more than she and Joss may have discussed? Who knows?

Basically I love Joss' work and I love what Sarah did with Buffy - I see no reason to pick sides.




Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:37 PM



Originally posted by witlesschum:

Agree to disagree? And the flaying was undisputedley cool.

Agreed. And indeed

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Tuesday, November 16, 2004 1:11 PM


I too, loved the show and it couldn't have been the show with out Sarah. Joss works with his actors to get the best out of them.

She did a great job in the role. Can she do other things? Time will tell. I'm open....


Thursday, January 6, 2005 4:31 AM



Originally posted by nakedandarticulate:
here is what sarah said-

In the latest Big Issue, Sarah Michelle Gellar discusses why she didn't want to carry on making Buffy.

"You think about it ever year for eight years (sic): when is the right time? But all the signs pointed to the eighth year. I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I wasn't being challenged in the way that I needed any more.

"I really didn't have any [input]. Maybe I should have, 'cause then we wouldn't have got so lost. It took me a while to work up the nerve to say something.

"It didn't feel like Buffyå But it's easy to be vocal now, because Joss isn't going to be yelling at me tomorrow."

okay,now here is my interpretataion of what she said-
"blah blah blah blah buffy made me famous blah blah blah blah whine whine whine blah blah blah
i will be reduced to a b movie actress in 5 years blah blah blah blah freddie prinze jr tarnished his fathers legacy blah blah blah david caruso.

"Hamsters is nice."

"Joss isn't going to be yelling at me tomorrow"? How dare she insult the master? *draws sword* Slayer be gone!

Bloody hell.


Friday, January 7, 2005 9:31 AM


well all you need to know to act is;
1)know your lines
2)know your parts
3)and rememberthat shirley temple did it when she was three


Friday, January 7, 2005 11:45 AM



Originally posted by kateri:
well all you need to know to act is;
1)know your lines
2)know your parts
3)and rememberthat shirley temple did it when she was three

Maybe that'll pass muster in a Steven Seagal film or a bad community theater production, but to act well, you need to know a hell of a lot more.

The space monkeys ate my homework.


Friday, January 7, 2005 12:41 PM


Hmm...here's my take on things. First of all, I can't imagine anyone else as Buffy. SMG played the part brilliantly. Yeah maybe Joss could have found someone better for the part, and maybe I'd have still watched not knowing any better, but I refuse to believe it would have been as good. Close maybe, but not quite.

Funny to say, cause I never really liked the character of Buffy, but she was center of the show. I didn't like Buffy, but I did like her interactions with Xander, Willow, Giles, and the rest. Without that center, the show could never have worked.

As for her opinion that the show got lost. Her right, but I do disagree with her. Without Sixth season you lose so much. All that darkness leading to the understanding at the end of the season--that yeah, there are bad things in this world and sometimes it's hard to live here, but that you have to try all the same because there are also good things and that those things are worth living for. That theme in my opinion builds brilliantly on the season 5 theme of sacrifice--because it says that there is more to life than sacrifice. And there is if you ask me. So season six--super important in my mind. Season seven I enjoyed, in the sense that it built on the mythology of the show. But I think there are too many plot holes in the over arching show for me to ever truly love it. That said, I did still enjoy it--and imo it's still better than season four. I know a lot of people disagree with me on these last two seasons (including SMG apparantly), but all the same I think they did hold value.

As for her comments on Joss. I'd just like to say I can't hear her tone of voice in this snippet. Maybe she's being flip, and joking around. Or maybe her and Joss really did get into disagreements. Why not? These things happen. I don't hold it against either of them, you work that long on something you're passionate about and there are going to be disagreements with those working with you. I doubt the two of them hate one another, and I doubt in the long run that there will be all that much animosity between them.

Lastly(because in my usual style I'm rambling on long after I should have stopped ) I think that SMG is a talanted actress. I loved her in Cruel Intentions, and I thought she was nothing short of brilliant on Buffy. She left the show when she thought it had run its course, and Joss agreed with her--so I don't have any real feeling of illwill towards her.


Friday, January 7, 2005 2:11 PM


Glad to hear I'm not the only one who loved season six (and not just because of "Once More With Feeling and those sexy Spike scenes.) Yes, it got dark, but I think it showed that even heros go through tough times but do get through it, and back on track.

And who can forget Buffy's nemesises(ssss), the nerds? They were so funny!

Season seven was not a favorite (plot holes the size of craters) but it did wrap things up for a grand finale.

What can I say? It was a great show. Joss, come back, we love you Joss....






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