What are your expectations for season seven of Buffy?

UPDATED: Sunday, July 21, 2002 10:20
VIEWED: 10495
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Saturday, May 25, 2002 2:14 AM


After a pretty dismal season six,I'm praying Joss Whedon will dig back into his bag of tricks and make season seven enlighting.
The dark feel of season six didn't disturb me as much as how the characters seem to have done a 360 degree turn.That even Joss Whedon probably didn't recognize them,and their his children.

Dawn for one has stop being so annoying

"Witchblade Series Fans Site"

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"


Monday, May 27, 2002 6:20 AM


Originally posted by Lauryn2000:
After a pretty dismal season six,I'm praying Joss Whedon will dig back into his bag of tricks and make season seven enlighting.
The dark feel of season six didn't disturb me as much as how the characters seem to have done a 360 degree turn.That even Joss Whedon probably didn't recognize them,and their his children.

Dawn for one has stop being so annoying

There may be some season six spoilers in here, and there are some vague season seven ones as well, so if you haven't seen it or don't want to know anything about season seven, read with caution!

Jane Espenson gave some interesting insight into what will happen next season. First, she says that it will be like "Buffy: Year One," as Joss has mentioned before, in that there will be more stand alone episodes and it will be more lighthearted, much like the feel of season 1. She also said to expect to see some old villains (when asked about Drusilla, she said maybe, she mentioned a return of the Trio (not in a villainy way), and when asked about Faith she got real tight-lipped... you know what that means )

She said a new Sunnydale High School will open and that the principal will be part of the recurring guest cast. She also mentioned that "Buffy will be a mentor for Dawn," developing Buffy and Dawn's interraction in Grave.

She says that they are trying very hard not to re-tread ground covered in the Buffy/Angel relationship with Buffy/Spike, and that there relationship is so different that it shouldn't even be a problem. She said that the "sex will steal your soul" problem with Angel was specific to the gypsy curse and will therefore not apply to Spike, who is officially a vampire with a soul, not a human.

Last think she said was that Willow will not be going to jail for killing Warren, instead, she will "be somewhere interesting with someone we already know."

Joss is going to be more heavily involved in writing more scripts, and will be writing the season premiere (Marsters has spoke about a "backwards talking" episode, which I imagine will be written by Joss as well). He'll also be heavily involved in Firefly and Angel... which is going to be very time-consuming, but will ultimately be for the best.

Oh, Oh! Joss says that if the budget allows, they will shoot a few scenes in the UK! That means more Giles! (and I'm going to guess that's where Willow is at the beginning of next season)

Going back to what you said about the characters doing a 360 turn... that is entirely true... it was almost the basis of the season. The characters didn't *change* but built up on their insecurities, making it seem like they changed (this is how I saw it, I might be wrong). The purpose of Grave was to bring them back to who they really are... back to the people they were in prior seasons. I think the season succeeded tremendously in this regard.

One last thing: Espenson said all their damsels are gone. Xander finally became a hero and Dawn is on her way into woman-hood, where she will no longer be a damsel. This is a good thing for me, as I began to resent Xander and Dawn for being he damsels in distress every single episode!

Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS

Of Star Wars Episode 2: "It's like CSPAN with lasers!"
-The Daily Show Movie Reviewer


Monday, May 27, 2002 6:41 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

And that whole Spike thing at the end of the season finale has me really interested in seeing what's going to happen between Spike and Buffy.


Monday, May 27, 2002 7:27 AM


Originally posted by NoVaGrAsS:
There may be some season six spoilers in here, so if you haven't seen it, read with caution!

Actually, I think that post consists entirely of season 7 spoilers. You might want to put a warning on that. I don't mind the vague spoilers so much, but some are sticklers.


Monday, May 27, 2002 8:14 AM



Mojoeca: Will do! Sorry... they were really vague, so I didn't think of them as spoilers! Spoiler warning was added!

Haken: I totally agree. I mean, Buffy was almost raped by Spike, and who's to say she'd believe him when he comes back? It's not as though he has a spotless track record when it comes to deception. Needless to say, it'll be a great part of next season! I can't wait!

Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS

Of Star Wars Episode 2: "It's like CSPAN with lasers!"
-The Daily Show Movie Reviewer


Tuesday, May 28, 2002 5:59 PM


WAS to break down the characters to their lowest points. Ever since the group friction in season 4, the dynamic has been highly stilted. Despite Season 4's attempt at bringing them back together, it was rather forced and (obviously) didn't last. I truly believe that from here they will be able to progress and walk together as a team once again.


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 2:24 AM


spoilers for season 6&7....


That whole thing with Spike and the soul does look interesting. It's funny, I read the Jane Espenson interview, but the parts that mentioned spikes soul seemed to conflict with something Joss said on the Bronze Forum, and maybe I misunderstood him, but he said something like, 'REALLY guys, we already have a vampire with a soul'. Which said to me that the 'soul' may not be what we think it is. But then Jane carried on talking about Spike getting a soul, so I'm a bit confused.

On the whole group relationships, character potrayal thing, if they go back to the way they were, it would seem really strange. Willow killed a human, and some of the things that went down between her and Buffy looked pretty nasty. I don't see how they can just 'be friends' again, at least not perfectly, it would be unrealistic. I see Xander and Willow going back to the way they were, and maybe Xander and Buffy, but not Buffy and Willow. I hope they eventually work it out though, because I don't like the friction, it seemed very powerplay to me.



Thursday, May 30, 2002 12:45 AM


Thanks for the response
Possible Spoiler
I believe cinescape interviewed the actress that played Faith and it did mention about her being done with the series as well as Seth Green.
But I would really enjoy her coming back for a guest appearance.

As for Willow and Buffy,I think at first the relationship will be strained but my belief is both characters do love each other.And Buffy will be able to forgive Willow,but will Willow be able to forgive herself?After all she did try to kill her best friend.

"Witchblade Series Fans Site"

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"


Thursday, May 30, 2002 12:52 AM




Hmmmm.... well, Buffy seemed to get over the fact that she tried to kill all her friends a few episodes before, so maybe....


Thursday, May 30, 2002 12:15 PM


Originally posted by Blaise:
spoilers for season 6&7....


That whole thing with Spike and the soul does look interesting. It's funny, I read the Jane Espenson interview, but the parts that mentioned spikes soul seemed to conflict with something Joss said on the Bronze Forum, and maybe I misunderstood him, but he said something like, 'REALLY guys, we already have a vampire with a soul'. Which said to me that the 'soul' may not be what we think it is. But then Jane carried on talking about Spike getting a soul, so I'm a bit confused.


I'm confused too. Maybe he's being turned human again? Personally I don't want two vamps with a soul. We've already got Angel and it'd be pretty stupid (well, maybe not stupid but I can't think of a better word) to have two of 'em. Unless Joss has something up his sleeve, which wouldn't surprise me. There's always a catch.

"How will this end?"
"In fire."
--Babylon 5, 'The Coming of Shadows'


Thursday, May 30, 2002 4:42 PM


I try to stay away from spoilers, But I inadvertently stumbled upon a Marti Noxon interview where she hinted at what's to come next season...

SPOILER WARNING: semi-vague for season 7 though I'd stay away if I were you



In an interview with TV weekly, which I'll paraphrase, she says: lighter tone, more stand-alones; Buffy and Dawn's origins will be explored; by the end of the season, Buffy will be a "true vampire slayer"; Willow will get a new love interest, saying "you won't believe who it is,"; Spike with a soul won't be a retread of Angel, big plans; Anya/Xander rift will be dealt with, Anya will have to make a choice.


--- Joe


Friday, May 31, 2002 3:55 AM


Possible spoilers for Season 6&7:

Originally posted by Ringwraith:

I'm confused too. Maybe he's being turned human again? Personally I don't want two vamps with a soul. We've already got Angel and it'd be pretty stupid (well, maybe not stupid but I can't think of a better word) to have two of 'em. Unless Joss has something up his sleeve, which wouldn't surprise me. There's always a catch.

I hope they make him human, that would come off so much better than another vamp with a soul. I know they said that it wouldn't be the same as Angel, that it would be dealt with differently, but another vamp with a soul is recycling ideas, kind of like what American pie 2 was to American Pie, an entire recycle of gags, but done differently.

I wonder who Willow will end up with? I'd like to think Xanser, I think Willow is better matched to him than Anya, a bit more understanding of how they each work, and both having the strong attachment to Buffy (the fast forward in Hells Bells, Anya and Xander grew apart because of his withdrawal over Buffy's death), and when Buffy goes, maybe they would cope better together?? But Xander and Willow would mean Willow not being a lesbian, and Joss has been reinforcing that thwy still have a lesbian on the shpw, after all the backlash of him being anti lesbian after killing Tara off. I read somewhere else through one of the spoiler rooms (can't remember which one), that it would be Tara, only Tara wouldn't be the same as she was before her death. I don't know what that means, i'll have to find the post that I found that info on, maybe someone else could decipher better than I did.

Again, with who will Willow end up with, maybe Giles? Dawn? Buffy? Anya? I doubt any of those though, no real plausible explanation for why they would be together. Maybe OZ? Seth Green isn't ever coming back to Buffy though, i'm pretty sure. Enough with my rambling.


I talk too much.


Friday, May 31, 2002 4:37 AM


Originally posted by Blaise:
Possible spoilers for Season 6&7:
...who will Willow end up with, maybe Giles? Dawn? Buffy? Anya? ...

Let me just say: Willow/Dawn? No way!

Actually, I'd like to see the Mutant Enemy folks avoid the whole who's-zoomin'-whom thing with Buffy. There were times in Angel this past season where it was starting to get to be too much like "Vampire's Creek."

Wishlist: The team reassembles to kick much Big Bad booty, with quips. Dawn becomes spin-kickin', vamp-stakin' teenage mutant ninja bitch-ette. Spike turns human -- no vamp powers -- and uses his long familiarity with the underworld to go completely evil

Oh, and while we're at it. Willow hooks up with Harmony, Darla, and Amy in an all-night girl-pile.


Friday, May 31, 2002 9:59 AM


So Spike as a human and not a vamp with a chip with a soul? Hmmm.. Can we expect more bloody awful poetry? ..watching Angel re-runs I've been wondering again whether the prophecy of the vampire with the soul refers to someone other than Angel (they've begun to speculate as such on the show)... maybe it really will be Spike! In any case, more chances to see Marsters (the toplesser the better! ) makes Abby a happy critta.

And while we're talking about things that make me grin fiendishly... I like the Willow girl-pile idea... think i can get in on that? I've been waiting for the return of Amy tho - she's got the mojo to be formidable, even if not in a naked Willow tangle.

why do i always have to be the foot-putting-downer??


Sunday, June 2, 2002 3:40 AM


ok i found the site that had the spoiler about Tara, it's at

[url] http://www.spoilerslayer.com/index.php [/url]

right at the bottom of the page, but this is what it says, along with a couple of others,

Select to view spoiler:

Spoiler; Source; Ranking;

Tara might return in some form; Boards; Possible

Giles might return for a while; Fraz; Likely

Britney Spears will appear in a recurring role; Misc. Source; Highly Unlikely

Spike is still chipped; Writer Comments; Nearly Confirmed

Spike returns to Sunnydale; Fraz; Likely

i'm pulling for the whole Tara coming back, i'm not so sure I want to see Willow in on a girl pile, it's not her. but then again, being gay didn't seem like her either, and we all know how that turned out.


Sunday, June 2, 2002 6:55 AM



Originally posted by mojoeca:
I try to stay away from spoilers, But I inadvertently stumbled upon a Marti Noxon interview where she hinted at what's to come next season...

SPOILER WARNING: semi-vague for season 7 though I'd stay away if I were you



In an interview with TV weekly, which I'll paraphrase, she says: lighter tone, more stand-alones; Buffy and Dawn's origins will be explored; by the end of the season, Buffy will be a "true vampire slayer"; Willow will get a new love interest, saying "you won't believe who it is,"; Spike with a soul won't be a retread of Angel, big plans; Anya/Xander rift will be dealt with, Anya will have to make a choice.


--- Joe

Never trust anything that Marti says! Often times, she tries to mislead the audience... which is very often funny

Though, if these spoilers are true, we're in for some amazing Buffy next year!

My guess for Will's love interest? Marcy, the invisible girl from season 1. Or maybe there'll be a cross-over and Fred an Willow will fall for eachother! Now *that* would be unexpected (We know for sure that it'll be a girl... all of the writers say that Willow is a full-fledged lesbian forever.)

What the hell does being a "true vampire slayer" mean? Sounds interesting if this ends up being true... hmm... maybe there's never actually *been* a true vamp. slayer? Maybe one has never lived long enough to become one? I can't wait!

Anya's choice: To destroy or not to destroy her power center.

Who wants to start a bet? The person who guesses the most correct events for season 7 gets a fabulous prize (or... maybe nothing... it'll be a prize-less bet!)

SO... I can't wait!

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

"Blood just kept pouring out of them, you'd slip in it half the time, find out bloodbath is not just a figure of speech."
-Zoe; Firefly, "Serenity" Shooting Script.


Friday, June 7, 2002 1:01 AM





Willow finds someone new?
I'll throw my bet in the pot now

It's either Buffy or Anya

I know ewwwwwww on the Buffy speculation

I think it's a possibility for her to
have a *crush* on Buffy.

But I would probably bet more on Anya
Anya is so annoyed with Xander and men
I can see her and Willow hooking up

A Vengence Demon and A Witch?
Sounds like mad bliss to me...hehehehe

"Witchblade Series Fans Site"

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"


Friday, June 7, 2002 8:42 PM


more season 7 spoilers from E!'s Watch with Wanda, just more elaboration on we already know.

Select to view spoiler:

Will Tara Return?
It's not clear whether actress Amber Benson will be back, but my source tells me a version of Tara will reappear, adding, "We will see more of the Willow/Tara warm fuzzies."

Will Spike Come Back as a Human?
No, but he will come back with a soul. And according to a source close to the set, we haven't seen the end of the Buffy-Spike (aka Spuffy) fireworks--although this time, they'll undoubtedly be a little more Angel-ic.

As for the rumor that Britney Spears will appear on the show this year, although the entire "Grrr...Argh" camp is currently taking a much deserved break, I'd bet my beloved TiVo that Buffy boss Joss Whedon would give a response similar to his comment on last year's rumor that Shannen Doherty would guest star, "I only work with serious actors."

season 7 is starting out to look like a pretty good season, and hopefully, it will be.



Saturday, June 8, 2002 5:33 AM


Generally speaking, my expectations for season seven are as they always are: excellent storytelling that takes me by surprise at least twice during the season.

Specifically speaking, my concerns are as follows
(in which I include possible spoilers and wild speculation):

Select to view spoiler:

Tara coming back? Maybe in an episode or two to make peace or the like, but I would be sorely disappointed if they brought yet another person back from the dead. As many times as it's happened, it's been forgiven, because somehow they've managed to keep it from cheapening the deaths. However, bringing Tara back for anything more than closure for Willow might be pushing it (unless there's some kind of bizarre Tara vampire story in the works, in which case I don't even know what my reaction would be).

Willow/Xander pairing? Well, ok, technically, Willow could be classified as a bisexual given her romantic and sexual relationships with both Oz and Tara... however, I do think that politically speaking, they need to keep Willow playing for the team she's on now. Let's not confuse the audience too much. I'm all for nekkid Willow girl piles, though... As for Willow/Buffy, Willow/Anya, Willow/Dawn (eeeuuugh, that's just gross), or any of that, I'm not seeing it. They can't turn it into a total lesbionic lovefest (although I am very much in favor of the Willow/Fred crossover romperoo, complete with Indigo Girls and Ani DiFranco soundtrack... ).

In regard to Buffy and Spike: I trust Joss implicitly. If six years of precedent means anything, it'll be fine.

And that's all I have to say about that.

"Logic is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't beat actual thought." -Terry Pratchett, the Last Continent


Saturday, June 8, 2002 5:33 AM


Double post! I am truly an animal...

And now, for your entertainment, performance art to illustrate my feelings at this moment...
through smileys.


Thank you. That is all.



Saturday, June 8, 2002 6:37 AM


Just so you know... you can *never* trust Wanda. Ever.

Select to view spoiler:

Willow is and always will be a lesbian. Every writer interview has said this. Tara won't be ressurected, that is for sure. Likely, the Tara we see will be in flashback form or maybe as an apparition.

Her saying that the Buffy/Spike relationship will be more "Angel-ic" is a direct contradiction to everything all of the writers have said.

Well, Britney Spears was slated to play the April-bot at one time, so you never know. And SMG *is* good friends with Brit.

Once again, never ever ever take anything Wanda spoils with even the smallest grain of salt. She's an awful source when it comes to this kind of thing... though she is right at times, she's wrong *far* more often.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

... I guess it's a Joss thing...


Monday, June 10, 2002 3:30 AM


I'm hoping that Xander and willow hook up, just think that's the sweetest possible outcome

Who do you serve and who do you trust?


Monday, June 10, 2002 6:35 AM



Originally posted by Novagrass:
Just so you know... you can *never* trust Wanda. Ever.

lol. never said anything about trusting her, i never do, she's just funny to read. i usually read my buffy spoilers filtered from the spoiler slayer

[url] www.spoilerslayer.com [/url]

that's a fun site, and it's usually pretty spot on. wanda was dead certain tara wasn't going to die and look what happen. i reckon there will defenitely be tara flashbacks/dreams/hallucinations.


Monday, June 10, 2002 10:59 AM



That whole thing with Spike and the soul does look interesting. It's funny, I read the Jane Espenson interview, but the parts that mentioned spikes soul seemed to conflict with something Joss said on the Bronze Forum, and maybe I misunderstood him, but he said something like, 'REALLY guys, we already have a vampire with a soul'. Which said to me that the 'soul' may not be what we think it is. But then Jane carried on talking about Spike getting a soul, so I'm a bit confused.

I'm pretty sure Joss was kidding. I read that Bronze post too, and in it he also said that the new format would be the first half hour, Buffy figures out who the demons are, and the second half hour, Sam Waterson prosecutes the demons... ala Law and Order.

But ... everyone knows... if the width of a wormhole cavity is a whole number of wavelengths, plus a fraction of that wavelength? The coinciding particle activity collapses the infrastructure.


Monday, June 10, 2002 2:51 PM


First of all, do not squander your energy flaming me. I am not a troll, and I know many here do not share my opinion. But you know what opinions are like; everyone's got one. I am a big-time fan of BtVS, but I have also become a severe critic of Mr. Joss Whedon and his gang. I am so frustrated with what has happened to this glorious show that I was once proud to say I watched consistently. I wish I could say that the indignity I feel only stopped at disappointment. But it doesn't. I *hope* Joss Whedon and all of his shows, this new one included (on which I can't believe the obscene amount of money that was spent), all fall flat on their asses. Joss has let all of his characters be ruined. I just can't abide by that. Joss Whedon is not a God, as I read in another thread -- he is a severely troubled man.



Monday, June 10, 2002 5:42 PM


Lovely BloodSaint (although sangre is feminine),

Your piss and vinegar are appreciated (at least by me), if somewhat confusing. Perhaps you could specify the indignities to which you're referring, and describe the genesis of your disdain for Joss.

I'm not in agreement of your general assessment, but I'd be interested in hearing the details.


"Logic is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't beat actual thought." -Terry Pratchett, the Last Continent


Sunday, June 16, 2002 10:40 AM


Joss Whedon is not as bad as:
CHRIS CARTER creator of The X-Files

Who totally destroyed thy best sci-fi/drama
television show of this era.

Joss Whedon made up for his mistake
in my eyes,in the season finale of
season six.

Chris Carter had one shot to fix
his and he didn't,now million of
X-philers are seeking therapy for
the last four seasons of The X-Files.

We(X-philers) will never get our last
four years back of the X-Files.

Buffy fans should be grateful
Chris Carter isn't writing for
Buffy but Joss Whedon is.

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"


Friday, June 21, 2002 3:02 PM


After next year, you'll look back on S6 and you'll like it. Fans criticie every season anyways.

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Saturday, June 22, 2002 6:46 AM


I didn't dislike it
I didn't like it

But if I compare it to
season four which I didn't
like...yeah...I prefer season six

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"

Does not include constructive criticism

Constructive criticism is when
the individuals involved in the
discussions,can give their personal
opinion and view point on a topic.

Which does "NOT" include:

Personal Attacks
Calling members nasty little names

That I have seen so many people
encounter on fan forums especially
the X-Files official forum

Which spews nothing but hate

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"


Saturday, June 22, 2002 8:27 AM



Originally posted by Lauryn2000:
I didn't dislike it
I didn't like it

But if I compare it to
season four which I didn't
like...yeah...I prefer season six

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"

Does not include constructive criticism

Constructive criticism is when
the individuals involved in the
discussions,can give their personal
opinion and view point on a topic.

Which does "NOT" include:

Personal Attacks
Calling members nasty little names

That I have seen so many people
encounter on fan forums especially
the X-Files official forum

Which spews nothing but hate

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"

Whre is that quote from?

Uh, is the tag the same as the signature?


Sunday, July 21, 2002 10:20 AM


Not sure what I expect, but I know what I want.
Some Tara, and maybe, a little Amber Benson, and i wanna see Willow's girlfriend, and some Tara, and AMBERAMBERAMBER and maybe a tiny appearance by TARA

Xander: So, Buffy, how'd they slaying go last night?

Buffy: Xander! Not so loud!

Xander: Oh, I meant, how'd the LAYING go? No, I didn't mean that either...






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